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User Manual
Generation 4 Controller Boards as of Firmware 4.12

Designation: IBS SYS FW G4 UM E

Revision: B

Order No.: 27 45 18 5

This manual is valid for:

Firmware services and error messages

© Phoenix Contact 06/1997

Please Observe the Following:

In order to guarantee the safe use of your device in every situation, we

recommend that you carefully read the manual. The following notes give
you information on how to use this manual.

Requirements on the User Group

The use of products described in this manual is oriented exclusively to
qualified application programmers and software engineers familiar with au-
tomation safety concepts and applicable national standards. Phoenix Con-
tact assumes no liability for erroneous handling or damage to products
from Phoenix Contact or external products resulting from disregard of infor-
mation contained in this manual.

Explanations of Symbols Used

The attention symbol refers to erroneous handling which could lead to
damage to the hardware or software, or to personal injury. Personal injury
is understood to be any bodily harm in indirect connection with dangerous
process peripherals. The symbol is always located to the left of the tagged
Text marked in this way informs you of system-related conditions that must
absolutely be observed to achieve error-free operation. In addition, the
hand symbol gives you tips and advice on the efficient use of hardware and
software optimization.
The text symbol refers to detailed sources of information (manuals, data
sheets, literature, etc.) on the subject matter, product, etc. This text also
provides helpful information for the orientation in the manual.

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Should you have any suggestions or recommendations for improvement of
the contents and layout of our manuals, we would appreciate it if you would
send us your comments. Please use the universal telefax form at the end
of the manual for this.

Statement of Legal Authority

This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright pro-
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1 Introduction and Overview ................................................................................1-3

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 1-3
1.2 Differences Between Generation 3.x and 4.x Firmware............. 1-6
1.3 General Information ................................................................. 1-11
1.4 Functions for Configuration Frame Management..................... 1-40
1.5 Functions for Process Data Management................................ 1-44
1.6 Functions for Error and Diagnostic Management..................... 1-51
1.7 Bus Control Functions.............................................................. 1-53

2 Firmware Services ............................................................................................2-5

2.1 Overview .................................................................................... 2-5
2.2 Notes Concerning Service Descriptions..................................... 2-8
2.3 Services for Parameterizing the Controller Board.................... 2-11
2.4 Services for Defining Process Data Descriptions..................... 2-58
2.5 Services for Assigning Process Data ....................................... 2-70
2.6 Services for Direct INTERBUS Access .................................... 2-88
2.7 Diagnostic Services................................................................ 2-100
2.8 Services for Defining Functions ............................................. 2-123
2.9 Services for the Parameterization Memory ............................ 2-164
2.10 Automatic Indications of the Controller Board ........................ 2-186

3 Error Codes.......................................................................................................3-3
3.1 Error Codes for User Errors (USER FAIL) ................................. 3-3
3.2 Error Codes for General Bus Errors (BUS FAIL) ..................... 3-54
3.3 Error Codes for Remote Bus and Local Bus Errors ................. 3-64
3.4 Error Codes for System Errors ................................................. 3-79
3.5 Error Codes for Controller Boards with Slave Part................... 3-82

5150B i

ii 5150B
Section 1
This section provides information on the
– differences between the firmware of Generation 3 (G3) and
Generation 4 (G4)
– the basic communication between PCP devices and controller boards
– functions for configuration frame management, process data manage-
ment, and error/diagnostic management

Introduction and Overview ....................................................................................1-3

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................1-3
1.2 Differences Between Generation 3.x and 4.x Firmware..............1-6
1.2.1 Performance Characteristics..........................................1-6
1.2.2 Startup Behavior ............................................................1-7
1.2.3 Comparision Between Generation 3.x and 4.x
Firmware Services .........................................................1-8
1.3 General Information ..................................................................1-11
1.3.1 Communication with the Controller Board ...................1-11
1.3.2 Standard Registers ......................................................1-14
1.3.3 State Machine ..............................................................1-20
1.3.4 Firmware Command Groups........................................1-23
1.3.5 Configuration Frame ....................................................1-25
1.3.6 Process Data ...............................................................1-34
1.3.7 State Description During Configuration........................1-38
1.4 Functions for Configuration Frame Management......................1-40
1.4.1 Automatic Loading of a Configuration..........................1-41
1.4.2 Manual Generation of an Optimum Configuration .......1-42
1.5 Functions for Process Data Management.................................1-44
1.5.1 Defining Process Data Objects of a Device .................1-44
1.5.2 Defining Process Data Description Lists......................1-46
1.5.3 Configuring the Process Data Assignment ..................1-48
1.6 Functions for Error and Diagnostic Management......................1-51
1.7 Bus Control Functions...............................................................1-53
1.7.1 Services for System State Control ...............................1-53
1.7.2 Services for Switching Groups and
Alternative Groups .......................................................1-55

5150B 1-1
1-2 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1 Introduction and Overview

1.1 Introduction

This manual describes how INTERBUS controller boards of Generation 4

are directly accessed by means of firmware commands.
The Generation 4 firmware was developed to meet requirements of a sys-
tem bus within the next few years. For this, for example, the services have
been rearranged and the state machine modified. Programs based on firm-
ware 3.x can no longer operate Generation 4 controller boards.

For detailed information on differences between Generation 3 (G3) and

Generation 4 (G4) firmware services, please refer to Section 1.2.

The firmware update concerns the programming of the master. All INTER-
BUS devices can still be operated in the bus system, except for 8-wire re-
mote bus devices.
The Generation 4 firmware allows the following:
– logical addressing of process data of individual devices via predefined
process data descriptions (PDDs),
– nesting of the bus topology up to 16 levels,
– support of Loop devices,
– different synchronization modes between host system and controller
board including a defined bus cycle time,
– configuration of direct link data,
– configuration of process data pre-processing,
– event-controlled function activation,
– management and parameterization of alternative or changing bus de-
– improved diagnostics for every device.
Thus, the Generation 4 firmware provides a flexible interface almost iden-
tical for all controller boards.

5150B 1-3

Like in a distributed shift register, the data to be transmitted runs through

every individual device in the INTERBUS protocol. Every device can read
out its input data (e.g. input parameters, setpoint values, values of manip-
ulated variables ...) at a position especially reserved for this device. Also,
the output data (output parameters, actual values,...) can directly be copied
to this position. A distinction is made between two mechanisms, i.e., the
– process data channel for cyclic I/O data exchange,
– parameter channel for transmitting long data records.
The Peripherals Communication Protocol (PCP) allows data to be transmit-
ted via the parameter channel. The services of this protocol are designed
to transmit long parameter records and programs, as well as to control pro-
grams by means of commands. For this, the firmware splits the services
into small packets which, with every INTERNBUS cycle, are copied to the
shift register one after the other. Then, the destination device combines this
information to a service again.
For detailed information, please refer to the IBS SYS PCP G4 UM E User
Manual (Order No.: 27 45 16 9).
The process data channel and the parameter channel access different
areas in the INTERBUS summation frame. Even if the parameter channel
is subjected to heavy data traffic, the bus cycle time will not be affected
owing to the hybrid structure of the summation frame.
This manual describes all services required to control a secured data trans-
mission via the process data channel.
Section 1 Introduces the firmware mechanisms with the aim of enabling
the user to assign individual services to special application
ranges. In addition, this section
– gives an overview of the interfaces to the firmware,
– describes the state machine,
– explains the device numbers,
– explains addressing,
– includes the most important service sequences,
– describes bus control (by examples),
– describes error treatment (by examples).
Section 2 Serves as a reference book for call parameters of all services,
as well as for corresponding confirmations.
Section 3 Lists all firmware error messages.

1-4 5150B
Introduction and Overview

IBS CMD G4 The IBS CMD G4 program makes it easier to configure the system.
The IBS CMD G4 software allows the interactive and control-independent
configuration, operation and diagnostics of all devices connected within an
INTERBUS network.
IBS CMD G4 runs on standard PCs under MS Windows and can be used
for various INTERBUS controller boards. The connection to a controller
board can be established via two communication paths:
– via a serial interface (RS-232 level) to the diagnostic interface of the
controller board,
– via the corresponding slot in the case of PC controller boards (e.g., ISA

5150B 1-5

1.2 Differences Between Generation 3.x and

4.x Firmware

1.2.1 Performance Characteristics

Firmware 3.x – Unstructured command and message codes.

– A command can be followed by no, one or two messages.
– If bit 15 of the message code is set, parameters will follow.

Firmware 4.x – Structured service codes (request and confirmation codes).

– Every request will be confirmed (exception: reset and unconfirmed PCP
– When representing the request code in binary form, the value "0" is al-
ways assigned to bit 15. The confirmation code following to this request
is identical, except for bit 15. Bit 15 of the confirmation has always the
value "1". Thus, in hexadecimal representation, the confirmation code
is always 8000hex higher than the request code which it follows.

Example: Request: Start_Data_Transfer (0701hex)

Confirmation: Start_Data_Transfer_Confirmation (8701hex)
8701hex = 0701hex + 8000hex
– All services include a parameter count (Parameter_Count) which indi-
cates how many parameters will follow.
– Positive and negative confirmations have the same confirmation code.
The Result parameter indicates if a service was executed successfully.

1-6 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.2.2 Startup Behavior

Firmware 3.x After the power-on self-test (POST), a Generation 3.x controller board gen-
erally reads in the connected bus configuration and stores it as an "initial
configuration". This configuration can be read out via the
"Send_Physical_Configuration" service. Thus, the user is able to compare
the (physically) existing configuration with the planned configuration.
Most of the applications transfer the planned configuration of the G3 con-
troller board via the "Check_Physical_Configuration" service. Differences
between the planned and present bus configuration will be indicated by the
service confirmation.

Firmware 4.x After the successful power-on self-test (POST), the G4 controller board is
set to the READY state (RDY). The configuration cannot be read in auto-
When planning a system, the configuration is created first in most cases.
The "Complete_Load_Configuration" service allows to load this configura-
tion into the controller board (see Page 2-44). When activating the loaded
configuration with the "Active_Configuration" service (see Page 2-54), the
controller board checks if this configuration corresponds to that actually
connected. Differences between the planned and present bus configura-
tion will be indicated by the service confirmation.
Also, it is possible to read in the connected configuration into the G4 con-
troller board via the "Create_Configuration" service (see Page 2-52). Now,
the user can read out this system configuration with the
"Read_Configuration" service (see Page 2-33) and compare it to the
planned configuration.

5150B 1-7

1.2.3 Comparision Between Generation 3.x and 4.x

Firmware Services

When operating a G4 controller board, use the "Alarm_Stop" service (G4)

to stop INTERBUS data cycles. In addition, this service resets outputs. The
"Stop_Data_Transfer" service (G4) only stops data cycles.
With G3 controller boards, the "Stop_INTERBUS" service was used for
this. The outputs have not been reset.

The G3 and G4 services that are compared in the following partly differ with
regard to their functionality. Please refer to Section 2 "Firmware Services"
for the functionality of G4 services.

Table 1-1 Comparison between G3 and G4 services

Generation 3 Firmware Generation 4 Firmware

Service (G3) Service (G4)

Request Confirmation
Request Confirmation
(positive / negative)
Start_INTERBUS Start_Data_Transfer
0001hex 0088hex / 00E3hex 0701hex 8701hex
Alarm_Stop Alarm_Stop
004Ahex 00D8hex / — 1303hex 9303hex
Stop_INTERBUS Stop_Data_Transfer
0002hex 00C6hex / — 0702hex 8702hex
Configure_INTERBUS Create_Configuration
0023hex 00CAhex / — 0710hex 8710hex
Warm_Start Create_Configuration
004Chex — / — 0956hex —
Clear_Display Confirm_Diagnostics
004Ehex 00E2hex / — 0710hex 8710hex
Receive_CRL Load_CRL_Attributes
0053hex 00E8hex / 80F1hex 0264hex 8264hex

1-8 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Table 1-1 Comparison between G3 and G4 services

Generation 3 Firmware Generation 4 Firmware

Service (G3) Service (G4)

Request Confirmation
Request Confirmation
(positive / negative)
Not required !
0054hex 00E9hex / 80F0hex
Check_Physical_Configuration Initiate_Load_Configuration
0058hex 00ABhex / 0068hex 0306hex 8306hex
030Ahex 830Ahex
0308hex 8308hex
0711hex 8711hex
Send_Localbus_Module_Error Read_Device_State
005Bhex 80EEhex / 00EDhex 0315hex 8315hex
Send_Physical_Configuration Complete_Read_Configuration
005Ehex 80F4hex / 004Ahex 030Bhex 830Bhex
Quit_Module_Error_All Control_Device_Function
0065hex 00FEhex / 80FFhex 0714hex 8714hex
Read Read
0081hex 8181hex 0081hex 8081hex
Write Write
0082hex 8182hex 0082hex 8082hex
Start Start
0083hex 8183hex 0083hex 8083hex
Stop Stop
0084hex 8184hex 0084hex 8084hex
Get_OD Get_OD
0088hex 8188hex 0088hex 8088hex

5150B 1-9

Table 1-1 Comparison between G3 and G4 services

Generation 3 Firmware Generation 4 Firmware

Service (G3) Service (G4)

Request Confirmation
Request Confirmation
(positive / negative)
Initiate Initiate
008Bhex 818Bhex / 818Chex 008Bhex 808Bhex
Abort Abort
008Dhex — 008Dhex —

1-10 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.3 General Information

1.3.1 Communication with the Controller Board

For information exchange, the host system and the controller board have a
memory area for shared use. This memory area is designed either as a
Dual-Port Memory (DPM) or as a Multi-Port Memory (MPM) if more than
two devices are to be coupled. For better understanding, the following de-
scriptions are based on a Multi-Port Memory.

Application on the HOST


Data area Mailbox area Data area MPM


Firmware on the INTERBUS controller board


Figure 1-1 Communication mechanisms in the MPM

MPM The MPM allows the information exchange between two or more devices
description (nodes). In general, the MPM is divided into the following areas: the data
transmission area (DTA), signal area (SGA) and mailbox area (MXA).

5150B 1-11

The MPM size and the location of the individual memory areas depend on
the host system. Thus, exact addresses cannot be given. For host-specific
information, please refer to the corresponding driver reference manual or
to the description of the controller board.

Device driver The functions of the device driver interface (DDI) allow to access the MPM.
interface Thus, the firmware and the driver do not require hardware- or host-specific
information. The DDI with its basic functions is identical for all controller
– The devices must open or close their MPM area for communication.
– The following functions are available: two functions for reading and writ-
ing process data in the DTA, two functions for transmitting and receiving
services via the MXA, and two functions for operating the signal inter-
face (SGA).

Process data All input and output data of the connected periphery is included in one
interface memory area of the process data interface (DTI).
The DTI allows read or write access to the data area (DTA) for all MPM ac-
cessors. Viewed from the host system, all input data in the MPM is updated
with information on the devices or output data is dumped to INTERBUS de-
vices with every INTERBUS cycle.
In general, the host system and the controller board access the MPM in the
asynchronous operating mode. However, there is also the option of ac-
cessing the MPM in the synchronous operating mode. A host signal con-
trols the bus cycles or the controller board generates a signal for host con-
Most of the controller boards have a standard register set used for diagnos-
tics and easy control of the bus system. The registers are mapped to the
input and output area of the control system where they can freely be lo-
cated (see Section 1.3.2, Page 1-14).

Mailbox interface The mailbox interface (MXI) transfers services between MPM accessors.
For this, a protocol is implemented in the MPM allowing the secured trans-
mission and reading out of messages. Most of the services consist of the
request and the corresponding response. The status of the service execu-
tion and possibly additional parameters are transferred with every re-
A message always consists of a service code and the parameter number,
even if no parameters follow (parameter length = 0). For a detailed descrip-
tion of the service structure, refer to the introductory section of the individ-
ual services.

1-12 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Signal interface The signal interface (SGI) allows the bit-controlled activation of previously
parameterized services. Also, the SGI is able to receive bit-controlled mes-
sages which, otherwise, are to be transferred via the mailbox interface. A
distinction is made between the standard signal interface (SSGI) and the
extended signal interface (XSGI).

5150B 1-13

1.3.2 Standard Registers

The set of standard registers consists of two diagnostic registers:

– diagnostic status register (input word)
– diagnostic parameter register (input word)
and three standard function registers:
– standard function start register (output word)
– standard function parameter register (output word)
– standard function status register (input word)
The position of the registers in the MPM can freely be shifted via the
"Set_Value" firmware service (see Page 2-17).
Diagnostic registers Both diagnostic registers (diagnostic status register and diagnostic param-
eter register) represent the current state of the INTERBUS system for the
user. Thus, it is possible to indicate the states of the bus system, error
causes, as well as additional information to the application program.
A state is assigned to every bit in the diagnostic status register which, in
the case of the error registers (USER, PF, BUS, CTRL), is described in
more detail via the diagnostic parameter register. Whenever an error bit is
set, the diagnostic parameter register will be re-written. Otherwise, the di-
agnostic parameter register has the value 0000 hex.

1-14 5150B
Introduction and Overview

n n+1
7 076 54 3210
USER User error/parameterization

PF Peripheral fault

BUS Bus error

CTRL Controller board error/hardware fault

DETECT Diagnostic routine active

RUN Data transmission active

ACTIVE Selected configuration is ready to operate

READY Controller board is ready to operate

n n+1
76 54 32107 0

BSA Bus segment disconnected

BASP / SYS_FAIL Output reset

RESULT Standard function negatively processed

SY-RESULT Synchronization error occurred

DC-RESULT Faulty data cycles

WARNING Determined waiting time exceeded

QUALITY Determined error density exceeded

SDSI Message to control system is pending


Figure 1-2 Diagnostic status register

Diagnostic status

Operating indicators The operating indicators READY, ACTIVE, and RUN show the current
state of the INTERBUS system. The diagnostic parameter register is not
After the self-test the controller board is ready for operation. The indicator
bit READY is set (READY = 1).

5150B 1-15

If the controller board has been configured and the configuration frame ac-
tivated without errors, the system indicates to be active. The indicator bits
READY and ACTIVE are set (READY = 1, ACTIVE = 1).
In addition, the indicator bit RUN is set when the data exchange is started
(READY, ACTIVE, and RUN = 1).

Error indicators The active error bit DETECT indicates an error which does not allow further
bus operation (DETECT = 1). The outputs decrease to the value 0 and the
diagnostic routine searches the error cause.
After having detected the error cause, the error bit DETECT bit will be reset
(DETECT = 0) and the error indicated in the bits USER, PF, BUS, and
CTRL. The diagnostic parameter register describes the error cause in more

Table 1-2 Errors with bus disconnection

Error bit / Error location Content of the diagnostic parameter register

CTRL = 1
Probably controller board error/hard- Error code (see Section 3).
ware fault.
Error location
BUS = 1 – Remote bus: Device number of the bus terminal module
Error on the remote bus or local bus (BK module) (e.g., "1.0": bus segment 1; device 0).
segment. – Local bus: Device number of an I/O module
(e.g., "1.3": bus segment 1; device 3).

Table 1-3 Errors without bus connection

Error bit / Error location Content of the diagnostic parameter register
PF = 1 Error location
Fault within the periphery of an – Remote bus: Device number of the bus terminal module
INTERBUS device: (BK module) (e.g., "1.0": bus segment 1; device 0).
– Short-circuit at the output. – Local bus: Device number of an I/O module
– Sensor/actuator supply not present. (e.g., "1.3": bus segment 1; device 3).
USER = 1
User error, e.g., due to wrong Error code (see Section 3).

1-16 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Segment number Location in the segment

Error location:
e.g., device number 3.1 0 3 0 1
n n+1
7 0 7 0

Error number
Error type:
e.g., address overlap 0 A 5 0
(code 0A50hex) n n+1
7 0 7 0

Figure 1-3 Content of the diagnostic parameter register (example)

Standard function The standard function register allows predefined and frequently used func-
register tions to be carried out by setting the output bit, as well as to monitor the ex-
ecution and result.
The standard function start register is used to carry out the desired func-
tion. To call the function, some of the functions require additional informa-
tion in the corresponding standard function parameter register.
The following functions are assigned to the bits of the standard function
start register:
15 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Starting the INTERBUS system
Can only be used Stopping the bus system, resetting outputs
by the user in the and requesting a new configuration*
synchonrous mode
Deleting the diagnostic display
Disconnecting the segment*
Adding the segment*
Bypassing devices*
Canceling the device bypassing* 5150A005

Figure 1-4 Assignment of frequently used functions in the standard func-

tion start register

The functions marked with an asterisk* require further parameters (e.g., a

device number) for their execution. These parameters are to be transferred
in the separated standard function parameter register.

5150B 1-17

In order to carry out new functions, a previously activated function is to be

executed first.

The standard function status register controls the processing sequence.

Every bit in the standard function start register is assigned a bit of the same
name in the standard function status register. When processing a function,
the corresponding status bit is active irrespective of whether the function
could be carried out successfully or not. After processing the function, the
status bit is set to "0".
The standard function result bit (RESULT) in the diagnostic status register
indicates whether the function was completed successfully or not.
RESULT = 1 Function not successfully completed
RESULT = 0 Function successfully completed

Function The following two figures illustrate the sequence of the function execution
execution with or without parameter transfer.

Standard function 1 2 3 4 Output bit

start bit Q 55.0
Standard function Input bit
status bit I 55.0
Standard function Input bit
result bit I 50.2

Figure 1-5 Sequence of a function execution without parameter transfer

1. The function is activated via the control program with the correspond-
ing function bit in the standard function start register.
2. The function execution is indicated via the corresponding status bit in
the standard function status register.
3. Resetting the function bit via the host prevents a new function activa-
4. The RESULT bit indicates the result of the function execution in the di-
agnostic status register.
Result = 0: Function successfully completed
Result = 1: Function not successfully completed

1-18 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Standard function 1 2 3 4 5
Output bit
start bit Q 55.3
Standard function Input bit
status bit I 55.3
Standard function Input bit
result bit I 50.2
Standard function Value Output word
parameter register QW 52

Figure 1-6 Sequence of a service execution with parameter transfer

1. Enter the required parameter in the standard function parameter regis-

2. The function is activated via the control program with the correspond-
ing function bit in the standard function start register.
3. The function execution is indicated via the corresponding status bit in
the standard function status register.
4. Resetting the function bit via the host prevents a new function activa-
5. The RESULT bit indicates the result of the function execution in the di-
agnostic status register.
Result = 0: Function successfully completed
Result = 1: Function not successfully completed

5150B 1-19

1.3.3 State Machine

The state machine describes the defined sequence of states during

INTERBUS startup and operation. To be able to react early to errors, each
of the services is checked for reliability by means of the service machine.
The following figure shows the state machine of the Generation 4 firmware.



PAR_NOT PDDL_ Bus activity:

ID cycles



Bus activity:

Bus activity:
Data cycles


Figure 1-7 The state machine

1-20 5150B
Introduction and Overview

State meanings READY The READY state is the initial state of the firmware after
every startup (cold or warm start). In this state, there is
no valid configuration available. The bus cannot be ac-
PAR_NOT_READY After initiating the parameterization phase, the system
management is in the PAR_NOT_READY state. From
this state it is possible to initiate the three parameteriza-
tion sequences for loading the
– configuration frames,
– process data description lists (PDDLs), and
– process data reference lists (PDRL).
It is not ensured that the parameterization data that can
be read out during the parameterization phase is valid.
CFG_LOADING To load a configuration frame, the system must be in
the CFG_LOADING state.
PDDL_LOADING To define process data, the system must be in the
PDRL_LOADING To link process data, the system must be in the
PAR_READY After having terminated the parameterization phase
successfully, the firmware occupies the PAR_READY
state. One configuration frame was defined at least.
This frame was checked for completeness and consis-


PDDL_LOADING, and PDRL_LOADING imply that the bus is inactive and
that data and ID cycles cannot be run.

ACTIVE The bus is active. Only ID cycles are run. Data is not
transmitted via the bus. The bus is operated with the
configuration characterized as "Active configuration" in
the configuration frame.
RUN Data cycles are run in this state. Only in this state is
data actually transferred.

5150B 1-21

BUS_FAIL State of the system management if errors occur in the

ACTIVE or RUN state. ID cycles are still run with the
greatest possible configuration.
The states ACTIVE, RUN, and BUS_FAIL can directly be read from the di-
agnostic status register.

1-22 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.3.4 Firmware Command Groups

The firmware services in the system management are closely connected.

For clarification, most of the services can be divided into the following
groups according to their functionality: configuration, bus control, diagnos-
tics, general functions.

Configuration Bus control

Define the Start/Stop the bus

configuration frame

Switch functions

Assign process Activate the

datra configuration frame

Define process Diagnostics/Error treatment


Read out diagnostics

Define the signal and Read out

action handler system information

General functions

System variable access Delete the memory card Disable services


Figure 1-8 Overview of service groups

Configuration Most services are designed for the configuration of the controller board.
These services are divided into the following areas: configuration frame
management, process data management, action or signal object manage-
Configuration frame management
The configuration frame management allows to process the
information required for every device in the configuration
frame. The configuration frame describes every INTERBUS
device with an individual and numbered entry. It is possible to
configure, delete or compare several configuration frames.
The sequence of the devices within the configuration frame

5150B 1-23

corresponds to the physical bus configuration including all al-

Process data management
The process data management allows to create process data
descriptions (PDDs) for every device via the process data de-
scription list (PDDL) and to assign addresses in the MPM via
the process data reference list (PDRL). With these process
data descriptions, it is possible to address the information in
the data word of a device down to the individual bit. Thus, a
logical process data image can freely be defined via the as-
signment of process data. To modify the bus configuration, it
is only required to adapt the internal assignment instead of
shifting addresses in the control program.
Action or signal object management
The action or signal object management is a flexible mecha-
nism to activate preconfigured functions with control bytes.
These preconfigured functions are stored on the controller
board. Application-specific reactions can be initiated with one
command only. The required transfer parameters are to be
stored in previously defined addresses within the data area of
the MPM.

Bus control The bus control is responsible for the direct manipulation of the bus system
by means of firmware services. These services can be divided into two
groups. First, there are the services for changing the system state on the
bus. Second, there are the direct switching functions of individual devices,
groups or alternative groups during operation without affecting the state

Diagnostics/error The diagnostic functions offer comprehensive information on the state of

treatment the bus system, e.g., statistical information on errors within the bus system
for every device, as well as information on the hardware and software revi-

General functions The general functions cannot be assigned to one of the groups mentioned
above. For example, this group includes services for accessing a memory
card, if present, as well as services for accessing system variables.

1-24 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.3.5 Configuration Frame

The configuration frame reflects the configuration of the bus system in tab-
ular form. With regard to its topology and summation frame, the bus system
is fully described by the entries "device identification code" (ID), "length
code" and "bus level", as well as by the entry position within the table.
Device ID: The device ID indicates the device type and its function.

Device length code:

The length code describes the address area of an
INTERBUS device and thus the length of the input and
output process data in encoded form.

Bus level: The bus level describes for every device on which level
of the INTERBUS tree structure it is located.
Starting from the controller board, the main remote bus line has level zero.
Bus terminal modules (BK) open a new branch (bus level) with their local
bus or installation remote bus connection. The structure is limited to 16 lev-
The following entries are compulsory for every device: "ID code", "length
code", and "bus level". The sequence of the devices within the frame cor-
responds to the position within the bus system, except for alternative de-
vices that are not operated on the bus at the same time.

5150B 1-25

The fields "Logical device number" and "Logical group number" are the
basis for mechanisms used to switch distributed device groups, bus seg-
ments and alternative groups.

Table 1-4 Basic structure of a configuration frame

Logical device Device short Logical group
No. number designation Bus level number
Segment Position Length code ID code Group Alternative

Bit 15 ......... 8 7 ........... 0 15 ........... 8 7 ........... 0 15 ................. 0 15 ......... 8 7 ........... 0

The defined configuration must not be exceeded by the connected bus

configuration at any time. Also, the position of the devices must always cor-
respond to the entries made in the configuration frame. The only exception
is that the active configuration represents a subset of the configuration
frame after switching off bus segments or groups.

To facilitate the explanations concerning the functionality of the configura-

tion frame, the terms connected and active configuration, as well as their
interconnections will be explained first.

1-26 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Connected The connected configuration comprises all devices actually connected to

configuration INTERBUS that can be reached physically if all bus segments are enabled.
This does not include the alternatives disconnected in the current state.
Thus, the connected configuration is a subset of the complete configuration

Active The active configuration comprises all devices actually connected to

configuration INTERBUS which are entered with their data in the summation frame. This
means that the active configuration corresponds to the connected configu-
ration without those bus segments that are disconnected at that time. The
active configuration is always a subset of the connected configuration.
The following example illustrates the differences between the connected
and active configuration:

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3


BK 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


4.0 4.1 4.2

BK 5.0 5.1 5.2

Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Level 3

Inactive Active
device device 5150B011

Figure 1-9 Bus configuration (connected and active configuration)

5150B 1-27

Table 1-5 Configuration frame

Log. device Device Log. group
number short design. Bus level number Active

1.0 ... 0 – yes

1.1 ... 1 – yes
1.2 ... 1 – yes
1.3 ... 1 – yes
1.4 ... 1 – yes
1.5 ... 1 – yes
2.0 ... 0 1 no
2.1 ... 1 1 no
2.2 ... 1 1 no
2.3 ... 1 1 no
3.0 ... 1 2 no
3.1 ... 2 2 yes
3.2 ... 2 2 yes
3.3 ... 2 2 yes
3.4 ... 2 2 yes
4.0 ... 1 2 no
4.1 ... 2 2 no
4.2 ... 2 2 no
5.0 ... 2 2 no
5.1 ... 3 2 no
5.2 ... 3 2 no

Aside from the configuration data of the bus configuration (ID code, length
code, device number, bus level, logical group number, etc.) every configu-
ration frame includes additional lists:
– Process data description list (PDDL)
– Process data reference list (PDRL)
– Communication reference list (CRL)
– Specific operating parameters (e.g. update time, timeout)
– Statistical diagnostic data, etc.

