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Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 46, No. 6, pp.

13441358, 2020
Copyright © 2020 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. All rights reserved.
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
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* Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, SAR, China; and y Department of Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Programme, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, SAR, China
(Received 31 October 2019; revised 27 January 2020; in final from 4 February 2020)

Abstract—Low back pain is one of most common musculoskeletal disorders around the world. One major problem
clinicians face is the lack of objective assessment modalities. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imag-
ing are commonly utilized but are unable to clearly distinguish patients with low back pain from healthy patients
with respect to abnormalities. The reason may be the anisotropic nature of muscles, which is altered in function,
and the scans provide only structural assessment. In view of this, ultrasound may be helpful in understanding the
disease as it is performed in real-time and comprises different modes that measure thickness, blood flow and stiff-
ness. By the use of ultrasound, patients with low back pain have been found to differ from healthy patients with
respect to the thickness and stiffness of the transversus abdominis, thoracolumbar fascia and multifidus. The study
results are currently still not conclusive, and further study is necessary to validate. Future work should focus on
quantitative assessment of these tissues to provide textural, structural, hemodynamic and mechanical studies of low
back pain. This review highlights the current understanding of how medical ultrasound has been used for diagnosis
and study of low back pain and discusses potential new applications. (E-mail: © 2020 World
Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. All rights reserved.

Key Words: Low back pain, Ultrasound, Muscle, Transversus abdominis, Thoracolumbar fascia, Multifidus.

INTRODUCTION The focus of this review is the role of ultrasound in

diagnosis and treatment of LBP. In all studies included,
Low back pain (LBP) is a major musculoskeletal disorder
informed consent was obtained from study participants and
worldwide (Hoy et al. 2012). According to the Global
the protocol was approved by an institutional review board.
Burden of Disease 2010 Study, which outlines mortality
and disability from major diseases, injuries and risk fac-
tors, LBP ranked first in terms of disability and sixth in LBP
terms of overall burden presented as disability-adjusted Diagnosis of LBP is based on thorough history tak-
life-years (Hoy et al. 2014). As reported by the World ing, physical examination and targeted investigations.
Health Organization, it is one of the dominant factors that After a case history is obtained and symptoms are identi-
restrict motion and ability to work, thus resulting in an fied, segmental motion tests and examinations of the
economic and social burden (Kaplan et al. 2013). sacroiliac joint, facet joints and paraspinal musculature
LBP is classified as acute or chronic according to the aid in diagnosis of the pathology (Airaksinen et al. 2006;
duration and pathology. Acute LBP refers to pain that lasts Rubinstein and Van Tulder 2008). If the pain is severe or
less than 6 weeks, whereas chronic LBP is pain that persists persists despite conservative treatment, further investiga-
longer than 3 months (Koes et al. 2006). If the causative tions are required, such as computed tomography (CT)
pathology is not conclusive, this type of LBP is referred to and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Airaksinen
as non-specific LBP. Unfortunately, non-specific LBP is et al. 2006). However, these are often found to be inef-
common, with a prevalence rate of 23%, and accounts for fective in identifying the underlying cause because
about 90% of all patients with LBP (Airaksinen et al. 2006; abnormalities observed in patients with LBP may also be
Koes et al. 2006; Mills 2015). found in healthy individuals (Boden et al. 1990). Hence,
imaging features alone cannot differentiate symptomatic
Address correspondence to: Jason Pui Yin Cheung, Department patients from asymptomatic subjects (Koes et al. 2006).
of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, University of Hong Kong, Professo-
rial Block, 5th Floor, 102 Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, In addition, other studies have indicated that the use of
SAR, China. E-mail: imaging does not improve clinical outcomes but does

