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SAMPLE TEST (B2) READING Part 1 ‘You are going to ead s magtsne anila about a young mother whose house was burgled. (2 points fr each question. For questions 47, choose he correct anewer A, 8. 6 lan Tylar was weary star a long, hard day at he pttary factory hate she works But 26 she ‘approached her home in the English cy of Stoke-on-Trent. her heart lightened: soon she would be having 2 nice cup at tea. puting her feet up and watching Friends. he tavourte TV ‘eres. But St, she needed to change ot of Mer work comes and plek up her wvee-year-ad son rom nis granamomer'snouse nearby. ‘As Lisa walked up her gatden pain, she notced a ight Rashing on and of in an upstairs Bearoom. A shiver went down her Beck. What It was a bugle? Gul, she crept round to te back ofthe house 1 fee If here wae any sign of a breakin. Swe encugh, @ window was open and someone's coat wes hanging on tho gat Wall, 26-year-old Lies didn't fancy coming foe o face with a burglar, 20 she ran toa naighbours house and tang th polica, But a cha tat waling fr tha polica to arrive, Lia's elon Qot th betar of har land she decided to go back and see what was going on. That's when she saw 2 leg coming out ofthe ownstats ont window. twas a man climbing out Lisa gasped in shock The burglar was earning het ‘A Ns pole. Lien saw red. She dian have many possessions and she'd saved long and hard to buy ‘mat set, Besides, nobody was gong to stop ner watening Frenas. “On, no you dont, she mutlered under ner area, as te fury swelled inside ner. WaEtout even Stopping {o min, she fre across te garden and started shouting at he Burg. “Give me my TV ~ erop K now! anoning her, the man Ned across the garden. So Lta thew herself t him and successhuly rugby tackled him te the ground. The burglar struggled to escape, but Lisa hung on Ike the best Kind of guard 1409 despe being punched and ticked. Aa she looked up. she realised tat she recognised the Buglars face. She was 40 supiced that she lost her grip and burglar got away, leaving the TV behind inthe arden ‘By theme the police and her tater ave, Lisa was in ears. ean Bellove you were so foolish Lisa ‘001000 ner tatner. "You could nave Deen kites "know, but at east he dant get my TV she reps. ater caught and jled for 18 month afer admiting Duglry and assault. nm May lat year, Lisa was ‘aiven @ Certiicale of Appreciation by Staffordahee Police, for her ‘outstanding courage and pubte ‘cto But in the future she Intends to leave household secutty 0 a new member of her famly. Chan, ihe areal guard dog How was Lisa faoling as she walked home from work? A twos 8 anxious lek up’ mean in ine S 7 A conact B visit © collect D check What fest led Lisa to think there was a burglar in her house? A Sometning nad bean broken. B Something nad been lett outs Something was in the wrong place. D_ Sometning was moving insise Why didn't Lisa waitin her neighbor's until the police arrived? ‘A She was worried about losing her B She wanted to know what was happening. © She noticed something trom her neighbor's window. D She realised that the burglar was leaving. What does ‘Lisa sawred’ (ine 16) mean? A She got impatient B She fet trightened, © She got angry D she tat brave levision. wnat happened when Lisa shouted at the burglar? A He ties to explain why ne was the Part 2 Youare going to read a magazine article Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (8-14). “There is one extra sentence which you do not nced to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). (2 points far each question) MAKING MIRRORS Jane ‘Thomas, together with her husband Clive, returned to Britain after nearly 30 {years of living abcoad with wonderful memories (On) Determined to use them rather than just keep them ia a box or throw them out, Jane made ‘shell misror for her bathroom. ‘This was very much admired by friends and neighbours ‘who came to wisit her. (8 sew) ‘That was two years ago. Jane now runs her own small mirror-making business. She buys shells from all over the world through a wholesale company and has converted a spare ‘A local carpenter makes frames for ber slazicr then fits the glass inside. Jane does ‘everything else herself: the design, the initial painting of the frame and then the final making up. (10 a...) Clive is a banker and was able to advise Jane on deciding how much money should be invested when she decided to set up the business. Around £ 3000 was spent on shells, lone. (214... ) Jane's main problem was knowing how to market her work more widely. Local shops could only sell a small number because once they had added their profit ‘margin. the mirrors became rather expensive. However, Jane has now made contact with another company that makes and sells mirrors of a different type. (12...) At such ‘events, the right sort of people get to see the misrors and can order them directly ‘Wenturing into other areas, Jane plans to approach restaurants and hotels directly as she thinks her mirrors might be attractive to them. She has also taken a website on the Internet. (13...) It means Jane doesn't have the expense of travelling around with her range of mirrors in the back ofthe car. Jane reckons it will take another year before her business starts to make money. (14. ‘She would like to employ someone to help her with the administration and preparation of the frames, for example, which would allow her to devote more time to the artistic side. “Together they san affondto ake stands at specialist exhibitions and craft fis. ‘This represen about one week's work and each misror brings in anything between £100 and £ 400 for the business ‘As Jane discovered, i's a good idea to find a company willing to sell goods on your behalf [Before long, she was being asked to make mirrors for other people. ‘Butitdide’t end thee, Jane also dt thnk about equipment such asthe heavy-duty ‘boxes needed to send the mirorssbruad. ‘She works there surounded by shells of every shape and colour and the other materials ‘needed to make the mstrors ‘Once this happens, she fels she willbe able to concentrate on the side ofthe business she enjoys. “Thisis «very economical way of selling. ‘She also brought ack a huge collection of sea shells collected from beaches around the Indian Ocean 3 FAFES! You are going to read am article about student accommodation in which four college students tall about the place they live, For questions. 