1-28 5150B
Introduction and Overview Logical Device Numbers

The logical device number consists of the bus segment (high byte) and the
position within this bus segment (low byte).

Bus segment A bus segment consists of a remote bus device and the incoming remote
bus cable. If this remote bus device is a bus terminal module (BK), the de-
vices of the possibly branching local bus also belong to this bus segment.
The BK module of bus segment 1 is connected to the controller board via
the remote bus. Bus segment 2 is connected to the BK module of bus seg-
ment 1.
BK modules for the installation remote bus and installation remote bus de-
vices have an own bus segment number and couple a lower device level.
The position information in the logical device number corresponds to the
identification number of this device within the bus segment. Thus, every de-
vice is clearly identified via the bus segment and position number.

Physical The physical numbering is the most simplest method to number devices
device numbering within the configuration frame. All devices are numbered according to the
sequence in which they are physically located within the network.
When opening a new bus segment, all remote bus devices are assigned
the position number 0 (x.0). The individual segments are numbered in as-
cending order. If a remote bus device opens a new level (branch) as well
as another remote bus segment of that level, numbering will be continued
on the level which has just been opened, afterwards on the next higher
The segment number remains constant within one bus segment and the
other devices are characterized via the position numbered in ascending or-

5150B 1-29

Device number
Controller Bussegment . Position

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

segment 1 BK I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O

2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3

segment 2 BK I/O I/O I/O
BK 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
segment 3 BK I/O I/O I/O I/O

4.0 4.1 4.2

segment 4 BK I/O I/O
BK 5.0 5.1 5.2
segment 5 BK I/O I/O
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2
Level 3

Inactive Active
device device

Figure 1-10 Structure of device numbers

Physical device numbering is only carried out in the test mode and after the
"Create_Configuration" service (see Page 2-52). When adding new de-
vices, the device numbers of all lower-level devices will be shifted.

Logical device The logical device numbering allows to freely set the bus segment and po-
numbering sition number of a device. When adding a new branch or a new device, the
numbering of already existing devices will not be changed. Here, the fol-
lowing rules are to be observed:
– BK modules are always assigned the position number "0".
– Devices of a local bus are always assigned the bus segment number of
the higher-level BK module.
The logical device numbering is carried out by downloading a predefined
configuration frame via the services
– "Load_Configuration" (see Page 2-27) or
– "Complete_Load_Configuration" (see Page 2-44).

1-30 5150B
Introduction and Overview

To enable the loading of individual parts of the configuration frame, the

firmware offers two different modes (device-oriented and list-oriented
transmission). Thus, it is possible to access every subset of the configura-
tion frame by means of parameters.

Device-oriented With device-oriented transmission, complete device descriptions are

transmission loaded to the configuration frame by indicating the physical device number
(line number of the configuration frame) at the same time. In addition, the
Used_Attributes parameter allows to select individual columns for trans-

List- With regard to the list-oriented transmission, information of the configura-

oriented tion frame is loaded in lists (e.g., ID list, list of group numbers, etc.) accord-
transmission ing to the physical bus position. It is also possible to transmit partial lists by
setting the parameters Start Position and Number.

Process data reference list (PDRL)

Device Attribute
... Device-
... oriented
... transmission

transmission 5150A013

Figure 1-11 Device-oriented and list-oriented transmission

The parameters Used_Attributes, Device_Number, and Entry_Count de-

termine the type of loading. The Used_Attributes parameter selects the col-
umns from the configuration matrix allowing combinations of any type. The
parameters Device_Number and Entry_Count define how many list entries
are loaded to the list as of which position. It is only possible to load con-
nected parts of the list.
The parameters mentioned above allow all loading types to be carried out.
Thus, for example, the entire matrix will be loaded if all bits of the
Used_Attributes parameter are set, the Device_Number is zero and the
Entry_Count corresponds to the number of the devices within the configu-
ration frame.

5150B 1-31

Logical group numbers

The logical group number is divided into the group number and alternative
information. The default setting does not include a logical group number
(FFFFhex value).
Group numbers must only be assigned if bus segments that are physically
separated are to be switched with one command or if alternative groups are
provided within the bus configuration. This group number is only required
for the called devices. All other devices can keep their standard number.

Assignment to The high byte includes the group number which even allows distributed de-
groups vices within the system to be assigned to one group. The low byte of the
group number indicates if this group can be switched alternatively.

Alternative groups Groups that can be switched alternatively allow the user to switch bus seg-
ments of different structure to the same remote bus output of a BK module.
Alternative devices have the same group number but a different alternative
number in the same configuration frame. The devices of different alterna-
tives must always have different logical device numbers, as corresponding
process data descriptions (PDDs) only refer to the device number. It is not
allowed to assign a logical device number twice.

Group 1 Inactive Active

Group 2 device device
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5


2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3


BK 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


4.0 4.1 4.2

Alternative 2

Alternative 1

BK 5.0 5.1 5.2



Figure 1-12 Bus configuration (groups and alternative groups)

1-32 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Table 1-6 Configuration frame

Logical Device Logical
device short Bus level group Active ?
number designation number
1.0 ... 0 – yes
1.1 ... 1 – yes
1.2 ... 1 – yes
1.3 ... 1 – yes
1.4 ... 1 – yes
1.5 ... 1 – yes
2.0 ... 0 1.1 no
2.1 ... 1 1.1 no
2.2 ... 1 1.1 no
2.3 ... 1 1.1 no
3.0 ... 1 2.1 no
3.1 ... 2 2.1 yes
3.2 ... 2 2.1 yes
3.3 ... 2 2.1 yes
3.4 ... 2 2.1 yes
4.0 ... 1 2.2 no
4.1 ... 2 2.2 no
4.2 ... 2 2.2 no
5.0 ... 2 2.2 no
5.1 ... 3 2.2 no
5.2 ... 3 2.2 no

When starting up the system, alternative groups are not automatically

linked, but must be added explicitly with the
"Control_Active_Configuration" service (see Page 2-94).

5150B 1-33

1.3.6 Process Data

Process data In the Generation 4 firmware, the process data channel is extended by the
management process data management that can be adapted to all applications. The fol-
lowing functions can be carried out via the services of the process data
– Division of the process data channel of a device into several small parts,
the so-called process data descriptions (PDDs), down to the size of one
– Independent addressing of these PDDs in the host address area.
– Broadcast addressing of the PDDs.
– Definition of direct link data.
– Superimposition of PDDs with low priority by PDDs with higher priority.
The process data management includes services to define PDDs, as well
as to assign PDDs.

Process data The PDDs in the process data description list (PDDL) allow the optimum
descriptions management of I/O modules tailored to the application. Thus, the process
image can be divided down to the bit level and addressed separately.

Process data The process data reference list (PDRL) determines the way in which input
assignment and output data is assigned to the corresponding memory position in the
MPM. Thus, all inputs and outputs can freely be shifted and accessed
within the address area of the host system. This comprehensive mecha-
nism allows to classify the data of all devices with regard to their function
or memory optimization.
Also, the process data linkage offers basic mechanisms required for the
process data pre-processing on the controller board.

1-34 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Advantages of User-Defined Process Data

The definition and assignment of process data descriptions (PDDs) imply
decisive advantages:
1. Adding or removing a device does not cause addresses to be shifted in
the MPM and thus in the application program. There will only be a mod-
ification in the process data reference list (PDRL).
2. Some devices have an I/O channel including several logical functions.
For example, the 32-bit output word of an INTERBUS-compatible fre-
quency inverter is divided into a control word and a setpoint value. In
this case, it is recommended to divide this double word into corre-
sponding functional units, i.e., into the words "setpoint value" and "con-
trol word".

Frequency inverter

Control word Setpoint value

Status word Actual value

15...........bit...........0 15...........bit...........0


Figure 1-13 Process data channel of a frequency inverter

3. Afterwards the process data can freely be shifted in the address area
of the control system and thus, for example, be combined to functional
units. In addition, it is possible to realize a broadcast function via the
definition of the process data reference list. When doing so, a setpoint
definition, for example, will occupy only one address in the host sys-
tem. The controller board writes the setpoint value from the host sys-
tem to other inverters located in the system. Aside from process data
descriptions via a double word, one word or one byte, process data de-
scriptions can be carried out with one bit. In this case, status bits of dif-
ferent devices can be summarized in one word in the control computer.
Thus, several device modes can be represented quickly and compre-
hensively by means of a simple word access.

5150B 1-35


Setpoint value

Function 1 Function 2 Function 3


Figure 1-14 Broadcast

4. In addition, process data descriptions of one bit are required for direct
links. A direct link means that output bits are directly set by the control-
ler board. The link depends on the assigned input bits, which means it
is independent of the control program. The program processing time of
the application program is excluded. The reaction time is reduced to
the INTERBUS response time.

Figure 1-15 Direct link

1-36 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Automatic Address Assignment of Process Data

In three cases, process data descriptions (PDDs) are automatically gener-
ated and process data is assigned to the MPM:
1. In the test mode of the firmware.
2. When executing the "Create_Configuration" service.
3. After having loaded the configuration frame with the
"Terminate_Load_Configuration" service. The "Default_Parameter"
parameter must be set to 0001hex or 0003hex.

Default PDD In general, the process data channel of every device is written by the firm-
ware with default process data descriptions (PDDs). The I/O data of the de-
vices then constitute one (IN or OUT) or two (IN and OUT) process data
descriptions. These PDDs include the size, data direction and device
names, as well as the default index for the IN or OUT data direction.

Default PDRL The firmware assigns process data for the IN or OUT area within the MPM.
According to the physical sequence of the devices within the ring, the pro-
cess data is assigned as of the base address and without gaps, if possible.
For assigning the process data addresses in the MPM, the following rules
are to be observed:
– Devices with one or more data words must occupy even MPM address-
– Byte modules can begin on both even and odd byte addresses.
– Nibble modules begin on the upper or lower nibble of every byte.

5150B 1-37

1.3.7 State Description During Configuration

The configuration is divided into three phases:

– Phase 1: Loading the configuration frame.
– Phase 2: Defining process data descriptions (PDD).
– Phase 3: Assigning process data.
The states "Loading the Process Data Description List" (PDDL_LOADING)
and "Loading the Process Data Reference List" are not required to be
passed. After terminating the CFG_LOADING phase with the
"Terminate_Configuration" service, these lists are automatically generated
from the information of the loaded configuration frame provided that the
corresponding parameters have been set.

ion Load_Configuration
o nfig n
_C ratio
Control_Parameterization: ON itiate_L _Con
n d
I Loa



Control_Parameterization: OFF Ter oad
min _PD
ate_ RL

Figure 1-16 Services for controller board configuration

Phase 1: Loading the configuration frame

Characteristics of the bus devices are stored in the configuration frame,
– Device type: digital/analog, number of channels
– Ident number
– Location of the device within INTERBUS

1-38 5150B
Introduction and Overview

When loading the configuration frame, the user determines the selection of
modules and the bus topology as well as the definition of functionally re-
lated bus parts/bus segments as a group. All loading processes (including
those of following lists) are initiated via an initialization service and stopped
via a termination.

Phase 2: Loading the process data description list

A process data description list is created to carry out management of mod-
ule inputs and outputs best adapted to the application as well as memory-
optimized addressing. Also, it is possible to define descriptions for particu-
larly time-critical bit operations, which are carried out independently by the
controller board and without control through the application program, e.g.,
for positioning tasks.
Process data descriptions (PDDs) must not be created necessarily, as the
controller board automatically defines default process data descriptions.
For example, a process data description of one word is automatically gen-
erated for a digital input module with 16 inputs (1 word). When using a self-
defined process data description list, the user is allowed to generate two
process data descriptions of one byte each from this word. These process
data descriptions can freely be assigned in the address area of the control

Phase 3: Creating a process data reference list

The process data reference list determines the way in which process data
items are related to each other. In this way, the user can freely address all
inputs and outputs - combinations of any type are allowed - within the ad-
dress area of the host system and react to modifications and extensions in
a flexible way. An extension does not cause a modification of already ex-
isting addresses in the application program, but only a modification of the
process data reference list. This logical addressing is not absolutely re-
quired, but it is recommended owing to the flexibility obtained.

5150B 1-39

1.4 Functions for Configuration Frame


The configuration frame management supplies services for managing and

modifying the configuration of the bus system, e.g.:
– Loading, reading out and deleting the configuration frame.
– Creating a configuration frame from the current configuration.
– Switching between different configuration frames.
There are two different processes available for storing a configuration
frame on the controller board:
– Automatic generation of a configuration frame by the controller board
according to the physical bus configuration.
– Manual generation of an optimum configuration frame by the user.
Configuration frames that are automatically generated or loaded by the
user can be modified by overwriting the corresponding entries in the pa-
rameterization phase of the controller board. Modifying certain entries
(e.g., ID code) of the configuration frame possibly has effects on process
data and parameter channels. The controller board checks if these effects
are so decisive that a previously configured process data description list
(PDDL), the communication reference list (CRL) or the process data refer-
ence list (PDRL) are to be declared invalid.

1-40 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.4.1 Automatic Loading of a Configuration

This process should only be carried out for test purposes as it does not
offer the same diagnostic possibilities available when starting up a pre-
defined configuration with a certain object in mind.
After calling the "Create_Configuration" service, the controller board auto-
matically generates a configuration according to the bus configuration con-
nected at that time. This configuration frame is stored under the frame ref-
erence in the configuration frame indicated when calling the service in the
configuration directory. If there is already a configuration frame under this
frame reference, it will be overwritten.
When loading a configuration automatically, all descriptions (PDRL, CRL,
etc.) and operating parameters assigned to the configuration frame are au-
tomatically generated and set. Thus, it is possible to read out the generated
configuration with the "Read_Configuration" service and to compare it with
the planned one.

5150B 1-41

1.4.2 Manual Generation of an Optimum Configuration

It is also possible that the user loads a new configuration. A frame refer-
ence of any kind can be assigned to the configuration frame. If there is al-
ready a configuration frame under this frame reference, it will be overwrit-
A configuration is to be loaded step by step, as the parameter number of a
service is limited:
– Initiate the load process with the "Initiate_Load_Configuration" service.
– Transmit the configuration data to the controller board by calling the
"Load_Configuration" service several times.
– Terminate the load process with the "Terminate_Load_Configuration"
service. In addition, this service checks the loaded data in its total. If
there is no error, the data will be accepted. If the data is incorrect, the
service will be followed by a negative confirmation.
Also, when terminating the load process with the Default_Parameter
parameter, it is possible to indicate whether the process data and/or pa-
rameter channel should automatically be generated according to the
loaded configuration frame.

ion Load_Configuration
urat Loading
nfig ion
ad _Co urat
iat e_L _Config
Init Loa


Figure 1-17 Loading a configuration frame

1-42 5150B
Introduction and Overview

There are different ways of transmitting configuration data to the controller

board: device-oriented, list-oriented, or a combination of both.
To support the operation of PLC function blocks and to keep the parameter
number in the load service as small as possible, the firmware additionally
provides the "Complete_Load_Configuration" service. This service always
causes a (always complete) column of the configuration frame to be loaded
which can be selected with Used Attributes parameter. An equivalent ser-
vice is "Complete_Read_Configuration".

5150B 1-43

1.5 Functions for Process Data Management

The functions for process data management are divided into two areas:
process data definition (process data description list, PDDL) and process
data assignment (process data reference list, PDRL).

1.5.1 Defining Process Data Objects of a Device

– Initiate the load process with the

"Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List" service (0320hex, see
Page 2-58).
– Transmit the data to the controller board by calling the
"Put_Process_Data_Description_List" service (0321hex, see
Page 2-60) several times.
– Terminate the load process with the
"Terminate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List" service (0322hex,
see Page 2-64).

Initiate_Put_PDDL PDDL_ Put_PDDL

Terminate_Put_PDDL LOADING


Figure 1-18 Loading the process data description list (PDDL)

1-44 5150B
Introduction and Overview

When defining process data descriptions (PDD) for a process data device
(PD device), the following rules are to be observed:
– The object type (IN/OUT) of PDDs must correspond to the data direction
of the PD device.
– PDDs can overlap within the internal address area of a PD device.
– IN and OUT PDDs must not exceed the internal address area of the re-
spective PD device.
– The length of the PDD must correspond to the data type except for the
fact that it is a data type of variable length.
– Bit strings must not exceed byte limits with their bit address and length:
(bit address + length ≥ 8).

5150B 1-45

1.5.2 Defining Process Data Description Lists

Process data is device-oriented. Several process data items can be de-

fined for every INTERBUS device which are entered in the process data
description list of the device. For this, the
"Put_Process_Data_Description_List" service (0321hex) is used defining
all process data descriptions of a device. The service structure is shown in
the following figure.

Put_PDDL (0321hex)


Log_Device_No PDD_Index

Entry_Count Data_Direction/Data_Type

Entry 1
Entry 1 Internal_Byte

Entry 2 Internal_Bit/Length


Figure 1-19 Service structure of the process data description list (PDDL)

The meanings of the individual parameters are as follows:

PDD index: Characterizes the process data description
(PDD). Values in the range from 1000hex to
BFFFhex are admissible except for the values
6010hex (default PDD index for inputs) and
6011hex (default PDD index for outputs).
Data direction: Assign 0Chex for inputs and
0Dhex for outputs.
Data type: Assign 0Ahex for byte string process data
and 0Fhex for bit string process data.
Internal byte: Byte offset.
Internal bit: Bit offset.
Length: String length (a bit string must not exceed a byte
Extension: 0000hex.

1-46 5150B
Introduction and Overview

The PDD index indicates whether it is a user-defined process data item or

a default process data item. A default PDD for input data always has the
index 6010hex, a default PDD for output data the index 6011hex. The pro-
cess data type is defined within the type definition. Process data can be of
the byte string or bit string type. For example, a word process data item
consists of two bytes of process data, the parameter length is 02hex. The
parameters Internal_Byte and Internal_Bit indicate the byte or bit offset re-
spectively. Within the extension a comment can be assigned as ASCII text.
The following figure shows an example of byte IN and OUT process data,
as well as a bit process output data item with a length of 2 bits.
Process data item 6010 Process data item 6011
Device No. 1.0 Device No.. 1.1
IN Byte 0 Byte 1 OUT Byte 0 Byte 11 2 1
1 PD 1000 2 PD 1001 3 PD 2000 4 PD 2001 5 PD 2002

Figure 1-20 Byte IN and OUT process data

5150B 1-47

1.5.3 Configuring the Process Data Assignment

When configuring the process data assignment, proceed as follows:

– Initiate the load process with the
"Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" service (0324hex, see
Page 2-70).
– Transmit the list to the controller board by calling the
"Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" service (0325hex, see
Page 2-72) several times.
– Terminate the load process with the "Terminate_Load_Process_Data_
Reference_List" service (0326hex, see Page 2-76).

Ter oad
min _PD
ate_ RL

Figure 1-21 Loading the process data reference list

There are 3 options of linking process data:

1. Mapping the process input data item to a input address of the control
2. Mapping a output address of the control computer to a process output
data item
3. Direct mapping of a process input data item to a process output data
item (direct link).

1-48 5150B
Introduction and Overview

Host computer

IN data OUT data

Process data reference list (PDRL)

Device Attribute

IN data OUT data


Figure 1-22 Process data assignment

Defining PDRL When defining PDRL entries, the following rules are to be observed:
entries – In general, only entries are accepted which correspond to one of the
combinations mentioned above.
– IN process data descriptions or addresses can repeatedly be entered
as a source in the PDRL.
– Identical or overlapping OUT process data descriptions or addresses
are not allowed to be repeatedly indicated as a destination in the PDRL,
except for the fact that one of the process data descriptions is a process
data bit string. A process data bit string will overwrite the other object.
This special case allows to map individual bits or bit strings to subordi-
nated objects.

5150B 1-49

Every assignment occupies six words within the

"Load_Process_Data_Reference_list" service. In the following, the struc-
ture of this entry within the service is shown:
Service code for

Number of subsequent data words PDRL_Index

Number of PDRL entries


1st PDRL entry


2nd PDRL entry


15 8 7 0 Bit 5150B025

Figure 1-23 Structure of the "Load_Process_Data_Reference_List"


Table 1-7 Parameters of the process data reference list (PDRL)

Parameters Input data Output data Direct link data —

1 PDRL index 0001 ... 3FFF 4000 ... 7FFF 8000 ... BFFF C000 ... FFFF

2 Device number Address Device number

Bit position; —
3 Index Index
4 Address Device number Device number
Bit position; —
5 Index Index

6 Extension Reserved (0000hex)

1-50 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.6 Functions for Error and Diagnostic


Error management The error management is responsible for error detection, indication and
treatment, e.g., the:
– indication of configuration errors occurred during operation.
– indication of system errors (hardware and firmware).
– possibility of indicating individual bus errors.
– supply of services for
a reading out errors later,
b confirming device status messages,
c reading out device modes.
The errors can be classified as follows:

User error User errors are caused by the user when sending a service (e.g., illegal pa-
rameters, state conflict, etc.). These errors cause a negative confirmation
of the service but do not modify the bus state (e.g., data cycles are

System errors System errors are hardware or firmware errors which can modify the bus
state. System errors also include those errors indicated by the operating
system. If a serious error has occurred, it causes - in addition to a bus reset
- an error message and a state of the controller board which does not allow
to process services except for the "Reset_Controller_Board" service
(0956hex, see Page 2-99).

Device status Device status messages are events which occur on INTERBUS devices
messages and are indicated via the "Device_Fail_Indication" message (5340hex, see
Page 2-187). These status messages do not modify the bus state and can
be confirmed by the user with the "Control_Device_Function" service
(0714hex, see Page 2-97).
The "Read_Device_State" service (0315hex, see Page 2-105) allows to
read out selectable status information of all active devices for diagnostic

Bus single errors Bus single errors are detected by the data link layer and processed in a bus
error statistics. The bus single errors cause an error analysis (ID cycle).
However, they do not change the bus state as long as they are individual

5150B 1-51

Bus errors Bus errors are caused, for example, by a configuration change, cable fail-
ures or serious interference. These errors cause the data cycles to be
stopped (provided that data cycles were run before) and an error message
to be generated via the "Bus_Error_Indication" (6342hex) message. The
detailed cause of a bus error will not be automatically indicated but must be
requested by the user with the "Get_Error_Info" (0316hex) service. This
service reads the error cause from an error buffer which can occupy one of
the following states:
Empty No error occurred.
Not yet analyzed Error analysis not yet terminated.
Analyzed Up to ten error codes can be read out including
the error location.
Error removal or appropriate switching services (e.g., switching off the de-
fective segment) allow to eliminate the error cause in the "Analyzed" state.
Afterwards new data cycles can be initiated with the "Start_Data_Transfer"
service (0701hex).

Diagnostics Diagnostics is a subcomponent of error management providing services of

diagnostic and statistic functionalities.
The statistic diagnostic for monitoring the bus quality runs automatically in
the background. The diagnostic data always refers to the configuration
frame activated at that time. The user can read out this data via
"Get_Diag_Info" service (032Bhex).
In addition, the user can reset the statistical diagnostics via the
"Control_Statistics" service (030Fhex).

1-52 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.7 Bus Control Functions

The bus control comprises services which directly influence the system sta-
tus during operation. This includes the activation or deactivation of different
configuration frames and the start or stop of the data transport, as well as
the reset/alarm stop of the controller board. Configuration services with
state changes are excluded from this definition.
Another area belonging to bus control includes switch functions for groups
and alternatives.

1.7.1 Services for System State Control

Different services allow to switch between the PAR_READY, ACTIVE, and

RUN state during operation.
In the PAR_READY state, there is at least one complete configuration
frame. A configuration frame is activated with the "Activate_Configuration"
service (0711hex). This service checks if the connected configuration cor-
responds to the configuration defined in the configuration frame. If there
are no deviations, INTERBUS runs ID cycles. This configuration frame can
be disabled with "Deactivate_Configuration" (0712hex).
To start data transfer on the bus system, the "Start_Data_Transfer" service
(0701hex) must be carried out from the ACTIVE state. The cyclic data traffic
is disabled with the "Stop_Data_Transfer" service (0702hex).
If errors occur when activating or starting the bus system, the state ma-
chine changes to the BUS_FAIL state. In this state, the desired services
can be called again after having eliminated the error cause.

5150B 1-53



pos. confirmation
neg. confirmation

Bus control

Activate_Configuration Deactivate_Configuration Alarm_Stop


Start_Data_Transfer Stop_Data_Transfer




Figure 1-24 Services for system state control

1-54 5150B
Introduction and Overview

1.7.2 Services for Switching Groups and Alternative


The "Control_Active_Configuration" service (0713hex) allows to switch on

or off individual devices, bus segments, logical groups or alternative device
groups during bus operation. A list of the corresponding devices is trans-
ferred as a parameter. The switch process concerns the indicated device
as well as all devices depending on it, i.e., all INTERBUS devices which
– belong to the same bus segment,
– belong to the same logical group, or
– follow one of the INTERBUS devices indicated in the list within the phys-
ical ring.

