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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Monday | August 31, 2020

Water main break moves 22 MSU students to hotels

ity to hold 382 students, Salter es among students after one
Break occurred late Friday night; 14 rooms still closed said, but did not say exactly week of classes.
BY TESS VRBIN Chief Communications Offi- Oak Hall re- how many evacuated Friday This is also not the first time night. the university has had to close
cer Sid Salter said. Students opened Saturday
Several MSU students are residence halls in recent years
were moved to the Hilton Gar- with the excep-
A water main break in a already staying in one of two due to water main damage. In
den Inn and LaQuinta Inn and tions of 14 dam-
Mississippi State University hotels the university rented for January 2018, before students
residence hall on Friday tem- Suites, both on Highway 12 aged rooms, and the fall semester, the Comfort had returned to campus for
porarily moved 22 students to north of campus. Repairing the 22 students in Suites on Russell Street and the spring semester, the uni-
hotels in Starkville. the pipes shut off the water those rooms are the Hampton Inn on Black- versity temporarily closed two
A pipe in Oak Hall broke for the entirety of Oak Hall, still in the hotels, with no pre- jack Road to use as quarantine residence halls — Davenport
around 8 p.m. Friday and disabling the fire suppression dicted return date as of Sun- sites for positive COVID-19 and Dogwood halls — due to
forced the building to close system and requiring students day, Salter said. coronavirus cases. Last week a water main break near the
overnight for repairs, MSU to evacuate, Salter said. The dormitory has a capac- MSU reported 70 positive cas- buildings.



to revise parole Keeping schools flowing smoothly
survives despite Summerville, ‘dedicated staff’ keep on top of school
cleaning through storms and pandemics
gov’s veto
‘Multiple bills that would BY ISABELLE ALTMAN

have impacted habitual

hen Susie Summerville first started as
offender laws did not make head of Columbus Municipal School
District’s custodial services, she found
it past the finish line this a picture of herself in the hallway of what was
session and another bill that then Lee Middle School.
Summerville had graduated from Lee when it
would have reformed parole was a high school, and the senior year portraits of
her and her fellow classmates were still on display
for up to 2,000 prisoners 25 years later.
“I was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s still here,’” she
was vetoed by Gov. Tate recalled. “And then I went and saw some trophies
... from my class. They had a big trophy case and
Reeves. That shouldn’t be stuff, so I was like, ‘My God, that brings back
the last word. We know That was 15 years ago. Since then Lee has
been sold, and the district’s middle schoolers now
much needs to be done.’ attend Columbus Middle School on the other side
The Center for Public Policy
of town. Summerville works in that building, as
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS well as Columbus High School where her office
is, each of the six elementary schools and every
JACKSON — Mississip- other CMSD building, managing 30 custodial and
pi Gov. Tate Reeves killed a maintenance employees and working to keep the
bill but not an idea when he schools clean and safe for students and teachers.
vetoed the Mississippi Cor- See SUMMERVILLE, 6A
rectional Safety and Reha-
bilitation Act of 2020, which
would have made more in-
mates eligible for the possi-
bility of parole. Reeves
Advocates for criminal
justice changes are still saying Mississip-
pi needs to ease the moral and financial
burden of a prison system that is the sub-
ject of multiple lawsuits over safety and
sanitation and that is under investigation
by the U.S. Justice Department.
The push for change is coming from
groups across the political spectrum,
including the liberal Poor People’s Cam-
paign and the libertarian Mississippi Cen-
ter for Public Policy.
In an email last week, the Center for
Public Policy wrote about Mississippi
habitual-offender laws that keep people
imprisoned for years. It cited the case of
Tameka Drummer, who received a life
sentence in 2008 after she was pulled
over for an expired license plate in Alcorn
County and officers found a small amount
of marijuana in her car. Drummer was
sentenced as a habitual offender because
of previous convictions.
“Multiple bills that would have impact-
ed habitual offender laws did not make it Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
past the finish line this session and anoth- TOP PHOTO: Susie Summerville, the custodial supervisor for Columbus Municipal School District, poses for a
er bill that would have reformed parole for portrait on Friday at Brandon Central Services. Summerville has worked at CMSD for 15 years, overseeing 30
up to 2,000 prisoners was vetoed by Gov. custodial and maintenance employees whose duties have increased this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tate Reeves,” the center wrote. “That


1 To what country do the Galapagos MEETINGS
Islands belong ? Sept. 1: Starkville
2 What did Jimi Hendrix do to his Board of Aldermen
guitar at the end of his performance meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
in the 1969 documentary “Monterey City Hall
Pop”? Sept. 8: Oktibbeha
3 What was Malcolm X’s birth name?
4 What Bernstein musical, set in County Board of
Elijan Turner Supervisors meeting,
1950s New York, was based on
Fourth grade, Heritage Chancery Court-
Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”?

89 Low 73
5 Name three of the four colors rep- house, 9 a.m.
High resented by the letters CMYK used in Sept. 8:
A few storms
the printing process? Starkville-Oktibbeha
Full forecast on Answers, 6B Consolidated School
page 3A. District Board of
Trustees meeting, 6
p.m., 401 Greens-
boro St.
INSIDE Sept. 11: Starkville
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 4B Sam Goff is a Sophomore at Board of Aldermen
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A Mississippi State. He’s majoring in work session, 10
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A marketing and is from Wade. a.m., City Hall


2A MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

State police returning to Portland group Patriot Prayer was fatally for any information related to the
Decision was made shot. killing, including videos, photos or
Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gib- eyewitness accounts.
after a deadly shooting son identified the victim as Aaron Patriot Prayer is based in Wash-
“Jay” Danielson. He called the ington state and was founded in
during a dispute victim a “good friend,” but provid- 2016. Since early 2017, its support-
ed no further details. Danielson ers have been periodically com-
between protesters apparently also went by the name ing to Portland to hold rallies for
Jay Bishop, according to Patriot
and counter-protesters Prayer’s Facebook page.
Trump, ratcheting up tensions long
before the national outrage over
“We love Jay and he had such a Floyd’s death sparked more than
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS huge heart. God bless him and the three months of protests here.
life he lived,” Gibson said in a Face- Portland has seen nearly 100
PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon book post. consecutive nights of Black Lives
State Police will return to Portland Trump retweeted the victim’s Matter protests and many have
to help local authorities after the name and wrote, “Rest in peace ended with vandalism to federal
fatal shooting of a man following Jay!” and city property, including police
clashes between President Donald It wasn’t clear if the shooting was precincts, a county jail, the federal
Trump supporters and counter-pro- related to the clashes in Portland, courthouse and City Hall. In July,
testers that led to an argument be- which has become a flashpoint in Trump sent more than 100 federal
tween the president and the city’s the national Black Lives Matter agents from the U.S. Department
mayor over who was to blame for protests since George Floyd was of Homeland Security to safeguard
the violence. killed in May and an increasing federal property — a move that in-
Protesters were back on the centerpiece in Trump’s law-and-
streets for a demonstration Sun- stead reinvigorated the protests.
order re-election campaign theme. Thousands of people clashed
day night outside a public safety Late Sunday Oregon Gov. Kate
building. Police declared an unlaw- with the federal agents each night
Brown released details of a plan to
ful assembly and detained several for two weeks, as agents lobbed
address the violence in Portland
people after saying protesters were tear gas canisters and pepper spray
while protecting free speech. She
seen throwing projectiles. at the crowds and some protesters
said the district attorney’s office
After Trump called Ted Wheel- tossed fireworks at the agents and
in Multnomah County, which in-
er, a Democrat, a “fool” and faulted shined lasers in their eyes.
cludes Portland, will prosecute
him for allowing mayhem to prolif- Those agents withdrew July 31
serious criminal offenses and the
erate in the liberal city, the visibly but smaller nightly protests have
sheriff’s office will work with oth-
angry mayor lashed out at the pres- er agencies to hold people arrest- continued in pockets of the city.
ident during a Sunday news confer- ed for violent behavior and ensure More than 600 people have been
ence, addressing him in the first there is adequate jail space. arrested since late May.
person through the TV cameras. Also, Brown said Oregon State On Sunday, Portland authorities
“That’s classic Trump. Mr. Police will return to Portland to urged people to stay away from the
President, how can you think that a help local police, and nearby law downtown as they try to de-esca-
comment like that, if you’re watch- enforcement agencies will also be late tensions.
ing this, is in any way helpful? It’s asked to assist. Trump earlier Sunday appeared
an aggressive stance, it is not col- “We all must come together— to be encouraging his supporters
laborative. I certainly reached out, elected officials, community lead- to move into Portland in the wake
I believe in a collaborative manner, ers, all of us—to stop the cycle of of the shooting. After the shooting,
by saying earlier that you need to violence,” the Democrat said in a the president shared a video of his
do your part and I need to do my statement. supporters driving into Portland
part and then we both need to be Trump and other speakers at and called those in Saturday’s cara-
held accountable,” Wheeler said. last week’s Republican National van “GREAT PATRIOTS!”
“Let’s work together...Why don’t Convention evoked a violent, dys- Wheeler begged those who
we try that for a change?” topian future if Democratic pres- wanted to come to Portland to
The testy news conference fol- idential hopeful Joe Biden wins in “seek retribution” to stay away.
lowed a chaotic 24 hours in Port- November and pointed to Portland “If you’re from out of town and
land that began when Saturday as a cautionary tale for what would you’re reading something on social
evening when a caravan of about be in store for Americans. media — if you’re reading any facts
600 vehicles packed with Trump Police have released little infor- on social media — they’re probably
supporters drove through the lib- mation about the fatal shooting and wrong because we don’t have all
eral city and was met with counter- Chief Chuck Lovell said Sunday the facts yet,” Wheeler said. “This
protesters. Skirmishes broke out that investigators are still gather- is not the time to get hotheaded be-
between the groups and, about 15 ing evidence, including surveil- cause you read something on Twit-
minutes after the caravan left the lance video from area businesses. ter that some guy made up in his
city, a supporter of the right-wing Earlier, the agency released a plea mother’s basement.”

Patriot Prayer no The shooting victim of 2017, when Gibson or- He has pleaded not
was identified by Gibson ganized a large rally in the guilty; a judge this week
stranger to protests as Aaron “Jay” Danielson city less than a week after denied his motion for a
in Northwest of Portland. Photos taken a white supremacist fatally change of venue at trial, ac-
PORTLAND, Ore. — of the body show he was stabbed two men who had cording to court records.
The man who was fatally wearing a Patriot Prayer come to the defense of two In a video that was
shot in Portland, Oregon, hat. Police have released Black teenagers — includ- live-streamed on Face-
as supporters of President few details and pleaded ing one wearing a Muslim book last summer after
Donald Trump skirmished with the public on Sun- head-covering — on a he was released on bail,
with Black Lives Matter day to come forward with light-rail train. Gibson urged his support-
protesters was a support- any information about the The defendant Jeremy ers to “show up one hun-
er of a right-wing group shooting. Christian, who was sen- dred-fold” at a rally sched-
called Patriot Prayer, Danielson also went by tenced to two consecutive uled for the following day
which doesn’t have a big the name Jay Bishop, ac- life sentences earlier this in Portland that was orga-
national footprint but is cording to a statement on year, had attended a Pa- nized by the Proud Boys
well known in the Pacific Patriot Prayer’s Facebook triot Prayer rally several — a group that’s been des-
Northwest. page. months before, but was ignated as a hate group by
Patriot Prayer’s found- Gibson, a one-time Sen- kicked out by organizers the Southern Poverty Law
er, Joey Gibson, has held ate candidate, founded for flashing Nazi hand Center — and other right-
pro-Trump rallies repeat- Patriot Prayer in 2016. In signs. wing groups such as the
edly in Portland and oth- past interviews with The Patriot Prayer held sev- Three Percenters and the
er cities since 2016. The Associated Press, Gibson eral other marches and American Guard.
events have drawn coun- has said he and his group rallies in Portland in 2017 Gibson told the AP he
terprotesters from around are not a hate group and and 2018 and Gibson was was again present late Sat-
the region and had height- simply want to exercise arrested for felony rioting urday in Portland when
ened tensions in Portland their freedom of speech last summer on a charge a caravan of about 600
long before Black Lives without interference from related to a brawl that Trump supporters drove
Matter demonstrators left-wing groups or pro- broke out between the through the city, sparking
began nearly 100 days of testers. group’s supporters and clashes in the streets with
nightly protests over the The group became a left-wing activists at a pub Black Lives Matter dem-
police killing of George prominent presence in after a May Day march in onstrators.
Floyd. Portland in the summer the city. SOURCE: AP
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 3A

