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a istettfl9
p racttCe
DSIC tation
Gefla Benflett


• / 1
• With an Introduction by
Mario Rinvotucri -








Listening Practice through Dictation 2
cella Ih. nn i itt

¿oo:•' (_oinpas 1'tiI,IiçItn<

:¼11 righrs rescrvcd. No o rbi: uI'I:çtt ir.: r:i.rv 1; rilrvr- t. ':r - t&: 1:1
a rctritval s'src¡ti nr transniizrcd ¡pi ti:' Iir:rr:, ir r..rIIV r::çalIs.
nccbanicaI. phorcrcopviuig. recordint, o: •:I: iv st, v;r1:,urr i: t r :.cuur's:.;p
in Writiflg froin tlic nutl<Ii r r.

Anpnsirions Editor: (.ascv Mala,cl.çí

Nfiniging Ed ¡ <ir: Vi nod 'nc Murugcsa
Pfoducrion FA 1 it r: . 1 : Shaw 1 itisk ¡
c:oer/ Inicritir L )esign: Ijaniniora ¡pu:.

• ¡he aililior w o LI likc to ackp iowIcd'c lic bllo, V rs 1,11

cosis ril,o ti nr; nl acr iah so ibis linok:

Kclli 1)00 ¡i:a n Barbara G,cr, Btu' King. Sosa n 1.,l.

I)onni Mad{ac, N.inck McK,ni,o,i, Gaylene Pcnr>osr
Nashan l'crriçonr. .M ¡Le Sonia. Ad am \\rrçCszc

Elija¡]: sníc(comnp.isspmihtori.
ti t CjE)! WWW. C0J Pipa spo h. om

ISBN: 97S1-59966I05 6

10 9 8 7 6 5
lO 09 05

Nature and the Environment Antarctica 8
A Hiking Trip 11
Save the Turttes 14
Hiking in Iran 17
Jane GoodaU. 20

Science and Technotogy flying Gars 23

The Perfect Gift 26
Acupuncture 29
Mbert Einstein 32
The TeI.escope 35

Art and CuLture The Mona Lisa 38

BangYi 41
Friendship Day 41,
An Outdoor Exhibit 47
Peopte Are Different! 50

Leisure and Entertainment Karaoke 53

Watching TV 56
Have Sorne Fun! 59
Tickets to the í3ame 62
Wonder Wornan 65

School and FamiLy 21. BI.00d Types 68
The Car Ride 71
The Repon 74
Horne Schoots 77
Big I3rother 80

1 Peopte and Work 26. The New Boss 83

1 The Principal 86
8111 Cates 89
Mark Twain 92
A Soccer Star 95

Sports and Heatth 31. Keepincj Fil. 98

StopYawning! 101
The Gym 104
A HeaLthy Lifestyle 107
ABaanced Mear 110

Travet and Transport 36. Across Canada 113

A Trip to Europe 116
New Mexíco 119
A Good Way to Travel. 122
A Train Annouricement 175

Mario Rinvotucri, Pitgrims, UK

1 am honored ro wrire some mtroducrorv reniarks ro rius series of hooks arid am con fickut thai
1 have never i,dore seen a major publication wirh rhe use oí dictarion ar its lica rr.
'hv is ctassicai dictation sudi an cffectivc reaching and iearriing dcviee?

Sorne benefits of working with dictation

Dictation with targe classes
\Ianv tecliniques ¡ti FF1. te;icliing depend on ynur ciass bcing rite right Size (nr Wc techniquc. luis
is nor dic case widi dicLtlon. flie rechnique works cqnallv wc!t in a one-to - one situarion, ¡ti a ciass
wirh 8 childrcn in it in a ( rccnlaiidic sertknicnt, in i class of 4.5 lii japan, os- of 150 Ifl 5011W P3rN
of Kolkara .As long as dic reacher's voice can Nc heard cicariv Ny the leariters ¡ti dic hack row. rile
size of riie group is inmaterial.

Dictation as an aid to foster the Learning of spelting

Manv languages show a ciosc correspondcncc hctwcen tbeir sound and suie!ijiii& systems. lhis is
sadty flor rhe case in English, as you can see in dic seutence bciow:
Tbe snake slangbed jis skin ni ¡1w zoo al .Slougb, althougl; it zuas fol me nanita! (luje o[yea;
Of course English does liave sorne spclting rules, hur dic language is so rife 1,virli cxceprions rhat
learners liave, at lcast ¡ti Iiarr. ro Icani dic written sliape of words throngb tllcc(ing rhein agai ti
and again, as rhev do ¡Ti thc course ot taking down dictation.

Dictation as a Linguisticatty secure time for teachers who are concerned about their command
of the target Language
1 teachers doubi their corninaud of Wc rargel lauguage, ti icrat ion is "sa fe" rime. 1 ile rext carnes
rhem litiguisrical lv. lic ancho Ci) rhar accompanies tbese hooks a iso givcs Wc teachcr dic option
of offermg rile class othcr voices ro listen ro atid taRe down Wc langitage patterns troni.

Sorne usefut dictation techniques

First Letter/Last Letter Dictation

Telt dic learncrs rhcy are ro wnre down dic firsr atid iast Riten of cadi vord von cticrare.
Yatí (lictate a anil ¡bey tente a
Ynu dictate a;; and they it'Ji/C a;;
Yoii dictate 11w amI they inri/e 1_e
Yo;, dictate China amI t/cv wrjjc' Ca

MaRc surc von dictare slowly enongil (or rhcni ro acconiptish dic task you llave set.
Pair dic learners and ask rhem lo (III iii tlie letiers ruar are niissi n.
Tell rhern ro check wirh rbe tcxr.

Learner Controlted Dictation

Idi dic learners thai '«u vili vive theiii a clidtatI()n hut thai rhev wili control dic spced at vltich
5 on dictare. .1 ll t beni von vill ohev diese cornniands:
Go hack tu...

Walt until une of thc lcarricrs slmttrs unu start. Begin reading or sta rr rbe audin recordilig a ud
go Oíl uiitil suiiicoiie shotirs mit StOj). Read cont il1tluusiv u nti 1 vou are sropped. T}ie 1 irst time
von try tuis ir xviII cause a ripplc of nirrh runnd the 1 - 00111!
Be ca refuil te Stop rcadnig the rnonwnt von hear tlie coinmand and ro sra rr aga in froni exacrlv whcre
\011lcR A. even ¡E tbk is midword. \ou vitl enjov rIus auid so vilI dic learners. as tlie gallie of
poer role- reversal can he very etfccrivt ¡ti raimng Icarjier eiiergv leveis.

3. Mutual. Correction

feil learners tu vork iii threcs tu write dic dictatiun von ale gui ig Lo gne titeili Oil I()Osc Sik'tts
of papeit Dictare or play thc atidio recording of tlie first sentence. \Vheui lea rners ha ve ta ken
down tlw senteilce, reli rhem tu pass their shcets ro another karner ¡ti rheir trio. Eacli leariler
iiow tries tu correct diat senteuicc he or she has been givcui.
Con tinue Ti this vav di r]ie C- 11 k] Of rlie dictatuni. idi learT1-us tú coi] i'aie their teNIS (<Y dIc coru(.ct
te xl.

Use of voice in dictation

Tsi ng rhe aud io CI) that goes wirh che series aIlovs votir lea rners ro cake clown language Ironi a
\;lrietv of (liflercuir vOices, btu varying vour owri voice use is also ven - efiecrive iii avoidi ig flloflOtouIv.
Try, these III íferent Options:

Specd np vour reading so thai learners vil 1 oniy he ai)Ie ro writc sorne of t he vords ynti sa'.
( )nl do a boni a paragra ph this vav. nr karners vit] gel over-frustrated . (_k't ka rners lo work
iii pa ¡rs or sniall groups tu compare rhei r rexts so dic oics vith more complete texts can lielp
(lic othcrs.

\Vhisper Votir tcxt. ibis rnerhod is more suitahie for sma 1 lcr classes. \X'hispering dic diç.:tatioul
cliaiiges che atinospliere ¡u rhe roorn, auid it alsu ullakes sorne sounds niuch more salient; br
exainple minal "h' ¡u, for exainple, "his horrible liat.-

e kx \S sincere hope thai these techiliques aud merhods cílcOtirage te;iciiers lo use (lIcrarloil eftecrively
¡u ube language ciassroom for dic eulpoylncnt aud benefir of learners.

Besr visties,
e iV;Ho Rinvolc-rí
Mario Rinvolucru us rhe autitor O( Dic/a/ion ti') wirh Pa ti! 1 )avis ¡u 1988. ¡ le alsc) wrotc (ram,nar Ganws (CtJi'l
e un dic 1980s nuid Moir Gra;nn,ar Lames in iii 1990siC:L 1'. 1 u (lic first vc,irs oí the 21 -, ccuturv he has \vrirren
¡Imnanise vour Coursehook (Delta i'tu b!is}iiu u aTid Crcatic'e Writing, w it h Chirisrine Frank. 1 lclhling Laruguages.
Mario isa ÍmTuldiTLg uiieniber of rhe LJK teacher D'linilwI ilistitltt,- , 'u!:rim aiid 1miitdiii editor
nf 1 lninanu'un,' 1 aun Liase ieachiiig, nr wwv.'
' Antarctica j

(T- t'ey -Vords eqt2lt(
1) ¡2 ti rIc' r
FIR in the btanks.
• Thai pond is covered vith ice. Thc watcr is
2. \X'ljat would you do if you had one doflars?
J. She is a iii China. She wants to visil the Great \Vi11.
It is hor anil rainy in cotintries near thc -
Australia is thc smallcst in thc world.
A uses sciencc to karn abotit how things voik in ihe world.

I ¡rackD

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vlio lives ji) Ant;jictica?
(a) Scienrists and lonrisis only (b) 1111111,1115 un IN-
(e) Aninials only (d) Pengu is aud scjeluists otlIy

\Vhat is NOT true abotir t\ntarctica?

(a) Dinosaur bones were found thcre. ( h) It used to be joined lo Australia.
(c) It is the coldesi place on Farrh . (d) It has a lar ge Ii iimat popu lat ion.

ITick 1

Listen and write the missing words.

A long time ago, the South Pok was
closc to the
Dinosaurs liveci there - of
vea rs :lgo. $
About 98% of ibis conili)tili is

Scicntists aiid - -- visti dIere, J

hut they don't sta' long.

8 Uniti
(rj.: Sun óT \ Track1

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

()iilv aiiiinals. Iikc pciumins, uve tlier\.

2. liicn ihu COiItiiieiltS moved, and Antarciica went south.
Millions of vears ago, Antarctica 'as closc tu dic ecitiator.
No; Antarctica has most of che world's ¡cc.
Ir IS clic coldest clriest place oii Lrrli

Trackl t

Listen and complete the passage.

South P()Ic.

also .. .A dic

e South Pole - [bat

e Australia. 1hcn, Earth

e .\ntarctica Australia

e UnitI 9
1 `9 ¿3 ¿S1
Dinosaur ______________ _________ found -- - South

PoIc. Do __________ - -- - - ? Dinosaurs



Ahour 98% -- _______________ is - _______ Thc

up _.The

87% - world's -- But - - that

___________ ______ ? ()rily

inches __________ ________ cach

How uve - -______ _? No

- in - South Pok. OnIv --

pcnguins, _ . Scicntists visit

bur long. Do

Aniarcrica? it ______ ______ _______ driesr


10 liniti
.[ E: 1-- - L ih A Hiking Tri

:ICtj Vj y
ca N,1
s1g11 (i [ ) -
FUI in the btanks.
• Painring is aH ruar niost chilciren love.
2. Yoti ifliist a a rnciiixr lo ruceive tui1) aiiiiOtiIitt'iiiciits bv cinail.
1 Sailv is going Oil a lo Europe.
My sistcr loves lo draw. She is che presiclent of ilic drawing
ihc couple renred a - ff1 rhe woods for rhetr honeymoon.
thcv want ro - along tlie river hecause rhcrc is a good rrail diere.

él Trae k2

Listen and answer the questions.

0 \\ 7 liat vilI .Anne (lo on Saittrdav?
1 (o lukiiig ¡icir a river (h) 1 like LIp Bctr M()LIlltail)
o:) Sigri up kr rhe trip (d) Joiii the h ¡king club

\\• bat is dic hiking club NCYI planning to do?

O Lit-ze pictiires (b) Go swinlniing
c) Go skiing (cl) N'lake a cainptire

Listen and write the missing wcrds.
Did vou

for the mp 01)

/-Ñ -


- - -t El
1 tlicln't know rhere vas a
on Saturday.
O .3. Wc!!, II taLes scveii bonN lo hiLe (o ihe
O so it vill be Lite 1w [he
O rime WC arrive.
4. ilie dav t'ciI Icave ay dawn aud - lo) rhe top oF 1 lic

1110 )LI I1t1 iii.

Unit2 •11

0 Trise or False í ( Track 2:

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

Aiim: wailts to go hiking.

_._. Tlicy vill hikc up Bear Mounrain.
Thc friends are not mcmbers of dic hiking cliii,.
jenriifer will noi lec Anne sign np for the rrip.
.5. The hikers will spend dic night in rhe cahin.

-) O .

Listen and complete the dialoy.

, Aiinc! -- triji --


W: \X'hac u
t e re


NI: Bear 1\1ouittain.

drops at wc'rc

12 Unit2

¿3 E) O ó O O ou O O O O U U O OC)

\V: Thai -- .. \Vhcre


Nl: - jelII1iIer. Shell VOU

\X': Whar

ihe on

M: Well, .._. ______.-. _____ . CO

so tate - -

WC uiipaek, wc'Il

- eaIn;)fire_ Thcii

stories ihe . ihe tllowtin we'Il

and - tO -

fr We , WC


\\•: Ihose -- - realk' . , acid

can 't . _______ ________

linit2 13
U&t 3 Save the_TurNes

.a vç
C\tIJ er

FiEL in the btanks.

• cI! rhe information ro see lE rhere are anv new jok availahie.
2. River dolphins are nearly . hiere are very kw of tiiem leir in
tlie world.
.3. 1 want ro - sorne rnoncv rIus vear. Nexi ycar, 1 \vill huy a car.
TEtis colorfui has pienrv of iii (oritiation about vIiat ro see ay
Disney World.
I'fl) working oii art miportani -or nu' company.
Mere did yoti (md al! tuis - abour tigers?


Listen and answer the questions.

• \Xtliv are ttirrks in danger of becoming extinci?
(a) 'Fu rrles lay eggs on rhe beach . (1)) People take t un le egts.
(c) Turnes ]ay ver y fe-,v (d) Titrile eggs ger losr m rIte ocezlu.

2. \X'har do dic man and wonian vant ro do?

(a) Eat nirtie cggs (h) 1 Ielp save rhe rumies
(c) Go to t be heacb (d) Proreer dic beach

Track 3

Listen and write the missing words. 1

llave you heard about rhe plan ro

turties in N1exico? • •;

litrt les are ¡ti danger of becomiiig

-- - around rhe world.

I'm gol ng ro cali iii e Lii viran meil tal
Thev mi-lit es-en llave a

14 Unit3

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

Lvervea, oisands
ggof i les s OH VbC hcacb.
iHiere is a projecr ro hclp save ttirtic cggs in Mexico.
- '[he friends fi ini a wchsire ro gec sorne inlorrnatioii a hout dic project
4. Peopk stcal thc ttirttc eggs ro car.
Thc frien Lis ;111( co 11(1 1).


63 (Y ¿3 6 56 iG

¡ [f•*ftj:-- í' ( Track 3: - -

Listen and complete the dialog.

NI: Llave a bonn

turnes Mcxico?

\Viiar '4

NI: 'turnes of bcc )1 111 u

the 1 llOLisaTids ________

eggs nhe A fner

- - -- sand, ami

Unit3 15
75 ¿S6 ¿)L Hfl)Ç A E jr 1E

M: Exactiv.

certain -, 'Ihere ícwcr

of .Thcrc projcct

v1exico - - cggs. ]hcn j

I)CCOInC -- -- .I -- it'S goocl i

• i

\V: is antIuiig - ro

\4: 1,111 dic Envirol1rlleIIlit] Protecrion

niighr ________ a!)Otlt ______ •

___- iT1MCXICO.

\V: ]iicv cvcn ____ ________ Let's

rhc -- -- coniputcr. Oh, - is. Thc

is . Thcre's -- -- of

M: Grcir''s _____ ______do

in Ivtexico.
1 •

16 una 3 1
Hikingin Iran
O 1 Cç )fl) kn.j

- -- -. hIt•IiruÍ•

FUL in the btanks.

1. it VOL) -- tu suc John, pitase ivc him mv plione number. 1 oecd
tu talk tu 11101.

O 1. t)oaors lcarn 110w lo - ditfcrciit IypCS ()t dtsasus.

O 3. 11w Sahara is [he biggest - in the world.
ih creare nianv differcm - of owl.
O ¡ hi,hlv rcstatiraut 11w foEd diere is so good!
s. - that 11C\V (l0w11t0\V11.
6. Bcih uses when she gmes bird watching.


Listen and answer the questions.

O • \Vhat 15 ti - tic :it)OLIt ¡rail?
.1) it has no 11)011111 MIS. iii) it has ¡)1;IIlV ilircis.
. it is a ¡,¡lTIicre are no la kes.
\Viiicil activirv is NOl rncntuniud iii 111v J)assae?
(Jinlbing Uces çh) Swimming iii lakes
O -: Bird vuchiug d 1 liking ---

Listen and write the missing words.

O Most people tliink that dic MidUle Fasi is

ortls 1 '

it vou're Ittckv, von iiiav suc a yellow dcci

O ur a brown hear, two thai
O l¡\(. diere.
O 1 dcfinitciy it.

It is itni tu go mro rhc Íorest with - tu iok ai hirds.

UnitL 17

yi;) HUC Track 4 .

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

Iran is no[ ¡a [he MiddIe Fast.

-----------Ihere are manv tnouutains in Iran.
Yoti can swim in a Lake ¡u Iran.
___________ There are very Ícw birds ¡a iran.
_______ The speaker does ant want ro go back ro ¡rail.

- 4±:

CTrac k4

Listen and complete the passage.

Most Middlc }iasr

only_ .IiHs -- fron ,. I.ast -

liiking Iran. Iran - . YOU can


Ji you're inay ______ - - deer

a brown

can _____ -- cIcai

18 UnitL
e jutinitely -
e .Scciiig tlic through
e You
e Ihar 501111(15 each
e Soiiictiriits iIS - birds_ 1 1ovc-vcr,
e ji- hIpj')Cli
e It
1 Iran 'IIICtI1\.
e 1 \\:.jfl a ti ci
e nore

e Unit4 19
reNca QQ)

FUL in the btanks.
• Thai English language is famous Íor lis cxccltent teachers.
2. A clilid grows np to hecome mi
J. Many pcopk like Tina hecause slw has a good -------------- -.
Scicntists do - ro find mit more abour tRe world around ns.
Wc a cave wliilc wc were hiking np ihe inounlairi.
An - - is someone who has no father or morber.

Track 5;

Listen and answer the questions.

1. Whar did anc (oodall learn abotit chiinps?
(Ii Ifl ps do ¡mr ha ve (ccl ings.
Chimps are always afraid o! prople.
AdLIlt ICIIIa le Chin)pS ats.vays adopt Orphai)s.
Chimps have personalines.

2. Which siateinci) 1 15 Iruc ahout jane Goodall's institute?

(a) it runs progra ms ro protect al 1 anhriials. --
(h) It t nos lo protcct A (rica!) animais onlv.
It \vas not srarred by Jane Goodall.
It has prograins III every country.

• ç-:

Listen and write the missing words. I

• She vciH t here lo

cliinipanzecs. L. - - -

She learncd thai cach chimp has its own

An adult female chimp vill soIlletinles adopi an
Todas, this runs programs iii ovcr 70 countrit'.

20 tJnitS

E Ot- Truh5

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

jane discuvured iilanv ncw iIniits ahuur chimps.
5 jane (iooda!! Went ro Africa tu rcscarch chinipanzees.
5 She discovered rhar chimps have fierSonaIi(ies. Íeclings, aiid close iaiiiilies.
5 4. In 197 - Ja tic sra ucd a n institure ro he!p proiect afl ani mais.

.S. Ar íirst the clninps wcrc ;ifraid of ]le[ -, but soon, she vas living atnong
e : -

e 17.

e 7 ?Y613 ¿H»)

Listen and comptete the passage.
e Jane Goodall A (rica
e 26 Shc tu
e chinipanzees. At -, no 'von .Ien
e Ar first, - -- rut' froni far awav.
e cliiinps were -- of her. can awav shc
e (31111.t CIOSt. theiii. - sorne time, t he saw (llar she
e Unit5 21

flor going ro ________ tbcm. lcr her walk -- rhein.

- , shc vas among thein. - vanred

to - more and more rheni. Jane did a -- of

oii She - many

thinas abolir rhcm. learned char - -- has - own

rhat have very Jose

- aud fathers - good carc oí baby - - An

kmiale ch iflj) - SOilWti mes - an

¡fi Jane staricd an

anijiials. - vanred ro aninils around dic world.

tRis -- rogranls in -

22 Unit5
Flying Cars

a rfjçJ.
(Pi) tU( )1
tra t(j• inli
FiEl in the blanks.

• 1 here i aivavs a Iii a hig city t.)ecatlse there are loo marlv ears.
How in uch wi II a new C1 r

Ihar flC\VSj»lj)Cf 'vas 'vritten 1w a faniousatirhor.

Ihe anide ralks about nianv -- — thins.
Ile had an accidcnt hecause he lost . of dic car.
lIc arri ved at thc al rport un time.


Listen and answer the questions.

. \Vh does dic wonian thitik abour tlynig cal -s?

i]n'v are easv ro use. (h) Tlicv are too difÍicttiv to use.
e 1 he vil 1 cost a lot of mofle. (d ) - lIev vil 1 not he ready SOOFI.

2. \VIiu is NOT rrtie ahotu fiving cars?

a) Ihere is a computer inside each car.
OII t'ke control it sometlnng goes \VrOl1g.
e Thcv Cafi IW tised for sliurt trips.
di \ohI have ro hed nilor ro control une.

'Track 6

Listen and write the missing words.

• This ncvpaper a ItICILt sa VS tILI 1 so me

seleni ists are working on a new kind of

2. ihe -. sa rhe Íirst fiving Cill-

Illi , Jit he reac.Iv tithiii Ille next few )'ealS.

It viI1 prohablv tun rnuch monev!
Rut theii we migilt end np itIi . iii uhe kv!

Uriit6 23
la z, lrr. C ( Track 6;

Listen ami mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

People sliould itse the ílyiig carg for long rrips.

Tlie firsr flyiiig car viIt he ready in a few vears.
OiiIy pilotscan use tliesc flving
4. Iiie tiving cars viIl nor cosi rnuch rnoney.
\X'e might end np with traffic jams in thc sk!

E - - -

6 ü E) E) C O d O ¡1

Listen and complete the dialog.

M: Listen newspaper

sorne are IIC\V

o . People -- - "flying

ca rs" -- (rips.

