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Sombag, Kalampur,Dhamrai, Dhaka. Bangladesh.

(PERIOD: 1st September 2019 to 30th November 2019)


Assistant Professor

CLASS ID: 1907211

First of all, my gratefulness goes to Almighty Allah who blesses me with strength and ability to
complete the internship and prepare the report; may your name be exalted, honoured and

It is glee to come to an end of this 3 month internship period and in this long journey I would
like to give my heart-felt endeavour to my industrial supervisor Ashraful Karim Jony, Manager,
Marketing and Merchandising Department, Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. whose directions and
endless support has taken me to my destination.

At the same time I would like to grab the opportunity to render my warmest thanks to my
academic supervisor, Mustafijur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of Dyes and
Chemical Engineering, BUTEX whose consistent guidance has been the standing pillar in
architecture of this internship program and report. The thesis has also benefited from comments
and suggestions made by him.

I would also wish to express my gratitude to Professor Dr. Engr. Mohammad Ali, Director, EDC,
BUTEX; Dr. Mohammad Forhad Hossain, Deputy Director, EDC, BUTEX, Dr. Mohammad
Abbas Uddin Shiyak, Assistant Director, EDC, BUTEX, and Dr. Mohammad Rafiqur Rashid,
Assistant Director, EDC, BUTEX for extended discussions and valuable suggestions which have
contributed greatly to the improvement of the thesis.

Special thanks are due to my colleagues Mr. Manzur Kalam Nagib, Ms. Shushila Singh, Ms.
Panthajahan Akhi, Ms. Soufina Zaman, and all the Management and Non-Management staffs for
their continuous support and understanding. Finally, I am thankful to the persons with the
greatest indirect contribution to this work are my mother and wife for their constant

The internship program is the pre-requisite for the Post graduate Diploma in Textile
Management in BUTEX. It is an opportunity for the participants to gather detail information
about the professional work situation through this program. A report is prepared based on the 3
months practical experience through this internship program in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. The
core research area of this thesis was to study, analysis and evaluation of the six area of the
organization which were Human Resource Management (HRM), Total Production management,
Research and Development (R&D), Marketing and Merchandising, Washing and Sampling.

In this internship I have gathered the detailed knowledge about those five specific departments
and I have enriched my evaluation ability in a bigger picture through SWOT analysis of every
section. The report also consist recommendations and conclusion according to my point of view,
which I think would improve the organization in the following aspects.

Keywords: Human Resource Management (HRM), Production management, Research and

Development (R&D), Marketing and Merchandising, Washing and Sampling.


To whom it may Concern

The Internship Report entitled “Internship Report on Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.” has been
submitted to the Office of Executive Development Centre, Bangladesh University of Textiles, in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Management,
Executive Development Program, Bangladesh University of Textiles on January 2020 by
Monjuru Elahi, Class ID: 1907211. The report has been accepted and may be presented to the
Internship Defence Committee for evaluation.

Mustafijur Rahman

Academic Supervisor

Assistant Professor

Department of Dyes & Chemical Engineering

Bangladesh University of Textiles


To whom it may Concern

This letter is to certify that all the information mentioned in this document is true and not
confidential to the company. The projects mentioned here have had successful involvement of
Monjuru Elahi, Class ID: 1907211, Executive Development Program, Bangladesh University
of Textiles.

I wish him all the best and hope that he will lead a successful career.

Ashraful Karim Jony


Marketing and Merchandising

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.


I the undersigned declare that this internship report is based on my own work carried in Odyssey
Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. during the period: 1st September 2019 to 30th September 2019.

I also confirm that the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not for any other
purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of the corporation.

Monjuru Elahi
Class ID: 1907211
Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Management
Executive Development Program
Bangladesh University of Textiles


Name of the Content Page

1.1. Objectives of the Internship 4
2.1 Organization Profile 5
2.2 Business size: 9
2.3 Product lines 9
2.4 Organogram of the Organization 11
3.1 Human Resource Management 12
3.1.1 Organogram of the HR Department 13
3.1.2 Activities of Human Resource Management Department 14
3.1.2 SWOT Analysis for Human Resource Management 17
3.1.4 Future plan of Human Resource Management 18
3.2 Production Management 19
3.2.1 Organogram of Production Management Department 20
3.2.2 Cutting Section 20
3.2.3 Sewing Section 24
3.2.4 Finishing Section 29
3.2.5 SWOT Analysis of Production Management Department 33
3.2.6 Future plan of Production Management Department 34
3.3.1 Research and Development Department 35
3.3.2 Oraganogram of Research and Development Department 35
3.3.3 Headcount of Research and Development Department 38
3.3.4 SWOT Analysis of Research and Development Department 40
3.3.5 Future plan of Research and Development department 41
3.4 Marketing and Merchandising Department 42
3.4.1 Oraganogram of Marketing & Merchandising Department 43
3.4.2 Headcount of Marketing and Merchandising Department 44
3.4.3 SWOT Analysis of Marketing and Merchandising Department 54

3.4.4 Future Plan of Marketing and Merchandising Department 55
3.5 Washing Department 56
3.5.1 Organogram of Washing Department 58
3.5.2 Headcount and Job Description of Washing Department 58
3.5.3 SWOT Analysis of Washing Department 77
3.5.4 Future Plan of Washing Department 78
3.6 Sample Department 79
3.6.1 Oraganogram of Sample Department 82
3.6.2 Headcount and Job Description of Sample Department 83
3.6.3 SWOT Analysis of Sample Department 89
3.6.4 Future plan for Sample Department 90
4.1. Five Years Improvement Plan in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. 93
6.1 Attendance Record: 95
6.2 References 98

1. Introduction

Bangladesh, a south Asian nation is one of the most densely populated nations in the world
with a population of approximately 164 million. Agriculture plays a significant role in
contributing to the nation’s economy. Next to agriculture the Readymade Garment industry
holds the second position as a major economic contributor and the biggest earner of foreign
currency. As of 2017 Bangladesh held the 2nd place in producing garments just after China [1].

Over the years the garment sector has created about 4.2 million employment opportunities
[2]. Thereby it has served as a push factor to the overall development of the socio economic
condition of the nation. In a developing nation like Bangladesh the Readymade garments
(RMG) is mostly powered by young, urbanizing workers, where most of them are women.

The readymade garments industry acts as a catalyst for the development of Bangladesh. The
"Made in Bangladesh" tag has also brought glory for the country, making it a prestigious
brand across the globe. Bangladesh, which was once, termed by cynics a "bottomless
basket”, has now become a "basket full of wonders" and brought remarkable social and
human development. (BGMEA) This industry accounts for 81% of total export earnings of
the country which actually replaced the earning that Bangladesh received from its major
export, jute. There were several barriers that the budding industry had to overcome before
carving a niche in world market. The biggest challenge faced by our apparel industry was in
2013 when a building comprising of several garment factories collapsed, resulting in huge
number of deaths and destruction. Many thought this would mark the end the journey of our
RMG industry. But surprisingly this tragedy led to a new era of the garment sector in
Bangladesh. For the first time in the history of global garment industry, all stakeholders
realized that it was a shared responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of workers. This
inspired governments, brands, buyers, suppliers, entrepreneurs, and workers to work
collaboratively to build a safe and sustainable garment industry. 2 The industry that has
changed lives of millions of people has undergone significant transformation in terms of
workplace safety and worker's rights. During the past 5 years, minimum wages of RMG
workers have been increased by 219% [3] and the Labor Law has been amended and has

ensured noticeable improvements in workers' rights and welfare. Training programs on
worker-management relations, Occupational Safety and Health, and labor laws for both
factory management and workers are being implemented by BGMEA along with ILO and
ITC. An in depth analysis and study of the processes and activities involved is required to
understand the functioning and overall growth of this sector. Young graduates still don’t
prefer to work in garments thinking about the risk and challenges associated with it. But
perhaps this is the largest industrial growth that the nation has ever witnessed. My report has
been based on Divine Textile ltd which started its journey in 1997 in the RMG sector of
Bangladesh. In less than two decades it has gained one of the largest conglomerates in the
apparel industry. In this scenario Government of Bangladesh has taken several steps to
optimize the human resource of textile sector. A National Skills Development Policy (NSDP)
was approved by the Government in January 2012. The NSDP emphasizes the imperative
need to improve the supply of human resources with necessary skills and attitudes to meet
the industry demand for skilled workers. The NSDP emphasizes the importance of better
alignment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) with skills
development systems and industry skills demand.

The ‘Skills for Employment Investment Program’ (SEIP) is being implemented by Finance
Division, Ministry of Finance. The project will support training providers to meet industry
skill requirements; finance skills training of 260,000 trainees with 182,000 job placements;
implement a vocational trainer development program; and implement a skills assessment,
certification and quality assurance system [4]. The project activities cover the whole of
Bangladesh through both public and private sector training providers. Date of
commencement of the Project was July 2014 and date of completion is December 2017.

The overall objective of the project is to qualitatively and quantitatively expand the capacity
of identified public and private training providers by establishing and operationalizing a
responsive skill eco system and delivery mechanism through a combination of well-defined
set of funding triggers and targeted capacity support.

Thousands of graduates from different disciplines are working in executive position in textile
industry of Bangladesh. Survey Findings reveal that majority of executives have serious skill
shortage in international business, market economy and managerial skills to lead the industry.
In this situation, Textile industry needs a large number of skilled technical and business
managers for rapid and sustainable economic growth of Bangladesh. With the financial
support of Asian Development Bank (ADB), under the Skills for Employment Investment
Program (SEIP), Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s
Republic of Bangladesh has established an Executive Development Center (EDC) at
Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) (the only public university among all textile
universities in Bangladesh established in order to meet the growing need for advanced
Textile Engineering education in Bangladesh as well as in the world, it is also the only
textile-based engineering university in South Asia. Though the university was established on
22nd December, 2010 by an ordinance of Education Ministry, it has a long glorious history.
This University has 11.67 acres land with large infrastructure including 86,800 sq. ft area for
academic and administration, 15 Workshops, and 84,000 sq. ft area for laboratories. A
development project to improve infrastructure is under process for approval.) with a view to
developing about 540 world class mid and higher-level managers for textile sub sector by
December 2020.

Executive Development Program (EDP) has offered a Postgraduate Diploma in Textile

Management which is a 9-month long International Standard Real life professional
Managerial Program. The EDP is designed aiming to produce future leader and entrepreneurs
for textile industries of Bangladesh which will eventually reduce the dependency on foreign

All respected teachers and personnel of BUTEX are very much committed, sincere and
helpful to make this program successful.

1.1 Objectives of the Internship

This internship program is a major part of the Executive Development Program which makes the
trainees able to think productively and do the analysis of each area they will cover during
internship period. This internship opens the opportunity to enhance their detailed knowledge on
the sections like Human Resource Management (HRM), Production management, Research and
Development (R&D), Marketing and Merchandising, Washing and Sampling. Specific objectives
of this internship have given below:

 To increase my responsibility for gathering information and plan the report throughout
the work experience.
 To get an opportunity to demonstrate maturity as a technical writer by presenting,
analyzing, and evaluating my own work on the job.
 To apply the managerial knowledge taught in the lecture rooms in real industrial
 To analyze the SWOT Analysis of six departments of OCL
 To evaluate the problems related to different departments of OCL
 To give necessary suggestions to overcome the problems of OCL

2. Overview of the Organization:

2.1 Organization Profile:

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. is one of the renowned garments manufacturing companies in
Bangladesh. It is a locally owned Private Limited Company which was established in 2017 under
the Companies Act-1994. A LEED Platinum proposed green plant, constructed according to
United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) criteria, the beautiful facility utilizes state of
the art technologies to be at the forefront of Eco-friendly production. At early years Odyssey
Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. had to pass very difficult time. It still exists only for its honesty, integrity, moral
scruples and for its business ethics. And for that reason now this organization is in a successful
and stable situation in the subsequent years.

