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Julie Kim


Primary Source

Cao, Deborah. Animal Law in Australia and New Zealand. N.S.W.: Thomson Reuters (Professional)
Australia, 2010.

Gathered the information of Australia and New Zealand’s new passed animal laws to
compare and contrast with United States animal laws.

Gary, Francione and Robert Garner. The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? New
York: Columbia University Press, 2010.

I read the debate of Gary Francione and Robert Garner. Gary Francione is a law professor
and leading philosopher of animal rights theory. Robert Garner is a political theorist
specializing in the philosophy and politics of animal protection. I summarized their debate
and used this as a source in my web site.

Judson, Karen. Open for Debate Animal Testing. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, press

This book is a part of “Open Debate” series. Which describes the discussion of the types
of animals used in testing introduces the aspects of the debate and includes cloning,
surrogates, and transgenic animals.

Rollin, Bernard. Animal Rights & Human Morality. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981.

I read about animal agriculture, plus additional discussions of animal law, companion
animal issues, genetic engineering, animal pain, animal research, and many other topics. I
added these topics to some major animal law section of my website.

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.

I Read the reasons why the author wrote the Animal Liberation. Animal Liberation is part
vegetarian ethical manual, part meat-bashing, part research and all moral righteousness. I
used some of these vegetarians’ opinions to my website.
Secondary Source

“Animal Concerns Community.” Facts and concerns about animals. accessed 26 Oct, 2010.
I gathered some data that was related to animal rescue, wildlife, legislations and edited to
some of my primary sources.

“Animal Rights Debate.”

PHILOSOPHICAL-ARGUMENTS.html accessed 20 Oct, 2010.

This website is about philosophical arguments of welfarism and utilitarianism. I looked

over utilitarianism section and edited to my primary sources.

“Animal Rights FAQ.” accessed 25 Oct, 2010.

This website is about different topics of animal rights such as animal fur, leather, farming
and using animal as entertainments. I edited to other major sources.

“Animal Rights History: Activists-Quotes-Law-Historical Literature Timeline.” accessed 20 Oct, 2010.

There was an animal rights history timeline and I used this timeline to make my animal
rights history more accurate.

“Animal Rights: Timeline.” Social Sciences at Hunter College. accessed 20 Oct,

I read about the group called SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and
edited to the data about groups formed for an animal rights.

“Animal Welfare Issues.”

ptgenpetdeba accessed 19 Oct, 2010.

I gathered peoples’ opinions about the animal rights and pet debates that there has been
animal abolition in the animal shelter. I used this information to my animal abolition
Bhatt, Sanjay. “Closing county animal shelters?” Seattle Times. 4 Jan. 2009.

I read the Seattle Times newspaper about closing the animal shelter at King County and
the animals that were in the shelter has to be moved. I edited this news my animal
society section in my website.

Brown, Doenne. “Debate: Are rodeos sport or animal cruelty?” accessed 18
Oct, 2010.

I read the debate about rodeo being sport or animal cruelty that was held by members of
this website. I used this debate as a source in my website.

”Center for Consumer Freedom.” /

accessed 25 Oct, 2010.

I read about an animal welfarism that was written by the vegetarian. I used this
persuasive paragraph to reassure my opinion.

Day, Nancy. Animal Experimentation: Cruelty or Science? San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004.

This book has discussion issues surrounding animal experimentation, including animal
rights, medical breakthroughs, and alternatives to animal experimentation. I summarized
this discussion and used this on animal testing section website.

Dininny, Shannon. “Farmers fight back against animal rights groups.” Seattle Times. 11 Jan. 2009.

I read that in the past two years, feed costs skyrocketed, pork and dairy prices
plummeted, and animal rights groups stepped up efforts to improve living conditions for
farm animals. I summarized this news article and used on animal regulation section in my

“Facts about animal cruelty.”

cruelty accessed 28 Oct, 2010.

I read 11 facts about animal cruelty, such as circuses, animal experiments and extinction
of the animal species. I used these fascinating facts on my animal society section in my
Gilmore, Susan. “Animal shelters reach out to grieving pet owners.” Seattle Times. 25 Feb. 2010.

I read that the animal shelters began to send the sympathy letter for the pet owners that
have lost their pets recently. The letter had an invitation for inviting the pet loss owners
to the shelter, so that they can get their new pets to fill their loss. I used this new
exquisite idea on the animal society section in my website.

Kristof, Nicholas. “A Farm Boy Reflects.” New York Times. 31 July. 2008.

I read about the farm boy that raised lots of farm animals. He had a sympathy and
admiration for the animals he raised and informed to the people about the animals’ point
of views. I summarized this article and used on the animal right section in my website.

Kustcher, Nathalie. “The history of animal rights.”

history-of-animal-rights accessed 19 Oct, 2010.

This website has an article that talks about animals’ point of views and their society. I
gathered little information on animals’ point of views and multiples of data on their
society and used on animal society section in my website.

“Laws for Animal Testing.”

accessed 28 Oct, 2010.

This website has specific laws for animal testing, the facts, animal welfare act,
speculations and state laws.

Mutual, Liberty. “Do Animals Need Lawyer?”

beagles-do-animals-need-lawyers-#fbid=qRD98rHiRw1 accessed 19 Oct, 2010.

The article in this website tells that recently Swiss vote to decide if abused pets and farm
animals should be represented by attorneys had citizens rethinking the rules of
responsibility between man and beast. I summarized this article’s main idea and used on
animal right section in my website.

“Nation’s First Animal Abuser Registry.” accessed
24 Oct, 2010.
The article talks about the nation’s first animal abuser registry. The abuser had abused
he’s own pet and reported by his neighbor. I used the main idea of this article on animal
cruelty section.

Singer, Peter. “Animal Cruelty Debate.” accessed 19 Oct, 2010.

I read the writings, articles and letters that Peter Singer wrote. I used this list of Peter
Singer’s writings on animal debate section in my website.

The Associated Press. “Animal –rights group wants to open ‘chicken empathy’ museum.”
Seattle Times. 15 Sept. 2009.

I read the newspaper about an animal rights group wants to rent a prison building the
state plans to close and turn it into the nation's first "chicken empathy" museum. People
said the museum also would have displays detailing chickens' habits and intelligence. I
used this article as an animal society in my website.

Vivisection, "The Legal Animal Cruelty Debate"

accessed 26 Oct, 2010.

This website has an article about the legal animal cruelty debate that was written by the
member of this website. I used the main idea of this article on animal cruelty section in
my website.

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