M: ¡he Ílying car

ready - ícw

24 ijnit6

3 ¿5 R3 ¿5 R3 üÓ 16 6 6 6 6 6 6

ÍIviTlg car

(lIl 0111', 01

- - - jeople 110w

1 - -- - pilot --
-- flviiig caí. 'Ilie - - would - -

- -- C011i pLI LCr - - - \VOtl 1(1

VOL! tO go. - - driver ¡mt

1 uIlIess goes wrollg.

1 \X': Dors say - a ilviiig car -

COSI? It xviII probahlv - J

1 - tiot it)Ic lo Onu.

lruc, - \ VOUId!1 't (fl , cr


e \X: Ves. Rut might end np

1 Unitó 25
LJnff 7 The Perfect Gift

( — Simple
New %A!ords garI>ag
Fui in the bianks.
Thc test was roo for a twelvc-year-okl. The qrtestions were too casv.
Ni)' morher (loes every weck. Mw (loes rhe lanndrv and cleans
thc house.
There is nothiTlg wrong wirh my pian. 1 rbink it is
4 is a machine tliat hcips you to ciean dishes.
S. \Xíhich borne -- do von dii nk is more usefu 1, a washing iimch ¡ nc
or a vacuum ckaner?
6. Plcase throv thai banana skin ¡nro dic

3:sridIn2; ite C:ontc, Track 7.

Listen and answer the questions.

\X'hat houseliold appliancc is the rilan looking for?
(a) A vacuum cleaner (h) A washing niachimie
(e) A disliwaslicr (ci) A toastcr

Which of these is NOT soniething von musr do to use tuis appliance?

(a) Scra nic off t he Íood. (h) Put in sorne dcrergenr.
(c) Press the start burton. (d) Choose the spii drY cycie.

3 Focus mi Detctits Í Track


Listen and write the missing words.

What son of are 5 , 011 looking
for, sir? .1
1 diin k a ni ¡ghr be tlie perfecr
gift hccausc ir will help with tire hotisework.
Ir's very
First, cohlect vour diny dishes and scrape oÍl
tlie kftover food mio thle - - can.

26 (Jnit7
5 Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).
5 -- 1 1w ma u is huvi ng his wifc an a nn i versar pnseu it.

5 ¡lic IIIaII Wants ro btuv a washing maclune.

5 Fhc dishvaslicr is on salc.
5 - 1hc' have a dishwasher at ¡mine.
5 A dishvasher helps \vitli iioiisework.

5 t; 77
ti ¡

— —------ - ----------

Listen and complete the diatoy.

5 ant] veictiine Rohtick\. tnav - --

5 my hume
5 \V: \Vhar of -- looking sir?
M: 1 chink -- he
5 hecatuse vi(I) - -
5 Unit 7 27

3 « ¿566 8 5R3 8R5 6 3f
\V: Ob yes, usefui.

here 0111 I11OCICI.

Nl: Work?

\X': It's - . First, dirty

scrape off Icftovcr - - --

can. rwsc disbes - -- sink. - - - glasses,

cuticrv --- rack. Piares. howis, ---

face down -- rack. Then,

compartmcnt -- ----derergeni -

Next, - - -- ----------cycie, and hnall

Youll sparkling

in 45 inmutes!

NI: SOUildS - . 1 rhiuk --

rcally . does

\X: You'rc ! It's sale


¡vi: (;rcat, Fil

28 Unit7
1 o
ç \Jnit a Acupuncture

tI vil t

- flcrvçç
Spec;j 1
FIEL in the btanks.
1 • 1 he íood we cal goes lino thc digesrive ¡ti our boches.
Mv rintlier uses a ami rhread tu se\\ç
1 Thc - ¡ ti uti r tirigers hclp tis tu (ce! chi ngs char Wc tuuch
Docturs ______ siCk peoptc.
EH a guod co park rhe car ¡ti.
She itiade a calce (nr ]lis hi rtl1da

(j Urderstanding tc UçJi1lX 6- Track a

Listen and answer the questions.

• \X1 hcrc \vas aetiptiiicttirc Itisi done?
ta ) (Tiiiiia (h) Eng!and
e) Ainerica (d) india
1 2. \Vhich of rhese is used in ;iCtiptiflCttliC?
a) Nl edie ¡ nc (h) ¡lot va ter
(e) Needies (ci) Special fond

1 1; Fccus or TracLS

Listen and write the missing words.
• It is a special wav tu - - sick
1 peo pie.
l-ach spot is cojinected ro a -
1 hoclv P' nr svstetu
1 Iiw - do imot go decp. .4
1 )octors think char it heips t he --
u the hod.

1 lJnit 8 29
- - -. 2


Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

Acnpuncture starLcd ¡n China a Long rime ago.
Actiptiricttire has hccomc verv popular everywherc.
Docrors think acupuncrure may belp the nerves Hl rlie tx)d'.
___________ Sma II nieta 1 iiecdlcs are pm ¡tito spots OH the hody.
___________ F.ach spot is connected ro a .special hody pan or systein.

fl Dkfttior- ÓT (ITCk 8)
5) TI!

Listen and compLete the passage.

Acupuncture China rhousand s

It sick

1'here acupuncturc - huinaii

Sinall _put__.. - spots

Each - connecred spccial

SVS(Clfl. SJlOtS


30 lJnitS

expert - luto --

persoti's 1 bese - Cofltlt'Ct



not -- - actuptinclure . Rut studies

it very - -- . Noone

- - ___- -- rhy.Docrors _it

hodv. Sorne -

acuptutuclure -______ - peopk


People Asia - using

uerhod ;\ t

- -- Asia tFICttiod. Ihey -

thiuuk bern. >sk)\v,


1 Unit8 31

IIllIVeIsity 1- Ccrflj.
fa ÍIlZrc
- YOtnig
FIEL in the blanks.
1. A - is inacle np of one hundreci vea.
1 Thc man did nor give np, even níter tus second
Afier Petcr hnished high school, he attended
II vou want tu he a doctor, you oecd tc) stucly hard.
You are mo tú watch tliat relevision program. Ir is for adulrs.
There are many scientists doing work ¡o ihc of cliernisrry.

Listen and answer the questions.

• \Xthat is NOT true abour Einstein?
(a) 1 l vas boro jo Switzerland. (1)) He was a fainotis suienhisi.
(e) 1-le moved tu dic Uniied Stares. (d) 1-le vas married.
2. How did Einsrein's interest in sciencc srarr?
(a) His farber was a scicntist.
b) Tic liad a goocl scicncc rcacher ar school
(e) 1 l recciveci a compass as a gifr.
(d) 1 l liad kssons a t Ii 011W.

(rack 9; 1

- - .

Listen and write the missing words.

1-lis interest ¡ti seicrice liegan wiien lic was

Ar firsr, he iner wirh

1 l graduared from this fainous
in 1896.
As a scicntisr, Einstein clid imporranr work
¡Ti the of phvsics.

32 Unit9

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

1 Einstein was a sticccssltt 1 SeiciltiSi

2. 1-le won a Nobel Prize.

He did mu graduare from un lverstv.
- Einstciii vas born in rhe Uudied Siates.
-- ¡fe vorkeç1 in dit' heRi of phvsics.

¿5- ¿553Ç

1 ¡

1 Listen and complete the passage.

1 Albert Ettistein -- world. Ile

- of 20'
1 Einstein -- -- Germany 1879. ¡-Jis - -

. bcgan......___ very__
1 -

Snieoiic - - a contpass

1 Unit9 33

y ¿5 (5 (5(5 ¿5 (5 (5 di 1LY6R3 ¿YR3 ¿F6 ¿5H

worked 1-Te

-- 1-le hecome a

Einstein - - - to Swiss

Ar firsr, - ____ with He -- -_____ ___- -

Rut Elusteil) ___________ _______________ np He


nexr This _____ svas - Einstein


in 1896.
1 •
As Einstein important

1. In 1933, he
good. He


34 Unit 9
- -



FUL in the btanks.

• Looi; at ¡iow heatuitui 11w fuji - ¡ooks tonit,'ht!
.\lars is a . It inoves around che sun.
ile Iifeguard sar in dc chair ro che \vaccr.
Mv Iarnilv hves che heach.
You can look closely at stars vit1i a
A - ulC)ves arotuul a planet

Track 10

Listen anci answer the questians.

• \\:jh planet does iun have nionus?
(a) Venus (b) Mars

c) liarth (d) j upirer

2. \Vhicli place (IOCS rhe g i rl sav peopk niav VISI( soincdav ?

The JllOOfl (J)) l'hc stin
(C, Nnl ars (d) \Tclltls

Listen and write the missing words.

¡ )¡d vou know char t he inoon ¡S i he
Larrh's onlv naL Lirai -
1 thotight t lic - va s a »¡,]¡)<:t.

\X'Iiich plar1et is ro E.) r[11

I. \Vhar is che ocher planu

Farth ?

UnitiO 35
: Srtcv e' Track lO

Listen and order Orn sentences from 1-5.

Tiic giri reus thc hoy ahout \lars.
Thc girt got a rdescope for her birtliday.
-- Ihe -ir[ tetis dic hoy abour Venus.
Thc hoy rtiought char che moon vas a plai cE.

Thc hoy says that rile)' can use clic giri's tciescopc ro see Mars and Venus

yr ¡
4 /
Listen and complete the dialog. -I

G : Come -- telescope DIV


B That's neat!

Ycah, now - thc -. Did -

k no w Earrh's


13 No, 1 didn't thought

L a -j

36 linit 10

II : Oh.

G Sun, tWo close Laith

B: \Xhich tu L;trih?

U .Nlars Lartli. .Nlanv

Nl ars

rivcrs and oceans F;irtEi. .'\l;irs ItlOOflS.

\Vhar - othcr
1 I-:arrh?

urher Ii \1cIItls, \clnIs

B Do rhink he ahie
U 1\1ahc people - tO

1 Mars, - -- \cntis

II \Xe1!, Icast

Unit 10 37

The Mona Lisa

1 J)3iflti,p
shi ve

Fui in the btanks.

technok)gv has Cilailged rhe world ¡ti rnany wavs.
My kevs are 1 cait finci client altV\\I)(it.
.Ieff's father has ro his lace cvcrv dav.
Jherc is a beanriful un ihe wall.
\ person's -- are un lile fo ehead jtsi a,ovc rhe eves.
ir is for wolilel) tú wear ti igh- heded shoes.

'Trcck 11

Listen and answer the questions.

What is ti-tic about dic woniaii in dic painhil1g?
(a) Shc is orn smi 1 ing. (14 She has no ha ir.
(e) Suc has no cchrows. (d) She vas nor pa ¡ iited by 1 .eoita rdu da Vinci.

\Vhat does rite hoy like mosr abour dic painring?

(a) '[he suc (b) [he coloN
(e) '11w name (ci) The woma n 's face

(,Track 11 , ----

Listen and write the missingwords

1. \Vhy is rhar yucir ¡ayunte - -
2 ¡ irt, ',hL has ¡10

Rut 1 ncvcr iioticcd thai her cvehrows are

¡ wonder what a Mona risa \

would look Iikc.
-- - - - - - -- -

38 IJnitll
- ____\ Track 11
Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

- She has 110 cvebrows aiid she has a heauriful sinjk.

2. \VcIl, rherc are a tc\•v rl1ings vhar inake dic ¡1wza lisa gre;U.
Tius is a COpv ci! mv Íavoritc pairitilig.
1 wonder what a xnodern Mona Lisa wouki look like.
\'Vhv is thar vour lavorire pairiring?


Listen and complete the diatog.

(: \Vhat huy?

luis oí favori C - . It's

Mona Lisa - 1 .eonardo da Vinci

G : \VIiv your

are a --

dic A'foni Lisa . Firsi, lic) - -

Sccoud. she - reallv - \lost

linitil 39
6 R 8 ¿5 ¿TC
all, - rhc. .ofthe

Have dic Mona Lisa - -- Ii - VCfV

Of ! I've thc - times

Rut - noticed - -

are . 1 wotider -

no ________- - . Do

II: At.___ ____ _da Vinci - l


for -- italian tú

off . Every tú

U: \Vow! That's -- - In - -- - -
the Mona lisa -

R: 1 _it_ - soineti i -nc

1503 1505.

G - woncicr - Mona Lisa

E: Shc migbt

40 Unít 11

L BangYi

;rec' cf v
1 Ifljç

1 "1

0 FiL!. in the btanks.

Giving fund ((1 dIC puor is a LIlilig U) (10.
O \Vawr pollunoti has -- 1111 rhe fish in thar river.
O .3. 0111v a - -- persur 1 wotild CM alt tite t n )d and leave nothing for
a ilynne CISC.

4. My father Was ver . - whcn 1 Íaile<I rbc test.

1 la ve VOU SeCO tl)t1 IICW n10V1C about a l)ig green
O (i. 'liie clown (lid sorne — tricks ay rhe child's pariy.
«.4 Undertnndnc. hc- :TtT Í rack12)
Listen arid answer the questions.
O • \Vbat is rrtieahotn Bang )'i?
O (a) He was a kind rna o. Ñ Fle vas ilvav rkI1.
(t) He vas a grccdy man. d) Lic hecarne pooi iii i he imd.

2. \X-7 ha is NOT true ahotir Bang YI'S brotlicr?

F-lc vas a dcli man. (h) He vas a kind man.
O (c) 1 l gaye bis brocher poisoned secds. (d) ¡ ¡e "-'as a grccdy man.
'Track 12.)

O Listen and write the missing words.

Once u pon a tui ie. thierc vas a pu( )r,
-- man nained Bantz Vi.
His greedy hrother gaye Rang Yi sorne
- - seeds.
wIlell dic - had fallen
asleep, Rang Vi rook thei r inagie stick.
O .1 he - -- I.)rotller \vas never
1 seen a ga iii.
O IJnit 12 41
True or ViLse Ó (Track 12)

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or E (False).

Baiig 'fi Ihid a rich aud greedy. brother.
Bang Yi's broiher Íound a magic stick.
The ¡nonsrcrs chased l3ang Yi.
Barig Yi wasangry at rhe inonsters.
The magic stick rnade Bang Yi rich.


75 663 7. Ç
rack 12)

Listen and complete the passage.

Once _______ ________ - , rtiere ___________ p001, -___________

Bang Yi. ¡ le -- a btu

()ne • , Bang Yi bis

grain - grow. 1-lis

Bang Yi sorne -- _________ secds.

plant grcW secds,

Bang Yi 1-le

42 Unitl2

e care piani. TRen, a -- carne
e - , .

Bang Yl chased
focesi. In [he saw rwo
4 ro ruru rocks . Baiig

e Vi hid a rock varched -

e FI )Q It )Od. So

e vcry . \Vhcn - bac]

e fallen Bang Vi thcir
e Recame
e l3ang Yi\ forcst
e for himnsclf.
riloristers - . l'hcy, chased dccj,
e 1he._ - - nevur
- again.
e Unitl2 43
e e
1 Uniit 13 Friendship Da

'3 Ca re
ca nI
3 'tflpor j
Q New Words 1 cnuii
FILL in the btanks.
Luye and - inakc thc world a herter place.
She is writing an o her fricud.
Parents for their childrcn dccpk
Educarion is an - part of life.
S. .N'ly favorire is 11 )all ksgi% .
n ing

6. 1 SCI1t my grandniother a hirrhday

4jJ Underst;n dhtg the Cotc;xt í (Trackia:

Listen and answer the questions.
\Vhcn is 1:riendship Day?
(a) Thc first Sunday in Jtinc h) 1 lic fi rst Sunda y iii Au ¶;usr
(c) Uhc Sundav in April (d) Thc last SUUdaV in Jul

What is NOl' suggested as a way w celebrate Friendship Day?

(a) Give vour friend a hug. (h) Scnd vour fricad an enlail.
(c) N1akc your friend cookics. (d) Cali vour friend.

el Focus on Detcils 4 (Tracki3)

Listen and write the missing words

1 . Friends are an part of our
2. 'I'his is nor as hig as
Christmas or New Year's Day.
They writc cards or send - -----
ro their íricnds.
1'here are inany ways ro show you

44 Unitl3
CI, .Trac.k12

Listen and arder the sentences from 1-5.

Ikople write cards aiid seiid cinails ori Frieiidship Day.
e 2. Tliey also ¡mg their friends or spend time with tliem.
e .3. Friends are iniportanr. 111ev help us ¡u man) ways.
e 4. 1 he firsr Sunday in Atigusr ¡s Narional l-riendship Day.
e .5. 'You iictd jiot \vail for Friendship Dat'. (al! vour friends toda y-!
e 5 673 6 «73 5 673 «7/
DctatiOn (Track13i .-
Listen and complete the passage.
e Frknds -- - - pa rt ¡¡ves. FiHey
e -- many Do reil
e that - glad - your ? Evcryone
e thar
Did tIiat
e 1or _? •I'h is NationiI
e - -

e Unitl3 45
U U U O «8 (3 0 ¿háo 8 8 « 575 ¿Y
Fricnclship Day. The Sunday August --

Narional Friendship Day 1935. This

not as Ng (Iristinas New Ycar's I)ay. However, --

a *

Pcoplc -- th cir

- oítcii. But __.On

rius day, - tu

-- how much . Thcy

rheir friends. 1bev

thcir no niarter rhey . l'eople hug

speTul wirh

•l'bcre to shovv Ynu

¡ fl()t br

46 Unit 13
e An Outdoor Exhibitj
e (\ hihi nPagjj.
e - J)tII)Ijslj
e (.rI<nr

e FIEL in the btanks.

e • Ihe vricer vil! Ii is hook u ex t ¡non ch
e 2. .1 here is al) art - nr the fliUSetil)).
e vIun 1 lica rd a knock on rlie (loor.
e 1 liking is a very. enjovahie activity.
e Evcry vear we get a ctass cakeui at ScI'I()Ot.
e Ihar hoy has a grcar - for plaving the violin.
e the «C; Q Tracl: 14

e Listen and answer the questicns.

e • \Vhat are the man and womail discnssing:
e (al .\lagazines (h) People
e e 1 Phorographs (d) Drawings
e 2. \Vhcre vi11 che man and wonian go?

e (a) lo a museUm Ch) To a park

e e) Ib an o tttdoor ex h ¡ Ei t (ci) [() a l)LIiI(lil1 11

e cs `Track l6.'
-. - - -- - - -

Listen and write the missing wards.
e • Do VOU like

e 2. I:anotis nacure magazines oni

- verv good photos.
e ). 1S 1I
1 -

e 1. There is an -- exhibir going

e oii righr I1O\V.
Unit 14 47

CF: IT Track 14)

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

¡. Thc frierRis are goiiig tú che photo exliihit on Sunday.
Thc exliihit is outdoors.
1'hc aran takes vcry good nature photographs.
(ood photographcrs never pubiish their work in nanire ¡iiagazincs.
___________ 11rc man rhinks that ir will be hin to see all tbc phoros ori display.

cii4) L
Listen and complete the diatog.

NI: phorographs?

\V: \Vlvii ______

!\4: Pbotos - and ,ínr_ .Or

riiO un tai Ti S

W: Thc - of - naflin

lvi: That's

\V: ()ícourse! 1

48 IJnitl4
' 1
• M: Soute -__________ are

• Mosi

iiature -

¡flterestiflt'. Somerimes.

•• NI: Me, too. i - nanire UY


• \X': h-iy

- ________ - -, cicher. nacure

• \4: Ihar's true. Pcoplc -- - ver -

\X: Yeah. \Vhy

- ________ - pliuros


• ?Is ni
• ..-
Nl: 1-low _______ f Ihereis

• goiug ofl

XV: ReaiIv?

Ni: .Nature_ -- alt

- ______- are un


• Nl: Me, roo. \X'uld

- XX- : Sure. Sundav

wirli - --

• Nl: OK! It lun - ihose

• __
-- -__ __--.-- -- __ ___

• Unit 14 49
Unft 15 le Are Different!

r?obod s
CxacrJy 1 ro r Ici
(Y1 EfV UC:1. dif( ICl)t
RU in the btanks.
Look at all dic - tlavors oí ice -cream la that shop!
Do voti rhink twinsalwavs look -____________
She has Long -- hair.
Wc al! uve iii dic samc
Ir iS

Thcrc is in zhat roorn. It iS Clii fltV.


Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhia is NOT discussed as a way thar people are difterel1v?
(a) . 1 hci r ti ough is
(I) 1heir ta 1cm s
(e) Iheir ch )th i ng
(cf) Their fiagcrprints

WIiat tvpe of hair is NOT inentioned iii the passac?

(a) Stra ight ha ir (b) Curi y hai r
(e) OVavv hair Rl) Short hair

;13jCr CiC'S Track

Listen and write the missing words.

Ladi onc is - _- from all the
No two people look ahike.
Most pcopk la Vietnam have
h!ack hair and black cvcs.
has your thouglits or ralcnrs.

50 UnitiS
Ç Track15

Listen and arder the sentences from 1-5.

- People like di(Íerciit kx>d, ditfereI1r music, and dillereni
Everv human hcing iii tite workl is different.
-. There are more chan six hill ion pcoplv in the world.
NohodV looks exactiv 1 ike vou or has vou r thouglits and tal(11tS.
lkuple look (hffvrcIn troin eaeh nthcr•.


Listen and camptete the passage.

1heie 1)11 lion heings

Each fron

others. two look -- People

- inay look

general. btu -- totally

Mosi - nain - hlack hair


ej UnU 15 51
People Arnerica

¶ curlv , or wavv 'Iheir

brown, or red. Sorne

brown gray Sorne

green Even ________________ in --

look ___________ - _______othcr!

\Ve think ____ \X'c



styles - clothing.

froin evcr yone - . _______ Iooks

- 37011. thoughts -

Hiere - tlian six hillicii

tike . You

52 UnitlS

'ti a e - ieiiteJ
Stra ¡igç'r
FILE in the btanks.
•1 • 1 (11(1 flot t1Iv (lic pcori)_ It Was
Ei;Iish ¡S :111 ¡itij,orralit
3 want to che new sudctft ro mv partv.
Wc . some videos on Fridav riighr.
(Ii ldren slioti Id never taik to a
It isa — - partv. \X'e ciiiflot go wirhoui an iivitiitioii.

;ccn Nc............. Q Trackló)

e Listen and answer the questions.

e \Vhat Is Irtie aboni I)an?
e (a 1 ¡-le wantcd lo invite ¡<aren to dic mofles.
h) 1-le wen t wirh Ka ren ro rhe movies.
1 l vanrcd w invite ¡<aren ro go karaokc singing.
e d 1 ¡e look Ka ren ro diii iiei

e \Vhere did ¡<aren sin—, karaoke?

e (a) lit front of srrangcrs (1,) 011 a srage

(e) In a large roojfl (ci) In a pri vate room

e í)4 Focw or Dctc?! ji track 16

e Listen and write the missing words.

e ¡ . 1 wailtccI tú -- -. VOU l)tit
\veren ' t honie.
e \( LI

e 2. No, che place we went ro rented out

e SITIII1I -- -- monis.
.3. They even gaye uS — sodas!

e 4. - ¡bey liad songs in English aiid songs iii

CVLra ¡ orher - -- Von.

e Unit 16 53

'u- )

Ø Surnmc;r: Ó Track16

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

Ir vas Íun!
i'hcrc were manv diííercnt songs lo choose Íroiri.
Kareu went karaoke singing oii Saturday night.
1he place she went to rented otil small privare rooms.
Now Dan wants ro go karaoke singing nexr weekend.