5150B 1-55

1-56 5150B
Section 2
This section provides information on the
– task and the calls of firmware services
– parameters of these services

Firmware Services ................................................................................................2-5

2.1 Overview .....................................................................................2-5
2.2 Notes Concerning Service Descriptions......................................2-8
2.3 Services for Parameterizing the Controller Board.....................2-11
2.3.1 Control_Parameterization Service ...............................2-11
2.3.2 Change_Exclusive_Rights Service ..............................2-13
2.3.3 Set_Indication Service .................................................2-15
2.3.4 Set_Value Service .......................................................2-17
2.3.5 Read_Value Service ....................................................2-21
2.3.6 Initiate_Load_Configuration Service ............................2-24
2.3.7 Load_Configuration Service.........................................2-27
2.3.8 Terminate_Load_Configuration Service ......................2-31
2.3.9 Read_Configuration Service ........................................2-33
2.3.10 Compare_Configuration Service..................................2-41
2.3.11 Complete_Load_Configuration Service .......................2-44
2.3.12 Complete_Read_Configuration Service.......................2-47
2.3.13 Delete_Configuration Service ......................................2-50
2.3.14 Create_Configuration Service......................................2-52
2.3.15 Activate_Configuration Service....................................2-54
2.3.16 Deactivate_Configuration Service................................2-56
2.4 Services for Defining Process Data Descriptions......................2-58
2.4.1 Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List Service..2-58
2.4.2 Put_Process_Data_Description_List Service ..............2-60
2.4.3 Terminate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List
Service ........................................................................2-64
2.4.4 Get_Process_Data_Description_List Service ..............2-66

5150B 2-1
2.5 Services for Assigning Process Data ........................................2-70
2.5.1 Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List
Service .........................................................................2-70
2.5.2 Load_Process_Data_Reference_List Service .............2-72
2.5.3 Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List
Service ........................................................................2-76
2.5.4 Read_Process_Data_Reference_List Service.............2-78
2.5.5 Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List
Service .........................................................................2-81
2.5.6 Compact_Read_Process_Data_Reference Service....2-85
2.6 Services for Direct INTERBUS Access .....................................2-88
2.6.1 Start_Data_Transfer Service .......................................2-88
2.6.2 Alarm_Stop Service .....................................................2-90
2.6.3 Stop_Data_Transfer Service........................................2-92
2.6.4 Control_Active_Configuration Service .........................2-94
2.6.5 Control_Device_Function Service................................2-97
2.6.6 Reset_Controller_Board Service .................................2-99
2.7 Diagnostic Services.................................................................2-100
2.7.1 Confirm_Diagnostics Service.....................................2-100
2.7.2 Get_Error_Info Service ..............................................2-102
2.7.3 Read_Device_State Service ......................................2-105
2.7.4 Get_Version_Info Service ..........................................2-109
2.7.5 Get_Diag_Info Service...............................................2-113
2.7.6 Control_Statistics Service ..........................................2-121
2.8 Services for Defining Functions ..............................................2-123
2.8.1 Initiate_Load_Action_Object Service .........................2-123
2.8.2 Load_Action_Object Service......................................2-125
2.8.3 Terminate_Load_Action_Object Service ...................2-127
2.8.4 Read_Action_Object Service .....................................2-129
2.8.5 Delete_Action_Object Service ...................................2-131
2.8.6 Initiate_Load_Signal_Object Service .........................2-133
2.8.7 Load_Signal_Object Service......................................2-135
2.8.8 Terminate_Load_Signal_Object Service ...................2-141
2.8.9 Read_Signal_Object Service .....................................2-143
2.8.10 Delete_Signal_Object Service ...................................2-148

2-2 5150B
2.8.11 Initiate_Load_Event_Object Service..........................2-150
2.8.12 Load_Event_Object Service ......................................2-152
2.8.13 Terminate_Load_Event_Object Service ....................2-157
2.8.14 Read_Event_Object Service......................................2-159
2.8.15 Delete_Event_Object Service ....................................2-162
2.9 Services for the Parameterization Memory .............................2-164
2.9.1 Program_Resident_Actions Service ..........................2-164
2.9.2 Clear_Parameterization_Memory Service .................2-166
2.9.3 File_Open Service .....................................................2-168
2.9.4 File_Close Service .....................................................2-171
2.9.5 File_Remove Service.................................................2-173
2.9.6 File_Write Service......................................................2-176
2.9.7 File_Seek Service ......................................................2-178
2.9.8 File_Read Service......................................................2-181
2.9.9 Scan_Parameterization_Memory Service..................2-184
2.10 Automatic Indications of the Controller Board .........................2-186
2.10.1 Fault Indication...........................................................2-186
2.10.2 Device_Fail Service Indication...................................2-187
2.10.3 Bus_Error Indication ..................................................2-188

5150B 2-3
2-4 5150B
Firmware Services

2 Firmware Services
2.1 Overview

Table 2-1 Overview of services (according to service codes)

Code Service Page
0140hex Initiate_Load_Action_Object 2-123
0141hex Load_Action_Object 2-125
0142hex Terminate_Load_Action_Object 2-127
0143hex Read_Action_Object 2-129
0144hex Delete_Action_Object 2-131
0145hex Initiate_Load_Signal_Object 2-133
0146hex Load_Signal_Object 2-135
0147hex Terminate_Load_Signal_Object 2-141
0148hex Read_Signal_Object 2-143
0149hex Delete_Signal_Object 2-148
014Ahex Initiate_Load_Event_Object 2-150
014Bhex Load_Event_Object 2-152
014Chex Terminate_Load_Event_Object 2-157
014Dhex Read_Event_Object 2-159
014Ehex Delete_Event_Object 2-162
014Fhex Change_Exclusive_Rights 2-13
0152hex Set_Indication 2-15
0158hex Program_Resident_Actions 2-164
0159hex Clear_Parameterization_Memory 2-166
015Bhex File_Open 2-168
015Chex File_Close 2-171
015Dhex File_Remove 2-173
015Ehex File_Write 2-176
015Fhex File_Seek 2-178
0160hex File_Read 2-181
0161hex Scan_Parameterization_Memory 2-184
0306hex Initiate_Load_Configuration 2-24
0307hex Load_Configuration 2-27

5150B 2-5

Table 2-1 Overview of services (according to service codes)

Code Service Page
0308hex Terminate_Load_Configuration 2-31
0309hex Read_Configuration 2-33
030Ahex Complete_Load_Configuration 2-44
030Bhex Complete_Read_Configuration 2-47
030Chex Delete_Configuration 2-50
030Ehex Control_Parameterization 2-11
030Fhex Control_Statistics 2-121
0315hex Read_Device_State 2-105
0316hex Get_Error_Info 2-102
0317hex Compare_Configuration 2-41
0320hex Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List 2-58
0321hex Put_Process_Data_Description_List 2-60
0322hex Terminate_Put_Process_Data__Description_List 2-64
0323hex Get_Process_Data_Description_List 2-66
0324hex Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-70
0325hex Load_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-72
0326hex Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-76
0327hex Read_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-78
0328hex Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-81
0329hex Compact_Read_Process_Data_Reference_List 2-85
032Ahex Get_Version_Info 2-109
032Bhex Get_Diag_Info 2-113
0351hex Read_Value 2-21
0701hex Start_Data_Transfer 2-88
0702hex Stop_Data_Transfer 2-92
0710hex Create_Configuration 2-52
0711hex Activate_Configuration 2-54
0712hex Deactivate_Configuration 2-56
0713hex Control_Active_Configuration 2-94
0714hex Control_Device_Function 2-97
0750hex Set_Value 2-17

2-6 5150B
Firmware Services

Table 2-1 Overview of services (according to service codes)

Code Service Page
0760hex Confirm_Diagnostics 2-100
0956hex Reset_Controller_Board 2-99
1303hex Alarm_Stop 2-90

Table 2-2 Automatic error indications

Code Service Page
4341hex Fault 2-186
5340hex Device_State 2-187
6342hex Bus_Error 2-188

5150B 2-7

2.2 Notes Concerning Service Descriptions

Use of The use of a service comprises the sending of a service request and the
services evaluation of the service confirmation.
The code of a service request and its corresponding service confirmation
only differ in the binary notation with regard to bit 15. Bit 15 of a service
confirmation is always set.
Thus, in hexadecimal notation, the code of a service confirmation is always
8000hex higher than the code of the service request which it follows.
Example Service request:
„Start_Data_Transfer“ "Start_Data_Transfer_Request" 0701hex
Service confirmation:
"Start_Data_Transfer_Confirmation" 8701 hex = 0701hex + 8000hex
– Result parameter = 0000hex ⇒Service executed successfully.
– Result parameter ≠ 0000hex ⇒Error during service execution.
The service confirmation confirms the successful execution of service via
a positive message and provides data, if requested. The service confirma-
tion indicates an error that occurred during service execution via a negative
The Result parameter of the service confirmation shows if the service was
executed successfully (Result parameter = 0000hex) or if an error occurred
(Result parameter ≠ 0000hex) describes the error cause.

Structure of a A service request/configuration consists of a block of data words. The pa-

service description rameters that are contained in this block are given in hexadecimal (hex) or
binary (bin) notation.

2-8 5150B
Firmware Services

The structure of all service descriptions is as follows:

2.x.x Name_of_the_Service Service

Task: Describes the functionality of the service.

Prerequisite: All conditions which must be met before a service is called in order to allow
its successful processing.

Syntax: Name_of_the_Service_Request Codehex

Word 1 Service_Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Parameter
Word 4 Parameter
Word 5 Parameter
... ...

Bit 15 ......................................................................... 0

Key: Service_Code: 0xxxhex Command code of the service

request (hexadecimal notation).
Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0000hex If the service request does not have
xxxxhex Otherwise, length of the parameter
data record (data words).
Parameter: Parameters are described individually.
Parameters that are organized byte by byte are
separated through a vertical line. If a parameter
extends over several data words, this is indicat-
ed through a line with three dots.
Parameter blocks: Parameter blocks are marked in bold outline.
The individual parameters are described in the

5150B 2-9

Syntax: Name_of_the_Service_Confirmation Codehex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8xxxhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-10 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3 Services for Parameterizing the Controller


2.3.1 Control_Parameterization Service

Task: This service initiates or terminates the parameterization phase. This is nec-
essary in order to guarantee a defined startup behavior of the application.
During the parameterization phase, for example, the validity of read objects
is not guaranteed. Once the parameterization phase has been terminated,
the MPM_Node_Parameterization_Ready bit is set in the MPM. When this
bit is set, the PLC can recognize during startup when the parameterization
sequence that is stored on the EEPROM card has been successfully pro-

Syntax: Control_Parameterization_Request 030E hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Control_Code

Bit 15 ......................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 030Ehex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Control_Code: Enter here the function of the service:
0001hex Initiating the parameterization phase.
0000hex Terminating the parameterization

5150B 2-11

Syntax: Control_Parameterization_Confirmation 830Ehex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Ehex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: This parameter provides additional information
on the error cause.

2-12 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.2 Change_Exclusive_Rights Service

Task: An application can use the "Change_Exclusive_Rights" service to request

or pass on the right to execute exclusive services.

Prerequisite: The requesting application can receive the exclusive right only if no other
application has this right at the moment. Only one application may be the
master at a time.

Exclusive services can only be called by one authorized application. In the

binary notation of the service code (command code or message code) of
an exclusive service, bit 10 is set.

Syntax: Change_Exclusive_Rights_Request 014Fhex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Function

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Fhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex For the command.
Function: Service function:
0000hex Pass on the exclusive right.
0001hex Request the exclusive right.

5150B 2-13

Syntax: Control_Parameterization_Confirmation 814Fhex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Ehex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The parameter provides additional information
on the error cause.

2-14 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.3 Set_Indication Service

Task: This service is used to enable or disable selected indications for particular

Syntax: Set_Indication_Request 0152hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Indication_Ability
Word 4 Distribution
Word 5 Indication_Code

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0152hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: 0003hex Number of subsequent words.
Indication_Ability: Specify with this parameter whether you want to
enable or disable the indication of the interfaces:
0001hex Enabling interfaces.
0000hex Disabling interfaces.
Specify the interfaces with the Distribution pa-
Distribution: This parameter is a 16-bit field with the help of
which you can specify if the indication is to be en-
abled or disabled. The meanings are as follows:
1bin Enabled / Disabled
0bin Not enabled / Not disabled
interface according to the setting of the
Indication_Ability parameter.
Setting of the Distribution parameter:
Bit 0 LCD on the front plate (if present). As
default, the LCD displays all indica-
Bit 1 Standard signal interface (SSGI).
Bit 2 Mailbox interface (MXI) to the applica-
tion program.
Bit 3 V24 interface on the front plate of the
controller board.

5150B 2-15

Bit 4 …
bit 15 Reserved (always 0bin!)
Indication_Code: Use this parameter to specify the code of the in-
dication which you want to enable or disable,
e.g., 4341hex Fault_Indication.

Syntax: Set_Indication_Confirmation 8152Ehex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Ehex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-16 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.4 Set_Value Service

Task: This service assigns new values to the INTERBUS system parameters
(variables). A new value is only accepted if no error was detected when the
value range was checked. The following system parameters are defined:

Table 2-3 System parameters

Variable_ID System parameter Value / Comment
0101hex State of the system management. Read only.
0102hex Address of the diagnostic status register. The permissible address area
depends on the PLC or com-
0103hex Address of the diagnostic parameter register.
puter system used.
0104hex Content / Value of the diagnostic status register. Read only.
Content / Value of the diagnostic parameter
0105hex Read only.
0 = Switch off.
0108hex Control of the pre-processing task.
1 = Enable.
Address of the communication register
0109hex Read only.
(for Siemens S5 only).
0110hex Slave_ID_Code (for slave boards only).
Base addresses for default addressing: If the digital IN (or OUT) base
1. Word digital IN base address address is equal to the ana-
2. Word digital OUT base address log IN (or OUT) base
3. Word analog IN base address address, the digital and ana-
4. Word analog OUT base address log devices in the address
area will be mixed.
1101hex Address of the standard function start register.
1102hex Address of the standard function status register.
Address of the control parameter register (long
word). The permissible address area
depends on the PLC or com-
1103hex Enter only one word address.
1103hex The controller board automatically puter system used.
1200hex assigns the next higher word
address for the second word.
1200hex Enter the required address for each
of the two words.

5150B 2-17

Table 2-3 System parameters

Variable_ID System parameter Value / Comment
0000hex: Asynchronous.
0001hex: Bus-synchronous.
2200hex Mode of operation.
0002hex: Program-synchro-
Presetting of the PD cycle time (32-bit value in Permissible value range:
0000 0000hex …
2210hex The PD cycle time is the real time between the 0001 FBD0hex
starts of two successive process data transmis- (corresponding to approx.
sion cycles (see 2216hex). 130 ms)
Bus timeout in µs (32-bit value). Permissible value range:
If no error-free data cycle is possible within this 0000 0000hex
2211hex :
time, the controller board terminates the process
data transmission and carries out a bus reset.
Bus warning time in µs (32-bit value) The maximum bus timeout/
bus warning time is approx.
2212hex If no error-free process data transmission is pos-
71 min.
sible within this time, the controller board sets the
warning bit in the diagnostic status register.
Activates or deactivates the error code 0BD1hex,
which indicates when a data cycle has exceeded
2214hex 0000 0001hex:
the PD cycle time defined with the variable
2210hex. Error code activated.
Activates or deactivates the error code 0BD2hex, 0000 0000hex:
which indicates that no data cycle could be tans- Error code deactivated.
mitted within the bus warning time defined with
the variable 2212 hex.
Actual PD cycle time (32-bit value in µs).
If the specified PD cycle time (2210hex) cannot be
2216hex kept, the actual time between the starts of two
successive process data transmission cycles will
be shown here.

2-18 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Set_Value_Request 0750hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Variable_Count
Word 4 Variable_ID
Word 5 Value 1st parameter
... ...
Value 2nd parameter
Value xth parameter

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0750hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex For the command.
Variable_Count: Enter here the number of system parameters to
which new values are to be assigned.
Variable_ID: ID of the system parameter to which new values
are to be assigned. The third hexadecimal posi-
tion (bits 8 ... 11) of the ID contains the length of
the system parameter in words.
Value: Enter here the new values of the system param-

5150B 2-19

Syntax: Set_Value_Confirmation 8750hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8750hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-20 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.5 Read_Value Service

Task: This service permits to read out INTERBUS system parameters (vari-

For a list of defined system parameters (variables), please refer to the de-
scription of the "Set_Value" service in the previous section.

Syntax: Read_Value_Request 0351hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Variable_Count
Word 4 Variable_ID 1st parameter
Word 5 Variable_ID 2nd parameter
... ...
Word n Variable_ID nth parameter

15 .................................................................................

Key: Code: 0351hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words
(here: the number of system parameters plus 1).
Variable_Count: Number of system parameters to be read out.
Variable_ID: Enter here the IDs of the system parameters
(variables) to be read out.

5150B 2-21

Syntax: Read_Value_Confirmation 8351hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Variable_Count
Word 5 Variable_ID
1st system
... Value
2nd system
nth system
Word n ...

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8351hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result

2-22 5150B
Firmware Services

parameter indicates why the service

could not be executed.
Variable_Count: Number of read system parameters listed below.
Variable_ID: ID of the system parameter. The third hexadeci-
mal position (bits 8 ... 11) contains the length of
the system parameter in words (max. 16 words).
Value: Values of the system parameters.
Add_Error_Info: This parameter provides additional information
on the error cause.

5150B 2-23

2.3.6 Initiate_Load_Configuration Service

Task: The "Initiate_Load_Configuration" service prepares the controller board to

transmit a configuration to the INTERBUS master via the services:
– "Load_Configuration_Request" (0307hex) or
– "Complete_Load_Configuration_Request" (030Ahex).
To transmit a new configuration frame (New_Config parameter= 0001hex),
specify the parameters Frame_Reference and Device_Count (total num-
ber of devices).

Prerequisite: The parameterization phase must have been initiated with the
"Control_Parameterization" (030E hex) service before.

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Configuration_Request 0306hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 New_Config
Word 4 Frame_Reference
Word 5 Device_Count
Word 6 Extension_Length Extension
... ... Extension

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

Key: Code: 0306hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (xxxxhex).
New_Config: 0001hex The configuration frame is created
again. An existing configuration frame
will be deleted.
0000hex An existing configuration frame will be

2-24 5150B
Firmware Services

Frame_Reference: Enter here the logical number under which the

configuration frame is to be stored. If this
Frame_Reference is already used and you have
specified the value 0000hex for the New_Config
parameter, only individual entries of the already
existing configuration will be overwritten.
Device_Count: Enter here the number of INTERBUS devices
which are included in the existing or newly load-
ed configuration frame.
Extension_Length: Information length in the Extension parameter.
Value range: 00hex ... 7Fhex (0 ... 127 charac-
Extension: For example, the name of the configuration
frame in ASCII code.

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Configuration_Confirmation 8306hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8306hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.

5150B 2-25

xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,

the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: This parameter provides additional information
on the error cause.

2-26 5150B
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2.3.7 Load_Configuration Service

Task: The configuration frame describes each of the specified INTERBUS de-
vices in a separate numbered entry. The sequence and the numbering of
the entries corresponds to the physical bus configuration including all alter-
This service transfers the configuration data to the controller board in the
form of a list of entries. Use the Used_ Attributes parameter to determine
which attributes the list should contain.
Example: If the entries are to consist of the INTERBUS device code and the INTER-
BUS device level only, enter the value 000Ahex for the Used_Attributes pa-
rameter (bit 1 and bit 3 are set).
The "Load_Configuration" service does not check the consistency among
the attributes but only whether this data is permitted in principle, e.g.,
whether it is within the value range.

Prerequisite: Ensure that the controller board has been prepared for the transmission
with the services
– "Control_Parameterization" (030Ehex) and
– "Initiate_Load_Configuration" (0306 hex).

Syntax: Load_Configuration_Request 0307hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Used_Attributes
Word 4 Start_Entry_No
Word 5 Entry_Count
Word 6
Configuration_Entry 1st device

Configuration_Entry xth device

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

5150B 2-27

Key: Code: 0307hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Used_Attributes: This 16-bit field allows to define the structure of
the entries. Enable certain attributes for trans-
mission which then have to be specified in all en-
tries (see syntax of the "Configuration_Entry",
Page 2-29):
Bit 0 INTERBUS device number.
Bit 1 INTERBUS device code.
Bit 2 Reserved.
Bit 3 INTERBUS device level.
Bit 4 Logical group number.
Bit 5 ...
bit 15 Reserved.
The settings have the following meaning:
1bin Attribute is enabled.
0bin Attribute is disabled and must not be
Always enter the value 0bin for the reserved bits.
Start_Entry_No: Number of the first device the attributes of which
are to be transmitted.
Entry_Count: Number of devices the entries of which are to be
Configuration_Entry: Attribute values of the individual devices to be
transmitted according to their sequence in the
physical bus configuration (see syntax on Page

2-28 5150B
Firmware Services

– According to the following syntax, enter attributes in the

"Configuration_Entry" parameter block which have been enabled with
the Used_ Attributes parameter (disabled attributes are not entered).
– When several entries with several attributes are loaded at the same
time, first all attributes of one entry are loaded and then those of the next

Syntax "Configuration_Entry" Attributes

Word x Bus_Segment_No Position
Word x+1 Length_Code ID_Code
Word x+2 Device_Level
Log. group
Word x+3 Group Alternative

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

Attributes: Bus_Segment_No: Number of the bus segment where the device is

(Value range: 01hex ... FFhex, corresponds to
1 ... 255.)
Position: Physical location in the bus segment
(Value range: 00hex ... 08hex for local bus and ST
compact station or 00 hex ... 3Fhex corresponds to
0dec ... 63dec for INTERBUS Loop.)
Length_Code: The length code refers to the address space re-
quired by the INTERBUS device in the host.
ID_Code: The ID code describes the device function. It is
printed as Module Ident in decimal notation on
the modules (in hexadecimal notation on RT
Device_Level: Level of the INTEBRUS device.
(Value range: 00hex ... 0Fhex corresponds to
0 ... 15.)
Group, Alternative: Group and alternative. The two bytes Group and
Alternative form together the logical group num-

5150B 2-29

Syntax: Load_Configuration_Confirmation 8307hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8307hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-30 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.8 Terminate_Load_Configuration Service

Task: This service terminates the loading of the configuration data by segments.
The service also checks the loaded configuration data for permissibility and
consistency. If no error is detected, the controller board stores the data in
the configuration dictionary under the Frame_Reference given with the
"Initiate_Load_Configuration" (0306hex) service. If an error is detected, the
service is confirmed negatively with an error message.

Remark: With the Default_Parameter parameter you may additionally specify

whether you want to parameterize the process data channel (PD channel)
and/or the PCP channel taking the loaded configuration frame as a basis.
In this case the firmware automatically creates the process data reference
list ("physical addressing") and/or a communication relationship list (CRL).
The "Terminate_Load_Configuration" service does not activate the newly
loaded configuration, i.e., it is not connected to the bus. It is only activated
with the "Activate_Configuration" (0711hex) service. This service makes
it possible to load or configure even configurations that are not connected
to the bus.

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Configuration_Request 0308hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Default_Parameter

Bit 15 ................................................................................ 0

Key: Code: 0308hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Default_Parameter: Enter here whether a default parameterization of
the PCP and/or PD channel is to be carried out
for the loaded configuration:
0000hex No automatic parameterization.
0001hex Automatic parameterization of the pro-
cess data channel through the genera-
tion of the process data reference list.
0002hex Automatic parameterization of the PCP
channel through the generation of the
communication relationship list.

5150B 2-31

0003hex Automatic parameterization of the pro-

cess data and PCP channel.

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Configuration_Confirmation 8307hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8307hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-32 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.9 Read_Configuration Service

Task: This service reads out various entries of the configuration dictionary de-
pending on the parameters Frame_Reference and Start_Entry_No.

Frame_ Start_ Entries read by the service

Reference Entry_No
0000hex Not Header information of the configuration dictio-
relevant nary (CFG_OD_Header), i.e., the number of all
(0000hex) configured configuration frames in ascending
> 0000hex 0000hex Header information of the configuration frame
(CFG_Header) selected with the
Frame_Reference parameter.
> 0000hex > 0000hex Entries of the configuration frame selected with
the Frame_Reference parameter (CFG_Entry).
You may either read the entire configuration
frame or only one part, e.g., a single INTERBUS
device description.

Syntax: Read_Configuration_Request 0309hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference
Word 4 Used_Attributes
Word 5 Start_Entry_No
Word 6 Entry_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0309hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0004hex For four parameters.
Frame_Reference: 0000hex Read out the configuration frame
xxxxhex Number of the configuration frame to
be read out.

5150B 2-33

Only relevant if Used_Attributes: A 16-bit field indicating which attributes of the

"Frame_Reference" configuration frame are to be read out:
> 0000hex. Bit 0 INTERBUS device number.
Bit 1 INTERBUS device code.
Bit 2 Reserved.
Bit 3 INTERBUS device level.
Bit 4 Logical group number.
Bit 5...7 Reserved.
Bit 8 Global_bus_error.
Bit 9 Separate_bus_error.
Bit 10 INTERBUS device status.
Bit 11 ...
bit 15 Reserved.
The meanings are as follows:
1bin Read out the attribute.
0bin Do not read out the attribute.
Always enter the value 0bin for the reserved bits.
Start_Entry_No: 0000hex Read only the header information of
the configuration frame.
xxxxhex: The position of the first entry to be read
in the selected configuration frame.
Entry_Count: Number of entries to be read from the configura-
tion frame.
The positive message transmits the requested entries of the configuration
directory. Depending on the parameters Frame_Reference and
Start_Entry_No in the service request, it has one of the following three

2-34 5150B
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Syntax Read_Configuration_Confirmation 8309hex

Positive message, Service request with:
1st structure – Frame_Reference = 0000hex,
– Start_Entry_No not relevant (= 0000hex)
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Frame_Reference 0000hex
Word 6 Current_Configuration
Word 7 Configuration_Count
Word 8 Frame_Reference 1
Word n Frame_Reference n

Positive message, Service request with:

2nd structure – Frame_Reference > 0000hex,
– Start_Entry_No = 0000hex
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Frame_Reference > 0000hex
Word 6 Used_Attributes not relevant !
Word 7 Start_Entry_No 0000hex
Word 8 Frame_Device_Count
Word 9 Active_Device_Count
Word 10 Frame_IO_Bit_Count
Word 11 Active_IO_Bit_Count
Word 12 Frame_PCP_Device_Count
Word 13 Active_PCP_Device_Count
Word 14 Frame_PCP_Word_Count
Word 15 Active_PCP_Word_Count

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

5150B 2-35

Positive message, Service request with:

3rd structure: – Frame_Reference > 0000hex,
– Start_Entry_No > 0000hex
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Frame_Reference
Word 6 Used_Attributes
Word 7 Start_Entry_No
Word 8 Entry_Count
Word 9
Configuration_Entry 1st device

Configuration_Entry nth device

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8309hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex For the positive message
(1st and 3rd structure).
000Dhex For the positive message
(2nd structure).
0002hex For the negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message. The
service request was executed suc-
cessfully. The data is available in the
following parameters.

2-36 5150B
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xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e, the

controller board could not process the
called service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed (see
Add_Error_Info: This parameter provides additional information
on the error cause.

More_Follows: 0000hex Indicates that all requested entries are

contained in the service confirmation.
0001hex Indicates that the service confirmation
does not contain all requested entries
since the amount of data is larger than
the mailbox (MXI) that is available for
the services. Call the service again to
read the remaining data.
Frame_Reference: Number of the read configuration frame that you
entered in the service request under
Current_Configuration: Number of the currently activated configuration
Configuration_Count: Number of stored configuration frames.
Frame_Reference Number of all stored configuration frames in as-
cending order.

Frame_Device_Count: Number of configured INTERBUS devices in the

selected configuration frame.
Active_Device_Count: Number of active INTERBUS devices in the se-
lected configuration frame.
Frame_IO_Bit_Count: Number of configured I/O bits in the selected
configuration frame.
Active_IO_Bit_Count: Number of active I/O bits in the selected conifgu-
ration frame.

5150B 2-37

Number of configured PCP devices in the select-
ed configuration frame.
Number of PCP devices configured in the select-
ed configuration frame.
Number of PCP words configured in the selected
configuration frame.
Number of active PCP words in the selected con-
figuration frame.

Used_Attributes: Returns the value that you entered in the service

Start_Entry_No: Returns the value that you entered in the service
Entry_Count: Number of entries that are transferred by the ser-
vice confirmation.
The More_Follows parameter indicates if there
are further entries.
Configuration_Entry: These parameters contain selected entries in the
order of the physical bus configuration. The at-
tributes contained in every service request are
enabled via the Used_Attributes parameter (see
syntax of "Configuration_Entry" on Page 2-39).

2-38 5150B
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A configuration entry of a device must not contain all attributes. If an at-

tribute is not enabled in the service request via the Used_Attributes param-
eter, the configuration entry is reduced by the relevant data words.
In the following, the structure of a configuration entry is shown where all
attributes are enabled.

Syntax "Configuration_Entry" Attributes:

Word x Bus_Segment_No Position
Word x+1 Length_Code ID_Code Device code
Word x+2 Device_Level Device level
Log. group
Word x+3 Group Alternative
Word x+4 SUPI_Type Add_Info
Word x+5 Transmission_Error
Word x+6 Device_Error
Word x+7 Out (bits 31 ... 16)
Word x+8 Out (bits 15 ... 0)
Word x+9 MAU (bits 31 ... 16)
Word x+10 MAU (bits 15 ... 0)
Word x+11 MAU_Warning "Separate_
Word x+12 Out_Error (bits 31 ... 16)
(SUPI III only)
Word x+13 Out_Error (bits 15 ... 0)
Word x+14 Receive_Request
Word x+15 Mod_State
Word x+16 Microprocessor_Watchdog
Word x+17 Device_State Device status

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

5150B 2-39

Attributes: Bus_Segment_No: Number of the bus segment where the INTER-

BUS device is located.
(Value range: 00hex to FFhex corresponds to 0 to
Position: Physical location in the bus segment which was
selected by the previous attribute.
(Value range: 00hex to 08hex for local bus and
ST compact station or 00hex to 0hex corresponds
to 0dec to 64dec for INTERBUS Loop.)
Length_Code: The length code refers to the address space re-
quired by the INTERBUS device in the host.
ID_Code: The ID code describes the device function. It is
printed as Module Ident in decimal notation on
the modules (in hexadecimal notation on RT
Device_Level: This attribute indicates the level of the INTER-
BUS device.
(Value range: 00hex ... 0Fhex corresponds to
0 ... 15.)
Group: Group.
Alternative: Enter here an alternative group.
The two bytes Group and Alternative form to-
gether the logical group number.
Device_State Bits 0, 1 Not relevant.
Bit 2 1bin Device active.
0bin Device not active.
Bits 3, 4 Not relevant.
Bit 5 1bin Device bypassed.
0bin Device not bypassed.
Bit 6...
bit 15 Reserved.

2-40 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.10 Compare_Configuration Service

Task: This service transmits configuration data in the form of a list of entries to
the controller board. Determine with the Used_Attributes parameter which
attributes the entries are to contain.
The controller board compares this list with the configuration frame speci-
fied with the Frame_Reference parameter. If the list and the configuration
frame are not identical, a negative confirmation is output, which provides
error information in the form of error codes.

Prerequisite: Ensure that the configuration frame to be specified with the

Frame_Reference parameter has been loaded onto the controller board!

The configuration frame describes each of the specified INTERBUS devic-

es in a separate numbered entry. The sequence and the numbering of the
entries corresponds to the physical bus configuration including all alterna-

Syntax: Compare_Configuration_Request 0317hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference
Word 4 Used_Attributes
Word 5 Start_Entry_No
Word 6 Entry_Count
Word 7
Configuration_Entry 1st device

Configuration_Entry nth device

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key : Code: 0317hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.

5150B 2-41

Frame_Reference: Number of the configuration frame with which the

controller board is to compare the transmitted
Used_Attributes: A 16-bit field indicating which attributes of the
configuration frame are to be read out:
Bit 0 INTERBUS device number.
Bit 1 INTERBUS device code.
Bit 2 Reserved.
Bit 3 INTERBUS device level.
Bit 4 Logical group number.
Bit 5...
bit 7 Reserved.
Bit 8 Global_bus_error.
Bit 9 Separate_bus_error.
Bit 10 INTERBUS device status.
Bit 11 - Reserved.
bit 15
The meanings are as follows:
1bin Read out the attribute.
0bin Do not read out the attribute.
Always enter the value 0bin for the reserved bits.
Start_Entry_No: Number of the first device whose attributes are to
be compared with the transmitted list.
Entry_Count: Number of devices to be transmitted to the con-
troller board.
Configuration_Entry: Entries with the attributes enabled via the
Used_Attributes parameter. Enter the entries in
the order of the physical bus configuration (see
syntax description for the "Read_Configuration"
service on Page 2-33).

2-42 5150B
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Syntax: Compare_Configuration_Confirmation 8317hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8317hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-43

2.3.11 Complete_Load_Configuration Service

Task: This service transmits configuration data to the INTERBUS master in the
form of attributes selected with Used_Attributes. It is specially adapted to
the PLC programming requirements.

Prerequisite: Ensure that the controller board has been prepared for the transmission
with the services
– "Control_Parameterization" (030Ehex, see Page 2-11) and
– "Initiate_Load_Configuration" (030Ehex, see Page 2-24).

Remark: This service can be understood as a meta service for the

"Load_Configuration" service (0307hex, see Page 2-27). This service trans-
mits all entries of the configuration frame (Start_Entry_No = "1").

Syntax: Complete_Load_Configuration_Request 030Ahex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Used_Attributes
Word 4 Entry_Count
Word 5
Configuration_Entry 1st device

Configuration_Entry nth device

Bit 15 ........................................................................ 0

Key: Code: 030Ahex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Used_Attributes: Specify the structure of the entries via this 16-bit
field. Enable certain attributes for transmission:
Bit 0 INTERBUS device number.
Bit 1 INTERBUS device code.
Bit 2 Reserved.
Bit 3 INTERBUS device level.

