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injured myself while trying to impress a girl or boy I was interested in.

had to run to save my life.

taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.

cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.

taken part in a talent show.

made money by performing on the street.

broken something at a friend’s house and then not told them.

snooped through a friend’s bathroom or bedroom without them knowing.

ruined someone else’s vacation.

walked for more than six hours.

jumped from a roof.


seen an alligator or crocodile in the wild.

set my or someone else’s hair on fire on purpose.

ridden an animal.

had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.

been arrested.

pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.

gone surfing.
walked out of a movie because it was bad.

broken a bone.

tried to cut my own hair.

completely forgot my lines in a play.

shot a gun.

had a surprise party thrown for me.

been to a country in Africa.

been on a fad diet.

been to a fashion show.

been electrocuted.

stolen something from a restaurant.

had a bad allergic reaction.

been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.

thought I was going to drown.

worked at a fast food restaurant.


looked through someone else’s phone without their permission.

cheated on a test.

dined and dashed.

gotten stitches.

fallen in love at first sight.

had a paranormal experience. woken up and couldn’t move.

accidentally said “I love you” to someone.


been trapped in an elevator.

sung karaoke in front of people.

been on TV or the radio.

pressed send and then immediately regretted it.

been so sun burnt I couldn’t wear a shirt.

had a crush on a friend’s parent.

been awake for two days straight.

thrown up on a roller coaster.

snuck into a movie.

accidentally sent someone to the hospital.

dyed my hair a crazy color.

had a physical fight with my best friend.

fallen in love at first sight.

had someone slap me across the face.

worked with someone I hated with the burning fire of a thousand suns.

danced in an elevator.

cried in public because of a song.

texted for four hours straight.

chipped a tooth.

gone hunting.
had a tree house.

thrown something into a TV or computer screen.

been to a country in Asia.

been screamed at by a customer at my job.

spent a night in the woods with no shelter.

read a whole novel in one day.

gone vegan.

been without heat for a winter or without A/C for a summer.

worn glasses without lenses.

gone scuba diving.

lied about a family member dying as an excuse to get out of doing something.

bungee jumped.

stayed up for more than 24 hours.

re-gifted a gift that was given to me.

been skydiving.

had a near death experience.

eaten an entire pizza by yourself.

been bungee jumping.

eaten food out of a trash can.

been thrown up on.

flown in a helicopter.

talked to myself out loud in public.

eaten at Taco Bell after 10pm.

tried alligator.
been seasick.

read all of the Harry Potter series.

planted a tree.

worn Crocs.

cooked on an electric stove.

held a baby.

won a game of Monopoly.

had diarrhea and vomited simultaneously.

tried guessing someone’s password.

been on TV or on the radio.

slept with my pet.

kissed an animal.

danced on a bar.

farted in an elevator and pretended it was not me.

eaten catfish.

tried a Vegan Burger.

accidentally walked into something and broke/dislocated a toe.

went to work without bathing.

missed a flight.

peed in a pool.

killed a pet by accident.

challenged an animal to a fight.

killed an animal which was bigger than my hand.

tried watching TV upside down.

tried reading upside down.

made a wish after seeing a falling star.

been kicked out of a bar.

done lip-syncing.

coughed on my boss.

been catfished.

dyed my bath water.

shot a person by accident.

said to people that I don’t fart.

used the bathroom in complete darkness.

peed myself

accidentally drank curdled milk.

been sneezed on.

injured myself while trying to impress someone I was interested in.

2. said ‘I love you’ without meaning it.

3. cheated on a test or exam.

4.   fallen down in public because I was drunk.

5. wet my pants in public.

6. been in handcuffs.

7. eaten snails.

8. played hooky from work.

9. made a prank phone call.

10. taken food out of a trash can and eaten it.

11. gotten a speeding ticket.

12. fallen asleep in a meeting.

13. went to the wrong house when I was drunk.

14. skinny dipped.

15. been skydiving.

16. been in or caused a car accident because I was using my cell phone at the time.

17. cried / flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.

18. built something out of wood.

19. sunbathed partially or totally nude.

20. peed in the shower.

21. taken part in a talent show.

22. eaten a Krispy Kreme donut.

23. had sex in a sleeping bag.

24. worn Crocs.

25. eaten food off of someone’s naked body.

26. lied about myself to get laid.

27. thrown out of a club or restaurant.

28. made money by performing on the street.

29. screamed during a scary movie.

30. gotten carded (for anything).

31. involved in a hit and run.

