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Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

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Review Article

Recent development in the application of analytical techniques for the T

traceability and authenticity of food of plant origin
Syed Abdul Wadooda, Guo Bolia, Zhang Xiaowena, Imtiaz Hussainb, Wei Yimina,

Institute of Food Science and Technology, Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, CAAS/, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100193, PR China
Department of food science and technology, The University of Poonch Rawalakot, AJK, Pakistan


Keywords: The traceability of agro-products are very crucial as the food with know and guaranteed origin charged a high
Food traceability premium; meanwhile, the authenticity of the food product is also very necessary, since the adulteration of agro-
Plant origin products with cheap ingredients or chemicals pose a serious health threat to the consumer. Therefore there is
Chromatography clearly need to demonstrate these authenticity problems by modern analytical techniques. This review attempted
Spectrometry and spectroscopy
to highlight the current overview in the application of analytical techniques such as liquid and gas chromato-
Sensor technology
graphy, isotope ratio and elemental analysis, spectroscopic, DNA based and sensor technologies for the au-
thentication of food of plant origin, with a special focus on geographical origin traceability and authenticity
during the last five years. Papers cited here mainly include fruits, cereals, pulses, tea, coffee, spices, edible oil,
fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages. The effectiveness of these techniques in laboratory and industrial level and
also their advantages and drawbacks are discussed.

1. Introduction emerging topics and it demands to the researchers to work more in-
tensively in this area.
In the last few years, agro-products safety and quality have gained In the past few years, analytical techniques have made significant
an increase attention, and the determination of food authenticity and progress and several analytical methods have been employed to de-
geographical origin are now major concerns for consumers, retailers, termine the food authenticity and adulteration detection. Most com-
farmers, and for food authorities, since several major food adulterations monly used techniques for food authenticity and traceability includes
and mislabeling events were happened [1]. A survey conducted by the liquid and gas chromatography, isotope ratio and elemental analysis,
UK Food Standard Agency revealed that consumers pay more focus to spectroscopic techniques, DNA based techniques, and sensor techni-
high-quality food products, and one of the basic parameters was iden- ques. Each technique has its own pros and cons. As for physic-chemical
tified geographical origin [2]. In another study, it is pointed out that analysis liquid and gas chromatographic techniques are widely used, for
about 82% of the customers considered geographical origin as a quality identifying detrimental substances which is time taking, expensive,
indicator before purchasing the agricultural-products [3]. The certain labor intensive, and involve many purification steps [9]. Furthermore,
and guaranteed geographical origin usually charged a high premium isotope ratio, elemental analysis, and DNA based methods even proved
and false labeling regarding geographical origin by unauthorized tra- very sensitive but also presented the same drawbacks. Therefore, in
ders is detrimental to honest producers and consumers [4]. In addition, recent past, great attention has been paid to establish non-destructive
many incidences regarding food adulteration have been reported in and non-invasive techniques for instance, vibrational, hyperspectral,
recent years. Some of these incidences include: the addition of mela- fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and
mine to wheat gluten to increase the protein content [5], contamination sensor techniques such as electronic tongues and electronic noses etc.
of paprika powder with lead oxide [6], contamination of cayenne These techniques are rapid, cost-effective, involve less or no sample
pepper with red lead (Pb3O4) in order to achieve a vibrant color [7], preparation, environmental friendly, easy to operate and can be
etc. These adulteration practices with chemical materials or cheap in- adopted for online or at-line process control. However, sometimes it is
gredients for financial gain pose serious health risk to the consumers hard to determine the authenticity of agro-product with high accuracy
and resulted in several thousand hospitalizations in different incidences due to their less sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio.
around the globe [8], so product authenticity and authentication are Over the last few decades, with the development in the advanced

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W. Yimin).
Received 25 July 2019; Received in revised form 27 September 2019; Accepted 27 September 2019
Available online 13 October 2019
0026-265X/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

statistical analysis, the application of analytical techniques has gained HPLC-MS technique was employed to quantified phenolic compounds
increasing attention in food authentication issues. Recently, some stu- including gallic acid, caffeic acid, p coumaric, trans-ferulic acid, trans-
dies reviewed the application of analytical methods for the authenticity resveratrol, (−)-epicatechin, and (+)-catechin by direct injecting
of food of animal origin, and few studies focused on the traceability of sample mixture into HPLC-MS. Results revealed significant differences
agro-products using a specific analytical technique [9–13]. In this ar- in polyphenol contents between wine made with the same monovarietal
ticle, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the application of grapes procured from different geographical origins. The authors con-
different analytical techniques to determine the authenticity and geo- cluded that different environmental factors play an important role in
graphical traceability of food of plant origin during the last five years. wine quality and significantly influence the chemical composition of
The effectiveness of these techniques in laboratory and industrial level, wine [25].
as well as their advantages and drawbacks, will be discussed. The saffron is a high cost product and its quality is largely associated
with geographical origin. Many unfair traders mislabeled saffron for
2. Analytical techniques used for the determination of financial gain which causes serious damage to honest traders. That is
authenticity and traceability of plant origin food why in a recent study, D'Archivio et al. [26] analyzed saffron samples
by HPLC coupled with diode array detection procured from different
2.1. Liquid chromatographic techniques regions of Italy. HPLC fingerprints of crocins, picrocrocin, flavonoids,
and number of minor metabolites was different in different regions
The analytical technique high performance liquid chromatography samples and hence easily categorized on the basis of HPLC fingerprints.
(HPLC) is widely employed to analyze, separate, and quantify compo- In a similar approach, Liu et al. [22] discriminate Chinese and Iranian
nents that are dissolved in a sample mixture. The HPLC instrument is saffron samples. Different non-volatile components were analyzed by
equipped with mobile phase reservoir, high pressure pump, injector, HPLC method. The authors stated that flavonoids, picrocrocin and
analytical column, and detector. Different components can be separated different types of crocins served as potential variables in discriminating
by subjecting the sample mixture in to the analytical column which the saffron origin. Recently, Papapetros et al. [27] have employed
traveled through the mobile phase. The different compounds pass HPLC-RID to detect major sugars contents (glucose and fructose) of
through the column and the speed of each component varies due to the different cherry cultivars collected from different areas of Greece. One
difference in their partitioning behavior among the mobile phase and of the main findings was that sugar content along with volatile and
the sorbent (stationary phase). Based on the nature of sorbent, a com- conventional quality parameters varied among different regions sam-
ponent can be separated depend on their charge, molecular mass, hy- ples and achieved good classification percentages for cultivar and
drophobicity and so on. Various detectors such as ultraviolet–visible geographical differentiation. In an additional study, Mahne Opatić et al.
(UV–vis), fluorescence, electrochemical, and diffractometer are most [28] analyzed different chemical markers (total phenolics, carotenoids,
commonly used in HPLC [3]. The recent report by Esteki et al. [14] ascorbic acid) of commercial tomato samples by HPLC system coupled
brings new details about the use of liquid chromatography in food with a diode array detector. By applying chemometric such as linear
identification, proposing therefore novel and more beneficial prospects discriminant analysis, satisfactory classification percentages (80%)
of this technique. were obtained. The authors reported that cultivar, microclimatic con-
In food analysis, HPLC is used for quantitative analyses of chemical dition, and agricultural practices are the main factors which affect the
components present in food but also to verify authenticity and geo- ascorbic acid and carotenoid contents of tomato. The obtained results
graphical traceability of agro products through chromatographic pro- were in agreement with the previous findings [29,30]. A study was
file. For agro products, HPLC method could be an effective tool to conducted to discriminate the origin of ginger. The authors developed
perform several measurements such as chemical profile, detect adul- HPLC-DAD method to detect a pungent bioactive component of ginger,
terant, level of additive used, and environmental pollutant [15–19]. In gingerol, and related compounds. By employing series of multivariate
addition, HPLC method can also apply to check the authenticity and analysis namely hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), principal compo-
geographical traceability of agro products through flavonoids profile, nent analysis (PCA), and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) the char-
primary and secondary metabolites, metal binding protein and peptides acteristics pattern of each origin was created through the variation of a
[20–22]. Liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry chromatographic profile. Consequently, the ginger profile tended to be
proved even more valuable and powerful analytical tool for regional grouped and separated on the basis of the geographical origin [31]. In
traceability of agro products. This technique has been used in several addition, many studies investigate the authenticity of food products
studies to analyze different chemical constituents for the geographical using chromatographic profile. Recently, the authenticity of organic
identification of agro products. Recent literature regarding the use of and conventional orange juices was successfully achieved using
this technique for geographical traceability is summarized in Table 1 HPLCeHR-MS. The authors identified some flavonoid and fatty acids as
and described in this section. In this perspective, Bat et al. [21] used potential marker involved in the discrimination of organic juices [32].
ultra-performance liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole tandem HPLC-MS is a helpful technique for geographical traceability of
mass spectrometry UPLC/QqQ-MS technique to detect primary and agro-products as it allows identification and quantification of several
secondary metabolites for the geographical traceability of apple juice. compounds in one measurement. HPLC is highly sensitive, robust, cost-
Their results showed that phenolic compound profiling coupled with effective, and reproducible technique. This technique is a reliable and
chemometrics successfully differentiate geographical origin; especially powerful tool for geographical traceability of agro-products. However,
the minor phenolic compounds flavanols and flavonols were established liquid chromatography techniques applied to determine geographical
as a potential marker of authentic apple juice for the differentiation of traceability of agro-products usually include many extraction and
different apple cultivars and geographical origin. These results were purification steps, which are deemed as bottlenecks in analytical
consistent with the findings of Guo et al. [23] who also reported that methods.
polyphenol could serve as characteristic indices to confirm the geo-
graphical origin of apple juices. In another study, Guo et al. [24]. de- 2.2. Gas chromatography
veloped UHPLC-TOFMS method for the detection of polyphenol con-
tents in kiwifruit juices for geographical traceability. The authors stated Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the most widely used separation
that polyphenol composition of kiwi fruits provides valuable insights technique applied in food research, mainly to analyze volatile and semi-
into the determination of their geographical and botanical origin. A volatile substances, aromatic compounds and contaminant like pesti-
study was conducted to trace the geographical origin of red wine cides [9]. A sample mixture of different components can be investigated
through phenolic contents procured from different regions of Italy. by injecting in to the GC, where the mixture is changed into vapors