2-44 5150B
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Bit 4 Logical group number.

Bit 5 ...
bit 15 Reserved.
The meanings are as follows:
1bin The attribute is enabled.
0bin The attribute is disabled and must not
be specified.
Always enter the value 0bin for reserved bits.
Entry_Count: Number of entries to be transmitted to the con-
troller board.
Configuration_Entry: Entries with the attributes enabled via the
Used_Attributes parameter. Enter the entries in
the order of the physical bus configuration (see
syntax description for the "Read_Configuration"
service on Page 2-33).

5150B 2-45

Syntax: Complete_Load_Configuration_Confirmation 830Ahex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Ahex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-46 5150B
Firmware Services

2.3.12 Complete_Read_Configuration Service

Task: This service reads entries of the configuration dictionary in the form of one
or several columns which have been selected with Used_Attributes before.
It is especially adapted to PLC programming requirements.

Remark: This service can be understood as a meta service for the

"Read_Configuration" (0309hex) service. The Start_Entry_No parameter
does not need to be specified, since this service reads all entries of the con-
figuration frame (Start_Entry_No = "1").

Syntax: Complete_Read_Configuration_Request 030Bhex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Used_Attributes

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 030Bhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Used_Attributes: Specify the structure of the entries via this 16-bit
field. Enable certain attributes for transmission:
Bit 0 INTERBUS device number.
Bit 1 INTERBUS device code.
Bit 2 Reserved.
Bit 3 INTERBUS device level.
Bit 4 Logical group number.
Bit 5 ...
bit 15 Reserved.
The meanings are as follows:
1bin The attribute is enabled.
0bin The attribute is disabled and must not
be specified.
Always enter the value 0bin for reserved bits.

5150B 2-47

Syntax: Complete_Read_Configuration_Confirmation (830Bhex)

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Frame_Reference
Word 6 Used_Attributes
Word 7 Start_Entry_No 0001hex
Word 8 Entry_Count
Word 9
Configuration_Entry 1st device


Configuration_Entry nth device

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Bhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.

2-48 5150B
Firmware Services

Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-

tional information on the error cause.

More_Follows: 0000hex Indicates that all requested entries are

contained in this service confirmation.
0001hex Indicates that the service confirmation
does not contain all requested entries
since the amount of data is larger than
the mailbox (MXI) that is available for
the services. Call the
"Read_Configuration" service
(0309hex) again to read the remaining
Frame_Reference: Number of the currently activated configuration
Used_Attributes: Returns the value that you have entered in the
service request.
Start_Entry_No: Since the "Complete_Read_Configuration" ser-
vice has read all entries of the configuration
frame starting with the first entry, this parameter
always has the value 0001hex.
Entry_Count: Number of entries that are transmitted by this
service confirmation.
Configuration_Entry: Entries with the attributes enabled via the
Used_Attributes parameter. Enter the entries in
the order of the physical bus configuration (see
syntax description for the "Read_Configuration"
service on Page 2-33).

5150B 2-49

2.3.13 Delete_Configuration Service

Task: This service deletes an active configuration frame from the configuration

Syntax: Delete_Configuration_Request 030Chex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 030Chex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Frame_Reference Enter here the number of the configuration frame
to be deleted.

2-50 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Delete_Configuration_Confirmation 830Chex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Chex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-51

2.3.14 Create_Configuration Service

Task: This service causes the controller board to automatically generate a con-
figuration frame from the currently connected configuration and to activate
it in order to start the bus. After the execution of the service the controller
board is in the ACTIVE state (display: ACTV).
The new configuration frame and the active configuration are stored in the
configuration dictionary under the number specified in the
Frame_Reference parameter. If there is already a configuration frame
under this number, this frame will be overwritten. In addition, the controller
board generates default process data description lists, a default process
data reference list, and a default communication relationship list (CRL) on
the basis of the currently connected bus configuration. In the device de-
scriptions the attributes are initialized as follows:
Device_Number: According to the current configuration.
Length_Code: According to the current configuration.
ID_Code: According to the current configuration.
Device_Level: According to the current configuration.
Group_Number: For all INTERBUS devices FFFF hex
(i.e., no group number).
Device_State: All INTERBUS devices are active.

Syntax: Create_Configuration_Request 0710hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0710hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Frame_Reference: Number of the configuration frame to be generat-
ed automatically.

2-52 5150B
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Syntax: Create_Configuration_Confirmation 8710hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8710hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-53

2.3.15 Activate_Configuration Service

Task: This service checks the configuration data of the configuration frame for
– conformance with the currently connected configuration and
– address overlaps.
If no error is detected, the controller board activates this configuration
frame (display: ACTV) and runs sporadically ID cycles. The number of the
configuration frame is indicated to the controller board via the
Frame_Reference parameter.

Prerequisite: When you want to activate a configuration frame, ensure that no other con-
figuration frame is active. Use the "Deactivate_Configuration" service to
deactivate the configuration frame (0712hex).

Syntax: Activate_Configuration_Request 0711hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0711hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Frame_Reference: Number of the configuration frame to be ac-

2-54 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Activate_Configuration_Confirmation 8711hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8711hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-55

2.3.16 Deactivate_Configuration Service

Task: This service deactivates the specified configuration frame. No ID cycles are
run anymore. On execution of the service the controller board is in the
READY state (display: RDY).
If you executed the "Stop_Data_Transfer" service (0702hex) before, this
service has left behind "frozen" output states (set outputs). These outputs
are reset when the configuration frame is reset.

Prerequisite: The specified configuration must not only exist, it must also be active when
the service is called.

Syntax: Deactivate_Configuration_Request 0712hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0712hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Frame_Reference: Number of the configuration frame to be deacti-

2-56 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Deactivate_Configuration_Confirmation 8712hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8712hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-57

2.4 Services for Defining Process Data


2.4.1 Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List

Task: This services initiates the definition of process data descriptions. It pre-
pares the controller board for the "Put_Process_Data_ Description_List"
service (0321hex, see Page 2-60).

Prerequisite: The controller board must be prepared for parameterization with the ser-
– "Control_Parameterization" (030Ehex),
– "Initiate_Load_Configuration" (0306 hex), and
– "Complete_Load_Configuration" (030A hex).

The configuration frame must be loaded since it contains the device num-
bers to which the process data descriptions are to be assigned.

Syntax: Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Request 0320hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0320hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-58 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Confirmation 8320hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8320hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-59

2.4.2 Put_Process_Data_Description_List Service

The firmware automatically defines a process data description (PDD) for

every INTERBUS device. This description comprises its entire process
For example, for an INTERBUS device with 16 bits of input and 16 bits of
output data, the firmware automatically defines
- a process data description of 16 input bits and
- a process data description of 16 output bits.

Task: The "Put_Process_Data_Description_List" service can be used to define

several process data descriptions for an INTERBUS device, thereby split-
ting it up into smaller elements. The service writes these definitions to the
process data description list.

Prerequisite: The controller board must have been prepared before with the services
– "Control_Parameterization" (030Ehex) and
– "Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List" (0320hex).

Syntax: Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Request 0321hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Device_No
Word 4 PDD_Count
Word 5
Process data
description list
... (PDDL)


Bit 15 ........................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0321hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.

2-60 5150B
Firmware Services

Device_No: Device number of the INTERBUS device in the

process data description list (PDDL) of which the
process data descriptions (PDD) are to be writ-
PDD_Count: Number of process data descriptions.
PDD: Process data description (PDD)
(see the following syntax).

Syntax Process data description (PDD):

Data_Direction Data_Type
Bit_Position Length
Extension_Length Extension
... Extension

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

Key: PDD_Index: Index of the process data description.

Assign a different PDD_Index for every process
data description in order to identify it clearly. Ev-
ery PDD_Index may be assigned only once per
Permissible value range for the PDD_Index:
0000hex ... 7FFFhex
Already assigned:
6010hex Default process data descriptions
(default PDDs).
6011hex Default process input data (default
Data_Direction: Data direction of the process data description:
0Chex For process input data.
0Dhex For process output data.
Data_Type Type of the process data description:
0Ahex Byte string process data item.
0Fhex Bit string process data item.

5150B 2-61

Byte_Position: Byte offset

(byte in the process data area of the device):
0000hex 1st byte (bits 0 ... 7),
i.e., the low-order byte.
0001hex 2nd byte (bits 8 ...15),
i.e., the next higher byte.
0002hex 3rd byte (bits 16...23)
... nth byte;
depending on the size of the device.
Bit_Position: Bit offset; beginning of the bit string in the byte
selected with Byte_Position.
Permissible value range:
00hex ... 07hex for bit 0 to bit 7.
Length: Length of the process data item.
Value range:
1 ... 64 bytes (for byte string process data item).
1 ... 8 bits (for bit string process data item).
A bit string must not exceed a byte boundary.
Extension_Length: Length of the Extension parameter.
Value range:
00hex ... 7Fhex, i.e., 0 ... 127 bytes.
Extension: In this parameter you can enter, for example, a
name in ASCII code for this process data de-

2-62 5150B
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Syntax: Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Confirmation 8321hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8321hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-63

2.4.3 Terminate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List

Task: This service terminates a write access to a process data description list

Syntax: Terminate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Request 0322hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0322hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-64 5150B
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Syntax: Terminate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List_Confirmation
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8322hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-65

2.4.4 Get_Process_Data_Description_List Service

Task: This service reads one or several process data descriptions (PDDs) from
the process data description list (PDDL) of an INTERBUS device.
Specify via the Start_PDD_Index parameter whether you want to read out
– only the header of the process data description list or
– one/several process data descriptions.

Syntax: Get_Process_Data_Description_List_Request 0323hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Device_No
Word 4 Start_PDD_Index
Word 5 PDD_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0323hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0003hex).
Device_No: Device number of the INTERBUS device from
the process data description list (PDDL) of which
you want to read out process data descriptions
Start_PDD_Index: 0000hex Read out only the header of the pro-
cess data description list.
xxxxhex Index of the first process data descrip-
tion (PDD) to be read out.
PDD_Count: Number of process data descriptions (only rele-
vant if Start_PDD_Index > 0000hex).

2-66 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Get_Process_Data_Description_List_Confirmation 8323hex

Positive message (Start_PDD_Index > 0000hex)
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Device_No
Word 6 Start_PDD_Index
Word 7 PDD_Count

Process data
description list
... (PDDL)


Positive message (Start_PDD_Index = 0000hex)

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Device_No
Word 6 Start_PDD_Index
Word 7 PDD_Count

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 .......................................................................... 0

5150B 2-67

Key: Code: 8323hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message
(Start_PDD_Index > 0000hex).
0005hex Positive message
(Start_PDD_Index = 0000hex).
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

More_Follows: 0000hex Indicates that all requested entries are

contained in this service confirmation.
0001hex Indicates that the service confirmation
does not contain all requested entries
since the amount of data is larger than
the mailbox (MXI) that is available for
the services. Call the service again to
read out the remaining data. Enter for
the Start_PDD_Index parameter the
index of the last transmitted process
data description, incremented by
Device_No: Device number of the INTERBUS device from
the process data description list (PDDL) of which
the process data descriptions (PDD) were read.
Start_PDD_Index: Index of the first process data description that
was read out.

2-68 5150B
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PDD_Count: Number of process data descriptions that were

read out or exist in the process data description
list (PDDL).
PDD: Process data descriptions (see syntax of the
"Put_Process_Data_Description_List" as of
Page 2-60).

5150B 2-69

2.5 Services for Assigning Process Data

2.5.1 Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List

Task: This service initiates the definition of process data references (PDRs). It
prepares the controller board for the
"Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0325hex) service.

Specify via the New_PDRL parameter whether the service is to overwrite

an already existing process data reference list (PDRL). This is useful if you
have created a process data reference list with the "Create_Configuration"
service (0710hex) before, but want to do your own configuration now.

Prerequisite: Ensure that the controller board has been prepared for the parameteriza-
tion ("Control_Parameterization"). The configuration frame must be loaded
("Initiate_Load_Configuration", thereafter "Complete_Load_
Configuration"). All process data descriptions that are used in the PDRL
must be loaded ("Initiate_Put_Process_Data_Description_List", thereafter

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0324 hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 New_PDRL

Bit 15 ................................................................................ 0

Key: Code: 0324hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
New_PDRL: 0000hex Do not overwrite an existing PDRL.
0001hex Overwrite an existing PDRL.

2-70 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation 8324hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8324hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-71

2.5.2 Load_Process_Data_Reference_List Service

Task: With this service you define the process data references (PDRs) in a pro-
cess data reference list. You may define process data references for input
data, output data and direct link data.

The order in which process data references are transmitted for input data,
output data and link data is of no importance. The controller board stores
the data in the order of the ascending PDR indices (see "process data ref-
erence" syntax).

Prerequisite: The controller board must have been prepared with the services
– "Control_Parameterization" (030Ehex) and
– "Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0324 hex).

Syntax: Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0325hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 PDR_Count
Word 4
Process data
reference list
... (PDRL)


................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0325hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
PDR_Count: Number of process data references to be trans-
PDR: Process data references.

2-72 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax Process data reference for input data:

Word x+1 PDR_Index
Word x+2 Device_No
Word x+3 PDD_Index
Word x+4 Destination_Address
Word x+5 Bit_Position Data_Cons
Word x+6 Extension_Length Extension
Word x+7 ... Extension

Process data reference for output data:

Word x+1 PDR_Index
Word x+2 Source_Address
Word x+3 Bit_Position Data_Cons
Word x+4 Device_No
Word x+5 PDD_Index
Word x+6 Extension_Length Extension
Word x+7 ... Extension

Process data reference for direct link data:

Word x+1 PDR_Index
Word x+2 Source_Device_No
Word x+3 Source_PDD_Index
Word x+4 Dest_Device_No
Word x+5 Dest_PDD_Index
Word x+6 Extension_Length Extension
Word x+7 ... Extension

Bit 15 ................................... 8 7 ..................................... 0

Key: PDR_Index: Index of the process data reference (PDR).

Permissible value range:
0000hex ... 3FFFhex For input data.
4000hex ... 7FFFhex For output data.
8000hex ... BFFFhex For direct link data.
Use a different PDR_Index for every process data reference, in order to
identify it clearly. Every PDR_Index may be assigned only once!

5150B 2-73

Device_No: INTERBUS device (Segment . Position).

PDD_Index: Index of the process data item.
Source_Address: Source address in the MPM (output data).
Recommended value range: 0000 hex ... 0400hex.
Destination_Address: Destination address in the MPM (input data).
Recommended value range: 1000 hex ... 1400hex.
Bit_Position: Beginning of a bit string at the destination/source
address in the MPM. Permissible value range:
00hex ... 07hexfor bit 0 ... bit 7.
Data_Cons: Data consistency for process data access.
Permissible values:
00hex 16 bits (standard).
01hex 32 bits (e.g., encoders, operator inter-
02hex 8 bits for modules or process data
that are less than/equal to 8 bits.
03hex 64 bits (e.g., encoders, operator inter-

The data consistency guarantees that the specified data width comes from
one INTERBUS cycle.
The standard value for I/O modules is 16 bits. For INTERBUS devices
which demand the coherent transmission of larger data widths, you must
increase the data consistency (e.g., encoders, interfaces, or analog modu-
les with a resolution higher than16 bits). The data consistency must be
identical within one word.
You may
– divide one word into two bytes which are consistent in themselves
(8 bits each),
– define one word as being consistent in itself (16 bits), assign one word
to a larger consistency area (32 oder 64 bits).
It is not allowed to assign a data consistency of 8 bits to a byte of one word
and the other byte to another, larger consistency area.
Extension_Length: Length of the Extension parameter.
Value range:
00hex ... 7Fhex, i.e., 0 ... 127 characters.
Extension: In this parameter you can enter, for example, a
comment in ASCII code for this process data ref-

2-74 5150B
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Source_Device_No: INTERBUS device the input data of which you

want to assign.
Source_PDD_Index: Index of the process input data item.
Dest_Device_No: INTERBUS device to which you want to assign
the data.
Dest_PDD_Index: Enter here the index of the process output data

Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation 8325hex
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8325hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-75

2.5.3 Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List

Task: This service terminates the definition of process data references (PDRs).

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0326hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0326hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-76 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8325hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-77

2.5.4 Read_Process_Data_Reference_List Service

Task: This service can be used to read out the current process data reference list
Specify via the Start_PDR_Index parameter whether you want to read out
– only the header of the process data reference list or
– one/several process data references.

Syntax: Read_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0327hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Start_PDR_Index
Word 4 Entry_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0327hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0002hex).
Start_PDR_Index: 0000hex Read out only the header of the pro-
cess data reference list (PDRL),
xxxxhex Index of the first process data refer-
ence (PDR) to be read out.
Entry_Count: Number of process data references
(only relevant if Start_PDR_Index > 0000hex).

2-78 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Read_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation (8327 hex)

Positive message (Start_PDR_Index > 0000hex)
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Start_PDR_Index
Word 6 PDR_Count
Word 7
Process data
reference list
... (PDRL)


Positive message (Start_PDR_Index = 0000hex)

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 Start_PDR_Index
Word 6 PDR_Count

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ............................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8327hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:

5150B 2-79

xxxxhex Positive message

(Start_PDR_Index > 0000hex.)
0004hex Positive message
(Start_PDR_Index = 0000hex.)
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

More_Follows: 0000hex Indicates that all requested process

data references (PDRs) are contained
in this service confirmation.
0001hex Indicates that the service confirmation
does not contain all requested refer-
ences since the amount of data is
larger than the mailbox (MXI) that is
available for the services. Call the ser-
vice again to read out the remaining
data. Enter for the Start_PDD_Index
parameter the index of the last trans-
mitted process data reference, incre-
mented by 0001hex.
Start_PDR_Index: Index of the first process data reference (PDRs)
that was read.
Permissible value ranges for PDR_Indices:
For input data0000hex ... 3FFFhex.
For output data4000hex ... 7FFFhex.
For direct link data 8000hex ... BFFFhex.
Entry_Count: Number of process data references (PDR) that
were read out or are included in the process data
reference list (PDRL).
Entry: Process data references in the order of the as-
cending indices.

2-80 5150B
Firmware Services

2.5.5 Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List

Task: PLC users can use this service to configure the controller board without
support from software such as IBS CMD SWT. For this purpose you create
a host address list for the IN and OUT process data. The firmware then au-
tomatically generates corresponding entries for the process data reference
The "Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" service replaces the
following service sequence:
– "Initiate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0324hex),
– "Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0325 hex), and
– "Terminate_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0326hex).
It allows an address assignment as used for controller boards with firmware
version 3.x.
Transmit the addresses in the host-specific address format. The firmware
converts the host-specific address format into the physical 32-bit ad-
dresses of the MPM.

Syntax: Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0328hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Address_Direction
Word 4 Entry_Count
Word 5 Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address 1st device
Word 6 Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address 2nd device
... ...
Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address nth device

Bit 15 | 14 13 .......... 8 7 .................................. 0

Key: Code: 0328hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Address_Direction: Enter here whether the following address list is to
contain input or output addresses:

5150B 2-81

1000hex Input addresses.

2000hex Output addresses.
Entry_Count: Number of entries in the host address list.
Data_Cons: Data consistency for process data access.
Permissible values:
00hex 16 bits (standard).
01hex 32 bits (e.g., encoders, operator inter-
02hex 8 bits for modules or process data
that are less than/equal to 8 bits.
03hex 64 bits (e.g., encoders, operator inter-

The data consistency guarantees that the specified data width comes from
one INTERBUS cycle.
The standard value for I/O modules is 16 bits. For INTERBUS devices
which demand the coherent transmission of larger data widths, you must
increase the data consistency (e.g., encoders, interfaces, or analog modu-
les with a resolution higher than16 bits). The data consistency must be
identical within one word.
You may
– divide one word into two bytes which are consistent in themselves
(8 bits each),
– define one word as being consistent in itself (16 bits),
– assign one word to a larger consistency area (32 or 64 bits).
It is not allowed to assign a data consistency of 8 bits to a byte of one
word and the other byte to another, larger consistency area.
Reserved: Set the six reserved bits (bits 8 ...13) to the value
PD_Address: Input address list
(Address_Direction = 1000hex):
Enter here for all INTERBUS devices with pro-
cess input data the host addresses in the order
of their physical locations. For INTERBUS devic-
es with more than one process input word (e.g.,
with 32 bits), the next higher addresses are auto-
matically assigned as well.

2-82 5150B
Firmware Services

Enter here the value FFFFhex for all INTERBUS

devices without process input data (e.g., dedicat-
ed bus terminal modules or output modules) in
the Data_Cons / PD_Address word.
Output address list
(Address_Direction = 2000hex):
Enter here for all INTERBUS devices with pro-
cess output data the host addresses in the order
of their physical locations. For INTERBUS devic-
es with more than one process output word (e.g.,
with 32 bits), the next higher addresses are auto-
matically assigned as well.

Enter here the value FFFFhex for all modules

without process output data (e.g., dedicated BK
modules or input modules) in the
Data_Cons word /PD_address word.
Place the start addresses of INTERBUS devices with address area of
16 bits (or more) to even addresses only.

5150B 2-83

Syntax: Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8328hex Message code for the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-84 5150B
Firmware Services

2.5.6 Compact_Read_Process_Data_Reference Service

Task: This service can be used to read the address lists of your PLC or PC sys-
tem that have been configured with the
"Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0328hex) service. The
firmware converts the physical 32-bit addresses of the MPM to the speci-
fied address format of your control or computer system.

Prerequisite: This service can only be executed successfully if the process data refer-
ence lists were configured with the
"Compact_Load_Process_Data_Reference_List" (0328hex) service.

Syntax: Compact_Read_Process_Data_Reference_List_Request 0329 hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Address_Direction

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0329hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Address_Direction: Enter here whether the address for the input or
output addresses is to be read out:
1000hex Input address list.
2000hex Output address list.

5150B 2-85

Syntax: Compact_Read_Process_Data_Reference_List_Confirmation
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Address_Direction
Word 5 Entry_Count
Word 6 Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address 1st device
Word 7 Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address 2nd device
... ... ...
Data_Cons Reserved PD_Address nth device

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 | 14 13 ............ 8 7 ..................................... 0

Key: Code: 8329hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-86 5150B
Firmware Services

Address_Direction: This parameter indicates whether the host ad-

dress list that has been read contains input or
output addresses:
1000hex Input address list.
2000hex Output address list.
Entry_Count: Number of entries in the address list.
PD_Address: Input address list
(Address_Direction = 1000hex):
The input address list contains the host address-
es for all INTERBUS devices with process input
data in the order of their physical locations. For
INTERBUS devices with more than one process
input word (e.g., with 32 bits), the next higher ad-
dresses are automatically assigned as well.
Output address list
(Address_Direction = 2000hex):
Enter here for all INTERBUS devices with pro-
cess output data the host addresses in the order
of their physical location. For INTERBUS devic-
es with more than one process output word (e.g.,
with 32 bits), the next higher addresses are auto-
matically assigned as well.

The firmware enters the value FFFFhex for

INTERBUS devices without process data of the
corresponding list type.

5150B 2-87

2.6 Services for Direct INTERBUS Access

2.6.1 Start_Data_Transfer Service

Task: This service activates the cyclic data traffic on the bus. On execution of the
service, the controller board is in the RUN state (display: RUN).

Prerequisite: Before the service is called, the controller board must be in the ACTIVE
state, i.e., a configuration frame has been activated and ID cycles are al-
ready run sporadically.

Syntax: Start_Data_Transfer_Request 0701 hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0701hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-88 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Start_Data_Transfer_Confirmation 8701hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8701hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-89

2.6.2 Alarm_Stop Service

Task: This service causes a long reset on the bus. The data traffic on the bus is
stopped. Modules with process data set their outputs to the value 0. The
command is executed directly after the running data cycle has been com-
pleted. On execution of the service, the controller board is in the READY
state (display: RDY).

Syntax: Alarm_Stop_Request 1303hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 1303hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-90 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Alarm_Stop_Confirmation 9303hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 9303hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-91

2.6.3 Stop_Data_Transfer Service

Task: This service stops the cyclic process data traffic on the bus. On execution
of the service, the controller board is in the ACTIVE state (display: ACTV),
and ID cycles are sporadically run.
The controller board does not switch the output data into the safe state! Any
set outputs are not reset but remain static.

Prerequisite: The controller board must be in the RUN state before the service is called.

Syntax: Stop_Data_Transfer_Request 0702hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Stop_Type

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0702hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of the subsequent words (0001hex).
Stop_Type: Stop type:
0000hex Data transfer stop.

2-92 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Stop_Data_Transfer_Confirmation 8702hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8702hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-93

2.6.4 Control_Active_Configuration Service

Task: This service allows to selectively switch on or off INTERBUS devices. De-
pending on whether this service is used in the active or inactive state of the
bus system, the changes in the configuration frame become effective im-
mediately or when the "Activate_Configuration" (0711 hex) service is

Syntax: Control_Active_Configuration_Request 0713hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Switch_Code
Word 4 Entry_Count
Word 5 Device_No List of
Word 6 Device_No
... ... numbers
Word n+2 Device_No

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0713hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Switch_Code: This parameter specifies into which states the
INTERBUS devices listed in the list of INTER-
BUS device numbers are to be switched.
Possible values are:
0000hex Segment_Off
The specified device and all devices that depend
on it are switched off.
These are:
– all devices belonging to the same bus seg-
– all devices belonging to the same logic group,
– devices which come physically after the de-
vice Device_No x.

2-94 5150B
Firmware Services

0001hex Segment_On
The specified device and all devices
that depend on it are switched on.
Please observe the special treatment
for groups that can be switched alter-
0002hex Device_Off
Only the specified device is switched
off in the configuration frame. For this,
all devices that depend on this device
must be switched off individually and
0003hex Device_On
Only the specified device is switched
on in the configuration frame. For this,
all devices that depend on this device
must be switched on individually and
0004hex Device_Disable
Only the specified device is disabled in
the configuration frame. It must not
remain physically in the data ring and
must be bypassed manually.
0005hex Device_Enable
Only the specified device is enabled in
the configuration frame. Insert it manu-
ally into the data ring.
Entry_Count: Device number in the list of INTERBUS device
Device_No: Enter here the INTERBUS device numbers of
the devices to be switched.

5150B 2-95

Syntax: Control_Active_Configuration_Confirmation 8713hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8713hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-96 5150B
Firmware Services

2.6.5 Control_Device_Function Service

Task: This service can be used to send control commands to one or several
INTERBUS devices; for example, to confirm device status errors or to set
an alarm output.

Syntax: Control_Device_Function_Request 0714hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count (n)
Word 3 Device_Function
Word 4 Entry_Count
Word 5 Device_No List of
Word 6 Device_No INTERBUS
... devices
Word n+2 Device_No

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0714hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Device_Function: Control command to be sent to the devices. The
following control commands are available:
0001hex Set_Alarm:
Setting the alarm outputs of bus termi-
nal modules (BK).
0002hex Reset_Alarm:
Resetting the alarm outputs of bus ter-
minal modules (BK).
0003hex Confirmation_Device_Error:
Confirming the peripheral fault (PF) of
a device
0004hex Confirmation_Device_Error_All:
Confirming the peripheral faults (PF) of
all devices. Set Entry_Count
= 0000hex. The list of device numbers
is not required.

5150B 2-97

Entry_Count: xxxxhex Number of devices to which the con-

trol command is to be sent.
0000hex If Device_Function = 0004hex.
Device_No: Device numbers of the devices to which the con-
trol command is to be sent (it is not required, if
Device_Function = 0004hex).

Syntax: Control_Device_Function_Confirmation 8714hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8714hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-98 5150B
Firmware Services

2.6.6 Reset_Controller_Board Service

Function: The "Reset_Controller_Board" service initiates a controller board reset.

Prerequisite: Before calling this service, ensure that the state of your system allows a
controller board reset.

Syntax: Reset_Controller_Board_Request 0956hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Reset_Type

Bit 15 ................................................................................ 0

Key: Code: 0956hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Reset_Type: Reset type:
0000hex Cold start.
0001hex Warm start.

5150B 2-99

2.7 Diagnostic Services

2.7.1 Confirm_Diagnostics Service

Task: This service updates the contents of the diagnostic registers, the error
areas in the MPM, and the diagnostic indicators on the front panel of the
controller board.

Syntax: Confirm_Diagnostics_Request 0760hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0760hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-100 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Confirm_Diagnostics_Confirmation 8760hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8760hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-101

2.7.2 Get_Error_Info Service

Task: This error can be used to read out the exact error cause and location after
a bus error was indicated. A maximum of 10 errors is analyzed.

Syntax: Get_Error_Info_Request 0316hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0316hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-102 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Get_Error_Info_Confirmation 8316hex

Positive message (error location is not yet terminated)
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Entry_Count 0001hex
Word 5 Error_Code 0BDFhex
Word 6 Add_Error_Info FFFFhex

Positive message (after error location)

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Entry_Count
Word 5 Error_Code
1st error
Word 6 Add_Error_Info
Word 7 Error_Code
2nd error
Word 8 Add_Error_Info
... ... ...
nth error

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

5150B 2-103

Key: Code: 8316hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0004hex Positive message
(during error localization).
00xxhex Positive message
(after error localization,
max. 20 words).
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Entry_Count: Number of indicated errors (a maximum of 10).
Every error description consists of two words:
Error_Code and Add_Error_Info.
Error_Code: Information on the error type.
Add_Error_Info: Positive message:
– Error location (Bus segment . Position), if it
could be located.
– Negative message:
Additional information on the error cause.

