Stand Out, P. 24, 25 PDF

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LESSON 6 Time management GOAL Mildentify’and apply time-management skills, A. Read the list of time-management strategies. Check (¥/) the box next to each strategy you follow. Then, check whether that strategy is a good or bad one. moo er Et (| Prioritize your tasks o o | Plan far in advance oO oO [| Leave things until the last minute oa o (| Forget appointments a oO _| Ask people for help a o _ | Do two things at once oO o (| Get burned out a o (3 | Makea list of your tasks o | a B. Complete each sentence with words from the box. accomplish achievements llocate simultaneously ——_ sacrifices. ‘importance prioritize _ realistic deadlines strategies 1. Time-management __ can help you ______________ your goals. 2. When keeping a schedule, you need to__time slots to each task. 3. Sometimes you need to make___in order to get everything done. 4, Be__________ about how much time it takes to complete each task. 5. Ifyou have a lot of things to get done in one day, _____ them in order of 6. It will help if you can do two things. 7. Itis important to set___so that things get done on time. 8. Having a positive attitude about time management will help you appreciate your, 24 unitt c Study the chart. Expressions for Suggestions, Advice, and Necessity ea eur} could You could plan far in advance. "| suggestion should They should wake up earlier in the morning. advice | shouldn't They shouldn't stay up too late. have to He has to keep a schedule. necessity nothaveto _| He doesn’t have to worry so much. need to Ineed to remember what is important in life. necessity notneedto __| Idon'tneed to sacrifice myhealth. : + Could and should are modals. Always use a base verb after a modal. | + Have to and need to are expressions that are like modals in meaning, Add -s to these expressions in the third-person singular. Unscramble the words to write sentences with modals. - Needs to / a list of tasks / Juan / make Juan needs to make alist of tasks. do / two tasks / should / simultaneously / he plan /1/in advance / have to —_ to the last minute /1//leave things /shouldn't __ . you / your best / do / need to have / could / you / more patience sacrifice / shouldn't / we / time with friends get burned out / don't have to / we we / everything / accomplish /don'tneed to _ PR2NAnawne ‘Answer each question using the word in parentheses. 1, Should | get a new job? (yes) Yes, you should get a new job. 2. Does she need to save money? (no) a 3. Could you buy a used car? (yes) 4. Shouldn't he get more training? (yes) a 5. Do | have to take more courses? (no) 6. Should we move closer to work? (yes) 7. Don't you have to leave your job? (no) 8. Should she ask someone for help? (yes) 9. Doesn't he need to manage his time? (yes) Lesson5 25

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