6?37S6'673 ('5 (5 ¿5 3 cY
fl': - Y¡
Listen and complete the diatog.

i\'l: It's - ¡<aren. I-Iow -______ heen?

\V: T'vc -- thank . i-Jow


niovies Saturday 1
.1 bur


\X: Tliat's Icaraokc singiiig

54 Unit 16

[ : - yII

friciids Sarurday

stiiig karaoke.
• i \X: 1 never karaokc eirher,

grcat Mv

• experienced siI1gr. showed

• vol] ¡u fronc -- of
• 1

• \X': No, rented mit -

• 1 bey gaye sodas!
• Nl: Gool! \Vhat of

• \V: Tliev huuclrals diÍÍerel1r - - ------- -
• songs ant!
• 'Ihcy,

• 1 hcv ____
- - ---- Engi i SI)

• otl)cr_ Ir really. -
• i\1: think Fil singing - veekend!

• --

• Unitlt 55
Urdt 17 WatchingTV

- episoj

Q Ntw Wo;ds ( Ogeth.j .


Fui in the btanks.

A tCICVISR)I1 series usualiy has une new uVeiy \VCCk.

Popcorn aud nurs are iny favorire

1 cheesecake tu chocolate cake.
Your are the people who uve near yOLI.

Shall wc go ro rhc exhibit

Peopte can turn thcir dreams mro - if they work hard.

ck 17

Listen and ariswer the questions.

iiow d()CS ihe man feel 1 høiit real t\ ShO\VS?

(a) 1 l Iovcs them. (h) ¡ le rliinks thcy'rc OK.

(e) Ile doesii't like them. (ci) He watclws theni soinelimcs.

\X'hat kind of shows do hoth thc man and woman like?

(a) Realitv shows (E,) Educational shows
(c) Travcl shovs (ci) Carne stiows

Focus o F)ctdk j (Track 17

Listen and write the missing words.

Dici y( )tI wai ch ihe larest of
thar new reatity show tasi nighi?
lis alt al,out
Let's watcli it rius wcek.
¡'II hring sonie

56 Unit 17

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).
0: Ihe atid wornan VI II
IIIUU waWb a realitv shov.
7. ________- [he man luces SC!CfleC aud natLlre SI10WS.
O -- - TI-te woman vi!l hring sorne snacks.
lIu' iia n prekrs ro warch shosvs iliat teach lii iii sc nnerI1 ing.
Ihe rnaii iii&I
e \VOI1LII1 \\It1 \VCtCl1 J\-1 €)n IIIIrscI:i\' niglil

O - Track 17'
O Listen and complete the diatog.
O \X': [)id - Iatesr Ila( --
realiry show -
O N1: Ihcrc
rbese \VIu-h ialkiin,
O W: Ir's (:;O( )(j ECnCes,
O shov
O one you ' rc iii e
Unit 17 57
15fl56 ¿3 b

sbo'vs _____________ -- tcach - about

like and prograiTs, travel -

\V: Oh, 1 travel , roo. Mv

.show IS chef England.

¡-Te aud cars

M:I one, roo. - really la ugh. He

sense humor.

\X: Let's together -. 1(s Thursday

o'clock, ?

M: That's
\X': Weli, 1\' and coinfortable

Lvi: OK, ve'II your -- - , aud T'Il

58 Unitl7
LJnh Have Sorne Fun! -

.tJ),I trIne11 1
bus stop
SIIove r

FiLl in the btanks.

.Arç vou look ¡ ng for Carol -, Shc doesii'i work Itere
l is faster ro take a dan tu havc a bach.

"l he giris uve iii ai - in to\Vn.

Tite inain bus St:ltioil IS locared

Oid che ring vIiile 1 vasaway?

She is waiting ar the co cach a bus.

• Track 18

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhau are che friends NO! planning U) CÍO?
.. a Studv fui - a test (b) (<) (lowIltowIl

Nicci rhcir Íriends (d) \Vatch a Inovie

2. \Vhai has loe beco doing for severa! (lays?

im \X'riting att cssav (b) 1-laving tun

k Sru(Iizig for a test (d) \X'orkiiig !a[c

.. • - - ...... - - -- -

e ! P4
Listen and write the missing words.
e 1. Site wailis lo mccl LIS ifl frour of her

I)liiI(IliIg --
- ¡Ti fil bOU!.

e .1. I,ccau'c ter apartniciit

is k
lose tu t 1 h i -


3 '1(11! (10111 IICUJ tu St 11(1V

1 ¡ IICCd time lo take a ant!

ge t d re ssed
II Unutl8 59
•.' .b.
r t.

O Summary ífra&i)

Listen and arder the sentences from 1-5.

1. jane ralks to Amv on thc phonc.
Joe savs he nccds to srudt
- She tetis Joc that rhey are going (iowntown.
jue decides to join his friends.
jane rbinks joc nccc]s ro have sorne fun.

T: t íTrack u)

Listen and complete the diatog.

\V: OK, we'Ii hour. Bye.

¡\1: \Vho Oil - jane?

W: That Amy. She Írn It

______________ a pa rrrnenr building an

¡vi: Why ¡nccting -


\X': Because close - ---

\X/e're to and watch

60 UnitiS



M: Oh. ¡ Inmestiv - - should

(CSt -


• (un!

stti d ving
\X': You -

Joe. 'Von - srudv - You -

U) because yon 're


Xl: 1 -- know, voti 're Is -- ¡us! Ainv and


\X: [liv is -- , tOO.

Ni: Realty? 1 tú a

e d ressed!

\V: 1 )on'r - tiave

N1: Ir see 1.ilv and a

¡nOI/ IC

\\': 1 tOi(t so!

UnitiS 61
Tickets to the Game


- oihcrtjse
Ful. in the btanks.

• U ir's raining, i'll rake a cab. , 1'11 walk.

Sarah al1swercd all lOO quesrions oti rhe test
My HC\V - ar work bought everyonc lunch vesccrdav.
Did yoti huy -in airplanc -- ro Flawaii last vcck?
S. She lives \vith her in tapan.
6. It is ro gel EIckCS lo che fl)OV1C, 110w. ltiev are S( )Id 011V.


Listen and answer the questions.

1 inv did the wc)man ger clic tickets?

(a) She houghr them. (h) Her hoss gaye them tu hei
(e) She gor rhcm (ruin a coilcague. (d) 1 lcr h ro( her —ave rhem tu her.

\Xho xviii go wirh ¡lcr tu warch thc —ame?

(a) Thc man she is raiking ro (h) 1 lcr hrothcr
(c) Her colleague in London (d) She -vilI go alone

- -:. -- -- ---

Listen and write the missing words.

Ive üL (\\o - - t() the

basehail gamo next Sarurday.
Did 1 bear vou

Mv - aud hcr litisbatid

have to go to London. ir
- , 1 might iake my hrot her
i n stca d.

62 Unit 19

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

-- ilw wo;naii ¡s going tu I.oiidoii ivcr rile weckend.
The garnc starts lit 9:00 a.m. on Sarurday.
The man has boughr tickets ro the h;isehalt ga me.
¡he woman 's coileague gaye her two tickets 10 thc game.
Fiw frientis xviii ¡iiect lit 10:00 ].ti). Oil Saturdav niorniiig.

- ,.
- 1
6 6 ¿Y 615 6 66 o y7 'S2

g*:ix:1J[ 6-:Track19

Listen and complete the diatog.

\V: You S( )FI1U

news! I've CO

i)aseI);lI 1 Sacu ida v.

.. NI: E)id bear - ? '(mi -

to haseha!! - _] 1 !ow - you -

ihúse? ¡ tiiotight

hecause suid mii

e iJn't 19 63


6 8d5 73 ¿Y6
W: It - actually.2vly

go 1 .ondon

1'hcy offcrcd _______ rheir

1 .
, I.
of ¡ - accepi.
NI: You're J \Vho -- going --


\V: Lrhinking - would


Ni: Doii'r love to

- ---- you!

\X': ¡ realty

-. Saiurday?
\4 \VelI, -- starts l)iflC o'clock


\V: Yes, meer ar 8:30 a.m. Saturday?

M: c;ood - - .

64 llnit 19
Unft2. WonderWonan_______

- hero

FuL in the btanks.
1 • Most cliitdreii like Lo read
Do von have enotigli -- ro carrv rhar heavv hag?
\VIio is your favorirc Coiti it: i)o< )k Batinan. Su pernian. or
fl l'here mav be rhuiickr and during tIte srorin toitigiti.
Al]tathers should he a - - -- for tiieir Sons.
Sonte rrains rravei ar a vcry Iugh
II a 6 (Track 2o
e Listen ami answer the questions.

e • \Vhv did Mr. Marston use a false name lo vrice comics?

1 l did not want bis coileagnes ro find ant.
(h) 1 l did no( wani co work in an oiiice.
(u) 1k x5, as prciending ro he soiiu'onc Liinotts.
(ci) ¡- le had a fricud cahied Charles Niotilton.

2. \Vhat is NO! a reason char \Vonder \Vontan becaiiie popular?

1! (a) She vas horh hea unÍ ti! a ud st rong.
She \vas a good role inodel br bos and giris.
• (e) She aiwavs mcd tu do whar 'as righc.
(ci) She was created hy. a Harvard graduare.

t:t :H fnek 20

Listen and write the missing words.

• Ojie hero has che of olle

II ti tindred mcn.
2. •1his hero also has clic spccd oí
e .3. ¡f \r()u rhink rhat ibis -- is Snperinan, von are vrong!
4 \\:j er mii huta Inc a fcr chi Idren around rhc world.

tJnit 20 65

SU y ó) 'Track 26.-

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

• Suc is SÍIII otie of dic most popular heiocs of afl titiit'.

\Xfil!ian) Ma rstoii created \Xonder \Xtoman íor liii ¡u ns [o ruad aboul.

One couiic hcok hiero has rhc srrengrh of one bLindred inen.
\X'ondcr Woman soon hecame a role model (nr chikinen.
l'his hero is not Superman, bur \X'onckr \Voman!

J7 -

7.RS R16Y
:! DctH. 6 (K --

Listen and complete the passage.

Coinic - ----------- heroes

- years. hero of____________

n•ien. Ihis also speed of

¡his be . II
Su perina n. - wrong!

This \X'ondcr \X/onian!

M _WiJhiam Marsron creared Wonder Woman

66 Unit 20

ir 1941. 1 l - Harvard Universim He

• false Ilc

his kncnv
• -
viote . I¡le - - Charles N oti lt oti .
• Nl r. N-iarst OH - - __________ strong feni ile

little .Of -____ ------

• lioped

\\ndcr \Vomati, . Wonder \X-'oman

• - - ________ - _____ -- firsí. \Vorlcj \Var II - 1941.

\Vonder Woiiian hccame -- -- - _____ --------- --

• childrcn _______ . She

heantiful. Slw - - tried

• - ____________ _________- righc. lbdav. .- still -

• -- - mosi - beroes - ______ -


• ----.-.--..

• 67
• Unit2O


711 5 1,

13 . Pe
Alt in the btanks.
\VIijcb - - -- of cookics do you like hest?
Thc protessor gaye an inicresting un art historv.
\X'hen peoplc are iii, thcy go tu a
An adult man has abour five liters of - u hís hudv.
Can vou - how tuis accident happeneck
rhc buttcr atd sugar together ¡ti a hig howi.

JiricI , 21

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhar is time abotir Angela?
She missed rhe professor's lccture.
Shc knows something abour biond types.
(e) ¡lcr hlood tvpc is O.
She uudcrsta uds cvcryt hing in thc Iccture.

2. HOw is your blood type clewrunned?

(a) By genes from horh parcnts (b) Rv vou r uiotlicr's bh )od
By vour father's blood (d) By vour brothers and sisrcrs

(Track 21:

Listen and write the missing words.

1 (1011 , t understa ud ¡as¡ weck 's
-- - on h!ood tvpes.
Could you picase ______________ ir ro me? ,.')?; ' •,,
/. A,
:3. lIow ¡5 vour blood - l.J

4. \X'hv can't nvo different blood rypes

68 Unit 21

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

' 11w protessor has 110 ti lic ro hclp Angela understaiid dic Iceture.
Evcrv persoiis Nood is dic exacrly rhe sanie.
Ihere are four difíereiu tvpcs of hlood.
AB and () are two usTes oÍ blood.
It ls i mporraiit rhar hlood tvpes he niatehed lwh >rc anyonc recci VCS

h R3Ó1S ¿5R3 R5 5 11 :.

Listen and complete the diatog.

U: (or - -- - -- , Professor. 1

don'r - weck's Oil

(otiId - i
Ni: No , Angela. Firsr, ler's von

Can - -- - ahottt

e U: There of - _:.A,B,AB, O.

Unu 21 69

o ?5 « ¿513 ¿YRY6 67 5 77615 673 ¿56

Nl: C,00cU -- - is your (lCtCrITlillcdI?

G: You your

Your -- a combinarion

genes -- your

M: ilat's

G : Refore -- ihoitghi aH

h!ood 3

NI: In ways, - person's

But - very dangerous - 1 wo

- tVflCS. YoLIr U)


in a --- , voij coti td die.

;: ¡ . So. that's inust - tnatchcd

70 Unit 21
Unft2The CarRide


FiLL in the btanks.
jMOk at ti)( , - . Ihe Inountains ale SO healitif iii.
Please turn fue down. 1 he mttsic is too Ioud
A. -- inc rhat voti won't forgct lo huy 1 he hi rrhday cake.
e 4. Fha ( television show is ful oí - . F)on'r \vastc vour dmc
vatcIiiiig ir.
'u. E luave a verv had - . 1 oecd sorne aspirin.
6. \X'hat is rhar sineil?

O Understanding 11* Context 22)

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vliv docsn't rhe giri want tu read lier 1)00k ¡fl rhe car?
(ai File story is horing. (h) She wahuis tu listen tu rnusic.
e) Suc is hungrv. (d) It gives hei a headaclue.

\Vhar does clic hoy promise his 0)01 her?

¿a 1 l xviI! hcl)ivc IuiinscIt ¡ti thc

(h) 1 l vilI CH J0V bis CD.

• (c) 1 hue 15 no1)1(1 langu lgc
¿d) 1 le will itd bis lstu
00 liis (E) ,

• 1)00k

(3 Focus on Detaits í fack22

Listen and write the missing words

1. l'vc IL.I Ci1()LI11 ()t %'Oi,if'

. 2.'T'hatinusicis - : 4:......

................... .................... ..
. 0111)' if YOU - thai dIere 15 -- - -. - -- - -

110 bad

• 4. ¡'II pia v
. dic (I). 1)111 II xvill he ar VI'IC 1 choosc.

Unit 22 71


Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).
llie ianiilv IS goiiig U) Toronto.
1'he ho' likes rap mtisic.
Danicllc is reading a book.
- Thc inocher plays the rap CD at dic volume she \vallts.
Thc ¡noii cr fecis rhat rap is tiot realty music.

6Ó6 R 6 5

Listen and complete the diatcg.

B b't am, Da nielte's again. Teil


W: Listen, ______ - ._ . , l've of yOui

Sit be

G K1oin, - Toronto

\V: 1(s ti r

.. -.

72 Uriit 22
-- - SU YGlI

1 Jon u it


blit had

- -
-- CE)


1 hr avÍuI. 1 cail'


U: ()li,_ ,can rap__


1 I);i t

u> Im,1 -

1 II
U) : ,1

\x:. i\ II r ioh t I'II it at

1 iboose.

\'Ç': 1 - lave ever t lic liked
-- age? Peoplu - real --
1 tliose
O G: Oh, Mom! Rap -- -- - - tüo!
O Unit 22 73
Unit 23 The Reoort

Ji isrory
O New Words libra ry
revoji1 Fio?)
FiU in the btanks.
• Tliere vas a in thar country ycarsago.
2. ¡ Iow long did voti take to wrire vour science
.3. - telis us abour imporranr thiiigs tliat I1appencd in rhe pat.
Tltere are ikousands of hooks ¡a the pttblic
¡1 is iinporlant to look lo± ways before yoLi cross the Street. -
ar a husy intersection.
Did you alt vour homework?

O Understandng the Context Í Track 23)

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhar is rhie bov's repon ahouv
(a) Speaking French (b) 1'he French langtiage
(c) The Frcnch Revolution (d) French food ant! culture
\Xhich oí thesc is NOT somerbing tlie hoy , did in order ro wnre bis repon?
1 l askcd ti is English reacher for help.
1-le svrotc c!own namcs of jeople on rhc slmw.
He wenr ro a hihrarv to look for hooks.
He warched a TV sliow Íirsi.

Ø Focus on Details 63 (Track 23

Listen and write the missing words.

• ¡ finished mv on L Nc
Frcnch Revoltition last nighr. - :-c
How did vou ____________ it so fast?
It vas very easy, - ___________ hccause 1 •,--.. p '

¡ alrcady undcrsrood what they wantcd

ro sas'.
Shc's a Frcnch language teacher, nor a

74 Unit 23
Su rr r1 a ry ',Track 2i1

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

•-- - 1 lic ;i rl voiidcrs why suc shon 1(1 \\ .¡te about PreneFi historv.
2. Thc ¡mv cxplail1s that t11e language is contiected ro dic culture.
A. TIie ¡mv has huished bis repon.
1-le telis clic girl 1mw he íoun d t he ¡u U rina tic )u
- - - Jhe girl goes ro tallc ro ber Frcnch teacher.

- 15 ¿Y1 ! »
fl Dctcitfrn 6 tcPá!
Listen and complete the diatog.

- ( )n -- - - Tren cli Revol Ii tIOfl 1 ast

G: 1 Iow so ? I'ni

tryng -

Thcrc -

1V - wcek.wrojc ___


1. '
P nat do

Unt 23 75
rRsy?s 7Y
to thc aoci rbeir


¡ already -- 'har wanrcd

guess ------ -- -- rbar,bur__

TV sholv. \Vhy Ms. Dessard

abour French , anyway ?Slie's Frcnch

tcachcr. iict

8 ?vls. Dcssard - if - t()

dic - - should - culture.

¡ dcri't lí. speak - -

French - If -- -

Frrnch Freticli

76 Unit 23

Unit 24 Home Schools

e y - bcOclit

FUL in the btanks.

'1 he -- lihrary is closed on Sunclavs.

Parents shoutd tlicir children ITT a kind btur firm
I)id Micliaci teil von tiie -- he decitkd Tu leave cal IV.
.1 Une of playirig sports is thai von can meet new friends.
It is ven n) cross rI1e ruad witiiotil looking both lelt aH right.
My mother does Tior of people who srnoke.

tie cc) t: ÓTJ Track2L

Listen and answer the questions.

\Miat is NOT sllggesred as a reasoli for liotile scilooling?

a) it can he safer than puhl te schools.
h it Cali he more micresting.
{c) iL provicks discipline.
(ci) Parents decide whidi suhjects to teaci.
1 2. \Vbv do soiiie people think tbat hume selionling is no( goad for StTTIitTTN?

1 (a) SnldeTlts niav not ÍeeI a sense of COIflITuITIitV.

(h) SLLldcTlts can suudy rnteresti ig suhjecis.

1 (e) Hume schooli ig C.111 he dangerous. - -
(J) Parents cauinot teacli t hcir chiidren
«Track 24

Listen and write the missing words.

Pareuits ci)csc tu honie scliool lucir childrcui 7 -

1 br ilhuTl\ (1iH(TCFII
Sorne people lee1 that pu hite schools are too

e Ihere are mans - ro borne schooling.
1. Tlicv Iwlieve ptihlic schools teacli cliildreui -
lJnít 24 77

0 True Vcds Ç

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

1 lome schools are school: at borne.

Thc tevel of cducation is Iow at horno sehools.
SOrne )copit' sas' horno schooting is nor good for studonts.
4.______ Horno schools are alwavs betrer than pullic schools.
5. __________ Horno scbools are usua!ty ven. srnall.

7Y67Y ¿5 -

¿3 Dictahon Ó (Track2ç

Listen and complete the passage.

'l'bere schools -

- students. Ono LS

honic school. SCIH)OS thai

Pa ron ts - borne SCIU)oI for

rezlsons. Sorne that

are -- Sorne th i k

78 Unit 24
. 1

67b 736 6 S ¿3 ¿S1$ »Y2* 7Y ¿Y6 75

cdiicariou_ --- Iúw.
5 Sonc 110t - ----- -
tlieir iii II
5 choosc school - -
5 (o

lherc - - to schoolmg. 1 Iotiic

vcry fuere une

5 [lic students - -- -

5 ¡S

Sonie - - - think SçIIuOilTU - - -

- students.1hcy believe -- ________ ccach
5 'Ihev rhar -

5 give - - SCflSC ----Ofllrflunitv. lfl . iiiust decide

5 schooling choice

_- - -- -
5 Unit 24 79
ji Y Y

Bi Brother

día per
Ci L ¡ng

fl New Wnrds Cute

rtIflpey.0 Dic
Ful. in the btanks.
\laria's tvins look verv in tliat phøtograph.
'Che habv's is wet aud dirty.
\Vhar is dic -- outside? It kcls verv cokl.
'Uhat niovie is really.
'Che phone has heen riagiiig -- today;
Don't Wc baby 1mw! He necds to go ro slecp.

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What is NO1 true ahour Wc situarion a; Wc hoy's house?
(a) A baby -ir[ has ¡tisi heen hora.
(h) Thc boy's niorher and father are vcry husv.
(e) ]"]le hoy is cxcitcd abour dic baby.
(d) The hoy has not changed a diaper ya.

2. \Vhar does Wc hoy NOT like ahottt Wc baby?

(a) The baby is ente.
(h) 'Ibe habv laughs wheii dic hoy tickies his (ea. -- - -

(c) Ilie baby enes W

ahc ie.
(d) 1hc baby has darker hair than tlic hoy.

ç Frcss on ICI etú i 1 SS í rack 25).

Listen and write the missing words

It's really cxciring, hur not as easy as 1
thoughr it wouki be, hecanse rhe haby e ji

1 had ro help ehange and feed her;

1 learncd how ro hear rhc borde lo rhe right though.
He Jaughs whcti 1 -- - bis hittk feer.

80 iJnit 25
Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.
• ... . Tbcrc's a new ha 1w in thc hov's house.
Ihe hoy wants Co 1w rile besr hig l)IOtIR,r iii rhe world.
He hoy hclps bis parents ro look a Ítcr thc hal.
Thc hoy rh,nks rhc hahy is very cure.
1 lic ha 1 )V en es a 1< t.


íTrack 2$

Listen and complete the diatog. - - - - - - - - -

G So,_. . it . to llave ... hrotlier

B : li's . .. . ., hut as - as 1 tliotight

hecaLise . enes -

baby . htii don'r


!\Vhcn. . - horu,

(Jnit2S 81
- .4

737YR3 ¿Y875Rs ¿rYUM5

cried alt -- ¡ to -

cItangc and -- hci.

8: 1 Inever change_.._...

mom and dad - - - job -- thai. 1 -- _______________ 1mw

to - ___________ the to righc

though. J-la vi ng a round

\Vhat -- lnost your fle\V ?