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. never miss to meet future challenges. This organization always tries to
give its best to achieve professional competence and reliability. It always tries to give something
better then its customer’s expectation. For this reason its not only treated as a trusted supplier of
readymade garments but also as a caring partner toward all its buyers and customers. Now
meeting the extraordinary requirement of the customer become a custom for this organization
and also a matter of pride for this organization. This organization is also adapting some
important policies like getting official approval of ISO Quality Standard practices, ensuring total
compliance of various Code of Conduct requirements of prestigious buyers across the world,
prioritizing the need for creation of ideal work conditions for the workers and ensuring proper
health care & safety for them. This thing has awarded Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. a respectable
position in the top of the RMG manufacturers in Bangladesh.

Fig: Aerial 3D view of the project

Production Floors Layout:

Fig: Layout of Production Unit

Fig: Layout of Washing Floor

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

Fig: Factory Location on Map

Short Profile of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. has 40 production lines of Woven Garments Manufacturing Unit with
high end washing capabilities. Based at the outskirts of Dhaka, in Dhamrai, the total area of the
production building is 514,000 square feet at present.

Name of the Company : Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

Type of the Company : 100% Export oriented garments manufacturer
Status of the Company : Private Limited Company
Factory : Depashai, Sombag, Kalampur, P.S: Dhamrai, Dhaka. Bangladesh.
Dhaka Office : House: 855, Road: 13, Avenue:03, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka.
Land Area : 576 K sft
Covered : 242 k sft
Built Area : 644 K sft
Capacity : 2.1 Mill Pcs/Month
Location : Kalampur Dhamrai Dhaka
Distance : 35 km from Hazrat Airport
Workforce : 3,000 People
Proposed : LEED Platinum Building
Hotline : +880 09612223355
E-mail :
Website :
Major Buyers : OVS, Basspro, Tractor Supply Company, Aeropostale etc.

Key features of the company:

• Proposed LEED Platinum Building - Targeting (105 points) the highest ranking for
apparel industries in the world!
• 25% Renewable Energy
• 40% less energy
• 60% less water
• 100% waste free
• Converting all of Waste to Energy
• Maximum utilization of Natural Energy Resources
• Encouraging use of “green” chemicals
• Recovering the chemicals
• Reducing usage of energy-inefficient sources
• Engaging Energy Efficient Technology
• Recovering all kinds of possible Heats
• Reducing Water Consumption
• 90% Recycling of Water
• Utilization of Rainwater

2.2 Business size:

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. produces 2.1 million garments per month.

2.3 Product Mix & Capacity:

 Bottom Denim – 10 Lines,

 Bottom Chino – 10 Lines
 Outer Wear – 10 Lines
 Top – 10 Lines

Fig: Some Products of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

2.4 Organogram of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

General Manager Asst. Manager

Marketing and General Manager Asst. Manager

Sr. Manager HR &

Head of
Sr. Manager

Director Director Asst. General
Asst. Manager
Corporate Manager

Head of
Sr. Manager Asst. Manager
Department R&D

General Manager Asst. General

Asst. Manager
Maintenance Manager

Asst. Manager

Fig: Organogram Chart of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

3. Area of Studies

3.1 Human Resource Management

Time Period: 1st September 2019 – 14th September 2019 (12 working Days).

In simple words, HR or human Resource management is managing all the people of the
organization in such a way that a bridge could be maintained between top level-mid level and
lower levels of an organization.

Human resource management (HRM or HR) is the strategic approach to the effective
management of organization workers so that they help the business gain a competitive
advantage, OCL HR Department is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an
employer's strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with the management of people
within organizations, focusing on policies and on systems. HR departments are responsible for
overseeing employee-benefits design, employee recruitment, training and development,
performance appraisal, and rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefit systems). HR also
concerns itself with organizational change and industrial relations, that is, the balancing of
organizational practices with requirements arising from Workers Participatory Committee and
from governmental laws.

Human resources overall purpose is to ensure that the organization is able to achieve success
through people. Members of HR Department manage the human capital of an organization and
focus on implementing policies and processes. They can specialize in recruiting, training,
employee-relations or benefits. Recruiting specialists find and hire top talent. Training and
development professionals ensure that employees are trained and have continuous development.
This is done through training programs, performance evaluations and reward programs.
Employee relations deal with concerns of employees when policies are broken, such as in cases
involving harassment or discrimination. Someone in benefits develops compensation structures,
family-leave programs, discounts and other benefits that employees can get.

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. has its own dedicated Internal HR team with 12 members who are
under the direct supervision of Head of Organizational Development & Managing Director. HR
Department of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. developed a lot of policies which are Organization
Chart, Recruitment Policy, Working Hours Policy, Overtime Policy, Attendance Policy, Leave
Policy, Wages Policy, Wages/Salary, Education Policy, Grievance Policy, Disciplinary Action
Policy, Discipline, Dismissal & Termination Policy, Policy & Procedure on freedom of
Association, Increment & Promotion Policy, Festival Bonus Policy, Sub-Contract Organization
Policy, Occupational Health & Safety Policy, Loan Policy, TADA Policy, Policy on Internship
and they have been following these policies strictly. HR Department of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.
are using own built ERP software to control HR related all functions smoothly. Odyssey Craft
(Pvt.) Ltd. is keeping employees’ attendance record through Biometric Attendance System

3.1.1 Organogram of the Human Recourse Management Department:

Head of Organizational
Development Department

Sr. Sr.
Manager Manager
(HR) (Training)

Asst. Manager Manager Executive

(Dhaka Office) (Factory) (Training)

Sr. Jr.
Executive Executive
(Pay Roll) (Training)

Jr. Jr.
Executive Executive

Fig: Organogram of the Human Recourse Management Department

3.1.2 Activities of Human Resource Management Department:

During my internship, I wanted to gather knowledge about each and every activity of the HR
Department. I found very interesting and challenging. Some of the job responsibilities are
described below:

Posting Information:
Those who passed in the physical interview their detail information need to post in the official
EMS (employee management software) software where all the information of the worker is
stored. Again this information needs to write in the Service Book which is prepared to maintain
workers personal file. Workers and employees leave form also need to post in the company
software so that in case of emergency this can be checked.

Preparing absenteeism list:

This is a list from where the numerical information about the worker like percentage and number
of male and female worker, absent worker, department wise number of worker etc about each
and every particular day is stored.

Staffing is the function of employee recruitment, screening and selection performed within an
organization or business to fill job openings. Other areas of employment which may be handled
by a staffing department are orientation, training, retention and termination. This function is
sometimes handled outside of an organization by using contractors at various levels of the
staffing process. Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. handle staffing on a case-by-case basis. Organizations
of any size may use staffing to acquire temporary or permanent employees. Some related terms
and departments include human resources, personnel management and hiring.

Recruitment or Hiring is the process of searching and attracting the right candidates for hiring them
for vacant jobs in an organization. There are two sources of recruitment, internal sources and
external sources. Recruitment refers to the process of searching for potential employees and
influencing them to work for their organization.

Popular sources of recruiting employee included:
 Internal search.
 Advertisement.
 Employee referrals. / Recommendation.
 Schools, colleges & universities.
 Professional organization.
 External search.

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. prefer the internal sources for recruitment. They are also taking advice
form their consultancy agency.

The selection process

The selection process typically consists of eight steps:

1. Initial screening interview

2. Completion of the application form
3. Emulation tests
4. Comprehensive interview
5. Background investigation
6. Conditional job offer
7. Medical/physical exam
8. Permanent job offer

Employee screening of inquiries:

Based on job description and job specification, some of the respondents/applicants can be

The provision of screening interviews

The screening interviews are an excellent opportunity for management to describe the job in enough
detail so the candidates can consider whether they are really serious about making applicant

The comprehensive approach
Comprehensive selection approach puts applicants through all the steps in the selection process
before making a decision. Assesses both strengths and weaknesses and is considered more realistic.

Worker Assessment
As worker turnover is one of the main problems of this company that’s why company needs to
hire worker daily. Those who are chosen for assessment are given token to come in the HR
department. Then their information about previous experience, education qualification, address
etc is being written in the assessment book and sends for the physical interview.

This Company has a well set up training centre for fresh and unskilled man power. Before
sending them to main production line they get training for 1 month completely free of cost and
with salary. Which is a very good opportunity for unemployed workforce. Under this section
company arrange other training program for employees regularly.

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. management plans for improving employees’ skill through Annual
Training Strategy. HR Department Head will prepare the Training Strategy with the help of
previous year data; role based training, annual performance appraisal record.

3.1.3 SWOT Analysis for Human Resource Management:

I have spent 12 working days in Human Resource Department to observe thoroughly the
Management of Human Resource. After my observation I have made SWOT analyses which are
mentioned below:

• All employees of HR Department have HR related educational background
• Departmental Combination
• Prompt response to arising issue
• Problem solving capacity is very good
• Providing Motivational benefits like Festival bonuses, Performance Appraisal to all

• There is no permanent committee for Recruitment and Selection
• There is no proper Performance Appraisal system
• There is no Training Evaluation system
• There is no Salary Structure as per Designation for the employees of Management level
• No service rules
• No succession planning

• Opportunity includes possibility of Business expansion in Bangladesh of this company
which will create more stability and training and skill development opportunity of this
department than before. It will take some time though.
• There is a wonderful opportunity to skilled manpower development.

• Our competitors may gain an edge in the market share, it affects profitability and may
result in layoffs, business slowdown or closure.

• Other types of external threats include businesses — not necessarily in the same industry
— that offer better working conditions, wages or benefits to their employees and,
therefore, recruit the best-qualified workers. HR departments can't always insulate
themselves from all external factors because some are imminent.

3.1.4 Future plan of Human Resource Management:

• Number of employees should be increased in order to perform the company’s activities

more properly.
• The HR department should be analyzed all jobs properly by applying various methods of
job analysis so that he/she can successfully allocate the jobs among the employees
according to their qualifications and requirements of the jobs.
• More training program they can organise to develop the manpower of the whole

3.2 Production Management

Time Period: 15 September 2019 – 05 October 2019 (18 working Days)

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd offer it’s customer a complete service of garment manufacturing. To
serve the customer in proper way the production process go through raw material warehousing,
cutting, sewing, finishing to shipment. For smooth and seamless production operation they
consider each ten line as one unit.

Production processes are as below:

 Receiving fabric from supplier and store in the warehouse after proper inventory.
 Checking fabric in 4 point system
 Receiving trims and accessories from supplier and store in the warehouse after proper
 Store fabric and make relax for smooth cutting.
 Spreading by auto spreader
 Cutting Plan given by Production Planning Department
 Cutting
 Input in sewing line
 Sewing
 Quality Check
 Washing
 Ironing
 Quality Check
 Finishing completion (Folding, Packing, Cartoning)
 NDC (Needle Detection Centre) done
 Cartons placed in Finished Goods Warehouse
 Final Inspection Done by 3rdParty Inspection Team
 Shipment

3.2.1 Organogram of Production Management Department (for 1 Unit):

General Manager

Asst. Manager
Asst. Manager
(Sewing &

Supervisor Supervisor
(Sewing) (Finishing)

Fig: Organogram of the Production Management Department

3.2.2 Cutting Section

Headcount and Job Responsibility of Designated Person of Cutting


Production Asst. Manager- 01 (Responsible for 1 Unit)

He is responsible for time to time report to the Production General Manager. One of his/her
major responsibility is to attend all production relevant meeting and take decision. Monitoring
the overall cutting section, coordinate with other section and ensure efficiency, daily target,
ensures on time input/output of orders running in his floor. He/She is responsible for overall unit
performance, quality and liaison with all other departments and section.