Role of US in Low Back Pain  W. K. CHEUNG et al. 1345

increase the financial burden (Gilbert et al. 2004; Chou elasticity of the muscle (Biering-Sorensen 1984), shorter
et al. 2009). Therefore, it is suggested that imaging isometric endurance time (Nicolaisen and Jorgensen
should be used only when the pain is severe and persis- 1985; Hultman et al. 1993) and fatty replacement (Alar-
tent despite conservative treatment or for patients con- anta et al. 1993) in the lumbar muscle.
sidering surgery (Jarvik and Deyo 2002; Chou et al. Other than muscle, fascia is also important in under-
2007). Hence, symptomatology is most important, and standing LBP as it regulates human posture and movement
imaging features are only tools for confirmation of diag- by force transmission (Schleip et al. 2005). Thoracolumbar
noses (Mills 2015). fascia (TLF) is a connective tissue in the thoracic and cervi-
Treatment is categorized into conservative, pharma- cal regions and contributes to spinal stability through stiff-
cologic and invasive means (Koes et al. 2006). Conser- ening (Tesh et al. 1987). Because of its function, TLF has
vative treatment includes exercise, physical therapy, been the focus of studies.
behavior therapy and manual therapy. Pharmacologic
treatment includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory TrA
drugs, muscle relaxants and weak opioids. Invasive ther- The TrA is focused on in this article because it is
apy includes acupuncture, steroid injections and surgery responsible for spinal stability. As seen in Figure 1, the
(Airaksinen et al. 2006; Koes et al. 2006; Mills 2015). EO, IO and TrA are abdominal muscles that form a wall
Because of the wide disease spectrum, often no single to protect the organs and maintain spinal posture. Sev-
treatment is effective, and combination therapy may pro- eral studies have found that patients with LBP and
vide the best results. Indications are unclear and may be asymptomatic individuals differ in abdominal muscle
owing to variable pain generators and perception properties and functions. For example, one study
between acute and chronic LBP, lack of detailed disease reported that there was a significant difference in terms
severity and characteristics, and insufficient outcome of pressure change between people with and without
measures (Flor and Turk 1984; Airaksinen et al. 2006; LBP when performing the abdominal drawing-in maneu-
Koes et al. 2006). ver (ADIM) (Cairns et al. 2000), which is a strengthen-
ing exercise for the EO, IO and TrA (Park and Yu 2013).
Previous studies have indicated that the TrA is controlled
independently of the EO and IO during limb movement,
Lumbar muscle has been extensively investigated in suggesting that the TrA may play a special role in stabil-
studies of LBP because its disorder is a common cause of ity (Hodges and Richardson 1997a, 1997b, 1999). Later
LBP (Rosomoff et al. 1989), and it contributes to spinal studies found that TrA improved stability through stiff-
stability (Roy et al. 1989). It can be classified into two ening of the spine by increasing intra-abdominal pres-
groups—local muscles and global muscles. Local sure (IAP) or stiffening the TLF (Tesh et al. 1987;
muscles are those directly linked to the lumbar vertebrae Cresswell et al. 1992, 1994; Richardson and Jull 1995;
and involved in segmental stability and position control Hodges et al. 2003).
(Roy et al. 1989). These include the multifidi (MF), The TrA is the innermost muscle in the abdominal
psoas major, transversus abdominis (TrA), quadratus wall, runs horizontally around the abdomen via the TLF
lumborum, diaphragm, posterior fibers of internal obli- to the transverse aspect of the vertebrae and links the
que (IO) and lumbar portions of iliocostalis and longissi- ribs to the inguinal ligament (Critchley and Coutts
mus (Stuge et al. 2004). Global muscles are those 2002). It is the only muscle that is consistently linked to
connecting the pelvis to the thoracic cage and contribut- the TLF, which facilitates the support of the vertebrae
ing to torque production and trunk stabilization (Roy (Tesh et al. 1987; Springer et al. 2006).
et al. 1989). These include the rectus abdominis, external By use of electromyography (EMG), MRI and CT,
oblique (EO), anterior fibers of IO and thoracic portion patients with LBP are found to have a functional loss, a
of iliocostalis (Stuge et al. 2004). delay in or lack of activity, and a smaller change in
Among those muscles, the TrA and MF are the most thickness and cross-sectional area (CSA) in the TrA
frequently studied because the TrA is controlled indepen- muscle (Hodges and Richardson 1996, 1998; Hodges
dently (Hodges and Richardson 1997a, 1997b, 1999) and 1999).
the MF is a dominant factor in providing spinal stiffness
(Hodges and Richardson 1997a, 1997b). Compared with Thoracolumbar fascia
controls, patients with LBP have altered trunk muscle Fascia is also crucial for regulating human posture
recruitment (Wilder et al. 1996; Ng et al. 2002; Van Dieen and movement by force transmission (Schleip et al.
et al. 2003; Silfies et al. 2005), reduced size (Cooper et al. 2005). The reason TLF is also studied is because it is stiff-
1992), weaker muscle (McNeill et al. 1980; Biering-Sor- ened by the TrA to improve spinal stability (Tesh et al.
ensen 1984; Hultman et al. 1993), reduced flexibility/ 1987). It is a diamond-shaped connective tissue that
1346 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Volume 46, Number 6, 2020

Fig. 1. Cross-section of lumbar muscle.