13: FIe's - ,and - ___ hc

bur darkcr

U : Smaller , of

13: He laughs bis - ____________ --- ícet. \X1heri

-- grows a bit, I'IL ride.

and - -________ also - _____________-- togerber!

- he big ¡a dic

82 Unit 25
ir TheNewBoss
, ' Il ii l l , J.1 ve eritíc;,.
"flprn VÇ
re,j Ij
'.ica ru,1
FUL in the btanks.
• Pc( pie si U) ti Id lea rn nor tü – - - cadi odie r.
2. 1 wouki rat tier be an — - -- t han a Ross .A boss has mo manv
:3. Marv is roo slie's aivays fceiing iittri ahotir soiiierhuiig.
¡ didni'r (btU 1 was so late!
¡ am going lo Japan tor a short
You ticctd o your handwriii ig. Ir is very messy.

Track 26

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vii;it cloes Irevor thinlc ahoiti niie 1]tw boss?
(a) Suc is roo sensitive. (Ii) 5k crjtjcizcs Htii 1cm FlitiCli.

(c) Siw woçks too ¡mrd. (CI) Shc nccdsavacaricrn.

\Vhat (loes Kim tliiiik (lit: lic\v Ross is rrying lo do?

(a) I-Idp Irevor iiiiprove ¡lis work (li) Cci Trevor ro (md a new
(e) (et Trevor ro o on vacation (ti) Make Irevor WOfk on wcckciids

Track 26,

e Listen and write the missing words.

e \Vhv itsc di is moni ing ¡ hea rd her say
you're a vcrv good
e 2. 5k just everythiing ¡ do.
e .3. ¡ thiiik rhar vou'rc king ioo -
4. Nl avhe 1 ¡ vsi need a
e Unit 26 83
• .
1 •- - 1
1 a

ij TrUe, ny Frk Í '¡rack 26',

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

Thc new boss is a woman.
Kim luces rhe new boss.
_________ Trevor fecis that the new boss criticizes his work.
________ Trevor has jusr come hack froin a long vacation.
_________ The new l,oss rhinks that Irevor is a good employce.

: Track26

Listen and complete the dialog. --

M: \'ou , Kim, think -- - doesn't

— . (lont why.

\V: 1'har's - _., Trevor! \Xhv, lTorr1Il1g

you're -- good

Slie _______ harci

N1: I'har's . 1 wish it

but just cvervrhing --

84 Unit 26
0 0
U ¿5 0 0 0 0 0 0
•• \\t: [__ - voure

•1 Nl: Do rca!ly ? Mavbc — - need

• - _________
1 baven'r br --


• \V: ir's


- _4;reat_

•• 1V1: How Are

• \V: - - Fin reallv

hoss. ilat's

- Fm

- that


• she - vour -- Ac1lIaIIy. ¡ — slw

• - _yOtl vohir -. Slic's

• trying

Now thar

• ¡ Nl: 1 dicln't


.1 !flhLCh

•• \X1 : ( ood! ¡ et's 1

• ___ __ _____
Unit 26 85


cd Ica ti011
- Ç)Z( )r ni
!cv &iords brail l
FILE in the btanks.
• Alter he fi iishcd higli school, Lee \-Cli( ro a good - -
'I he sebool - is dic person who is ¡ti charge of dic \VhOIe schooL
Ihe is an organ which is prorected by dic skull.
Parents usually vanr their childreu ro have a good --
.5. 1hev WCFC -- ti a car accideur Iasr niglit; Iuckilv, nobody was huri.
- ¡

6. Robin's school is starting a spccial - - ihis ycar.

ó Track 27

Listen and answer the questions.

1. \X'hat (lid Mr. Shin NOT do wlien he vas a hoy?
He read about 1mw t he hniiian brain vorL.
1-le st tidicd very hard.
Nc spcnr time hclping childrcn lea-n atid grow.
1-le rieti co use bis brain wel 1.
2. \Vliat is dic special prograin for?
lb send scudents co cotiege
To train rcachers ro beconie principais
(e) ib raise nioney for dic school
(d) lo tcach scudents liow ro use thcir brai is herrer

Track 27 1 -

Listen and write the missing words.

1 tiave bcen a scli )ol - br
18 vears.
Soon, 1 hegaii to ger interesied ¡ti

Aher , 1 became a tcachci.

¡'ni glad dic - is so successful.

86 Un1t27
Ø True or Fcíjsr Ø' YiY

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

1. r. Shi n has hccn a principal (nr 12 vea rs.
Mr. Shin became inrerested ¡u cducaiioii tx:ca use bis tat lwr was a wactier.
Mr. Sliin (lid not like being a reacher afier a kw veaN.
Mr. Shiii set np a special program for rhc scudents ¡o bis school.
Mr. Shin sometinies wislics tliat he liad become a doctor.

Track 27`

Listen and complete the

\V: 1mw been principal, Mr.


sebOOf ¡8
\V: \Xhat ilivolved

1 \xi"c 1read

hard. 1 10

linit 27 87
51Y1Y7 ¿6U7y
vdll. Soon, 1 interesrecl --

\Xf: 1

M: Afrer ,I -- _____ a .1 given

POsition 12 veaN

\X': Do -- - _______ wish yoti hd done

hcing a - -- T -- spending

and hclpiitg and

Hovevcr, 1 - 1 (OtilCI cl -- )( ls

\X: Yoti - - Ccitail)lV of Mr. Shin!

a to ah

studcnrs -- _____ ro ____

planning fo r


88 ¡mit 27
e L Bili Gates

OWg er cli U la te
cha iit
Ç) New trq)rds -. Cm ph

FiLt in the btanks.

Rig coinpaines - - - rhousa uds oí p(( )pk.
She donates nioiicv (o a thai helps the puor.
1 \VOLIId like ro sonie monev rc vour pn)gralil (o help siek
•! peuple.
Tlie of dic company is res ponsibk lo] - ninny emplovees.
1'raveling is an

-- way ro see new places aixd karn new rhings.
My parents houghi inc a new last weck

@) h\de; ndinic i2Xt Í Çrraciç

Listen and answer the questions.

1. \X7liv cloes iliú man wisli lic was Hill Cates?
(a) gil¡ (ates loves coinputers. (h) Rill Cates went ro Harvard.
(c) Hill Cates has a lot oí rnoncv. cd) Hill Cates droppcd orn of college.

2. \Vh;n is NOl true abour N1icrosofc?

a) It cii lplovs thousands oí pcople.

(14 It makes billions of dollars.

(e) Irs owncr donares iuoucy tú lielp people.
(ci) Ir gives chi Idren free coiti puter kssons. E
ç, Eet: • rack8

Listen and write the missing words.

1 t a lso - hütit 55,000 people
iii 85 di fiercnt C( )urltries.
- "•11 t'- - 1 -
L. DIII ' atcs (lunares milliotis ro CVCry ycar.
.3. 1 Iie;trd fiar he gor interested iii - when he vas really voung.
4. ¡ le \V35 a StLidClir.

e IJnit 28 89

O Sumnory •' :racs

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

1 l liad a dream ro folIow.
1 l stucl ied coiupurcrs at 1-la rvard Universirv. ¡)lit decided U) diof' ()tlt
Hill Gares started progranhining compul.ers wIlen he wa 13 veaN oid.
Microsoft ¡nade a Lot of moncy in 2001.
Look ar this arride Pm reading.

- I
¿L lE íÇ )E

d) Track 2ú
Listen and compLete the diatog. - - -

IVI: 1 .00k 1 am It

Microsoft over $36 hillion in 2004.

W: Wow!

M: ¡ BilI Garcs, _____ ____ of Microsoft!

\X: Is just . tbe ._

M: Of__ ! You

ro ____________ orher Hill Gares

90 Unit 28
6 6 E) 13 7iKi Rb ¿3 6 6 o .) o
tú evcry

55,000 in $5 countries.

lhcard gor__. in_

he \Vil S VOLL11,

Ni: Ibar's F-le prograiiiining

•l ¡ lic 1.3

\X': ReaIlv?

Ihen studied - - -- ¡ larvard Iinivcrsitv.

\V: He 1--Iarvar<I ? This hov

'vl: Actuailv, Rili Gates (lecided - - 1-larvard. He

an Rut - fol

0 \X': \Vliv ________

O t bar

he aral III

e • \X'. Isee! (kcid(.(I [lis
e decisi ni
e LI':__ - J

e LJnit28 91
U&t 29 Mark Twain '1

>( )l1
« Wzrds pnnid
a u thor
coni fon a bit.
Fut in the btanks.
• It's orie o'clock ¡u dic - . Let's have lunch.
The giris are relling culiother secrets ¡u a
Do voti know who rhc - of thar book is?
Jenny is reading rhe sports of the newspaper.
5 ihis bed is sofr and ro sleep ¡n.
6. ¡ am very - of mv íamilv.

t.i- ó Ci)
Listen and answer the questions.
1. \VIiy did rhe conductor give Mark Twain a privare section?
(a) 1 l thoughr Mark hva in -vas a famous aurbor.
(h) Mark Twa ¡ u pa Id a lot of nu me>.
(e) ¡ ¡e thotrght Mark 1\ai u vas a Íainous general
(d) Thc train xvas empt)t
2. \Vhat is NOT true abour Twain's story?
(a) ¡ le took thc train from New York. (h) ¡ -le got a privare sectioli ¡u the train.
(e) He was niicoinfortal,lc on rhe traiii. (d) TIic slceper train %va,% hill.

-. Track29

Listen and write the missing words.

Then he spoke ro thc conductor in a

"\X'e have two beds and chairs ¡u a

l'he conductor made sure 1 .vas

•fh en he sa Id, ' ¡ 'in so --

to have VOU 01) ibis train, Sir."

92 Unit 29

6 (rrac9'

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) Dr F (Faise).

.\lark Ikvain vas a eneraI in dic armv.
11w train Vas cinptv.
.3. - Mark Twain wanccd a room ori che siceper crain.
4. Ttic young man ar che ticket office was polite.
la che end, Mark iwain vas given a privare section un che train.
s r

67$ ¿8 RS ¿Y 613 ¿Y 6 R!
-- -

5 Listen and complete the passage.

5 Here - Mark Twain,

- ibm .Saiuy'er T/w Adveni tires of
5 !hick'leherr, Iiiz,z, toid
Years -- ,1 - - - train Nev York. There
5 and slccper train
5 .1 che lile
5 office - cotild room slecper - of

Unit 29 93


- -- -. 1 l answcred "No!"

- feeling angry. As getiing

train. a watching 1-le me

minutes. Ihen tO __________ conductora

Jmmediately rhe

"Can askcd. "I)o - want

-- iii

"Yes, - ¡ liC -

94 Unít 29
A Soccer Star

- W(
• iflternarjonij
Ç$ t i ¡u !s
a va rJ
Oil (Sta 1k ¡ing

FiEL in the btanks.

• ¡iii receivcd ;tn - -- for Ititori ig ollier students.

[bis sebool has st udcnts from countries all over hc world. Ir is mi
S I school.
e ________________ is thc FilOSI popular sport in dic wcrld.
e The of the tennis championsbips Were heid in Ss'dnc}
e More and more people use computers ¡ti thieir dailv lives.
e john is am -- student. 1-le artencis class, studies iiard, and gcts
e excellenr grades.

EJ rc1 e. r c::H!c fiie Cok:;tt •'4 Track 30

Listen and answer the questicns.

\Vhat is NO] (rLte aI)OUt !ioJ1?

(a) 1-le is [Corcan. (h) Ele plays for a U.S n1ajor league team.
e (e) 1 l pla ved in ¡¡ve World Cup finais. (d) 1 l \VOfl (WO awards.

2. Whv did 1-long win rhc Adidas Brome Ball Award in the 2002 World Gup?
(a) Eor gi Vii am otitstandtng performance
(h) For scoring onc goal
-- -4-

(d) lo'
hung dic most popti1 ir phtr
inniiig dic fituIs
IE'tt •
e (r Fçjcuz cr i.emis Í 1fraWü)

Listen and write the missing words

Soccer is a very, popular team sport

/ ±'T
¡ le has plaved in ¡flore than 125
.3. 1-long \voi) two soccer ¡ti 2002.
- gaii les .
e 4. l'bis avard \vas for bis -• performance in rhe gaine.

e Unit3O 95

rs,t, A

Track 30)

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

-- ¡ long piavcd íor the Pobang Srcclers for six ycars.
2. — ¡ le played in thc World Cup ¡rt 1990, 1994, 1998, and 2002.
Now, ¡ long is a coach for the South Korean soccer teafu.
- T-Tong vas thc first Morcan to play . for a major league socccr team in
the LIS.
His team won the award for the Most Enccrtaining 1ain iii the 2002
World c;up.

fl)73 7S7Y
7 2
Listen and complete the passage.

'5 icam

?vlany, to

Hong N'lvu ng-bo phiver. 1 l

playing in 1990. He

Pohang Stccicrs Then

Los Angeles Galaxy. 1 l

-- Morcan - -- niajor league

96 Unit 30
¿SR3 7375 (J5
7S7575 67Y73_ ¿Y1YR$ 1Y756
tJiiired Stares. Nov. coach - -


•! Ixtcause

¡-le more 125

1l ii - WorIdLup -fíe

World Gup 1990. 1994, and

•P 2002.

in 2002. 1 lis -

woii for i'vlosi Entertain ing Tcain

World c&i 1 ,. People - ir - - ro -

Hong's - - play Hong

t\didas Rronze Rail Award. Ihis vías

performance - . lic

thc plavcrs -- 2002

.1 Unit 30 97
LE ¿7 Keeoincz Fit

- cxcrcJs e
- CICVjtc,i
4 ct-r tft ] SIroJJ
FiEL in the btanks.
John vants to huy a new for ¡lis office.
Take dic up ro rlie 1 W. (loor.
\Xtould vou likc ro go for a around tlic park later ihis evening?
Karen never (liers. She ears nicaR.
It is irnprtant ro get cnough
'(on've heen sitting dowii for hours. Whv don'r vot' -- - vour lcgs?

rcsv? Track 31

Listen ami answer the questions.

\Vhat is N(YF suggested in dic listening passagc as a w1v w stav jo shape?
(a) \Xalkitig more often (h) Using dic stairs
(e) C;oing ro dic gyni (d) Strol ling a ronnd dic block

\Vhat sliotild WC do if we Sit III front of a compucer for a long rime?

(a) Work for hours (h) Lat a sandwich
(e) Stand op and stretcli (d) Sir dowii properlv

- -

Listen and write the missing words.

\Vc al! oecd - exercise ro
kccp (ir.
Tnst cad of ta king thc - in
huildings alt Wc time, ,ve could use dic
ti we stand for a long time, we should
sir down and - our hacks.
lhese are jusr a kw ways we can stav (it
whcn WC don'r llave a lot of tiiflC ro

98 tinit 31


Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or E (False).

- - . Srtidving al! (1351 leavcs sitidents vit!i titile lime ro exereise.

2. \\ilkiiig is goocl excrcise.
Sttidents can get sorne exercise hv strol!ing around at ICCCSS.

4. 10 keep fiL WC should atways take the elevator insteacl of rlw stairs.
\Xe (lon'r 11eed ro srrercli if we sir in frour of a coinptittr f r a long time.

:YncHtj. Track 31

Listen and complete the passage.

Wc need fu. Rut

atI , we donu titile

liít wciglits, baskcchalI. \Vhat

to ¡Ti shape?

Que COLIId - - is - ofttn. \X'alking

- . Inscead - - sehool

or colild - Diii ing ÍCCCS


Unit 31 99

oursidc and - - arotind ____________________ - - back

Instead - the iii buildings

could stairs.

Anothcr - -- is to ._ hreaks

If . - _clesks front -

(or . , we should

311(1 - .. our _ ____________ ___________ --- once

If -. _____ -. long tinic, - should

srrerch -

Tbese - . a iew WC can when ve

a lot of - to -- Do .. sorne other

100 tinit 31
•; e---

FUL in the btanks.

1. Many jeop!e whcri dcv are tired or sicepy.
can sometinies make people yawn.
\Ve al' need lo ;ti]- ibat contains oxvgcn.
Planrs give off -- wlwn there is sunlight.
People who srnokc can dainage tbeir -
Sarah took a deep aud jumped nito 11w swininhing roo!.

.j :r,c r1j[
ra ck 32

Listen and answer the questions.

• \X'har is th1_ hcst \VaY tu sIc)j) yawiiing?
(a) Fat a inciI (b) Brcatlic decplv
(e) (o ro slee (d) 1,ie clown

2. \Vhat is NOT a reasori rI1ar people vawn?

(a) Thev mav he tired. (h) Thev may , he horcd.
Cc) l'hcv rnav iwecl less exercise. (d) Thcv 1113V need more oxvgefl.

C Track 32)

Listen and write the missing words.

• \X'hcn von need more
VOU OpCfl Von r iii (MIt!) mide a tic! rake ¡ti a
lot of aii
You sliould go outside mio rhe fresh air
zinc! deeplv.
Thcn Mis- Jo 1 -- whci
1 am hored, Ms. krrv?
•j The hest way lo stop vawning (mm
interesÉ iIig.
is to do something

Unit 32 101
2 :r-j Surn flC rack32

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

- jason is vawning.
-- Jason lea rus that j)eople Vawil WhC11 rin- y are tired r horeti.
Ib stop yawning Íroni boredoin, do soruerliing interesri ng.
She tetis blm to ouisidc and brearbe ¡ti sorne fresh air.
- -Ls. krry tetis Jasen that pcopic yawn becanse dey need more oxvge.


Track 32

Listen and complete the diatog.

- -- - , jasoni

13: l'rn ,Nls.1erry.I.... bel,

\X/: You ! You -- need


YOU - - fflOth vide lot

13: \X'hat -- - 1 ____ - ------stop )

102 Unit 32
5 6 666 ábó RS «Ó ó
\OLI go fresli

e and (!cuj!v. Ilicu \VC)I1't

:1iVIflOre. Your Iots

e R: \X'c in_ sowliy

e \V: Are Bving - liso
e iiceds
e hclps Slccping
VOt] r itia long.

e 1,1 ihen, do 1 hored, Ms. Ferry?
\X': \X•'eII. lason, , are prohahly
enough. Ihc -

-- - stop from is co --

If cari't , try deep

e • Ihis not hur
e Sto')

s r

Unu 32 103

fl e -. e
MiI!i7 Jk9ii'
- SChC( IL; IC
( 51 New Wctrds

FUL in the btanks.
¡ liave a husy cvcrv sciiiester.
T go to the to work out at least twicc a weck.
You don't need ro lose any -- --
_; SS kilogranis is righr for your suc.
is a form of cxcrcise rhar focuses on relaxing and strerching.
My parents uve . Their house is onlya kw hlocks awav.
The two brothers look very

) y Track 33'

Listen and answer the questions.

• \Xfhai do rlic man and wonian No raik ;ihotit?
(a) (ioing on a hike (b) Visiring the new gym
(e) Getting sorne exercise (d) Losing wcight

2. Whcn vill tlie fricnds visir dic gyin?

(a) F'ridav morning (h) Saturdav morning
(e) Friday' evening (d) Saturdav aítcrnoon

Track 33)

Listen and write the missing words

1) id von lica r rhat a new gN.111 oper i cd oh

one of the srrccts

¡'ve ga mcd sorne -, a ud ¡ 'd
like to lose ir chrough cxercisc.
Lcr me check my -- for rius
\Ve might even meer new peopk with

104 Unít 33
5 N.c.
C' •' Track 33.
5 Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (Falsel.
5 Ttie man vants ro lose sorna. weighr.
-he man and wornan will liave lunch lx1ore visiring rhe gyui.
5 'he man wants ro take kickhoxing elasses.
llie wonlan ivill nor visir rhe gvm on Fridav.
T'lie 111;1 II does not llave a hnsv schedule on Fridas
5 , 1

5 ¿3 RY61 ¿.S L
5 (Track 33
Listen and complete the dialog.
5 \': Did IIC\\ £4' ti Oil

- - strecrs .1

Nl.: ]iwr's !1've
5 1! Ud tú lose - . through -

\V: 1 to lose . , and Uve

- to classes.
5 1\11. Do .. if, offcrs ./

Unit33 105
W: ¡'ni

ro - .l)o -

jOiL1 _?

1v!: Let chcck -- - -- kw

oti Frida, - go - Sai tirday

\X: Sure. \X/e _________- whar -- has offer,

and - __________ - , too. les ro work out

- with

- ici1e

M: Hoid , tct's ____ ______ look ______ first

WC planning -

Lefs - ________ lunch Wcst End Café -

go. -_____ - the -_____nical

W: Good ---

1 06 Unit 33
U&t 34 A Healthy Lifestyle


lça irin
FIEL in the btanks.

• Eveivone shotj!j see rhc doctor for a at teast once a vear.

Wc nccd lo gel ctiough vitainins lo
Rroccoli, spinach, and carrotç are ah - -- -
\ou Iieed tO clic amount of rice von &;it. ¡ la ve S( )il It. !)tit i mt
too inucli.
Starchy foods like bread atid FICC contain -
Suc Itas a healtitmer -- tl1an I1er sister.

Jt Unrcr,ftricflnq the Contcxt t

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhv did the man scart eating hcalthv fonds?

) ¡-le vas ovcrwcight.
(h) ¡ lis doctor stiggcsted
He is riot ¡Ti gcod lwa It h.
His friend gaye h im sorne gond advice.

2. \Vhv shon Id rhc woman tarr chinking about a lica It hier Ii fesivie ?
(a) Becanse slw has a new job (1)) Becausc she cars ion titile
Becatise she hikes sugarv tootis (d) Because she shotmld (md a new job

64 Track 34,' - --

-. . .

Listen and write the missing words

;ist 1110)111 h 1 liad a
1 cat Ints of frimit aud
1 trv lo carholivdrates tike
bread, rice, atid pasta.
1 shotmld StaFu iliinkiiig about a he;i!thier ,

Unu 34 107
1 «—:ii

( Sunnrnc[ Í Track34)

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

1hc man says tat e s sta d xercisig ad earig healtiv Íoods.
- 1-le reus rhe s'oman wliat bis doctor toid bitn ni do.
Thc woniari offers dic man sorne of her bcirger.
The man cxplains that he ears plcnry of íruit aud vcgetabks.
Ilie womail says rhar slw shonld think abour haviiig a hcalrliicr


Listen and complete the diatog. - -

XV: -- burger - -- Do want

I\'l: No, . I'rn

thcsc (lays. 1 - be So l've -

catiug - , fresli

W: You'rc _? IIai s Iantast ¡e! VOLI

yonr and staving shape?

M: 1ast ¡ a My -


108 Unit 31.

6 ¿17b 5 ¿6 ¿5 *3 73 6 ¿73 R'3 6 6 366
char -- be leading - ¡uticli heali hier

older. Now. -- -- - ea

iTl%teLd 01,

hig -

W: 1 \X'har (fi do usuaiiv 110WI

• 1 try

- - Like -

rry iiot - -- sugary foods.

\\t; Oh War! 1 ioods, - cakes.

Ni: Weli. -- - cal that

Yoii lo care of

\X': "r'ou're

healthier Rut , T'TU - co

¡ny bu rger!

Un1t34 109

Unft 35 ABalanced M9a L... —..

sktp —
i dairs:
-I salad
11 lea

FiLt in the bI.anks.