In aftermath of Hurricane Laura, Julia Reed,

chronicler of
residents worry about help Southern life

LAKE CHARLES, La. — In a mat-

‘I’m just going to sit here and do what I can do. and food,
Maybe I’ll make it, maybe I won’t.’
ter of hours last week, Hurricane Lau-
ra tore through the tire shop Layla
Winbush’s family started just under a
Lakes Charles resident, James Townley dies at 59
ment Agency sent hundreds of work- “I’m just going to sit here and do THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
year ago, reducing most of it to rubble
ers to the region to help with search what I can do,” he said. “Maybe I’ll
and scattering hundreds of tires across
and rescue and other efforts. As of make it, maybe I won’t.” GREENVILLE— Julia Reed, who
the lot. The storm also damaged her Sunday, more than 52,500 people had One silver pickup truck winding
home, which now reeks of mold. wrote about food and culture in the
applied for FEMA assistance, and the through Lake Charles’ streets carried South and promoted her native Missis-
Federal and state officials are now agency had conducted over 200 home four generations of a single family —
on the ground to help residents with sippi Delta, has died. She was 59.
inspections and distributed more than six people inside the cab and three rid- Reed died Friday of cancer, the edi-
home repairs and hotel stays. But $650,000 in assistance, said Tony Rob- ing on the flatbed along with suitcases
Winbush said she feels alone, particu- tors of Garden & Gun magazine said in
inson, FEMA’s administrator for the and bags filled with belongings. The a post on the magazine’s website. She
larly after seeing a video of President region. The Louisiana National Guard, family was visiting the homes where was a contributing editor to the maga-
Donald Trump, who visited the area meanwhile, had handed out hundreds they each lived for the first time since zine, which chronicles life and culture
Saturday, joking with Gulf Coast offi- of thousands of bottles of water and the storm, assessing what they had in the South, and had written numer-
cials that they could sell copies of his meals and about 14,000 tarps, the gov- lost and what had been spared. ous books about the region, including
signature for $10,000. ernor said. Driving the pickup was 53-year- one about drinking and dining in New
“We can’t depend on the president. But the needs were substantial. In old Patricia Mingo Lavergne. She Orleans.
We can’t depend on nobody,” she said. hard-hit Calcasieu Parish, some wait- was worried about how her home had In a tribute on the magazine’s web-
“We’ll just take what we have and get ed hours in line for tarps, water and fared, but also where everyone would site, historian Jon Meacham described
it done.” other supplies at distribution sites, sleep Sunday night. her as a “tsunami of talent, charm, and
As evacuated Lake Charles resi- said parish spokesperson Tom Hoefer. When Lavergne parked outside the energy.”
dents began returning home, many The entire parish had been without house she shares with her husband, “She could write about anything and
worried that they wouldn’t have power, and in many areas, including a duplex just north of the train tracks make it sing,” he said. “Her distinc-
enough support from the both the the parish seat of Lake Charles that’s bisecting the city, several family mem- tive voice was at once affectionate and
federal and state governments as they home to more than 78,000 people, wa- bers began to pray and wipe away arch—a tough combination to pull off.”
face a rebuilding process certain to ter had not been flowing from taps, he tears. Reed grew up in Greenville, Missis-
take several months, if not longer. said. Several residents Sunday said The pecan tree that long shaded sippi, before embarking on a writing
Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards the water supply was still intermittent. her front yard had cracked and fallen career that took her to Washington,
on Sunday warned that residents were Crews will have to rebuild hun- in front of the front door. Insulation D.C., New York and New Orleans. She
in for a long recovery. dreds of transmission towers along had burst through the ceiling and fall- attended parties with the likes of for-
“We’re going to be working really, with resetting downed power poles en in tufts over one bedroom. In an- mer Secretary of State and Army Gen.
really hard on the power outages, on and lines, clearing debris and assess- other room, she pulled out two draw- Colin Powell and former Vice President
the water systems, on the housing,” he ing damage, said Scott Aaronson, vice ers filled with neatly folded clothes Al Gore, but was a champion of her
said at a news conference. “But none of president of security and prepared- saved for her daughter’s child, due in native Mississippi, according to Mea-
this is going to be easy. It’s not going ness for the Edison Electric Institute, January. She wiped a mix of sweat and cham.
to happen as quickly as most people the association of investor-owned elec- tears with her shirt. She built a house near her parents
would like for sure.” tric companies in the U.S. The associ- Eventually, everyone in the family in Greenville and turned a local tama-
Crews were starting to take chain ation said roughly 409,000 customers was able to find a place to stay. They le festival into a gathering of writers,
saws to fallen trees and patch roofs, but were still without power late Sunday as have requested help from FEMA, but chefs and artists to raise money for af-
most homes in Lake Charles wrecked a result of the storm. Lavergne said she didn’t have a check- fordable housing and development.
by the storm were still untouched. The Many people in Lake Charles were ing account in which to receive federal The governor of Mississippi and the
Category 4 hurricane, which made still staying outside town, but James money. state’s Arts Commission named her a
landfall Thursday just south of Lake Townley said he would remain in his “It’s frustrating,” she said. “I’ve cultural ambassador in 2019 in part for
Charles near Cameron, Louisiana, home, as he did during the storm. already been going through a lot and her work with the festival, according to
before abating nearly 12 hours later, The front of his trailer had been this is a lot more on my shoulders.” Meacham.
packed 150-mph (240-kph) winds and blown away, leaving a single toilet ex- Winbush, 19, and her family were A chapter in her book, “Julia Reed’s
a storm surge that officials said was as posed to the elements. staying with relatives in Beaumont, South,” eventually led her to dedicate
high as 15 feet (4.5 meters) in some Townley lay on a sofa in front of a Texas, over an hour’s drive away. Her an entire book on how to party and dine
areas. fan — connected to a neighbor’s gen- mother, Monique Benjamin, stood in New Orleans, The Times Picayune/
So far 18 deaths in Texas and Lou- erator — circulating hot, humid air. with Winbush and two of her siblings New Orleans Advocate reported. She
isiana have been attributed to the The 56-year-old’s shirt was off, reveal- in front of what was left of the tire shop. called it “Julia Reed’s New Orleans:
storm; more than half of those people ing scars from the open-heart surgery Benjamin and Winbush stayed Food, Fun and Field Trips for Letting
were killed by carbon monoxide poi- he had several years ago. He said he cheerful as they described all the ser- the Good Times Roll.”
soning from the unsafe operation of was out of medication for his heart and vices the shop offered and the success- In addition, Reed served on the
generators. kidneys and had requested aid from es they had building it. The business is board of the Ogden Museum of Art in
The Federal Emergency Manage- FEMA — but not heard back. insured. New Orleans, the newspaper said.


Police: Mississippi partment Spokesman Braggs, 19, was shot in
Sam Brown said the ear- the shoulder at the hotel,
child, mother shot ly Sunday shooting in a Holiday Inn Express
while on zoo trip Jackson was a result of & Suites. After shooting
JACKSON — A 6 -year- a domestic dispute be- her and her daughter,
old girl who was on a trip tween the girl’s mother, Perkins, 26, killed him-
to visit the Jackson Zoo Marlanque Braggs, and
self with a gunshot to the
with her mother and Myles Perkins, the Clar-
another man has been ion Ledger reported. head, police said.
hospitalized for gunshot The three had trav- Police had no informa-
wounds after she and her eled from north Missis- tion on the conditions of
mother were shot inside sippi to Jackson for the the girl and her mother,
a hotel room by the man. zoo visit, according to the newspaper reported.
Jackson Police De- police. SOURCE: AP

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Major — 12:30a
Minor — 7:31p
Major 12:06p 12:53p
Minor 5:33a 6:32a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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4A MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

The eastern
horse lubber
“The heaven of a grass-
hopper is the wheat field,
the heaven of man is the
same place, the very earth
itself where we get our food
and build our happiness.”
Mehmet Murat Ildan,
Turkish novelist and play-