2-104 5150B
Firmware Services

2.7.3 Read_Device_State Service

Task: This service reads selectable status information of all INTERBUS devices
of the active configuration for test and diagnostic purposes.

Syntax: Read_Device_State_Request 0315hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Device_State_Mask

Bit 15 .................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0315hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Device_State_Mask: A 16-bit field with the help of which you deter-
mine which status information is to be read out.
The bits have the following meaning:
Bit 0: Alarm output:
The alarm output of the specified
INTERBUS device is set.
Bit 1: Error output:
The specified INTERBUS device indi-
cates an error.
Bit 2 ...
bit 8: Reserved.
Bit 9: MAU detection of the incoming remote
bus interface (data ring - forward path).
Bit 10: MAU detection of the incoming remote
bus interface (data ring - return path).
Bit 11: Peripheral fault
The INTERBUS device indicates a
peripheral fault.
Bit 12 ...
bit 15 Reserved.

5150B 2-105

MAU = Medium Attachment Unit

The set bit indicates that the trans-
mission path is still functioning at the
specified interface and that the attenu-
ation is too high (e.g., optical fiber).
The following is true for all bits of the
1bin Status enabled.
0bin Status disabled.
Always enter the value 0bin for all reserved bits.

2-106 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Read_Device_State_Confirmation 8315hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 More_Follows
Word 5 States_Count
Word 6 Device_No
1st message
Word 7 Device_States
... ...
nth message

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result ....
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ............................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8315hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-107

More_Follows: 0000hex Indicates that all requested status

messages are contained in this service
0001hex Indicates that the service confirmation
does not contain all requested status
messages since the amount of data is
larger than the mailbox (MXI) that is
available for the services. Confirm the
transmitted status messages with the
"Control_Device_Function" (0714hex)
service and then call the
"Read_Device_State" (0315hex) ser-
vice again.
States_Count: Number of status messages. Every status mes-
sage consists of two words: Device_No and
Device_No: Number of INTERBUS device that provided the
status information.
Device_States: Status information of the device (16-bit field).
The meanings of the bits correspond to that of
the Device_State_Mask in the service request.

2-108 5150B
Firmware Services

2.7.4 Get_Version_Info Service

Task: This service can be used to read the type, version, manufacturing date, etc.
of the hardware and firmware of your controller board.

Syntax: Get_Version_Info_Request 032Ahex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 032Ahex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-109

Syntax: Get_Version_Info_Confirmation 832Ahex

Positive message (continued on next page)
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
FW_Version (byte 1) FW_Version (byte 2)
Words 4 + 5
FW_Version (byte 3) FW_Version (byte 4)
FW_State (byte 1) ...
Words 6 ... 8
... FW_State (byte 6)
FW_Date (byte 1) ...
Words 9 ... 11
... FW_Date (byte 6)
FW_Time (byte 1) ...
Words 12 ... 14
... FW_Time (byte 6)
Host_Type (byte 1) ...
Words 15 ... 24
... Host_Type (byte 20)
Host_Version (byte 1) Host_Version (byte 2)
Words 25 + 26
Host_Version (byte 3) Host_Version (byte 4)
Host_State (byte 1) ...
Words 27 ... 29
... Host_State (byte 6)
Host_Date (byte 1) ...
Words 30 ... 32
... Host_Date (byte 6)
Host_Time (byte 1) ...
Words 33 ... 35
... Host_Time (byte 6)
Start_FW_Version (byte 1) Start_FW_Version (byte 2)
Words 36 + 37
Start_FW_Version (byte 3) Start_FW_Version (byte 4)
Start_FW_State (byte 1) ...
Words 38 ... 40
... Start_FW_State (byte 6)
Start_FW_Date (byte 1) ...
Words 41 ... 43
... Start_FW_Date (byte 6)
Start_FW_Time (byte 1) ...
Words 44 ... 46
... Start_FW_Time (byte 6)
HW_Art_No (byte 1) ...
Words 47 ... 50
... HW_Art_No (byte 8)

2-110 5150B
Firmware Services

HW_Art_Name (byte 1) ...

Words 51 ... 65
... HW_Art_Name (byte 30)
HW_Motherboard_ID (byte 1) HW_Motherboard_ID (byte 2)
Words 66 + 67
HW_Motherboard_ID (byte 2) HW_Motherboard_ID (byte 4)
Word 68 HW_Version (byte 1) HW_Version (byte 2)
HW_Vendor_Name (byte 1) ...
Words 69 ... 78
... HW_Vendor_Name (byte 20)
HW_Serial_No (byte 1) ...
Words 79 ... 84
... HW_Serial_No (byte 12)
HW_Date (byte 1) ...
Words 85 ... 87
... HW_Date (byte 6)

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 832Ahex Message code of service confirmation.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0055hex Positve message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-111

Version information on the hardware and firmware: Every byte indicates

the ASCII code for a character:
FW_Version: Version of the firmware kernel (4 bytes)
(e.g., 30 33 39 37hex for "version 03.97")
FW_State: Firmware status (6 bytes)
(e.g., 62 65 64 61 00 00hex for "beta"
with preliminary versions)
FW_Date: Creation date of the firmware (6 bytes)
(e.g., 33 31 31 30 39 35hex for October 31,1995)
FW_Time: Creation time of the firmware (6 bytes)
(e.g., 31 34 31 30 32 30hex for 14:10:20)
Host_Type: Type of the host-specific firmware
interface (e.g., IBS MA S5 DSC) (20 bytes)
Host_Version: Version of the host-specific firmware
interface (4 bytes)
Host_State: Status of the host-specific firmware
interface (6 bytes)
Host_Date: Creation date of the host-specific
firmware interface (6 bytes)
Host_Time: Creation time of the host-specific firmware
interface (6 bytes)
Start_FW_Version: Version of the start firmware (4 bytes)
Start_FW_State: Status of the start firmware (6 bytes)
Start_FW_Date: Creation data of the start firmware (6 bytes)
Start_FW_Time: Creation time of the start firmware (6 bytes)
HW_Art_No: Order number of the controller board (8 bytes)
HW_Art_Name: Order designation of controller board (30 bytes)
HW_Motherboard_ID: Identification of the motherboard (4 bytes)
(e.g., 32 43hex for "2C" with IBS S5 DSC)
HW_Version: Version of the hardware (2 bytes)
HW_Vendor_Name: Manufacturer of the controller board (20 bytes)
HW_Serial_No: Serial number of the controller board (12 bytes)
HW_Date: Creation date of the controller board (6 bytes)

2-112 5150B
Firmware Services

2.7.5 Get_Diag_Info Service

Task: This service can be used to read the statistical and global diagnostic infor-
mation of a configuration frame. The positive confirmation contains the di-
agnostic information in several blocks which belong together logically.
Each block contains a count (Changed_Info_Count, CIC), which is incre-
mented when the diagnostic information of this block is incremented.

Syntax: Get_Diag_Info_Request 032Bhex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Frame_Reference
Word 4 Diag_Info_Attr

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 032Bhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0002hex).
Frame_Reference: Number of the configuration frame the diagnostic
information of which you want to read out.
Diag_Info_Attr: A 16-bit field with the help of which you deter-
mine which diagnostic data is to be read out.
The bits enable the following diagnostic blocks
(the most important are printed in bold):
Bit 0 Changed_Info_Count (CIC).
Bit 1 Statistics_State.
Bit 2 Global_Count.
Bit 3 Top_Ten_CRC.
Bit 4 Last_Ten_PF.
Bit 5 IPMS_Error.
Bit 6 Bus_Error.
Bit 7 PF_Error (Peripheral Fault).
Bit 8 Time_Out_Error.
Bit 9...
bit 15 Reserved.

5150B 2-113

The meanings are as follows:

1bin Attribute is enabled.
The associated diagnostic information
is read out and is contained in the
positive message of the service confir-
0bin Attribute is disabled.
The associated diagnostic information
is not read out.
Always enter the value 0bin for the reserved bits
8 ... 15.
The following service description shows the positive confirmation in case
you have enabled all permissible attributes with the Diag_Info_Attr param-

In practice please enable only one attribute at a time to ensure that the di-
agnostic information is read out selectively and in a clearly structured man-
ner. You are advised to read the diagnostic block Changed_Info_Count
first, in order to learn which information has changed.

2-114 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Get_Diag_Info_Confirmation 832Bhex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Frame_Reference
Word 5 Diag_Info_Attr
Word 6 Diagnostic
blocks, as
Diag_Block defined in the

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result ....
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ............................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 832Ahex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0055hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-115

Frame_Reference: Indicates the configuration frame from which the

diagnostic information was read.
Diag_Info_Attr: A 16-bit field indicating which diagnostic informa-
tion was read out and is contained in the
Diag_Block parameter (see service request for
this service).
Diag_Block: All requested diagnostic information in the form
of diagnostic blocks that are described in the fol-
lowing. The individual diagnostic blocks are list-
ed in the order of the corresponding bit numbers
of the Diag_Info_Attributes parameter.

Syntax Changed_Info_Count diagnostic block

Top_Ten_CRC_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Top_Ten_CRC_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Last_Ten_PF_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 3 + 4
Last_Ten_PF_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
IPMS_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 5 + 6 Changed_
IPMS_Error_CIC (bits15 ... 0)
Bus_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 7 + 8 Count
Bus_Error_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
PF_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 9 + 10
PF_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Time_Out_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 11 +12
Time_Out_Error_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)

The diagnostic block contains the contents of the 32-bit counters for the fol-
lowing diagnostic blocks: Global_Count , Top_Ten_CRC, Last_Ten_PF,
IPMS_Error, Bus_Error, PF (Peripheral Fault), and Time_Out_Error.
Top_Ten_CRC_CIC, The count is incremented by "1"
Last_Ten_PF_CIC,each time the information of
the respective
IPMS_Error_CICdiagnostic block changes.

2-116 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax Statistics_State diagnostic block

Word 1 Statistics_State

Statistics_State Status of the statistical diagnostics:

0000hex Statistical diagnostics is activated.
0001hex Statistical diagnostics is deactivated.

Syntax Global_Count diagnostic block

Cycle_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Cycle_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
Cycle_Error_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 3 + 4
Cycle_Error_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
ID_Cycle_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 5 + 6
ID_Cycle_Count (bits 15 ... 0) Global_
ID_Cycle_Error_Count (bits 31 ... 16) Count
Words 7 + 8
ID_Cycle_Error_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
Data_Cycle_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 9 + 10
Data_Cycle_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
Data_Cycle_Error_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 11 + 12
Data_Cycle_Error_Count (bits15 ... 0)

The Global_Count diagnostic block contains the number of INTERBUS

cycles (data and ID) as 32-bit counter contents.
Cycle_Count Count of the INTERBUS cycles.
Cycle_Error_Count Count of faulty INTERBUS cycles.

ID_Cycle_Count Count of ID cycles.

ID_Cycle_Error_Count Count of faulty ID cycles.

Data_Cycle_Count Count of data cycles.

Data_Cycle_Error_Count Count of faulty data cycles.

5150B 2-117

Syntax Top_Ten_CRC diagnostic block

Top_Ten_CRC_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Top_Ten_CRC_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 3 1st Device_No_Bus_Fault
Error_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5
Error_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 6 Error_Code
... ...
Word 39 10th Device_No_Bus_Fault
Error_Count (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 40 + 41
Error_Count (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 42 Error_Code

The Top_Ten_CRC diagnostic block contains the list of all INTERBUS de-
vices with the most frequently occurring bus errors. According to the num-
ber of bus errors (Error_Count), the ten devices are listed in descending or-
Top_Ten_CRC_CIC: The 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each
time the information of the Top_Ten_CRC func-
tion block changes. The Top_Ten_CRC diagnostic
block consists of 10 diagnostic information items,
each with a length of 4 words:
Device_No_Bus_Fault: INTERBUS device number (Device_No).
Error_Count: Error number of this error (32-bit counter).
Error_Code: Information on the error type.

2-118 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax Last_Ten_PF diagnostic block

Last_Ten_PF_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Last_Ten_PF_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 3 1st Device_No_PF
Word 4 Error_Code
... ...
Word 21 10th Device_No_PF
Word 22 Error_Code

The Last_Ten_PF diagnostic block contains a list of the last ten INTERBUS
devices on which a peripheral fault (PF) occurred. The device on which the
most recent peripheral fault occurred, is indicated first:
Last_Ten_PF_CIC: The 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each time
the information of the Last_Ten_PF parameter
block changes. The Last_Ten_PF diagnostic block
consists of 10 diagnostic information items, each
with a length of 2 words:
Device_No_PF: INTERBUS device number (Device_No).
Error_Code: Information on error type.

Syntax IPMS_Error diagnostic block

IPMS_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
IPMS_Error_CIC (bits 15 ... 0) IPMS_Error
Word 3 Type

IPMS_Error_CIC: This 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each

time the information of the IPMS_Error diagnos-
tic block changes.
Type: Content of the IPMS error register (see
IBS IPMS3 UM E manual for the master protocol

5150B 2-119

Syntax Bus_Error diagnostic block

Bus_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Bus_Error_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 3 Type
Word 4 Device_No

Bus_Error_CIC: This 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each

time the information of the Bus_Error diagnostic
block changes.
Error_Code: Information on the error type.
Device_No: Number of the INTERBUS device.

Syntax PF diagnostic block

PF_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
PF_CIC (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 3 Type
Word 4 Device_No

PF_CIC: This 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each

time the information of the PF diagnostic block
Error_Code: Information on the error type.
Device_No: Number of the INTERBUS device.

Syntax Time_Out_Error diagnostic block

Time_Out_Error_CIC (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 1 + 2
Time_Out_Error_CIC (bits 15 ... 0) Time_Out_
Word 3 Type Error
Word 4 Device_No

Time_Out_Error_CIC: This 32-bit counter is incremented by "1" each

time the information of the Time_Out_Error diag-
nostic block changes.
Error_Code: Information on the error type.
Device_No: Number of the INTERBUS device.

2-120 5150B
Firmware Services

2.7.6 Control_Statistics Service

Task: This service can be used to control statistical diagnostics.

Syntax: Control_Statistics_Request 030Fhex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Control_Code

Bit 15 .................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 030Fhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Control_Code: Determine here the functionality of the service.
0000hex Reset:
Resetting the statistical diagnostic
information (see "Get_Diag_Info" as of
Page 2-113).

5150B 2-121

Syntax: Control_Statistics_Confirmation 830Fhex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 830Fhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-122 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8 Services for Defining Functions

You can define functions for the controller board. A function consists of a
service sequence in any order (Action_Object) plus the associated data
records (Signal_Object). These data records can be constants or may be
loaded when the function is executed. Thus you may vary the function, for
example depending on your system conditions.

2.8.1 Initiate_Load_Action_Object Service

Task: This services initiates the creation of service sequences. It prepares the
controller board for the "Load_Action_Object" (0141hex) service.

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Action_Object_Request 0140hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 .................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0140hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-123

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Action_Object_Confirmation 8140hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8140hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-124 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.2 Load_Action_Object Service

Task: This service can be used to create a service sequence (Action_Object). A

service sequence is stored under an index (Action_Index). A service se-
quence consists of several services (actions) that are indicated via their
service code. It is possible to indicate a reference (Action_Index) to another
service sequence instead of a service code.

Prerequisite: The controller board must have been prepared for creating service se-
quences using the "Initiate_Load_Action_Object" (0140hex) service.

Syntax: Load_Action_Object_Request 0141hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Action_Index
Word 4 Action_Count Service
1st Action sequence
2nd Action (Action_
... Object)

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0141hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Action_Index: Unique index of the service sequence. Every
Action_Index must be assigned only once! The
action indexes 0000hex ... 0063hex are reserved
for firmware-internal actions!
Action_Count: Number of services (action) of this service se-
Action: Service code or reference (Action_Index) to a
service sequence:
Bit 15 "0" Service code.
"1" Reference to a service sequence.
For example, enter the value 8567hex for the
Action_Index 0567hex.

5150B 2-125

Syntax: Load_Action_Object_Confirmation 8141hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8141hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-126 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.3 Terminate_Load_Action_Object Service

Task: This service terminates the creation of service sequences.

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Action_Object_Request 0142hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 .................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0142hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-127

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Action_Object_Confirmation 8142hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8142hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-128 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.4 Read_Action_Object Service

Task: This service reads out the service codes of a service sequence.

Syntax: Read_Action_Object_Request 0143hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Action_Index

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0143hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Action_Index: Index of the service sequence (Action_Index) the
service codes of which you want to read out.

Syntax: Read_Action_Object_Confirmation 8143hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Action_Index
Word 5 Action_Count Service
Word 6 1st Action sequence
... 2nd Action (Action_

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

5150B 2-129

Key: Code: 8143hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

Action_Index: Index of the service sequence (Action_Index) the

service codes of which were read out.
Action_Count: Number of read service codes, i.e., the length of
the sequence service.
Action: Service code or reference (Action_Index) to a
service sequence:
Bit 15 "0" Service code.
"1" Reference to a service sequence.
For example, enter the value 8567hex for the
Action_Index 0567hex.

2-130 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.5 Delete_Action_Object Service

Task: This service deletes a service sequence (Action_Object).

Syntax: Delete_Action_Object_Request 0144hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Action_Index

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0144hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Action_Index: 0000hex Delete all configured service
xxxxhex Index of the service sequence to be

5150B 2-131

Syntax: Delete_Action_Object_Confirmation 8144hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8144hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-132 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.6 Initiate_Load_Signal_Object Service

Task: This service initiates the configuration of signal objects (Signal_Object). It

prepares the controller board for the "Load_Signal_Object" (0146hex) ser-

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Signal_Object_Request 0145hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0145hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-133

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Signal_Object_Confirmation 8145hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8145hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-134 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.7 Load_Signal_Object Service

Task: This service can be used to configure parameter records for service se-
quences (Signal_Object).

Prerequisite: The controller board must have been prepared for configuration using the
"Initiate_Load_Signal_Object" (0145hex) service.

Syntax: Load_Signal_Object_Request 0146hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Signal_Index
Word 4 Action_Index
Word 5 Signal_Type
Word 6 Bit_Number
Word 7 Start_Register_Address
Word 8 State_Register_Address
Word 9 Result_Register_Address
Word 10 Write_PB_Count (nWrite) Number
Word 11 W_Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count Write param-
Word 12 Write_Parameter eter block
... ... (action 1)
... ... ...
W_Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count Write param-
Write_Parameter eter block
... (action x)
Read_PB_Count (nRead) Number
R_Mode res. Read_Parameter_Count Read param-
Read_Parameter eter block
... (action 1)
R_Mode res. x. Read_Parameter_Count Read param-
Read_Parameter eter block
... (action x)

Bit 15 / 14 13 / 12 11............................................. 0

5150B 2-135

Key: Code: 0146hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Signal_Index: Unique index for the parameter record. Every
Signal_Index may be assigned only once!
Value ranges:
0000hex ... 0063hex:
Reserved for firmware-internal signals!
0064hex ... 1000hex:
Signal objects with these indices are
activated on power-up.
1001hex ... FFFFhex:
Signal objects with these indices are
activated by the application program.
Action_Index: Index of the service sequence to which the pa-
rameters of this parameter record are to be avail-
Signal_Type: 16-bit field with the help of which you define the
behavior of the service sequences
(Action_Object) and parameter records
Bit 0 - 6 Reserved.
Bit 7 Resident flag. Specifies whether the
Action_Object and the Signal_Object
are to be stored in the parameteri-
zation memory when calling the
(0158hex) service.
Bit 8 - 15 Reserved.
1bin Action_Object and Signal_Object
are stored.
0bin Action_Object and Signal_Object
are not stored.
Always enter the value 0bin for reserved bits.
Bit_Number: Determines the location of the signal bit within
the byte address (value range: bits 0 ... 7).
Start_Register_Address: Location of the start bit (byte address in the
State_Register_Address: Location of the status bit (byte address in the

2-136 5150B
Firmware Services

Result_Register_Address: Location of the result bit (byte address in the

Write_PB_Count: Number of subsequent write parameter blocks.
This number must be identical with the number
of services of the referenced service sequence.
W_Mode: Determines the structure of the following write
parameter block and the unit (words or bytes) of
the Write_Parameter_Count parameter:
00 bin Compact data parameter mode
Write_Parameter_Count determines
in words the number of subsequent
parameters. The kth Write_Parame-
ter_Count is identical with the
Parameter_Count of the kth service of
the referenced service sequence.
10 bin Compact address parameter mode
Write_Parameter_Count determines
in bytes the number of subsequent pa-
rameters, so that the firmware can
read them from the MPM address in
the following word onwards.
11 bin Split parameter mode
The split parameter mode permits
MPM addresses and fixed write pa-
rameters within the write parameter
block. Write_Parameter_Count shows
the sum of the number of subsequent
MPM addresses and the write param-
eters (in bytes). Fixed write parame-
ters are identified with the value
FFFFhex and added to the end of the
MPM address block.
res. Reserved for later extensions (00bin).
Write_Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent write parameters in
words or bytes, depending on the mode.
Write_Parameter: Data to be written (see the following examples).

5150B 2-137

Read_PB_Count: Number of subsequent read parameter blocks. It

must be identical with the number of services of
the referenced service sequence.
R_Mode: Determines the structure of the read parameter
block and the unit (words/bytes) of the
Read_Parameter_Count parameter; see
10bin Compact address parameter mode.
11bin Split parameter mode.
Read_Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent read parameters in
words or bytes, depending on the mode.
Read_Parameter: Data to be read.

Example: Write parameter block in the compact data parameter mode:

Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count

1st fixed parameter
2nd fixed parameter
3rd fixed parameter

Bit 15 / 14 13 / 12 11.............................................. 0

Key: Mode: 00bin Compact data parameter mode.

res.: 00bin Reserved for later extensions.
Write_Parameter_Count: 003hex Number of subsequent words
(value range: 001hex ... 1F4hex).
Write_Parameter: Parameter record.

Example Write parameter block in the compact address parameter mode:

Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count


Bit 15 / 14 13/12 11.............................................. 0

Key: Mode: 10bin Compact address parameter mode.

2-138 5150B
Firmware Services

res.: 00bin Reserved for later extensions.

Write_Parameter_Count: Number of bytes in the buffer specified by the
following parameter; e.g., 006hex for a buffer with
the length of 6 bytes (value range:
001hex ... 3E8hex).
MPM_Address: MPM start address of the byte buffer.

Example Write parameter block in the split parameter mode:

Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count

1st MPM_Address
2nd MPM_Address
1st Dummy_Parameter 1st fixed byte
3rd MPM_Address
2nd Dummy_Parameter 2nd fixed byte
3rd Dummy_Parameter 3rd fixed byte
00hex 1st fixed byte
00hex 2nd fixed byte
00hex 3rd fixed byte

Bit 15/14 13/12 11.............................................. 0

Key: Mode: 11bin Split parameter mode

res.: 00bin Reserved for later extensions.
Write_Parameter_Count: Sum of the number of fixed bytes and the num-
ber of variable bytes in the buffer specified by
the following parameter (value range:
001hex ... 3E8hex)
MPM_Address: MPM addresses of variable bytes.
Dummy_Parameter: FFFFhex Dummy parameter for the fixed bytes
which follow at the end of the MPM
address block.

5150B 2-139

Syntax: Load_Signal_Object_Confirmation 8146hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8146hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-140 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.8 Terminate_Load_Signal_Object Service

Task: The "Terminate_Load_Signal_Object" service completes the configuration

of parameter records (Signal_Object).

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Signal_Object_Request 0147hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ............................................................................... 0

Key: Code: 0147hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-141

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Signal_Object_Confirmation 8147hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8147hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-142 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.9 Read_Signal_Object Service

Task: The "Read_Signal_Object" service reads out the parameter record

(Signal_Object) of a service sequence.

Syntax: Read_Signal_Object_Request 0148hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Signal_Index

Bit 15 ................................................................................ 0

Code: 0148hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Signal_Index: Index of the parameter record (Signal_Object) to
be read out.

5150B 2-143

Syntax: Read_Signal_Object_Confirmation 8148

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Signal_Index
Word 5 Action_Index
Word 6 Signal_Type
Word 7 Bit_Number
Word 8 Start_Register_Address
Word 9 State_Register_Address
Word 10 Result_Register_Address
Word 11 Write_PB_Count (nWrite) Number
... W_Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count Write param-
Write_Parameter eter block
... (action 1)
... ...
W_Mode res. Write_Parameter_Count Write param-
Write_Parameter eter block
... (action x)
Read_PB_Count (nRead) Number
R_Mode res. Read_Parameter_Count Read param-
Read_Parameter eter block
... (action 1)
R_Mode res. xth Read_Parameter_Count Read param-
Read_Parameter eter block
... (action x)

Bit 15 / 14 13 / 12 11.............................................. 0

2-144 5150B
Firmware Services

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8148hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

Signal_Index: Return of the value you entered in the

"Read_Signal_Object_Request" service re-
Action_Index: Indicates the index of the service to which the
parameters of this signal object are available.
Signal_Type: A 16-bit field defining the interrupt behavior:
Bit 0 Interrupt on positive edge of the status
Bit 1 Interrupt on negative edge of the
status bit.
Bit 2 Interrupt on negative edge of the
status bit and while the result bit is set
(= 1bin).
Bit 3 Interrupt on negative edge of the status

5150B 2-145

bit and while the result bit is not set

(= 0bin).
Bit 4 Interrupt on positive edge of the start
Bit 5 Interrupt on negative edge of the start
Bits 6 - 15Reserved.
0bin Interrupt disabled.
1bin Interrupt enabled.
Bit_Number: Determines the location of the signal bit within
the byte address. Set one bit of the bits 0 ... 7.
Activate_Byte_Address: Byte address in the MPM (offset) for the location
of the start bit.
State_Byte_Address: Byte address in the MPM (offset) for the location
of the status bit.
Result_Byte_Address: Byte address in the MPM (offset) for the location
of the result bit.
Write_PB_Count: Number of subsequent parameter blocks. This
number must be identical with the number of ser-
vices of the referenced service sequence.
Write_PB_Count: Number of subsequent write parameter blocks.
This number must be identical with the number
of services of the referenced service sequence.
W_Mode: Determines the structure of the subsequent write
parameter block and the unit (words or bytes) of
the Write_Parameter_Count parameter:
00 bin Compact data parameter mode
Write_Parameter_Count determines
in words the number of subsequent
fixed parameters. The kth
Write_Parameter_Count is identical
with the Parameter_Count of the kth
service of the referenced service se-

2-146 5150B
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10 bin Compact address parameter mode

Write_Parameter_Count determines
in bytes the number of subsequent pa-
rameters, so that the firmware can
read them from the MPM address in
the following word onwards.
11 bin Split parameter mode
The split parameter mode permits
MPM addresses and fixed write pa-
rameters within the write parameter
block. The Write_Parameter_Count
shows the sum of the number of sub-
sequent MPM addresses and the write
parameters (in bytes). Fixed write pa-
rameters are identified with the value
FFFFhex and added to the end of the
MPM address block.
res. Reserved for later extensions (00bin).
Write_Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent write parameters in
words or bytes, depending on the mode.
Write_Parameter: Data to be written (see the following examples).

Read_PB_Count: Number of subsequent read parameter blocks. It

must be identical with the number of services of
the referenced service sequence.
R_Mode: Determines the structure of the read parameter
block and the unit (words/bytes) of the
Read_Parameter_Count parameter; see
10bin Compact address parameter mode.
11bin Split parameter mode.
Read_Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent read parameters in
words or bytes, depending on the mode.
Read_Parameter: Data to be read.

5150B 2-147

2.8.10 Delete_Signal_Object Service

Task: This service deletes a parameter record (Signal_Object).

Syntax: Delete_Signal_Object_Request 0149hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Signal_Index

Bit 15..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 0149hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Signal_Index: 0000hex Delete all configured parameter
xxxxhex Index of the parameter record to be

2-148 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Delete_Signal_Object_Confirmation 8149hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8149hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-149

2.8.11 Initiate_Load_Event_Object Service

Task: This service initiates the configuration of event descriptions

(Event_Object). It prepares the controller board for the
"Load_Event_Object" (014Bhex) service.

Syntax: Initiate_Load_Event_Object_Request 014Ahex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Ahex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-150 5150B
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Syntax: Initiate_Load_Action_Object_Confirmation 814Ahex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 814Ahex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-151

2.8.12 Load_Event_Object Service

Task: This service is used to configure event descriptions (event objects). Event
descriptions provide the parameter records for service sequences.

Syntax: Load_Event_Object_Request 014Bhex


Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Bhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0007hex).
Event_Index: Enter here the Event_Index of the event to be
Message_Code: Message code of the event that occurred (ac-
cess via Event_Code).
Address: Byte address in the MPM (offset) for the location
of the notification bit.
Address: Byte address in the MPM (offset) for the location
of the acknowledge bit.
Event_Signal_Bit: Determines the location of the signal bit within
the byte address. Permitted values from 0 ... 7
(bits 0 ... 7).
Event_Signal_Type: This parameter is a 8-bit field with the help of
which you determine the behavior of the event
descriptions (Event_Objects).
Bits 0 ... 6 Reserved.

2-152 5150B
Firmware Services

Bit 7 Resident flag. Specify with this bit

whether the event object is to be stored
on the parameterization memory when
the "Programm_Resident_Actions"
(0158hex) service is called:
1bin Event object is stored.
0bin Event object is not stored.
Always enter the value 0bin for reserved bits.
– The event is to be indicated via the mailbox.
– The event is to be indicated via the SGI.
– The event is to cause an action.
– The event is to cause an action and to be in-
dicated via the XSGI at the same time.
– The event (configuration) is to be indicated
via the SSGI.
The Event_Interface_Selector parameter defines the structure of the fol-
lowing special part of the event signal definition.
1. Event_Interface_Selector = E_MXI_INTERFACE
Indicating the event via the mailbox interface. In this case no further pa-
rameters follow for the event signal definition.
2. Event_Interface_Selector = E_XSGI_INTERFACE
Indicating the events via the extended signal interface. A read param-
eter address list is defined. Please refer to the Load_Signal_Object
(0146hex) service for the structure and meaning.