Thcrc is a vide .of fruii availahlc iii ihis supermarkct.
MiIk, cheese, aud vogurt are sorne examples oí — foods
Breakíasr is dic most irnportant of dic dav.
Ynti wi 1 he ful 1 oí . . .. iÍ you car righi, exercise, aud get plcnty of rcst
5. A usuallv canta ms fresh vegerables
6. Bitl hacl ro --- lunch today tu caicli Lii) CH) S0t1)C wcirk

1 -- o --

Listen and answer the questions.

• \Vhv has tlie woinan heen Íecliiig tired?
(a) Shc has beco wodtng ver' hard.
(h) She has becn eating just orie Ng meal a (a.
(c) She has nor been t',etting enougl) S!ccj).
(ti) She has beeri exercising too mucli.

2. Which of thcse is NO!' soniething rlie man tetis the wonuli tu do?
(a) liar breakfast (1,) Fiat a balance oí Íoods
(c) liar several srnalt tilcaIs a day (d) Eai vegetables instead of ineat

Track 35

Listen and write the missing words.

¡ . People \S-110 breakfast eat
ubre ar rlie next meal.
2. Brcakfast gives you for risc
d -.
alone niav tiot be nutnrious
4. Ir is ¡tnportanr ro ear a good --
of food a r cach inca!

110 Unit 35
o True or False (
Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

Ihe \V()Illafl miS Iosr SOflle WC ight.

1 he Woman has heen skipping hreakrast and t'atiig salads.

Iiw man reus the womari lo eat targe incais several turnes a da}
Ttic woriian fecis (uit of energy.
5. The man savs that it is important to cat balanccd meals.

I t

55 7y
g,oictation í: Track 35. -- - /
Listen and complete the dialog.

\V: ! - - potunds_

Skippiiig .- works.

¡ (1011'! tliai's

\V: \X'liy

"VI: People cnt nr

- - Faring -- - -- - very

gives for

Unit35 111

Y56 ¿375 675 ¿575

\X': \X'e(I, one dinncrtinc.

Ni: Ilaving a flor -- You -

severa! - a yt-nill

thai -

\X: ?.1avhc yoii'rc


VI: \Vhat

Xi: 1 cat _________ - ¡iow.

a 1< )IIC he nUtfitR)US -

C<-': So, should

VI: YOLI -- proteil1

ro -a _________ __________ of

cach You - batanccd Nl akc

sure cercais, _____________ and _, ant1

- - bread - _- You - necd - ¡md

producrs, - rucar. You'I 1 - heali hier.

Yoti ' II __________________________ . Yotr'II --


112 Unit3S

.1 - C - —C — -
• AcrossCanada

104 )I t'r tía cJ agelicy



• FUI in the btanks.

1 . NLany people like Yo car - - - -
• 2. Mv farlier grew np iii a suiall in japan.
3. 1 alwavs ci - - 011 a boar hecause of dic wave tlmt rock ir.

1. 1 bat vas an experience!

5. \X. 1c wcnr co a - tÚ SCC il thcrc \VcI'C am package tours ro Keitva.

6. Victoria Falis isa vcrv faiw nis iri Africa.

- -
-. • .
•,.H -----•;. . çT rack, 3

• Listen and answer the questicns.

\\bv did rhe vomaii go to thc iravul agcncv:

lb pick np naln tickets (1) 'lo plan hcr vacalion

lo pay a deposir (cl) Tú visir her frierid

• .2. \\hat is the woiiian NOT planning tú do iii Canada?

•im Ridea boar (hi Ridc a niotorcycle
• c) lUde a bike (d) Ride a traiil

:• - - - • •1

Listen and write the missing words.

•* ¡ ¡Lis¡ go lick íron ihe

•• 1)i&I \Oti kiic.v 'Oti Cali

Ix)at niider rliar htitc — ctttallv take a

•• \\-ow! 1hat's aii

rhutig ro

3 wa nt to cal tor clin iicr

t\(lV ti iglil

• Unit3ó 113
E5) Sumrr:ry í

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

The woman vi1I he rhere for une inontli.
11w woman ivill a iso visil Toronto aoci Niagara Fa lis.
-- ]']le woman reUs her fricud that she vi!I go tu Vancouver Íirst.
The voinan xviII cud her trip in Nova Scotia.
The woman is going tu go tu Canada on vacation.

ir: Q

1yn ¿y (2

q' Dctction (rraca&*

Listen and compLete the diatog.

\X: l'm so 1 lic

? Whcrc )

\\1; [tu Canada on

?s1: Canada! How are vou

\X: ¡'tu for ¡ - to see -- -

114 Unit36
517$IS ¿.ó 7S 6: ¿Y ¿H ? ¿EiRR3 R3 ¿Y

Nl: You lucky! \Vhat - are going

\V: -, ¡'II a -- - - Vancouver 1hel1

take rhrough - Rocky N1otrntains.

M: Oh. you ' re ___________ - - itockies! '1 liar' ,,

\V: Ihen ¡'II -- - Toronto, aud - - - Niagara

laIIs. í)id that V(>U actuallv -

tiricler - huge 1(5 - Maud

nf tI;c Mist.

\í: \Vow! That\ thiiig J Yoti'n -


\Ç; \\elI , - - - doit

- - in Nova Seoria. ¡ to for

cverv .Audl'd_..__..___.._tohikc - - -

Sl)kuII tOO.
e Nl: llave - rime,and of - -

e (Jnit36 115

• 4
Urit AJjp_pÇurope ______

- 1

- . . IIIstoric1j

Ful in the btanks.
• 1 lavc yoti visired dic new art vet?
MV hrother hroughr me ... . fnnn bis trip ro Ncv' York.
¡ love ro waik along dic — . . ¿md Íccl dic sand l,crwceii mv toes.
She svill he goii
g on tree-dav __
. - o Siipore
g ncxt inonth.
Ihe workers ¿it t he CoilStrLiCtiOii —. . . wear ha rd Iiats lo pi-otcct
their heads.
There are manv . places U) visir ¡ti Europe.

Listen and answer the questions.

1. \Vby would julie prefer Lo viii Europe rarhcr rharl o ro dic seashore?
She cloesn't like ihe seasIlOie.
She likes nitiscums.
She los-es visitiiig Euroix.
(ci) She wcnr ro the scashorc tasi vear.

2. \X'hat vil1 Andre N(Yl' do in Europe?

Ger bis parents a souvenir
Visir historical sites arid fainous museums - --
Go ro rhe top of rEte Eiffel
Ride on tEte Eurorail

Traci, 37'

Listen : '

• We're going ro take a of a

France, Italy, and Germanv -
2. W¿ re going ro visir hisrnricat
likc thc (:olisctun ¡o Rome.
3 .Nly fainily is goin; to thc - again, jusr like Iasr vear.
.1. 1 vill take I()IS Of picttires, 31111 I'lI 1)11V you a

116 Unit37

Q[tt. 1H.c o:- p.:(. ( Track 37

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

•- AIRIrC \vciU to ilie seashore tasi vear.

l'hc t%\7o Íriends vitI bring each orber souvenirs.
Andre is going ro tour Europe.
- Julie visired Europe vear.
Andre will he niissiiit scIux)I (0 2<) 01) (lIc !OtIr.

675 ú 6 C) o o o
1' -- --

Listen and complete the diaI.og.

G: \Vhere ( )I1

AOCi re?

1, 13: Fm Europe \X-?crc

a I: rance . Itaty, •. . (Ierinany.

U : (i)li! 'Ihar 1 lov -



Unit37 117

56 Y¿ ¿b RS 68 ¿5 ¿5 6
_________ \IL,,tØfl• - -.

Ci: \Vhat -- -- -- rhere?

¡3: \X'e're visit_

Colisctiin -- Rome. \Ve'l!

Louvre -- Paris. Aud, -

wc'rc ___ of ElfÍci

To Wc it

Ci : l-low - froni


B : Iherc's - -bat -

Europe. It's Eurorail.

Jsh go !My _is

-- che just vear.

13 : 1)on'r , julie. ¡ takc

ancl 11! huy

Ci : - 1'11 collect scashclls dic

13: Thajiks!

118 Unit37
e - —

Tuit3h New Mexico

e tIIfl?d
e FÍLL in the btanks.
• (e )merrv is di fficult tu Icaro. Pm so
e Babies lea ni ro hefore tliev are a vear oid.
Alaska vas rI1e lasr - - ro join dic llriited Stares of Ameríca.
E.verv car has its owii ríumhcr.
e A hear usuallv looks (or a ro skcp in during che winter months.
Ube prisoriers cseapcd 1»' digging a under dic wall.

O Unde.rstandn the Cont, Í
e Listen and answer the questions.

• Whar did rhc girl ciijov cmi ig n1c)st on her vrip?

(a) Earitig Mexicaii Íoocl ch) I)riving a caí
Shopping for hars Rl) Visititig sorne caves

1 2. Whv do thc license piares un ears iii New MCxic() say "USA?"
(a) So pcopie know wherc dic driver is froin
(h) Tu simw clruvers rhar rhe US is ni New \iexicc
1 Tu shuw rhar rhe driver is from Mexico
e So ciiildren don'r ger confused 1

e Ø Focus on DetaflZ
e Listen and write the missing words.

New Mexico is a -- in
rhe sotitiiwcsccrti lis.
2. 1 h -- - on cars iii New
\- icxico also sav "USA,"
Tlierc are 30 miles of - --
e J.

4. 5< )IUCÍ IIIICS \VC had lo era VI di iotigh v e r;- tia tr< )W
e Oil (Rl!

liancis aud ktieçs

e Unit38 119
Surnc:y 64 Track 38)

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

TIic -ir¡ visita! lier COUSIfl \VJ)eI) she WelIt Oil vaCatiofl
2. New Mexico isast ate in tbe US.
She had co wear a bar vith a Iighr in ni dark caves.
1-lcr favorite parc of tite trip vas (:arlshzid (:a\'erTis.
She svi!I visit again next ycar.

1YS1YR35 :'T/bTbT

~,Track 38

Listen and complete the diatog. - -.

E: .Iliaveii't - - whøIe

\X'here - un

G 1 cousi New Mexico. 1 a

13: 2viexico? 1 - - -- - - ou che US.

-. New Mexico -- - in sotithwesrcrri

US. 1t's Texas Arizona. (itcss --_______

120 Unt 38
e ¿37b 6R6 66 C5C) 666
e New Mex ico

e 11w on in New
e Nlexico "USA." This thai

e clon't - - t Iniik is

e Mexico.

e 13: Tbat's 1 So.

e New Niexico.
e ( Niv \vas Carlshad Cavç'rns.
e T'hcrc 30 miles in
e conid - dark. 'Ve
e -- tIi rough - - ¡la rrow

e - and knees.
e G : No, - \vas
e my Yoti
- me!
e Unit38 121
e '
1 __ Uffl t 39 A Good Way to Travel

:: hackpack .
Y' tra Vcjcr
Q New Words tOj!et
.- k irchCII
FiEL in the btanks.
• '11w teenagers are going to stay iii a for a weck.
She brought very, kw -. .___________ virh her un the rrip.

Everyone vas wait ¡ng ¡u une tu use rIle un ly ¡ti t he hOSECI

Food is usually prepared ¡u a

That -- . - Iooks like he has been 011 a long un rile.
1 havc pur all niy' things nito my

Q Understondhig fhe Context •' Track 39,

Listen and answer the questions.

\Vhat is NOT true abour hackpackers?
(a) 'liwy tisttally stzlv ¡ti husreis. (h) •1hey travel tu intcrcstiug places.
(e) Jhcv Sollici unes camp ourdoors. (ci)'! bes , liave a lot o t iii onc\

Wbar is NOT t rue a hout a hosni

(a) It is very cheap tu stay there. U) You share a moni vil!1 strangers.
(c) Thcre are a kw toileis aud baths. (ci) Ti is not in the city.

® Focus ort DetcÉits -

Listen and write the missing words.
• These rravclers carry thcir helongings
tu buge
If they stay ¡u a city, rhey may go tu a

There are only a few

aud barhs.
1 ¡ostels are a good place tu mcet other

122 Unit 39

Track 39

Listen and mark the sentences as T (True) or F (FaLse).

Ikiekpack 3 tig IS CXPCIISI\ e.
Backpackcrs iisiiaflv Mav at got d IlONtIS.

Ji costs more 1<) sta;' ai a hotel rhan a I1Ostd.

e 1-lostels usually don'r have kitchens.
e (1çn)kil vour ()'¼\i} 100(1 15 clleaJxr fIlan eaiiIlg OWI.
e RYR$ ¿3 ¿3 75-:35 ó 6 __

e Track39')
e Listen and compLete the passage.

e Travding -. -- . Ii havc
e - hackpacking - - wa;
e Many. -- -- to . Thev
- .TheY to
e places. Thcse thcir - in -
IIiey. .._ hackpackers.
e - BlckpRkci -- oi ... _to
e Un,t39 123
17 4S't41

U6 55R3
Thcy ____________ ro .If ____av

hey go .A.. is

hotel. Horcls chcap. are

oítcn at

• Ibere only few - baths.

People - , mo.

are - place orhcr

You makc ________-- • Thcv ______ _______ vol¡

things -- llave

These - stoves .Soinc toaste rs.

You ___________ - -- fooc.l store. Thcn,

ar This tlin

oiit. just - ______ - tú -. up are done!

124 Unit 39
UÑt 4t A Train Announcement

FUE in the blanks.

•A on rhe bus torgou hct bacicpack.
e 1. 1 ordered a - - - wirh my meal.
e The flight - walkcd down dic aisle ol ilie nrpI;Ine.
TRis bag is ioo hcavy. Fil uced lo liii it.
1 icre is a very good - - on dic comer.
Yoti can a rieker n dx' \VindOw over tReme.

derst:cncJnq T.`-, Track 40

e Listen and answer the questions.

e • \Vhar are thc pas.sengers ]isrening ro?
(a) An announccmenr (b) A video
e (c) A piav (t) •Ihc radio
2. \Vhar can you NOT get on dic rraiil?

e (a) A free rimetabk (b) Cofícc and tea

e (c) \ free magazine (d) A ineal al a restaurant

e Track 40'

e Listen and write the missing words.

e Wc oiícr free in caeR car.

Hiere is a on dic train.
Newspapers are given ro al¡

If vou need please press

e che hu(ton ricar voiar seat ro contact a
e cahiii titendant.
e Unit 40 125

1J1T3 YÇ Á lTrack

Listen and order the sentences from 1-5.

'lic train \v iii pick Uj) passcngers Íron 1 wo stops on chis ¡on vi icy.

Sit back, relax, atid enjoy Wc trip.

- Thcre is a restaliraifi mi Wc traiii.
- Thc train is going from Paris to Marseilles.
Smoking is oiilv permirted in certain ca.

Tç ¡nr
7, 7Yf.fl6lfl
( (TnckO; t -- - - - - -

Listen and complete the passage.

\Vcicomc board - TGV 740. Wc - - --

Paris. Wc - - - Marseities -- 3:00

\Veo(fcr in car.P1easc

- much , tea, - soft

-- oji - .YOU --
1'herc a
(Itiring . lic $


126 IJnit O

Wc - . S(OJ)S \X'c

- Uf) Provcncc ant! Dijon_

can rhe - for

tiFiiet1I)IC.ItiiS - - - - - -

P!easc time - - - - - -- pernlirretl - -

ca 15 - - 2$. Newspapers given -

Mohi le - a iici Internet

2.5.IÍ - oecd - -- press


¡ficase - -- - ,aml - - - - dic - Wc

- - -- pkascd - - - - no board. Wc - forward

scrvittg in dic

Unit ¿o 127

! 141:1111 iIU "t[4I[4


Gena Bennett

* Compass
Nature and ¡he EnvWnnment Unit 3 Save the Turties
NI: llave otu hearci :ihotit tlie plan ro save rtirtIt-s ni
Unit 1 Antarctica NL CX
No. Wliat is tire story?
Aii Ltrctic.i is nh)t)rhcr flflhli(, for rlie South Pole.
NI : It' rthcs are in danger of hccoiuiuitg extiner
It i alm> a çoittilicnt. A long tinie ago, rIte South
arotiulti tite vc,d&i. IHverv >'eai. thILltisiIndS of ttirdcs
I'ok was Jose Lo Lite eqtiator. Titat tvas 500
1 Y eggs oit dic heacli. Afrer tIte toriles ¡ay - titeir
millioii Ve:) rs ago. It W35 once ¡(MEted tu Australia.
eggs iii rin n ud, people come a long a id ra ke
liten. all tlie latid (u) Lartii Siatini JO illoVe.
Ant.trctica nirntd nv;ty froni A' isrr.i ha a ud vcitt
1 sttppose tire people 1 ike eattng (LI rrie eggs.
Ni : Exaci ly. irurties are hegi tnillg tu st:lV;\Vay froni
¡Ji nflsau r bines %\'ere once f )tind nr rhe Soi it h
cena u) places, iiow. 1 itere are lewer aid fewer
Pule. l) s'ou kitow vhv? Diivasaurs lived thcrc
oí rhem lefi. 1 Itere is a new prciject iii Mcx ¡co tu
ni hunos of ycars ¿go. Tuis "LS belore It ItiOVCd
save diese Ilien turnes will itot heç'oiiic
; UN, froni rhe eqtiator.
extiitct. 1 rhink rs :) vely good piojcCt.
.Ahout 98% ¿ti rIus conrinenr is (roycu. Tlie
W: Ls titere ativtiiing xve can do tu hclp?
e res( is uiiade np of rock. Thc South Pole has 87%
ni Lile world's Ice. Rut (lid Vol' Liiow rilar it gers
NI : I'iit goiuig lo c;til tite Environuneitral Prorecrion
hotliie. Thty uuiighn llave sonic inforniarion abotir
very liLt le snow? OnlvnlMntr t\VO iflCIles of Sttow
tite projecr ro Ielp save rtiitles uit Niexico.
e cadi en r.
1 Iow una uy people uve oil votir cottrinent ? No
\V: Thev nngltr even llave a brotInure. 1 cts íi01.I Elle
e oiie hvcs in rile South Pule. Onhv aiti,nals, like
veItsi te ( )n 111V COIilJ)li ter. 01, herç- S. •rh-

e peligililis. 'uve rhere. Scietttists aid tourists visit

:iddress is ww1v.tnviro.cpin. 1 ht,e's pIeEILy o!
iitforuivariout inut.
diere, buir rhev don'r sav long. 1)u you wanr ro
Ni: (,içar! 1 .et\ sre vImi we can do tu iuelp save (tirties
visir Anrn -- tuca? It is dic coldest, cliiest place n:t
e fHa
¡ui \lixico.

e Unit 2 A Hiking Trip Unit 4 Hiking in Iran
e Ni: 1 Ji, Auiiie! [)ud vol] si .-91 op (nr dic rrip oit Satiitd_t
Nlosr popIc rhiuuk ruar rhie Nliddle East is

e \Vht:tr rrip is rha r? 1 (iidn't kuiow dicte 'vas a ti 111

oiilv :i tlt.err. 1 lii, i.s mr (ruin (roe. iast vear. 1
',cmur liuL ¡ng nl Ira¡). Irail has ntany inouuutauiS.
on Sartirdav.
Youa can Íiitd trees t bar lose their lea ves in \vircr.
M : Ile iiikingcitih is goitugro Ruar Mounrnin.lhe bus
Li vonre 1 ttckv, 'un ¡nal sec a ve1 lo'v dcci o
drops rus off nr tite boruun, ami we're going ro hiLe
e iuiiti Wc ger Don cabio hal(wav op the unountaiu.
a brown herir, r\vo species thai live diere. ihe air
is tresh, noii voti can swiun u cleai, Jean lakes.
V 7 : Titar sotunds really gieat! Witere can 1 sigu np?
1 tiefnturciv tecoutimneuci it.
Nl: Go niidsuc lennifer. Shell Itelp yoti sign tip.
llterc are so iiiaiiv i)irtIs w sec. It us (tui ro go
\V: \Vhar activitv vill we do tvIlen WC ger ro (lic
mro time lorest witlt liinocttla is ro boL nr birds.
e cnbiut oui tIte uuioiiittnin
Wehl, it takes seveii hoiirs ro hike ro (Ile cabin. so
Seeiug rhe birtls rh rcnigh li toco la rs niakes t lietit
seeni iuuimehi niarer rhan rlie> actual!>- are. 'tun can
it will he late 1w the time wc arrive . Alter Wc

e tui pack. wc'1 1 star( a eanipfi re. Titen we Cali Sil) g.

svrire dowul a11 of clic specics tbtat voti se c . Yott
slutimid hearri .11)011t titeir call. tirsr. lItar nleans
e cnt, niud tel! stories anunid tite tire. TIte folli wi ng
lay we'il leaveat clnwn aud ltii, ro rhc top of rIte
tIte sciu,mds titar cadi bird ninkes. Sometunes lis
e ullOU,ttain. Alter Wc rata pictltrts, we'll hike back
hard to see tite bi nl.. 1 !owcvei von can mdeitti Cv

e tlO\Vii. II WC liave rime, Wc inight go s\viituuutiIu

ti ient it von ha ppcn ro h ca y rilci 11.
1 wailt ro go back ro Iran again soiiieday. lis
¡u ti tu lake oit rile 1 non 11 ta iii!
so benuriftmi that 1 'vain to suc :iiai explore much
Iliose sotnid lmke leal1> (tui activities. nial 1 carir
liii IT e oj it!
\V.lii tU Vi

Ni: Taje, hin svoiiltlit't ¡y he nice UI Uy Over tratíic
Unit 5 Jane Goodall
¡allis, insteacl of sittuig ¡ti the inidclle of titeni?
G jaitc' (tx,tLiII svcnr Lo Africa witell she WaS 26 Ye,,. Btu titen sve iniglir end tii vich traffic ¡anis
years oid. Suc sveitt diere Lo researcit cbiiiipauizees. ni ille skv!
At diar tinte, no nr lier womeit scieittists workcd
Ii tic a lone.
At fina, lane studiccl dic ch itips froni br Unit 7 Ihe Perfect Gift
away. Tite chiirips ss'ere afraid of her. They raIl ltohitcks. 1 -Insv iiiav 1
¡ -1db,, ant1 velcolfle 1€)
IW3V il S1W CZIIIIC elose (o t beni . Atrer SOLflC tulle,
iieip yottc
rhe ciii uips sa\V that site W3S 1101 gaing to hurt
1v! : 1 svou 1(1 Ii ¡ce to bu y iiiv \vi fc a borne api lían ce
dic ni. Tltev lcr ha wa ik Itea r dtcni -
for her hi rrhdav.
Sooit, she was living amoiig riteni. Site wanted
W: \X'hat sorr of appliarice are yotr looking br, Sir?
ro lea rn ni ore a nd ¡flore abouz t beni. .1 a nc did a
M: i tltiuik a chishwaslier riiigbr be the perfect gift
nr of researeli ()n clirurips. SIte discovered inaiiy
hecatise it svil lieij) svith tIie Iionsework.
I1t\V things abOIIt i beni. Site iearned char cadi Oh ves, dishvashers are ven' usefiti. This nne
chimp has ¡rs owii persortality. She 53w rhat thcv
itere is 00 E ni OS r popular ittodeh
bave fcehngs.
Nl : 1 iow does ir woil<
Jane discoverecl rhat chintps liase vcty , close
W : lc's very simple. E-rna, cc,hlect yotir di ny dishes
fainilies. Niorbers in(] fathers take iood care and scrape off tlie ieftovcr food ¡rito rlie garbage
of baby chintps. An aduir feirtale chiiiip svill
Cali. Titen, rinse llie dishes in tIte sinlc. Por glasses,
so hieL ¡11105 a (1(1 t 311 011)11311.
ctips, and cuilciy1 ori rhc top rack. Pta es, hosvls,
In 1977, lane started ;in ilistitilte Lo help
anci pots go face down oil rhe hottntn rack. .1 lien,
proteet aiiiiiials. Site sv;l ucd ro heip anrnials ah
ful rhts couII1iarLuiielir wi ch ckuergcnt and clase rhe
arouiid tite world. •Fodav, rhis instirure rtins
¿mr. Nexi, citoose riie waslt cycie, aud finallv,
prograrns in ove: 70 cotincries. press rbi? start ¡)LlttOli . You'l! ¡tase sparkhi ng clea n
dishes in 45 rmttutc-s!
Ni: 'Ihar sonncls cas>' l0 use. 1 rhink ¡uy kv ¡fe svill
reailv like ir. ilow iuttrcli (loes it ccist
W : Yoti're liickv, sir! it's oit sale rbi,, wcek br 5400.
Science- unc Te•chrtooqy NI c;ftlL. l'll take ir!