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

Table 1
A summary overview of chromatographic techniques used for determining the authenticity and traceability of plant origin food.
Food Purpose of analysis Detection technique Number of samples Data processing technique References

Apple juice Cultivar & geographical origin UPLC/QqQ-MS NA LDA [18]

Apple juice Cultivar & geographical origin HPLC-PDA 58 PCA, SLDA [20]
Kiwi juice Geographical origin UHPLC-TOFMS 51 PCA, SLDA [21]
Wine Geographical origin HPLC-MS, HS-SPME-GCMS 28 PCA, CA [22]
Saffron Geographical origin HPLC-DAD 144 LDA [23]
Saffron Geographical origin HPLC, GC/MS 98 OPLSDA [19]
Cherry Botanical & geographical origin HPLC-RID, SPME-GCMS 78 LDA, MANOVA [24]
Tomato Geographical origin HPLC-DAD 30 ANOVA, LDA [25]
Ginger Geographical origin HPLC-DAD 80 HCA, LDA, PCA [28]
Orange juices Organic v conventional HPLCeHR-MS, SPME-GCMS NA HCA, PLSDA, PCA [29]
Rice Geographical origin HS-SPME/GC–MS 24 PLS-DA, HCA [30]
Wheat Botanical origin DHE-GC–MS 209 PLS-DA, PCA [31]
Extra virgin olive oil Geographical origin SPME/GC–MS, FGC E- nose 278 PCA, PLS-DA [32]
Extra virgin olive oil Botanical & geographical origin HS-SPME/GC–MS NA Linear regression, correlation [33]
Apple Botanical & geographical origin HS-SPME/GC–MS 42 PLS-DA [34]
Caper berries geographical origin GC-FID NA PCA, CDA, ANOVA [35]
Walnut oil geographical origin GC-FID 180 SIMCA, PCA [36]
Tea Botanical origin HS-SPME/GC–MS 75 HCA, PCA, SLDA [37]
Tea Botanical & geographical origin HS-SPME/Es-GC–MS NA PCA, PLS-DA, HCA [38]

without decomposition in a heated chamber. The gas mixture passes The high prices of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) make them the ideal
through the GC column where they interact with the coating of the candidate for fraudulent activities. Therefore, a lot of research has been
column consequently, the components become separated. The GC conducted to develop reliable analytical methods coupled with che-
column consists of a liquid stationary phase which is adsorbed onto the mometrics to ensure olive oil authenticity. A recent review by
surface of thin fused-silica capillary tube. An inert carrier gas (helium) Gonzalez-Fernandez et al. [35] summarizes the recent research of
transports the sample through the column. Various detectors can be analytical techniques coupled with chemometric procedures such as
employed in GC such as, electron capture detector (ECD), flame ioni- artificial neuron network for the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil.
zation detector (FID), mass spectrometry (MS), photo-ionization de- Recently, Melucci et al. [36] have employed flash gas chromatography
tector (PID), flame photometric detector (FPD), thermionic detector electronic nose (FGC E-nose) and SPME coupled to GC–MS to analyze
(TD), and atomic emission detector (AED). The choice of one depends volatile compounds of extra virgin olive oil for geographical trace-
on the nature of the compound to be analyzed for instance, in the case ability. FGC E-nose chromatograms served as fingerprints and the
of organic compounds FID show better performance with high sensi- chemometrics was applied to the non-target chromatographic signals of
tivity, low noise, and large linear response range. In general, MS is the volatile fractions. A PLS-DA model discriminate 100% olive oil
regarded very powerful detector and mostly used in the food research samples. The geographical discrimination performance was compared
[3]. GC coupled with MS qualitatively and quantitatively analyzes the with SPME/GC–MS, and the results attained for both techniques on the
complex mixtures containing different components. The quantitative same data set were not significantly different. The authors concluded
and qualitative analysis of chromatographic profiles of different agro that both techniques are able to discriminate the geographical origin of
products provides valuable insights for the determination of authenti- extra virgin olive oil through volatile compounds profile; however,
city and geographical origin of agro products [9]. SPME/GC–MS delivered more consistent analytical information on the
Mislabeling of agro-products for financial gain is a matter of con- identity of volatile compounds. In another study, Cecchi and Alfei [37]
cern for honest traders, producers, and consumers. To address the au- explored some newly identified volatile compounds of extra virgin olive
thenticity problems regarding agro products, systematic and high oil (EVOO) using HS-SPME/GC–MS for geographical traceability. The
through-put traceability methods using modern analytical chemistry, author identified C6 compounds as main volatile compounds in EVOO
which show high accuracy and sensitivity, are very crucial. In this derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids through the lipoxygenase
context, Lim et al. [33] developed a volatile organic compound based pathways. The proportion of C6 compounds was different in specific
method to differentiate white rice samples from China and Korea using cultivars. The authors stated that genetic factors strongly affect volatile
headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromato- formation and concluded that terpene hydrocarbons are a potential
graphy mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC–MS). By applying partial least marker for the geographical and genetic discrimination of EVOO. In a
square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), a very good classification of similar approach, Giannetti et al. [38] identify apple cultivars and their
white rice for both China and Korea was achieved. These authors found geographical origin through the analysis of volatile compounds by
12 discriminatory biomarkers including hexanal, 1-hexaanol, and hy- using HS-SPME/GC–MS. Overall 118 volatile compounds were identi-
drocarbons which have been known to be associated with geographical fied and these variables were subjected to partial least square dis-
conditions. In a different study, Starr and colleagues performed volatile criminant analysis (PLS-DA) model. The generated model executed very
compound analysis on 81 wheat cultivars and landraces, grown under good classification percentages both in the original count (91%) and
controlled conditions, in order to explore the possibility of dis- cross-validation (87%), enabling to obtain good separation among dif-
criminating wheat varieties on the basis of their volatile compound ferent regions. The model highlighted most relevant variables for the
profiles [34]. Volatile compounds were extracted by dynamic head- discrimination of apple cultivar and origin which includes: ethanol,
space extraction and analyzed by GC–MS. Multivariate analysis was ethyl acetate, propyl propanoate, 1-hexanol, isobutyl acetate, Z-2
applied to the volatile compounds data which showed a great diversity hexen-1-ol acetate, and D-limonene, as these variables showed best
in the volatile profile between samples. Results revealed that esters, discriminatory power. In an additional study, Papapetros et al. [27]
alcohols, and some furans are the main discriminatory markers between differentiate geographical and botanical origin of sweet cheery cultivars
landraces and modern varieties, whereas differences in modern vari- on the basis of volatile compounds profile. Identification and semi-
eties were characterized by terpenes, pyrazines, and straight chain al- quantification of volatile compounds were done using SPME/GC–MS.
dehydes. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to the volatile compound

