Dear Friends, Stakeholders, and Partners, The Wait Is Over! We Are Pleased To Present Our Slay Stigma Documentary

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Dear friends, stakeholders, and partners,

The wait is over! We are pleased to present our Slay Stigma documentary:
For those who don't know, the CCGSD had the wonderful opportunity to organize a
national HIV anti-stigma campaign this Summer! The campaign consisted of visits
to 24 cities across Canada to participate in Pride festivals and culminated in a one-
month drag tour stopping at each of those 24 cities again.

Headlining the tour was Trinity K Bonet', a world-famous drag performer who is
living with HIV and shared her story while on tour. Each drag show also featured
local drag performers, over 120 in total.

A documentary telling the story of this campaign is almost here, and the CCGSD is
proud to announce its upcoming release. You can watch the trailer here or visit the
Pozitivity website for more information on the campaign.

Stay tuned for the release of the documentary on April 17th!


The CCGSD is also happy to announce that we have new programming coming very soon!

Starting this Friday, the CCGSD will begin! Come have coffee on April 10th
with CCGSD staff and guests, hosted by our Education Coordinator Eliot. The livestream will be
a chance for the CCGSD to chat with our lovely communities and get to know each other better.

Following this, we will be streaming every Friday for the rest of the month. Find our stream and
keep up to date with our schedule on Instagram.
While our usual programming schedule is suspended, we are now offering online workshops! If
you are interested in booking a closed digital workshops for teachers, students, or other service
providers, please email to book your workshop today!

The CCGSD would also like to share a message from Gowling WLG.

It's once again time to think pink! Wednesday, April 8 marks the International Day of
Pink - and Gowling WLG will be encouraging our people around the world
to wear pink and come together to support our LGBT+ colleagues, family, and

Given our remote working situation, we're looking to engage everyone around the
world in a few virtual Day of Pink activities. These activities are outlined below.

Webinar with Dr. Kristopher Wells

On April 8, join us for a webinar with Dr. Kristopher Wells - one of the world's
foremost scholars on sexual and gender minority youth, education, health, sport and
culture. He's currently serving as a Canada Research Chair for the Public
Understanding of Sexual & Gender Minority Youth at MacEwan University.

Dr. Wells is one of the driving forces behind the creation of many ground-breaking
initiatives, including PrideTape and, which has been featured
in publications such as the Economist, the Atlantic, the Independent, and the

We are organizing a Zoom conference with Dr. Wells for April 8 at 1 p.m. ET/11 a.m.
MT/10 a.m. PT, and will record it for those who are not able to watch live. A
calendar invite will follow. Click here to access the webinar.

Show us your best pink on Workplace

In lieu of wearing pink to the office, this year we're inviting you to wear pink at home
and post your photos on Workplace! This is a great opportunity to engage with your
colleagues for a good cause, so remember: pink, photo, post!

For every person who shares a photo of themselves (or their families and pets)
wearing pink, the firm will donate $2 to the LGBT Youth Line - a free Ontario-wide
peer-support line for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited,
queer, and questioning young people. The more photos we see on Workplace, the
more money we'll raise - so let's see as many pink posts as possible!

As for our international colleagues in the UK, France, Germany, Dubai and China,
for every person who does the same, the firm will donate £1 to the Albert Kennedy
Trust. The Trust supports LGBT+ young people aged 16-25 in the UK who are
facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment.

Here's what to do on April 8:

1. Wear pink (it could be a shirt, a tie, a scarf, socks, jewellery - get as
creative as you wish!).
2. Share your photos on Workplace in our global D&I group. (Note: by
posting your photos on Workplace, you agree to allow us to share them on the
firm's external social media channels listed below).
3. Get social and show the world how Gowling WLG is getting involved! Re-
share the firm's #DayofPink photos on your social media
channels [Facebook | Instagram | Twitter]. We also encourage you to post a photo
of your Day of Pink attire on your own accounts and tag the firm.

Why pink?

The International Day of Pink has one purpose - to create a more inclusive and
diverse world. The organization achieves this by encouraging young people to
challenge social norms, ask more of their educators, and stand up against bullying
toward LGBT+ peers.

The movement began in 2007, when a gay Nova Scotia teen wore a pink shirt to
school. After seeing him bullied, two older students stood up for him by wearing pink
shirts and inspiring everyone at school to do the same.

In the years since, the Day of Pink has become a global celebration of diversity,
uniting schools, workplaces, communities and governments in the fight against
homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and bullying.

But there is still much to do. Gowling WLG is committed to ensuring that everyone
can thrive and achieve their potential regardless of their sexual orientation or gender
Let's make 2020 our pinkest year yet by sparking conversations, inspiring
acceptance, and wearing pink on April 8!
If you have any questions regarding our Day of Pink activities, please
contact myself or your local D&I committee.


All of us here at the CCGSD

Please consider supporting our work by becoming a monthly donor or making a

special donation!

Other important updates

COVID-19 and the

2SLGBTQIA+ Community

Egale has published a

report on the impact of
COVID-19 on the
2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Read more here.

Help support

Your donation will promote

gender and sexual diversity
across Canada.

Visit Canada Helps

to donate.

Read about us

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