covers the intrinsic back muscles in the thoracic and cervi- vertebrae, and each fascicle is split into a superficial and
cal regions. It consists of several aponeurotic and fascial deep part (Moseley et al. 2002). Deep fibers span two ver-
layers, and all layers fuse together at the base into a thick tebral segments and function tonically, while superficial
composite. This composite is attached to the posterior fibers span 35 segments and function phasically (Free-
superior iliac spine and the sacrotuberous ligament. The man et al. 2010). As the MF are near the center of lumbar
posterior layer is dominated by the aponeurosis of the lat- joint rotation, the superficial part is suitable for orientation
issimus dorsi and the serratus posterior inferior. The mid- of the spine, while the deep part controls movement
dle layer is the intermuscular septum. The deep lamina (Moseley et al. 2002). MF are innervated by only one
encapsulates the paraspinal retinacular sheath. It is nerve root, whereas other paraspinal muscles have poly-
responsible for posture, respiration, load bearing and load segmental innervation (Campbell et al. 1998).
transfer among trunk muscles and the spine (Willard et al. Patients with LBP manifest reduced endurance
2012). Figure 1 illustrates the posterior, anterior and mid- (Biedermann et al. 1991), lower EMG activity during a
dle layers of the TLF. high-load exercise (Danneels et al. 2002), reduced CSA
The TLF is less studied than the other two muscles, (Danneels et al. 2000; Barker et al. 2004; Lee et al.
and further investigation is required to determine the differ- 2006), an increase in fat content (Parkkola et al. 1993;
ences between patients with LBP and healthy individuals. Kjaer et al. 2007), weaker strength (Parkkola et al. 1993)
and higher signal intensity in the MF (Yanik et al. 2013).
MF Among the imaging modalities, only MRI has been used
Wilke et al. (1995) found that the MF contribute to study the signal intensity of the MF. To investigate
more than a two-thirds increase in the stiffness at the muscle recruitment patterns, one study calculated the
L45 segment. As the stiffening process is a way to pro- signal intensity of lumbar muscle at rest and with lumbar
vide stability (Solomonow et al. 1998), the MF are extension exercise. The results revealed that there were
important in maintaining spine stability (Hodges and significant differences in signal between MF and longis-
Richardson 1997a, 1997b). simus/iliocostalis signal intensity in patients with LBP
MF form the middle part of the paraspinal muscles with and without surgery during exercises and in all
that are attached directly to the lumbar vertebrae, as illus- groups at rest (Flicker et al. 1993). It has been found that
trated in Figure 1 (Stokes et al. 2007). MF have short mus- MRI signal intensity correlates with fat fraction and fat-
cle fibers and a large CSA. The many muscle fibers are signal fractions that represent lumbar muscle fat content
packed and result in large forces that stabilize the lumbar in patients with LBP (Fischer et al. 2013). Another study
spine. MF consist of five fascicles that arise from lumbar focused on fatty degeneration signal intensity in the MF
Role of US in Low Back Pain  W. K. CHEUNG et al. 1347

found that the signal values were higher in patients with compounding technique is a requisite in shear wave imaging
LBP than controls (Yanik et al. 2013). Given that the (see Shear Wave Imaging section and Figs. 3 and 4).
CSA of the MF was reduced on the painful side of The intra-rater reliability for B-mode was good
patients with LBP, there were no significant differences (McMeeken et al. 2004; Koppenhaver et al. 2009a,
in terms of signal intensity as compared with the non- 2009b; Mangum et al. 2016; Wilson et al. 2016; Cuellar
painful side (Wan et al. 2015). et al. 2017; Gibbon et al. 2017; Aboufazeli and Afshar-
Mohajer 2018; Naghdi et al. 2018), and it was suggested
DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND that an average of three consecutive measurements is nec-
essary to obtain optimized intra-examiner measurement
Ultrasound is a sound wave with a frequency greater precision (Koppenhaver et al. 2009a, 2009b; Linek et al.
than the upper limit (20 kHz) of the audible range of the 2014, 2015a, 2015b). Ultrasound thickness measurement
human ear. Not only is medical ultrasound a diagnostic was found to correlate with MRI (Hides et al. 2006).
tool; it may also exert a therapeutic effect. Compared Studies using ultrasound and EMG have revealed
with other imaging modalities, ultrasound imaging is non- that the TrA is recruited before the superficial abdominal
invasive, real time, portable and cost-effective. It has muscle during various body movements. The differences
been applied widely, for instance, in abdominal, cardiac, in muscle activation between the TrA and other abdomi-
maternity, gynecologic, urologic, cerebrovascular, muscu- nal muscles suggest that the TrA is controlled indepen-
loskeletal and breast examinations (Kollmann 2015). dently (De Troyer et al. 1990; Cresswell et al. 1992;
Hodges and Richardson 1997a, 1997b).
Ultrasound B-mode imaging and the TrA As muscle thickness is related to the contraction level,
Commonly used ultrasound probes include 5- to 7- B-mode has been used to measure the thickness of the TrA
MHz linear, 5-MHz curved and 2- to 5-MHz curvilinear (McMeeken et al. 2004). The results indicated that the TrA
arrays. Usually the probe is placed midway between the is the major muscle involved in IAP generation and is the
inferior angle of the rib cage and the iliac crest. TrA thick- thickest at the end of expiration (Misuri et al. 1997; Ain-
ness measurements are usually made at the end of expira- scough-Potts et al. 2006). Its thickness is affected by the
tion. Figure 2 is a B-mode image of abdominal muscle in a postural change, sex and body mass index (BMI) (Ain-
healthy person that has been reconstructed by coherent plane scough-Potts et al. 2006; Rankin et al. 2006; Springer et al.
wave compounding with three steered (2˚, 0, 2˚) plane 2006; Manshadi et al. 2011; Rho et al. 2013; Eriksson
waves (Montaldo et al. 2009). This coherent plane wave Crommert et al. 2017; Linek 2017). Linek et al. (2015a,