It seemed a long time

since we’d seen rain falling
across the fields or rain- Shannon Bardwell
drops dimpling the surface
of the lakes. Watching the hurricanes and tropical
storms develop we were hoping we might get a
slow gentle rain while not causing harm anywhere
else. The misting started last Tuesday. I spent
the morning running around collecting grocery
items, particularly fruits and vegetables. They run
out quickly. The checkout girl said she didn’t care
for pineapple and never had. I told her once you
stop eating sugary desserts, pineapple is amply
sweet as is the cantaloupe. She said she’d stopped
drinking cokes. She liked almond milk and water
to drink, but she still ate raisin bran: “It should be
pretty good for you, shouldn’t it?”
On the drive home the rain misted, then picked tempting to persuade those who to mislead. First, the unsupport-
up to a slight rain, then stopped altogether again. Deeply troubled by continued wring their hands over a burned ed imputation of motive: Kamela
The groceries were put away. Sam had washed a shootings Target — which will no doubt be Harris dated Willie Brown for two
load of clothes, dried, folded and put them away. I abhor violence. I cannot rebuilt — to focus instead on the years. He was then estranged from
Afterwards, he stood at the window looking out condone destruction of property. violence done to innocent lives. his wife, and had been for more
over the field, saying, “I wonder if I could get some There should be another way to Which is the greater and more than ten years. Their relationship
bushhogging in before the rain comes solid?” get one’s point across — and, in irreplaceable loss? was completely open. As Speaker
Slowly he picked up the tractor keys, headed to the fact, there always is. But let’s con- We can still take the moral high of the State Assembly, Brown
tractor shed and out to the field. sider some reality here, at least, ground, as a nation — may we appointed her to the Unemploy-
I took the opportunity to check the perennial before we lock our minds down for never quite be too late for that. ment Insurance Appeals Board.
garden and the flowerbeds. I’d been watering and good. Paul Mack Now there was a political plum. He
noticed the trees were suffering. Leaves were pale Jacob Blake, a Black man, gets Columbus then appointed her to the Medical
and dust-covered from dirt kicked up on the gravel shot in the back seven times from Assistants Commission, another
road. Even the lake had a slight dust cover over as close a range as I can imagine.
the surface. The crepe myrtle was losing leaves, While walking away. In front of Thinks flag wording excludes job with long hours and no ap-
preciation. Eight years after they
and they were falling into the goldfish pond. A rain his 3 kids. He’s now paralyzed. too many broke up, she won her first elected
would be a good thing. Does it really matter, given those Even though I appreciate the
office. She was an assistant district
Opening the door to the greenhouse, I caught circumstances, that there may efforts of many fine artists, I can’t
attorney when she took those ap-
movement out of the corner of my eye, something have been a knife in his car? It refrain from commenting on the
pointments, so it seems to me that
dark. I looked carefully, not wanting to tangle with was not in his hand. Contrast with content of the two finalists for the
she was doing Brown a favor more
a snake, a field mouse or anything creepy. Then I Kyle Whittenhouse, the 17-year- Mississippi state flag announced
than the other way around.
spotted the creature. The largest grasshopper I’d old white teen from Illinois who recently. Both of them include the
As attorney general, her office
ever seen. He had remarkable colorings. I took off was able to walk down the street seemingly universal phrase “In
required that she resist prisoner
to the house and returned with the phone, hoping in Kenosha with his AR-15, shoot god we trust”. We all know that
releases because of overcrowd-
he’d still be there so I could get a picture. He was. three, and kill two. Video appears this saying refers to the Christian
ing, as the prison system was her
While I tried to move in close, he’d move away but to show Kenosha police driving god. We also all know that some
client. On the other hand, she
didn’t hop or fly. As I hovered over him my biggest past Rittenhouse just after the large segment of our population
helped create a program to reduce
fear was he’d hop into my face. Mercifully, he shooting, with his hands up, gun does not believe in the Christian
recidivism and to help released
didn’t. visible, and driving on. He is now god, rather believing in other
still alive. The contrast is so stark prisoners return to society.
From the photograph, I was able to identify my gods, sometimes many gods, and
grasshopper as a “horse lubber.” They pretty much -— and flies in the face of logic. Of In terms of prosecuting with a
sometimes no gods. This could
reside all over the Southeast, varying slightly in the two, who was the more credi- vengeance, she really went after
include many other religions or
coloration. My horse lubber is black, with yellow ble threat? banks that defrauded borrowers,
belief systems. Apparently this
and red markings. He has pink wings he uses to I am not a religious person, but and health care networks that
phrase was added to our currency
scare off predators by waving them around. The I was raised to know moral right defrauded Medicare.
during the Eisenhower adminis-
horse lubber cannot fly, so he moves about walk- from wrong. This is so clearly In Trump’s first two years,
tration in the 1950’s as part of the
ing, crawling and with short clumsy hops. This wrong. How is it that many are seasonally adjusted non-farm em-
demonization of atheistic com-
would explain why my grasshopper remained right more concerned about the violence ployment increased by 5.1 million
munism. My major point is that
where I left him. If you pick one up, they will hiss to property — as bad as that is — jobs, according to Forbes Maga-
people who belong to these other
and spit. Don’t do it. Males can grow to 4 inches. than the consistent and dispropor- zine. In his last two years, Presi-
groups can be just as moral, up-
Their habitat of choice is “weedy vegetation” and tionate violence to Black people?! dent Obama saw a 4.7 million job
standing and successful as many
“weedy fields,” which would explain why he had Am I just a bleeding-heart liber- increase. At the end of Obama’s
Christians. Yet in this instance
chosen the Prairie homestead. al? Does that explain the tears on term the line on the graph was
they are summarily excluded from
Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of Columbus at my cheeks as I write this? Or am I rising. It continued to rise at the
inclusion in a statewide motto and just a typical human showing nor- same rate, about 10%, for the next
mal human compassion to others two years. Whose good policies
A common response from
who so often don’t get it? It seems were responsible?
supporters is “just move away
so obvious to me it is the latter. The U.S. poverty rate dropped
if you don’t like it.” To me, this
I sincerely hope voters do not consistently every year from 2015
is un-American. The reason our
use the regrettable but relatively to 2017, according to the Census
country was founded over 200
small amount of property destruc- Bureau. It has continued to decline
years ago was to be a big tent for
tion in the face of the consistent since. Again, whose policies?
all kinds of belief systems (hence
violence and disproportionate The stock market is at an all-
the motto: E Pluribus Unum).
violence to Blacks to justify their time high, which is great for the
When a majority chooses a motto
vote to re-elect President Trump. 8% of people who own 81% of the
for a state flag that excludes a
This is Trump’s America right stock wealth, or even the next
substantial segment of the popu-
now — not Joe Biden’s. If they 10% of the people who own 11%,
lation, this seems to automatically
do, I predict a re-elected Trump according to Hurst Publications.
assign people with different belief
will crash immediately through The rest of us can try to retire on
systems to a second class status.
the few remaining guard rails in our 14% that we all share.
I believe that any such motto
his way, furthering our dizzying No one is suggesting that
on a statewide symbol should be
progression as a nation to full-on people not be allowed to vote in
inclusive of its entire population,
autocracy. So much for no man person. Those at high risk if they
not just a reflection of the beliefs of
being above the law. contact COVID-19 don’t want to
the majority or of those in political
If I am right, then we will have expose themselves to the poll
led ourselves into this trap, and workers and the rest of us wait-
Bill Parker
those who kept Trump in power ing in line, so they would like the
will have gotten not what they option to vote by mail. No one has
deserved, but certainly what said you can’t vote in person, but
Our View: Local Editorials they should have been cognizant Clarifies points made in lots of places are limiting the abili-
Local editorials appearing in this space represent the enough to foresee. previous letter ty of folks to vote by mail.
opinion of the newspaper’s editorial board: Peter Imes, I cannot, in good conscience, I just read an excellent example Bill Gillmore
editor and publisher; Zack Plair, managing editor; Slim watch this happen without at- in these letters to the editor of how Columbus
Smith and senior newsroom staff. To inquire about a
meeting with the board, please contact Peter Imes at
662-328-2424, or e-mail
Voice of the People
We encourage you to share your opinion with readers EDITOR/PUBLISHER Debbie Foster Zack Plair Marvin Kyles
of The Dispatch. Peter Imes Mary Ann Hardy Ben Portnoy Marquisto Miller
Submit your letter to The Dispatch by: Eddie Johnson Slim Smith Bobby Williams
E-mail: Courtney Laury Jan Swoope
Mail: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 ADVERTISING Anto Tavitian
Claudi Arrington CIRCULATION Tess Vrbin PRODUCTION
In person: 516 Main St., Columbus, or 101 S. Lafay- William Hudson
ette St., No. 16, Starkville. Kelly Ervin Michael Floyd Yue Stella Yu
Melissa Johnson Deanna Robinson-Pugh Jamie Morrison
All letters must be signed by the author and must
Beth Proffitt Anne Murphy
include town of residence and a telephone number MAILROOM Tina Perry
for verification purposes. We request the tone of your Mary Jane Runnels NEWS Christina Boyd
letters be constructive and respectful and the length Luther Shields Isabelle Altman Joseph Ellis
be limited to 450 words. We reserve the right to edit Jackie Taylor Theo Derosa Jeffrey Gore
letters for clarity, grammar and length. While commen- Matt Garner Katrina Guyton
tary on national issues is always welcome, we limit BUSINESS OFFICE Garrick Hodge Doris Hill
candidate endorsements to one per letter-writer. Lindsey Beck Quaylon Jones
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 5A


Strike leader detained in Belarus as crackdown continues

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS protest. The factory, which ac-
counts for a fifth of the world’s ‘The authorities have powerful economic instruments. They are
KYIV, Ukraine — Belar- potash fertilizer output, is the
us’ authorities on Monday de- nation’s top cash earner. blackmailing workers with mass dismissals.’
tained the organizer of a strike The Belaruskaili strike Belaruskaili strike committee spokesman, Gleb Sandras
at a top industrial plant, part committee spokesman, Gleb
of a methodical effort to stifle Sandras, said authorities had Belarus Deputy Prime Min- Union have criticized the Aug. were deported to Russia on
weeks of protests demanding managed to halt a strike at the ister Yuri Nazarov acknowl- 9 election that extended Lu- Saturday. In addition, the AP’s
the resignation of the coun- factory that began two weeks edged Monday that the strikes kashenko’s rule as neither free Belarusian journalists were
try’s authoritarian leader of ago and all its potash mines are posed a challenge, but said that nor fair and urged Belarusian told by the government that
26 years after an election the now working. all major industrial plants have authorities to engage in a dia- their press credentials had
opposition denounced as being He said that agents of Be- resumed normal operations. logue with the opposition. been revoked.
rigged. larus’ State Security Commit- Bokun’s detention follows Following a fierce dispersal The Belarusian Association
President Alexander Lu- tee, which still goes by the the arrests of strike leaders of peaceful demonstrators in of Journalists said over the
kashenko has dismissed the Soviet-era name KGB, had at two other major industrial the days after the vote that left weekend that accreditation
protesters as Western puppets pressured workers to end the plants in Minsk. The organizer nearly 7,000 people detained, rights were also taken away
and rejected the European labor action. of a strike at the Grodno Azot, hundreds injured by police rub- from 17 Belarusians working
Union’s offers of mediation. “KGB agents have inundat- a major producer of nitrogen ber bullets, stun grenades and for several other media, includ-
After a ferocious crackdown ed the factory, tracking down fertilizers, fled to neighboring beatings and at least three pro- ing Germany’s ARD television,
on demonstrators in the first the most active workers and us- Poland to escape detention. testers dead, police stopped in- the BBC, Reuters, AFP, and
days after the Aug. 9 vote that ing various means of pressure,” Seeking to stem the pro- terfering with the demonstra- U.S.-funded radio Free Eu-
caused international outrage, Sandras told The Associated tests, Belarusian prosecutors tions for the next two weeks, rope/Radio Liberty said five of
his government has avoided Press in a telephone interview. have opened a criminal probe but last week again cranked up its journalists lost their accred-
large-scale violence against “The authorities have powerful against the opposition Coor- the pressure on demonstrators itation.
demonstrators and sought to economic instruments. They dination Council, accusing its and began breaking up rallies. The U.S. and the EU offi-
end the protests with threats are blackmailing workers with members of undermining the The Belarusian govern- cials have strongly condemned
and the selective jailing of ac- mass dismissals.” country’s security. Last week, ment also cracked down hard the media crackdown.
tivists. Strikes at Belaruskali and Belarusian courts handed 10- on the news media, deporting The detention of hundreds
Anatoly Bokun, who leads many other leading industrial day jail sentences to two coun- some foreign journalists from of demonstrators didn’t deter
the strike committee at Be- plants have cast an unprece- cil members and summoned the country and revoking the the opposition from mounting
laruskali, a huge potash factory dented challenge to Lukashen- several others for questioning, accreditation of many Belar- another massive rally on Sun-
in Soligorsk, was detained by ko, who has kept the bulk of including Svetlana Alexievich, usian journalists. Two Mos- day, which saw an estimated
police Monday and is facing a the economy in state hands who won the 2015 Nobel Prize cow-based Associated Press 100,000 flood the streets of
15-day jail sentence on charges and relied on blue-collar work- in literature. journalists who were covering the Belarusian capital amid a
of organizing an unsanctioned ers as his main support base. The U.S. and the European the recent protests in Belarus heavy police presence.