5150B 2-153

Number of Read_Copy_Address_Blocks
Number of Read_Copy_Addresses (n)
Read_Copy_Address 1
Read_Copy_Address 2
Read_Copy_Address n-1
Read_Copy_Address n

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

3. Event_Interface_Selector = E_ACTION_INTERFACE
The indication of the event by causing an action in the Action_Handler.
The Action_Object referenced by the Action_Index must be provided
by the Action_Handler. The Action_Index, several
Write_Parameter_Blocks and Read_Parameter_Blocks are defined.
For the structure and meaning, please refer to the
"Load_Signal_Object" (0146hex) service on Page 2-135.

Number of Write_Parameter_Blocks (m)
Number of Write_Parameters of the 1st Action (n)
Write_Parameter 1
Write_Parameter 2
Write_Parameter n
Number of Write_Parameters of the mth Action (n)
Write_Parameter 1
Write_Parameter 2
Write_Parameter n
Number of Read_Parameter_Blocks (m Action)

2-154 5150B
Firmware Services

Number of Read_Parameters of the 1st Action (n)

Read_Parameter 1
Read_Parameter 2
Read_Parameter n
Number of Read_Parameters of the mth Action (n)
Read_Parameter 1
Read_Parameter 2
Read_Parameter n

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

4. Event_Interface_Selector =
Indication of the event by causing an action in the Action_Handler. In
addition, the corresponding read parameters of the event are indicated
via the XSGI (copied).

Number of Write_Parameter_Blocks (m Action)
Number of Write_Parameters of the 1st Action (n)
Write_Parameter 1
Write_Parameter 2
Write_Parameter n
Number Write_Parameter of the mth Action (n)
Write_Parameter 1
Write_Parameter 2

5150B 2-155

Write_Parameter n
Number of Read_Parameter_Blocks (m Action)
Number of Read_Parameters of the 1st action (n)
Read_Parameter 1
Read_Parameter 2
Read_Parameter n
Number of Read_Parameter_Blocks of the mth action
Read_Parameter 1
Read_Parameter 2
Read_Parameter n
Number of Read_Copy_Blocks
Number of Read_Copy_Address (n)
Read_Copy_Address 1
Read_Copy_Address 2
Read_Copy_Address n

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

5. Event_Interface_Selector = E_SSGI_INTERFACE (8)

The indication of the event via the standard signal interface is currently
not supported.

2-156 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.13 Terminate_Load_Event_Object Service

Task: This service terminates the configuration of event descriptions (event ob-

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Event_Object_Request 014Chex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Chex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

5150B 2-157

Syntax: Terminate_Load_Event_Object_Confirmation 814Chex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 814Chex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

2-158 5150B
Firmware Services

2.8.14 Read_Event_Object Service

Task: This service reads the parameter record of an event description


Syntax: Read_Event_Object_Request 014Dhex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Event_Index

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Dhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Event_Index: Enter here the Event_Index of the event to be

5150B 2-159

Syntax: Read_Event_Object_Confirmation 814Dhex

Positive message
Message (Event or Indication)_Code
Data 1
Data 2
Data n

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 814Dhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.

2-160 5150B
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Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-

tional information on the error cause.
Parameter description for:
– Event_Index
– Message_Code
– Notification_Byte_Address
– Acknowledge_Byte_Address
– Event_Signal_Bit
– Event_Signal_Type
– Event_Interface_Selector
(see "Load_Event_Object" service as of Page 2-152).

5150B 2-161

2.8.15 Delete_Event_Object Service

Task: This service deletes the parameters of an event description


Syntax: Delete_Event_Object_Request 014Ehex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Event_Index

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 014Ehex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0001hex).
Signal_Index: 0000hex Delete all configured events.
xxxxhex Index of the event to be deleted.

2-162 5150B
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Syntax: Delete_Event_Object_Confirmation 814Ehex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 814Ehex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-163

2.9 Services for the Parameterization Memory

2.9.1 Program_Resident_Actions Service

Task: This service transmits the service sequences (Action_Object) and param-
eter records (Signal_Object) stored in the controller board RAM to the pa-
rameterization memory. Service sequences and parameter records that
are identified with bit 7 of the Signal_Type parameter as resident when the
"Load_Signal_Object" (0146hex) service is called are stored permanently in
the memory.

Syntax: Program_Resident_Actions_Request 0158hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ............................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 0158hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-164 5150B
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Syntax: Program_Resident_Actions_Confirmation 8158hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8158hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-165

2.9.2 Clear_Parameterization_Memory Service

Task: This service formats the parameterization memory.

Syntax: Clear_Parameterization_Memory_Request 0159hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Action_Flag
Word 4 Area_Flag

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 0159hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0002hex).
Action_Flag: 0002hex Format parameterization memory.
Area_Flag: 0000hex No limitations.

2-166 5150B
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Syntax: Clear_Parameterization_Memory_Confirmation 8159hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8159hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message.
0002hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e.,
the controller board executed the
service successfully.
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e.,
the controller board could not execute
the service successfully. The Result
parameter indicates why the service
could not be executed.
Add_Error_Info: The Add_Error_Info parameter provides addi-
tional information on the error cause.

5150B 2-167

2.9.3 File_Open Service

Task: This service opens a file. The permitted access right is determined with the
flags Access and Mode.

Syntax: File_Open_Request 015B hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Access (bits 31 ... 16)
Word 3 + 4
Access (bits 15 ... 0)
Mode (bits 31 ... 16) 0200hex
Word 5 + 6
Mode (bits 15 ... 0) 0400hex
Name_Length Name
Word 7 ... (13) ... ... File name
... Name

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

Key: Code: 015Bhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words
(value range: 0005hex ... 000Bhex).
Access 32-bit flag used to set access rights:
0000 0001hex Open file (to read only).
0000 0002hex Open file (to write only).
0000 0008hex Open file (to append data).
0000 0010hex Create file (on demand).
0000 0020hex Open file exclusively.
0000 0040hex Open file (to delete data).
0000 0050hex Text file.
0000 0100hex Binary file.
Mode 32-bit flag (0200 0400hex).
Name_Length: Length of the file name.
Name: Name of the file to be opened
(max. 12 characters, MS DOS format).

2-168 5150B
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File_Open_Confirmation 815Bhex
Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 0000hex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Name_Length Name
Word 6 ... (12) ... ... File name
... Name

Negative message:
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 09DEhex
File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
Words 4 + 5
File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information
Name_Length Name
... ... File name
6 ... (12)
... Name

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

5150B 2-169

Key: Code: 815Bhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
Value range: 0004hex ... 000Ahex.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and opened the file on the
flash EPROM card.
09DEhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. The file on the flash
EPROM card could not be opened
(see error codes, Page 3-22).
File_Handle: 32-bit access ID associated with the file name.
This ID must be used for the remaining file oper-
ations (see MS DOS file management).
Name_Length: Length of the file name.
Name: Name of the file to be opened (max. 12 charac-
ters, MS DOS format).
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

2-170 5150B
Firmware Services

2.9.4 File_Close Service

Task: This service closes an open file.

Syntax: File_Close_Request 015C hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 3 + 4 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

Key: Code: 015Chex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0002hex).
File_Handle 32-bit access ID which was returned with the
"File_Open" service when the file was opened.

5150B 2-171

Syntax: File_Close_Confirmation 815Chex

Positive message
Word 1 Code 815Chex
Word 2 Parameter_Count 0003hex
Word 3 Result 0000hex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)

Negative message
Word 1 Code 815Chex
Word 2 Parameter_Count 0005hex
Word 3 Result 09DDhex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
Words 6 + 7
File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information

Bit 15 .................................................................................0

Key: Code: 815Chex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0003hex Positive message.
0005hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and closed the file on the
flash EPROM card.
09DDhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. The file on the flash
EPROM card could not be closed
(see error codes, Page 3-22).
File_Handle Return value of the service request.
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

2-172 5150B
Firmware Services

2.9.5 File_Remove Service

Task: This service deletes the file indicated.

Syntax: File_Remove_Request 015D hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Name_Length Name
Words 3 ... (9) ... ... File name
... Name

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

Key: Code: 015Dhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Value range: 0001hex ... 0007hex.
Name_Length: Length of the file name.
Name: Name of the file to be deleted (max. 12 charac-
ters, MS DOS format).

5150B 2-173

Syntax: File_Remove_Confirmation 815Dhex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 0000hex
Name_Length Name
... ... File name
4 ... (10)
... Name

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 09DFhex
Name_Length Name
... ... File name
4 ... (10)
... Name
Words File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
(11)+(12) File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

2-174 5150B
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Key: Code: 815Dhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
Value range: 0001hex ... 0008hex / 000Ahex in the
case of a positive / negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and deleted the file on the
flash EPROM card.
09DFhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. The file on the flash
EPROM card could not be deleted
(see error codes, Page 3-23).
Name_Length: Length of the file name.
Name: Name of the file to be deleted (max. 12 charac-
ters, MS DOS format).
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

5150B 2-175

2.9.6 File_Write Service

Task: This service writes data into the file via the File_Handle access ID that was
opened before with the "File_Open" service for writing.

Syntax: File_Write_Request 015Ehex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 5 Data_Length
Data to be
Data Data
Word 6 ... written
... ...

Bit 15 ....................................8 7 ......................................0

Key: Code: 015Ehex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
File_Handle 32-bit access ID which was returned with the
"File_Open" service when the file opened.
Data_Length: Number of bytes to be written to the file via the
File_Handle access ID.
Data: Data to be written.

2-176 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: File_Write_Confirmation 815Ehex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 6 Data_Length
Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 6 Data_Length
File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
Words 4 + 5
File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 815Ehex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0004hex Positive message.
0006hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and wrote data into the file.
09DBhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. It was not possible to
write to the file (see error codes,
Page 3-22).
File_Handle Return value of the service request.
Data_Length Return value of the service request.
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

5150B 2-177

2.9.7 File_Seek Service

Task: This service sets the file pointer to the address specified with the parame-
ters Whence and Offset.

Syntax: File_Seek_Request 015F hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 3 + 4 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Offset (bits 31 ... 16) Distance from
Words 5 + 6 reference
Offset (bits 15 ... 0)
Whence (bits 31 ... 16) Reference
Words 7 + 8
Whence (bits 15 ... 0) address

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 015Fhex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words.
File_Handle: 32-bit access ID which was returned when the
"File_Open" service was opened.
Whence: Offset reference, i.e., the 32-bit output address
as of which the new address (Offset parameter)
of the file pointer is calculated.
SEEK_END File end (0dec).
SEEK_CUR Current address (1dec).
SEEK_SET File beginning (2dec).
Offset: Offset value, i.e., the distance of the new ad-
dress of the file pointer from the output address
specified by the Whence parameter.

2-178 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: File_Seek_Confirmation 815Fhex

Positive message
Word 1 Code 815Fhex
Word 2 Parameter_Count 0005hex
Word 3 Result 0000hex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 6 Count_Of_Possible_Seek (bits 31 ... 16)
Like Offset
Word 7 Count_Of_Possible_Seek (bits 15 ... 0)

Negative message
Word 1 Code 815Fhex
Word 2 Parameter_Count 0007hex
Word 3 Result 09DChex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Count_Of_Possible_Seek (bits 31 ... 16) Offset steps
Wort 6 + 7
Count_Of_Possible_Seek (bits 15 ... 0) carried out
File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
Wort 8 + 9
File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

5150B 2-179

Key: Code: 815Fhex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0005hex Positive message.
0007hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and re-positioned the pointer.
09DChex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. The pointer could not be
re-positioned (see error codes,
Page 3-22).
File_Handle: Return value of the service request.
Number of offset steps that were carried out. The
value of the Count_Of_Possible_Seek parame-
ter corresponds to the value of the Offset param-
eter in the service request.
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

2-180 5150B
Firmware Services

2.9.8 File_Read Service

Task: This service reads out an amount of data from the specified file. The file is
called via the File_Handle access ID.

Syntax: File_Read_Request 0160hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 3 + 4 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 5 Number_Of_Bytes

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 0160hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0003hex).
File_Handle: The 32-bit access ID associated with the file
name that was returned when opening the file
with the "File_Open" service.
Data_Length: Number of data bytes to be read out from the file.

5150B 2-181

Syntax: File_Read_Confirmation 0160hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 0000hex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
Word 6 Data_Length
Data Data Read data
Words 7 ...
... ...

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result 09DAhex
File_Handle (bits 31 ... 16)
Words 4 + 5 Access ID
File_Handle (bits 15 ... 0)
File_Error (bits 31 ... 16) Add. error
Words 6 + 7
File_Error (bits 15 ... 0) information

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

2-182 5150B
Firmware Services

Key: Code: 8160hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
xxxxhex Positive message.
0005hex Negative message.
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
cessfully and read out the requested
09DAhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service and the data was not
read (see error codes, Page 3-21).
File_Handle Return value of the service request.
Data_Length: Number of bytes that were read from the file via
the File_Handle access ID.
Data: Read data (byte by byte)
File_Error: This parameter (32-bit value) provides additional
information on the error cause.

5150B 2-183

2.9.9 Scan_Parameterization_Memory Service

Task: This file defragments the parameterization memory.

Syntax: Scan_Parameterization_Memory_Request 0161 hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ..................................................................................0

Key: Code: 0161hex Command code of the service request.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-184 5150B
Firmware Services

Syntax: Scan_Parameterization_Memory_Confirmation 8161hex

Positive message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result

Negative message
Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Result
Word 4 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 8161hex Message code of the service

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
0001hex Positive message
0002hex Negative message
Result: 0000hex Indicates a positive message, i.e., the
controller executed the service suc-
xxxxhex Indicates a negative message, i.e., the
controller board could not process the
called service. The Result parameter
indicates why the service could not be
Add_Error_Info: This parameter contains additional information
on the error cause.

5150B 2-185

2.10 Automatic Indications of the Controller


With an indication the controller board automatically gives information to

the application program.
First, the "Set_Indication" (0152hex) service (see Page 2-15) must be used
to enable the error code transmission via the mailbox interface of the con-
troller board to the application program.

2.10.1 Fault Indication

Meaning: This indication transmits error codes of the controller board to the applica-
tion program.

Syntax: Fault_Indication 4341hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Entry_Count
Word 4 Error_Code
Word 5 Add_Error_Info

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 4341hex Code of the fault indication.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0003hex).
Entry_Count: Number of entries consisting of 2 words:
0001hex The "Fault" indication always transmits
only one error code at a time.
Error_Code: Error code that indicates the error in more detail,
0B8Dhex A synchronous interrupt occurred in
the Asynchronous operating mode.
0B8Fhex Overflow of the IPMS input FIFO.
0BD2hex The bus warning time elapsed.
Add_Error_Info: Additional information on the error cause.

2-186 5150B
Firmware Services

2.10.2 Device_Fail Service Indication

Meaning: This error indication transmits error messages of a maximum of ten INTER-
BUS devices from the controller board to the application program.

Syntax: Device_Fail_Indication 5340hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count
Word 3 Entry_Count
Word 4 Error_Code
1st error
... ...
(10)th error
Word (23) Device_No

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 5340hex Code of the error indication.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words:
2 × number of entries plus 1 word
(value range: 0001hex ... 0017hex).
Error_Count: Number of transmitted error messages; each
consists of two words. A maximum of 10 error
codes and the corresponding device number are
Error_Code: Error code.
Section 3 describes the corresponding meaning.
Device_No: INTERBUS device on which the error occurred.

5150B 2-187

2.10.3 Bus_Error Indication

Meaning: Data traffic on the bus was stopped.

Cause: Errors of disturbances during data transmission.

Remedy: Read out the error causes with the "Get_Error_Info" service (0316hex, see
Page 2-102).

Syntax: Bus_Error_Indication 6342hex

Word 1 Code
Word 2 Parameter_Count

Bit 15 ................................................................................. 0

Key: Code: 6342hex Code of the error indication.

Parameter_Count: Number of subsequent words (0000hex).

2-188 5150B
Section 3
This section provides information on:
– the meaning of the firmware codes
– the error codes
– remedies and notes concerning the error elimination

Error Codes ..........................................................................................................3-3

3.1 Error Codes for User Errors (USER FAIL) ..................................3-3
3.2 Error Codes for General Bus Errors (BUS FAIL) ......................3-54
3.3 Error Codes for Remote Bus and Local Bus Errors ..................3-64
3.4 Error Codes for System Errors ..................................................3-79
3.5 Error Codes for Controller Boards with Slave Part....................3-82

5150B 3-1
3-2 5150B
Error Codes

3 Error Codes

3.1 Error Codes for User Errors (USER FAIL)

0902hex (CTRL FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: Hardware or firmware error on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

0903hex(CTRL FAIL)

Meaning: Not enough free memory on the controller board.

Remedy: Using the "Reset_Controller_Board" (0956hex) service, carry out a warm

start of the controller board, and try again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0904hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You specified inconsistent parameters.

Remedy: Check the parameters of the service called last for inconsistencies.

Add_Error_Info: —

0905hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You specified invalid parameters.

Remedy: Check the parameters of the service called last.

5150B 3-3

Add_Error_Info: —

0906hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Access to this object is not supported.

Remedy: Check the last access.

Add_Error_Info: —

0907hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You tried to access an object that does not exist.

Remedy: Check the last access.

Add_Error_Info: —

0908hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You called a service the processing of which conflicts with another service
called before.

Cause: The firmware cannot process these two services at the same time.

Remedy: Wait for the completion of the service called before, then try again.

Add_Error_Info: Code of the service called before.

0909hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The confirmation which follows a service exceeds the maximum permissi-
ble mailbox size.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: Size of this confirmation in bytes.

3-4 5150B
Error Codes

090Ahex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The Parameter_Count parameter is not identical with the number of subse-
quent words.

Add_Error_Info: Incorrect parameter count.

090Bhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot enable the specified service.

Cause: You entered a wrong password when enabling this service.

Remedy: Use the right password or a service which is not disabled.

0910hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the called service.

Cause: The called service is disabled.

Remedy: Enable the service before calling it, or use a service which has not been

Add_Error_Info: Code of the disabled service.

0911hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot enable the specified service.

Cause: The service has already been enabled.

Remedy: Call the service.

Add_Error_Info: Code of the already enabled service.

0912hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the called service.

5150B 3-5

Cause: The service is protected. It can only be enabled with a password.

Remedy: Enable the service before calling it, or use a service which is not protected.

Add_Error_Info: —

0913hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the called service.

Cause: The service is not supported for this controller board.

Remedy: Use a service supported for this controller board.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The send buffer is full. Thus, messages can no longer be transmitted to the

Cause: There are too many messages in the send buffer, as the host does not ac-
cept the pending messages or a lot of messages have been generated in
a very short time. For example, this can be caused by a loose contact in
the system.

Remedy: Ensure that the host accepts the pending messages.


Meaning: The receive buffer is full. The host can no longer transmit messages.

Cause: There are too many messages in the receive buffer, as the controller board
does not accept the pending messages or the host generates a lot of mes-
sages within a very short time.

Remedy: Ensure that the controller board accepts the pending messages.

3-6 5150B
Error Codes

0918hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You called an unknown service code.

Remedy: Check the last call.

Add_Error_Info: Unknown service code.


Meaning: The service exceeds the maximum permissible mailbox size.

Cause: You called a service which is longer than 1024 bytes.

Remedy: Use only services which are not longer than 1024 bytes including all pa-
rameters. To transmit a larger data record, you can call some services
more than once to transmit the data record in multiple steps.

Add_Error_Info: —

091Ahex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an unknown value for the Action_Index parameter.

Add_Error_Info: Action_Index.

091Bhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered a value for the Action_Index parameter which is already used

Add_Error_Info: Action_Index.


Meaning: A wrong request occurred.

Cause: Unexpected overlap in the action handler.

5150B 3-7

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —


Cause: Unexpected overlap in the action handler.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —


Cause: Unexpected overlap in the action handler.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: An internal conflict occurred due to an unsolved action index.

Cause: During the configuration of the signal handler, the selected action index or
action object could not be found.

Remedy: Ensure that the selected action index or action object have already been
created before configuring the signal handler.

Add_Error_Info: —

0920hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered a value for the Signal_Index parameter which is already used

Add_Error_Info: Signal_Index.

3-8 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: A state conflict occurred in the signal handler.

Cause: 1. Not enough memory available on the hardware.

2. Too many signals initiated by the user.

Remedy: 1. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

2. Ensure that there are not too many signals initiated.


Meaning: A state conflict occurred in the action handler.

Cause: 1. Not enough memory available on the hardware.

2. Too many actions initiated by the user.

Remedy: 1. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

2. Ensure that there are not too many actions initiated.


Meaning: A state conflict occurred in the event handler.

Cause: 1. Not enough memory available on the hardware.

2. Too many events initiated by the user.

Remedy: 1. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

2. Ensure that there are not too many events initiated.

0925hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an undefined value for the Event_Index parameter.

Cause: The event processing is not yet supported by this firmware version.

Add_Error_Info: Event_Index.

5150B 3-9

0926hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered a value for the Event_Index parameter which is already used

Cause: This firmware version does not yet support event processing.

Add_Error_Info: Event_Index.

0928hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the called service.

Cause: You called an exclusive service without being authorized to do so.

Remedy: Using the "Change_Exclusive_Rights" (014F hex) service, change the as-
signment of the right to call exclusive services (if allowed), or use a non-
exclusive service.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A message cannot be transmitted.

Cause: The specified bit number of the target address is unknown.

Remedy: Select a permitted bit number and send the message again to the respec-
tive target.

Bit number 0: LCD on the front plate, if present.

Bit number 1: Standard Signal Interface (SSGI).

Add_Error_Info: Wrong bit number.


Meaning: Inadmissible or unknown indication code.

Cause: An inadmissible indication code was used as a parameter.

3-10 5150B
Error Codes

Remedy: Indicate the code of the error indication to be enabled or disabled, e.g.,
4341hex for the error indication "Fault_Indication".

Add_Error_Info: Wrong or inadmissible code.

092Bhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: An MPM accessor used a communication reference which had not been
assigned to this accessor.

Add_Error_Info: —

092Dhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board rejected a PCP service because a PCP service is still
processed on this communication reference with the same Invoke ID.

Remedy: Wait for the PCP confirmation of the current service.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: Not enough memory available on the controller board for initializing the
Standard Signal Interface (SSGI).

Remedy: Using the "Reset_Controller_Board" (0956hex) service, carry out a warm

start of the controller board, and try again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0930hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Cause: You entered wrong parameter values when calling the service.

Remedy: Check the call.

5150B 3-11

0931hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: You used a non-defined value for the Variable_ID parameter.

Add_Error_Info: —

0932hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The specified MPM accessor could not enable the exclusive rights.

Cause: The specified MPM accessor did not have the exclusive rights.

Remedy: Use the "Change_Exclusive_Rights" (014Fhex) service to enable the exclu-

sive rights only for the MPM accessor which has these rights.

0933hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The request of the exclusive rights was rejected.

Cause: A different MPM accessor still has the exclusive rights.

Remedy: Use the "Change_Exclusive_Rights" (014Fhex) service to enable the exclu-

sive rights only when no other MPM accessor already has these rights.

Add_Error_Info: —

0934hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The request of the exclusive rights was rejected.

Cause: The MPM accessor already has the exclusive rights.

Add_Error_Info: —

3-12 5150B
Error Codes

0935hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You exceeded the permissible value range when specifying a communica-
tion reference (CR).

Remedy: Assign only communication references within the range of: 2 ≤ CR ≤ 63.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: Wrong variable ID code.

Cause: Either the "Set_Value" or the "Read_Value" service was transmitted with
an unknown variable ID code.

Remedy: Transmit the service again with the correct ID code.

Add_Error_Info: Variable ID code.


Meaning: Wrong variable ID component.

Cause: Either the "Set_Value" or the "Read_Value" service was transmitted with
an unknown variable ID component.

Remedy: Transmit the service again with the correct variable component

Add_Error_Info: Wrong variable ID component.

0938hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You used a value for the Variable_ID parameter that is reserved for the

Add_Error_Info: Reserved Variable_ID.

5150B 3-13

0939hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You used a value for the Variable_ID parameter that is not enabled.

Add_Error_Info: Non-enabled Variable_ID.

093Ahex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Cause: You entered a wrong value for the Variable_ID parameter. The second
highest nibble (bits 8 to11) of the Variable_ID parameter gives the length
of the variable in words. The value of this nibble is not identical with the
length of the variable specified by you.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: Wrong Variable_ID.

093Bhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: The variable length encoded in the Variable_ID parameter is not identical
with the length of the specified variable.

Remedy: Check the call of the service called last.

Add_Error_Info: —

093Chex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You defined a signal handle object incorrectly.

Add_Error_Info: —

093Dhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an invalid bit number.

3-14 5150B
Error Codes

Add_Error_Info: Invalid bit number.

093Ehex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You exceeded the maximum permissible number of write parameters.

Add_Error_Info: —

093Fhex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You exceeded the maximum permissible number of read parameters.

Cause: You entered too many or wrong parameters.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: You entered write parameter addresses for a resident action.

Cause: Do not enter write parameter addresses for resident actions.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board could not process the boot sequence without errors.

Cause: Error in a service call.

Remedy: Check the call of the service given in the Add_Error_Info parameter.

Add_Error_Info: Code of the service where the error occurred.

0942hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the Clear_RAM_Card (0159hex)
service without errors.

5150B 3-15

Cause: You entered a wrong value for the Action_Flag parameter.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: Wrong parameter value.

0943hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the "Clear_RAM_Card" (0159hex)
service without errors.

Cause: You specified a wrong address field with the Resi_Length or Diag_Length

Add_Error_Info: Wrong parameter value.

0944hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the "Clear_RAM_Card" (0159hex)

Cause: You specified a non-defined service flag.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: —

0945hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the "Clear_RAM_Card" (0159hex)
service. The access to the parameterization memory was rejected.

Cause: Parameterization memory not or not properly inserted.

Remedy: Check whether the parameterization memory has been properly inserted.

Add_Error_Info: —

3-16 5150B
Error Codes

0946hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The access to the parameterization memory was rejected.

Cause: The parameterization memory is write-protected.

Remedy: Remove the write protection of the parameterization memory and try again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0947hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect definition of an action object.

Remedy: Check the definitions of the action objects.

Add_Error_Info: Action index of the wrong definition.

0948hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect definition of a signal object.

Remedy: Check the definitions of the signal objects.

Add_Error_Info: Signal index of the wrong definition.

0949hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect definition of an event object.

Remedy: Check the definitions of the event objects.

Add_Error_Info: Event index of the wrong definition.


Meaning: The controller board cannot print the information.

Cause: The RS-232 interface of the controller board is not in the print mode.

5150B 3-17

Remedy: Switch the RS-232 into the print mode using the "Set_Value" (0750hex) ser-

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board cannot print the information.

Cause: The buffer of the parameterization interface (RS-232) is full.

Remedy: Wait a moment, then try again.

0952hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You used a non-defined value for the Variable_ID parameter.

Remedy: Check the definitions of the Variable_ID, then try again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0953hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: —

0954hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last for the RS-
232 interface.

Cause: You entered a wrong value for the Parameter_Count parameter.

3-18 5150B
Error Codes

Remedy: Check the call of this service. The Parameter_Count parameter must cor-
respond to the number of subsequent words.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The message was not read or sent.

Cause: The message exceeds the maximum permissible mailbox size of 1024
bytes of the RS-232 interface.

Remedy: If the error code occurs after a reset, you can read out the message in sev-
eral steps. Some services can be called more than once to read out large
amounts of data. Enter an address offset for the second call.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The message was not read or sent.

Cause: When sending PCP services via the SSGI, a PCP service was written to an
SSGI box with a communication reference which does not correspond to
the SSGI box.

Remedy: Write a PCP service only in the SSGI box if the number of the box corre-
sponds to the communication reference.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: All remote PCP services of the established connection were aborted.

Cause: The connection was interrupted due to a PMS or PNM7 abort on a commu-
nication reference.

Remedy: Check the application program and start again.

5150B 3-19


Meaning: The variable ID used for the diagnostic display is invalid.

Remedy: Use the correct variable ID.

Add_Error_Info: Invalid variable ID.


Meaning: Transmission error in ProConOS due to a conflict between ProConOS and

the firmware.

Cause: 1. Different project and software versions.

2. Resource problem on the controller board.
Remedy: 1. Check the project and software versions for consistency.
2. Please contact Phoenix Contact.


Meaning: You are using a flash EPROM card type which is not supported by your

Remedy: Replace the existing card with a correct flash EPROM card.


Meaning: The flash EPROM card that you are using is defective.

Remedy: Replace the existing card with an intact flash EPROM card.


Meaning: You are using a flash EPROM card type which is not supported by your

Remedy: Replace the existing card with a correct flash EPROM card.

3-20 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The number of open files on the flash EPROM card can no longer be man-

Meaning: You tried to store a file on the flash EPROM card whose name contains too
many characters.


Meaning: You violated the file access rights to an open file on the controller board’s
flash EPROM card.

Cause: You tried, for example, to write to a file which was open for reading only.

Remedy: Note the access rights when using files.


Meaning: There is not enough memory space available on the flash EPROM card.

Remedy: Delete some files or format the flash EPROM card again.