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

and the results showed that geographical origin has a significant effect dominating esters, while phenyl ethanol and 3- methyl- 1- butanol were
on the volatile compounds of cherries. The most prominent volatile dominating alcohols in regional traceability of wine. The authors con-
compounds which were found to be significant (p < 0.05) include: cluded that environmental factors like climatic condition and soil
hexanal, acetaldehyde, (E)-2 hexenal, 2-buten-1-ol, (E)−2-hexen-1-ol, composition strongly associated with wine quality and greatly affect the
3-methyl, hexane, heptane, acetone, 1, 3-butadiene, 1-methyl, 1, 3- chemical composition of wine such as volatile compounds.
pentadiene, and dL-limonene. These compounds were then subjected to Gas chromatography has become most widely used analytical
linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and the clear separation between technique for the quantification of volatile compounds in agro products
different geographical origins was obtained. In a different approach, due to its versatility, reproducibility, and most importantly high sen-
Mottese et al. [39] discriminate Sicilian capers and caper berries (cap- sitivity. However, the drawback of GC is its high cost (both in term of
paris spinosa L) through fatty acids profile. Gas chromatography coupled buying and maintenance of the system) and it involves highly specia-
with a split injector and a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) was used lized operator to perform and interpret data.
to analyzed fatty acid composition. A stepwise canonical discriminant
analysis (CDA) was applied to fatty acid composition and the model 2.3. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS)
generated very high correct classification percentages (99%). The
model was cross-validated using leave one out cross validation proce- Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) is particularized mass
dure and the obtained percentages were more than 82% which suggest spectrometer that detects precise and exact deviations in the natural
the reliability of fatty acid composition for geographical traceability of isotopic abundance of light stable isotopes. The conventional organic
caper berries. In another study, Mahnaz Esteki et al. [40] succeeded by mass spectrometers scan a mass range for characteristics fragment ions
using GC-FID to determine the fatty acid profile of the walnut oil. in order to give structural information on the sample being examined.
Multivariate statistical methods (PCA-LDA) were employed to the Unlike conventional organic spectrometers, IRMS do not scan the mass
chromatographic fingerprints to discriminate the walnut origin. Results range to provide structural information. IRMS comprises of an inlet
revealed that different geographical origin can be identified on the basis system, an electron ionization source, a magnetic sector analyzer for
of fatty acid fingerprints. The authors stated that the high classification separating the ion, a Faraday-collector detector array for registering the
percentages for the training set indicate the strong relationship between ion and a computer controlled data gaining system [45]. IRMS tech-
the fatty acid profile and geographical origin. In a similar approach, nique can distinguish the samples containing chemically identical
Mahnaz Esteki et al. [41] investigated fatty acid fingerprints using GC- compounds on the basis of their isotope content. The most commonly
FID for the detection of apricot adulteration in almond powder. Clas- used isotope ratios of elements for the determination of geographical
sification methods (PCA and PCA-DA) were used to classify almond, origin and authenticity of agro products included 13C/12C, 2H/1H,
apricot kernel and mixture. Additionally, PLS and LS-SVM were used N/14N, 18O/16O and 34S/32S [3]. Generally, elemental analyzer cou-
for the quantification of adulteration ratios of almond. The developed pled with isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS) is used to measure
model showed high values of root mean square error of prediction bulk stable isotope analysis of the sample. EA is an automated sample
(RMSEP) and coefficient of determination (R2) in validation set for both preparation instrument which converts the analyzed sample into simple
PLS and LS-SVM suggesting the reliability of developed method for gas for IRMS analysis. The isotopic values generated as a result of these
testing almond adulteration. In another study, fatty acids composition analyses demonstrate the isotopic composition of all the constituent in
was used to differentiate pistachio cultivars. The authors identifies the sample mixture as a whole [45]. IRMS technique is widely used in
palmitic (C16:0), palmitoleic (C16:1), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), food traceability studies as isotopic composition of different elements
linoleic (C18:2), linolenic (C18:3), arachidic (C20:0), and gondoic provides sufficient information regarding geographical and botanical
(C20:1) acid as a potential marker to discriminate the pistachio culti- origin of agro products.
vars [42]. IRMS technique coupled with chemometrics has been applied in
Tea is an easy target for fraudulent activities and its quality largely numerous studies to evaluate the authenticity and geographical origin
depends on climatic conditions and processing methods. Regarding of agro products Table 2. In this perspective, Longobardi et al. [46]
studies on tea, Lin et al. [43] successfully discriminate tea cultivars on discriminate the geographical origin of Italian sweet cherries on the
the basis of volatile compounds. The significant difference was ob- basis of stable carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes. Different statis-
served for major volatile contents in different tea cultivars, combined tical analysis was applied to the isotopic data. Firstly, a univariate t-test
with the results of chemometrics HCA, PCA, and LDA, it is noted that was applied to highlight the statistical significant difference. δ18O and
the cultivar differences of aromatic profile remain prominent for tea δ2H exhibit significant differences among different regions sample. In
varieties and the variety feature dominated the other factors like general, δ18O and δ2H showed an increasing trend from north to south
quality and origin. In a recent study, Mu et al. [44] establish novel regions. Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of agro products are
technique based on headspace solid-phase microextraction combined strongly associated with environmental factors (humidity, temperature,
with enantioselective gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS- rainfall) and geographical characteristics (altitude, latitude, and dis-
SPME/Es-GC–MS) to discriminate different tea cultivar and geo- tance from the ocean) of the production area. These findings confirm
graphical origin. Fifteen vital chiral volatile compounds present in tea that δ18O and δ2H are potential markers to identify the geographical
were analyzed with this approach. Results revealed that enantiomeric origin of sweet cherries. Finally, to assess the discrimination efficiency
ratios of different volatile compounds were significantly affected by the for cherry origin, linear discriminant analysis was applied to isotopic
geographical origin and the leaf types of tea cultivar. By applying a data and very good correct classification (94%) and cross-validation
series of multivariate analysis PCA, PLS-DA, and HCA the character- percentages (91%) were attained. These results are confirmed by de
istics pattern of each origin and cultivar was created through the var- Rijke et al. [47] who reported that δ18O and δ2H are very good in-
iation of volatile compounds. The concentrations of S-E- nerolidol, S- dicator to trace the geographical origin of bell pepper. In another study,
citronellol, R-linalool, (1R, 2R)-methyl jasmonate, S-α-ionone, and the Longobardi et al. [48] discriminate Canadian and Italian lentils (Lens
2 enantiomers of linalool oxide A significantly varied between the culinaris Medik.) using isotope ratio mass spectrometry technique. The
different groups and categorized as a most influential marker in dis- δ13C, δ2H, δ15N, δ18O and δ34S were analyzed. The authors succeeded
criminating the geographical origin and tea cultivars. In the case of to distinguish lentils samples from different countries using δ2H, δ18O
wine, Sagratini et al. [25] investigate the geographical origin of Italian and δ 34S as these isotopes showed highly significant difference among
red wine through volatile compounds profile. HS-SPME/GC–MS was different regions samples. The authors found decrease in δ2H and δ18O
used to determine the volatile composition of wine. The authors found values with an increase in altitude, suggesting the isotopic fractionation
ethyl hexanoate, ethyl decanoate, and ethyl octanoate as most pattern on the basis of latitude and environmental factors. Recently,