Supervisor has the full cutting plan, according to the plan he/she supervise the total cutting
process. He is also responsible to fulfil the cutting target. If there any problem he/she report to
the Production manager. Key responsibilities are as below.

 Fabric receiving
 Checking marker width & shrinkage
 Marker Requisition form
 Lay control sheet
 Spreading sheet created for mother tag
 Material requisition form
 Monitoring every floor
 Monitoring Line leader and utility operator

Material Handler:
Collecting fabric from warehouse according to cutting plan and help to spreading. Time to time
they get involve in some other helping activities.

Spreading Operator:
Spreading process is done by auto spreader machine. Spreading operator closely monitor below
 No of lay spreading
 Controlling fabric width (sometime fabric may found in different width)
 Fabric wastage calculation
 Preparing spreading report

Cutting Operator:
His/Her responsibility covers the total cutting process.
 Fabric relaxation before cutting
 Marker Setting
 Marker hole & Tape attaching

 Numbering of fabric lay
 Follow up hand over the cutting pieces to the sewing line.
 Re cutting if any fault found.

Flow Chart of Cutting:

Fabric receiving, In-house & inventory

Receiving Production Planning and Cut Plan

Receive Fabric from Warehouse after Relaxation & Four Point System inspection

Collect Marker from Computerized Marker Design (CMD)

Spreading by Auto spreader

Cutting Relaxation (Marker Hole, Tape attaching & Numbering)

Cut Panel Inspection

Re-cut (If required)

Fusing, Heat-seal

Sending to Print, Embroidery

Hand over to sewing section

Pilot Cutting/Size Set:

To start any new style as per the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) 1 roll of fabric will cover
every size and cutting supervisor ensure 2 pieces of every sizes has been covered. Here Quality
inspector make shrinkage test, seam strength, wastage calculation etc which is relevant to the
fabric. In this stage size set sample will be ready. Size set will be submitted to customer for

Cutting for pilot run:

Initial Cutting is done for Pilot Run. In Pilot run, garments are made in actual fabric, accessories
and checked by PQC. After that, buyer also gave comments for appearance & measurement
comments on garments. After that the Bulk Cutting is started.

Bulk Cutting:

 Cutting team make a cutting plan.

 Receive bulk cutting approval report from the quality department and cut plan from
planning department
 After that they make final consumption and approved by concern merchandiser.
 Make requisition to receive required fabric from the fabric store as per approved
 Some fabric yarn construction and context are smooth, but some are stiff or slippery.
Some fabric usually got shrinkage after spreading in cutting table. So cutting team make
it relax before spreading.
 Spreading fabric as per trim card, make layer, check by the quality team then start
cutting, bundling, numbering, panel inspection to issue the production line.
 Arrange hit transfer, embroidery, fusing, printing etc.

Re-cut and panel rejection replacement

Cutting section has to collect reject part from QA team after panel inspection. Sometimes they
have to replace sewing reject, printing reject or re-cut short quantity. If they require more fabric
than approved consumption, then cutting team has to face concern merchandiser with actual
fabric consumption for more fabric and has to provide proper document to erase short shipment.
Beside this, to do the above cutting section has to maintain some format and report to concern
department regularly:

 Consumption reports hard and soft copy.

 Daily cutting report hard and soft copy.
 Daily cutting variance report hard and soft copy.

 Lay sheet format (hard copy).
 Cutting approval sheet (hard copy)
 Panel inspection report (hard copy)
 Re-cut request copy (hard copy)
 Marker worksheet (hard copy)
 Marker plot requisition (hard copy)
 Sewing rejects slip from QA department
 Reject fabric requisition slip
 Delivery Challan book for printing, washing, embroidery, sewing etc.

3.2.3 Sewing Section:

OCL has segregated its production lines into units. Per 10 sewing lines are considered as one
production unit. Each Unit has Cutting section, Sewing Section and Finishing Section. Sewing
section consists of 10 lines. Each line has 65 sewing machines and 5 ironing table and quality
tables. The layout is like below-

Production Unit

Quality Section Quality Section

Sewing section (65- Ironing Section
(End of line (after Iron checking
70 machines) (5 Ironing Tables)
chceking-5 Tables) -2 Tables)

Fig: Layout of Production Unit

Headcount of Sewing Department (Each Unit) & Job Responsibilities:

Production Manager- 01 (Responsible for 1 Unit)

He is responsible for time to time report to the Production General Manager. One of his/her
major responsibility is to attend all production relevant meeting and take decision. Monitoring
the overall sewing floor, gives production target for example efficiency, daily and ensures on
time delivery of orders running in his floor. He/She is responsible for overall unit performance,
quality and liaison with all other departments and section.

Five persons (1 person for 2 Lines) He/She monitors his allocated lines and controls line leader,
utility and ensures production target. He controls one line, utility, sewers and balances line. He
reduces bottleneck in the line with the help of IE, guides sewers. He also tries to reduce defects
in his line.

Sewing Operator:
Fifty (50) sewing operator per line. He/she operates his operation in sewing machine and obeys
the instruction given.

Ten (10) helpers (2 for each line) He/she uses the sucking machine to clear the loose threads for
each garments and segregates the output garments size wise and provides to the checkers.

Twenty (20) persons for 5lines (4 for each line) His/Her main job is ironing according to the
sketch and pattern.

Iron Helper-
Ten (10) persons for 5 lines (2 for each line). He/she turns the garments into top side after
checking completion and kept size wise.

Section floating helper:
Two (02) persons are allocated for each unit. He/She counts the garments size wise, country wise
and makes a list, keeps in the trolley and finally sends the trolley to finishing for further

Process Flow Chart for Garments Sewing Department:

Product analysis

Set up hourly, daily target for production

Set up machine layout

Set up operator layout

QC check of product

Line balancing

Line setup

Distribution all the processes

Cutting parts receiving

Cutting parts distribution to the operator and helper

Complete parts making individually

Inline QC check

Counting output and checking with the target

Final quality check (Sending to wash)

Activities of Sewing Floor:

Product analysis:
Before sewing started Production manager, IE and QA/QC team have a meeting to decide in
which way, a product have to sew.

Set up target for production:

Sewing floor set up a target with the help of IE for production on the basis of shipping schedule.

Set up machine layout:

Have to prepare machine setup layout on the basis of daily target quantity.

Set up operator layout:

Prepare operator layout setup on the basis of machine quantity.

QC check:
Each garment must have to fulfil its right quality. So, product checking must be needed by QC.

Line Planning:
Line planning is scheduling and allocation of order to production line according to product
setting (product is being making in the line) and due dates of production completion. A line plan
defines when a style is going to be loaded to the line how many pieces to may be
expected/targeted from the line and when order to be completed.

Line Balancing:
Line balancing I s the allocation of sewing machine according to style and design of garment. It
depends of that what type garment we to produce.

Cutting parts received section:

A section, which received the cutting parts from the cutting department.

Cutting parts distribution:
All the cutting parts should be distributed to the operator and helper after receiving those from
cutting department.

Counting output and checking with the target:

Comparing with target quantity, all the output garments should be counted here to make sure
achieving the target quantity.

Final quality check:

In this section, all the output garments are checked finally by maintaining one by one method to
provide fault free garments into the finishing department.

There are so many defects found in sewing process. But some of the remarkable and most
commonly occurred defects of sewing are as below.

 Needle damage
 Skip stitches
 Thread breakages
 Broken stitches
 Seam Grin
 Seam puckering
 Pleated seam
 Wrong stitch density
 Uneven stitch density
 Staggered stitch
 Improperly formed stitches

3.2.4 Finishing Section

The final shipment of the products greatly depends on the finishing department. The desired
quality standard of the products also depends on this department. So the smoother and efficient
operation of the finishing department is very important.

Headcount & Job Description of Finishing Section

Supervisor: 1person.
He monitors the full finishing section. He guides the supervisors to meet on time delivery.

Finishing Man: 3person

They do all the folding operations, packing.

Clerk: 1person
He keeps the record of daily finishing, the quantity of garments sent to warehouse style wise.

Helper: 3person. They receive the garments from sewing floor and keep the record and also
transfer the garments to rack for dry room.

Hangtag Operator, Folding Man, Packer:14 persons, 70 person, 18 persons

Hangtag operator attaches hangtag and Folding Man folds the garments. Packer packs the
garments into carton and provides a seal inside the carton.

Process Flow Chart of Garments Finishing:

Receives garments from production floor & Washing plant

Sucking all garments by Sucker machine

Initial quality check

Spot removing if there’s any spot

Pressing by Trouser Topper, Legger and Topper Machine

Inspection (Taking the measurement)


Hang tag attaching


Inserting in Poly bag

Needle/Metal check

Packaging/ Carton Pack

Activities of Finishing Section:

Wash garments receiving:

Wash garments are received from the washing plant after wash and followed by some other
processes in the finishing section.

Non-wash Garments receiving:

Non-wash Garments directly comes from the production line to the finishing section.

All the received garments send to this section and the garments are passed through the sucker
machine. The main purpose is to take out any cut thread and any other unnecessary dust.

There are different pressing machines are available in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. These machines
 Trouser topper – These machines are used to press the washed garments.
 Legger – These machines are used to press the non-wash garments.
 Topper – These machines are also used for non-wash garments.
 Iron table – the Iron table is used to ironing the garments.

Taking the Measurement:

After receiving the garments from the production line or Washing plant, measurement is taken of
all the garments.

Quality Checking:
All the complete garments have to be passed by the quality checker. The steps involved are
Measurement checking, Shade checking and Checks for any defects and spots uneven.
Followings are the accessories that are attached especially on DENIM TROUSER –
 Leg Sticker
 Fire warning
 Metal Sticker
 Pocket Tag
Here first the back pocket sticker is attached and then price tags are labeled. The back pocket
sticker tells about the garment. The contents of the price tag are price, size, style, color etc.

The packed garments are then sent to the finished goods store for the final shipment. All the
garments have to be passed through a Metal/Needle Detector before storing for the final
shipment. Especially all children wear or school wear must be passed through the metal detector.

This is because of safety and this company is practicing totally metal free environment in the

Inspection by the Audit Team:

The inspection is done in two steps.
 Style wise: samples are taken from the same style at a time and checks. The resultant
report is given to the production and quality manager. As per the reports they take the
corrective action if necessary.
 Daily basis: Daily pieces garments are picked randomly per style and inspects. Than
reports to the production and quality manager.

Packaging is the last process of the finishing department in the garment industry. Same style,
color, and shade packed in the same Cartoon. Also, same size garments contain in the same

Cartoon Marking:
The following markings are mentioned in a cartoon.
 Cartoon number
 Style
 Size
 Color
 Quantity
 Net weight
 Gross weight
 Measurement

Final Shipment:
Final shipment depends on the buyer’s requirements. It can be of two types-
1. Hanging in the container.
2. Cartoon wise in the container.

3.2.5 SWOT Analysis of Production Management Department:

• Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. has world class machineries
• Authentic sourcing of raw materials
• Skilled, dedicated manpower
• Sufficient production capacity
• Making high quality products
• Available resources to utilize.
• Special team for automatic system and methodology.