In China’s Xinjiang, of fear of retribution. “My of the herbal remedies Wuhan grappled with over the outbreak in the capital, After being detained
hands were ruined, my used in Xinjiang, Qingfei 50,000 cases and Hubei Urumqi, according to an for over a month, the Ui-
forced medication skin was peeling.” Paidu, includes ingredi- with 68,000 in all, many AP review of government ghur woman was released
accompanies lockdown The government in Chi- ents banned in Germany, more than in Xinjiang, notices and state media and locked into her home.
BEIJING — When na’s far northwest Xinjiang Switzerland, the U.S. and residents there weren’t reports. Conditions are now better,
police arrested the mid- region is resorting to other countries for high forced to take traditional Even as Wuhan and the she told the AP, but she
dle-aged Uighur woman at draconian measures to levels of toxins and carcin- medicine and were gen- rest of China has mostly is still under lockdown,
the height of China’s coro- combat the coronavirus, ogens. erally allowed outdoors returned to ordinary life, despite regular tests show-
navirus outbreak, she was including physically lock- The latest grueling within their compounds Xinjiang’s lockdown is ing she is free of the virus.
crammed into a cell with ing residents in homes, lockdown, now in its 45th for exercise or grocery backed by a vast surveil- Once a day, she says,
dozens of other women in imposing quarantines of day, comes in response deliveries. lance apparatus that has community workers force
a detention center. more than 40 days and to 826 cases reported in The response to an turned the region into a traditional medicine in
There, she said, she arresting those who do Xinjiang since mid-July, outbreak of more than 300 digital police state. Over white unmarked bottles
was forced to drink a not comply. Furthermore, China’s largest caseload cases in Beijing in early the past three years, Xinji- on her, saying she’ll be
medicine that made her in what experts call a since the initial outbreak. June was milder still, with ang authorities have swept detained if she doesn’t
feel weak and nauseous, breach of medical ethics, But the Xinjiang lockdown a few select neighbor- a million or more Uighurs, drink them. The AP saw
guards watching as she some residents are being is especially striking hoods locked down for a Kazakhs and other photos of the bottles,
gulped. She and the coerced into swallowing because of its severity, few weeks. In contrast, ethnic minorities into which match those in
others also had to strip traditional Chinese medi- and because there hasn’t more than half of Xinji- various forms of detention, images from another Xin-
naked once a week and cine, according to govern- been a single new case of ang’s 25 million people including extrajudicial jiang resident and others
cover their faces as guards ment notices, social media local transmission in over are under a lockdown internment camps, under circulating on Chinese
hosed them and their cells posts and interviews with a week. that extends hundreds of a widespread security social media.
down with disinfectant three people in quarantine Harsh lockdowns have miles from the center of crackdown. SOURCE: AP
“like firemen,” she said. in Xinjiang. There is a been imposed elsewhere
“It was scalding,” lack of rigorous clinical in China, most notably in
recounted the woman data showing traditional Wuhan in Hubei province,
by phone from Xinjiang, Chinese medicine works where the virus was first
declining to be named out against the virus, and one detected. But though

OBITUARY POLICY Frank Dailey Charles Thompson
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS — Dr. COLUMBUS —
tion including visitation and Frank Dailey, 89, died Charles Thompson, 88,
service times, are provided Aug. 29, 2020, at Trinity died Aug. 31, 2020, at
free of charge. Extended Healthcare. Martha Jo Leslie State
obituaries with a photograph, Arrangements are
detailed biographical informa- Veterans Home.
tion and other details families
incomplete and will be Arrangements are
may wish to include, are avail- announced by Memori- incomplete and will be
able for a fee. Obituaries must al Gunter Peel Funeral announced by Lown-
be submitted through funeral Home and Crematory
des Funeral Home of
homes unless the deceased’s Second Avenue North
body has been donated to location. Columbus.
science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science,
the family must provide official Elbert Vaughn Jr.
proof of death. Please submit STARKVILLE — El-
all obituaries on the form pro- bert Garcia Vaughn Jr.,
vided by The Commercial Dis- 56, died Aug. 15, 2020,
patch. Free notices must be
submitted to the newspaper
in Tupelo.
no later than 3 p.m. the day Arrangements are
prior for publication Tuesday incomplete and will be
through Friday; no later than 4 announced by Century
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Hariston Funeral Home
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition.
of Starkville.
Incomplete notices must be re- Bobby Gale
Graveside Services:
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Florida Brown Monday, Aug. 31 • 10 AM
for the Monday through Friday COLUMBUS — Woodlawn Cemetery
editions. Paid notices must be 2nd Ave. N Location
Florida Brown, 90, died
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
the next day Monday through
Aug. 29, 2020.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Arrangements are Mary Manning
p.m. for Sunday and Monday incomplete and will be Visitation:
Tuesday, Sept. 1 • 1-1:45 PM
publication. For more informa- announced by Century 2nd Ave. N Location
tion, call 662-328-2471. Hairston Funeral Home Gaveside Services:
of Starkville. Tuesday, Sept. 1 • 2 PM
Memorial Gardens Cemtery
Joyce Manasco 2nd Ave. N Location
COLUMBUS — Johnnie Lee
Joyce Manasco, 82, COLUMBUS — Kay Whitaker
died Aug. 29, 2020, at Johnnie Lee, 73, died Visitation:
Tuesday, Sept. 1 • 1-2 PM
Trinity Healthcare. Aug. 29, 2020. College St. Location
Arrangements are Arrangements are Graveside Services:
Tuesday, Sept. 1• 2:30 PM
incomplete and will be incomplete and will be Egger Cemetery
announced by Lown- announced by Century College St. Location
des Funeral Home of Hairston Funeral Home
Columbus. of Starkville. Don Richardson
College St. Location
Erwin Richardson Jadae Brooks
COLUMBUS — Er- STARKVILLE — Dr. Frank Dailey
win Richardson, 76, Jadae Arian Davis Incomplete
died Aug. 30, 2020, at Brooks, 17, died Aug. 2nd Ave. N Location
Baptist Memorial Hos- 28, 2020, in Memphis,
pital-Golden Triangle. Tennessee.
Arrangements are Arrangements are
incomplete and will be incomplete and will be
announced by Lown- announced by Century
des Funeral Home of Hairston Funeral Home
Columbus. of Starkville.
6A MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 The Dispatch •


Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff

Alexius Ellis, Private First Class, takes down the information of a patient during a drive-through COVID-19 test for
teachers and other school staff on Friday at the Lowndes County Health Department. Members of the US Army
stationed around north Mississippi were given the mission to help facilitate testing, which Mississippi Depart-
ment of Health set up in cities throughout the state. MSDH Emergency Response Coordinator Curtis D. Jernigan
said Gov. Tate Reeves and MSDH wanted to provide the testing for teachers at the beginning of the school year
as districts around the state work to make schools safe for students during the COVID-19 pandemic. “(Testing) is
just one thing that schools couldn’t provide, so we wanted to make sure we provided it,” Jernigan said.

Continued from Page 1A
That was always a big part of “We had cleaned the whole ing meals to homebound citizens,
her job, but she has to monitor strip, washed the floor,” she said. more than 25 years ago.
them constantly, making sure the “It was so pretty. … Everybody She chose to work for the
district has enough paper towels, was so proud, over there working district so she would have more
as pandemic puts all those items half a day on Saturday.” benefits after retirement, she said.
in higher demand. That night, an EF-3 tornado She said she really likes being
Starting in May, the custodial touched down in Columbus, de- able to see students every day.
staff, who had been sent home stroying the Hunt campus. “They see you out somewhere,
with fewer hours after the pan- “I got a call, and I go over they’ll go, ‘You coming to my
demic shut schools down state- there,” she remembered. “It was school?’” Summerville recalled
wide in March, came back to ruined. The work we had done. It laughing. “... A lot of times you
the schools for annual summer was ruined.” develop a rapport with some of the
cleaning. Summerville said she was just kids.”
“We have to take every piece of glad that the tornado hit after all Now though, the students stay
furniture, everything out of every her staff had gone home. As it in their classrooms throughout the
classroom, wax strip the floors, was, they were back at work the day to minimize traffic throughout
clean it, and then put it back in next day, along with a crowd of the buildings and hopefully keep
after the floors are dry,” Sum- volunteers, moving what equip- COVID-19 from spreading.
merville said. “We do that every ment they could salvage out of the Instead of chatting with stu-
summer. The first day school is building and preparing rooms at dents, Summerville spends her
out, that’s when we start. CHS for the Hunt Success Acade- days trying to stay on top of sup-
“On top of that, (there) was my students to attend Monday. plies. That was always a big part
COVID,” she added. “They kept That’s all in addition to the day- of her job, but now she has to con-
us abreast of (Centers for Disease to-day cleaning and maintenance stantly monitor supplies, making
Control and Prevention) guide- of nine schools, and a central sure the district has enough paper
lines, what we had to do. I met office building for administration towels, hand sanitizer, cleaning
with all the custodians and told staff and other district property supplies and toilet paper as the
them, ‘OK, y’all, it’s a different and equipment. pandemic puts all those supplies
ballgame.’” “I have people ask, ‘What do in higher demand. She’s also had
Now the staff wear masks, y’all do?’” she said. “But they don’t to order new supplies, such as a
increase their walk-throughs of know the depth of it, what you Clorox machine custodians run
classrooms and bathrooms and really, really do, to keep things through rooms twice a week, san-
spend their time constantly wiping flowing smoothly. … I’m just glad itizing the buildings and getting
down door handles, light switches, I’ve got some dedicated people.” rid of airborne germs.
desks and other “hot spots” in the Prior to working for CMSD, Summerville says she couldn’t
buildings that tend to have multi- Summerville worked in real do it without her staff, who have
ple people touch them throughout estate and ran her own business. been supportive since the pan-
the day, she said. A lifelong Columbus resident, demic began.
While COVID-19 makes this with parents, an adult son and “They have a high morale,” she
year unique, Summerville added two grandchildren still in the said. “It’s not like everybody, when
this is not the only time the custo- area, she’s also been involved I say, ‘We need to do this, we need
dial staff has tackled a big job. She in the community, volunteering to do this,’ says, “Aw.’ They (say),
remembers how on the morning of with the local NA ACP and the ‘OK, OK, we got it. Extra cleaning
Feb. 23, 2019, a group of custodial Mayor’s Unity Picnic every year. in the restrooms.’ So they were
staff completed a major cleaning She helped organize the first very on board with everything
project on the Hunt campus, which ever senior citizen Thanksgiving that I asked them to do. That was a
housed the district’s alternative luncheon, during which a group of good thing. … Everybody’s doing
school. volunteers delivered Thanksgiv- their part. I’m so proud of them.”

Continued from Page 1A
shouldn’t be the last word. of several inmates. More She said Parole Board eligible for parole after
We know much needs to than 70 inmates have died members, who are nomi- serving 25% of their sen-
be done.” in Mississippi prisons nated by the governor and tence. Those convicted
The Republican gov- since late December. confirmed by the state of violent offenses and
ernor wrote in his July 8 During an Aug. 20 Senate, would consider sentenced between July
veto message that he had news conference, repre- statements from crime 1, 1995, and June 30, 2014,
received calls from law sentatives from the Poor victims. would have become eligi-
enforcement officers and People’s Campaign and “As we all know, parole
ble for parole after com-
prosecutors concerned other groups sharply crit- eligibility makes prisons
about the release of in- icized Reeves for vetoing safer by restoring incen- pleting 50% of their sen-
mates with violent histo- the parole bill. tives and hope to people tence or after 20 years,
ries. Alesha Judkins is the serving long sentences whichever comes first.
“While the spirit of Mississippi director of behind bars,” Judkins The bill would have
Senate Bill 2123 is well-in-, a group that pub- said. allowed people convicted
tentioned, I believe the lished a report last year was formed in of most violent offenses
scope of its proposed ex- saying that Mississippi’s 2013 by Facebook found- after July 1, 2014, to be-
pansion of parole eligibili- habitual offender laws are er Mark Zuckerberg and come parole-eligible after
ty presents problems that causing “extreme” prison other technology and serving 50% of their sen-
have not been fully con- sentences. Judkins said business executives. The tence served or after 30
sidered by all stakehold- Aug. 20 that the vetoed group says on its website years, whichever is less.
ers and as drafted would bill would have brought that it focuses on “fixing The bill also would have
threaten public safety,” Mississippi in line with the failed immigration allowed parole hearings
Reeves wrote. states such as Texas, and criminal justice sys-
for those 65 and older who
Mississippi has one of Utah and Louisiana that tems that have locked too
the highest incarceration have broad parole eligi- many out of the American have served 10 years of
rates in the U.S., and the bility. dream for too long.” their sentences. Habitual
Justice Department an- “The governor’s claim Senate Bill 2123, which offenders, sex offenders
nounced its investigation that the bill goes too far passed with bipartisan and inmates sentenced
in February, weeks after and eliminates protec- support, said people con- for capital murder would
outbursts of violence led tions are misleading,” victed of nonviolent of- not have been eligible for
to the death and injury Judkins said. fenses could become parole.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?