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

Table 2
A summary overview of mass spectrometry techniques used for determining the authenticity and traceability of plant origin food.
Food Purpose of analysis Detection technique Number of samples Data processing technique References

Sweet cherries Geographical origin IRMS 112 PCA, LDA [40]

Bell pepper Geographical origin GC-IRMS, GC–MS 60 LDA, KDA, Box plot [41]
Lentil Geographical origin IRMS 93 PCA, PL-DA, k-NN [42]
wine Geographical origin IRMS, ICP-MS 188 ANOVA, PLS-DA, SVM [43]
wine Geographical origin IRMS, ICP-MS 100 ANOVA, DA [44]
Wheat Geographical origin IRMS 270 ANOVA, MANOVA [45]
wheat Geographical origin IRMS 105 ANOVA, Boxplot [46]
Wheat Geographical origin IRMS 60 ANOVA [47]
Wheat Geographical origin IRMS 675 ANOVA, MANOVA, LDA [48]
Rice Geographical origin IRMS NA Blocked split plot, ANOVA [49]
Rice Geographical origin IRMS 37 ANOVA, LDA [50]
Rice Geographical origin ICP-MS, IRMS 59 ANOVA, PCA, OPLSDA [52]
Rice Geographical origin Q-ICP-MS, MC-ICP-MS 84 Correlation, paired t-test [53]
Tea Geographical origin ICP-MS NA ANOVA, MANOVA, SLDA [54]
Wine Geographical origin ICP-MS 134 ANOVA, CDA [57]
Wine Geographical origin & winery process ICP-MS 65 MANOVA, CVA [58]
Wine Geographical origin ICP-MS 57 PCA, LDA [59]
Chili pepper Geographical origin ICP-MS 29 SIMCA, UNEQ, PF, MRM [61]

Fan et al. [49] studied multielement fingerprints including the com- developed with nine minerals element and three stable isotopes (δ13C,
position of δ18O isotopic ratio to classify Chinese wine samples. The δ15N, δ18O) showed good accuracy with 100% correct classification and
results suggest that isotopic analysis of δ18O of wine water and ele- 75.5% cross-validation. The authors concluded that rice samples from
mental profile combine with the multivariate analysis is a promising the different origins can be differentiated on the basis of elemental and
approach to differentiate the geographical origin of wine. In another isotopic composition.
study, geographical identification of wine from different regions of IRMS is a helpful analytical technique for tracing the geographical
Romania was accomplished using δ13C of wine ethanol and δ18O of origin and determining the authenticity of numerous agricultural pro-
wine water [50]. The authors found that δ18O has strongly associated ducts. However, this technique has some limitations. The possible in-
with climatic condition and location, whereas δ13C alone has less sig- fluence of environmental factors like altitude, latitude, climate, and
nificance for the geographical discrimination at a regional level. The distance from the ocean should take into account while using the stable
carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and trace elements were subjected to isotope analysis. Samples may be categorized as an identical isotopic
discriminant analysis which allowed above 90% of the correct classi- signature if it's come from similar climate and geological site.
fication of the wine samples. The trace elements and δ18O were iden- Moreover, this technique is quite expensive both in term of buying and
tified as a suitable indicator to discriminate wine provenance. maintenance of a system. Furthermore, it is extremely important to
Regarding studies on cereals, Liu et al. [51] pointed out that δ13C, analyze large sample data to correctly classify the geographical origin
δD, δ15N of different wheat not only associated with geographical origin of agricultural products.
but also strongly influenced by wheat cultivars and production years.
The use of these isotopic parameters allowed to differentiate the bota-
2.4. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
nical and geographical origin of wheat across different years. In a si-
milar approach, Luo et al. [52] categorized the geographical origin of
ICP-MS is very powerful analytical technique used for the quanti-
wheat using δ13C and δ15N values of wheat originated from different
tative determination of metals and non-metals in a wide range of
countries. The results indicated that wheat from different countries
sample at low concentration, typically parts per billion (ppb) or trillion
could be potentially distinguished by using light stable carbon and ni-
(ppt) [57]. Through ICP-MS, samples are decomposed to neutral com-
trogen isotopes. These results were further confirmed by Rashmi et al.
ponents in high temperature argon plasma and examined on the basis of
[53] who reported similar results for δ13C in differentiating the wheat
mass to charge ratios. ICP-MS comprises on four main steps such as
from adjoining states of India. The authors stated that variation in the
sample introduction, aerosol generation, ionization by an argon plasma
δ13C can be attributed to geological and environmental factors like
source, mass discrimination, and the detection system [3]. ICP-MS is a
temperature, altitude, and latitude etc. In another study, Wadood et al.
sophisticated and highly reliable technique due to its high sensitivity,
[54] discriminated the geographical origin of wheat by analyzing δ13C,
multi-element characteristics, rapid speed, and isotopic capabilities.
δ15N values of different fractions of wheat. The authors stated that
Furthermore, unlike atomic emission spectrometer, ICP-MS can detect
wheat kernel along with different wheat fractions improved the geo-
solid as well as liquid samples.
graphical classification results to the considerable extent and concluded
ICP-MS can provide the geographical origin information of agro-
that fractional fingerprints could be effective to investigate the geo-
products by the analysis of several inorganic elements which serves as
graphical origin of wheat. Chen et al. [55] employed IRMS technique to
the fingerprint for geographical traceability. Major applications of ICP-
discriminate the geographical origin of rice collected from two regions
MS in food traceability studies are summarized in Table 2 and described
of China. Light stable isotopes (δ13C, δD, δ15N, δ18O) were analyzed
here. In this context, Chung et al. [58] analyzed the multi-element
from superior and inferior grains of rice cultivar. The authors reported
profile of rice samples procured from six different Asian countries using
that δ18O and δD showed great potential in identifying the geographical
ICP-MS to investigate geographical origin. Rice samples were clearly
origin of rice whereas, δ13C and δ15N failed to discriminate the culti-
discriminated through principal component analysis (PCA) and ortho-
vating site of rice. Recently, Kukusamude and Kongsri [56] discriminate
gonal projection to latent-structure discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) as
Thai jasmine rice using isotopic and elemental profile. ANOVA showed
different countries exhibited a different proportion of micro and macro
significant differences for δ13C and δ18O among different regions while
elements. The authors reported that K, Mg, Na, Ca, Mn, Fe, and Zn was
δ15N values did not exhibit any significant differences. Linear dis-
the most abundant element groups in the rice and their concentration
criminant analysis was further applied to the elemental and isotopic
significantly varied among different countries samples. In another
data and the cultivation area was clearly differentiated. LDA model
study, Lagad et al. [59] used rare earth element along with strontium