• Machinery Maintenance is not excellent due to semiskilled and insufficient manpower
• Production wastage cannot be controlled properly due to lack of records.
• Cannot get proper production projection from Buyers or customers due to proper
communication gap between marketing people with customers
• Production samples failing most of the times.
• Failed to control wastage.
• Shortage of skilled and educated manpower in production team.


• By improving work efficiency and resource utilization can minimize their process cost.
• Available quality control circle in root level problem solving.
• Proper utilization of modern machineries can increase productivity a lot.
• Special work station can be made for super urgent work schedule, where highly skilled
operator and supervisor will be engaged to face urgent scheduled work in time.
• By utilizing our man power and modern machineries can increase our productivity more to
compete other industries.

• Manufacturing cost will be higher day by day.
• Competition will be increased more due to global and local companies are going to set up
their factories with huge investment.
• Shortage of environment friendly materials used.
• To increased worker’s unrest.
• To exert extra financial pressure.
• Manpower migration is a great threat for smooth productivity.
• No one wants to build their second man in command which is a great threat for future

3.2.6 Future plan of Production Management Department:

• Manpower of production management department should be trained to achieve skill.

• Improving production planning schedule to meet short lead time.
• Setting proper check point to avoid production sample failure.
• Achieving certification from international organization on Total Production Management.
• Applying lean manufacturing management.

3.3.1 Research and Development Department:

Time Period: 06 October 2019 – 17 October 2019 (11 working Days)

Research & development department is an important department for any textile and garments
industry. This plays a direct role on developing a product as well as new customer and market.
Every inquiry firstly comes into R&D department via marketing department or directly from
customer. In Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. has build up the Design & Product Development team
with expertise of international and local expert. The R&D experts analyze these samples and
match it with their developed samples. If they find similar samples then this is sent to buyers for
approval. If buyers approve it then the R&D section hand over to merchant department.

Odyssey R&D department is teamed up with little deferent concept. It is a large department
consist of Design & Product Development team, Dhaka sample room and wash R&D team. All
together it plays a vital role in the company.

3.3.2 Oraganogram of Research and Development Department:

Head of Department

Sr. Manager (Design

Sr. Manager & Product
(Sample Room) Development)

Executive (CAD
Executive (D&PD) Executive (Wash)

Sample Asst. Executive Asst. Executive Ast. Executive

Supervisor/QC (D&PD) (D&PD) (Wash)

Sample Man

Fig: Oraganogram of Research and Development Department

Process flow chart of Odyssey Research and Development Department

Idea Generation from trend forecast/customer input

Production fusibility check

Idea approval from HOD/customer

Mood-board, Tech-pack, Color Board

Material sourcing

Make requisition to sample room

Pattern, Sewing



Documentation (Tagging, Consumption, Material Cost sheet)

Product presentation/Dispatch/Submission

The goals of the department is

1. Satisfying customer with the new product range based on trend.
2. Support customer on their research and new development sampling.
3. Keep up to date all concern departments with newness in apparel industry.

Activities of Research and Development Department

Fashion forecasting is information that offers effective and highly accurate trend predictions to
the fashion, style and related industries. Fashion intelligence and industry experience shape the
reports which are creative, inspiring and highly focused on various products. This provides
analysis of current and future fashion trends and a very comprehensive coverage of Colour &
trend direction, 18 months in advance of the season followed by design reports for each trend, 12
months ahead.

The designers work in different ways. Some sketch their ideas on paper, while others drape
fabric on a dress form and some others use computerized design system. These systems are
becoming widely used and provide the designer with a highly versatile and flexible tool for
creating new designs in the shortest time. Here in Odyssey the designers with the help of
forecasting trends of styles colour and fabrics develop the illustrations/sketches for mass market.

In this stage Product Development team stated sourcing materials such as fabric, trims,
accessories etc for collection. Product Developers works in close co–operation with
the marketing department and tighter they attempt to determine the best possible style, fabric and
price combinations.

Pattern Making & Sewing:

After arranging all required materials Product Development team place the sample requisition to
Dhaka sample room which is responsible for proto sampling. For Pattern making they use an
auto CAD. The resulting pattern pieces are used to construct the garment in required size.
Various shapes and sizes of pattern pieces can be produced for various styles of garments in
Dhaka sample room. This sample room have all types of machines which is required for woven
product sewing. A complete team of sample room is working here to serve the Design and
Product Development team as well as the company.

After sewing done concern product developer hand over to wash R&D team with the proper
wash inspiration or direction.

Sample Washing:
Based on the requirement of the Design team which is actually forecasted by WGSN or from any
other sources Wash R&D team do their washes. Some major activities are as below:
 Setting recipes, Developed New style and Wash according to the customer requirements.
 Coordination with production, marketing and merchandising department regarding
technical, approved sample and other issues.
 To finding best production process to achieve the wash.
 Try to fulfil any buyer requirement according to buyer comment.

Documentation & Product Presentation:

Documentation is an important task for this department. After finishing the sampling process
concern person finalized the samples for collection or submission. Product presentation, tagging,
preparing all raw information for costing and further procedure completed in this stage.

3.3.3 Headcount of Research and Development Department:

Head of Department: 01
Senior Manager: 02
Executive: 03
Assistant Executive: 03
Sample Supervisor: 01
Sample Man: 05

Key responsibilities of the Research and Development Department

 Meeting customer when required and report top management time to time.
 Performs research in order to determine the best way to produce a particular item.
 Prepares reports on the various procedures that have been tried in order to eliminate
methods that are unsuccessful
 Researching on global fashion trends.
 Making trend reports (Mood board, Color board, print & graphic board, materials and
fabric board etc.)
 Developing collections (Men’s, Women’s & Kids) to feed the buyer’s demand.
 Developing products with new design ideas based on buyer’s requirement and also to see
the production feasibility of developed products to make it in order.
 Checking the patterns and to examine the garment fit.
 Coordinating with the sample department and washing department to develop the
samples within the deadline.
 Sourcing materials and accessories under the budget constraints and to communicate with

3.3.4 SWOT Analysis of Research and Development Department

• World class professionals from home and abroad.
• All the key persons are well experienced and educated.
• Technical support is very strong.
• Sourcing capabilities are very high which a key strong point is for the whole company.
• This department maintain a very close relation with all relevant departments.
• Overall good individuals and team performance is very good.

• Research work is not up to date according to the world’s fast-pissed fashion trend. Still
they don’t have WGSN registration.
• Washing capacity is so poor to satisfy customer which is a key point for any denim
• People from this department are leaving the company frequently so managing talent is a
challenge for the team.
• Departmental flow chart is not proper way, as a result team has to wait for decisions.
• All the people are not skilled for R&D sampling in sample room. Often department needs
re sampling.

• R&D has its own demand in fashion world. In near future this department will be the key
department for this company.
• As most of the persons are highly skilled so it will be a matter of time only to grow the
department and achieve the goal.
• Most of the manpower is young and energetic; on the job training can make them
efficient easily.

• Other competitor has the Research & Development department. If Odyssey R&D
department fail to grow up fast it will be very difficult to keep pace.
• Other countries like Vietnam, Ethiopia etc are growing too fast. Keeping the order flow
in Odyssey, Its R&D department may face various challenges in both home and abroad.
• Migration of skilled operator will affect the smooth development procedure.
• Uneven workload can hamper the stamina of the department.

3.3.5 Future plan of Research and Development department:

• Satisfying the customer through new design and developed product.

• Making total design and development solution for the customer.
• Visiting customers regularly at home and abroad.
• Enrich the company goodwill in the market and play a vital role to maximise the profit
• To reduce sample development retention time from 14 days to 08 days.
• Purchasing licence for international trend report like WGSN.

3.4 Marketing and Merchandising Department:
Time Period: 19 October 2019 – 31 October 2019 (12 working Days)

Merchandising is a process through which products planned, developed, executed and presented
to the buyer. It includes directing and overseeing the development of product line from start to
finish. In Odyssey Craft Ltd Marketing and merchandising department are the team of
merchandisers and marketers who work together under a Director. Merchandisers handle the
foreign buyers. The teams are made according to the buyers being handled. Merchandising is the
department which mediates marketing and production departments. In OCL merchandising
department do costing and pricing also. In any case, the merchandiser is the person whose
responsibility is to execute the orders perfectly as per the costing and pricing. So it is a very
valuable department.

In OCL merchandiser’s key responsibilities is as follows:

 Product Development
 Market and product Analysis
 Sampling
 Booking orders
 Confirming Deliveries
 Costing
 Raw Material Sourcing
 Production Follow Ups
 Payments Follow Ups
 Internal & external communication
 Lab dips
 Accessories & trims sourcing and follow up
 Preparing internal order sheets
 Preparing purchase orders
 Advising and assisting production
 Mediating production and quality department

 Giving shipping instructions and following shipping
 Taking responsibility for inspections
 Following up the shipment

3.4.1 Oraganogram of Marketing & Merchandising Department:

Marketing &


Asst. Manager Asst. Manager Asst. Manager Sr. Executive

(Matalan) (OVS & Basspro) (TSC) (TS, B&S)

Executive Executive
Executive Executive (TSC) Executive
(OVS) (Basspro)


Fig: Oraganogram of Marketing and Merchandising Department

3.4. 2 Headcount and key job responsibilities of Marketing and
Merchandising Department:

Director: 1 Person

 Creating new market and customer and liaison with existing customers.
 Development and implementation strategic planning.
 Developing the marketing strategy for new and existing products
 Overseeing implementation of the Marketing strategy.
 Working closely with the team; enabling them to meet their commercial objectives by
providing them with appropriate tools, materials and presentations
 Guiding the day to day activities of the team
 Ensuring that the objectives are implemented by the whole department.
 Work closely with Research and Development department and support them for new

Manager: 1 Person

 Plan and develop merchandising strategies that balance customers’ expectations and
company’s objectives
 Follow up all orders and production with the department.
 Collaborate with buyers, suppliers, distributors and analysts to negotiate prices, quantities
and time-scales.
 Maximise customer interest and sales levels by displaying products appropriately
 Forecast profits/sales and plan budgets

Asst. Manager: 3 Person

 Product development and price offer to the customers.

 Price negotiation and confirms with the customers.
 To follow-up T & A on a regular basis to ensure on-time delivery with the right quality
and quantity.

 Closely monitoring sampling approval process and on time provide to the client for
approval and arrange approval for the go ahead.
 Critical path analyzes and meeting with the buyer.

Senior Executive: 1 Person

 Within a short time to collect all order concern document to the buyer for necessary
 Collect PI for open BTB L/C to arrange the all related materials.
 Lab dip, trims, bulk fabric color, and quality submit to the buyer for approval.
 Arrange all materials to make the required
 Closely monitoring sampling approval process and on time provide to the client for
approval and arrange approval for the go ahead.
 Critical path analyzes and meeting with the buyer.
 PP meeting with the buyer.

Executive: 5 Person

 Size set submits to the buyer and arranges approval for bulk production.
 To in-house require materials on time to production according to T & A.
 To collect an inventory report from the store.
 Update factory production and the quality team about every message of buying a house
 Sent the require materials (trims, fabric, etc.) third-party test and provide the report to the
 Regular basis checks with the quality department and makes ensure for correct quality.
 Make a schedule for inspection with the buyer inspection team.
 Space booking to the shipping line and goods handover on time.

Assistant Executive: 1 Person

 Follow up sampling process
 Help the Executive if required.
 Making trims card and preparing submission samples.