BY BEN PORTNOY 1.1 assists per game. She also boasted a prolific 36.7
percent clip from 3-point
STARKVILLE — Mis- range.
sissippi State senior guard “I fully support and re-
Andra Espinoza-Hunter is spect Andi’s decision to
opting out of the 2020 sea- opt out this season,” MSU
son over COVID-19 con- coach Nikki McCray-Pen-
cerns. son said. These are diffi-
Espinoza-Hunter an- cult times, and personal
nounced her intentions health and safety is of the
via Twitter Sunday af- upmost importance to us
ternoon, writing: “After all right now.”
considerable thought and Espinoza-Hunter be-
long discussions with my came the first non-football
family, I have decided it is player at MSU to publicly
in my best interest to opt reveal her intentions to sit
out of the upcoming wom- out the 2020 season. The
en’s basketball season due MSU athletic department
to COVID-19 concerns. To previously confirmed ju-
my incredible teammates, nior cornerback Tyler Wil-
who are my lifelong liams would not play this
friends and will forever year, while junior wide
have a special place in my receiver Taury Dixon re-
heart, I am going to miss vealed his intentions to sit
playing with you all this out the season and trans-
season, but I’ll be cheer- fer upon his graduation.
ing you on as you chase The Bulldogs are head-
your dream of bringing ing into their first year
Mississippi State its first under the guidance of
National Championship.” McCray-Penson following
A one-time UConn longtime coach Vic Schae-
transfer, the New York fer’s departure to Texas
native would have been earlier this offseason.
one of three seniors on MSU finished the 2019
the 2020 roster includ- season 27-6 with a run to
ing Bowling Green grad- the Southeastern Confer-
uate transfer Caterrion ence Tournament Finals.
Thompson and Yemiyah In March ESPN ranked
Morris. In two seasons at MSU No. 3 nationally in
MSU, Espinoza-Hunter its Way-Too-Early Top 25
played in 77 games -- in- for the 2020-21 season be-
Jim Lytle/Dispatch file photo cluding 20 starts -- and hind South Carolina and
Andra Espinoza-Hunter takes a shot against West Virginia on Dec. 8, 2019 at Humphrey Coliseum. averaged 6.9 points and Stanford.

How MSU will
Riley, Swanson help Braves to wild 12-10 win over Phillies handle its
Austin Riley homered,
update, Chase
doubled and drove in
three runs in Atlanta’s 10-
opts out
run second inning, Dans- BY BEN PORTNOY
by Swanson also went
deep and the Braves held
on for a wild 12-10 victo- STARKVILLE — Foot-
ry over the Philadelphia ball is back.
Phillies on Sunday night. Saturday night, an Aus-
Nick Markakis and tin Peay team flush with
Marcell Ozuna each add- Mississippi State con-
ed three hits and two nections, including head
RBIs for the first-place coach Marquase Lovings,
Braves, who avoided a opened the 2020 cam-
three-game sweep and paign with a 24-17 loss to
moved three games Central Arkansas.
ahead of the Phillies and A n d
Miami in the NL East. Ev- while I’ll
ery Atlanta starter got at concede I
least one hit and scored at was only
least one run. able to
Andrew McCutchen, watch the
Rhys Hoskins, Didi Gre- game in
gorius and Roman Quinn spurts due
homered for the Phillies, to a prior en- Portnoy
whose five-game winning g a ge m e nt ,
streak was snapped. there was something oh so
The teams combined refreshing about watching
for 28 hits in a game that Bill Streicher/USA TODAY Sports CJ Evans Jr. take an option
took 4 hours, 13 minutes. Atlanta Braves third baseman Johan Camargo collides with Philadelphia Phillies catcher J.T. Realmuto Sunday pitch 75 yards to the house
Every Braves batter after throwing for a double play during the ninth inning at Citizens Bank Park. on the game’s first play
scored at least once in McCutchen’s RBI double, wall in center in the ninth A.J. Minter (1-0) turned to the lineup after from scrimmage.
the second, which started Hoskins’ two-run homer for a two-run cushion for pitched 1 2/3 scoreless in- That said, let’s get into
missing Saturday’s game.
innocently enough when to left, Gregorius’ two- Mark Melancon, who nings for the victory. this week’s questions:
Markakis grounded out to Phillies: LHP Ranger
run triple to right and Phil pitched a scoreless ninth Arrieta lasted just 1-1/3 Suarez threw a bullpen
pitcher Jake Arrieta (2-4).
But Arrieta wouldn’t get
Gosselin’s RBI groundout for his sixth save in seven innings and gave up seven
session on Sunday and Did you see the FCS
gave Philadelphia hope. opportunities. runs on six hits with three
another out while facing
The Phillies actually got Hoskins went deep walks and no strikeouts. could be activated soon. opener last night and
the next seven batters,
the go-ahead run to the for the fourth time in six Freddie Freeman ex- Suarez was 6-1 with a 3.14 how the crowd regula-
and he was lifted for David
Hale after Marcell Ozu- plate in the frame. But Mc- games. tended his hitting streak ERA in 37 games last sea- tions worked? Do you
na’s RBI infield single that Cutchen, batting for the Milone allowed seven to 13 consecutive games
with a two-run single in
son but hasn’t pitched in think it’s feasible for
second time in the inning, runs in 2-1/3 innings in his 2020.
made it 5-0.
grounded out with run- first start with the Braves the second.
FBS teams to do the
Hale, making his first same?
ners on first and second. after being acquired ear- Phillies manager Joe
appearance with the Phil-
The Braves got some lier on Sunday from the Girardi was ejected by UP NEXT As mentioned, I only
lies since being acquired Braves: Open a three- caught a few glimpses of
from the Yankees on more breathing room in Orioles for two players to second-base umpire Bill
the fifth on Ozuna’s two- be named. Atlanta is hop- Welke in the ninth after game series at Boston on last night’s game, but it
Aug. 21, surrendered an
out RBI single to left that ing the 33-year-old lefty arguing a foul ball call off Monday night. Braves seems measures put in
RBI single to Travis d’Ar-
made it 11-8. can provide some help to the bat of Ender Inciarte. LHP Max Fried (5-0, place for fan attendance
naud, a two-run double
But the Phillies closed the rotation. Milone is the 1.35) opposes RHP Colten worked — though we’ll
to Markakis and, finally,
within a run in the eighth 11th different starter the TRAINER’S ROOM probably know more two
a two-run drive to deep Brewer (0-2, 4.57).
on back-to-back one-out Braves have used this sea- Braves: CF Ronald weeks from now during
left-center by Riley that Phillies: Begin a
solo homers by Quinn and son, and most of them ha- Acuna Jr. (right ham- which time any COVID-19
put the Braves ahead 10-0. four-game home set with
McCutchen off lefty Will ven’t had much success. string tightness) was lift- issues could arise.
The Phillies got a run
Washington on Monday The Mississippi State
back in the bottom of the Smith. Smith escaped Left-hander Max Fried is ed after the Braves batted
more trouble by getting 5-0 with a 1.35 ERA, and in the second inning. Acu- night. Phillies RHP Spen- athletic department
frame on Gregorius’ solo
shot to right before scor- Hoskins and Harper to fly the other 10 Braves start- na scored on Freeman’s cer Howard (0-1, 6.17) fac- announced a slew of
ing six runs in the third out. ers are a combined 1-10 single. … OF Adam Du- es RHP Erick Fedde (1-2, COVID-19 related safety
off starter Tommy Milone. Swanson cleared the with a 7.23. vall (sore left Achilles) re- 3.57). See PORTNOY, 3B
2B MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

Jon Rahm makes the biggest putt to win a thriller at BMW

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Neither could John- for a two-shot lead that a pro. His first win came hole for a 67. he was chasing victory
son, going for his sec- Johnson erased with two at Torrey Pines when Johnson goes into the all day.
OLYMPIA FIELDS, ond straight victory. He birdies of his own, none he made a 60 -foot eagle Tour Championship as Adam Long and
Ill. — Even with a pair could only laugh, at his bigger than the last one. putt and wound up win- the No. 1 seed, meaning Kevin Streelman were
of silver trophies in his putt and Rahm’s winner. “That stretch of wait- ning by three. he will start the chase bumped out, and Long
possession, Jon Rahm “I played an unbeliev- ing for DJ, him making “I think we all want for the $15 million prize suffered the worst of
still couldn’t believe able putt, got in the play- the putt, going in the the flashy finish, may- at East Lake at 10 -under those fates. He was pro-
what happened Sunday off and then Jon made playoff, me making the be not the stress that par, two ahead of Rahm, jected 30th in the FedEx
in the BMW Champion- an even more ridiculous putt, then trying to stay comes with it,” Rahm who moved up seven Cup until Corey Conners
ship. And he only saw putt on top of me,” said mentally in it just in case said. “But I set out with spots to the No. 2 seed. three-putted from 5 feet
half of it. Johnson, who at least he made the last putt, myself to enjoy even the Joaquin Niemann, the for double bogey on the
Rahm was on the kept his No. 1 ranking in it’s been a roller coaster, uncomfortable moments 21-year-old from Chile, final hole. That allowed
range on the other side the world and in the Fe- but so much fun,” Rahm we had out there today. also made a spirited run Billy Horschel to move
of the Olympia Fields dEx Cup. said. And man, it was fun.” with a 67 and was in the up enough spots on the
clubhouse, preparing The putts overshad- He put behind him The course that all lead until a bogey on the leaderboard to move to
for a playoff that no one owed a command per- the one-shot penalty week felt like a U.S. 14th and no birdies the
the 30th and final spot
really expected, when formance by Rahm, that even on Saturday Open delivered the kind rest of the way. He tied
by three points over
Dustin Johnson rolled who closed with a 66 -64 he worried would come of excitement typical of for third with Hideki
in a 45-foot birdie putt weekend on an Olympia back to haunt him, and the Masters. Matsuyama, who had a
down the ridge for birdie Tiger Woods missed
Fields course that played he thought about it brief- Rahm tore through 69. Tony Finau closed
to force a playoff. all the action. He made
like the toughest test in ly when Johnson had the the back nine Sunday on with a 65 to finish three
Moments later, Rahm golf. His only bogey on long birdie putt on the his way to a 64, the low- behind. They were the double bogey on his
faced a putt even longer the weekend came on 18th in regulation. est round of the week, to only five players under 17th hole for a 71, mak-
and more difficult on the fifth hole Saturday All he could think finish at 4-under 276. par at Olympia Fields. ing this the first time he
the 18th — just outside when he spaced out and about on the 18th green Johnson, a 54-hole Mackenzie Hughes was over par in all four
65 feet that he had to picked up his golf ball in the playoff was find- leader for his third had reason to celebrate, rounds of a tournament
send at nearly a 90 -de- from the green without ing a way to get to the straight tournament and too. since the Bridgestone
gree angle to the top of marking it. next hole, knowing he coming off an 11-shot Needing a par on the Invitational in 2010.
the ridge. From there, it There was the 6 -iron had a putt from one end victory last week at the 18th to move into the top Woods failed to reach
was a replay of Johnson’s from 218 yards for his of the green to the oth- TPC Boston, birdied 30 in the FedEx Cup, he the Tour Championship
putt as it headed down third shot on the par-5 er and Johnson had a three of his opening four put his approach into the for the second straight
the slope, kissed off the 15th after his tee shot 30 -footer. holes to open a three- front bunker, splashed year. He now gets two
pin and disappeared into went into the trees and And then it was over. shot lead, dropped a pair out to 5 feet and raised weeks off before the U.S.
the cup. barely came out, setting Rahm won for the sec- of shots around the turn both arms when the par Open at Winged Foot,
“I still can’t believe up a key birdie. There ond time this year, and and then delivered in the putt dropped. and Olympia Fields
what just happened,” he was his 30 -foot birdie for the 11th time world- clutch with his 45-foot Niemann also moved proved to be a good test
said. putt on the par-3 16th wide in his four years as birdie putt on the last into the top 30, though for that.