Urtit 6 FIying Cars

Unit 8 Acupuncture
Ni: Lisren ro chis! ibis newspapev a rocie says titat
sorne Scientists are workirig Oil U flC\V kind (>1 II : ActlpLlulctLure hcg3lI lii (huta tllOLtSauids nf
airptaae. ¡'copie casi use diese "flying can" for years ago. Ir is a special svay ro treat siCk peopie.
short trips. 1 litre are mali)' acopo ncrti re spots un t he
1-lose inreresting! It LI titan bodv. Sm al ¡ metal need tesare ptLt ¡rito
Ni: I'iic arrice sas the lirst fi ¡ng car ritight be spots oit tite boclv. Ladi 5)Ot LS coiinected lo a
ready within che iiexc few vears. spccial LiOdy, parc nr system. •1iiere are mali)
TmntCs quite sonut! E-mw wouid ibis fiving car spots for each pan.
work ? Can .tayhody use one, nr is it unE>' br An experr puis tite needles lino diese spots ¡u
penple who 1< tiow itow co flv al rplaties? a person's hody. Thcse spots couluteeL ro rite holv
NI : Yoti don 'r nenl tc, hea it airp la nc pi lot to use a systerit that has a prohleni. The iteedles tlø rior

ilying car. ¡lic a rrieie savs thae wctnld he a go (jeep. People 53V rhat dic needies do aol hurr.
coitiputer iriside thc ca r ruar would k nnw where \X'e are aOL stire why acupuutcture works.
you wahit Lo go. lite driver cines FIO( necd ro Rut studies ¡lave sliowui tltat it works very , s'eli.
control rlie car tirticss sortieching goes wrong. Nc, oiw can expla in svhy l)octors think thar ir
i)ocs the art cte sav Etc w ittuch a flying car Nvotild iielps che nerves in clic body. Sorne clncrnrs use

COStC it mil ¡iroli:thiv cost loo itiucli 111011ev! Ve Lc Li lI rlcttt re to 1 re:I L people svit o can ui (It take

svoiuld 1 lot he .tI)Ie zo a tiord orle. rited ¡ti liC.

Fr, -

i,uiI,od tc,i
fi _\\ii

Ili\t: I'rcIi tI5itt

long iime. Ar iirsr, ptiIpIe c:iiitnle

0II\ '.jC_iLlI \iais u' thc!,sst pltt't u, Val ti]. Nltiiv sc'llUs(\
l'u,Iie'c tluat \iars once 11.1(1 ii\Ct'$ ziuid oceans ¡(151
:\sjn 1ljtj not- trtlçr rius merboil. ¡he' (11(1 1h11 liko, ltaiiI. Ntars IL1S t\V() lflOOtis.
thiiik that ir Svotild ¡lelE) tIiCni. NO\V.. It ¡LIS IIiar's cuol! \X1,ar is rlie ohcr pinilet orar l'.hrrh?
I'Ç\(IliIt %‹:rY PPt1LIr :,rour)ç.I (he worid. 'l he orhcr planer Iicar Earth ts Vcnus. luir VCTIIS
has no lflOOi)S.
Do 'un tlnnk people u''l ever he aiie (o visir
Unit 9 Albert Einstein \iars nr Venus?
MaVhe sonieda' PtI'l1 \viII ¡be ahlc' (O VISiL NIaís,
;\ihçrt t.iIIsteiil 1, l_iii)i,tis;iioiiihtI tlic vc,rIl.
lun imi \•enris heca ii'r ir", roo litar.
1 le i , jaiiiotis tor Iiis vork iii scieiiccMar Y \\;T11
B ;lt Itasr \Vi iii) sic Viii!)) kViTll >0)1!! Ile\\'
e'plc ihiiiL (liar lic ' thc gieitcst scieritist of
te le so, , pe
he 20 cei,i nr>.
Insrein \VflS ¡btu iii (_;crilb;%I)y in 1 8T9. 1-lis
nrcucst II) SCitilCe bigan Svilen liC \ViS VtI\
Luuig. Soiieoiie g;IVe Iiiii :1 COiiiI ) asS Ii 1
',utiiu l:iiistciii \Vds iuitercstcçl 11 l,c»v ji Svorked.
Ir watiteti lo leariL SCic•itCC. 1 l watiteti U>
fl)1C a sc dl ¡St
Einstein ruied lo el cr a top Swis tiltivc lb¡ t\. Unit 11 The Mona Lisa
At rjrsr, he uhier witib íailiiuc. ¡-le sIki no get a
O; \\•iar ale Oil lOiilÇihi, ir.
place. Ihir Euurein (11(1 ilot nive np casi1>. 1 l
R : 1 bis is a co1)' of IiIV lavoi'ire flhIIUiul!. Ii' Tilo
ippled ti) tibe sanie rlie i,cs
Alo;,: ¡ isa h\ . 1 eOI)at'(lO ola Vinci.

v e n. Ibis tiflie ¡'le \V:bS stiteeSStiII. I'.inttun \VJS a

G \Vhv is thai votiu' fnvou' ue paiuuiul!?
r,o(loI .sttjciciit. E-It' I'atIIi.htttI fF011) (Ibis ÍJTnIItIS
ihere aren t'cw rhings rIlar maLi' [he Ali,nz
1 Vi rsirv jI) 1
1 iSa t',T car. u:irsr, slw has llo e' t'hicn s. Sc'conol,
1 st Iiflrlst. Enmein tlid inlporlatht SSork
sin has a rcaIIv heatirifril iiiiIe .\Iost ni ihI. 1
Iii tiie fieltI nl pI'ivsics. His 01k was VdlV 4t)O(i.
Iikc tilo,' soí' t sobrs of (he iIiiIII;. 1 lave 'ura
It' cccu ViiI dic Nuliel l'rizc (iii physics ji, 1921.
Set'I) tilo, AIIn, LiSi hÇfl)tt? It 1, .1 'LIV íamotis
1) VI he \.veit tu uve ¡n dic (Ititcd SLlles vitIi
of coursel J've sien tIlc Imintilig a lev !iit,es
I'eloi'e. Btn ¡ itevir TlO(iCed tliat lier eveI,ro,vs ;hrQ

e Unit 10 The Telescope

IIIissitlg. 1 \votlder vihv suc has 110 e ehrows. Do
'"ti ¡ÇtI()w
(.oflho' aid Ioi,I, ti tlic Lclescopc E gol nr (11V 1% At rbi' (lillo da Vinci p;litiieiI it, it nas fasluonahie

e u holav. ¡nr >'oiing lt:hliahl girls ro shave off rhcir evct,rows.

1 , ven. itirl tvantitl ro lic ínshionahle.
e (
i'hat\ ilcat
('ah. itt)\V V't carh 10)0k at (Ile lilOon. I)ICI >011 G \\v! 'I'hafl ro'alIv inreresrIn! lii xviur vear was
e kilov (li,tt tui' ¡noan is ti)(. 1'irths oiiiv ihntlii'aI rhe A-li »hZ ¡ isa pa ¡ n reo!?
'att• II ¡te? R ¡ thiihk ir 'xas pailhietI SolTIetillie heRved!) 1503
11 >4o. ¡ tlidnr kutuv rIlar. 1 rhoiiihr rhc nioon %vas Julo,! 1505.
e plaiict. U : 1 vonçkr what a tiodcrii A-fm,,,, S votild lø k
(, \VçII. a pinihir iiiove-. a ti itind the mili, hin a satclliic Ji ke.
noVes aiotitil a Ha nr. B SI,o,• iii igl it Iave Pti rple ha ir!
1 oh. 1 see. (aii von sve cithcr planirs with voir
1 lileseope?
SIIFL', 1 C)il see t\VU plaiiets (lose LO) Earth rcill>
e \\ 11 l, 11 ¡ -, l,tiii i" Cl{)SC'L It) l.IrtI'l
Unifl2 BangYi Unit 14 An Outdoor Exhibit
G: Once upoil a tliIlC, diere wasa pu0T, kiuttl NI: Do \ - orl like pliuingr:iplis?
rtiaii riained Raitg Vi. 1-fr liad a rieti luir grecdv \X'iiar kirid of pilotos?
brotiter. One doy. Ro ng Vi asked bis brother to NI: Plioros uf piautsand animaR, mr exailiple. Or
give bini sorne grain seeds tu grow. 1115 greedy illOttiita ¡ fiS Zti id OeCa ns.
brotiter gaye Baiig Vi sorne poisoned secds. Tiie suri of pllotograplis a ilaltire mago/file
Oitiv one pb ni grew (mm the poisoited votiid piiblish.
seeds, btu Rang Vi was vcrv bnppv. 1 - le took lito (s righr.
good core of tIte pinnr. [hen, une alternoon, O Of cotirse! 1 luye tature plintos. Tliev are very
bird carne and sroie the pinut. Baiig Yi cliased ¡he bco titiful.
bird mro thc forcst. In tite forest, he sav rwo M : S o me uf ti icin are verv cok ir InI.
iuonsters tising a rnagic st ick tu turli rocks mm NW Ves. !vI tist ita mii re pitotos are so i nte resti ng.
food. Ro ng Vi bid behtiid a lerig rock a id Scuhietililes, 1 1)11)' nattire magazines just Sr tite
watched the nlonsrers. Tite inoitstcrs ate o lot of plintos.
fund. Soon, rbey becanie ven' skepy. \X'htn rbe M •.Me, tun. 1 ]¡kv taking riature piiotos virh iiiv
iuonsters had fallen asleep, Bang Yi took tbeir cantera. Bu r they are itor very good.
rnagic stick. 1 l becante ver) ricli! Mv ¡ilioros are ¡mt good, eitiicr. Fainotis ¡mr u re
Rang Yi's greedv brotlier sveín ¡o rIte forest ritagazi lles oni Y imálish ve ry good pIM )t( >s.
tu find a magic stick mr ltiinseif. Ube angry 1v! That's cine. i'enple icitisi be very taiented Lo ger
jitútisters saw hirn. Tliev eliased blm deeji mt0 thei r pboms ptihlished.
rite forcst. Tite greedy brother was never seeli Veab. \Vbv are we suddtniy taikiiig abolir
:)gahll. pliotograpbs? ¡s diete oit exhihit sontevhere?
Ni: How (lid von gtiess? ihere is mili otitdoor exhibir
goi ng un rigii 1 ¡10k%-.
Unit 13 Friendship Day \X': Itealiv?
NI: Ves. Nartire pliotogiophs froni aM ove; the world
1-rierais are alt inipoitant parte of otir lives.
a re oii display.
Fliev liCl LIS ¡ti iiiaiiv vavs. Do voti tel' vour
W : Iltat sounds greor! i would luye tu see ir.
friends titar you are giad they are your (rieiids?
NI: Me, ccoo. \Xouid von hIce tu go with me?
Evervoiie sLiotiid (cli their friencls rhat tliev are
Sume. 1 mw aboui Stindav inoriling?
Ni : ()IK! it svili he furi tu see all those phoros!
I)id vou ktio,' thai tilde is now a speciai doy
jiisr for frieitds? lius doy, is coMed Nacional
Friendship Da'. Tite lirsi Sunday in Atigirsi wos
Unit 15 People Are Different!
chosen U) he INOtiullal l:r;endshij, Da) ni 1935.
ibis boiiday is itot as big as c:hrisrivas or New W: Riere ale more thaii six hithion litmnian
Vear's i )a 1-Tuwever, ir is still a spcciai day'. hcings mu tire womid. Eaeli une is different íroii
Peopie are iistialiv roo husy ro visir rhei oil tite others No two pcoj)le iook exacriv alike.
Iriends often. Rut this doy is dilierent. On rius 1 'cci pie frun i une conrirry in ay look c he. si me in
day, people cake rime tu tel! tlieir irieitds how general. Rut tite> are lior totallvaiike.
iiiuch tliey core. Ihey aváte cnrds or send eniaiis Nl ost people ¡ti \'ierta ni boye st raighr hiack
n ' thei r friends. Tbev nlov aiso cali tlieir friends, Itair and hiock eves. Rut tbev al! look differenr.
no iiiotter li(i\v busv t ii ev are. People hug titei r People in America boye srrnighr unir, curiv ha i
trieiids nr spend titite with rhem. (ir wayv hoiit Ilicir liair inav he blaek, brown,
lucre are lilalty wavs ro siio,' )'Otl care. Von yellow, or red. Sorne peopk boye brown nr gray
need ¡lot wait for a speciai doy. Cali your (riends eses. Sorne boye Mire or ttFeCl) CVC5. Everi people
r ¡gil r 1)0W! ¡ti dic sanie iantiiv iouk differenr frc,ln e1C1)

e 1
e V , ali UIiiiIc JareitilrIv. \\ c .lI like clitíereijt \\ : Ir, calltd "( md Fences." atid Ls alI .tI'utir
riiiuigs. \\?c like ciillereiir kiunls of luoci ;nid iieighluors. 1 his :eaiirv sIiov is che onK une 1

e çltffereitr kinds of k. \Ve also like tlifferent ]¡kv. becatise voh(rt riglir, rhe athers are jList

e st\ es Of clorhiiig.
\Vliercver Vol] ale, von ate tlifíerent (ruin
sil iv.
Ni: 1 never w&itehi reaiitv shows atall. 1 pre'r ro
e t'\cI\Otle CISC. Nohadv else lO()kS just like vou. va teh sliovs 1 li;LL teacli lile -a[Itjnt SOIVICI h ng.

e NoIc,dv has votir thoiiglirs or voiti' taleirts.

hiere are mure thiait Six hiliroil pcoplc Oil Faiili.
like scieiice and Iiaulrc prograins, aitd travtl
e Iltit llOflt CII theta are eXICLIV IiI<e von. Von ile ( )h, 1 like travel shows, roo. My favorite travel
<irle ol a Liad! slIow is dic une vih rhar chef (ram Lnglaitd.
1 l LraveIs, cooks, flntl LaN alI dic rime!
NI: 1 (iLe IltaL 011e, tao. LIC reallv ;iialccs Inc latiglI.
It has a gooçl serise tul lItIiIit)r.'s wntcii i ingetiler t 1is veck. ICs un 'IInirsdav

e it eigiit o'clock, riglit?

NI: livt(s rrglit. bar whúre sh.iIl We VILCI1 it?
\V: \VcII, 1 llave a big-screen - I V and a coinfortal.k
Unitió Karaoke
NI: ht\ otee ro s.e 'oh, Lite;'. l Ii.gv liave 'DLI I1Leil? NI OK, s'e'hI xvaitch it aL votir place rhen, and Fil
e I've verv iveil, thaiik lotI. 1Imv are von. sume s,tack. See 'oti tliea!

e Nl: Fin fine, tlianks. 1 wenr tú ihe iliovies Sattirclav

iiglit. 1 vaiited tu Invite von, bar VOLI \Vcrefl'F Unit 18 Have Sorne Fun!
e IIt)illÇ'.
\\: OK, grtal, \Vc'hI iliceL 'DLI ¡ti .111 hotir. Uve.
e iha(s riglit. 1 \Vtilt karanke siiIgitIg vtcIi sanie
Íiic'iiçhs un Saitir<Inv Iligilt.
NI: \Viuo \VaS (han en dic pliotie. jane?

e Nl: Fteailv? J'.e iicvei sriiir 1 kaiaoke. \X'Itat's it hIce?

1 liar vas Ainv. Shie vaIiLs to iticer LIS ¡u froiit at
he[ apartilieilt building ¡Ti ant ht)LIIt
e 1 had ilever gone Laraoke siriging hefore
cirlier, bar 1 liad a great (¡me. MI triends \Vtfe
Ni : \Vlvv are WC incctiitg her diere?
e experienctttl karaoke Sirigers, so thev shcnxed me Recatise Iter apartiiietlt is Jose ro dic htis suuji.
\X'e're goitig ro go clowntown and varch a ritavie.
haar tU (lo.
so 1 ttt rry np anud vI er rea clv.
e )T)id VOLI llave w Sicig ¡ti kant uf lot t)fstrflngers?
\X 7 : No, tire place xvc went ro rentetl ant soiall
Ni: oh, 1 hionesrlv don'r tlitnk 1 shotuld \v:IteIl a

e prIV;%te 1001HS. N<)I)t)dV CISC' coiild Iiear tis. lircy.

niiove ronighit. I'ni sttidving Íor .Ini ililportalir
tesr un 'I'Liestla", su 1 reallv don't lone rime ro
'ven gae LIS free socias!
Ni : Gool ! \X'Iiat Icind of mtisic did tlicv Itave? llave foil
e \V 'I'hev liad hiiIhlreds oí differcia SC)IigS nl ehoase
Vot, luave beco sttidvtng lar severa) davs, ¡tic.

e froiii . 'Juev liad Iltit Ii 1 IC' songs a11(1 <ud SOt)g. Yo ti (It III 't ¡)ve(] t() StLI( lv a ny iii ore. Ya ti t reed tu
llave søflie (Liii becanse voti're tun oecd tu srudv,
e Tiiev haci Soiigs ¡ti English aiul soiigs ¡ti severa1
other latugtiages. (DO. It vas rrallv ¡un!

e Ni: 1 tIIIIIL I'JI to kanioke 11(51 vceketitI!

NI: 1 Llan'r know, niavhe yoLi're right. Is it jiisr .Ainv

e ;]¡id LIS goJnIg?

lilv is eoilii ig aloiig, tao.
e Unit 17 Watching TV Ni: ReaIIv? 1 cieecl tinie ro taLe a shower zntd ger

1 I')id vot, w.11, 11 (lic Ittest e1uisudt <U rilar new

II n '1 xvorry, VOt 1 llave ( i Inc.
rc.tltt\ show last i;iglit Ni: It vilI he (titi tu see LHY aiid lun ro wateb a
Í\I TIie reare so niaitv .1 thase n:a Itt' shows bese 1110V It' roger hiel.
tlJS. \Vliicli are VOLI raIkliIg abatir?
1 tOitI ViiIl so!