Process flow chart of Marketing & Merchandising Department:
Receive Tech-Pack from customer

Costing Sampling

Analyze fabric Analyze cost of trims Obtain SAM and Develop sample as per
consumption form and fabric thread consumption tech-pack & checking
CAD form IE dept product fusibility

Prepare cost sheet Proto sampling

Proto sample submission with cost sheet for buyer approval

Order confirmation OK Buyer approval Not Ok/Ok with Rework


Obtain PCD and Source trims and Book production, Prepare

details from fabrics washing, production
product unit embroidery planning, SAM

Proceed for sample as per buyer requirement

OK Buyer approval Not Ok/Ok with Rework


Execute Follow up Prepare Final Goods Follow ups on

bulk production and inspection shipment shipping and
orders, and update submit on time payments
Test, Lab buyer necessary
Fig: Process flow chartdocument
of Marketing & Merchandising Department
approval s
Marketing and Merchandising Department activities:

Business Development:
Apparel industry must be developed with the trend of market otherwise they cannot extend their
business. To collect new buyer and business with them a company must follow the procedure of
business development. Buyer has been chosen by two ways. Firstly, buyer choose the supplier
and the second one sometimes, Odyssey Craft Ltd want to work with a particular buyer and then
contact with them accordingly. Business development process is as below.

Buyer Selection

Collecting information about the buyer

Proposal/e-mail to buyer (sending company profile)

Collect testing parameter, audit manual

Offer factory visit/meeting as per buyer’s convenience

Requesting for cost exercise


Price finalization

Take orders

Fabric Booking:
After receiving order confirmation from buyer merchandiser chase buyer to get purchase order
(PO) sheet which includes color and size wise break down of the total quantity. Then they will
book the fabric as required.

Before booking the fabric they take the final confirmation from CAD department and approval
from Head of department.

Trim Booking:
In proto sampling stage merchandiser take approval for trims form buyer. After getting final trim
information from buyer they have to develop the same to get approval. Sometimes buyer
nominated suppliers; merchandiser collect trims form the respective supplier. Then they book
trims from respective supplier to get cheaper price to minimize the cost. And for shipment
process they need to store every trim in-house so that production cannot get hampered. The all
processes go parallel when an order is confirmed. When the size set sample is confirmed, the
processing of production starts.

Proforma Invoice sheet & its items

In foreign trade transaction, a proforma invoice is a document that states a commitment from the
seller to reserve some goods to be sold to a certain person. The buyer places an order and if the
seller agrees, it extend a proforma invoice and agrees to all the terms specified in it, the goods
are send and the proforma is replaced by a commercial invoice. The POI sheet depends on the
demand of buyer.

The items which are included in the PI sheet are as follows:

Top part:
 Name and address of seller
 Invoice number and date
 Buyer name and address

Body/middle part:
 Product description
 Unit price
 Total price

Bottom part:
 Shipment date
 Shipment terms FOB or C&F
 Country of origin
 Terms of payment, at sight or 120 days
 Others special term

Master Letter of Credit checking procedure:

A documentary Master L/C is an orderly payment security instrument offering high quality
payment security to a business transaction for both parties the seller and buyer. The seller will
receive payment for his goods if he meets all conditions prescribed by the letter of credit.
Without M L/C opening the order won’t be confirmed. So its carry more value than other
documents in export and import business.

Master Letter of Credit Check list items and those items must be included in this Letter of
 Types of L/C
 Expiry date
 Issue date
 Issuing bank details
 Advising bank details
 Seller name and address
 Total amount
 Currency of payment
 Tolerance (2-5% plus or minus)

 Port of loading
 Description of goods
 Shipping terms (FOB/ C&F)

Buyer approval procedure of fabrics, color & accessories:

Taking approval for Fabric and accessories from buyer is one of the most vital task for a
merchandiser. The procedure of fabric and accessories approval is as below.

Fabric construction

Fabric Oz/GSM

Color(shade band)

Test pass

Accessories quality check

Label barcode

Finishing item checking


Price quotations for fabrics & accessories:

Pricing is very important factors for any kind of business. After discusion with the supplier price
is fixed. For fixing the price some points are followed such as -

 Quality of the good-review other quality in the market

 Low price
 Sampling- to check the performance

Price negotiation procedure

Arrange meeting with different suppliers

Collect price/quotation

Price selection


Price finalize

Open PO in the system

P.I collection from suppliers & checking of Proforma Invoice:

After getting P.O from garment industry than supplier issue a P.I to merchandiser. This P.I is
sent by e-mail to merchandiser.

 Sourcing fabric, accessories and trims (buttons, labels, thread etc.)

 Storage of fabric, accessories and trims needed for production.
 Other than this the store looks after issuing material for outsourcing. Raising Purchase
orders for materials needed in production/sampling
 Arrange timely delivery from suppliers, to avoid production delay
 Fabric/Accessories checking is done with supervision from the store, As rejected goods
are returned to the supplier
 If any garments or production process has been outsourced, goods after entered factory
premises, are checked for shortage, damage etc. before issuing to production/finishing

Coordination regarding shipping:

It is one of the responsibilities of merchandiser in OCL to follow the shipping. The department
has to give the shipping instructions clearly to the production, quality, documents and shipping

It is not only enough to give the instructions to them, but also it is the merchandiser's duty to
coordinate with these departments for smooth shipping and to follow them closely.

Taking responsibility for inspections:

While working with buying offices or buying agents or buyer's liaison offices, there will be
many inspections like pilot batch, initial, online, mid final and final. On the other hand while
working with the buyers directly; the number of inspections will be limited. The buyer may like
to see the inspection in the middle of the production or final inspection. Sometimes, the buyer
may ask any third party to do the inspections.

Following shipment:
Finally the merchandiser has to make sure the vessel details, ETA, ETD, shipping lines, B/L
instructions and documents of vessel connections, freight & other charges are in accordance with
the buyer's instructions and our suitability.

Helping documentation department:

Though the documentation department takes care of all documents, it is preferable for the
merchandiser to check the important things like the prices, quantity, description, Category,
HS code, consignee's & consignor's addresses, payment terms, delivery terms, purchase order
number, port discharge etc.

Advising production and quality department about quality level:

Each garment will have different acceptable quality level according to the buyer's specification
and tolerance level. Though the production and quality departments are taking responsibility of
quality, it is the merchandiser and the manager who decide whether the quality is up to the
acceptable level or not. So the merchandiser should advise and instruct the production and
quality departments about the quality and tolerance levels of garment.

Advising and assisting production:

At OCL as the merchandiser is the person/team who knows better about buyer's approvals,
comments and instruction, for the better flawless production he will have to advise and assist

production. As he has to guarantee the quality to the buyer, though there is a separate production
departments, the merchandiser should know about day to day affairs, status and problems of each
stage of production.

Highlights of merchandising works:

 To establish contact with the buyers sending formal letters or profile
 Receiving buyer's response and providing price quotation along with making of sample as
counter or approval
 Receiving samples comments from the buyer
 To furnish the pro-forma invoice and sending the buyer
 Taking necessary steps to develop lab-dips of the materials (FAB & ACC)
 Receiving the master L/C & verify clauses of the L/C both in technical and commercial point
of view
 To confirm floor booking of the order with factory
 To confirm transfer authentication of the L/C and favour of fact
 Pushing the factory taking initial procurement to open the back-to-back L/C by bank
 Searching reliable fabric and accessories sources and finalize supplying of the required
materials relevant to the order
 To monitor the shipment of raw materials and arrival in the factory
 To monitor of the supplying materials while receiving factory
 To order the test cutting with quality
 To check/inspect/advise for the bulk production
 To monitor production, quality and delivery
 To advise factory if buyer change any instruction both in technical/commercial point of view
to the order
 Collecting order from the buyers
 Sending Samples to the buyer for approval
 Collecting accessories form different Suppliers
 Giving order to the specified garment factory
 Communicate with all the respective parties
 Coordinating the whole process at a regular manner

3.4.3 SWOT Analysis of Marketing and Merchandising Department:

• Well experienced team of professionals.
• Strong sourcing capabilities which a key strong point for the whole company.
• Ability to calculate fast and accurate costing.
• Good communication and customer convincing capability.
• Good industry knowledge.

• Misguidance and wrong decision making from top management.
• Fail to find out potential customer for the company.
• More focused on low price customer which make the company less profitable.
• Due to imbalance organogram they always wait for decisions.
• For some individual poor performance this department is losing their face to top
management as well as to the buyers.
• Lake of pro-activeness and team work.

• OCL merchandising team members are young and energetic, so it is easy to train and
move fast.
• Customers have a good faith on individual persons of this department which can help
them to attract customer in future.
• The team can find new customer and develop the business.

• Most of the competitor company has strong and skilled merchandising department to face
the global challenges, in this case OCL may face challenge.
• Buyer never likes to work with imbalance team for a long time. In long run this
department may lose existing buyers.
• Employ migration can be an obstacle for continuous growth of the company.

3.4.4 Future Plan of Marketing and Merchandising Department:

• To satisfy customer with world class service business development should be on focus.
• Setting well balanced small team to perform well.
• Measuring performance by KPI to achieve the target as well as the organizational goal.
• Arranging more training program to develop the skill of merchandiser.
• Find out more potential customer and develop the business.
• Making new market through new innovation.
• Strategic planning need to apply to achieve the organizational goal.

3.5 Washing Department:

Time Period: 02 November 2019 – 14 November 2019 (12 working Days)

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. always focus on customer satisfaction. Thus it has a state of the
art washing unit inside the same production building. Once garments has been finished
with all the sewing operation then they are sent to the washing department washing
department for the washing that has to be done for that particular style according to the
buyers specification and hence it plays a vital role in the final feel and texture of the
garment which has to match the specifications of the buyer 100%. Its main product is
denim, so washing is an essential department for OCL. Average washing capacity of this
company is 60,000-70,000 pcs per day.

Goal of the washing plant is:

• To satisfy customer by delivering production on time
• Adopt new wash techniques in production.

Plant Details:
Total area: 20000 square feet (approx)
Man Power: 363
Business field: Readymade garments washing and dying.
Main product: Denim long pant, Denim shorts, shirt, chino.
Approximate manufacturing capacity:
1. Dry process: 30000 pcs/day
2. Dyeing & Tinting: 18000 pcs/day
3. Enzyme wash: 26000 pcs/day
4. Stone Enzyme wash: 20000 pcs/day
5. Bleach wash: 250000 pcs/day
6. Garment wash: 85000 pcs/day

Type of works at Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. Washing:

1. Dry Process:
• Laser Whisker • Clipping 3D (After Wash)
• Laser Brushing • 3D/Wrinkle
• Manual Whisker (Permanent/Non
• Manual Brushing Permanent)
• Tacking • PP Spray
• Destroy/Damage • Color Spray
• Rip & Repair • Resin Spary
• Rip Off • Resin Dip
• Grinding • Color/Dirty Spot
• Tying • Touch up

2. Wet Process:
 Garment Wash
 Pigment Wash
 Enzyme Wash
 Stone Enzyme Wash
 Acid Wash
 Garment Dying
 Bleach Wash
 Softening

3.5.1 Organogram of Washing Department:



Asst. Asst. Asst.

Sr. Executive
Manager (Dry Managar Manager Executive
Process) (Wet Process) (Quality)

Sr. Executive Sr. Executive Executive Executive Supervisor

Executive Supervisor Supervisor


Fig: Oraganogram of Washing Department

3.5.2 Headcount and Job Description of Washing Department:

General Manager: 01 Person

• He monitors the overall Washing floor, gives production target for example efficiency
daily and ensures on time delivery of orders running in his floor.
• He has to ensure all order follow up and report to management.
• Planning for the production and ensure all activities running as per planning.