Fig. 2. B-Mode image of transversus abdominis (TrA) in a healthy person that has been reconstructed by coherent plane
wave compounding with three steered (2˚, 0, 2˚) plane waves.
1348 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Volume 46, Number 6, 2020

Fig. 3. Shear wave velocity (SWV) map of transversus abdominis (TrA) of a healthy person obtained using our in-house
shear wave imaging realization.

Fig. 4. Shear wave velocity (SWV) map of the back muscle of a healthy person obtained using our in-house shear wave
imaging realization. MF = multifidus; TLF = thoracolumbar fascia.

2015b) suggested that body mass constituted 30%50% of adolescents (Linek et al. 2017), but Nuzzo and Mayer
the change in thickness. They also observed a positive cor- (2013) did not find the same in 62 male career firefighters.
relation between body mass and muscle thickness in 321 Because the patients in the two studies are different, it is
Role of US in Low Back Pain  W. K. CHEUNG et al. 1349

difficult to compare the results of the two studies and draw activation occurred on the right side in patients. Because
a conclusion about the relationship between those factors the results did not reveal a relationship between the onset
and muscle thickness. Thus, more studies are needed to of activation and pain, further studies are needed to
establish the relationship. determine the clinical significance of the activation.
In healthy persons, performing low-abdominal hol- As the majority of studies have found differences
lowing and a weight-bearing task could lead to an increase between patients with LBP and controls in terms of thick-
in TrA thickness (Critchley 2002; Hides et al. 2007). ness, some of the rehabilitation exercises for patients have
Many studies have found that patients with LBP have a focused on strengthening the TrA to increase its thickness.
smaller increase in TrA thickness compared with controls Studies have reported that the ADIM, motor control exer-
when performing tasks or in standing or sitting positions cise and long-term Pilates exercises increase muscle thick-
(Critchley and Coutts 2002; Ferreira et al. 2004, Rasouli ness in patients with LBP (Kermode 2004; Teyhen et al.
et al. 2011; Rostami et al. 2015a, 2015b; Chen et al. 2016; 2005; Hides et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2016; Gala-Alarc on
Ehsani et al. 2016; Gray et al. 2016; Shadani et al. 2018; et al. 2018). However, one study found that patients had
Shahali et al. 2019). Contraction ratios calculated based positive clinical improvements (pain and disability) after an
on TrA thickness at rest and in the contracted state also 8-week lumbar stabilization exercise program, but mani-
indicate a significant difference between patients with fested minimal systematic changes in muscle thickness
LBP and controls (Pulkovski et al. 2012). However, some (Lariviere et al. 2019). Pishnamaz et al. (2018) also pro-
studies have found no significant differences in the change posed that muscle function was not highly correlated with
in TrA thickness between patients with LBP and controls pain. The complex nature of LBP may explain the contra-
(Pinto et al. 2011; Rostami et al. 2015a, 2015b; Sutherlin diction in results. Future studies investigating the outcomes
et al. 2018). Another study also found that there is no cor- of rehabilitation exercises have to consider the nature of
relation between abdominal muscle thickness and LBP patients with LBP; for example, patients compared should
(Noormohammadpour et al. 2016). be of one sex and have similar BMIs.
Although some previous studies found that the
onset of feed-forward action is delayed in patients with Ultrasound B-mode imaging and the TLF
LBP (Hodges and Richardson 1996, 1998; Hodges Generally, a linear array probe is used and is posi-
1999), Gubler et al. (2010) conversely found that earlier tioned longitudinally 2 cm lateral to the midline at the level

