Abstract Azreen

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For any production firm to be successful, it must be able to produce quality products and
also ensure the products get to the consumer in time, in good condition and at the
minimum cost possible. For this to be achieved there is need for an efficient and effective
distribution logistics structure in place. Despite much effort by manufacturing firms to
ensure that their distribution systems are efficient, many customers still experience delays
for deliveries, which show that distribution logistics performance performs short of
customer expectations in most companies.
The main objective of this research is to examine the factors influencing logistics
performance on product distribution from manufacturer to distribution centers. The
research investigates on two factors that affect the distribution performance start from
order receiving, order processing and delivery of goods. Data were collected from staffs at
Camps and Apparels Corporation Sdn Bhd through questionnaire by using purposive
sampling technique.

The result suggests that speed and quality is the most important factors influencing logistics
performance for the industry. The data from the study constituted employees and
customers of 22 people and was analysed through a descriptive statistics. The study reveals
that the mode of transportation does not always achieve smooth delivery and satisfaction
desired but adds value to the mode of transport. It also shows that delivery times to
customers are not always meet.

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