• Maintain liaison with buyer and all other relevant department of the company.
Production Manager: 01 Person

• Follow up all production related activities in the plant.

• Prepare total production planning and wash recipe.
• Suitable chemical selection for production.
• Arrange buyer visit at the washing unit.
• Receiving the orders and liaison with sewing unit and merchandising department.
• Ensuring all departments in the washing unit is working smoothly and report to General
• Ensure the safety of people and machineries in the washing plant.

Headcount and Job Description of Dry Process Section:

Assistant Manager: 01 Person

• He is responsible for all dry process work in production area.

• Responsible for production lay out.
• Confirming on time receiving and delivery to wet process
• Ensuring the quality of dry process and maintain liaison with other department.

Senior Executive: 01 Person

• Arrange and follow up the dry process production

• For any issue report to the senior
• Work to achieve the daily target and follow up the supervisor.
• Analyze and convert the manual dry process to laser.


• Allocate the manpower for each process for example laser, brushing and whiskering,
spraying etc.
• Responsible to achieve hourly target.

Operator: 102 Person

Operators are responsible for perform the assigned task and achieve his/her target.

Headcount and Job Description of Wet Process Section:

Assistant Manager: 01 Person

• Confirming the recipe for the production

• He collaborate with R&D and sample section for new recipe
• Also he takes care of fast bulk where all the adjustment applied to make the product
production friendly.
• He is responsible for all wet process work in production area.
• He also prepare the production lay out.
• Confirming on time receiving and delivery to dry process.
• Ensuring the required shade of each batch.
• Ensure the safety of people in the wet process section.

Senior Executive: 01 Person

• Arrange and follow up the wet process production

• Taking care of first bulk and ensure the recipe, shad band, standards are followed out.
• Work to achieve the daily target and follow up the supervisor.
• Analyze all the process and make them production friendly
• Ensuring machines are ok and routine maintenance has been carried out.


• Allocate the manpower for each machine, dryers etc.

• Checking shade and report if any uneven or out of shade found.
• Ensuring all check points are working properly.

Operator: 28 Person

• Input garments as per the batch / lot size.

• Input proper chemical with the right ratio as per recipe.
• Machine loading and unloading.
• Keep the work area clean
• Ensure Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) use properly.

Headcount and Job Description of Quality Section:

Assistant Manager: 01 Person

• Taking care of all quality issue and ensure all parameter has been carried out.
• Checking the garment after receiving and before delivery to sewing unit
• Ensure In line and End Line quality checking
• Taking care of shade issues specially
• Liason with the buyer and relevant department.

Executive: 01 Person

• Ensure all quality check points are following the proper procedure
• Prepare the quality report.
• Set the quality standard as per wash standard.
• Ensure the chemical quality and water pH.
• Process all relevant documents.

Supervisor: 06 Person

• Ensure the quality of received raw garments.

• Follow up Quality checkers and report to superior.
• Keep lock the Q.C failed garments and review with the concern department to rectify or

Quality Checker: 36 Person

• Understanding the quality standard and follow as per.
• Checking the quality at receiving, in-line and end-line at both wet and dry process.

Headcount and Job Description of Washing Lab:

Senior Executive: 01 Person

• Ensure all the required test of the particular buyer is carried out and passed.
• Educate the unit people regarding the chemical proper uses and application.
• Do all inhouse tests and report to the concern person or department.
• Cooperate with third party agenesis for test.
• Ensure chemicals are not hazardous and not banded by the customer.

Executive: 01 Person

• Arranging all sample and required chemicals.

• Liaison with the R&D, Sample and merchandising department.
• Executing all test and prepare report.
• Submit the report to concern department or person.

Headcount and Job Description of Washing Sample Section:

Assistant Manager (Sample): 01 Person

• Receiving sample form the sewing sample section.

• Go for trial wash and confirm the recipe
• Ensure enough stock of chemical at sample section.
• Study and arrange workshop to develop people and work process.
• Arrange workshop for new chemical and process.
• Liaison with R&D team.
• Finalize the recipe with first bulk for production.
• Ensure the on time sample delivery to the finishing department.

Executive: 04 Person

• All executives are responsible for concern buyer.

• According to the test of the buyer and given wash standard they have to wash.
• Prepare the recipe and take approval from Asst. Manager.
• Ensure samples are washing properly and on time delivery.
• Check and finalise the recipe and send for approval to first bulk.
• Inform and advise to the concern department or person if any challenge found.

Supervisor: 04 Person
• Follow instruction from the Executives and follow up all operators are following the
• Arrange receive and delivery to the sewing sample section.
• Help to prepare recipes

Operator Dry Process : 13 Person

• Dry process operators are responsible to perform on assigned process for example
brushing, whiskering, spraying etc.

Operator Wet Process: 10 Person

• Wet process operators are responsible for their assigned machines.
• Follow recipes to input chemicals
• Machine loading and unloading.
• Shade checking during process

General Process Flowchart of Denim Washing:

Garments received

Shade check/maintain

Dry process

Wet process starts

Garments loading in washing machine



Bleaching (If needed)




Shade Check (If not ok then send to wash)

P.P spray








Q.C check


Flow Chart of Washing Production Section:

Garments Receive

Bundle not ok Quantity counting Bundle ok

Hold and check OK Quality Check Not OK

with sewing
department Dry process Input Send back to Sewing

Wet Process (1stWash) OK Quality Check Not OK

Dryer PP Spray Shade Segregation If Any Rejection then Quarantine

Lot making for 2nd wash

Wet Process (2nd



Quality Check Not OK


Send to Finishing

Fig: Flow Chart of Washing Production

Activities of Washing Production Section:

Garments receiving:
Firstly, garments should be received form sewing department. After segregating the shades they
send for measurement checking. It is a very crucial process for washing unit to avoid
misunderstanding and maintaining after wash measurement. After that they send it to dry process
area if required.

Dry process:

Different types of dry process are done in OCL wash plant. Some common dry processes are
described below:

A Laser blasting or engraving system generally contains a system for delivering the beam, the
work bed on which the materials to be processed are placed, fume extraction systems and a
housing which encloses the system.
Laser is an energy source whose intensity and power can be precisely controlled. It is produced
by combination of CO2 +DC current. The laser is applied on the fabric according to the require
intensity. There are three parts in laser m/c- computer part, siler part (chemical section) & laser
part. The work bed may be of honeycomb structure or metal slats or metal rods (also containing
tiny holes).

Fig: Laser Designing

It is a process of removing indigo from denim surface by sand paper rubbing. This process
makes the indigo lighter and make easy for enzyme and PP to work.
Depending on the weight of the fabric different sand papers are being used. Such as No: 1000,
No: 800 etc. As the number goes higher the paper becomes finer.

Hand whickering:
A process of whickering on denim garment is deserved below:

• Manually created rubber board is used for hand whickering

• Specific design is created on rubber board
• Then rubber board is placed inside the garments
• Sand paper taken then rubbing on front side of garment over pattern
• Garment will be fade
• Then washing needed

• Tagging is done on garments for fashion and value added fashion wear.
• Tagging is done by using needle & thread by manually.
• After wash upper portion of garment occurs crease marks & inside of tagging occurs dark

Grinding is done on garment for mainly old/used look appearance & fashion. Grinding is done
on hem, pocket edge, waist belt, pocket opening and pocket flap.

Destroy is a classic trend on denim garments. Destroy is done by manually or laser. For
destroying Grinding machine is used at the washing dry process area.

P.P spray:
P.P spray is done on denim, before wash & sometimes middle off wash i.e.; after enzyme wash,
stone enzyme wash. Done on particular areas on the garments. Select the P.P spray which is
chemically reaction.

For P.P spray on garments need dry air which is supplied from screw compressor and P.P stock
solution tank. P.P sprays on garments need on chamber, different types of dummy and exhaust
fan. After P.P spray need to neutralize the garment by sodium metasulphite, then whiting effect
done on respective areas of garments. P.P spray is metasulphite, then whiting effect done on
respective areas of garments. P.P spray is done by nozzle and has a switch to start and stop.

Wet Processes:

Washing process of Normal / Garment wash:

Normal wash is required for the following reasons:

 To remove dust, dirt, oil, spot, impurities from the garments.

 To remove size materials from the garments.
 To remove starch presents on the garment fabrics.
 For soft feeling to wear the garments after purchasing.

Washing process of normal wash:

The normal washing process for a batch of 70 kg Twill / Canvas garments are described below:

First step:
 Lot size ………………………………………………. 70 kg Garment
 Add water ( L:R )= 1:8-10…………………………… 560-700 litres Machine running
 Add detergent ( 0.5 gm / litre )………………………... 280-350 gm
 Temperature…………………………………………… Cold or 400cto 600c
 Time…………………………………………………... 5 to 10 minutes
 Drop the liquor

 Cold wash

Second wash:
 Add water ( L:R ) = 1:6 ………………………………. 420 litres Washing machine
 Add Flax softener ( 0.6gm / litre ) …………………….. 252 gm
 Add Acetic Acid ( 0.5 gm / litre ) ……………………… 210 gm
 Time …………………………………………………... 5 to 10 minutes
 Drop the liquor

Third step:
Hydro extractor machine
To remove excess water from the garments it is used.
Fourth step: Steam dryer or Gas dryer

 Load on steam dryer ………………………………….. 50 kg

 Temperature …………………………………………... 600c –700c
 Time …………………………………………………... 40 –50 minutes for dry
 Time …………………………………………………... 10 –15 minutes for cold dry


 Load on gas dryer …………………………………….. 50 kg

Running the machine
 Temperature …………………………………………... 70 –85 Celsius
 Time …………………………………………………... 30 –35 minutes for dry
 Time …………………………………………………… 10 –15 minutes for cold dry

Fifth step:
After drying it will go for quality checking and good quality garments will be delivered to
garments factory.
Enzyme wash
Enzyme washing is a laundering process which uses enzymes to clean clothing or to finish
fabric, especially in the case of jeans and other garments with a worn-in look. Various enzymatic
cleaners are available from stores which specialize in laundry supplies, and can also be special
ordered. For regular cleaning, enzymes carry numerous economic and environmental benefits.
On an industrial scale, enzyme washing has replaced laborious laundering techniques such as
stonewashing, saving money and environmental impact for companies.

Bleach wash:
Bleach wash or light stone wash refers to light blue shades of denim. The additional step is
bleaching to stone wash. This bleaching is usually carried out by strong oxidizing agents. In
industry, most widely used chemicals are sodium hypo-chlorite, calcium hypo-chlorite, hydrogen
per oxide and potassium permanganate.

Acid Wash:
This is the oldest of fashion washes in denim after stone wash. The name acid wash is in
reference to the acids used for this wash in old recipes. In new methods it is done with oxidation.
Use of bleach/oxidative is very safe and economical in comparison to acids. Different chemicals
are used and among them potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and sodiumhypochlorite are
mainly used.

Stone/Enzyme Wash:
Stone wash sometime referred as Enzyme wash is most common in denim wearing. Typical in
denim, due to its unique fabric construction gets antique look with time passing. An old jean is
famous for the white and blue texture that appears on warp and weft of garment. In fashion it is
required on fresh articles and enzyme wash is designed to create this effect on garments.