32. fooled around in the stockroom while on the job.

33. looked through a roommate’s bedroom or bathroom.

34. been to a professional sporting event.

35. had a fake ID.

36. done body shots.

37. been locked outside naked.

38. dreamed of revenge for someone.

39. toilet papered someone’s house.

40. been approached by a hooker.

41. re-gifted something that I received.

42. gone somewhere in the presence of a member of the opposite sex, just to be seen by an ex.

43. had a bad fall because I was walking and texting.

44. spied on my neighbors.

45. worn clothes to hide a hickey.

46. went camping in a tent.

46. made jell-o shooters.

47. been arrested.

48. had sex in a pool.

49. gotten seasick.

50. been so drunk I couldn’t remember where I lived.

51. fooled around on a ski lift.

52. kissed someone of the same sex.

53. had to get stitches.

54. put graffiti something that was not mine.

55. lied to get a job.

56. pressured someone into getting a tattoo or piercing.

57. shared a sucker with my dog.

58. owned a hamster.

59. stayed in my pajamas all day long when I wasn’t sick.

60. passed out after drinking.

61. gone surfing.

62. ridden in a limo.

63. gotten poison ivy from having sex in nature.

64. had a ferret as a pet.

65. kept a wallet or a money that someone dropped.

66. had a hangover so bad I wanted someone to shoot me.

67. walked out of a movie because it was bad.

68. been untruthful about my age.

69. taken the morning after pill.

70. had phone sex.

71. been water skiing or snow skiing.

72. fooled around in the stockroom while on the job.

73. tried to cut my own hair.

74. had sex on the first date.

75. made a prank call.

76. given someone a fake phone number.

77. gone “commando” (no underwear).

78. done body shots.

79. had a surprise party thrown for me.

80. gotten a tattoo.

81. planted a tree.

82. fooled around with someone outside on the beach.

83. committed a felony.

84. spent a night in the ‘drunk tank’.

85. paid someone for sex.

86. gotten drunk to make someone look better.

87. dined and dashed.

88. had a massage.

89. totaled my car in an accident.

90. locked my keys in the car.

91. fallen in love at first sight.

92. stolen money.

93. gotten carried out of a bar.

94. played strip poker.

95. slept on the job.

96. drank so much I did not remember my whole night.

97. had a paranormal experience.

98. made love in the shower.

99. had soda come out my nose.

100. woken up and couldn’t move.

101. hitchhiked.

102. been to Europe.

103. crawled out of a bar.

104. been frisked by police or by airport personnel.

105. been called a tease.

106. shot spit balls at anyone.

107. sung karaoke.

108. been trapped in an elevator.

109. been skydiving.

110. been fired from a job.

111. hidden cigarettes or weed, so my parents wouldn’t know I was smoking.

112. sung karaoke in front of people.

113. had a manicure.

114. broken a bone.

115. been fooling around in a car and accidently honked the horn.

116. eaten frog legs, or some other strange food.

117. driven a stick shift.

118. been on TV or the radio.

119. not remembered making out with someone.

120. bungee jumped.

121. been asked by police officers to move along.

122. done something dumb while camping.

123. rode a motorcycle.

124. been on a fad diet.

125. played strip poker.

126. gone on a “bad” blind date.

127. played Spin the Bottle.

128. been to a fashion show.

129. experienced an earthquake.

130. made out under the stars.

131. dyed my hair, and it didn’t turn out well.

132. been pushed into a pool with my clothes on.

133. Never gave I ever been electrocuted.

134. had sex on a pool table.

135. been fed strawberries.

136. been sky diving or scuba diving.

137. stolen something from a restaurant.

138. had a shotgun wedding.

139. had food or a drink spilled on you at a restaurant or party.

140. been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.

141. had your driver’s license revoked.

142. had a coke when beer was available.

143. ridden on a cow, an elephant, or some strange animal.

144. grabbed electric fence.

145. worked at a fast food restaurant.

146. screwed around on King’s Dominion’s “Haunted River”.

147. licked a foot.

148. sucked on a toe.

149. sung in front of people by yourself.

150. gone in public without a bra.

151. fainted.

152. had my picture on a frat house refrigerator.

153. taken a selfie.

154. gotten lost at an amusement park or on a vacation.

155. sang in the shower.

156. eaten snails.

157. been sarcastic.

158. donated blood.

159. been called arrogant.

160. pointed a gun at someone.

161. dyed my hair pink.

162. liked the show “Sex and the City”.