18-26, choose fram the people (AD). The people may be chosen more than once. ‘There isan example at the beginning (0). ( point far eacls question) Which student says? My accommodation seems quite expensive. a have plenty of storage space, = My college doesn't provide accommodation, 7 ‘My om is maimed to aig standard. 7 ‘have washing facilities in my room. 7 | would like to have more independence. w {had o bay seme entra clerical equipment. a 1 would like to have more private space en It’s easy to keep in touch with people here. 2 My too is wot very well-farinbed a ‘This is the ony place where ean afford tive a save money by ding my own cooking. 35 ‘Ther are good recreaiooa facie meaty. Ey HUE ae Hl Hi Ha lial winle HE piitl a TUE z in i [ i HEME ‘nn l i F i t ¢ B i i i | | don't like, But the fact that Mm stack at my parents” ‘house s0 I don't fee! i touch with what's going on at campus. In some ways I'm lucky because I'm mot pacer eee [people have to find. and I have someone to do my ‘Washing. but I don't have the same amount of {freedom or pevacy 2s the people who're living away fram home: Leven have to share = room with my younger brother. When I told my parents I wanted t0 move out and go into college accommodation. they ‘Said they'd stop supporting me financially. So, theend. Thad to give up the idea that hasn't made ‘any of us very appy. USE OF ENGLISH Part 1 Questions 1-10 ‘Read the text below and decide which answer A,B, C. ‘There is an example given atthe beginning (0). The Price of Fame ‘Charlotte Church leks like a (0) . teenager, Bur she ig far from average. she has an amazing voice. Har fans atand in a. ~ for hours to get tickets for her concerts and she is often on television, charlotte’s singing (2) began when she performed on a TV show at the age of 11, The head of a record company was so impressed by her voice that he(3) seeseers her up on the spot, Her first album rose te number one in the charts. Charlotte still attends school in her home town when she can. “4 + + she 1a often away on tour for weeks at a time. she doesn’t miss Out on lessons, though, because she takes her ovn tutor with her! she (5) - three hours every morning with him. Wer exam results dn all ~ she studies are impressive. But how does she (7). ~ with ehis unusual way of Life? she (8) that she has the same friends as before. That may be true, DUE she can no longer go into town with them because everybody stops her in the street to ask for her (9) Ie seems that, like most stars, she must Learn to (20) these restrictiona and the lack of privacy. It's the price of fame! OA normal Tamar Contioary Daal 1A tows B queues © vans D files 2.A profession — |B job © labour D career 3. A signed wrote © made D picked 4A. Although B white © For D However S.A. takes 1B utlses © spends D wes 6A ites B materials © subjects D lessons 7A cope B adjust © bear D olerate KA. denies B refuses C insists D complains 9. A. signature 1B autograph © sign D writing 10. A ook downon |B make do with puupwin | D rumoutor For questions 11-20, ead the text below and think ofthe word whict best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginaing (0). (CL point for each question). How to find absolutely everything You've searched (0) all. over the house but you still can't find your keys and you're late. (14) this sounds familiar, follow this advice to make sure it never happens again. Stop and think about where to start looking. Don't start searching (92) ‘any idea of where the lost item could (43)... - “Lost items are often in the place they should be. Have @ look in the place where supposed to be first. Someone might (14) ....... put it away for you. Relax and take another look. When you're in (15) .... agitated state of mind, its quite possible to see the item you've lost but (16) ..... notice it. Take @ deep breath and look property. Look under everything. The itam you're looking for could be hidden trom view = may be under a newspaper (17) ............ it may have fallen off the table. Check carefully in, uncer, on and beside the place where the abject is usually kept. Retrace your steps. Take a few moments (18) think about when and ‘where you last had the item. Go back to that place and search it thoroughly. ‘Ask for a litte help. Check that (19) . else haso’t taken it, You'l (20) ........ yourself valuable time and lots of effort searching when something isn’t really lost, but has been “borrowed” 24. ar. ning to the first sentence. using the word given. Do not change the word Given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Heres an example (0). (1 point for each question). Example: It was the most relaxing holiday I ever had. Thave never (@) —thactauch a-relaxing” hotcay. find Robert's put Hind it hard. Robert's taste in music. Learning Hate of WOtdS I nee ‘Christine complained formally when her course of study was cancelled. made ‘Christine .. __---~- when her course of study was cancelled. “Lind all the advertisements on TV really irritating,” said John. “All the advertisements on TV really eo J said Sonn Mark regretted seling his old motorbike. co co on his Old motorbike. “It you take my advice, Paul,’ said Lynda, you should buy a personal computer.’ advised LYM nnn _-- @ personal computer. Pauline hadn't expected to see so many people at the concert, ‘surprise Gol popularity The .--- 10 $08 many people at the concert. Part 4 © Word Formation tions 34 = ‘the toxt Below. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the is an example at the beginning (0) tion). yme line. The (1 point for each q ‘A MEMO FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR Ihave to bring a matter to your (0) _attention... ATTEND Unfortunately we have teceived a lot of (31) eons COMPLAIN from customers about late (32) - of parcels. DELIVER. Ihave come tothe (33)... {that the new system CONCLUDE we introduced last month is a complete (34) FAIL This seems to be due toa (35)... of factors, COMBINE EMPLOY REPRESENT not the workers but the (38)... MANAGE What is clear is that we have to improve (38) ‘COMMUNICATE within the company. Nowadays there's a lot of (40) COMPETE In the messenger service industry and we can't afford to be less than the best.

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