Fig. 5. B-Mode image of thoracolumbar fascia thoracolumbar fascia (TLF) and back muscle in a healthy person that has
been reconstructed by coherent plane wave compounding with three steered (2˚, 0, 2˚) plane waves. MF = multifidus.
1350 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Volume 46, Number 6, 2020

of the L23 interspace. The thickness measurement is usu- 1995; Vasseljen et al. 2006; Kiesel et al. 2007a, 2007b;
ally taken at the end of expiration. Figure 5 is a B-mode Belavy et al. 2015, Sions et al. 2017, Naghdi et al.
image of TLF in a healthy person that has been recon- 2018).
structed by coherent plane wave compounding with three In healthy persons, the MF were larger at L5 than at
steered (2˚, 0, 2˚) plane waves (Montaldo et al. 2009). L4 (Stokes et al. 2005) and in males compared with
High intra-class correlation and modest Krippendorff a val- females (Stokes et al. 2005; Hides et al. 2008). Nuzzo and
ues were obtained (De Coninck et al. 2015). This shows Mayer (2013) found a positive correlation between body
that ultrasound is a valid method to measure the thickness mass and MF thickness. MF thickness is affected by pos-
of TLF. ture and exercise (Kang and Shim 2015; Choi et al. 2016).
Schilder et al. (2014) used ultrasound-guided bolus CSA was not affected by a posture change from prone to
injection on the TLF and suggested that the TLF is sensi- side lying but was affected by a change from prone to
tive to chemical stimulation. Another study found that upright and then 25˚ and 45˚ stooping (Coldron et al. 2003;
transmitting electrical high-frequency pulses in fascia Chan et al. 2012). Age was found to be related to muscle
increases pain intensity, suggesting that fascia is one of quality, as fatty tissue infiltration increases with age, lead-
the tissues contributing to LBP Schilder et al. (2016). ing to high echogenicity on ultrasound (Stokes et al. 2005).
TLF was found to be abnormal in patients with LBP For most patients, the MF were asymmetric (Hides
with greater thickness and echogenicity (Langevin et al. et al. 1994, 2008; Fortin et al. 2019), smaller than those
2009). Two studies performed by the same group of of the control group at the L45 level (Hides et al. 1994,
researchers found that the echogenicity of TLF is greater 2008; Wallwork et al. 2009; Chan et al. 2012; Rostami
in patients with LBP than in healthy persons of both et al. 2015a, 2015b; Fortin et al. 2019), altered during
sexes. The echogenicity was found to be positively cor- contractile activity (Flicker et al. 1993; Zhang et al.
related with BMI (Langevin et al. 2009, 2011). This may 2018) and had a larger fat area (Chan et al. 2012) and
be owing to genetic factors, abnormal movement and sciatic nerve enlargement (Sarafraz et al. 2019). The per-
connective tissue pathology (Langevin et al. 2009, centage change in thickness from rest to contraction also
2011). One study focused on one patient found that there differed between patients and controls (Kiesel et al.
was a potential space within the TLF, and the condition 2007a, 2007b; Wallwork et al. 2009). The degree of
could be improved by platelet-rich plasma (Panagos asymmetry was not related to severity (Hides et al.
2018). The abnormal structure may affect the stiffening 1994); the asymmetry might indicate imbalance to stabi-
of TLF and thus affect its contribution to stability. lize the spine. Reduced size and change in thickness may
suggest that the stabilizing force generated by the MF is
altered because the force applied is related to the size,
Ultrasound B-mode imaging and MF and the thickness is related to muscle contraction.
Usually a 7.5-MHz linear array probe is placed at Patients with LBP could not obtain maximum contrac-
4 cm lateral to the right of L3 over the longissimus mus- tion like the control group when taking the same posi-
cle group. The measurement is usually taken at the end tion, such as prone lying and upright standing (Lee et al.
of expiration. Figure 5 is a B-mode image of back mus- 2006), indicating that the role in stabilization in patients
cle in a healthy human subject that has been recon- with LBP is altered. However, Sutherlin et al. (2018)
structed by coherent plane wave compounding with reported that LBP and control groups did not differ in
three steered (2˚, 0, 2˚) plane waves (Montaldo et al. MF thickness.
2009). The ultrasound measurements had moderate Ultrasound can be used as bio-feedback for specific
between-day inter-rater reliability (Pressler et al. 2006; stabilization exercises in patients with LBP to enhance
Koppenhaver et al. 2009a, 2009b; Belavy et al. 2015; accurate contraction (Yang 2015). The MF were
Cuellar et al. 2015; Hosseinifar et al. 2015; Sions et al. improved after a core stabilization exercise program,
2015; Wilson et al. 2016; Cuellar et al. 2017; Mahdavi Swiss ball or dry-needling (Kliziene et al. 2015; Kop-
and Rezasoltani 2017; Sarafraz et al. 2018), and an aver- penhaver et al. 2015; Scott et al. 2015; Hides et al.
age of three measurements was recommended to obtain 2017). However, it has been observed that there is no
a high inter-rater score (Hides et al. 2006; Wallwork correlation either between muscle size and LBP or
et al. 2007). However, reliability was affected by the between muscle function and clinical outcomes such as
position taken during scanning; the tabletop position was pain and quality of life (Noormohammadpour et al.
found to have the highest reliability in MF thickness 2016; Pishnamaz et al. 2018).
measurement (Mangum et al. 2016). Ultrasound thick- Although B-mode imaging can rule out structural
ness measurement was reported to be highly correlated abnormalities between patients with LBP and controls in the
with the EMG signal, but the correlation with MRI was three tissues, those abnormalities are not able to differentiate
not confirmed for both thickness and CSA (Hides et al. patients from controls as they did not occur in all patients.
Role of US in Low Back Pain  W. K. CHEUNG et al. 1351