Leonard leads Clippers past Doncic, Mavs to reach 2nd round

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The No. 2 seed in the turned a six-point lead ... Dorian Finney-Smith tion didn’t factor into the ida prep star at Winter
Western Conference ad- into a 77-54 lead. scored 16 points. decision to give him a Park High School.
LAKE BUENA VIS- vanced to a second-round But Doncic wouldn’t flagrant foul 2 Sunday, an “It was funny, I usual-
TA, Fla. — The Los An- meeting with either quit, with a 3-pointer and MORE ON MORRIS automatic ejection. ly bring, like, a notepad.
geles Clippers knocked Denver or Utah. The two three-point plays in Trouble between the “Of course not,” Foster I didn’t have anything.
him around and shut his sixth-seeded Jazz were the final 1:28 to cut it to Mavs and Morris started said. I just kind of sat and
teammates down, and trying to close that se- 85-74. in the opener, when Don- watched the game,” Riv-
still Luka Doncic kept
ries out in six games later He made another 3
that trimmed it to 88-82
cic was called for palming DOC’S DAY OFF ers said. “You still coach
Sunday. the ball and Morris tried Rivers spent part of
Kawhi Leonard wasn’t with 9:27 to play but Dal- during the game. Not
Paul George and Ivica to take it out of his hands. the Clippers’ day without
worried, because nothing Zubac added 15 points las couldn’t get any clos- him, but just both teams
He ended up grabbing a game Saturday watch-
rattles him in the postsea- apiece for the Clippers, er. Los Angeles began and you watch what you
Doncic, starting a scrum ing his son Austin help
son. who turned up their de- putting the ball in Leon- can do and I got a little
that led to the ejection the Houston Rockets beat
“This is playoff bas- fense in this one after win- ard’s hands and he deliv- of Porzingis. Morris lat- Oklahoma City in Game 5 mental scouting in. But
ketball and everything is ning Game 5 with the best ered with eight straight er denied trying to hurt of their series. It was the more importantly it was
not going to go your way,” offensive performance in Clippers points before Doncic, who battled a first game Rivers attend- a great detox for me just
Leonard said. “You’re their postseason history, consecutive 3-pointers by sprained left ankle, when ed in the bubble but hard- to sit there and enjoy bas-
going to have downs and when they shot 63% and Reggie Jackson pushed it he stepped on his foot. ly his first time watching ketball in a gym that I’ve
ups. Just got to keep play- romped to a 154-111 vic- to 105-89. But referee Scott Fos- his son play at Disney. been a fan, a spectator, lit-
ing.” tory. Dallas was in its first ter said Morris’ reputa- Austin Rivers was a Flor- erally hundreds of times.”
Now his team will keep Perhaps it was too postseason since 2016 but
playing into the second much to ask to be that quickly learned about the
round. sharp again after a four- physicality, mixing it up
Leonard had 33 points day layoff, but they didn’t with Morris on multiple
and 14 rebounds and the need to be even while occasions.
Clippers eliminated Don- playing most of the game The Clippers led by
cic and the Dallas Maver- without starting forward two when Morris was
icks with a 111-97 victory Marcus Morris, who was ejected for swinging his
Sunday in Game 6 of the ejected for a flagrant foul arm down and striking
first-round series. against Doncic in the first a driving Doncic in the
Doncic capped a su- quarter. head or neck area. The
perb first postseason with Leonard also had sev- Clippers picked up their
38 points, nine rebounds en assists and five steals. defense in the second pe-
and nine assists, keep- The Clippers said he was riod, limiting the Mavs to
ing it interesting into the the first player in at least 17 points and 33.3% shoot-
fourth quarter even while the last 20 postseasons ing to open a 57-51 advan-
playing without injured with 30 points, 10 re- tage at the break.
teammate Kristaps Por- bounds, five assists and
zingis. five steals in a game. TIP-INS
But with Leonard “You can tell he was Clippers: Patrick Bev-
reaching the 30-point the one guy that shoots to erley had a pregame
mark for his career-best close out a series,” Clip- workout before sitting out
fifth straight playoff game pers coach Doc Rivers for the fifth straight game
and a strong defensive ef- said. “He was calm. He with a left calf strain. Riv-
fort, the Clippers simply got us in place.” ers said the guard had a
had too many answers. The Mavericks had good practice Saturday
“I’m proud of our team, only two field goals in and was getting closer to
how we fight,” Doncic the first six minutes of returning but just wasn’t
said. “I think we fight un- the third quarter, both by ready yet.
til the end. The Clippers Doncic, and by the time Mavericks: Porzingis
have an amazing team so he made the second the missed his third straight
it was hard, but I think we Clippers had opened the game with torn carti-
gave everything.” half with a 20-3 run that lage in his right knee.

AP source: Jaguars signed, opting to turn down Vikings rotational depth at

an offer that would have arguably the most import-
trading Ngakoue to guaranteed him $17.8 mil- ant defensive spot.
Vikings for 2 picks lion this season. Odenigbo didn’t seem to
He will now make rough- approve of the trade, simply
JACKSON V ILLE, ly $13 million in 2020, the tweeting “Fools gold” on
Fla. (AP) — Disgruntled person said. Sunday.
pass-rusher Yannick Ngak- Ngakoue made it clear Ngakoue could have
oue is headed north, far on several occasions this signed a long-term deal
away from Jacksonville. year that he no longer want- with the Jags last summer
A person familiar with ed to play in Jacksonville, and would have earned
the trade says the Jaguars even sparring with the team about $40 million guar-
agreed to send Ngakoue to owner’s son on Twitter. And anteed between 2019 and
the Minnesota Vikings on Ngakoue left millions on 2020. Instead, he will make
Sunday for a second-round the table to make it happen. roughly $15 million over
draft pick in 2021 and a He will give the Vikings those two seasons.
conditional fifth-rounder in a young, proven pass-rush- The 25-year-old Ngak-
2022. The person spoke to er opposite star Danielle oue didn’t believe Jackson-
The Associated Press on Hunter, one whose work ville’s front office showed
condition of anonymity be- ethic and intensity have al- him enough respect con-
cause the deal has not been ways been among the most sidering what he did since
formally executed with the respected in Jacksonville’s joining the organization as
league. locker room. Ngakoue also a third-round draft pick in
The person said Ngak- should ease the loss of four- 2016.
oue agreed to rework his time Pro Bowler Everson He has 37 1/2 sacks and
2020 salary to get out of Griffen, who signed a one- 14 forced fumbles in four
Jacksonville. Ngakoue year deal with Dallas earlier seasons. The speedy strip-
still has to sign his one- this month. sack specialist made the
year franchise tender with Ifeadi Odenigbo has Pro Bowl in 2017 and was
the Jaguars to make the been in line to take over an alternate the past two
deal happen. He had been for Griffen after a break- seasons. He clearly out-
the league’s only fran- out performance in 2019, played his $3.84 million
chise-tagged player un- but now he will give the rookie contract.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 3B

Former MSU standout Moreland traded from Red Sox to Padres

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS makeup, character, that and see. .. He doesn’t farm system, that there 174 homers, 491 runs blends into what we’re
will blend in really well sleep and he’s relentless.” was a level of talent (in scored and 580 RBIs. The about.”
DENVER — The San into this clubhouse,” Pa- Moreland, who turns return) where it made left-handed hitter was a Potts, a 21-year-old
Diego Padres made an- dres manager Jayce Tin- 35 on Sept. 6, was leading sense to move him,” Bos- Gold Glove winner at first
other big move to try and gler said. “There’s a pos- the Red Sox with eight ton chief baseball officer in 2016. third baseman, is a career
end their playoff drought, itive buzz, energy going homers, 21 RBIs and a Chaim Bloom said. Tingler knows More- .256 hitter with 57 home
acquiring slugger Mitch around.” .328 batting average. Moreland earned his land from their days to- runs and 224 RBIs in 423
Moreland in a trade Sun- As part of the deal, the He’s made 19 starts at lone All-Star selection in gether in Texas. Tingler minor league games. Ro-
day with Boston. Red Sox acquired a pair first base this season and 2018, the same season he spent 13 seasons with sario, a 20-year-old out-
The Padres haven’t of prospects from San three more as a designat- helped the Red Sox win a the Rangers organization
been to the postseason Diego, outfielder Jeisson ed hitter. World Series title. He had before joining the Padres fielder, has a .264 average
since 2006. They current- Rosario and infielder Tingler envisions Mo- memorable a pinch-hit, this season. with seven homers and 93
ly have the second-most Hudson Potts. reland being in the lineup three-run homer in Game “A lot of people would RBIs in 289 games in the
wins in the NL, trailing It’s the second straight as a DH and spelling first 4 to spark Boston to a 9-6 describe him as a kind of minors.
only division rival Los An- day the Padres have made baseman Eric Hosmer. win over the Los Angeles a throwback, a grinding “Both these guys have
geles. a splashy move. On Sat- The struggling Red Dodgers. type,” Tingler said. “He’s
Moreland adds even urday, they bolstered Sox became sellers at the “We’ll never forgot a big, lumbering man a chance to be really ex-
more power to an already their bullpen by acquir- looming trade deadline what happened coming and he’s hard-nosed. He citing players,” Bloom
potent San Diego lineup. ing Trevor Rosenthal in after entering Sunday in off the bench in Game 4,” doesn’t back down. His said. “Very high upside,
On top of that, he brings a trade with the Kansas last place in the AL East. Boston general manager play shows. He’s respect- both of them. Pretty ac-
big-game experience. City Royals. “We basically felt, giv- Brian O’Halloran said. ed among his peers and complished minor league
He’s been in the postsea- Asked if general man- en where we stand and Originally a 17th- people in the game for
son in seven of his past 10 ager A.J. Preller might be where we are in 2020, round pick by Texas in who he’s been and what players playing at (high)
seasons. done, Tingler responded: and then the importance 2007, Moreland is hitting he’s done over his last 10 levels where they’re very
“Being able to add his “I would say we’ll wait of depth and talent in the .253 over his career with years in the league. He young last year.”

Jimmie Johnson proud of ending NASCAR career with 7 titles

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “7 it is,” he wrote. “I’m Johnson sat on pit after another disappoint- pit road and looked up at it plays out, Johnson al-
damn proud of that in case road in his mangled mess ment at Daytona, a track me, revved up the engine, ready has left an indelible
DAYTONA BEACH, you were wondering.” during a red flag and sure- at which he has won seven gave me a thumbs-up. mark on stock-car racing.
Fla. — Long after a fire- Johnson was running ly realized that the “sto- times over two decades. He means the world to He won five consecutive
works extravaganza lit near the front of the pack rybook ending” he talked He also has now crashed me. He’s a great man and
up Daytona International championships (2006-
most of the night and was about a day earlier was 43 times at the historic brother of mine. 10), forcing other drivers
Speedway and well after in position to make the gone. venue. “It hurts me, but it is
William Byron and his and teams to play catch-
playoffs until Denny Ham- “The last couple of Johnson handled the what we do. We compete.
Hendrick Motorsports up, and added two more
lin and Joey Logano made months, we’ve been really latest one with grace and We’ve got to go do what we
team ended their celebra- contact and started a multi- getting our act together dignity — no surprise giv- need to do.” (2013, ’16) years after the
tion in victory lane, Jim- unprecedented run. He’s
car melee that collected and running well,” John- en the way he has gone Johnson will do the
mie Johnson found a mo- a first-ballot Hall of Famer
Johnson and nine others son said after finishing about his business in an same down the stretch,
ment to reflect. with a racing career that
with less than two laps 17th and missing the final often-glaring spotlight. looking to end a winless
On his night. On his
to go. Logano slammed postseason berth by six He walked to victory lane streak that’s now stretched will be hard to match, let
emotions. On his legacy.
He pretty much covered into Bubba Wallace, who points. “Definitely disap- to congratulate Byron to 120 races. His last victo- alone top, for anyone mov-
them all. slid sideways and nearly pointed to not be in the and his team, including ry came in June 2017. The ing forward.
Johnson posted a pic- wrecked Byron. playoffs. That was the No. crew chief Chad Knaus. draught led to Johnson’s “The last three years
ture on Instagram of his Logano tried to 1 goal to start the year.” Johnson and Knaus were breakup with Knaus and a have been tough. We all
battered No. 48 Chevro- straighten his car, but Matt Johnson would have together for all seven titles new crew chief, Cliff Dan- know that,” Johnson said.
let, which was caught up DiBenedetto rammed been safely in the 16-car in the 48. iels.
“I think we’ve shown some
in a late-race wreck and into his rear bumper and field had he not missed a “I feel awful,” Knaus “Cliff Daniels and these
bright spots, and Cliff has
knocked out of playoff con- caused him to lose control race following a positive said. “Let’s be quite guys on my team, they
for good. Johnson looked test for COVID-19 and honest, right? Jimmie pour their guts out for me,” done a really good job of
tention in the regular-sea-
like he might escape the had a second-place finish shouldn’t be in this posi- Johnson said. “There’s 10 leading this team and tak-
son finale Saturday. The
crash meant his racing ca- carnage, but Logano spun thrown out at Charlotte tion. … That hurts. I hate races left, 10 trophies to go ing this team in the right
reer would end without a into Matt Kenseth, who after failing post-race in- it for Jimmie. He’s one of chase and we’ll have to fo- direction. I think we can
record-setting eighth Cup made a hard right into spection. my best friends. He was cus our efforts there.” show that and close out
Series championship. Johnson’s driver-side door. He noted both setbacks the first guy that came by Regardless of how the year.”