e a,


Unit 19 Tickets to the Game U ,-'- - -- - -- -- - -- - --- -

W: ' OU uiiL heh tRis, I)i.It ¡ liave son -te greni

1 've got two tickets (o ¡he basehall gaitie Unit 21 Blood Types
IR XL Sarurdav.
U : I'ltaitks for itiectiiig me tocIav, Professor. 1 tlon't
NI 1 )id 1 hear \Ott correctiv? Von Raye (wo tickers
undersi a ud la ,a weck s lcctu re un hlood tvpes.
ro the hasehail gante? 1 low clid yoti get (hose? 1
COL,ld von please explait ir tu mc?
tltotiglir ir Wiis itnpossible 10 get tickets heCatise
u No Itrlleiti, Angela. Fi rsr, lct's see vltar von do
Rey were iii sol d out la st iii oiirh
tui dcrstand. Can yoti re11 inc ahoni blood tvpes
It was easy, aetuallv. Ni>' colleague aiid Reí
( : [Itere are fotir tOS of hlood'.A, P.. Ah, nial O.
h tisha nd Raye te go Lo 1 oitdon tlRtt veek. so
NI: (,00cl 1 Iow ¡5 vour hlood Lvpe dererinunecl?
rltey'll miss tite gante. 1 Rey offered ¡nc their
U : VOL! gel ' mr hloocl rype 1 rc mi hoth VoLlr parelits.
tiekers, and of course 1 was happv tu accept.
ir Id ood lv pe isae nn ini ial ion of genes f ro! ti
Nl: Vol!' reso lucky! \Vlto are yolt going to take xvirh
V( Hl r fat lic a ii d yo ti r itioti ter.
Nl: That's rigltt.
\\7; 1 mus rhinlcing tlizit iiiayl)e }'()ii votiId like tu go.
lkfore tite leertire. 1 alvays rhoiight tIna alI
Dtht'r -tvise. ¡ nnght take ni>' hrorhcr iiistead.
bload vas (lic SflhtiC. Wliv Ci li't t\VC) differeiit
Ni Dcin't do that, ¡ would love ro watcli tIte gante
blocxl Lvpes tui ,c?
wi ¡It von
NI : ¡ti sorne \VavS, everv persoli'S bload is tire sume.
1 was tist joking. 1 know yoLi really wain LO go.
htit it is very dangerous LO DIX t\vo diífere,tt
\Vlierc shall w,'e rneet on Sarurdav?
hlood tvpes. Votar bluod eclls Itas' begin tu stick
NI: \X'eIl, tIte gante starts-a( EDite o'clock ¡o the
rogctlter. If von are giveii ¡lic wrong type oí
'liC niti ng, righr?
1)100(1 ii a hospital. yott cotild die.
\cs. sliall \VC fltt,<'t liere at 8:3() ant. oit Sattirdav?
G 1 ser, St,, titat's vltv hlciod t vpes ittusr he niatelted
NI: c;ut,d idea. 1 can'r \yair!
o rite liosput;Ll ..-\iid tlus iiitist he done be(orç-
hlood is given LO aitVOIic.
NI: Fxnctiv!
Unit 20 Wonder Woman
U: Coiitic ItCiÇ,k hrocs liave I)i,çii popular tui inany
vezirs. ()Iie he-ro has dic st rciigth oí one litiridred Unit 22 The Car Ride
mcii. Tbk hero also has tIte speed oí lightnii tg. Tuis
U : Nioni, t)aniellc's un mv side of the car agaiit.
hero caiiiiot he kjlled. it von tlnnk tRis Itero is
Idi ter ro iLiove over!
Su perniali, you are wroitg! TIus hero is \Vonder
].¡sien, borh uf y'oti, 1 ve liad e nougb of yo ti r
nonscitsc. Sit 51111, be qiiiet, and elijo)' rite scenery!
mait called \X'iliiaitt Marstcni created \Voncler
U Moni, is Toronto 51111 far awav?
\Voman itt 1941. 1 l was a graduate of Harvard
NY lCs going ro take a long tinte to gel diere, so read
tjju -c,rsin. 1 ¡e tiseci a false naflie oii bis COtttic5. 1 l
von r book.
did 111)1 11, 211t ¡lis colkagues ro 1< iiow diat tic Yvron ,
U : 1 cloit't like u) read in clic car I,ecatise ir gives inc
C011iiCS. 1 he fa k- naine vas Charles N-louko,t.
a Iteadacite. Can we pul a ( :I) in?
Mr.Ma rsro,t wantcd ¡o inake a strong (cina le
i sttppose so, Rut ir liad beLrer nor he Tal) niusie.
hero fui' little girls. Oí coursc, lic hoped thaI
[bar inusie is awftil, and 1 can'r Relieve you
little hoy5 wocild like \Vonder \Voinan, too. \Voitder
chi Id reit aci na Ely listen ro it.
\Voman WiS 1101 VCt>' popular at first. TiTien, \Vorld
E : Oh. piense, can WC play sorne tap ntusie? You
War II began in 1941.
iniglil like it. N loni.
\Vonder \Vontnn Recame a role inodel for
Well, ocilv if von pronhise citar diere is no bid
ehukiren arotuid de world. She vas hotlt srrcnig and
laitgiiage tu it.
beauriftil. She always tried it do ivhat Nvas right.
U : Tltere isn'r anv bad l;tngtiage. 1 promise!
lodav, sIte is still une of ¡he niosr popular heroes
\V: ;\ll rigliE, l'lI play tk CD. btu Ii. dI be -Ir lile
\0ltIi1i( 1 LIlOOS('.
13 tlltliks, \h ,iii. ni fl\') .-4t1(jruits. i he \ttiLleuIt\ iuiailiei OF f.itiier
\V: 1 lave 1 CV'I oilcl von .ibatir tiie sailgs 1 liketi ar rs dic Ecaclier. Aiiut}ier irtirÍlí 1% ruar srtaicuits
val); ate? l'euple Iisteiied ro real inusrc ¡ti titase can study iittereslimmg tlmimigs.
(lzl'S. Sai nc ¡'copie r h i a k timar ¡mc tne xch oul it ig i s uiot
()l2. Niulil! l<.r is real ansie. tou! Rc)C)d IfIE St titlCfltS. 1 1mev bel leve pttl.ilic sclioais
ir-ach chiiclren thseiphire. Tiiev (ccl tiar pubhc
lellools <, ¡\ L- a setise cd cniitflituiimts. la rhe cnt,
Unit 23 The Report pa reumts nmtisr tiecntc' it liatiie sciiaul i mr, is rime right
ci'iuict- far rht-ir clii itlreum.
1 fiiislit'tI mv i'epart oil dic Irecich L&evaluttaii ingln.
U 1 lo' dici mi Ijitisli It su iast? l'in sri11 tiying, la
Unit 25 Big Brother
luid l_iaaks aLiutir i(.
'1 litre was sailietll ifl1; 1 hotir rlie Ert'ncli Revaiiitiuii U : So, hinv duns ir li-rl tu llave .1 lle\V ¡udu) t'loillei
(iii V\ 7 lasi Ve&L. 1 \Vi't}iç' tluwii rin naoics uf aH Iii the liciiuse
tile pca pie w ha we re un rllk. slu w. ir's rcnliv excitirmg, liut fiat ;ts Casv as 1 tiil)tIihr ir
\Vliar (11(1 5'0II tic) flCXt? wauld he, tieeatise lile ha by crieç corista ah. i
¡ wclit tu rhe librarv ¡lid iackcd lar tlicir [1001(8. tuve iiiv bali'' hrc,rlmei huí l dami't like ;ili timar
Ti vas verv casv. especialIy liecatise 1 alreadv nuise!
tiiiderstood what rhev wanied ro sav. (i : ¡ kno! \Xlmeim ¡uy baims' sister \vas bara, site
¡ gucss ¡ could hale done that, bui 1 mnissed Fue el ied aM sieimr .mll rhe vitae. 1 liad tu lietp c-hatigc-
IV show. \Vhy did M8. 1 )essa id iiiake lis wrire ti Ia pernil] tt't' 1 he r.
abatir Frcmih iiistorv, anvwav? Siit'saFrciich R : 1 hope 1 imever Ii;mve ta charige a diajmer! _\iy ruiuimm
la ir,tiae reaciicr. ant a h isrnrv reacher. and dad da a gaud jal) al tliat. i iearitect ho tu
\Is. i)essard saici iliar it we vanr ro rimidersraiil h cnt rIme bot tIc ro ch (. rigl it tci u pera t ti re, t ¡iuugh
(he iamiitiage, we shotiid tiiiderstaiid tiic culture. i-lavirmv, n rmes, - umabv aratuid is llardI ktoik.
i tiiiii'r knatv it 1 speak beuer Erencii, buí 1 kiiuw \Vhar da von like ruiosr abato vcnir iIe\ l)ratlier?
:iicitc' abotit l'reuich historv ,iuv. It' úle ¡: ren .j, R : He's realiy eoie, and ever une saYs lic laaks like
Itevotuiinii haci never happenecl. Frcmich woiiid ame, btu wirh da rker hair-.
[ , e a ver y cii (fc reo t ¡a iigu age. ( : Sinalier tOc), itt cutlrst!
U ' Oti ' rc right. ¡'la goittg tu taik tu \ls. l)cssard R Ele iaughs rvheiu i tick1c imis hale tea. \Vhen he
nov., 1 , 11 \( nl ¡tteí. graws tipa ¡mii. ¡'ti tearlm himmm huv tu vide a bicvcle,
a u itt wc can a Isa [11.11 ga ni es u )geth e r! 1 , 111 -0 111

t< he the hest [ng hrarlmei iii rIme vurlcl!

Unit 24 Home Schools
Nl: ¡here art' ami)' - ¡cimicls ot s..huuis lar inaitv
1< inds of sri iderirs. ()¡le k iiii ot sclmaul is the unan,
chuai. 1- 10111C scliauis are exactis thar 'ciiCIols ir
iii e.
Parents chause tu haute sCliaal their ciiilclreii
lar niautv rc:tsahls. Sanie ¡ienple lee tun publie Unit 26 The New Boss
selicx)ls are tao clauigercnis. Sume pr -apir, rtm;nk that ni ktiow, 1-Cita. 1 rliiimi unir new l'o-cs tlaeslm'r
rlmc, ¡t'vcI of etitica íøfl 18 fil) iov. Sammw pa ICIits (1(1 lmv_
like uit- . E clon 't tuuidei stand
uiur a pprave of t he sri hjects rhei r chiltiren lea rn iii
\V: Tlmar's tiar trae, Trevor! \Vhv. jtist tRis rimuriuing
po hl e sebo. u5. 1 í parerirs cimuase tu huuiie SClitR)l ¡ lmeai'd her sas yati'reaverv gaud ciuuj'loyee.
id r clii Id rci t, ti le)' ti tus t 1 iC rcad ' t o 1 C8Cl1 t lidili
sile sa id soiu vnrk very li;trci every clay.
Nl: 'i'luar's ilews ro mmmc. i uis1m slw wutuld sav ir ro inc.
i'licrc are iiiaiiv herieíits ro haute seliaahuig. critiCi7eS evcrvtlmin! i cia.
btu Suc ¡ Li'(
1 ¡otIle scliauiç are \'ttv Silla11. Tl1( are jtlst une
1 tliiuuk tluit 'iii,: ht-nm,' tocm stumsitivr.

M Do you realis' tliiitk so? IAayhe 1 jiasa need a NI: Of corarse! Von can doiaate a lot of lioiiev Lo
v;icat ion. 1 ha ven't liad one (nr vea rs. lielp otbcr peoj)le. Hill (¡ates (10ii.ltCS iiiillioais Ui
XV Ir's uior gocd ro worL so bird, !rcvor. 1 tliiiik a cliaritv every, yca r. i - le also employs aIRuat
vacation is a great dci. S5.000 people in 8,5 daffcrent cOtifltflCs
NI: 1 mw about von? Are you liappv aL work fliese 1 heard rliar be gor aatrerested iii conipurers ulien
days? he was renily youatg.
Ves, ¡'ni rea liv en;oving workatig for chis new Ni: That's right. Ile started prograniinmg coaaapiiters
hoss. Tbac's vhv l'ni sairpriscd tbat ynti t!nnk when he mas 1:; vea rs oid.
she criticizes yorir svork. Actually, 1 tlnuk suc is W: iteally?
bel ping you co ¡ LIII) fl WC you r work . 5 he's ¡ usr NI : 'Ves. 1 ben lic stttdied Coiiiputers ir liarva nl
trviiig lo help. ( Iniversirv.
Ni: 1 didn't realize altat. Now thai 1 think ibour ir, VV: ¡-le mus a 1 larvard gradttate? 1bis shows how
you're riglit. 1 [ccl ititicli he (ci. iniportant edticatioii is Lo succcss.
(ood! Let's go (or lunch! Ni: Acttiailv, Hill Cates decided ro drop oto ot
1 larvarcl. lic mas an excellenr srtident. Rut he
dci nor waiat to graduare.
Unit 27 The Principal VV: Wli) , llor?
Ni: 1 l liad a dreaan. 1-le dreamcd tbac computas
1 1ov IOiig llave 'Uti Necia a scIiooI principal, Mr.
would he in everv liome md office tu tlic world.
VV : 1 see! 1 l decided to follow bis (Ircani.
M : 1 llave beco a school principal for 18 VeaN.
Ni : Ves. 1k ¡nade che riglir dccisinn!
\Vhat anide von get mvolved in edaication
NI: \Vlien 1 '.vas 12 ycars 01(1, 1 read iii arride aliotit
I)O\V (Ile litutiaii braiti woiks. 1 suidaed ver'
Unit 29 Mark Twain
bird. 1 tricd co use mv brain .'elI. Soon, 1
U) geL iia(crcsted ita edtaca tioii. liere isa Storv aliar Mark Twtiii clic fainoris
1 sed author of Ib,;; \a,rvt'r iiid Ti,c' /tcia'c;ztznes o/
NI: Aher c&,Ilegc, 1 becante a teaclier. 1 mas given dic ¡ luck lebcrrv Fin,;, rold one a f ten ioon.
positioli of principal 12 years later. VeaN ago. 1 tvas Oil :1 tr;iUi leaviiig New York.
1)0 von c,ver wisli that von liad done sonierhing Iherc \vcre Loo naaiiv peopkt, aiai tlic sleeper
el se rrain vas (tu. 1 asked dic voting man at tIte ticket
NI \Vlien 1 Íirsr sra rred :15 a principal, 1 missed bcing office i FI cotuld tuve a room ¡ti clic sleeper sect ion
a rcac licit 1 111< cd s peii di ng rin c \v ¡Lb chi Id re n of rlie train. 1 l answered raidclv, "No!'
a nd he Ipi ng r beni 1 ea rn a n ci grow. 11 owe ver, l 1 leír feeliiag quite angry. As 1 \vas getliilg <)ti tlie
k new (liar ¡ c(tald & a lot of good as a priictpal. train. 1 Sfl\V a man matching lile. 1 le ivatched inc
W : Von have certainly done a lot of good. Mis SlliaL! s),.:, fcw minutes. i'hen lic spoke ro tlie conductor
Von starced a special prograili ro setal alt ilie in a wliisper. Iinniediarely dic conductor carne
sttadeitts ir) your scliooi co col lege! over ro me.
Ni: 1 liad heeta plaiaiiiiig Lo do aliar tor sorne time. "Can 1 lirlp vota?" lic asked. - 11, von v.ani
¡'iii gl:ad clic prograzia is So sLlcccssfiiI. a place in dic sleeper sectioti?"
"Ves, give nic a nvtliing."
"\Vc luye two bcds arad diu:uirs ¡ti a privare
Unit 28 BilI Gates aCt i( iii
Tbc conductor mmdc saire 1 was coiiilortal,!e.
M: Look it alus inicIe 1 am rcadiiig. Ir S.i5 liere
1 lien lic sa id, 11i so 1,roaad ro ha ve von oil
tliat Microsoft iziade over 536 hilbon iia 2004.
chis train. sir."
W: Wow!
"(h? Who a ni 1?" 1 asked.
Nl: 1 vash 1 mas RilI c;nrc's, the O\VIICF of M!crosofi!
«General NlcCkl lan."
Is it JLISL hecatise iÍ tlit' nioiie'f

[bese tic jtist 1 cCV 'V.t" 'te i.iy fil

Unit 30 A Soccer Star iii)

Wc çiotit liave a lot of Little to exeicise.

R: Socer 1'..) ver> )ll)iJI;ti It'.tIlI j)(,rr \V0I Id de. I)ti 5 Ql.! ICI)OW SOtttC otiiez' was's?
.N IJI iv PPk ¡ove ro \\;l tcii ¡y. 1 foil- Mi 1 ilT lIC) r,
a fainous socc er pm ver. 1 le starred plavulg soec
II) 1990. He plased br Llie I'ohang Sreelers tor Unit 32 Stop Yawning!
si y vears. 'Flien he piaved for tite Los Angeles
Snip v.i'vtutig. lisot:
(;llax) 1 -le was tite (iNi. }Coreait u: play br '1
Vol sorrv, NI,,. Icrrv. 1 c.tttt Itelit it!
inajor le.lVtit' So(, cel teani itt LI1C t.jnited States.
'l'oti can! Yoti yawn Itecactse yOtui ltttigs nced
Note, he rs a colad) for rhc Sotit h Koreall soccer
fltolC Clx —
yg el l . \Vlteii >011 oecd i llorex ygctt. 'o it
opeil volar iltouril wide autd ral<c it a lot of air.
long s lamotis lIeca LISC EtC jlnve<l soccer
\Vliar can 1 do lo) srop awitiin?
vtl!. } -Ie playcd III ¡llore tIItII 12.5 interttattotnni
Yoti shoniti go onrside iitro rIte freslt lii' tutd
aincs. He also plaved iii bour \Vorld c:tips. 1 l
breatite ciecpiy. ilien "oti WO)ii't Iteed lo) Vawil
1 994, 1 998.
j)laveCJ jo lileWorld c:Lit ¡u 1990,
atIvino)rc. Yotir itiligs tvdi itave iors ob oxvgen.
ztnd 2002.

e ¡long woui rwn soccer awa rds ¡o 2002. His

B \X'c jtist cante it' Iroiit reces,,, so wltv am 1 vatvning?
Are SOLt tireti? l3eing cired jlNo ¡iiakes 501.1 Vawit.
Lealli tvon tite nvard (nr rEte Mosr Enrertaining
'kani in thc \Vortd c;up. I'euple thoughr ir v;ts
'Iltis is hecatise sutil i)Ci(lv reSL. Ox sgen

e (un co watch 1 longis team pias so,ccer! 1 long

heips votir hody rcsr. Slcepiitg rests ynur iii idv
1 no! nia kes son ralle iont'.. tice p lirea rus.
e tVOI) che Adidas Bronze Bali Award. 'Ibis
award vas for 'lis otttscaridnig perlorniaitce iii
R 'Ihen, tvlis do 1 Vflt'il wiieut 1 aiii bored. Ms.

e clic ttaiii'. Fveil (liotiuli l long (11(1 ii't pias in tite

\Vli. jasoti, tvhen VOL) art' bortci. V0U art,
hiLti gante, he plaveti 've11.
lot iirettiiiitg deeplv 1he hesr Wav ro
e 'lol , vawuitig lro)in boredont is Co do sotitriiiutg

e itttcresting. lb von can't (lo thai, trv taking dcep

l , reaths. Tbk tvuli ¡mr Stop rile hortt!uun, hin ir
e tvill itelp voLi stop va\Vltittg.
Unit 31 Keeping Fit Unit 33 The Gym
e \X: \\'c iii iieed regtil:ii' t'xerciset0'ep Iii. Rut
i)il 'oil lItar thai 1 leV. gvilt 01)CFtt'd 0!) 0111.' oF
e it tve StCtçIV :111 CI.)., WC' (loOr llave rutie ro luil,
tite sti'ttN ¡le;) rhv?

e stviin, liii veighrs, or piav basicerbali. Whar can

tve (lot to sr:t\' in sii;ipe?
iiiat'sgt'e:tt tletVs! ¡'ve i;aiuied soini' tveigitt, aitd
1 'd ¡¡k- (, ro ose ir rhnnigii exert'ise.
One rhint tve con Id do is sva 1k litare oftett.
i itet'd to lose weiíIlt, con. and I've'aiwavs w;irited
'e \Xtlktiig is good exercise. instead uf gaing tu
ro take yoga ciasses.
schooi by ca, nr bus, we conid tialk. l)uring
e recess, Wc cotiid go outside a ud st roli arotind
Nl : Do von k ¡iúw it' tite new gviii ollers yoga ciasses?
l'itt ttot stire. I'iii piatiuti ig Lo) go titere ctit lritl;tv
e before tve go back co cias,. Instead oí taking tite
ct•citittg to look arç,wid. 1)o vou ttant lo ¡orn
e elevaron in htiildiit gs &ili lile (¡lile, tVe ('0(11(1 use
rEte smi rs.

e Aiuorher inportatit tltiiig is ti) tztkc i,reaks

NI: itt inc clteck tity schedule br this wccic. I'm roo
bus o>ii 1:rida\. SO Clt WC go oit Sartirda
e froni snudviin. if Wc siL at our desks (ir in brota (>l a
a btert loo )i 1 ilistead
ti)!)) ptlmer for 8 long ti (tic, WC slio 1(1 id siajid up
1 iuid srretcii otir arits ;md kgs once each hotir. if
Sure. \Ve can See what che new gVlll Itas ro offer;
;tnd gel soine exercise, roo. it's hiit ro work (luir
1 Wc' stand (or a long ti une. Wc sitotiid Sir (iOW u)
¡ji a gviti st-irh ori'uer people. \Ve tiiipitt o'\t'it illeet
e ,111,1 St lete!) ''tir iLtCkS.
tle\" j'C0['lt' tt'itii sulil il.1 Il,)lli)tc's!

e 5,

Nl 1-luid Oil, let's sec what tite gVlii Ii 'oks ULe firsr Ni: Salnds lloile 1111V 11(11 he riLntuiLlo(Is ~PA
bctore Wc start llasuibig 311>1 lii ng CIsC. ¡mi So, nylata sliotuld 1 cnt?
nteet br luncli lit tle \VCSr lttld Café hefore we Ni: You necd mane proteni 811(1 carbohvdrates. It is
go. It ni igh t be Ole la st good Inca 1 WC ea iinporrant ro can a guod va riety of toad aL Cacil
Caed plan! nieal. You sitotuki have halariced ilIcais. Make
sure von eat cercais, frtiirs ant1 vegetables. and
sorne bread or rice. You aisc , riced iii;Ilc ni al da ir>
Unit 34 A Healthy Lifestyle protlncts, nid souiie lileat. YotiiI ¡'e ilcili Ile,.

ui'II llave ¡llore erieugv. Yoi i'ii cve II loor; Rl i ç . u!
luis bLJIt''r iS ileliciotis! Do >ott \v1111 sorne?
NI: >Jo, rhnrik you. ¡ ' ni vorkntg out al CO ipni
ihese dnvs. 1 want tu be heaith>', so I'vc ilso
sr:) rrcd ea ti ng gmnL frasli fund.
Yoti're exercising? Tiiat's fantasrie! \Vheni (lid
von sta it thinkinig about von n \veigllt a nd sta>'nnlg
in sliape?
Ni: 1 así moiith ¡ liad a elieck- u p.M y doctor toid inc Unit 36 Across Canada
thai 1 sliotiid be leading a mtieli heaithicr \V: Fin so excited! 1 jtisr gol hack fn - onu tlie travel
lifestvle ituw that I'nl getring older. Nov. 1 try lo zigciicy.
eat sitial!, regular inca Is ¡ cistead (it (II le or tWo NI: 'cave¡ agcnlcy? \Vliere are von goilg?
big nicais a day. i ' nii planuirng tu go to Canada Oil vacatiori.
1 see. Witat cvpcs of foad do von ustiallv eat Ni : Cauitda! How (xcltiiig! }IOW long aire von gol ng
Nl: 1 cii Ints of frtiit aid vci;ctahlcs. ¡ liv lo liniit l'ni going for a monili. 1 waiit to see as Huid) as
carlioliydrates 1 ike bread, rice, atid pasta. 1 alma 1 Cal)!
ny not tu eat suga rv foods. NI: Yotu are so lueky! \Vhnt places areyola goiiig tu
Oh cicar! 1 lave stigarv kxxls, especially cakes. VIS uf
Nt : \VclI, Cry ro cnt food thai is good for von. Yoti Fi rsr, ¡'II spettd a kw davs ¡ti Va IlCOtiVel. 1 ben
riced (o taLe etie of votirseif. VII tak- c a traliL LhroLIgll tite Rock> Nionntairts.
Yo tu 're ci gl t. 1 s bou Id sta rt III ¡ nk i ng a hotit a Ni : Oh. Voure ridirig rhrotigh tIie itockies! Thais
healiliit'r Iifesrvle. ihit lirst, l'rn gig ro fiuiish real ly excitiulg!
iii> 1_it1 rcr! Iiieut lii liV CO Toronto, zinc] taLe a bus t()
Niagara Valls. l)id von 1<1101v ruar YOU eaui

acruali> take a boat under thai hiigc water(all?

Unit 35 A Balanced Mea¡ It's ealled Nlaid oí rhe Mist.

1 have iosr SCVCI) potnitds ¡ti one vc'k! Skipping NI : \Vov! That's an aullazilig titing lo (lo! You're so
brea k fa sr real iv works. 1 tuck y!
id: 1 doii'r ihiiik tiiar\ a good idea. \X!cIl, 1 hope 1 doui'r pi seasick'. I'II finish iii>' triji

W: \Vhy flor? ni Nova Scx,tia. 1 \vanit tu ea¡ Iohsrcr for djunier

Ni: Peopie ''ho sUp breakfast elt uluLe It tite flCXt everV niiglit. Aiid l'd like tu hiLe arotind sonne

ineal. Fating breakfasr is \•erv itnportallt. sinail fisliinig viliages, tao.

Breakfast gives you energy for rhe da'. NI: llave a grt:lt ttniie, anid taLe luis of piettires!

\VcIl, 1 car ouie big iiieal a (¡.ay- it titnniertiuie.