Scanning beyond anatomic information may be useful, so forward activity (Mannion et al. 2008). However, one
the use of Doppler imaging and shear wave elastography study used TDI in patients with LBP and found that they
(SWE) has emerged to facilitate an understanding of LBP. did not manifest a delayed onset of feed-forward activ-
ity, but only earlier activation on one right side. This
result contradicts other studies (Gubler et al. 2010).
Doppler ultrasound
Thus, the relationship between time of onset of muscle
Doppler imaging has been used to study blood flow
activity and pain requires more investigation.
in patients with LBP. Table 1 summarizes the studies
To conclude, patients with LBP required higher
that have used Doppler ultrasound. To investigate the
blood flow in the lumbar artery, which may be associated
relationship among the TrA, sacroiliac joint and low
with the pathology of LBP.
back pain, B-mode ultrasound and EMG were used to
record muscle patterns, and Doppler imaging was
employed to record sacroiliac joint laxity values which Shear wave elastography
refer to the instability of a joint. Vibration of the ilium SWE is used to obtain images of elasticity (elasto-
and sacrum caused by an external vibrator was recorded grams) and to quantify the stiffness of a tissue. It captures
by Doppler imaging. The laxity value refers to the differ- the propagation of a shear wave inside the tissue using
ence in the two threshold values observed in a Doppler ultrafast imaging and then calculates the velocity, which
color image of ilium and sacrum (Damen et al. 2002; is used to obtain the shear modulus (Lee et al. 2012a and
Richardson et al. 2002). The latter authors found that the 2012b).
TrA could significantly decrease the laxity of the sacroil- The propagation wave can be induced by an internal
iac joint through the contraction. source or an external force. With an internal source, tis-
Espahbodi et al. (2013) investigated blood flow in sues produce shear waves through vibration (Lee et al.
the lumbar artery using Doppler imaging and found that 2012a and 2012b), for example, pulse waves of heart tis-
both patients with LBP and controls had a similar sue used to measure myocardial viscoelasticity (Kanai
increase in angle-corrected peak systolic blood flow 2005). Based on the vibration type, external production of
velocity (PSV), but patients had a higher normalized the shear wave can be classified into two types, quasi-
lumbar artery blood flow PSV ratio at all levels com- static compression and dynamic, which include transient
pared with controls. This may indicate that patients with elastography, acoustic radiation force imaging, supersonic
LBP require more blood flow, which may be associated imaging and others.
with the pathology of LBP or compensation mechanism. Studies that have investigated SWE of the TrA in
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is reliable and has patients with LBP are listed in Table 2. Figure 3 shows
been validated in the measurement of the onset of feed- the shear wave velocity map of the TrA of a healthy

Table 1. Studies using US color Doppler imaging

Reference No. of patients Measuring items Imaging mode Key findings

Richardson 13 healthy Sacroiliac joint Prone lying, draw-in test, Doppler imaging used to find vibrations of
et al. (2002) laxity values brace test the ilium and adjacent sacrum
Klauser et al. (2005) 103 with inflammatory Sensitivity, specificity, Color Doppler Use of microbubble contrast agents for color
LBP; PPV and NPV Doppler US is a sensitive technique for
30 controls of unenhanced and detection of active sacroiliitis
color Doppler US
Mannion et al. (2008) 14 with cLBP; Thickness Abdominal hollowing exer- There was no significant difference in
14 controls cise in supine hook-lying between-day thickness measurements;
TrA preferential activation ratio is inaccu-
rate for clinical use
Mannion et al. (2008) 14 healthy EMG, tissue Rapid shoulder flexion, Tissue Doppler imaging is a reliable and
velocity change abduction and extension valid method for measuring the earlier
onset of feed-forward activity
Gubler et al. (2010) 48 with cLBP; EMG, tissue velocity, Rapid shoulder flexion, Patients with LBP did not exhibit delayed
48 matched pain, disability abduction and extension onset of feed-forward activity but earlier
LBP-free controls activation for one body side; no relation-
ship between time of onset of muscle
activity and pain
Espahbodi et al. 64 with LBP; Blood flow velocity Color Doppler Blood flow velocity in lumbar arteries at all
(2013) 30 controls levels (L1S1) was significantly higher in
the LBP group than the control group
EMG = electromyogram; LBP = low back pain; cLBP = chronic LBP; NPV = negative predictive value; PPV = positive predictive value;
TrA = transversus abdominis; US = ultrasound.
1352 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Volume 46, Number 6, 2020