163. eaten a bug.

164. danced on a bar or table.

165. Never have done online dating.

166. shaved my head.

167. seen someone die.

168. manipulated someone.

169. been tipsy at the moment.

170. played hard to get.

171. recorded myself and a partner making out.

172. swam with dolphins.

173. Never have driven in the snow.

174. kept a dark secret.

175. been to an Eminem concert.

176. had sex on a kitchen counter.

177. been to strip club.

178. been up for more than 36 hours.

179. gone on a shopping spree.

180. had made out while I was drunk/high.

181. been to a Taylor Swift concert.

182. considered having plastic surgery.

183. gone on a road trip with my friends.

184. had sex in a tent.

185. hosted a Halloween party.

186. peed in a pool.

187. been on a train.

188. slept all day.

189. worn sweatpants in public.

190. worn handcuffs.

191. touched a snake.

192. been given a lap dance.

193. given a lap dance.

194. regretted sleeping with someone.

195. had a friend with benefits.

196. sent a death threat.

197. screamed while watching a scary movie.

198. had a nose job?

199. thought of making out in public.

200. been under general anesthetic.

201. done rock climbing.

202. passed out drunk.

203. been in true love.

204. broken a promise.

205. answered the phone when having sex.

206. milked a cow.

207. owned an Iphone.

208. Never has anybody ever told me I looked like a specific celebrity.

209. been to a sex shop.

210. been addicted to illegal drugs.

211. been to the emergency room because of alcohol/drugs.

212. had sex in a hospital.

213. needed my GPS while I was walking somewhere.

214. attended a swingers party.

215. auditioned for a talent show.

216. slept with someone who didn’t speak English.

217. had sex in a public bathroom.

218. played .

219. had a pet.

220. slept with an ex’s friend.

221. been black mailed.

222. been attracted to men/women in uniform.

223. placed large value on brand-name clothing.

224. been stalked by someone.

225. been too tired to have sex.

226. lost my keys.

227. starved myself.

228. gotten seasick.

229. written fan fiction.

230. had nude photos taken.

231. run away from home.

232. set the kitchen on fire.

233. been to a costume party since I became an adult.

234. forgot my own birthday.

235. missed my anniversary.

236. had nude photos posted online.

237. been in witness protection.

238. been involved in criminal activities.

239. not voted in an election.

240. eaten calamari.

241. made myself vomit after eating to stay slim.

242. walked up and kissed a total stranger.

243. dressed in drag.

244. been involved in an orgy.

245. wished I had been in an orgy.

246. considered becoming a hooker.

247. wanted to become a stripper or exotic dancer.

248. hired a stripper for a party.

249. been afraid to be home alone.

250. thought of not eating meat again.

251. known an illegal alien.

252. used a dumb pickup line.

253. had a pickup line work.

254. been in a hurricane.

255. watched adult videos.

256. been to Mardi Gras.

257. never flashed my boobs for beads.

258. had a kiss that totally blew me away.

259. been the alibi for a cheating friend.

260. caught my significant other cheating on me.

261. cooked a four course meal.

262. performed a striptease for someone.

263. danced in the rain.

264. been bullied.

265. been in a fist fight.

266. forgot to pick up a family member or friend.

267. worked in a brothel.

268. kissed in the rain.

269. won money on scratch off tickets.

270. been to the Bahamas.

271. forgot my own age.

272. stolen a car for a joy ride.

273. gone hunting.

274. gone surfing.

275. locked my keys in the car.

276. had a panic attack.

277. stalked someone I liked.

278. played beer pong.

279. taken advantage of someone when they were drunk.

280. crashed a party.

281. ate the whole bad of chocolates.

282. been texting while driving.

283. been to prom.

284. had food poisoning.

285. baked brownies with ex-lax and then given them to someone I disliked.

286. done something while drunk, which I regretted the next day.

287. had a one night stand when I was younger than 16.

288. had sex outdoors.

289. pierced my own ears.

290. watched a horror movie that scared me enough to stay up all night.

291. talked back to my parents.

292. slept with my partner’s sibling.

293. slept with an ex after we broke up.

294. have had flowers delivered to me.

295. ate brownies with weed in them.

296. ate brownies with ex-lax in them.

297. dated two different people at same time.

298. slept with a boss to keep my job.

299. tried sexual role play with anyone I dated.

300. deep cleaned my house.

301. gotten kicked out of a library for being too loud.

302. parked in a disabled parking spot.

303. had sex on a washing machine.

304. smoked weed.

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