Activities of Washing Sample Section:

Process Flow chart of Sample washing:

Garments received

Checking Measurement

Analysis the wash

Prepare the recipe

Mock/Leg tube trial

Garment Wash (Dry and Wet Process)


Finalize the recipe

Q.C check


Garments receiving:
Sample will be received at wash sample section from sewing sample room. Normally the
merchandiser arranges to send it to wash or sample room coordinate with wash sample room.
The send the sample along with wash standard. For better sampling they can make a trial sample
first and then go for sample quantity.

Checking Measurement:
Normally sample room measure the samples and keep the record with them and share with the
wash sample room if required. In OCL wash sample room also take the measurements to avoid
any unexpected issues.

Analysis the wash:
Wash technician and team analyze the wash and find out the best possible and efficient wash
process. In this stage they also discuss about the chemicals.

Prepare the recipe:

Based on the analysis they prepare recipe for the sample.

Mock/Leg tube trial:

Based on the recipe that they prepared, go for trial on mock/leg tubes. Normally leg tube is
cylindrical form of fabric. The measurement is 18”X7” (approx). Mock can be any part of a
garment such as collar, sleeve, half garments etc.

Garment Wash:
If the wash technician found the mock/leg tubes ok or the direction is ok then he/she started
garment washing.

After each and every process the sample must be checked. If anything found wrong then the
wash technician will rectify the process or recipe. After final wash done wash technician will
review with concern merchandiser/designer.

Finalize the recipe:

Once sample done then wash technician will finalize the recipe and keep proper record. Based on
the wash recipe bulk production will be done. So it is very important to do proper record and

Send to finishing:
After washing again it will be sent to sample section for finishing.

Arranging Workshop:
Washing sample room arrange different workshop on new chemicals new process to keep the
washing unit up to date with newness.

Fig: Washing Recipe

Activities of Washing Lab Section:

The testing of textile product is an expensive business. A laboratory has to be set up and
furnished with a range of test equipment. Testing is needed for all the costs are non productive
and therefore add to the final cost of the product.
OCL has testing lab for test the samples from buyer‘s specification. It‘s maintained by the
washing dept. Testing Lab is situated in the 1stfloor of the factory.

Main steps for textile testing

 Checking raw material Monitoring production
 Assessing the final product
 Investigation of faulty material
 Product development and research

In-house Test Facilities:

Dimensional stability/shrinkage
The dimensional stability of a fabric is a measure of the extent to which it keeps its original
dimensions to its manufacture shrinkage is a problem that hampers the dimensionalstability of a
fabric. Fabric shrinkage can cause problems in two main areas-

• During garment manufacture

• During subsequent laundering by the ultimate customer

At these factory for shrinkage test used per body 10 gm detergents by normal washing. Time
duration for washing buyer 20-40 minute.

Color fastness to dry & wet rubbing

Rubbing fastness is the resistance to fading of dyed textiles when rubbed against a rough surface.
The fastness to crocking or rubbing is widely used on a variety of fabric to evaluate the transfer
of surface dye from the test fabric when it is applied surface friction or rubbed against a rough

Two types of rubbing test are done-

• Dry
• Wet


• Crock master
• Grey scale staining

Color fastness to saliva

This test is used for baby garments. Standard GB/T 18886-2002.

Color fastness to perspiration

The garments specially dress materials which come into contact with the body where
perspiration is heavy (like neck, under arm etc.) may suffer from serious local discoloration.
Two types of perspiration-Acidic (around 6)
 Alkali (around8)
 Perspiration meter is used for this test.

Color fastness to water

This test method is designed to measure the resistance to water of dyed, printed, or otherwise
colored textile yarns and fabrics. Distilled water or deionized water is used in this test method
because natural (tap) water is variable in composition.

pH value is to test the acid and alkali contents remained in apparel fabrics. Apparel fabrics which
can directly contact with the skin have a relatively higher requirement on pH value. pH value
will not make the skin itchy if controlled between weak acid or neutrality.
Fabric suppliers should emphasize the treatment on printing and dyeing process to avoid the
excessive pH value. Export oriented textile and garment companies should focus on the product

quality during the production and strictly control the fabric inspection to ensure the garment
quality to reach the requirement of security, sanitation and environmental protection.

Test to indicate the efficiency of washing operation after various wet treatment either bleaching
or scouring.

Fabric Wight/ GSM:

“GSM” means Gram per square Meter.i.e; weight of 1 square meter fabric in gram. It is a
measurement of fabric weight. It can be controlled by-
• Yarn count (40 Ne, 7 Ne, 20 denier etc)
• Thread density (EPI, PPI, WPI, and CPI)

Note: EPI (End per Inch) ; PPI (Picks per Inch) ;WPI (Wales per Inch); CPI (Course per Inch)

GSM cutters are used to determine accurately the GSM (Grams per square meter) of any type of
fabrics. With outmost precision and care and manufactures a wide assortment of GSM cutters,
using quality raw material. Being easy to operate and proved to provide accurate results.

List of some common chemical used in washing

Chemical Name Chemical Name Chemical Name

Cool BD Sodium Meta Bisulphite Sulphur Black
Texzyme 3000 L Pilever-100 Stone 2/3 (White)
Anticrease-256 Ran fix LF Genesoft-150
Rexzyme USP Fix.Lt Cons. Genesoft-100
Ecozyme-18L Sida Softener Pil soft lC
Lanzene TA super Velvetol-Rst Scour KDSR
Lanzene TA-200 Denires U Tear Syno White 4 BK
Max-R Denires Cube Phosphoric Acid
Ecozyme V Max-8 RanfixRf Potassium Permanganate
Soda Ash Light Formal Free Green Pol Zbs-E powder
Caustic Soda Flakes Toner Yellow Jet powder
Rossacid-N-Liquids Toner Red Veivetol-8
Oba Blue Toner Blue Product NBL-35
Oba Red Salt(Common) Softener AWS
Hydrogen Peroxide Black V.S.F. 600% Genzym SL
Bleach Singion Brown G.T.L La Casse 909
Fig: List of some common chemical

3.5.3 SWOT Analysis of Washing Department:

• Enough space for production and garment handling.
• As this washing department situated under same production building the process cost is
less. So the company can offer a good price to customer
• Receiving and delivery is very fast and smooth.
• High-tech machineries and equipments.

• Lake of knowledge about the proper washing process.
• Unskilled and semi skilled manpower.
• Conventional work procedure makes delay and rejection often.
• Sample rejection is too much and out of control.
• Lab is very poor and equipments are insufficient.

• This company can hair highly skilled man power arranges training for unskilled and semi
skilled worker to seek attention of the customers in future.
• As they have both sewing and washing facilities together it can serve the buyer on time.
• With the collaboration with Marketing and Research and Development team the can help
to create new market and customer range.
• By applying lean manufacturing system productivity can be increased.

• Due to weak washing department they may lose their current customers.
• As denim is their main product, total business may face biggest challenge due to bad
performance of the washing department.
• High manufacturing cost may have bad impact on the total profit margin.
• Some of the biggest company is going to open new washing plant; this washing plant
may face challenge due to strong local competitors.

3.5.4 Future Plan of Washing Department:

• Applying lean manufacturing system to minimize wastage.

• Digitalisation on total working system, from receiving to delivery each and every work
station will be monitored online.
• New updated machine will be installed for sustainable washes.
• Wash recipe will be digitalised
• Applying for lab approval from different buyers.
• Arranging specialized training program to enhance manpower skills.

3.6 Sample Department

Time Period: 16 November 2019 – 30 November 2019 (13 working Days)

Sample Room is the most vital section in garment industry. Because without sampling buyer
doesn‘t place any order. Before conforming the order buyer wants sample, in different steps. A
Garments Manufacturer confirms an order when they get the sample approval from buyer. Any
kinds of design its may very critical or easy at first make in sample room then it‘s going to
production floor for much production. There is a lot parts in one garments, so any kinds of
mistake can happen during pattern making or cutting or sewing period. It is very tough to
overcome the mistake, if it happens in
Garment samples are inevitably important and are developed tested before starting the bulk
production. It means making a sample of the garment or fabric which requires to be sold.
Sampling is one of the main processes in Garment Industry and it has a vital role in attracting
buyers. Because the buyers generally places the order after they are satisfied with the quality of
the samples.

Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. has separate sample section which is located in the 2nd floor in the
factory production building.

After the confirmation of order, each sample sent to the buyer has the following details attached
to it, with the help of a tag. It contains the details, what the buyer has demanded and what
supplement fabric/trim etc. they have used (if applicable).

 Reference Number
 Color
 Fabric
 Composition
 Description
 Quantity

 Style Number / Size
 Store

The Goal of Sample Department is

 Sample submission 100% on time

 Sample rejection is below 1%

Sample work flow chart:

Receiving Requisition

Pattern making

Receiving fabric, trims, accessories


Sending for embroidery/print


Sending for wash

Quality check


Fit check

Hand over to merchandiser

Receiving Requisition:
At OCL Merchandiser create the requisition to the sample room manager. Before that he/she has
to take approval from his senior/supervisor and send it over mail. The concern merchandiser will
provide a print copy of the requisition and take accepting sign from the sample room manager.

Pattern Making:
After receiving the requisition pattern master will make pattern on CAD and take the print out.
Sometimes they make it manually. For denim shrinkage is a big issue so they prepare mock and test
shrinkage in this stage.

Receiving Fabric, Trims and Accessories:

In the mean time merchandiser arrange all materials whatever required for sample stitching and
hand over to sample store. In this stage sample room manager advise sample ready date. If it is
urgent, sample room manager will work on the program and provide as soon as possible.

Sample QC will check the fabric quality, color, GSM, print, grain line etc..Then cutting man will cut
the fabric.

Sending for embroidery/print:

If there is any print or Embroidery in the buyers instruction sheet/Specification sheet/tech pack, they
will send it to the embroidery or print unit or take advise from concern merchandiser.

After cutting and print/embroidery sample room will start sewing the samples.

Sending for wash:

Denim and woven is the main product of OCL. So sample room send all the samples to wash
plant. Before sending to washing they take measurements and keep proper record.

Quality check:
After receiving the sample from wash sample QC will apply steam and take measurements. If it
is acceptable then he/she will pass it for finishing. If not ok then will send back to wash or start
the sampling process again.

After quality check finishing section will attach button and other trims. If required they will pack
in proper way.

Fit check:
After attaching button/ closer QC will test the dummy fit, measurements etc. If everything found
OK then they will hand over to the merchant or buyer.

3.6.1 Oraganogram of Sample Department:


Sr. Executive
(CAD & Sr. Executive


Fig: Organogram of Sample Department

3.6.2 Headcount and Job Description of Sample Department:

Manager: 1 person
 Receive buyer order sheet from merchandiser.
 Follow the instruction of buyer.
 Make a work plan.
 Make understand work planning the Supervisor
 Check sample room machineries before starting the work.
 Time to time maintain everything and cooperate with another stuffs.
 Make sure the skilled operator.
 Make sure the better facility in sample room for sample man.
 He will responsible for failure of sample.
 He will ensure that all sample man are perfectly trained.
 He will install a right management system in sample room.

Sr. Executive (CAD & Pattern): 1 Person

CAD Sr. Executive is responsible for the following functions.

 Determining cutting average for costing

 Making the most efficient cutting marker
 Development is Alteration of patterns
 Development of size set pattern by grading.
 Embroidery graphics making
 Digitizing the pattern

Machine list in CAD section:

Name Of Machine Brand Model Qty

Pattern & Marker Making Software TUKA TC-Pack 2
Smart Mark Net Q TUKa Smart marker Net Q 1
Auto Pattern Cutter Han-Bond 1
Marker Ploter Bullmer DOT-180 1

Senior Executive: 1 Person
• Follow up all cutting, sewing and finishing process.
• Receive fabric, trims and accessories from merchandisers and delivery to cutting and
sewing section.
• Troubles shoot for any sewing issue.
• Report Manager and achieve target daily.

