Characters in Oregent

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Lumber Consortium – From Guide to Darkmoon Vale

No one man controls the consortium. A board of directors, all of whom share a controlling interest in the
endeavour, oversees the operations of the collective, forming long-term and large-scale strategies and leaving the
day-to-day operations to on-site foremen (known as gavels). The powerful and unscrupulous men who sit on the
board of directors include lumber barons and timber magnates, all of whom made their fortunes on the backs of
lumberjacks and at the expense of the forests. Never a group possessing high moral standards, members of the
board have become increasingly sadistic and cruel as their power has eroded. Whispers tie a few of the directors
to the mysteriously sinister Aspis Consortium.

Two Gavels – down from the heyday of the consortium’s power (when Andoran was a province of Cheliax), when
over a dozen such men existed – they maintain absolute control over the last of the consortium’s holdings.
In Darkmoon Vale, the gavel is Thuldrin Kreed.
In Oregent, the gavel is Cedrog Deadknuckle (Source Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom, p. 19)

Lumber Constortium – Oregent Directors Board:

Marson Trave To all appearances charming and avuncular, Trave is a respected

presence on the Lumber Consortium Board. He negotiates with the People’s Council
on behalf of the Lumber Consortium and understands the need to present a cleaner
‘front’ for the company as it moves forward. He worked in his younger days as a
surveyor, finding new sources of Darkwoods and it was work in Falcon’s Hollow
which led to the current logging and the growth of the town there.

Garland Rakesclaw – ‘Harsh but fair’ are words used to describe Garland Rakesclaw, and he would
not be displeased with the epithet, not being one to suffer fools gladly. Garland
was born into a wealthy Cheliaxian family and quickly discovered that the arbitrary
rulings of the Queen of his country and the restrictive social order were stifling to
him. Apprenticing himself to a caravaneer, Garland used this as a pretext to
escape from Cheliax and begin anew in Andoran. Although indifferent to Andoran
philosophy and guiding principles, Garland’s head for business and reputation for
always fulfilling a contract soon led to the establishment of the Copper Road
Transport Business. After making a fortune at the relatively early age of 32, Garland then went on to
turn his attention to the import and export trade, before finally coming to the attention of the Lumber
Consortium. Working as both accountant and business generator, his success quickly ensured a place on
the Board of Directors.

Miastrano Festulian – Despite his father working as a Gavel for the Timber Consortium during their
heyday, Miastrano had a somewhat difficult upbringing due to his maternal ancestry.
Rijar Festulian was an entertainer from Katapesh, who met Galt Festulian one night in
a tavern as she was performing. Realising he was a man of wealth and influence, she
allowed him to court her and their marriage resulted in the birth of Miastrano.
Miastrano grew up around the Lumber Camps, and learned early to use his
considerable weight and muscle to silence those who criticised his ‘mixed heritage’.
Though his parents’ wealth cushioned him from much of the life of a logger, he saw enough poverty to
know that he would never tolerate being a part of it. Motivated purely by profit, Miastrano is now a
member of the Director’s Board of the Lumber Consortium.

Bocha Wade – Granddaughter to Barenddo Novotnian, one of the

original founders of the Lumber Consortium, Bocha nevertheless
still prefers to use her mother’s maiden name of ‘Wade’. She does not want to be seen to be favoured
by her family name, and is a firm believer of working for what you earn. A lawyer by trade, Bocha has
become indispensable to the Lumber Consortium in their constant battle of wits against the People’s
Council. She often accompanies Marson Trabe to business meetings, and is adept at arguing a point.

Chozan Korpuls With international trade links and a career as a ship’s captain behind him, Chozan has
settled in Oregent and was instrumental in securing various export contracts. It is this, coupled with his
enormous wealth and influence, that has earned him a seat on the Director’s Board of the Lumber

Characters in Oregent
Mayor: Theroux Muraine – M, hum, Arist 7 CR5, p253 NPC Codex)
Corrupt demagogue – tries to get support using false arguments and promises
based on emotion rather than reason. Makes use of popular prejudices.
Commonly known as Teddy Muraine, he has successfully hidden his aristocratic
roots, and is happy to be regarded as ‘one of the people’ when addressing large
audiences. Ruthlessly ambitious, can be very charming and persuasive.

Magistrate: Elsbet Regere LG, F, Human, Paladin of Iomedae

The position of Councillor of Oregent was awarded to the
former Lumber consortium gavel, Droagen Spites under suspicious circumstances. In
response, the People’s Council appointed Golden Eagle Commander Elsbet Regere as
the city’s magistrate in an attempt to curb the power of the Lumber Consortium.

Councillor: Droagan Spites Ne, M, Hum, Brawler

Droagan Spites, a former gavel for the Lumber Consortium, was voted Councillor at the town’s last
election, although the disappearance of two rival candidates and the rumours of electoral rigging are
still discussed by some members of Oregent’s populace. Supported by Throux Muraine – rumoured to
have been slipped a heavy back-hander to do so – Droagan coasted to a landslide victory. His
appointment has not been popular with the People’s Counsel.

Lumber Consortium Gavel: Cedrog Dreadknuckle – M, hum brawler,

Well built, with a bald head and thick black beard, his years of logging have left his
muscled forearms badly scarred, perhaps why he is often seen wearing copper
bracers. A scar runs down his face through the left eyebrow and down his cheek.
Cedrog is a joyless individual, who can seem cold. He keeps order in the
lumberyards of Oregent with the aid of a group of well-paid burly thugs, known
colloquially as the ‘toothknockers’ and the support of ‘Bruiser’ Tor.

Watch Commander: Captain Pras Windstill LG, M, Human fighter 4

Head of a small group of permanent Golden Legionnaires, Pras Windstill
reports directly to the magistrate, Elsbet Regere, and is responsible for keeping
the peace in the city. The jurisdiction does not extend into the Lumber yards, a
restriction which frustrates Pras, who is trying to perform a difficult task in
even more difficult circumstances, given the hostilities between the People’s Council and the Lumber

Master Archaeologist: Gristin Downdelver CG, M, Gnome, rogue 5

Gristin Downdelver runs the Atticus Emporium in the Trade Quarter of Oregent. An
enthusiastic archaeologist, he has travelled the breadth of Andoran in search of
information and relics of times past. Now partially settled in Oregent, with his flourishing
business, Gristin is always on the lookout for new items and information pertaining to his

Lumber Consortium Enforcer: ‘Bruiser’ Tor – LE, M, Half-Ogre

Tor, a half-ogre, dislikes and mistrusts humans. Growing up in the backwoods, he
has been on more than his fair share of prejudice throughout his life, and he knows
that only the toughest survive. After using his muscular physique to earn a living in
the logging camps, he has finally managed to find himself a more permanent
position as an enforcer for the Lumber Consortium in Oregent, thanks mainly to a
chance meeting with Cedrog Dreadknuckle, a man who saw his potential for the
role. Consequently, Tor affords Cedrog an amount of respect.

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