Continued from Page 1B

measures on Aug. 21 — Gov. Tate Reeves. This, of some separation between “You’ve got to make Sunday, images of the SEC. But heading into
including that it will sell course, falls in line with Costello and sophomore some tough decisions,” LSU’s depth chart from Week 1 against an LSU
beer (!!) beginning this what virtually every other Garrett Shrader and Leach said in regard to last season with crossed team that is replacing as
fall. Among the measures Southeastern Conference freshman Will Rogers. how to split the reps go- out names of players that much as it is, there has
included in the announce- school has done thus far. “I think that K.J. is ing forward. “This is dif- have since departed cir- to be some semblance of
ment were that patrons In short, if FCS pro- ahead,” Leach said. “But ferent than a P.E. class. culated on social media.
will be required to wear grams with far less re- we’re trying to see as You’ve got to invest in the With Chase now out of
face coverings during all sources can pull this off, much as we can out of reps in the guys that are the equation, the Tigers
movement throughout those in the FBS and SEC Shrader and Will at the going to be important to are expected to return Ben’s best:
the stadium and when should also be able to do same time. But again, you to go out and win.” just six starters from last Throughout quaran-
not able to maintain rec- so. we’re going to have to season’s dominant nation- tine I’ve tried to spend
ommended physical dis- pare that down too.” al championship team.
tance from people not in Where does the Missis- With four weeks until
What impact does For MSU, LSU’s loss is
time watching a slew
Ja’marr Chase’s opt-out of classic movies that I
their same household, the season opener against its gain. The Bulldogs are
all queued lines at gates,
sippi State quarterback LSU, who I’ll get to in have on Mississippi expected to have a histor-
hadn’t previously seen.
concession stands and battle stand after two a second, it’s expected State’s week one game ically porous defense this But I’ll save that for an-
merchandise booths must weeks of competition? Leach will begin to siphon
against LSU? season as they rebuild other day.
follow social distancing Stanford graduate reps more toward the trio from last year’s unit, and Among my favorite
measures and that hand transfer K.J. Costello of Costello, Shrader and We’ll have more on this not having to see a play- subgenres of flicks are
sanitizer stations will be arrived at MSU as the Rogers. Perhaps the most as we get to game week maker of Chase’s caliber the R-rated comedies
spread throughout con- presumed starter, and intriguing piece of all of and actually previewing week one helps a second- between 2000 and 2015.
courses. it appears the Bulldogs this is where Rogers falls this contest, but man, los- ary whose most experi- Here are my top picks
At present, venues in are heading that way as on the depth chart. ing Chase hurts. enced corner is sopho- from that era:
Mississippi are slated fall camp enters its third I’ve written on the sub- Perceived as a top- more Martin Emerson.
five NFL draft pick come 1. Wedding Crashers
to allow 25 percent ca- week. ject a couple times since MSU is going to be far
pacity in stadiums as a Head coach Mike camp opened, but if Rog- 2021, Chase is among the from dominant defensive- 2. The Hangover
whole, while club levels Leach said Saturday ers supplants Shrader for most prolific receivers in ly in 2020, and it’s prob- 3. Old School
will be limited to 50 per- that he’s not altogether the No. 2 spot, this quar- the country after he to- ably fair to assume this 4. Forgetting Sarah
cent capacity following close to naming a starter, terback room gets inter- taled 1,780 yards and 20 year’s group finishes as Marshall
an executive order from but there’s begun to be esting quickly. touchdowns a season ago. one of the three worst in 5. Superbad
4B MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

Murray outduels Mitchell, sets up first Game 7 in the bubble

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS advancing to face the game, finishing with points for the Jazz, but ed 5 of 6 but were just TIP-INS
Los Angeles Clippers. 42 points, and then was Rudy Gobert and Jor- trying to keep up as the
L AK E BUENA VIS - The Clippers fin- a sizzling 17 of 24 in dan Clarkson were each Jazz hit their first seven Nuggets: Gary Har-
TA, Fla. — The Ja- ished off the Dallas Game 6, going 9 for 12 only held to 11. shots. Conley made a ris got his first action in
mal Murray-Donovan Mavericks in six games behind the 3-point arc. A seventh game be- 3-pointer from the cor- the series after recov-
Mitchell duel will be on the same court a few Mitchell also hit tween the third-seeded ner while falling down ering from a right hip
settled in the first Game hours earlier. nine 3-pointers and in- Nuggets and No. 6 Jazz to beat the shot clock
7 in the bubble. Denver is trying to creased what was the seems fitting. Though and then later banked muscle strain. He fin-
Murray extended his become the 12th team NBA’s top-scoring aver- Denver won all three in one, keeping Utah ished with four points.
torrid run with 50 more to rally from a 3-1 deficit age in these playoffs at meetings during the rolling even on the pos- ... Torrey Craig walked
points, leading the Den- to win a series and the 37.6 points per game. regular season, the to- sessions when Denver off the floor with a towel
ver Nuggets to a 119 -107 first since 2016, when In the fourth quar- tal margin was just 11 defended well.
victory over the Utah the Cleveland Cavaliers ter alone, Murray out- points. But the Jazz left plen- covering his face after
Jazz on Sunday night. completed the only one scored Mitchell 21-17, The Jazz came into ty of points on the board being hit while battling
Murray had his sec- of those comebacks that helping prevent the Jazz the day topping all by going 3 for 9 on free for rebound position in
ond 50 -point game came in the NBA Finals. from ever getting close teams in the postseason throws, so their lead the third quarter but
of the series to equal The Nuggets won the enough to have a real in field goal percentage was only six. Murray
Mitchell, who finished stayed in the game after
opener, but the Jazz won chance of finishing the and 3-point percent- then heated up on his
with 44 in this one. No the next three games series. age, and ranking third way to a 14-point sec- the previous play was
player has ever had and were in good shape Murray had a little in scoring with 121.8 ond quarter and Utah under review.
more in an entire post- to finish it in Game 5, more help, with Nikola points per game. And shot just 4 for 16 as the Jazz: Utah finished 18
season. holding a 15 -point lead Jokic scoring 22 points they looked early as if Nuggets surged to a
of 36 (50%) from 3-point
They will go at it in the third quarter. and Jerami Grant add- they would eclipse all 10 -point advantage be-
one more time Tuesday Murray led the ing 18. those numbers. fore taking a 61-56 lead range. ... Georges Niang
night, with the winner charge back in that Mike Conley had 21 The Nuggets start- to the locker room. scored 10 points.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: violent abuser, you can pick up the coronavirus
I cut off and you have no from food. One would think
contact with proof that he has that if the food is hot, the virus
a friend I’ll call sought counsel- wouldn’t survive the cooking
“Mick” after my ing for his issues. process. Have you considered
wife and I had our Offering the hand inviting them to your place
first child. He was of friendship to instead?
a gambling addict, someone who If you think this charming
an alcoholic and broke your nose couple’s food puts you at risk
a serial abuser of because he had of catching something unpleas-
women. He was been drinking ant — like salmonella — the
violent when he could be danger- next time you are invited, lower
ZITS drank and once ous for you and your risk by bringing food for
broke my nose your family. Your all of you. If they argue, tell
because of some first responsibility them you are reciprocating their
perceived slight. is THEIR safety. hospitality, which may have
Mick had a DEAR ABBY: been one-sided if you have
troubled childhood
Dear Abby My friend and I eaten there often. However, if
and then served befriended the they question you further, tell
in the Army in Afghanistan and most adorable older couple. them the truth. While it may
Iraq. By the time he returned They invite us over and they cool the relationship, it will in-
home, his mental health was love lunching together. They are crease your chances of staying
extremely compromised, and I terrific company, and we always healthy.
believe this is what led to most, enjoy our time with them. DEAR ABBY: My brother
if not all, of his issues and During our last visit, they passed away recently. I bought
shortcomings. were cooking lunch, and it was a small life insurance policy
I have always believed that, apparent that they don’t wash 24 years ago to provide for his
GARFIELD at heart, Mick is a good person. their hands when preparing final expenses and to help his
As someone who suffers from food. Because of the corona- widow at the time of death.
mental illness myself, I feel virus, we aren’t comfortable After paying for expenses, I
I can understand his issues eating at their house anymore. plan to leave what’s left to his
on some level. I would like to We would be happy to bring widow. My husband is nudging
reconnect with him, but I need something over, but they are me to deduct the premium I
to protect myself and my family, set in their ways and like to paid for the policy, but I don’t
both emotionally and physically. prepare their own food. We feel comfortable about it. I’m
How might I approach rekin- tried saying we can’t stay for not sure what I should do. Any
dling a relationship with Mick in lunch, but once we are with suggestions? — WONDERING
a safe and reasonable way? — them, they start putting out IN THE MIDWEST
MISSING A FRIEND the food. What advice can you DEAR WONDERING: This
DEAR MISSING: Drop that give us? — STAYING SAFE IN was YOUR brother and this is
idea. You are not a therapist, CALIFORNIA your sister-in-law. Tune your
and you can’t “fix” what’s DEAR STAYING SAFE: Go on- “helpful” husband out and
CANDORVILLE wrong with Mick. The man is a line and check to see whether follow your conscience.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. long to settle into a new groove. you interfere with your own
31). There’s a difference be- TAURUS (April 20-May 20). work? A wonderful question that
tween being spontaneous and When you slip into that certain only you know the answer to.
reactive. You’ll have bright ideas mindset, it’s as though you can LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
and follow through without fear fix anything. From the smallest Emotions come and go. Moods
to create experiences that ele- decision to the grandest long- settle in for a handful of min-
vate you and delight your crew. term plan, there are no prob- utes or hours or days. Today,
Even so, this year sees you as lems that resist clear thinking. you have a talent for shaking
less reactive in your decisions, GEMINI (May 21-June off certain feelings and turning
pausing for as long as it takes 21). When it’s not convenient, them around before they settle
for wisdom to set in. Sagittarius practical or safe to travel in the into full-blown moods.
BABY BLUES and Scorpio adore you. Your typical ways, micro travel may VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 12, be just as fortifying. There is so It takes guts to be assertive,
22 and 18. much you haven’t seen in your but the alternative is that you
ARIES (March 21-April 19). own backyard. let your wishes, preferences
Transitions are disruptive, but CANCER (June 22-July 22). and needs go unknown and
don’t let that stop you from How productive you are today run the risk of later becoming
making a change. You’ll be so will have everything to do with unsatisfied or disgruntled.
glad you seized the opportunity, the amount of interference you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
and then it won’t take you very get from yourself. Why would You know that the way you talk
to yourself profoundly impacts
your mood, and yet, often, you
are not aware of the particulars.
Today, there will be obvious
benefits to listening in closely to
that you-to-you dialogue.
21). Is it really possible to
organize your thoughts, and
if so, how so? Alphabetical?
First come, first served? By
numerical urgency level? You’ll
intuitively stumble upon the
best way and have astounding
clarity for the effort.
21). You’ll find a simple path to
feeling better. You’ll pause to
reflect on what happened, what
you felt about it and whether
there might be another way to
MALLARD FILLMORE think about it than the reaction
that caused you so much pain.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). To irrationally anticipate
future threats or dangers is just
an overactive version of the
related rational skill. Consider
your vigilance a talent, and then
rely on outside opinions to keep
yourself in check.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Words that follow lines of
logic and heart connect you to
humanity -- illogical, heartfelt
words perhaps even more so.
FAMILY CIRCUS Logic without heart is practically
useless, if not dangerous today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You are trying to have more
discipline around something.
The occasional lapses don’t
mean too much. What makes a
difference is what you do most
often and persistently. Also that
you don’t quit.