Meaning: The number of active sectors exceeds the number that can maximally be


Meaning: The called file does not exist or cannot be found on the flash EPROM card
of the controller board.


Meaning: The called file could not be read on the flash EPROM card of the controller

5150B 3-21

Cause: An error occurred when the file was read.


Meaning: The selected file could not be written to the flash EPROM card of the con-
troller board.

Cause: An error occurred when the file was written.


Meaning: The called file could not be accessed on the flash EPROM card of the con-
troller board.

Cause: An error occurred when the file was accessed with the LSEEK service. The
file pointer could not be positioned properly.


Meaning: The selected file could not be closed on the flash EPROM card of the con-
troller board.

Cause: An error occurred when the file was closed.


Meaning: The selected file could not be opened on the flash EPROM card of the con-
troller board.

Cause: An error occurred when the file was opened since:

- no flash EPROM card is plugged.
- the file is defective.
- the file does not exist.
- the flash EPROM card is defective.

3-22 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The selected file could not be deleted on the flash EPROM card of the con-
troller board.

Cause: An error occurred while the file was deleted.


Meaning: The flash EPROM card on the controller board can handle only a certain
number of files. This number has been exceeded.

Remedy: Delete some files or format the flash EPROM card again.


Meaning: The file structure on the flash EPROM card of the controller board cannot
be read.

Cause: The flash EPROM card was written with an older firmware version.

Remedy: Format the flash EPROM card again.


Meaning: The file on the flash EPROM card of the controller board cannot be pro-
cessed due to a wrong or invalid file handle.

Remedy: Enter the right file handle for the file to be processed.


Meaning: The flash EPROM card cannot be written. This caused a timeout.

Cause: The flash EPROM card cannot be programmed.

Remedy: Probably a hardware fault occurred. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

5150B 3-23

0A02hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: You sent a service which is not permitted in the current state of the control-
ler board (e.g., the "Start_Data_Transfer" service when the controller board
is in the READY state. To start data transfer, the controller board must be
in the ACTIVE state.)

Remedy: Set the controller board to the required state before calling the desired ser-

Add_Error_Info: Current state of the controller board:

0001hex Ready (Display: RDY).
0002hex Parameterization not ready.
0004hex Loading the configuration (Loading CFG).
0008hex Loading the process data description list
(Loading PDDL).
0010hex Loading the process data reference list
(Loading PDRL).
0020hex Parameterization ready.
0040hex The controller board runs sporadic ID cycles
(display: ACTV).
0080hex The controller board runs data cycles
(display: RUN).
0100hex Bus fail.


Meaning: Not enough free main memory space on the controller board.

Remedy: Using the "Reset_Controller_Board" (0956hex) service, carry out a warm

start of the controller board, and try again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A04hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

3-24 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: You specified inconsistent parameters.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the inconsistent parameter.

0A05hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the service called last.

Cause: You specified an invalid parameter.

Remedy: Check the call of this service.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the invalid parameter.

0A06hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not carry out the access.

Cause: The tried access to an object is not supported by the system management
for this object (e.g., a write access to an object for which only read access-
es are allowed).

Add_Error_Info: —

0A07hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not carry out the access.

Cause: You tried to access an object that does not exist.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A08hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You called a service the processing of which conflicts with another service
called before.

5150B 3-25

Cause: The firmware cannot process these two services at the same time.

Remedy: Wait for the completion of the service called before, then try again.

Add_Error_Info: Code of the service called before.

0A10hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Cause: You entered a wrong value for the Variable_ID parameter.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the wrong Variable_ID.

0A11hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Cause: You exceeded the permitted value range when specifying a parameter.

Remedy: Check the parameters of this service.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A12hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The value range of the Device_Level parameter was exceeded.

Remedy: Check the Device_Level parameter. The values from 00hex to0Fhex
(corresponding to 0 to15dec) are permitted.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A14hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an invalid value for the Error_Char_Flag parameter.

Remedy: Check the Error_Char_Flag parameter. The values 0000hex and 0001hex
are permitted.

3-26 5150B
Error Codes

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A15hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an invalid value for the Position parameter.

Remedy: Check the Position parameter. The values from 00hex to 3Fhex (0dec to
63dec) are permitted.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A16hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You entered an invalid value for the INTERBUS device number parameter

Remedy: Check the INTERBUS device numbers:

Permitted values for Segment range from 01hex to FFhex (1dec to 255dec).
Permitted values for Position range from 00hex to 3Fhex (0dec to 63dec).

Add_Error_Info: Invalid INTERBUS device number.

0A17hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You assigned an unknown ID code.

Remedy: Check the parameters of the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A18hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You activated an invalid bit in the Used_Attributes parameter.

Remedy: Check the Used_Attributes parameter. Bits 0, 1, 3, and 4 are permitted.

Add_Error_Info: Faulty Used_Attributes parameter.

5150B 3-27

0A19hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You exceeded the end of the frame when accessing a configuration frame.

Remedy: Check the last access to the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Number of INTERBUS devices.


Meaning: The specified Frame_Reference does not exist, or no Frame_Reference

could be assigned.

Remedy: Check the Frame_Reference parameter.

Add_Error_Info: Faulty Frame_Reference (if specified).


Meaning: The specified configuration frame could not be deleted.

Cause: The specified configuration frame is currently activated. It is not possible to

delete the activated configuration frame.

Remedy: If you really want to delete the activated configuration frame, first deacti-
vate it using the "Deactivate_Configuration" (0712hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the configuration frame.


Meaning: You exceeded the permitted number of specified or connected INTERBUS

devices. The maximum permissible number of INTERBUS devices is 256.

Add_Error_Info: Number of specified or connected INTERBUS devices.


Meaning: The specified configuration frame could not be overwritten.

3-28 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: You tried to overwrite an existing configuration frame with new configura-
tion data. The size (number of INTERBUS devices) was not identical with
the existing frame. If you want to create a configuration frame of a different
size, create it under a new, unused Frame_Reference.

Remedy: Compare the existing configuration frame with the new configuration data.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The new extension could not be assigned to the configuration frame.

Cause: You tried to assign a new extension to a configuration frame, and this ex-
tension is too long for the space provided for the extension in the configu-
ration frame.

Remedy: Adapt the size of the new extension to the space provided.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The specified configuration frame could not be deactivated.

Cause: The specified configuration was already inactive.

Add_Error_Info: Frame_Reference.

0A20hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The first physical INTERBUS device in the data ring was not switched off.

Cause: This device cannot be switched off.

Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-29

0A21hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You assigned an INTERBUS device number more than once.

Remedy: Check the INTERBUS device number in the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A22hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You assigned inconsistent INTERBUS device numbers.

Remedy: Check the INTERBUS device numbers in the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A23hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You specified inconsistent INTERBUS device levels.

Remedy: Check the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A24hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Within one local bus segment the connected devices have different oper-
ating states.

Cause: Not all devices were switched on or off with the

"Control_Active_Configuration" service.

Remedy: Switch all devices in the local bus segment on or off.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A25hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board did not accept your group definition.

3-30 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: You assigned different group numbers for INTERBUS devices of one bus

Remedy: Assign always the same group number to all INTERBUS devices of one
bus segment.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A26hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board did not accept the definitions of an alternative group.

Cause: You assigned invalid alternative group numbers.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.


Meaning: The controller board did not accept the definition of an alternative group.

Cause: The first device in the alternative group is not a BK module.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.

0A28hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not activate the specified groups.

Cause: You tried to activate alternative groups at the same time.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.


Meaning: There was a conflict of mutual group dependencies when INTERBUS de-
vices were switched on or off.

Cause: Using the "Control_Active_Configuration" (0713hex) service you caused in-

consistencies between mutually dependent groups.

5150B 3-31

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.


Meaning: Conflict of the mutual INTERBUS device dependencies (active - inactive).

Cause: Using the "Control_Active_Configuration" (0713hex) service you caused in-

consistencies between mutually dependent INTERBUS devices.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.


Meaning: Status conflict within a group.

Cause: You assigned different statuses to INTERBUS devices belonging to one


Remedy: Assign always the same statuses to the INTERBUS devices.

Add_Error_Info: Position in the configuration frame.


Meaning: You specified an INTERBUS device number which does not exist.

Add_Error_Info: Non-existent INTERBUS device number.


Meaning: Too many PCP devices.

Cause: - You connected more then the allowable number of PCP devices.
- You configured more PCP devices than permitted.

Remedy: Reduce the number of connected or parameterized PCP devices. The

maximum permissible number is 63.

Add_Error_Info: —

3-32 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The number of internal indirect address list entries was exceeded.

Cause: You have many modules that occupy only one byte or one nibble of ad-
dress space in the data ring.

Remedy: Reduce the number of modules occupying only one byte or one nibble of
address space. The maximum number of internal permitted indirect ad-
dress list entries is 384.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board could not execute the "Initiate_Load_Configuration"

(0306hex) service.

Cause: You entered a 0 for the number of INTERBUS devices.

Remedy: Enter the correct number of INTERBUS devices.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A30hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data description list (PDDL).

Remedy: Check the process data description list.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A31hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the

"Put_Process_Data_Description_List" (0321hex) or the
"Get_Process_Data_Description_List" (0323hex) service.

Cause: You used an INTERBUS device number that does not exist.

5150B 3-33

Add_Error_Info: Non-existent INTERBUS device number in the format [RRLL].

RR = remote bus segment number
LL = local bus segment number

0A32hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not process the

"Put_Process_Data_Description_List" (0321hex) service.

Cause: You entered an invalid value in a process data description for the
PDD_Index parameter.

Remedy: Assign values in the range from 0000hex to 7FFFhex for the PDD_Index pa-
rameter, with the exception of the values 6010hex and 6011hex, which are
reserved for default process data descriptions. Every PDD_Index may be
assigned only once.

Add_Error_Info: Index of the process data description.

0A33hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: – You defined a process data description for process output data for an
INTERBUS device which has only process input data.
– You defined a process data description for process input data for an
INTERBUS device which has only process output data.
Remedy: Using the Data_Direction parameter, define the data direction of the pro-
cess data description as follows:
0Chex For process input data (IN-PDD).
0Dhex For process output data (OUT-PDD).
Add_Error_Info: Index of the process data description.

0A34hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You exceeded the internal address area of a device when describing a pro-
cess data item.

Add_Error_Info: Index of the PD object.

3-34 5150B
Error Codes

0A35hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: When describing a process data item, you specified a data type and a data
length that do not match.

Add_Error_Info: Index of the process data description.

0A36hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Error when defining a process data item.

Cause: Using the "Put_Process_Data_Description_List" (0321hex) service you de-

fined a bit string process data item that exceeds a byte boundary.

Remedy: Note that a bit string process data item must not exceed byte boundaries
and, therefore, may have a maximum length of 8 bits.

Add_Error_Info: Index of the process data description.

0A40hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A41hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You did not specify an OUT-PD as the target.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A42hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You did not specify an IN-PD as the source.

5150B 3-35

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A43hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You specified an INTERBUS device number which does not exist.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A44hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You entered for a process data item a data consistency which does not
match its length.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A45hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You entered a value that does not exist for the PDD_Index parameter.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A46hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Addressing error.

Cause: For the "Compact_Load_PDRL" (0328hex) or "Load_PDRL" (0325hex) ser-

vice you entered a wrong value for the Address_Direction parameter.

Remedy: Enter 1000hex for an input address list, or 2000hex for an output address

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

3-36 5150B
Error Codes

0A47hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Incorrect entry in the process data reference list.

Cause: You specified an incorrect or unknown value for the PDRL_Index parame-

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A48hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: With the definition of a direct link you can map a process input data item
directly to a process output data item of the same process data length. One
of these entries in the PDRL is not correct.
Cause: You tried to map:
– a process input data item to another process input data item,
– a process output data item to another process output data item, or
– a process input data item to a process output data item with a different
process data length.
Remedy: Check the direct link definitions.
Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A49hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot put the connected bus configuration into oper-

Cause: For the "Compact_Load_PDRL" (0328hex) service you entered with the
Entry_Count parameter a number of INTERBUS devices which differs from
the actual number of INTERBUS devices in the connected bus configura-

Remedy: Using the "Compact_Read_PDRL" (0329hex) service, check the assign-

ment of the process data and compare it with the number of INTERBUS de-
vices of your connected bus configuration.

Add_Error_Info: Identification whether IN or OUT list.

5150B 3-37


Meaning: The controller board could not read out the PDRL.

Cause: Using the "Compact_Read_PDRL" (0329hex) service, you tried to read a

PDRL loaded with the "Load_PDRL" (0325hex) service.

Remedy: PDRLs loaded with the "Load_PDRL" (0325hex) service are to be read out
with the "Read_PDRL" (0327hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: Error when assigning a process data item.

Cause: Using the "Load_PDRL" (0325hex) service you assigned a bit-string pro-
cess data item so that it exceeds a byte boundary.

Remedy: Note that a bit string process data item must not exceed byte boundaries.

Add_Error_Info: Bit position of the incorrectly assigned bit string process data item in the


Meaning: Error when assigning a process data item.

Cause: You assigned an odd MPM address to a process data item with a data con-
sistency of 16, 32, or 64 bits. However, this is only permitted for process
data with a data consistency of 8 bits.

Remedy: Process data with a data consistency of 16, 32, or 64 bits are always to be
assigned even MPM addresses.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A50hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Error when assigning a process data item.

3-38 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: You assigned output addresses several times.

Remedy: Assign always only one process data item to an output address.

Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the wrong PDRL entry.

0A51hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board did not accept the Frame_Reference parameter.

Cause: The specified value is not permitted for the Frame_Reference parameter.

Remedy: Permissible value range: 1≤ Frame_Reference ≤ 254.

0A52hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: You tried to bypass an active device.

Remedy: Switch off the device before with "Control_Active_Configuration" (0713hex).

Add_Error_Info: Position within the configuration frame.

0A53hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Maximum number of remote bus devices was exceeded.

Cause: The maximum permissible number of remote bus devices was exceeded
by the user with the "Create_Configuration" (0710hex) service or when au-
tomatically reading in the devices with the "Load_Configuration" (0307hex)

Remedy: Reduce the number to the permissible value range:

0 ≤ Frame_Reference ≤ 255.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A54hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The maximum number of I/O points was exceeded.

5150B 3-39

Cause: The maximum permissible number of I/O points was exceeded by the user
with the "Create_Configuration" (0710hex) service or when automatically
reading in connected devices with the "Load_Configuration" (0307hex) ser-

Remedy: Reduce the number of I/O points to a maximum of 4096 I/O points for the
IN and OUT data area.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The configuration data sent to the controller board with the
"Compare_Configuration" (0317hex) service do not match the configuration
frame specified with the Frame_Reference parameter.

Cause: The device number (bus segment number and position) specified by the
Add_Error_Info parameter has been entered differently.

Remedy: Check the lists of the transmitted configuration data and the specified con-
figuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the configuration frame line which does not match the transmit-
ted configuration data.


Meaning: The configuration data transmitted to the controller board with the
"Compare_Configuration" (0317hex) service does not match the configura-
tion frame specified with the Frame_Reference parameter.

Cause: The device code (length and ID code) specified by the Add_Error_Info pa-
rameter has been entered differently.

Remedy: Check the list of transmitted configuration data and the specified configu-
ration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the configuration frame line which does not match the transmit-
ted configuration data.

3-40 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The configuration data transmitted to the controller board with the
"Compare_Configuration" (0317hex) service does not match the configura-
tion frame specified by the Frame_Reference parameter.

Cause: The user level specified by the Add_Error_Info parameter has been en-
tered differently.

Remedy: Check the list of transmitted configuration data and the specified configu-
ration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the configuration frame line which does not match the transmit-
ted configuration data.


Meaning: The configuration data transmitted to the controller board with the
"Compare_Configuration" (0317hex) service does not match the configura-
tion frame specified by the Frame_Reference parameter.

Cause: The group number (group and alternative) specified by the Add_Error_Info
parameter has been entered differently.

Remedy: Check the list of transmitted configuration data and the specified configu-
ration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Number of the configuration frame line which does not match the transmit-
ted configuration data.


Meaning: The local system coupler must not be switched.

Reason: You tried to switch the slave part of the local system coupler.

Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-41

0A60hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not assign a configuration frame.

Cause: You entered a value for the Frame_Reference, under which no configura-
tion frame has been created.

Remedy: Observe the required order of services. Create the configuration frame be-
fore accessing it.

Add_Error_Info: —

0A63hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: A diagnostic register is in the wrong address area.

Cause: You placed the diagnostic status register or the diagnostic parameter reg-
ister in the output address area.

Remedy: Place these registers always in the input address area.

Add_Error_Info: Variable_ID of the incorrectly assigned register.

0A64hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Address conflict between a diagnostic register and a process input data

Cause: The diagnostic status register or the diagnostic parameter register is locat-
ed in an address area which the controller board uses for process input
data (e.g., after calling the "Create_Configuration" (0710hex) service).

Remedy: Using the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service, place the diagnostic status regis-
ter and the diagnostic parameter register in address areas which are not
assigned by process input data.

Add_Error_Info: Variable_ID of the register causing the address conflict.

3-42 5150B
Error Codes

0A65hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: Error when assigning a register.

Cause: You assigned an odd MPM address to a register with a data consistency of
16, 32, or 64 bits. However, this is allowed only for registers with a data
consistency of 8 bits.

Remedy: Assign always even MPM addresses to registers with data consistencies
of 16, 32, or 64 bits.

Add_Error_Info: Variable_ID of the register to which you illegally assigned an odd MPM ad-
dress when calling the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.


Meaning: The controller board could not process the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) ser-

Cause: You tried to enable a reserved attribute with the Diag_Info_Attr parameter.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board did not accept the specified data consistency.

Cause: You assigned two different data consistencies when defining the process
data references of a memory cell in the MPM.

Remedy: Check the assignments of the data consistencies.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A hardware error occurred on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

5150B 3-43

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The contents of the address decoder EEPROM have changed.

Remedy: Carry out a power-up/reset of your PLC (Siemens S5).

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: An address overlap was recognized when reading in the connected bus

Cause: The read addresses of the devices overlap the address of the communica-
tion register.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

Remark: Only relevant for Siemens S5 PLCs.

0B00hex, 0B01hex, 0B02hex, 0B03hex

Meaning: Firmware error on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B80hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) or

"Read_Value" (0351hex) services.

Cause: You entered an invalid value for the Variable_ID parameter.

3-44 5150B
Error Codes

Remedy: Use only the values specified in the description of the "Set_Value"
(0750hex) or "Read_Value" (0351hex) services.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B81hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Cause: You exceeded the valid value range when entering a parameter.

Remedy: Use only the values specified in the description of the "Set_Value"
(0750hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B83hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Control_Device_Function"

(0714hex) service.

Cause: You entered an invalid value for the Device_Function parameter.

Remedy: Use only the values specified in the description of the

"Control_Device_Function" (0714hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B84hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Control_Device_Function"

(0714hex) service.

Cause: You made a mistake in the list of physical INTERBUS device positions.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-45

0B85hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The configuration cannot be created.

Cause: You made a mistake in the list of the active configuration.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B86hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Control_Device_Function"

(0714hex) service.

Cause: You tried to use this service for an INTERBUS device without a command

Add_Error_Info: —

0B87hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Control_Device_Function"

(0714hex) service.

Cause: You entered a number for the Entry_Count parameter which is greater than
the actual number of INTERBUS devices.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board cannot process the "Control_Device_Function"

(0714hex) service.

Cause: Firmware error on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

3-46 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The controller board changes to the stop state after a new or changed con-
figuration was activated.

Cause: You sent the "Alarm_Stop" (1303hex) service too early.

Remedy: Send the "Alarm_Stop" (1303hex) later.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board cannot activate the configuration frame.

Cause: You exceeded the maximum permissible number of I/O bits.

Remedy: Reduce the number of INTERBUS devices. The maximum permissible

number of I/O bits is 4096.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A synchronous interrupt was illegally initiated.

Cause: You initiated a synchronous interrupt in the MPM, although the controller
board was working in the asynchronous mode or the bus was not started.

Remedy: Initiate synchronous interrupts only when the bus is running and in syn-
chronous modes.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: An unexpected MPM synchronous interrupt (diagonal handshake interrupt)


5150B 3-47

Cause: You initiated a diagonal handshake interrupt in the MPM, although the con-
troller board was working in the asynchronous mode or the bus was not

Remedy: Initiate synchronous interrupts only when the bus is running and in syn-
chronous modes.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: Overflow of the IPMS input FIFO.

Cause: You accessed a data area with a data width which is smaller than the data
consistency defined for this area.

Remedy: Access this data area only with the data width that is equal to the full data
consistency defined for this data area.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B90hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The last INTERBUS cycle was aborted.

Cause: A hardware fault occurred on the controller board.

Remedy: Replace the controller board or contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B91hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: An MPM device caused a timeout in a bus state unequal to ACTIVE or


Cause: A data consistency error occurred (e.g., if not all MPM bits will be accept-

Add_Error_Info: —

3-48 5150B
Error Codes

0B92hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: A READ_PD service could not be processed completely.

Cause: It was not possible to process a data cycle within the timeout, as the bus
was not in the RUN state or an error occurred during the service.

Remedy: Set the bus to the RUN state, then call the READ_PD service again.

Add_Error_Info: —

0B93hex (USER FAIL)

Meaning: The outputs are reset on a device after an I/O timeout.

Cause: The INTERBUS protocol chip could not process I/O data within the defined
time, e.g., due to a defective protocol chip.

Remedy: Restart the system or contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BB1hex (PF)

Meaning: The specified INTERBUS device indicated a peripheral fault.

Remedy: Check the specified INTERBUS device.

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.


Meaning: Reconfiguration request of the specified INTERBUS device.

Cause: The reconfiguration button was pressed on the specified INTERBUS de-

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

5150B 3-49


Meaning: Error message of a system coupler.

Cause: The lower-level bus changed to the STOP state owing to a bus error.

Remedy: Reading out the exact error cause (e.g., with the "Get_Error_Info"
(0316hex) service), or the diagnostic bit and parameter bit registers.

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.


Meaning: The voltage is too low for the initiators.

Cause: Too many PCP devices are configured within the Loop or the total Loop ex-
tension is too large.

Remedy: Check the configuration and reduce the number of connected devices or
reduce the Loop extension.

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

Meaning: The temperature of the INTERBUS protocol chip is too high.
Cause: The ambient temperature is too high.
Remedy: 1. Ensure a lower ambient temperature.
2. Ensure the separate ventilation of the Loop device.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

Meaning: The internal power source is overloaded.
Cause: The connected load of sensors and/or actuators is too high.
Remedy: 1. Check the number of connected sensors/actuators.
2. Check the sensors/actuators for errors.

3-50 5150B
Error Codes

Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

Meaning: The permitted output current of the power driver was exceeded.

Cause: The connected load of sensors and/or actuators is too high.

Remedy: 1. Check the number of connected sensors/actuators.
2. Check the sensors/actuators for errors.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.


Meaning: The controller board could not put the configuration into operation.

Cause: No bus configuration connected.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A data cycle exceeded the specified PD cycle time. The controller board in-
dicates this only if it has been activated with the "Set_Value" (0750hex) ser-
vice before.

Cause: The process data could not be updated within the specified PD cycle time.

Remedy: Check your system or increase the value set for the PD cycle time using
the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The bus warning time has elapsed.

Cause: No data cycle could be transmitted within the bus warning time specified
with the "Set_Value" (0750hex) service.

5150B 3-51

Remedy: Check your system or increase the bus warning time with the "Set_Value"
(0750hex) service.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A single bus error occurred. The controller board indicates this only if this
feature has been enabled before.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The process pre-processing task is no longer in the RUN state. The bus
was stopped so that data that is not pre-processed cannot be transmitted.

Cause: Error in the pre-processing program (e.g., division by zero) or intended

stopping of the pre-processing by the user.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The bus was stopped owing to an MPM timeout caused by the user. Oth-
erwise, inconsistent data can be transmitted.

Cause: For example, the timeout can be caused by a byte access to a 16 bit-locked
MPM address.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: Synchronization error in the bus-synchronous mode.

Remedy: Check your system or increase the PD cycle time with the "Set_Value"
(0750hex) service.

3-52 5150B
Error Codes

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The controller board has stopped data transmission and is searching for
the error location and cause.

Cause: A bus error occurred.

Remedy: Wait until the search for the error has been completed. The controller board
will inform you of the result.

Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-53

3.2 Error Codes for General Bus Errors


0BE1hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: A serious error occurred causing the bus system to be switched off. How-
ever, no error was detected when checking the current configuration. This
indicates that the error cause always occurs for a short time only.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: —

0BE2hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board detected changes in the configuration which do not
permit to continue the data traffic over the bus.

Cause: – The maximum permissible number of INTERBUS words was exceeded.

– The maximum number of INTERBUS devices was exceeded.

Add_Error_Info: —

3-54 5150B
Error Codes

0BE4hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: A serious error occurred when acquiring the bus configuration via the
"Create_Configuration" (0710hex) service. This error caused the bus sys-
tem to be switched off. The error location could not be detected. This indi-
cates that the error cause always occurs for a short time only. The error
rate can be very high.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
The diagnostic possibilities of the INTERBUS controller board will improve,
if the controller board knows the configuration of the bus system. Thus, it
is more useful to load the configuration to the controller board via the
"Load_Configuration" or "Complete_Load_Configuration" services and to
activate it with the "Activate_Configuration" service afterwards.
Add_Error_Info: —

0BE6hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: A serious error occurred causing the bus system to be switched off. How-
ever, no error was detected when checking the current configuration. This
indicates that the error cause always occurs for a short time only. The error
affected data cycles but no ID cycles.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,

5150B 3-55

– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),

– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: —

0BE7hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: The controller board could not activate the services when the following ser-
vices were processed:
– "Activate_Configuration" (0711hex) or
– "Control_Active_Configuration" (0713hex).
The error location could not be detected.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
Add_Error_Info: —

0BE8hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: A serious error occurred causing the bus system to be switched off. When
checking the current configuration, the diagnostic algorithm detected errors
but could not locate the precise error location. This indicates that the error
cause always occurs for a short time only. The error rate can be very high.

3-56 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: The error occurs due to

– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: —

0BE9hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: A serious error occurred causing the bus system to be switched off. When
checking the current configuration, the diagnostic algorithm detected errors
but could not locate the precise error location. This indicates that the error
cause always occurs for a short time only. The error rate can be very high.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check your system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.

5150B 3-57

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The "Control_Device_Function" (0714hex) service could not be executed.
Cause: Fatal error.

Remedy: Repeat the service if the controller board is in the RUN or ACTIVE state. If
diagnostics is active, you must wait for the result. Then, the indicated bus
error specifies the error location.
Add_Error_Info: —

0BF0hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: The data transmission was temporarily interrupted. As a result, the control-
ler board reset all outputs and stopped data transmission. The display
shows the INTERBUS device number. The error can be found
– in the preceding bus segment of a local bus,
– in the preceding bus segment of a ST compact station,
– in the bus segments of a preceding remote bus branch (e.g., installation
remote bus), or
– in the bus segment of the indicated INTERBUS device.
Cause: – Voltage reset of an INTERBUS device in the specified area.
– Cable break in the specified bus segment.
– The bridge (RBST or LBST) in the connector for the outgoing bus is de-
fective for a device in the specified area.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF1hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission is interrupted at a BK module.
Cause: – The connector for the outgoing remote bus branch has not been
plugged in.
– The bridge (LBST) in the connector for the outgoing remote bus branch
is defective.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

3-58 5150B
Error Codes

0BF2hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission is interrupted at a BK module.
Cause: – The connector for the outgoing remote bus branch has not been
plugged in.
– The bridge (RBST) in the connector for the outgoing remote bus is de-
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF3hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: The data transmission is interrupted at a BK module, local bus devices or
within an IB ST compact station.
Cause: Local bus
– The connector for the outgoing local bus has not been plugged in.
– The bridge (RBST or LBST) at the connector for the outgoing local bus
is defective.
ST compact station
– The ST cable has not been plugged in.
– The RBST connection led via the next module of the IB ST compact sta-
tion is interrupted.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF4hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Transmission error (CRC error) in the data forward path at the incoming
bus interface (IN) of the specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: Transmission errors.
Remedy: Check the specified INTERBUS segment for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

5150B 3-59

0BF5hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Transmission error (CRC error) in the data return path at the incoming bus
interface (IN) of the specified INTERBUS device.
Remedy: Check the specified INTERBUS segment for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF6hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Bus error.
Meaning: Data transmission was temporarily interrupted. As a result, the controller
board reset all outputs and stopped data transmission. The display shows
a INTERBUS device number. The error can be found
– in the preceding bus segment of a local bus,
– in the preceding bus segment of a ST compact station,
– in the bus segments of a preceding remote bus branch (e.g., installation
remote bus), or
– in the bus segment of the indicated INTERBUS device.
Cause: – Voltage reset of an INTERBUS device in the specified area.
– Cable break in the specified bus segment.
– The bridge (RBST or LBST) in the connector for the outgoing bus is de-
fective for a device in the specified area.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF8hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple error when acquiring I/O data at the specified device. It was not
possible to exactly locate the error.

3-60 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: The error occurs due to

– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Error location: The specified device, the preceding complete bus as well as all devices
connected to OUT2 of the specified device.

Remedy: Check your system for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

0BF9hex (BUS FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple error at the specified device during quick diagnostics. It was not
possible to exactly locate the error.
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Error location: The specified device, the preceding complete bus as well as all devices
connected to OUT2 of the specified device.

Remedy: Check your system for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

5150B 3-61

If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.


Meaning: Multiple error at the specified device during startup or permanent diagnos-
Cause: The error occurs due to
– installation errors,
– a defective INTERBUS device.
Error location: The specified device, the preceding complete bus, as well as all devices
connected to OUT2 of the specified device.