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

isotope to investigate the geographical origin of Indian basmati rice. were used for class-modeling. MRM again provided the best results both
The authors found that rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, in term of CV efficiency (87.7%) and forced model efficiency (96.5%).
Dy, Er, Yb) of rice and those of soil strongly correlate with each other. The significant performance of MRM suggests the potential of this ap-
The authors further highlighted that the observed rare earth element proach to effectively extract the valuable information from complex
pattern of Indian basmati rice can be used to distinguish the rice ori- data [67].
ginated from other countries. With regard to the wheat, Zhao et al. [60] Due to high sensitivity, rapidity, and versatility, ICP-MS has become
analyzed different elements in wheat grain and corresponding soil. The a widely used technique for the analysis of mineral elements in agro-
relationships among different elements between wheat grain and soil products. The only drawback is the requirement of a costly and complex
were studied and the elements associated with parent soil were sub- system. Besides, highly trained operators are required to handle and run
jected to principal component analysis (PCA), and linear discriminant the instrument.
analysis (LDA) to discriminate geographical origin. The authors found
that Cr, Mn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Zr, and Cd in wheat grain and its provenance 2.5. Spectroscopic techniques
soil was strongly correlated and showed great potential to discriminate
geographical origin. These results were further confirmed by Liu et al. Over the last few years, the spectroscopic techniques have made a
[61] where they applied Multiway ANOVA and LDA to the elemental significant progress, as it provides complex chemical information re-
data to discriminate geographical origin of Chinese winter wheat. garding the sample being scanned. These techniques work over diverse
Multiway ANOVA showed that elements such as Mn, Sr, Mo, and Cd and limited frequency ranges which is mostly associated with the pro-
were closely associated with the region explaining 34.2%, 39.6%, cess being studied and the degree of change in the associated energy
35.0%, and 78.8% of the total variation. These elements were used to [8]. A wide array of vibrational spectroscopic techniques namely near-
develop a discriminant model which correctly classified 98.5% of wheat infrared (NIR), mid infrared (MIR), Raman spectroscopy, hyperspectral
samples among different regions. Recently, Zhao et al. [62] analyzed imaging, etc. have been employed in food sector for detecting the
minerals profile in tea samples for geographical, cultivar, and seasonal adulteration and determining the authenticity of food products. The
discrimination. Multiway ANOVA showed that grown origin, cultivar, main advantages of these techniques include non-destructiveness, low-
and harvest season, and their interaction significantly influence the cost, rapid, and can be considered for both qualitative and quantitative
mineral profile in tea leaves. The authors reported that the content of analysis of agro products.
Mg, Rb, Ni, Cd, Sr, Ba, Cs, and Pb in tea leaves is mainly associated with
origin; those of Al, Cu, and U mainly related to cultivar; whereas V, Na, 2.5.1. Near infrared spectroscopy
As, Sn, and Se were mostly influenced by season. In their study, Cabrita NIR spectra of food samples encompass broad bands rising from
et al. [63] showed the capability of ICP-MS in combination with linear overlapping absorption mostly associated with overtones and combi-
discriminant analysis (LDA) to identify the geographical origin of red, nations of vibrational bands including chemical bonds such as NeH,
white, and palhete amphora wines. Multielement composition showed a CeH, OeH [68]. In general, an infrared spectrum is usually acquired by
significant difference among red, white, and palhete wine, and LDA passing infrared radiation at a wavelength in a range of 780–2500 nm
allowed a classification according to wine origin and wine type. In through the sample and defining what fraction of the incident radiation
another study, Hopfer et al. [64] employed ICP-MS technique to de- is absorbed at a particular energy [69]. In the last decade, instrumental
termine the elemental profile of red wine. Wines were categorized ac- evolution, the analytical techniques, and the software based on math-
cording to vineyard origin, winery processing, and the combination of ematical and chemometric approaches have made a significant pro-
both factors. Results showed that vineyard origin and wine making gress, which make data interpretation more precise and rapid. Conse-
process both significantly influence the elemental composition of wine. quently, the NIR spectroscopy has become a most effective, reliable,
Authors concluded that studying the combined effects of grape growing and standard analytical tool for quality control measurements in a
and winery processing provides valuable insights into the geographical broad range of analytical fields including food industries [70]. NIR
traceability of red wine. Another study reported the potential use of offers different spectral modes such as reflectance, transmission, in-
ICP-MS in discriminating the geographical origin of Argentinean wine. teractance, and transflectance to predict the internal and external
Multielement composition of main varieties from four winegrowing properties of a given sample. The choice of each mode depends on the
region of Argentina was determined by ICP-MS. Pattern recognition nature of the product to be analyzed. Generally, reflectance mode is
techniques PCA and LDA achieved successful discrimination results. used to analyze the powdered or solid samples, transflectance for a thin
The results of PCA explained 95.95% of the total variance. LDA allowed or vibrant, and transmission mode is used to collect the spectra of liquid
correct classification of 96% using ultra-trace elements (Ba, As, Pb, Mo, samples. Reflectance mode is very useful for analyzing the physical and
and Co) among four geographical regions [65]. In a similar approach, chemical characteristics of the target sample, and has gained a special
Šelih et al. [66] analyzed the multielement composition of Slovenian interest in the food sector for quality control analysis due to its com-
bottled wines using ICP-MS. Chemometrics like PCA and counter-pro- patibility with physical and chemical properties of food products [8].
pagation artificial neural networks (CPANN) were applied to the ele- Many studies have been done on the detection of adulterations in
mental data to achieve the geographical classification of wine. The best various food products using NIR reflectance mode Table 3. Recently,
classification percentages (82%) were achieved by CPANN. Considering Shafiee and Minaei [71] analyzed pure and synthetic lime juice through
the small size of Slovenian wine growing regions, the authors consider NIR spectroscopy. Reflectance spectra of synthetic and pure lime juice
the classification results were satisfactory. were recorded and subjected to different chemometric models. The best
A study was conducted to discriminate the geographical origin of results were achieved using a support vector machine (SVM) with the
chili pepper. Different class modeling techniques, namely unequal dis- highest accuracy of 97%. The authors concluded that NIR in combi-
persed classes (UNEQ), potential functions (PF), soft independent nation with chemometrics is a potential tool to detect the lime juice
modeling of class analogy (SIMCA), and multivariate range modeling quality in term of natural or synthetic nature. The transmission mode
(MRM) were applied to the elemental data. Firstly, the model was built has also adopted in many studies to measure the internal and external
by subjecting all variables and the best and comparable percentages in properties of the target object, as light passing over the object conveys
terms of CV efficiency were achieved with the use of MRM (83.2%) and useful information about its spectral properties. Using this method oil
SIMCA (82.3). On the other hand, MRM generates very high percen- and juices have been tested for adulteration and authenticity [72,73].
tages (96.5%) as compared to SIMCA (85.1%) in terms of force model NIR spectroscopy has also applied for geographical and varietal
efficiency. In the second approach, the variables were reduced by differentiation of several agro-products. In this context, Zhao et al. [74]
stepwise linear discriminant analysis (S-LDA) and the selected variables discriminated wheat procured from different areas of China.

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

Table 3
A summary overview of spectroscopic techniques used for determining the authenticity and traceability of plant origin food.
Food Purpose of analysis Detection technique Number of samples Data processing technique References

Lime juice Adulteration NIRS 72 SVM, RF [65]

Extra virgin olive oil Varietal discrimination NIRS, ATR-FTIR 82 PCA, LDA, SIMCA [66]
Wheat Geographical origin NIRS 240 LDA, PCA, DPLS [68]
wheat Geographical origin NIRS 249 DPLS [69]
Herba Epimedii Geographical origin NIRS 114 BPNN, DA, SVM, k-NN [70]
Almond Varietal discrimination NIRS, AT-FTIR 120 PCA, PLS-DA, QDA [71]
Apple juice Quality determination FT-IR NA PCA, SIMCA [76]
Vinegar Quality discrimination ATR-FTIR 67 PCA [77]
Black seed oil Adulteration detection FTIR NA PCA, PLS [80]
Extra virgin olive oil Adulteration detection FTIR PCR, PLS, DA [81]
Sesame oil Adulteration detection ATR-FT-IR 36 ANOVA, PCA, CA [78]
Rapeseed oil Adulteration detection FT-IR 24 PCR, PLS, DA [79]
Rice Cultivar discrimination NIR-HSI NA PLS-DA, SIMCA, k-NN, SVM, RF [86]
Coffee Varietal identification HSI NA EMD, WT, SVM [88]
Rice Geographical origin H-NMR 106 ANOVA, PCA, LDA [94]
Wheat Geographical & botanical H-NMR 100 ANOVA, LDA [95]
Lentil Geographical origin H-NMR 85 PCA, PLS-DA, LDA [96]
Citrus Geographical origin H-NMR 56 PCA. PLS-DA [97]
Wine Grape variety, origin, vintage H-NMR 265 PCA, LDA, MANOVA [98]