To have and to hold

The Dispatch • MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020 5B
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Houses For Rent: Other Lots & Acreage


It’s a classified
ACRES. 10 minutes from Excellent timber & building
CALL US: 662-328-2424 CAFB, 5 minutes from West sites. $72,000. For more ADS STARTING AT $12
General Help Wanted
Point. Very private. CH/A.
Fenced backyard. Ceramic
info, call 205−799−9846
or 205−695−2248. Autos For Sale
tile throughout. Pets
negotiable. No HUD. 2012 RED Cadillac CTS
We tell readers
Flooring LLC in Aliceville, AL $1,200/mo + $1,200 dep.
is in need of maintenance 864−634−4192
Coup, 3.5 engine, loaded,
65k hwy mi only, new tires, what they need
personnel, please email
to know to buy
fully serviced & well−
resume to joe@ maintained. $32,000. 662−726−1649.
525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus. what they need.
NOWETA'S Flower Shop is 1600sqft, quiet area, Looking for a new home? 1999 Mercedes C−280.
accepting applications for Columbus City Schools. Let us help, shop here. One owner, 127,000 miles
an experienced Floral ALL appliances, washer/ and well maintained. Safe
Designer. EXPERIENCE dryer, pool table, & dining and reliable transportation
REQUIRED. Apply Mon-Fri, room furn incl. Large for your student or family.

private lot close to golf
2-4pm or Sat 9am-12pm
at 1325 Main Street. course. $850/mo + dep.
$2,995. 662−425−2345
No phone calls please. Motorcycles & ATVs

Restaurant / Hotel Mobile Homes for Rent

2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
1 Ecuador
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
Bargain Column MOTORCYCLE. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 5 7 4 3 8 2 9 6
CAFE UNIQUE: Part-time ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle 6 2 4 9 1 5 3 8 7
Black, red, and gray.
3BR/2BA Trailer, New The object

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Prep cook and dish washer 1,428 miles. $1500.
based onthe a 9x9
2 Set it on fire 3 8 9 6 7 2 1 5 4
Hope school dist. $650/ Elvis picture Elvis picture
wanted. 15-20 hours per 662−364−0120. is to place numbers
week. Apply in person @ 94
mo & $650 dep. No pets, Call 6627989811 662− grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 9 3 1 7 8 4 6 2 5
3 Malcolm
no drugs, no partying. Call 798−9811
Airline Rd. or call 662-327- b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 7 6 8 5 2 3 9 4 1
0840 or 662-386-1554 for 4292. NO TEXT MGS. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place
more information. Leave box 2 4 5 1 6 9 8 7 3
message if no answer. numbers
contains the1same to 9 number
Little Tykes activity gym
the empty spaces so 5 9 3 8 4 6 7 1 2
Little tykes activity gym only once. The difficulty 4 1 2 3 9 7 5 6 8
that each row, each
level increases from
4 “West Side column and each 8 7 6 2 5 1 4 3 9
RENTALS ADS STARTING AT $25 Rocking horse Rocking Story”
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level

the same number only once. The difficulty level


ADS STARTING AT $25 horse 662−798−9811 increases from Monday to Sunday.

Lots & Acreage
You’ll find the best deals
Apts For Rent: North
Burial Plots
when you advertise 5 Cyan,
& 2 BR near hospital.
Good/Bad Credit Options.
Good credit as low as 20%
in Friendship Cemetery.
and shop here!
$595−$645 monthly.
Military discount, pet area,
down, $499/mo. Eaton
Land, 662−361−7711.
South West corner. $2000
Call 662−574−5420 yellow, black
pet friendly, and furnished
corporate apts. General Help Wanted
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.

Apts For Rent: West

Employment Employment Medical Supplies

VIP Mississippi

DRIVERS needed to run from S.E. to on your diabetic supplies! Convenient
Dept. of Corrections West Coast. Experienced singles and home shipping for monitors, test strips,
teams. Check out our new pay package. insulin pumps, catheters and more! To
HIRING Singles, 41 cents per mile for 60 day pro-
Apartments & Houses learn more, call now! 877-368-0628
CORRECTIONAL bationary period. 46 cents per mile there- VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Pills

1 Bedrooms
after. Teams, 50 cents per mile for 60 day SPECIAL $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100%
OFFICERS probationary period. 55 cents per mile guaranteed. CALL NOW! 844-821-3242
2 Bedroooms thereafter. Late model conventional trac-
tors. Home weekly. Benefits package. Miscellaneous
3 Bedrooms The Mississippi Department of
Corrections is conducting
Pearl, MS.
Receive maximum value of write off for
Furnished & Unfurnished Correctional Officer Walk-In
Classes / Training your taxes. Running or not! All condi-
Interviews every weekday (ex- tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for
1, 2, & 3 Baths cluding holidays) from 8:00 am to COMPUTER AND IT TRAINING PRO-
GRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to
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Lease, Deposit 1:00 pm at the three (3) locations

listed below: become a Computer and Help Desk Real Estate
& Credit Check Professional now! Grants and
Scholarships available for certain pro-
REAL ESTATE SALE - Online Bidding
•Central Mississippi Correctional 9/25-30. Hunting Lodge/413+/- Ac. (CMCF) 3794 Highway 468,
grams for qualified applicants. Call CTI 3887 Sf Home on 10+/- Ac. Home on

for details! 833-992-0228 (M-F 8am- 10+/- Ac., Tylertown, MS MS378 D
Pearl, MS, 6pm ET) Gilmore LA447.
•Mississippi State Penitentiary PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TRAINING 504-468-
(MSP) 708 Parchman Road, PROGRAMS From Ultimate Medical 6800
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Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7- 877-628-3143 getaway
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•Males 19-25 years of age must Schedule your in-home assessment today. Services-Legal 9 Tycoon
provide proof of Selective Serv- Call 1-844-316-8630. Special financing 10 In the know
ice Registration for qualified customers.
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TY? Appeal! If you're 50+, filed for SSD 12 Antilles resort
Insurance and denied, our attorneys can help get
convictions you approved! No money out of pocket!
13 Produce
ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWN- Call 601-203-3826 14 Salad
HIRING PROCESS ERS! Are you protected in case of prop-
erty damage or if you have an interrup-
CONSIST OF: tion in service due to a property event? 16 Casserole bit
•Video Interview
•Background Check
Business Owner Property insurance IS 17 Feel the
absence of
COLEMAN Call 1-866-783-9359 to sched-
when the unexpected happens! For free
quote, call 855-933-1267 (M-F 7:30 am- 18 Mountain
RENTALS ule your interview or apply on- 9:30 pm ET)
$49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate 21 Braying beast Sunday’s answer
Personnel Board website,
1 BEDROOM For addi-
comparison to see how much you can Statewide 22 Market events DOWN 22 Carry
save! Call: 833-678-0500
2 BEDROOMS tional information, contact MDOC DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Classified Ads! 23 Verse writers 1 Declaration 23 Poker prize
Personnel Services Division at
3 BEDROOMS (601) 359-5696 or the Personnel
Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage
90+ newspapers for one low rate! 24 Bartlett’s signer Robert 24 New York
for (350) procedures. Real dental insur-
Department at each facility: To order your advertising, call: collection 2 “If you say so” borough
LEASE, ance - NOT just a discount plan. (Don’t
© The Dispatch

CMCF (601) 932-2880 ext. 6701; wait!) Call now! Get your FREE Dental Mississippi Press Services 26 Member of 3 Dice, essen- 25 Depleted
DEPOSIT MSP (662) 745-6611 ext. 2366; Information Kit with all the details! Sue Hicks, 601-981-3060 the force tially 26 Dream up
AND or SMCI (601) 394-5600 ext. 1 - 8 5 5 - 3 9 7 - 7 0 4 5 #6258 29 “Emma” 4 Astronaut 27 Pound parts
CREDIT CHECK Week of August 30, 2020
author Shepard 28 Annoying
30 Factual 5 Hailed vehicle ones
662-329-2323 31 Director Spike 6 Really impress 29 Swiss peaks

32 Glosses 7 Raucous bird 30 Dallas native
2411 HWY 45 N
34 Bike part 8 Spruces up 33 Valiant one
COLUMBUS, MS 37 Precise 9 Molten rock 35 Presidential
38 Purposely 11 Greek vowels nickname
Commercial Property For Rent ignores 15 Theater 36 Hallucinatory
8000 SQ ft. dock height PROMOTE YOUR SMALL BUSINESS STARTING AT ONLY $25 39 Billing info fixtures drug
warehouse w/ office 40 Went fast 19 Toppers
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
space. $2000/month. 41 Wallet bills 20 TV spots
Call Bud Phillips
Slag − $400 No lawn too large or too
Clay Gravel − $250 small. Mowing, trimming &
Houses For Rent: East Available for hauling any weedeating.
materials. Columbus. Call Call 662−243−1694
1607 SHEPHARD RD. Walter, 662−251−8664.
$750/month. Plus
deposit.3br/1ba. Painting & Papering
No pets. No HUD. WORK WANTED: Licensed
Call 662−889−2031 & Bonded. Carpentry, minor QUALITY PAINTING.
electrical, minor plumbing, Ext/Int Painting.
DAVID’S CARPET & insulation, painting, demo− Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Houses For Rent: Other UPHOLSTERY lition, gutters cleaned, Repair. Pressure Washing.
CLEANING pressure washing, land− Free Estimates. Ask for
IDEAL FOR 1 OR COUPLE! FALL SPECIAL scaping, cleanup work. specials! Larry Webber,
2BR/1BA w/ workshop. 4 Rooms − $99 662−242−3608. 662−242−4932.
Caledonia school area. No Carpet − Rugs − Cars
HUD. No pets. $675 dep + Call for more info!
$687 rent, incl trash. WASHING. Commercial/
662−386−5000. SERVICE
Residential. House, Lawn Care / Landscaping Special Prices.
General Services concrete, sidewalks & Interior & Exterior Painting.
mobile washing. Free est. JESSE & BEVERLY’S 662−435−6528
Bucket truck & stump Mowing, cleanup,
removal. Free est. Tree Services
landscaping, sodding,
Serving Columbus & tree cutting.
since 1987. Senior Got leaky pipes? J&A TREE REMOVAL
Have a rental property? citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Find a plumber in the
Work from a bucket truck.
List it here for fast results. 242−0324/241−4447
"We’ll go out on a limb for Call Jimmy Prescott for free you!" estimate, 662−386−6286.

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