Supervisor (Quality): 1 Person

• Responsible for all sampling quality.
• Checking sewing, print, embroidery quality
• Checking measurement before pass the sample.

Supervisor: 1 Person
Actually the job of sample supervisor is to supervising everything in sample room. He
understands of all work from Sample In charge and gives order to sample man to make sample.
And he always maintains all crises. If any sample man fall in problem, they cooperate with
Sample supervisor at first. He will give the solution.

• Input all materials for cutting, sewing and finishing process.

• Coordinate with Sr. Executive for receiving fabric, trims and accessories from
merchandisers and delivery to cutting and sewing section.
• Keep the sample process smooth.

Operator: 26 Persons

• In OCL sample room operators are responsible for sample making on time. Normally
supervisor assigns one sample-man to complete all the process in a sample.

Types of sample at Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. Sample Department:
• Salesmen samples or promotional samples
• Proto samples or fit samples
• Counter samples or reference samples or approval samples
• Wash test samples
• Photo samples
• Fashion show samples
• Pre-production samples
• Production samples
• Shipment samples

Salesmen samples or promotional samples

The sample is done usually on all size in all color combinations. Buyers record his customer‘s
response on the order quantity as per color and size etc. After that buyer give the order to the

Proto samples
These types of samples are to be made after getting the order sheets from the buyer. These
samples are needed to check the measurements, style and fit. So they can be made in available
similar fabrics; but in the actual measurements and specifications. Based on these samples,
buyers may do some changes in measurements, style and fit.

Counter samples or reference samples or approval samples

These samples are to be made in actual fabrics with actual trims. If the order is for 3 colors,
buyer may need samples in any one color and swatches (fabric bits) in other colors. These
samples should be strictly as per the specifications in the order sheets. So have to get the
approval for these samples from the buyer before starting production.
After getting the approval, the approved samples should be followed in production. Sometimes,
buyer may comment on fabric, measurements, making, etc. Some buyer will mention that the
order sheets subject to the approval of counter samples. So these samples are very important.

Wash test samples
These types of samples are to test the shrinkage, color fastness, measurements, dimension
stability and spiraled of garments after washing. If these samples are sent before starting
production and if get some remarks or comments on these samples, correct them in production.
But some buyers will need to send these samples fromproduction before shipment. In this case,
these samples may be considered as ‗shipment samples‘. If these samples are rejected due to
some complaints, then will not have any excuse.

Photo samples
These types of samples are to be needed according to the buyer requirement. Some buyers use to
sell their garments by creating a catalogue furnishing all details like style, colors, sizes and
important measurements of garments including photos. These buyers need these samples for
taking photographs. If the buyer wants print the photos of garments on photo inlays, packing
box, hang tag, etc. These types of samples usually needed for local advertisement or buyer‘s
promotional occasions.

Fashion show samples

Some chain stores buyers will need these samples. They will need these samples in all colors
covering all sizes. Usually they need 2 or 3 samples in each size in each color. These samples
can be sent from production. The buyers will pay the cost of these samples.

Pre-production samples
These types of samples are almost like approval samples. These types of sample have to be made
in actual production fabric with actual bulk trims. Much of production will be like these samples.

Production samples
These samples are to be sent before shipment to get the buyer‘s confirmation for shipment.
Hence these samples are needed to be perfect in all manners. Buyer may check these samples for
everything or anything. Sometimes, they may do wash test also. When the buyer finally
comments “OK” then only sent to ship the goods and can be sure of getting payment. So these
samples are to be sent with more and more care.

Shipment samples
These samples are to be sent after shipment. These types of samples should be sent in actual
packing with all labels, tags, etc.

Process of sample developing:

1st sample: The processes of 1stsample are given in bellow:

• Receive spec sheet of garments from buyer.
• Make pattern as per measurement.
• Check the pattern which has made.
• If necessary Check shrinkage, twisting, bowing before pattern makingCutting fabric
as per pattern.
• Collect accessories.
• Start sewing.
• M/C specified.
• Check the sample to ensure it, ok.
• Actual size required.
• Actual fabric construction.
• Send it to buyer for approval.

Development sample:
After approving of 1st sample, the work of development sample is start. The process of
Development sample is given in bellow.

• Make pattern as per measurement, if buyer change the measurement to observe the
counter sample.
• Actual size required
• Check the pattern which has made.
• Collect actual color fabric. G.S.M should be ok.
• Cutting fabric as per pattern.
• Collect actual accessories.

• Start sewing.
• M/C specified.
• Check the sample to ensure it, ok
• Send it to buyer for approval

Counter sample: As per buyer demand this sample should make.

Color way: Make sample of each color wanted by buyer. For this actual G.S.M, size, and
accessories required.

Size set sample: Make sample per size. If buyer mentioned the quantity of sample of each size,
make as per buyer demand. If not mentioned make 1 piece per size.

Pre production sample: Before production which sample send to buyer for approval that is
called Pre production sample. Pre production sample is the most vital sample for much
production. Without approve Pre production sample much production can‘t happen. For this
actual G.S.M, measurement, fabric color and accessories required. After approve this sample
much production will run.

3.6.3 SWOT Analysis of Sample Department:

• OCL sample room’s individual performance is satisfactory.
• They can fulfil daily target.
• Manager of this department is highly skilled and experience.
• Equipped with modern machineries.
• Good communication with production department.
• They understand the buyer’s parameter and follow comments.

• Technically this sample room is not suitable for denim sampling but OCL’s main product
is denim
• They have very good skill for basic items, for fancy item they are very weak.
• Quality section of this department is very weak to pass sample in 1 st short.
• Sampling process is slow and they need long lead-time.

• This sample room is well equipped with latest machineries. Proper utilization can
improve this sample room’s performance.
• The washing unit is situated at the same premises, so they can minimize the total sample
• Scope to work on more improvement, Top management always appreciate on improving

• Due to sample failure they may lose current buyers.
• Denim customer will not be interested to work with is sample room in future.
• Worker migration rate is high; it can be obstacles for continuous improvement.

3.6.4 Future plan for Sample Department:

• Separated store required for sample department. Management is allocating space.

• Need to make team for particular buyers to understand the parameters and test.
• Applying Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to make manpower efficient
• Eliminating unnecessary work process by Lean Manufacturing process.
• In sewing training center there should be one corner for sample room operator where they
can be trained up on different operation.

4. Analysis and Evaluation

In my 3(Three) months long Internship, I have studied on six areas which are 1. Human
Recourse Management, 2. Production Management, 3. Research and Development, 4 Marketing
& Merchandising, 5. Washing and 6. Sampling. of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd. along with SWOT
analysis for each area. After SWOT analysis of six important areas, I have figured out below
mentioned Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

Strengths of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

• High quality products with reasonable cost

• Highly sophisticated machines with skilled operators
• As a prime garment manufacturing company, it has a large number of qualified and
experienced professionals
• Structural set-up (USGBC LEED platinum proposed factory), 100% Fire Safety
complied, and business location is strategic
• 100% Social and Environmental Compliant factory
• The strong relationship between the all departments to top level management

Weaknesses of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

• Normally in OCL mid and low-level personnel are not getting sufficient training for their
• OCL asset position is not satisfactory and its strength and opportunity to sustain is
challenging to the market.
• Over dependence on imported (china Fabric) raw material.
• Operations management is not strong enough.
• Wastage in production increased the production cost.
• Worker migration rate is at high level and skilled workers are not available in the factory
• Commercial and Accounts departments are so weak to advise top management regarding
future challenges.
• There is improper adjustment between man and machine.

Opportunities of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

• More orders and buyers will be come in future due to having USGBC LEED Platinum
factory, 100% compliance, world class machineries, skilled manpower and high-quality
• By applying Lean Manufacturing system they can minimize the production cost.
• As they have verity in product line they can align with any apparel product easily and
serve the customer.
• Green washing project will be the point of attraction for denim buyers.
• Research and Development budget is well enough to develop the company.
• Top management has a very good connection with different buyers and suppliers that can
help to expand business.

Threats of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

• Future / potential competition from home and abroad may make obstacle for expanding
business. Established companies are coming with new project.
• Rapid raising salary of workers may impact negatively on production cost.
• Operations Management is not computerized yet, it can hamper the company for long
• Market and Financial Know-How is not sophisticated. Top management is not aware of
any upcoming financial crisis.
• The present financial condition is not strong enough to compete in the market.
• Employee and worker turnover rate is higher; it will make a bad image in the job market.
• The company fails to gain desired target due to mismanagement and setting unachievable
goals. This may hamper continuous growth of the company.
• Inconsistent profit margin hinders the overall organizational progress.
• Location of the factory is too far from the main road. Near future transportation cost will
be higher then now.

4.1. Five Years Improvement Plan in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.:

It is very difficult to give any recommendation about the operation of Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.,
because I am not an efficient appraiser. However, so far, I understand, according to my
experience and earned knowledge from EDP of BUTEX, I would like to provide a 5 years plan
to improve current problems and upcoming obstacles in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd.

• Creation of innovative products to fulfil ever growing demands, R& D facility should be
developed to attract more buyers.
• Local Fabric mill should be sourced and convince buyer for approval, overall a strong
supply chain should be developed to maintain short lead-time.
• Have to increase their washing capacity and capabilities for smooth production flow.
• Decrease product cost through economy of scale.
• Full computerization (ERP Software) of company’s activities should be implemented
which will help to take management decision swiftly, proper budgeting, proper inventory,
controlling of production wastes etc.
• Company has to plan product diversification to produce high quality products that have a
good demand in international market.
• Clear and measurable team and individual’s goals should be settled down.
• All departments should be well informed regarding their goal and objectives. It is
essential to execute company objective into individual target.
• Employees should be properly trained-up in order to cope up with changing technologies.
• Technological Know-How should be learnt in a continuous basis.
• Job Description should be made and provided to all level of employees.
• The company should introduce Provident Fund to all employees to minimize employee
.turnover rate.
• Existing management practices should be modernized.
• Lab Facilities should be increased.

5. Conclusion:

Though I have been working in Odyssey Craft (Pvt.) Ltd for the last 1.5 years and as a
Executive in Research and Development department, I have known to my company in a new
light through my 3(Three) months long Internship program which was a part of Postgraduate
Diploma in Textile Management at Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) which is a 9-
month long International Standard Real life professional Managerial Program aiming to produce
future leader and entrepreneurs for textile and garments industries of Bangladesh with the
financial support of Asian Development Bank (ADB), under the Skills for Employment

Investment Program (SEIP), Finance Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s

Republic of Bangladesh [4].

Odyssey Craft (Pvt) Ltd. is a well organized and world class Garments Manufacturing company
in Bangladesh though it has some areas of improvement. I feel proud to become a part of this
company. The MD & Chairman of Odyssey Craft (Pvt) Ltd. is very much positive to remove all
shortcomings which have been mentioned in this report. This company will get more orders and
more nominations from new buyers in future due to having USGBC LEED Platinum, 100%
compliance, world class machineries, skilled manpower and high-quality products. Hoping it
will have a prosperous future forward.

6. Appendices

6.1 Attendance Record:

Fig: Attendance Record

Fig: Attendance Record

Fig: Attendance Record

6.2 References:



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