List of abbreviations: UPLC/QqQ-MS (ultra-performance liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry); HPLC-PDA (high performance
liquid chromatography coupled to photodiode array detection); UHPLC-TOFMS (ultra- high performance liquid chromatography –time-of-flight mass spectrometry);
HPLC-MS (high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry); HS-SPME-GCMS (head space solid-phase microextraction coupled to gas
chromatography mass spectrometry); HPLC-DAD (high performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection); GC/MS (gas chromatography coupled
to mass spectrometry); HPLC-RID (High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Refractive Index Detector); DHE- GC–MS (Dynamic headspace extraction- coupled to
gas chromatography mass spectrometry); FGC E- nose (flash gas chromatography electronic nose); GC-FID (gas chromatography-flame ionization detector); HS-
SPME/Es-GC–MS (headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with enantioselective gas chromatography mass spectrometry); IRMS (isotope ratio mass
spectrometry); GC-IRMS (gas chromatography coupled with isotope ratio mass spectrometry); ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry); Q-ICP-MS
(Quadrupole-Inductively coupled Plasma-mass spectrometry); MC-ICP-MS (multi-collector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry); NIRS (near infrared
spectroscopy); ATR-FTIR (attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared); NIR-HIS (near infrared hyperspectral imaging); NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance);
LDA (Liner discriminant analysis); SLDA (stepwise linear discriminant analysis); PCA (principal component analysis); PLS-DA (partial least square discriminant
analysis); ANOVA (analysis of variance); MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance); DA (discriminant analysis); CA (cluster analysis); CDA (canonical discriminant
analysis); SVM (support vector machine); DPLS (discriminant partial least square); PLS (partial least square); PCR (principal component regression); SIMCA (soft
independent modeling of class analogy); k-NN (k-nearest neighbors); RF (random forest); BPNN (back propagation neural network); EMD (Empirical mode de-
composition; WT (Wavelet transform).

Reflectance spectra of wheat kernel and whole meal were recorded and reliably differentiate almond according to their varieties [77].
after spectral pretreatment, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based on NIR spectroscopy has many advantages such as rapid, non-de-
PCA and discriminant partial least square (DPLS) were applied. The structive, cost-effective, and simple, since it does not require any
results showed a significant difference among NIR spectrum of wheat sample processing. In addition, this technique made possible to detect
from different regions. The best classification percentages were numerous components together; however, the main disadvantage is the
achieved with DPLS suggesting that NIRS combined with chemometrics low sensitivity associated with high signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover,
is a promising technique for geographical classification of wheat. In a superposition of various overtones and combination bands in the NIR
similar approach, González-Martín et al. [75] discriminate the geo- region leads to low structural selectivity of NIR spectra.
graphical origin of wheat and flour sample using NIR spectroscopy. The
Infrared spectrum was acquired at a wavelength in a range of
1100–2000 nm. Spectral data was pretreated and then supervised pat- 2.5.2. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy
tern recognition method (DPLS) was applied which correctly classified FT-IR spectroscopy is widely used analytical tool for the quality
76% and 96% of wheat and flour sample among different geographical determination of food products both in chemical industries and re-
origin. Recently, Yang et al. [76] explored the NIR spectroscopy com- search laboratories [78]. This technique relies on the mid-infrared
bined with chemometrics for the geographical traceability of Herba (MIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (4000 to 400 cm−1), and
Epimedii. Different classification models namely back propagation generates the chemical profile of the sample by screening the funda-
neural network (BPNN), discriminant analysis (DA), k-nearest neighbor mental vibrational and associated rotational stretching of molecules
(k-NN), and support vector machine (SVM) was applied to the spectral [79]. Unlike NIR, FTIR provides much more chemical information re-
data, and their performances in terms of recognition precision were garding the analyzed sample, as it monitors the fundamental vibrations
compared. The result revealed that the SVM model was superior over rather than overtones and combination modes. Generally, mid infrared
the other models in the discrimination of geographical origin with region can be split into two broad categories: the region of the func-
100% recognition rates for the calibration set and 94.4% for the pre- tional group (4000–1500 cm−1), and the fingerprint region
diction set, respectively. In another approach, this technique (NIR) has (1500–400 cm−1). The functional group region can further be split into
shown its potential to differentiate the Spanish intact almonds varieties. different regions: single bonds region (4000–2500 cm−1) which mainly
Different almond varieties were analyzed using the reflectance mode corresponds to X-H stretching (X indicates carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, or
for spectral acquisition and subsequently pre-processed and employed sulfur), the region of triple bonds (2500–2000 cm−1), and the double
to build classification model quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) to bonds region (2000–1500 cm−1) [80]. Usually, the functional group
classify almond according to variety. The established model achieved region provides a large amount of information which is used to inter-
highest overall accuracies (94.5%) which suggested that spectroscopic pret the mid infrared (MIR) spectra, while the fingerprint region is
technique (NIR) in combination with chemometrics is a powerful tool to generally complex due to various overlapped bands generated by dif-
ferent compounds in this region [81]. Despite the complex spectra and