NI: 1 la vi ng une u Lca 1 a da y- is flor g( )od. Yo ti si lo LI Id
liave several sillilli nieals a da> Yon'II Itave more
eniergv thai wav.
Mayhe vonre rigItt. 1 llave heeni feeling realiy
rircd iateIv.
NI \X'har (lO VOli tistiallv Cal?
1 oniv eat snials uin'

Unit 37 A Trip fo Europe
\\llcielie\oil golllg<'rI v.ic..itic)n ibi5'c.ii Afltlief
Unit 39 A Good Way fo Travel
Nl 1 ;ivclii is a guoti hol,l'v. Li vot' llave

R 110 goizu ti) Ltito'c \VitII Un' IN,Itvill5. \\t ' it' gouig Ii rrle ciionev, ¡iack 1iack ji it is a oinl '.va y ro
l(> take a unir of France, ltal, aid (;erinnn\. tiiveI . Mauiv SUUdCIItS ¡1k1 tu baekpack. 1 liev
Oh! Thai. svill he stieli filo! 1 Iosv long svill von be ' cal)
Caliiravel eheapiv. ¡he rravel ro nuanv
gone? places. Tliesu t ravekrs carry. rbeu e belongu ngs 111

R : ihrec ,.veeks. \\•'e're goiuig lo tire sullinler, so 1 Urge l'ackpacks. 'lliev are ca ¡InI backpackens.
'Vohit tuis,, atlV SCIIOOI Backpaekezs taLe buses nr Inailis Lo save
E; \Vliat svifl von do tiierer iii<iieV. llieV c1 ;lIll) utcrclours (O slcep. U tlie\
\Ve'rc goilig (o visit liistoric;it sites, like rhe srav si a cirv, rhcy unas go ti, a luiste1. A liosrel
( I ltOhi)(. \\!c'll also see Íiinoii, milseililis, is like a lintel. 1 luteis are uiut clieap. Hosrels are
like rhe louvre in Paris. And, of Course, \Vere ven clieap. Frivders olten shaue ¡1)00)5 nr hustels.
oIlig ro dic tul) of the ltitfei luver. Ihere are onlv a fcw toiletsaiid harhs. ['copie
1 loss' will von travel tr()in une cotiinrv Lo tnotlier? sllare lliciti. (()O.
Therc's a taiiious train tliat goes al1 over l:.urupe. iiostcl s aje a guod place to ineet otlier
It', called the Enrorail. traveleis. '1ouu eaU1 make Írieinls. l'hev CZIIU idI

Ci g o svitli on 1 M y fay is going

¡ 'visli 1 cotuld von abont hin rhings Co do iii tlie ui -ea .Nlauiv
lo che seaslioe IiIiIi, ¡cNt like lasr vear. I'(l like bostels llave ktteheiis. Tliese 1< ileheils liave
ti.) 11 0 sOcllei%'ilere [ve never heen. stoves. Sorne llave toasters. Yuti can huy von r
R Do 't worrv, julic. ¡ \vill rake Ints of picrtires, foot! fra ni a sn ,re. TI iei t, vi ni can cúok ;ir t lic
alal ¡'II bus 'OLI a sotiveii u liosrel. .1 ¡lis js ciie:iper tIiztll cOjo" miL. ltist
¡hank von! l'll collect si,une seashelis frouii rfie U tlfltiilhti ro ç¡ell III \\ilçI3 vi iii a l <
'cadi lot %ott.
13 Tli,iti k , !
Unit 40 A Train Announcement
\V \\''e kouuuc "ti I'card rlie 1 ( ;\.';40. \'('
Unit 38 New Mexico ''05v leaving Paris. 'tVe vill aiíise Iii Niarseilles
lIc, 1 liavri't Stt71 VIiU1 rol '550 sshule svccks! it .):0!)
\Çe diii %(itj v,o iii! VOIIF \flC;lt i)i1' 'Xc offer Ín,c heverage,. iii Ii cal. INcuse llave
1 visited cIty COtisiti ni NeS'. Mexicu. ¡ liad a gteM as 311111 cofice, tea, or soir clrinks as von ,.vjsii.
Lii ¡le! Theie is a icstai.irat)t un rile traun. Yon niav
11 Nlexico? 1 thotiglir Voti sverii tu dic ¡35. ltUreha5ea inca! there &1nriju rhe rmip. ihe
1 (lid. New Niexico is :1 sta re ni 1 lic soiith'vestern restaiira ¡it ¡5 II) car 1 1.
Lis. les hetweeci leas aoci Arizona. ( ';Icess '.s'hat? \ç:e ,.vili uuiakc tvto stops oit tuis (rip. 'tVe svi!l

A los of A,tiericaus cloci't kiiow thar New \ kxico pick tili passeilgers un I'ron-nce auic! r), 1 0 11.
¡5 a Statu. rht' license plittcs oit cars ¡si Nc',. Mexico Passei ¡gv rs clianging tiJa ihis casi asic tire :lrrellda nr
uso S:iV — USA. — Ibis is so thai pcople (1011 ' ! get lar a trie ljlneulhiC. Tlijs ,.vili liclp you with yotir
e •i ,uiftised a id rbi nk tire driver is trom Nlc'xico. 011\Vj III rmtp.
B lhat's ftutunv! So, telI file "liar yOtI iliti ¡UI New Please note rbi t siiiok i ng is o;ilv perii ijíred
Mci', ¡co. III CaEs 15 aitd 23. Newspapers are given ro al!
Nlv favorite pan '.vas visitiiig Carlsl,acl (Tztverits. passeclgers. Mobik pliones a od he Internes - ma y
1 Fhcre ¿ire í) miles of caves! ¡Ii OilC Cave, we liad he uised ¡ir cars IX aoci 25. Ii von iieed assistancc,
ro '.ve.0 Iiars witb liglurs isii rlieni so we eoitld set pica se press lis(- bu rroii nea r \-<)lit seat l(> contad
iii rile da rk. Sonwt unes '.ve liad ro cr.i '.vl rli mu uJdl a cabio attendant.
;iariov LLOlileis oil otui handsaiid knees. Please bit hack, relax, and el)jOV ¡lic rrip. We
Ji \Vercti't yoti scared? are pleased tu huye you oil boaid. Wc look
No, it svas a los oF lun! ¡ ' ¡ir gc)ilig Lo visir lll k. IOr).var(l to serving von liga¡]¡ iii Lite liuture.
e cohlsin agnici flc'Xt Cal. '1011 siiOttId coifle Witli
e iii!

e 11
51 -

Unit 4 Hiking in Iran

A. New \Vords
Unit 1 Anta rctica 1 . h ap pCI) 2. idci ni t y 3. descrt
4. peccs S. rccoiiiniciid 6. hinnculars
A. Nc Words
• Íroicui 7. IItlliofl ,. tuulri$( U. %Ltjiding dic ( :ontcxr
4. cqu.itoF 5. CI)IltllICtit 6 ..c IcIi(tS(
1.ib: 2. (a.)

R. t Jn del staiidiiig dic ( :ontcxI

C. iocus un 1 )ct.tiis
• c) 2. d
1 . ciescrt 2. spccics
ICCOhiiIflCIitI 4. bjiiOCLiLtrs
¡•oCtIs un l))ctnilç
• equttur 2. uiiiIIiurr 1). lri,c o' i:tlse
tic 1/dL 4. iOtiti'.(S
2.T 3.1

1. 4; 2. 2) .. ti:.
4. S. ¡S i Unit 5 Jane Goodall
A. Ncv \Vords
UnR 2 A Hiking Trip iiistiuitc 2. adtiir 3. perso;ialitv
resca cli S. discovered 6. 09)h;i !i
A. t c'.v \Vord
•acJviLv 2. Lp 3. irip U. t_5ndcrtaiidiiig dic Contcxr
4. d(il) S. cabiti 6. Iiikt

U. (Jiidcrstaiiding dic (.:onrcxt

J:cicjgs oil Dc ails
researcll 2. personaiirv
orpliait I. iiisrittite
C. locus (ni l)ctais
1. '_zti uj' 2. rrip l ). Su iii niarv
3.'iti 4. liikc
2. (1) 3. (4)
S 5. (2)
D. lruc oc l'alçc
1. T 2. .[ 3.1•
4. 1 5. 1

cca cnc Tednooy

Unit 3 Save the TurBes
A. \ c \V -) i•i Unit 6 Flying Cars
• liotliiic 2. .L lid 3. Sfl't
Ç pI(tct A. New \Vords
4. hruclitir 6. rif'.i iiitioii
rraíiic jaiii 2. cosi j. anicic
U. tiitdcrstaiicling t lic (Joci Icxt iiitcrcstiiig Ç. conilo1 , airplai.

1. (ti) 2. dVi
1 . U ini eiSt atid i ng iii e (2oit te X

Focas un I)ctnils
• si ve 2. cxtii ici
i:ocLIs un 1 )ctails
3. 11,)[1¡w 4. hrochtirc
.aiipt:int 2. ariick
3. COSI 4. tr;tffic janis
Su mtnarv
• i 2. 3. S
4 S.

D. True or False D. Irue nr l: a l sc
1. F 2. T 3. F 1. T 2. - 1 3. 1
4. E S. 1 4.1 5. T

Unit 7 The Perfect Gift Unit 10 The Telescope

A. New \Vords A. New Wurds
simple 2. lintiscvorl< 3. per ect 1. IflOOTl 2. planer 3. clnscst
4. disliwaslier S. appliaiice 6. garbate 4. nc€tr 5. iclescope 6. sarcllice

B. Understanding thc Ccmtext (Jnderstanding dic (2niii Cxc

1. (e) 2. (d) 1. (a) 2. (e)

Focus Oil l)erai Is C. Foctis on Details

1. a ppliaiicc 2. disliwaslicr 1. satellite 2. inni nl
.3.simple 4. garbage 3. closest 4. near

D. Tktue or False D. Sumniary -

1 . 1: 2. F 3.1 1. (3) 2. (1)
4.1 5.F 4.(2) S.(5)

Unit 8 Acupuncture e
- t. Cv L)
A. New \Vords
1. SYsteili 2. ricedle 3. Iier\cs
4. rreat .5. spor 6. s ptci ti
Unit 11 The Mona Lisa
A. New Words
8. Unders(aiidiiig tIte Contexi -
. slta ve
1. Mcidern 2. u issi ng
2. (e) 4. pnintuig 5. cyehrows 6. ktslwflLililt

C. FOCUS en l)ctails 8. Uiiderstanding tIte Contcxt

1. trcat 2. spccial 1. (e) 2. (Ii)
3. need les 4. nc rvcs
- C. Focus oí] 1 )ctails
D. Stiniiiiarv
1. paiiitixig 2. evcbnnvs
CI) 2. (5) 3. ( 3. inissing 4. modcrn
S. (3)
D. Su iii iiiary
1. (4) 2. (3)
Unit 9 Albert Einstein
A. New Words
1. ccitturv 2. Jailtire 3. tiiILversuLy
4 sticct,ssttil .. vniiiig 6. hcld
Unit 12 Bang Yi
A. New Words
B. tJnderstazidiiig tIte Context .
1. kiiid 2. poisoned ,. greed y
a) 2. (e) 4. angrv 5. inonsrcr 6. magiec

C. Focus en Dctails B. Understandiiig rIte (:ontcxt

yohlng 2. failtire 1. (a) 2. (1$
3. un versitv 4. ijeld

( a
C. ¡:-I oil Detads C. J:octi'. no 1 )etails
1. kid 2. f)(flS()iICcI 1. ciii Licor 2. cxac;iv
$ . iii n sters 4. greedv .3. sti.titlu 4. Nolxn.Iy

tic ° False 1). SLITllInarv

2.F E (4 2. (21 3. i)
4. E 5. 4 (•, i ç fl

Unit 13 Friendship Doy

A. N en \Vnrds
t tieiicl-hip 2. ema ji 3. C<ttC
Unit 16 Karaoke
S. hol;dav c.trcl

4. iiiipovtaiit 6.

New \Vords

II. L'ndeistaiaiiiig tIme
- 2. (e)
1. (ree
4. temed
2. i;tiigttage
5. stranger
3. invite
6. privare

C. locus on Details
3. cniails
2. I1()lida\
4. ca re
l.Jnclerstand i ng thc Cntext

C . ¡ :ocUs un I)e ai Is
D. Sumninarv 1. invite 2. private
1, 3) 2. (4) 3. Iree I. languages
4. 2) s. 5:
D. Su mmnarv
• t1 l 2. (3) 3. 11)
Unit 14 An Outdoor Exhibit 4. 2 S.
A. New \Vrds
1. ptihlish 2. exlnhir .3. inaajine
Unit 17 Watching TV
4. otitcloor S. pili )tl 'raph 6. talemit
A. New \Voids
R. ti ndcrsraixl ing the Context 2. '4iacks 3. preter
- episode
4. iieithhors 5. torterlier 6. reality

I()CLIS no 1 )etails R. ti ndcrcandtng dic Contexr

1. pliotogiaplis 2. pUI)l ish 1. (e) 2. (e)
3. (XtlIbIt 4. (>tltdOOI
}:()(.JÇ un Detaiis
True nr False 2. IU'I gli I)( ) rs
• CI i 5< )dC
1 2. í 3. E 3. rovtrhcr 4. stiacks
Irue nr False
1. 1: 2.1 3.F
Unit 15 People Are Different 4_E S. T
A. Nev, \Vords
• tlitrerenr 2. niike .3. straiglit
-1 . \VOTitl 5. CJC (IV 6. nOI)O(IV

l. t lncierstauding dic Context

1. ci 2. (1:•

Unit 18 Have Sorne Fun!
A. Ne%% \Vorcls
1. aiiyinore 2. sIlower .1. apartilient Unit 21 Blood Types
4. dowxitown S. pliolie 6. bus stop
A. New \V ,rds
13. U iI(IerstaIIdilIg the Contcxt • tv pe 2. Iecrtire A. hospital
.4 bluod 5. explain 6.Ntix
• (a) 2. (e)
11. t Jndersiaiidiiig dic Coiirexr
C. loetis un I)ctails
•i 2. (a)
• a pa rtiiien r 2. bus srop
3. a n "more 4. shower
C. Focus un 1 )etats
D. Sttnmarv 1. Iecriire 2. explain
3. type 4. mix
(1) 2. (3) 3. (2)
1. (5) 5. (4)
D. True or False
1. E 2. 1
Unit 19 Tickets to the Game
A. Ncs% , \\'ords
1. ()therwise 2. eorreetiv 3. colleague Unit 22 The Car Ride
4. tieker 5. liiisband 6. impossible
A. Nci,v \Vords
8. Underscanding dic Context • seeiicrv 2. voltuitie A. I> ruuiiist
iioiiseiise .5. liCtCltC'I1C 6 a''.' (i
(e) 2. (a)
II. U ndcrsra uuli ng dic Context
C. 1 )ctai Is
• (d) 2. (e)
1. tickets 2. coi reetly
3. col leagtie 4. ()therwisc
C. Focus oil 1 )etails
D. Tute or False • f101isen se 2. awfti 1
.3. proillise 1. VOILI1IIC
lP 2.T 3.P
4.1 5.1:
1). 1 rue or I:al s c
1. '1 2.1 A. E
Unit 20 Wonder Woman 4.] 5. T

A. New \\'urds
1. cotities 2. strerigtli 3. hero Unit 23 The History Report
4. 1 iglirn ng .5. role lncRkI 6. spccd A. New \Vrds
13. Uiidcrstanding tite Contcxt • revoltitioti 2. repon 3. 1 listo¡v
4. librarv 5. espeeiallv 6. fi nish
1. (a) 2. (d)
13. IJndcrstaiiding tite Contexr
Focus ni' Oetails
1. te) 2. (a)
1. srrengrli 2. 1 igh mi ng
3. hero 4. role niode 1
C. Focus (>ti 1 )e taj',.
Suinniary. • repon 2. fin ush
3. espeCia liv 4. Insto iv
(5) 2. (3; 3. (1)
(4) 5. (2)
1). Stiinutiary
1. (3) 2. (4)


D. Tritenr False
Unit 24 Home Schools
2. T . T
A. Nexv \Vords
• piihiic 2. discipline 3. r;isnn
4. licncfit S. dniut',trotis 6. a11nc.n&
Unit 27 The Principal
R. 1 indcrstniidiiig tite Context
A. New Words
1. 2.
1. cuilege 2. priitcipI 3. hraiii
4. nittcntiun .5. tflulvctl 6. prugrain
C. Focus un Dei a lis
reasons 2. daiigerotus 11. Lindcrstanding dic ( ontext
,. hcnelits 4. discipline
1. c: 2. t• a
1). True or False
C. Foctis en De(ai Is
1. 1 2. 1 3. 1
i. rrinciiai 2. edticatiun
• 1
3. cn'legc 1. prograiti

D.True nr False
Unit 25 Big Brother
A. New \Vords i. T •s. p

cute 2. diaper .3. Icmperartiic

4. cxciting .5. const nuitIv 6. c ick le

U. ti ndcrstand mg tite (..otitext Unit 28 Bi D Gates

1. (a) 2. c} A. New \Vords
• çiii1lov 2. cliaritv .3. donate
C. l:OCUS un Detall'
4. O\\flC1 .5. cxccilcnt 6. cuinptitcr
ccinsranriv 2. di.i
. tijraune 4. LicUle 1k lJriderstattding tite Coiuext

1). Suniniarv

C. Foctis en l)cails
. empluYS 2. cliaritv
3. coi nptiters 4. exce 11cm

D. Suininarv
1. 2. (4) 3. (3)
4. ¡2 .1 5. ti)

Unjt 26 The New Boss

A. New Wurds
Unit 29 Mark Twain
CílticiZe 2. eIflJllOVct' .3. sCI1SuII\e A. New Words
4. realize 5. vacai ion 6. illipru' e 1. aItcrlicn)i) 2. wliisper .L atirlior
4. secluon S. coiniorrablc 6. proud
13. Uiidcrstaiiding the Cuntcxt
1. (u) 2. (al U. 1.Jnderstanding tlie Coii (CXt

C. Focus o" Detajls

1. eiiip lovee 2. cri nc U. Focus en Deaiis
3. seiisitivt 1. VZLÇT.ILU)ii • veltisper 2. seCtioli
3. 1 un101tahie1.1,1 oud

D. liLIC nr False C. loetis cii 1)etails
1. . F 3. r j . ox\gen 2. hrearht
1. 1 . 1 3. v&twn 4. bore&iom

D. 5 u tu ruar'
Unit 30 A Soccer Star 1. (1 fr
7. (u
A. New Words
.award 1. jarcut doutal 3. Soccer
4. final 5. wodtl\\itle 6. 011tstflIRliflg U nit 33 The Gym
13. U uiderstanding tite colilext A. New \Vords
1 (1 ¼
1 L
-. a) -
J. sc-hedtilç z.. VID a. \VCIgIIL
I. Yoga S. nçarhv 6. similar
C. locos en l)ctaiis
1.worldwide 2. inrernarionnl 15. 1. Jndersanding tite Concxt
3. a\vards 4. otnstandint 1. (a) 2. (d)

D. Suminary Focos oit DeraiIs

1. (1) 2. (4) :3. (2) 1. nearbv 2. wei&r
4(3) 5 (. a. schedtuic 4. suiitular

Fr-oc nr False
IT 2. 1 3. F
4. [ 5

Unit 31 Keeping Fit Unit 34 A Healthy Lifestyle

A. New Wordç A. New \Vords
1. citcck-tip 2. Iiealthy 3. veget:thlc
1. desk 2. elvv,ltol 3. tmH
4. rcgtular S. exercise sirerclt 4. hinit 5. carboltydrates 6. h fesryle

11. Understanding che Contexi

8. Underscaitdijug rite Conrexr
2. cc) 1. (li) 2. (e)

C. i: ocns oll DetaiK C. Focos en 1 )ctaiis

ietuiai 2. elevatol 1. Check-lfl) 2. V(getlI)Ics
3. stretclt 4. excrcisc 3. huttit 4. hk5t\It

D. 1 uc nr False D. Su nimarv
1. 21 2. {.3) 3(l)
1:T ir 3.T
4. E 5.1 4. (4) S. 5)

Unit 32 Stop Yawning! Unit 35 A Balanced Meal

A. New \Vords
A. New \,rls
1. variery 2. tlairv 3. inca1
1. yawu) 2. I%ouedoin 3. hrcathe
4. eutergy 5. salad 6. ski1'
4. oxvgcrl 5. Iturtgs 6. breath

13. Urtderstauidiitg lile Couitext 13. Uitdeuscandiutg rite Couitex

1. (h) 2. (e) 1. ¿bI 2. (J)

C. un 1 )etaik
Una 38 New Mexico
• skip 2. encrgv
3. Salatis 4. va rietv New Vords
1. COY) Ítrcd 2. era 'vi 3. state
D. irue nr Faise 4. licetise plate S. cave 6. tuniiei
2. 1
1. E SU t.Jndcrstaiidirtg tiie Coni ex
(ti) 2. (a)

Fucus un t)ctaiis
• srate 2• licciase plates
rrave; and Transport 4. tun neis

Unit 36 Across Canada 1.). Su ni ma uy

2. (2) 3. (4)
A. New \Vords
(3) .5. (5)
lobster 2. !ishint vdlagt 3. seasick
4 )nia/.i(ig S. lia'ei avencv 6. waterlall
Unit 39 A Good Way fo Travel
II. 1 Jndersta nIing rhe (nntcx t
2. (I New \'Çc,rds
h,stel 2. I)CIOiiI4iT)1,S . tI)1ICC
C. Focus un Details 4. kitchc;i S. travckr 6. backpack
1 . tr.tvel agency 2. vatcrtaIl
a ni a u ng 4. lobster lincieistanding the (1oiitcxr
1. (CI) 2. (CI)
1). Stniiiiiaiy
t:octis un 1 )etails
1. 2. (4
1. backpacks 2. heistel
.3. tuikts 4. trzivekrs

Unif 37 A Trip fo Europe True oc False

lF 2. F
A. New \Vnrds
• iiiusctirii 2. sotiveIur 3. seasliore
4. totir 5. sit(. 6. hisrc,rical
Unit 40 A Train Announcement
u. Understanding tlie (Tuntcxt
Id) 2. (a) A. New Woids
passeiiger 2. heverage .3. atteitdarit
C. Focus un Dccaíis 3. assisraiice 5. restaurant 6. piirchnsc
rniir 2. sites
3. 'easliore 4. SOLIVC1III U. 1 .Indcrstanding dic Cuntext
ca) 2. (e)
1). Irue nr l: a l se
C. icu un 1 )ctails
1. lieverages 2. restaurant
3. passengers 4. assistance

U. Suiticiiary
1. 2. (5) 3. (2)
1. 11 S. (2)

Liste;zinç Practict' tlzrough Dictation is a four-level series that presents
basic listenirig transcription activities designed for EFL learners ranging
from beginner tú upper intermediate. A time-honored rnethod of teaching
language, dictation has received renewed interest from teachers and
learners worldwide. Each book in this series contains 40 units divided
into eight themes. Each unit is comprised of five exercises based un a
single listening text, which mas' he a dialog, monolog or continuous
prosa By focusing tearners' attention on text transcription, Listening
Practicc' throug/i Victation encourages learners to notice and improve
spelling, vocahulary, sentence structure, cohesive devices used in .

speaking and svriting, dnd punctuation, apart from providing invaluabk .

exposure (o audio-tecorded language fi-orn native English spcakers. The

progression of grarnmar, vocabularyç passage length, and cornplexitv is
controlled fi-orn une book tu the next in order tu give learners art eifective
and rewarding stage-by-stage language learning experience.

Introduction irtcluding teaching tips by Mario Rinvolucri

Fu ti-color photos -
New words introduced at the beginning of each unit
Listening transcription activities that integrate reading and writing
Audio recording of dictatiort texts
Complete answer keys and dictation text transcripts


actce C
i\ ptact -

,kct?t 1


SiNH- 1 , 966- i 05-6

-1 Compass
(Publishin 9
9 78 1599661056 I

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