Table 2. Studies using shear wave elastography to evaluate transversus abdominis

Reference No. of patients Imaging mode Conclusion

Hirayama et al. (2015) 10 healthy Supersonic Imaging Moderate to high reliability of unskilled and skilled operators
MacDonald et al. (2016) 30 healthy Supersonic Imaging Thick superficial fat layer affected measurement; moderate to high
intra-session and inter-rater reliability
Tran et al. (2016) 11 healthy Supersonic Imaging Abdominal stiffness was affected by the activity; Valsalva maneuver
produced a statistically significant increase in shear modulus
compared with other activities
Hirayama et al. (2017) 10 healthy Supersonic Imaging Abdominal bracing produced a statistically significantly higher
elasticity value compared with other activities
Gabrielsen et al. (2018) 10 active subjects ARFI-SWV Eight features significantly differed between control and active groups
10 controls
ARFI-SWV = acoustic radiation force impulseshear wave velocity.

person obtained using our in-house shear wave imaging stiffness increased on both painful and non-painful sides
realization (Lee et al. 2012a and 2012b). In persons with- during ADIM (Lee 2016). Although the former study had a
out LBP, stiffness was found to be activity dependent larger sample size then the latter study, the differences in
and to be higher in certain activities, such as the Valsalva terms of sample size could not explain this contradiction.
maneuver and abdominal bracing (Tran et al. 2016; Hir- This suggests that further investigation is needed to confirm
ayama et al. 2017). Patients with LBP had significantly the relationship between stiffness and LBP.
higher ratios of right external abdominal oblique shear To investigate differences in TLF motion between
wave velocity to muscle thickness than healthy persons patients and controls, radiofrequency data were acquired
(Gabrielsen et al. 2018). As both the external abdominal in patients during passive flexion or extension of the
oblique and TrA are abdominal muscles, TrA stiffness is back. Then the displacement was calculated to obtain an
suspected to differ between patients with LBP and elastogram. Patients with LBP had on average less tissue
healthy persons given that the EO differed between the motion, greater left/right variability and greater variable
two groups. motion in more superficial shear planes than controls.
Stiffness values estimated by SWE had moderate to These findings suggest that morphological changes in
high intra-session and inter-rater reliability (Hirayama LBP are related to the motion of TLF (Fox et al. 2009).
et al. 2015; MacDonald et al. 2016), but were affected Studies using SWE of the MF in patients with LBP
by the thick superficial layer, as one study found SWE are listed in Table 4. Figure 4 is a shear wave velocity
images of participants with a thick fat layer had many map of the MF of a healthy person. In healthy persons,
artifacts (MacFonald et al. 2016). the shear modulus of the MF was around 5.4 § 1.6 to
Table 3 lists studies that have investigated the TLF in 6 kPa (Creze et al. 2017; Koppenhaver et al. 2019) and
patients with LBP. Figure 4 is the shear wave velocity map was affected by position, sex, BMI and self-reported
of the TLF of a healthy person. Patients had stiffer TLF activity level (Chan et al. 2012; Koppenhaver et al.
than controls at rest (Langevin et al. 2011). However, one 2019; Masaki et al. 2019; Sadeghi et al. 2019). Tension-
study found no significant differences between the two ing of the TLF was not found to be related to change in
groups in the stiffness of the lateral raphe, which is part of stiffness of the paraspinal muscle (Blain et al. 2019).
the TLF. They also found that the stiffness was symmetri- Although the TLF encloses the lumbar paraspinal
cal on both sides and did not change during rest and ADIM muscles and is involved in spinal stability through ten-
in the asymptomatic group. For patients with LBP, the sioning, there may not be a direct relationship between

Table 3. Studies using elastography methods to evaluate the TLF

Reference No. of patients Imaging mode Conclusion

Fox et al. (2009) 51 with LBP Ultrasound strain Patients with LBP had on average less relative tissue motion, greater
36 with no LBP imaging left/right variability and greater variable motion in more superficial
shear planes than patients without LBP
Langevin et al. (2011) 71 with LBP Ultrasound strain Patients with LBP had stiffer TLF
50 with no LBP imaging
Lee et al. (2016) 22 with unilateral LBP Supersonic No difference in lateral raphe stiffness between patients with LBP and
20 asymptomatic Imaging asymptomatic persons; stiffness of patients increased during ADIM
Roldan-Ruiz et al. (2018) 4 women — Low-free sugars diet did not improve thickness and elasticity of TLF
ADIM = abdominal drawing-in maneuver; LBP = low back pain; TLF = thoracolumbar fascia.
Role of US in Low Back Pain  W. K. CHEUNG et al. 1353