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

overlapped bands, the fingerprint region has been used for the identi- instance, visible (380–800 nm), ultraviolet (200–400 nm), VIS/NIR
fication and discrimination of contaminant and quality screening of (400–1000 nm), NIR (900–1700 nm), and short wave infrared
food products (beverages), including the detection of Alicyclobacillus, (970–2500 nm). Each technique offers certain advantages for a specific
and Bacillus strains in apple juice [82]. application. In the past few years, several studies intensively explored
Alike NIR spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy allows the measurement the potential of HIS for food authenticity and quality analysis; detection
of solid, liquid, and gases samples through various measurement of waxed rice Li et al. [91], rice cultivar discrimination Kong et al. [92],
modes, namely attenuated total reflectance (ATR), high-throughput fungal contamination in maize William et al. [93], authenticity of
transmission (HTT), diffuse reflectance (DF), and transmission cell [8]. coffee bean varieties Zhang et al. [94], detection of adulterants in
However, ATR method is broadly applied in food sector for quality and grounded spice September [95], and detection of insect-damaged ve-
authenticity analysis because of the advantage of no or minimum getable soybean Huang et al. [96].
sample preparation. HIS equipped with reflectance, fluorescence, and transmission
Recently, ATR-FT-IR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate ana- techniques has been widely used for many years to investigate the
lysis has been introduced to ensure the authenticity of high quality food quality and safety of food products. In recent past, Timlin et al. [97]
products. In this context, Ríos-Reina et al. [83] explored the potential of introduced the Raman HIS which emerged as a novel technique that
ATR-FTR combined with multivariate analysis as a rapid tool for offers the benefits of Raman spectroscopy with digital imaging to en-
characterizing different categories of high quality PDO vinegar. Dis- visage the morphology and composition of the target object. Most re-
tinctive bands associated with categories were observed in the region cently, this technique was successfully applied to detect the variation in
1800–900 cm−1 which were associated with certain compounds (acetic the lycopene content of tomatoes during ripening stages [98]. Although
acids, alcohols, esters) that increase during the aging process. Principal Raman HIS has not yet been explored for the examination of a wide
component analysis revealed that aging process significantly affects the variety of agricultural commodities; however, the combination of
ATR-FTIR spectra obtained in each PDO. Similar approach has been Raman scattering and HIS could be a potential analytical technique for
used to investigate the authenticity of high-value edible oils, especially, experts in the field of food quality and authenticity.
extra virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, virgin coconut oil, black seed oil, and
sesame oil [84–88]. ATR- FT-IR was also applied as a simple and eco- 2.5.4. Nuclear magnetic resonance
nomical tool for quality evaluation of beer [81]. NMR based metabolomics is recognized as one of the main analy-
The transmission mode of FT-IR has also adopted in the food sector tical technique. The basic working principle of NMR is the estimation of
for investigating the authenticity of high quality food products. For radiofrequency radiation that is absorbed by the nuclei of the atoms
example, FT-IR coupled with transmission cell was applied to determine present in a strong atomic field. The absorption of atomic nuclei can be
the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil. The spectra of EVOO was altered by the surrounding environment around atoms, which are re-
obtained by introducing a small amount of oil sample between two KBr sponsible for even minute variations to the peripheral magnetic field;
disk, and subsequently spectra data was subjected to the linear dis- consequently, the entire molecular structure of food sample can be
criminant analysis (LDA), and the botanical origin of oil was success- acquired [3,9]. Several isotopes (1H, 13C 15N, 17O, 19F, 31P) are used in
fully discriminated [89]. NMR, among them 1H, and 13C are usually employed. NMR based
FT-IR spectroscopy combined with chemometrics is a useful tech- metabolomics are widely applied in the food industry to curtail the
nique that has a wide array of applications in the agro sector, since FT- fraudulent labeling and quality control of food materials, and can be
IR sampling methods have made a significant development over the last categorized into three classes: high-resolution NMR, low-field NMR,
few years. Usually, both spectroscopic techniques (NIR and FT-IR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [11,99].
achieve the same task and, in some situations, one of these methods In recent years, NMR spectroscopy has been successfully applied to
offer some merits over the other. FT-IR spectroscopy has a lot of ad- various food products for authenticity and geographical traceability
vantages; however, it also has some drawbacks that should be con- Table 3. Thus, Huo et al. [100] discriminate the geographical origin of
sidered prior to the sample analysis such as the strong absorption of rice through 1H-NMR based metabolomics. Multivariate analysis such
water in the MIR region particularly in the case of aqueous samples that as PCA and LDA was applied to the metabolomics. PCA showed clear
could induce some trouble in the analysis of the spectra. separation among the different regions samples. LDA was applied to
extract the variables mainly responsible for separation, for instance,
2.5.3. Hyperspectral imaging sucrose, glucose, fructose succinate, polyphenols, trigonelline, and as-
Recently, hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has recognized as a potential paragine showed differences due to the variation in latitude, tempera-
non-destructive analytical technique that relies on vibrational spectro- ture, and precipitation in these regions. In another study, Lamanna
scopy for food authenticity and quality analysis. Unlike NIR and FT-IR, et al. [101] discriminate geographical and botanical origin of wheat
it attains both spatial and spectral information from the target object. through 1H-NMR profiling. Chemometrics were applied to the NMR
The spatial features allow the characterization of complex samples profile in order to discriminate the origin of samples. A linear-model
having different characteristics, whereas, the spectral features made it discriminate three geographical regions by achieving about 80% clas-
possible to identify the wide range of multi-constituent surface and sification accuracy. The amino acids and aromatic compounds were the
subsurface features [8]. This technique is more convenient for sample prominent compounds which executed significant variation among
analysis as it is fast and many samples can be examined at the same different regions. However, the NMR profile showed poor performance
time, which is not possible in case of other spectroscopic techniques. while discriminating the botanical origin of wheat and failed to achieve
HSI instrument is designed in a way that it can be applied to gather the satisfactory results. In a similar approach, Longobardi et al. [102] dis-
hyperspectral data for samples having different shapes and sizes. Fur- criminate the geographical origin of lentils (Lens Culinaris Medik). A
thermore, spectral collecting region, spatial region, field of view can be series of chemometrics were applied to 1H-NMR profile such as (SIMCA,
adapted on the basis of the application. Due to these merits and K-NN, PCA-LDA, and PLS-DA) and results were compared. The best
equipment flexibility, HIS has recently become the most widely used classification percentages with 100% recognition and 96% prediction
analytical tool in agro-sector for agro-products quality and safety as- abilities were attained for the PCA-LDA. Finally, metabolomics that
sessment [90]. significantly contributed to the lentil classification were identified.
HIS attains the spectral and spatial information about the target Another study proposed a 1H-NMR based analytical method for geo-
object over the visible, ultraviolet, and NIR region at a spectral range of graphical classification of Argentinian citrus. Classification model such
300–2600 nm [90]. Numerous HSI methods have been established for as PCA and PLS-DA achieved discrimination between orange juices on
optical sensing of wide range of samples in different regions, for the basis of regions and varieties. PCA loadings revealed that citric acid