Remedy: Check your system for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.


Meaning: Error detected by means of quick diagnostics.
Error location: The specified device, the preceding complete bus, as well as all devices
connected to OUT2 of the specified device.

Remedy: Check your system for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,

3-62 5150B
Error Codes

– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),

– cable breaks in remote and local bus cabling,
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-
If entries are made in the TOP TEN, they can provide information on the
error location. The front plate or the "Get_Diag_Info" (032Bhex) service al-
low to inquire the TOP TEN.
Add_Error_Info: INTERBUS device number (Segment . Position) of the INTERBUS device.

5150B 3-63

3.3 Error Codes for Remote Bus and Local Bus


The Add_Error_Info provides the coded error location for remote or local
bus errors. The exact error position is only indicated if no interface error oc-
curred. In the case of an interface error, the defective bus segment will be
indicated. Bit 7 indicates whether an interface error occurred. The mean-
ings of bits 0 to 6 will also change. This results in three different states
which have the following bit combinations in the Add_Error_Info.

15 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Add_Error_Info

Bus segment
in which the error
Position of the located error

Bit 7 = 0 No interface error occurred


Figure 3-1 No interface error occurred

15 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Add_Error_Info
Bit 0 = 0 Error at the outgoing
Bus segment remote bus interface
in which the error

Bit 1-6 = 0

Bit 7 = 1 An interface error occurred


Figure 3-2 Error at the outgoing remote bus interface

3-64 5150B
Error Codes

15 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Add_Error_Info
Bit 0 = 1 Error at the outgoing
Bus segment local bus interface
in which the error

Bit 1-6 = 0

Bit 7 = 1 An interface error occurred


Figure 3-3 Error at the outgoing local bus interface

0C10hex to 0C13hex (RB FAIL) or

0D10hex to 0D13hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: An INTERBUS device is missing.

Cause: A device entered in the connected bus configuration and not marked as
switched off is missing in the connected bus configuration.
The active configuration is the quantity of INTERBUS devices connected
to the INTERBUS system whose data is within the summation frame. The
active configuration may differ from the connected bus configuration only
when physically connected bus segments have been switched off.

Remedy: Compare the active configuration with the connected bus configuration,
taking any disabled bus segments into account.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C14hex to 0C17hex (RB FAIL) or

0D14hex to 0D17hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple errors in the segment of the connected INTERBUS device.

Cause: Transmission errors.

5150B 3-65

Remedy: Check the segment of the specified INTERBUS device for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C18hex to 0C1Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D18hex to 0D1Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple timeout in the segment of the specified INTERBUS device.

Cause: Transmission errors.

Remedy: Check the segment of the specified INTERBUS device for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C1Chex to 0C1Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D1Chex to 0D1Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Transmission error (CRC error) in the forward data path at the incoming
bus interface (IN) of the specified INTERBUS device.

Cause: Transmission errors.

3-66 5150B
Error Codes

Remedy: Check the segment of the specified INTERBUS device for:

– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C20hex to 0C23hex (RB FAIL) or

0D20hex to 0D23hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) firmware component diagnosed an in-
terruption of the data transmission.

Cause: Interruption in the forward data path of the incoming bus interface (IN) of
the specified INTERBUS device.

Remedy: Check the cables, male and female connectors on cables and devices for
interruptions and repair them, if required.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C24hex to 0C27hex (RB FAIL) or

0D24hex to 0D27hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Transmission error (CRC error) in the return data path at the incoming bus
interface (IN) of the specified INTERBUS device.

Cause: Transmission errors.

Remedy: Check the segment of the specified INTERBUS device for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

5150B 3-67

0C28hex to 0C2Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D28hex to 0D2Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) diagnosed an interruption of the data

Remedy: Check the cables, male and female connectors on cables and devices for
interruptions and repair them, if required.

Cause: Interruption in the return data path at the incoming bus interface (IN) of the
specified INTERBUS device.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C2Chex to 0C2Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D2Chex to 0D2Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Unexpected change of the RBST or LBST signal.

Cause: Missing or defective bridge (loose contact, dry joint) in the outgoing bus
connector of the preceding INTERBUS device.

Remedy: Check the segment of the specified INTERBUS device for interruptions in
the connector (loose contact, dry joint). Solder a bridge or ensure the prop-
er connection of the already existing bridge to generate an error-free RBST
or LBST signal.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C40hex to 0C43hex (RB FAIL) or

0D40hex to 0D43hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The length code of the specified INTERBUS device is not identical with the
entry in the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position)

3-68 5150B
Error Codes

0C44hex to 0C47hex (RB FAIL) or

0D44hex to 0D47hex (RB FAIL)

Meaning: The ID code of the specified INTERBUS device is not identical with the en-
try in the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C48hex to 0C4Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D48hex to 0D4Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Only ID cycles but no data cycles can be run.

Cause: – The data register of the specified INTERBUS device has been interrupt-
– The number of data registers of the specified INTERBUS is not identical
with the length code entered in the configuration frame.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C4Chex to 0C4Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D4Chex to 0D4Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The specified INTERBUS device has an invalid ID code.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0D50hex to 0D53hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The specified INTERBUS device has the ID code of a remote bus device,
but is located in a local bus.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

5150B 3-69

0C54hex to 0C57hex (RB FAIL) or

0D54hex to 0D57hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The slave chip of the specified device is a SUPI 1 which is operated in the
µP mode. This mode is not supported by the firmware of your controller

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C58hex to 0C5Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D58hex to 0D5Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The data transmission is interrupted at the outgoing remote bus interface
(OUT1) of the specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: – The connector has not been plugged in.
– The bridge for connector identification (RBST or LBST) is defective.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C5Chex to 0C5Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D5Chex to 0D5Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission is interrupted at the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of the
specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: – The connector has not been plugged in.
– The bridge for connector identification (RBST or LBST) is defective.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C60hex to 0C63hex (RB FAIL) or

0D60hex to 0D63hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission was temporarily interrupted at the outgoing bus interface
(OUT1) of the specified INTERBUS device (with SUPI 3), although this in-
terface is not used.

3-70 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: The SUPI 3 detected a CRC or MAU error.

Remedy: Replace the INTERBUS device and contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C64hex to 0C67hex (RB FAIL) or

0D64hex to 0D67hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission was temporarily interrupted at the outgoing bus interface
(OUT2) of the specified INTERBUS device (with SUPI 3), although this in-
terface is not used.

Cause: The SUPI 3 detected a CRC or MAU error.

Remedy: Replace the INTERBUS device and contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C68hex to 0C6Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D68hex to 0D6Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The SUPI 3 of the specified INTERBUS device detected an I/O timeout.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C6Chex to 0C6Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D6Chex to 0D6Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The specified INTERBUS device carried out a reset.

Cause: The specified INTERBUS device is insufficiently supplied with power or is

Remedy: – Check this INTERBUS device.
– Check the supply voltage of this INTERBUS device whether it conforms
to the rated value and whether the permissible AC voltage portion is ex-
ceeded. Refer to the relevant data sheet for the values.
– Check the BK module’s power supply unit for an overload condition. Re-
fer to the relevant data sheets for the maximum permissible output cur-

5150B 3-71

rent of the BK module and for the typical current consumption of the
connected local bus devices.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C70hex to 0C73hex (RB FAIL) or

0D70hex to 0D73hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission was aborted. In an INTERBUS device whose SUPI is

run in the microprocessor mode, the microprocessor failed to initialize the
Cause: – The controller board tried to switch the bus into the ACTIVE state faster
than the microprocessor of the INTERBUS device could initialize the
– The INTERBUS device is defective.
Remedy: – Delay the call of the "Activate_Configuration" (0711hex) service until the
microprocessor has initialized the SUPI.
– Replace the INTERBUS device.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C74 hex to 0C77hex (LB FAIL) or

0D74 hex to 0D77hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Data transmission was interrupted.

Cause: An invalid mode has been set on the INTERBUS protocol chip of an
INTERBUS device.

Remedy: Set a valid operating mode or replace the device.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C80hex to 0C83hex (RB FAIL) or

0D80hex to 0D83hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple error at the outgoing bus interface (OUT1) of the specified INTER-
BUS device.

3-72 5150B
Error Codes

Cause: Defect of the bus cable connected to this bus interface, of the following
INTERBUS device, or of a device of any subsequent local bus.
Remedy: Check this part of the system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C84hex to 0C87hex (RB FAIL) or

0D84hex to 0D87hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple timeout of the outgoing bus interface (OUT1) of the specified
INTERBUS device.

Cause: Defect of the bus cable connected to this bus interface, of the following
INTERBUS device, or of a device in any following local bus.
Remedy: Check this part of the system for:
– missing or incorrect shielding of the bus cables (connectors),
– missing or incorrect grounding/equipotential bonding,
– poor connections in the connector (loose contact, dry joint),
– voltage dips on the communication voltage supply of the remote bus de-

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C88hex to 0C8Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D88hex to 0D8Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: An unexpected device was found at the outgoing bus interface (OUT1) of
the specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: – INTERBUS device connected without an entry in the active configura-
– INTERBUS cable connected without any further INTERBUS devices.

5150B 3-73

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C8Chex to 0C8Fhex (RB FAIL) or

0D8Chex to 0D8Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Only ID cycles but no data cycles can be run.

Cause: – Interrupted data register of the INTERBUS device connected to the out-
going remote bus interface (OUT1).
– The number of data registers of the specified INTERBUS that is con-
nected to the outgoing remote bus interface (OUT1) of the specified
INTERBUS device is not identical with the length code.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C90hex to 0C93hex (RB FAIL)

Meaning: The specified INTERBUS device could not activate the following bus seg-

Cause: The INTERBUS device connected to the outgoing interface (OUT1) of the
specified INTERBUS device carried out a voltage reset or is defective.
Remedy: – Check this INTERBUS device.
– Check the supply voltage of this INTERBUS device whether it conforms
to the rated value and whether the permissible AC voltage portion is ex-
ceeded. Refer to the relevant data sheet for the values.
– Check the BK module’s power supply unit for an overload condition. Re-
fer to the relevant data sheets for the maximum permissible output cur-
rent of the BK module and for the typical current consumption of the
connected local bus devices.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C94hex to 0C97hex (RB FAIL)

Meaning: An INTERBUS device with the ID code of a local bus device was found at
the outgoing remote bus interface (OUT1) of the specified INTERBUS de-

3-74 5150B
Error Codes

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0C98hex to 0C9Bhex (RB FAIL) or

0D98hex to 0D9Bhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The INTERBUS device connected to the outgoing remote bus interface
(OUT1) of the specified INTERBUS device has an invalid ID code.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0D9Chex to 0D9Fhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The local bus connected directly to the controller board consists of more
devices than have been entered in the active configuration.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CC0hex to 0CC3hex (RB FAIL) or

0DC0hex to 0DC3hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple error at the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of the specified INTER-
BUS device.
Cause: – INTERBUS cable connected to the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) with-
out any further INTERBUS devices.
– A local/remote bus cable is defective that belongs to the local/remote
bus of the specified INTERBUS device.
– Defective INTERBUS device connected to the local/remote bus of the
specified INTERBUS device.
– Failure of the supply voltage (communication voltage UL) for the module
electronics made available by the BK module.
– Failure of the supply voltage (UL) for the BK module.

Remedy: Check this local/remote bus.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

5150B 3-75

0CC4hex to 0CC7hex (RB FAIL) or

0DC4hex to 0DC7hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Multiple timeout at the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of the specified
INTERBUS device.
Cause: – Defective local/remote bus cable that belongs to the local/remote bus of
the specified device.
– Defective INTERBUS device connected to the local/remote bus of the
specified INTERBUS device.
– Failure of the supply voltage (communication voltage UL) for the module
electronics made available by the BK module.
– Failure of the supply voltage (UL) for the BK module.

Remedy: Check this local/remote bus.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CC8hex to 0CCBhex (RB FAIL) or

0DC8hex to 0DCBhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Unexpected devices were found at the outgoing interface (OUT2) of the
specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: – INTERBUS device connected without an entry in the active configura-
– INTERBUS cable connected without any further INTERBUS device.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CCChex to 0CCFhex (RB FAIL) or

0DCChex to 0DCFhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Only ID cycles but no data cycles can be run.

Cause: – Interrupted data register of the INTERBUS device connected to OUT2.
– The number of data registers of the INTERBUS device connected to the
outgoing interface (OUT2) of the specified INTERBUS device is not
identical with the length code entered in the configuration frame.

3-76 5150B
Error Codes

Remedy: Replace the INTERBUS device which is connected to the outgoing bus in-
terface (OUT2) of the specified INTERBUS device or adapt in the configu-
ration frame the entry to the length code.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CD0hex to 0CD3hex (RB FAIL) or

0DD0hex to 0DD3hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: After the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of the specified INTERBUS device
was opened, further devices in addition to a BK module were included in a
data ring.

Cause: The INTERBUS device connected to the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of
the specified INTERBUS device carried out a voltage reset or is defective.
Remedy: – Check this INTERBUS device.
– Check the supply voltage of this INTERBUS device whether it conforms
to the rated value and whether the permissible AC voltage portion is ex-
ceeded. Refer to the relevant data sheet for the values.
– Check the BK module’s power supply unit for an overload condition. Re-
fer to the relevant data sheets for the maximum permissible output cur-
rent of the BK module and for the typical current consumption of the
connected local bus devices.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CD4hex to 0CD7hex (RB FAIL) or

0DD4hex to 0DD7hex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: Error in the 8-wire local bus connected to the specified INTERBUS device.
Cause: – Defective local bus cable that belongs to the local bus of the specified
– Defective INTERBUS device connected to the local bus of the specified
INTERBUS device.
– Failure of the supply voltage (communication voltage UL) for the module
electronics made available by the BK module.

Remedy: Check this local bus.

5150B 3-77

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CD8hex to 0CDBhex (RB FAIL) or

0DD8hex to 0DDBhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The local bus connected to the specified bus terminal module consists of
more local bus devices than were entered in the active configuration.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

0CDChex to 0CDFhex (RB FAIL) or

0DDChex to 0DDFhex (LB FAIL)

Meaning: The INTERBUS device connected to the outgoing bus interface (OUT2) of
the specified INTERBUS device has an invalid ID code.

Add_Error_Info: Error location (Segment . Position).

3-78 5150B
Error Codes

3.4 Error Codes for System Errors

0Fxxhex (xx = any digit or letter)

Meaning: A system error (e.g., hardware or firmware error) occurred on the controller

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.


Meaning: A firmware error occurred on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: A hardware error occurred on the controller board.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

Meaning: An error occurred in the boot firmware.
Cause: 1. Firmware error.
2. During firmware update the download of the new firmware failed.
3. Hardware error.
Remedy: 1. Download the firmware again. If the error message is still generated,
an hardware fault occurred. Please contact Phoenix Contact.
2. Download the firmware again.
3. Please contact Phoenix Contact.
Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-79

Meaning: An error occurred in the firmware.
Cause: 1. Firmware error.
2. During firmware update the download of the new firmware failed.
3. Hardware error.
Remedy: 1. Download the firmware again. If the error message is still generated,
an hardware fault occurred. Please contact Phoenix Contact.
2. Download the firmware again.
3. Please contact Phoenix Contact.
Add_Error_Info: —

1019hex to 101Ehex (MPM Manager Error)

Meaning: An error occurred on the controller board when the MPM was accessed.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

1020hex to 1025hex (Flash EEPROM Error)

Meaning: An error occurred on the controller board when a parameterization memory

was accessed.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

1030hex to 1036hex (Power on Self-Test Error)

Meaning: A hardware error occurred on the controller board during the self-test.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

1051hex to 1055hex (RS-232 Error)

Meaning: An error occurred on the controller board when the parameterization inter-
face (RS-232) was accessed.

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

3-80 5150B
Error Codes


Meaning: The firmware download was interrupted.

Cause: Timeout at the transmission protocol or RS-232/V24 interface.

Remedy: Check the RS-232/V24 connection, then start transmission again.

Add_Error_Info: —


Meaning: The firmware download was interrupted. The program initiated a restart.

Remedy: Start the firmware download again.

Add_Error_Info: —

1101hex (Host Adaption Error)

Meaning: An error in the host-specific part of the firmware occurred on the controller

Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.

6342hex (Bus Error Indication)

Meaning: The controller board detected an error in the connected bus system during
INTERBUS operation.

Cause: The bus cannot be operated any longer. The controller board searches the
fault location.

Remedy: Use the "Get_Error_Info" (0316hex) service for reading out the error caus-

5150B 3-81

3.5 Error Codes for Controller Boards with

Slave Part

Meaning: An firmware error occurred.
Cause: Defective bus device.
Remedy: Please contact Phoenix Contact.
Add_Error_Info: Number of defective devices.

Meaning: Incorrect setting of the slave type.
Cause: 1. Inadmissible slave number set.
2. Hardware fault.
Remedy: 1. Set the correct slave number (0 or 1).
2. Please contact Phoenix Contact.
Add_Error_Info: Incorrect slave number.

Meaning: Devices with the protocol chip SUPI 3 and higher must be used.
Cause: Hardware fault.
Remedy: 1. Remove the device with the wrong protocol chip.
2. Please contact Phoenix Contact.

Add_Error_Info: —

Cause: The slave was initialized with an inadmissible number of words.
Remedy: Reduce the word number and initialize the slave again.
Add_Error_Info: —

3-82 5150B
Error Codes

Meaning: Error in the µP mode.
Cause: Data lengths have been used that are not permitted in the µP mode
(e.g., zero words).
Remedy: Initialize the slave part of the system coupler properly.
Add_Error_Info: —

Meaning: Error during initialization.
Cause: The INTERBUS protocol chip was initialized several times. If the NOT
READY ID code physically exists, the INTERBUS protocol chip can be ini-
tialized only once. With other ID codes, SUPI 3 can be initialized several
Remedy: 1. Ensure that the protocol chip will be initialized only once.
2. Disconnect the INTERBUS protocol chip from the supply, then try
Add_Error_Info: —

5150B 3-83

3-84 5150B
Appendix A

A 1 Figures

Section 1
Figure 1-1: Communication mechanisms in the MPM ..................1-11
Figure 1-2: Diagnostic status register ...........................................1-15
Figure 1-3: Content of the diagnostic parameter register
Figure 1-4: Assignment of frequently used functions in the
standard function start register ..................................1-17
Figure 1-5: Sequence of a function execution without
parameter transfer .....................................................1-18
Figure 1-6: Sequence of a service execution with
parameter transfer .....................................................1-19
Figure 1-7: The state machine .....................................................1-20
Figure 1-8: Overview of service groups ........................................1-23
Figure 1-9: Bus configuration (connected and active
configuration) .............................................................1-27
Figure 1-10: Structure of device numbers ......................................1-30
Figure 1-11: Device-oriented and list-oriented transmission ..........1-31
Figure 1-12: Bus configuration (groups and alternative groups) ....1-32
Figure 1-13: Process data channel of a frequency inverter ............1-35
Figure 1-14: Broadcast ...................................................................1-36
Figure 1-15: Direct link ...................................................................1-36
Figure 1-16: Services for controller board configuration ................1-38
Figure 1-17: Loading a configuration frame ...................................1-42
Figure 1-18: Loading the process data description list (PDDL) ......1-44
Figure 1-19: Service structure of the process data description
list (PDDL) .................................................................1-46
Figure 1-20: Byte IN and OUT process data ..................................1-47
Figure 1-21: Loading the process data reference list .....................1-48

5150B A-1

Figure 1-22: Process data assignment ..........................................1-49

Figure 1-23: Structure of the "Load_Process_Data_
Reference_List" service .............................................1-50
Figure 1-24: Services for system state control ...............................1-54

Section 3
Figure 3-1: No interface error occurred ........................................3-64
Figure 3-2: Error at the outgoing remote bus interface ................3-64
Figure 3-3: Error at the outgoing local bus interface ....................3-65

A-2 5150B
Appendix A

A 2 Tables

Section 1
Table 1-1: Comparison between G3 and G4 services ...................1-8
Table 1-2: Errors with bus disconnection .....................................1-16
Table 1-3: Errors without bus connection.....................................1-16
Table 1-4: Basic structure of a configuration frame .....................1-26
Table 1-5: Configuration frame ....................................................1-28
Table 1-6: Configuration frame ....................................................1-33
Table 1-7: Parameters of the process data reference list
(PDRL) ........................................................................1-50

Section 2
Table 2-1: Overview of services (according to service codes).......2-5
Table 2-2: Automatic error indications ...........................................2-7
Table 2-3: System parameters.....................................................2-17

5150B A-3

A-4 5150B
Appendix A

A 3 Glossary

Active The active configuration comprises all →(bus) devices actually connected
configuration to the INTERBUS system. The data of these devices is within the summa-
tion frame during the execution of bus cycles.
If →bus segments are switched off but are not decoupled, the active con-
figuration can differ from the current configuration.

Bus device A bus device physically connected in the INTERBUS system.

Bus segment A bus segment is a subset of the configuration frame. It consists of all local
bus devices connected to the local bus interface - if present - and the re-
mote bus cable leading to this device.

Client →Client/server model

Client/server model The client as a service requester issues jobs in order to use the functions
of other communication devices. A server is a service provider that makes
its functions available to the client. →Communication services are avail-
able to the client for issuing jobs.

Communication Data that is exchanged between two devices, e.g., measured values, pro-
object gram parts, device parameters, etc. The data is described in the object dic-
tionary of a device. It can be accessed by other devices.

Communication Number that is assigned to the communication relationship between two

reference (CR) devices. It characterizes the address of the logical connection. With
INTERBUS, the CR is between 2 and 64.

Communication Establishes the logical connection between two →devices. Requirement

relationship for this is the physical possibility of communication, i.e., both devices must
be connected to each other via the network.

5150B A-5

Communication A list in which the connection parameters of the communication relation-

relationship list ship between two devices are stored. During connection establishment, the
(CRL) connection parameters in both CRLs are checked for compatibility. The rel-
evant connection parameters are the send and receive buffer sizes as well
as the supported services. Instead of "connection parameters", one also
speaks of suitable "context conditions".

Communication Services used for connection establishment and abort as well as for data
services exchange between two devices.

Configuration The configuration frame is a configuration description specified by the user.

frame Both the →current configuration and the →active configuration must be in
the limits of the configuration frame at any time. Several configuration
frames can be stored on the controller board. In this way, it is possible to
rapidly switch between different bus configurations. A configuration frame
can be loaded by the user or determined by the controller board via the cur-
rent configuration (currently connected bus devices).

CR →Communication reference

CRL →Communication relationship list

Current The current configuration comprises all →(bus) devices actually connected
configuration to the controller board. If bus segments are physically decoupled, the cur-
rent configuration can differ from the configuration frame.

Device Device with an own address that is connected to the INTERBUS system.

Device number The user can assign a logical device number of the type "S.D" to each de-
(logical) vice of the configuration frame. Each number can be assigned only once.
The logical device number consists of the logical bus segment number (S)
and the logical device number (D) within the local busV. The logical bus
segment numbers are assigned in ascending order, starting with "1". The
device position is assigned according to the position in the local bus, start-
ing with "1". The remote bus devices are assigned the bus segment num-
ber "0". The assignment is carried out continuously. The logical device
number occupies one data word (16 bits). The bus segment number is
mapped to the bits 8 ... 15, the device position to the bits 0 ... 7.

A-6 5150B
Appendix A

Device number The physical device number is the position of a bus device in the configu-
(physical) ration frame. The physical device number is not influenced by the fact if in-
dividual bus segments are connected or disconnected.

Group Several bus segments belonging together with regard to functionality can
be combined in one group. Only the entire group can be added to the active
configuration. Groups must not overlap. As default, there are no groups de-
If a bus device fails, the definition of groups allows to remove the entire
group belonging to this bus device from the active configuration. To
achieve this, it is required to assign group numbers.
The structure of the group number determines whether the group can be
added alternatively.

INTERBUS High-speed bus for sensors/actuators.

Manufacturing Mes- ISO standard of communication services with which administrative tasks,
sage Specification identification and status prompts, communication-related activities as well
(MMS) as productive data transmission are carried out. MMS has been designed
for networks that are located hierarchically above the sensor/actuator level.

PCP →Peripherals Communication Protocol

Peripherals Commu- INTERBUS protocol software. A PCP-compatible device is able, with the
nication Protocol aid of →PMS services, to exchange communication data with other PCP
(PCP) devices.

Peripherals Message Subset of the →MMS communication services, specially adapted to the
Specification (PMS) sensor/actuators area.

Process data Time-critical state information of simple devices that continually changes
and must be continually updated. It must be transmitted quickly and at reg-
ular intervals.

Physical device The physical device position is the position of the bus device within the
position summation frame. The first bus device is assigned the position "0". The
physical device position corresponds to the physical device number, if the
entire configuration number is active.

5150B A-7

Process input data →Process data


Process output data →Process data


Protocol A set of conventions. It defines data formats and control procedures for
communication between devices and processes.

Server →Client/server model

Slave →Master/slave method

Summation frame Transmission method in which all physical devices are treated as if they
were one logical device: all process data is transmitted simultaneously to
all devices during a cycle. On the basis of the temporal location of the in-
formation in the summation frame, each device can accept the data that is
determined for it.

A-8 5150B
Appendix A

A 4 Index

Action object management.................... 1-24 Data transmission area ......................... 1-11
Action_Object DDI........................................................ 1-12
(see service sequence) ..... 2-123, 2-164 Device
Alternative devices ................................ 1-32 Controlling ...................................... 2-97
Indicating error messages ............ 2-187
B Switching on/off ..................... 2-93, 2-94
Bus control ................................... 1-24, 1-53 Device driver interface .......................... 1-12
Bus errors.............................................. 1-52 Device numbers
Bus level................................................ 1-25 Logical .......................... 1-26, 1-29, 1-30
Bus quality............................................. 1-52 Physical .......................................... 1-29
Bus single errors ................................... 1-51 Device status messages ....................... 1-51
Device-oriented transmission................ 1-31
C Devices
Communication reference list................ 1-28 Alternative....................................... 1-32
Configuration Diagnostic information ............. 2-113, 2-121
Frame ............................................. 1-38 Diagnostics ......................................... 2-121
Services.......................................... 1-38 General........................................... 1-52
Configuration frame............................... 1-25 Registers ........................................ 1-14
Configuration_Entry ............... 2-29, 2-39 Treatment ....................................... 1-24
Deactivating .................................... 2-56 DPM ...................................................... 1-11
Deleting........................................... 2-50 DTA ....................................................... 1-11
Loading ........................................... 1-38 Dual-Port Memory................................. 1-11
Managing ........................................ 1-24
Transmitting .................. 2-24, 2-27, 2-31 E
Controller board Error cause ......................................... 2-102
Indicating error codes ................... 2-186 Error management ................................ 1-51
Initiating the reset ........................... 2-90 Error treatment ...................................... 1-24
Starting the data transfer ................ 2-88
Stopping the data transfer .............. 2-92

5150B A-9

Event description P
Configuring ............. 2-150, 2-152, 2-157
Parameter record ................................ 2-123
Deleting......................................... 2-162
Configuring ........................ 2-135, 2-141
Reading out .................................. 2-159
Deleting ........................................ 2-148
Reading out .................................. 2-143
F Transmitting.................................. 2-164
Functions Parameterization memory
Defining......................................... 2-123 Closing the file ................... 2-171, 2-173
Defragmenting .............................. 2-181
G Deleting ........................................ 2-168
General functions .................................. 1-24 Formatting .................................... 2-168
Group numbers Opening the file ............................ 2-168
Logical ................................... 1-26, 1-32 Positioning the file pointer ............ 2-176
Reading out the file....................... 2-181
I Writing ............................... 2-164, 2-176
Initial state ............................................. 1-21 Parameterization phase ........................ 1-21
PDD ...................................................... 1-46
L PDDL .................................................... 1-21
List-oriented transmission ..................... 1-31 PDRL .................................................... 1-21
Logical group numbers.......................... 1-32 Process data
Assignment..................................... 1-34
M Description...................................... 1-46
Mailbox area.......................................... 1-11 Management.......................... 1-24, 1-34
MPM ...................................................... 1-11 Reference list.................................. 1-34
Multi-Port Memory................................. 1-11 User-defined ................................... 1-35
MXA ...................................................... 1-11 Process data description
Defining ........................ 2-58, 2-60, 2-64
N Reading out .................................... 2-66
Nodes.................................................... 1-11 Process data description list ................. 1-21
Loading........................................... 1-39

A-10 5150B

Process data reference T

Defining......................... 2-70, 2-72, 2-76
Direct link data ................................ 2-73
Device-oriented .............................. 1-31
Input data........................................ 2-73
List-oriented.................................... 1-31
Output data ..................................... 2-73
Reading out .................. 2-78, 2-81, 2-85 U
Process data reference list........... 1-21, 1-34
User error.............................................. 1-51
Creating .......................................... 1-39
Defining........................................... 1-46 V
Loading ........................................... 1-48
Version information ............................. 2-109
Parameters ..................................... 1-50

Request................................................. 1-12
Response .............................................. 1-12

Service sequence................................ 2-123
Creating .................. 2-123, 2-125, 2-127
Deleting......................................... 2-131
Reading out ....................... 2-127, 2-129
Transmitting .................................. 2-164
SGA....................................................... 1-11
Signal area ............................................ 1-11
Signal object management.................... 1-24
Signal object managment...................... 1-24
(see parameter record) ..... 2-123, 2-164
State machine ....................................... 1-20
Status information ............................... 2-105
System errors........................................ 1-51
System parameters
List .................................................. 2-17
Reading out .................................... 2-21

5150B A-11

A-12 5150B
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