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In the first centuries of the common era, the Jews discerned five seasons:harvest, hot

season, seed time, winter and cold season.  

1 2 Month Julian calendar Festivals Natural phenomena

1 7
Nisan  March/April
14. Passover (Pesah)  Fall of the latter spring rains 
16. Firstfruits of barley Barley ripe; planting sesame
30 days
Iyyar  14. Second Passover (Pesah Sheni)
Harvest of barley, peas, lentils
2 8 April/May 18. Lag BaOmer (commemoration of the end of second-century
Wheat ripens
29 days plague)

Sivan  Harvest of wheat 

6. Feast of Weeks (Shawu'ot) 
3 9 May/June Begin of the summer (no rain until
Firstfruits of wheat
30 days September)

4 10
Tammuz  June/July  
Heat increases
Harvest chickpeas, first harvest of figs
29 days
5 11
Ab  July/August 9. Commemoration of the Fall of the Temple 
The streams dry up
Intense heat
30 days
6 12
Elul  August/September  
Vintage of pomegranates and grapes; 
second harvest of figs
29 days
Tishri  1. New Year (Rosh Hashanah) Early rains 
10. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)  Processing of grapes
7 1 September/October
30 days 15-23. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)  Plowing and sowing begins
Firstfruits of wine and oil Olives

Marheshvan Continuous rain 

8 2 October/November   Wheat, barley, and oats sown 
29/30 days Vintage in Galilee

9 3
Kislev  November/December 25. Feast of Dedication (Hanukah)
Begin of winter. Snow on the mountains
Sowing peas, lentils, chicken peas, flax
30/29 days
10 4
Tebeth  December/January  
Coldest month;
hail, snow.
29 days
11 5
Shebat  January/February 15. New Year of Trees 
Weather becomes warmer
Care for garden vegetables
30 days
12 6
Adar  February/March 14. Feast of Purim (Megillah)
Thunder and hail frequent 
Almond trees blossom; planting millet
29 days

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