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

and ethanol were the main discriminatory markers for geographical and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), restriction fragment length
varietal classification [103]. With regard to wine, Godelmann et al. polymorphism (RELP), amplified fragment length polymorphism
[104] employed 1H-NMR in combination with chemometrics (PCA, (AFLP), simple sequence repeat (SSR), etc. [110]. In recent past, a DNA-
MANOVA, LDA) to identify grape variety, year of vintage, and geo- based multiplex detection tool, PPLMD (padlock probe ligation and
graphic origin of German wines. Each NMR spectrum could be regarded microarray detection tool) has been established which is expanded to a
as an individual fingerprint of wine sample and they succeeded in 15-plex traceability tool with a special focus on agro-products like
discriminating wine according to grape variety, vintage year, and aromatic rice (basamti) and wheat [111]. For food authenticity, a
geographical region with an average prediction accuracy of 95%, 96%, combination of microsatellite markers and either real-time PCR or ca-
and 89%, respectively. pillary electrophoresis have been widely adopted as molecular techni-
Recently, 1H-NMR spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics has ques.
been developed to determine the authenticity of coffee samples. In this The authenticity of high-value food products is very challenging.
context, Consonni et al. [105] explored the potential of 1H-NMR to Therefore, sound molecular techniques are necessary to distinguish
differentiate organic and conventional roasted coffee samples. Che- adulterated food with inferior ingredients. PCR is a promising tool to
mometrics were applied to the NMR profile for possible metabolite address the authenticity problems, and this technique has been adopted
separation. Classification model (OPLS-DA) successfully discriminated in many recent food authenticity studies. In this regard, Pegels et al.
organic and conventional coffee samples by confirming β-(1–3)-D-ga- [112] developed TaqMan real time RT- PCR method to detect wheat,
lactopyranose, β-(1–4)-D-mannopyranose, fatty acids, quinic acids and barley, oat, and rye in processed products for human and pet con-
its cyclic aster as the distinctive metabolite for organic coffee, while sumption. The results revealed that this technique was able to achieve
those for conventional ones include: CGA isomers, trigonelline, caf- high specificity and sensitivity with detection limit ranging from
feine, and acetate, respectively. In another study, de Moura Ribeiro 0.00001 to 0.1% in an experimental flour binary mixture model. The
et al. [106] succeed to detect different adulterants (corn, coffee husk, established method was then employed at the field level to investigate
barley, and soybean) in roasted coffee using 1H-NMR based metabo- the labeling of different human and pet food products regarding the
lomics. In an additional study, Consonni et al. [107] reported the traces of these crops in different food matrices. The assays successfully
capability of 1H-NMR based metabolite in roasted coffee for geo- distinguished the food with different labeling scheme, in which the
graphical origin identification. Metabolomics such as fatty acids, presence of the targeted cereals was either confirmed, not confirmed, or
chlorogenic acids, acetate, lactate, and trigonelline was identified as confirmed as possible traces. In a similar approach, López-Calleja et al.
main discriminatory compounds characterizing the samples from three [113] detect the traces of sunflower and poppy in different commercial
main coffee producing regions America, Africa, and Asia, respectively. food products using TaqMan real time RT- PCR. Results revealed that
In a similar approach, 1H-NMR technique was used to investigate the this technique is highly sensitive and selective, which made it possible
geographical origin of Brazillian coffee samples. The authors reported to detect traces of sunflower and poppy in food samples. Adulteration of
that the compound such as catechol, caffeine, trigonelline, and n-me- coffee with cereals is a common practice. In order to detect the adul-
thylpyridine was most important for geographical differentiation of teration of commercial coffee with cereals, Ferreira et al. [114] devel-
coffee [108]. oped a method based on RT-PCR. By comparing the standard curves
NMR spectroscopy has numerous advantages, as it is non-destruc- attained by serial dilution of DNA extracted from rice, barley, and corn,
tive, environmental friendly, does not require complex sample pre- the method was found sensitive and specific to quantify up to 16 pg, 0.6
paration, and the determination of various chemical compounds can be pg, and 14 pg of rice, barley, and corn DNA, respectively. The applic-
achieved in a single run. However, the major challenges are to acquire ability of the developed method was verified by evaluating different
good spectrum both in term of resolution and quality and its low sen- commercial coffee samples procured from different countries, and those
sitivity. Indeed, pulse sequence assignment procedure in the experiment classified as superior did not match the tested cereals DNA; however,
is very critical as the use of wrong one may induce negative con- barley DNA was traced in various traditional samples. In a different
sequences. Another main drawback of this technique is the complex approach, Bucher and Köppel [115] developed duplex digital droplet
optimization of the instrument and also NMR is more expensive as ddPCR to detect the adulteration of basmati with non-basmati rice. The
compared to other spectroscopic techniques and it needs highly spe- newly developed assay showed the ability to screen non-basmati rice
cialized operator. content in the range of 1% or higher. The authors compared the results
with those obtained with RT-PCR and microsatellite analysis (MA) and
3. Other techniques the best correlation was found between ddPCR and MA. In another
study, Barrias et al. [116] developed DNA based biosensor to check the
3.1. DNA-based techniques authenticity of wine. Genomic data was extracted from must, leaf, and
wine of three V. Vinifera varieties and was tested on a newly developed
DNA is a self-replicating material which serves as a carrier of ge- DNA based biosensor LPG (long-period grating), which successfully
netic information of an organism. DNA based techniques focused on the distinguished varieties, suggesting its potential to be applied in wine
detection and determination of nucleic acid probes and their sequences, authenticity.
which serve as a characteristic fingerprint to detect the adulterants and DNA based methods have advantages of being rapid, robust, sensi-
determine the authenticity of food products [9]. DNA is a macro- tive, and relatively simple to amplify DNA. However, it is necessary to
molecule made of coding sequences that resemble to the gene scattered recognize the exact sequences, which flank both sides of the target DNA
with extended non-coding stretches where, DNA shows tandem repeats, region. In addition, similar species within a sample can cause cross
which are repetitive elements typically known as short tandem repeats reaction during DNA fragmentation, and more fragmented DNA offers
(STRs) or microsatellites. They are also known as DNA markers because lower amplification [3]. Therefore, special care should be taken during
the number of repetitions may vary from one sample to others which the sample fragmentation before DNA amplification, since it can alter
allow to determine the authenticity of the analyzed sample, exactly in the final results to a considerable extent.
the same manner as human identification in forensic science [109]. The
accessibility of thousands of DNA markers and cost-effective sequencing 3.2. Sensor technology
methods offer remarkable applications of DNA based approaches to
address the authenticity issues in the food industry. A wide variety of Sensor techniques usually referred to electronic nose or electronic
DNA-based markers are available for determining the agro-products tongue technology. Electronic noses are utilized to distinguish and de-
authenticity for instance, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), tect complex aromas from food matrices, which are based on the

S.A. Wadood, et al. Microchemical Journal 152 (2020) 104295

detection by a sensor array that is composed of broadly tuned sensors, these techniques which discourage their applicability in several cases
treated with various odor-sensitive chemical constituents. An odor sti- such as identification of detected chemical compound is not possible
muli then served as a characteristic fingerprint from the group of sen- like in case of GC–MS and the detection limit is also high [3]. Moreover,
sors [117]. Generally, electronic noses comprise of three elements these techniques are sensitive to water vapors drifts of the recorded
which include: sample transfer system, detection system, and data response happen during the day.
calculating systems. The electrochemical gas sensor procedure includes
interaction among gaseous molecules and sensor coating constituents 4. Future perspectives and conclusion
which control the electric current traveling through the sensor, de-
tectable by a transducer, which transforms the modulation into a re- Due to globalization and complex food system, food is vulnerable to
cordable electric signal, which is subsequently conditioned and ampli- adulteration. A great attention has been paid to agro-product quality
fied. Afterward, a digital converter transforms the electronic signal into and authenticity due to recent food borne outbreaks and scandals in the
a digital value, and a computer system further process the digital signal food industry, which have seriously damaged the consumer confidence.
and shows the output, which is later, used to perform statistical analysis In the past few years, a wide range of analytical applications have been
[118]. introduced for food authentication purpose such as chromatographic
Electronic tongues are considered as the equivalents of electronic techniques, elemental and isotope analysis, sensor technology, DNA
noses. The output of non-particular series of sensors exhibit different based methods but these techniques have mostly focused on research
characteristic patterns for different taste producing chemical compo- work and rarely been implemented in official food control laboratories
nents, and the resultant data are statistically computed. Nowadays, or for routine analysis in food industry, because many of these tech-
huge numbers of chemical sensors are involved in the development of niques are expensive, labor intensive, or time consuming. Recently,
electronic tongues and the choice of the sensor group depends on the some industries and governmental agencies developed database for
chemical composition of the object being analyzed. Irrespective to the IRMS technique and adopted as an official standard for food traceability
kind of sensors used, an electronic tongue technology includes an au- as it is very stable and highly sensitive. On the other hand, spectro-
tomatic sampler, an array of chemical sensors with different selectivity, scopic techniques have been emerged as a potential analytical tool and
and the computer system equipped with a software with a proper al- considered as a best alternative to chromatographic or spectrometry
gorithm to read the signal and generate the corresponding results techniques for food authenticity studies. These techniques are non-de-
[117]. These techniques are recently used in many authenticity studies. structive, non-invasive, very fast, easy to operate and can be applied
Dong et al. [119] explored the potential of e-nose and tongue to dif- both in the industry for routine analysis and in official food control
ferentiate different Robusta coffee cultivars. Chemometrics like k-NN laboratories. Literature suggests that spectroscopic techniques coupled
and PLS-DA were used for this purpose, which achieved 92.8% and with appropriate chemometrics are a promising tool to retain the
91.7% correct classification with k-NN and PLS-DA, respectively. The maximum information contained in the spectral data. However, there
obtained results showed that the selected analytical techniques coupled are still some barriers and limitations in the implementation of these
with chemometrics are useful to distinguish different coffee cultivars. In non-destructive techniques in the food sector. By considering the sui-
a similar approach, Ma et al. [120] assessed the potential of electronic table spectroscopic technique for the physical and chemical nature of
noses combine with multivariate analysis to distinguish the geo- the target sample, some of these constraints can be evaded. On the
graphical area of kiwi fruit. Different regions samples were successfully other hand, the continued progress is expected in future to address the
categorized by stepwise linear discriminant analysis and SIMCA. In instrumental and software limitations of these techniques and result in
another study, Heidarbeigi et al. [121] detect the adulteration of saf- the establishment of cost effective analytical method with high accu-
fron with yellow styles, safflower, etc. using e-nose. The extracted e- racy and processing speed for food industry applications.
nose signal features were analyzed by PCA and the results were further
confirmed by BP-ANN. The results demonstrate the potential of e-nose Declaration of Competing Interest
to detect the saffron adulteration with remarkable classification accu-
racy. Alcoholic beverages are also an important target for fraudulent None.
activities. In recent years, a lot of research have been done on the au-
thenticity of alcoholic beverages, especially for wine using e-tongue Acknowledgment
technology [117]. In a study, Gutiérrez et al. [122] explored the po-
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