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D&D Do & Bella

Broken Pieces


• There is a hidden treasure nearby the city of Erpool.

• The map to the treasure is broken in pieces and scattered across the city. Half of them
are in possession of a merchant named Elwic, he does not seem to care about them.

• The people in the town are aware of The legend of Wolf and Dragon and talk about this
frequently. But they are not aware of the map pieces, nor will they try to seek them.

• The party will find the first pieces early in the adventure, they spell out the name of the

Strong Start

battle music “Jullie worden achtervolgd door 2 boeven die jullie geld willen stelen. Jullie rennen
over een pad gemaakt van grind en aarde, het voelt glad aan terwijl jullie hier overheen sprinten.
DEX Save DC 10. Willen jullie doorrennen? CON Save DC 12. Anders initiative! Opeens zien jullie
een pijl door de lucht schieten achter een paar bomen vandaan Azan.

Call to action

The town is famous for the secret hidden treasure… everybody talks about it and the pc’s
start to dream about it.


1. Beginning in the Forrest - Strong Start.

2. The inn - Bregje greets them, gets them food and offers them a room for 10 gp each.

3. Next morning - they meet up with Azan in the inn and tells them about the legend “Jullie
zijn hier zeker naartoe gekomen voor de legende en de schat?” He tells them about the
map but that it’s probably all fake.

4. Market place - Elwic has some of the pieces and they can buy it from him for 5 gp. The
market place is full of vendors selling all kinds of stuff. Pickpocket = D100 - 80%.
Perception DC 12.

5. Around town - sandbox looking for the pieces.

6. On the road to the dungeon - Azan catches up and tries to steal the map, he runs away
after a fight.

7. Dungeon - see map. A dark place full of traps...

Where are the pieces?

• The innkeeper holds one of the pieces on a necklace, given to him by his mother.

• During a robbery in the blacksmith, the robber flee’s and drops something...

• Most of the pieces are held by Elwic the merchant. He will sell them really cheaply
because he doesn’t think they are worth anything.

• Randomly dropped by somebody running in the other direction as the PC’s.

• Someone slipped it in their pocket...

• The other pieces are randomly found throughout.

Locations in order

The road & the woods.

The PC’s find themselves on the road looking for a place to stay. Encounter 1. Azan will come to
their aid and escort them to Erpool.

A busy city with holds a market place full of vendors... Watch out for pickpockets!

On the road!
Skill check for travel to the dungeon!

See dungeon map...


Azan. Male, Hunter, Items: A bow with arrows, some gp and a healing potion he will use on a party
member of needed. Azan seems like an ideal companion by winning the party’s trust when they
first meet hem, but he will be looking out for them as they discover the treasure map and it’s

Elwic. Male, Merchant, Items: half of the map, potions, arrows and other shit. Elwic sets up shop
everyday on the town market square. He is one of the biggest merchants in town and because of
this only interested in real money, he will give away the map pieces almost for free.

Bregje. Female, Innkeeper, Items: one piece and 20 gp. Bregje is well loved and known, she will
sell of the legend as real to attract tourists to her inn.

Helman. Male, Mayor of Erpool, Items: engraved dagger of Harlone, 50 gp, document concerning
the city. Helman rules the city from the background, but as soon as he hears of the legend being
real he will chase the treasure himself. Using some disguised guards to get to it.

Random NPC’s

• Andres

• Helmond

• Gerry

• Barry

• Arthur


The first
The PC’s will be attacked by 2 bandits trying to rob them of their possessions. The adventure
starts out with this encounter, read the intro out loud and roll initiative.

When the PC’s sleep they will encounter a giant monster. This is the monster guarding the

Market place
When confronting a thief the guards will take the PC’s out of the market place and confronts them
with a fine of 50 gp each.

On the road to dungeon

Azan tries to steal the map off of them. He runs away when he got les then 10 hp.

In front off the dungeon.

2 Wolfs are guarding the entrance to the dungeon.


• 5 gp here and there.

• Promise of great treasure following the map.

• There is a mimic chest in the Dungeon. It holds some basic loot.

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