Table 4. Studies using shear wave elastography to evaluate Lumbar Multifidus

Reference No. of patients Imaging mode Conclusion

Chan et al. (2012) 12 with LBP US palpation system Position affected MF stiffness; MF stiffness differed between
12 asymptomatic patients and controls in upright and forward-stooping positions
Moreau et al. (2016) 10 asymptomatic Supersonic Imaging Excellent intra- and inter-observer reliability
Creze et al. (2017) 16 healthy persons Supersonic Imaging MF is a multiceps and multipennate muscle with muscle fiber ori-
entations caused by the random layering of millimetric fascicles,
tendons and fatty spaces; the MF shear modulus is around
5.4 § 1.6 kPa
Masaki et al. (2017) 9 with LBP Supersonic Imaging MF stiffness was significantly higher in the LBP group than the
23 controls control group
Alis et al. (2019) 33 unilateral subarticular — Lower stiffness value on the ipsilateral side; MF stiffness value is
patients negatively correlated with disease duration and severity of nerve
Koppenhaver et al. (2018) 36 healthy persons Supersonic Imaging Fair to excellent overall reliability; higher reliability in MF than ES
Xu et al. (2018) 63 with LBP Supersonic Imaging Thunder-fire moxibustion is effective in treating LBP caused by
primary osteoporosis
Blain et al. (2019) 15 healthy persons Supersonic Imaging Fair to excellent reliability; higher reliability in ES than MF in
seated position; tensioning of TLF via latissimus dorsi did not
produce significant change in paraspinal muscle stiffness
Masaki et al. (2019) 10 healthy persons Supersonic imaging Shear elastic modulus of MF was similar in the flexion, flexion-lat-
eral flexion and flexion-rotation 2 positions but significantly
lower in the rest position
Sadeghi et al. (2019) — — MF shear modulus is affected by posture and is lower in deeper MF
than superficial layer; ICC is excellent
Koppenhaver et al. (2019) 120 asymptomatic Supersonic imaging Shear modulus for MF was around 6 kPa at rest and is affected by
sex, BMI and self-reported activity level; it increases during con-
traction and is greater in active individuals
BMI = body mass index; ES = erector spinae; ICC = intra-class correlation coefficient; LBP = low back pain; MF = multifidus; TLF = thoracolumbar
fascia; US = ultrasound.

the TLF and paraspinal muscle (Blain et al. 2019). In mechanical properties more thoroughly than other imag-
comparison of patients with LBP versus controls, there ing modalities as it is done in real-time and comprises var-
was a significant increase in MF stiffness (Chan et al. ious imaging modes. Therefore, different modes of
2012; Masaki et al. 2017). The increase in stiffness may ultrasound can provide a comprehensive study of targeted
suggest a change in the MF in response to loading. Thun- tissue to gain a greater understanding of the nature of
der-fire moxibustion therapy can be used to treat LBP as LBP and can also be used to evaluate therapy.
it can reduce pain and MF tension (Xu et al. 2018). The Ultrasound can provide a multiplane quantitative
MF stiffness value was found to be negatively correlated analysis of muscle including its texture, thickness, Dopp-
with disease duration and severity of the nerve compres- ler flow velocity and stiffness. B-Mode is used to calcu-
sion (Alis et al. 2019). Further study of the relationship late the percentage change in thickness of the tissue at
between nerve and MF stiffness may lead to a greater rest to the contracted state. The change in percentage
understanding of its role in LBP. correlates with muscle activation and reveals whether
The stiffness of all three muscles changes according the muscle contractile ability is altered in patients when
to activity. In the TrA, significant differences in stiffness performing different tasks. Echogenicity can also be cal-
were observed between the LBP and control groups. For culated from B-mode and refers to the textural property
TLF, patients with LBP had less relative tissue motion, of the tissue. For Doppler mode, studying blood flow can
greater left and right variability and greater motion than provide information on the diameter and flow velocity of
controls. More studies are needed to prove the difference the vertebral artery, which is related to pain transmission
in stiffness between patients and controls. The MF of through the nerve, as the spinal cord is near the artery. A
patients with LBP had significantly higher stiffness val- muscle that is stiffer on SWE is more difficult to activate
ues than those of controls. and, thus, results in altered muscle function. If the stiff-
ness of tissues could be measured during different tasks
and motions, the altered muscle function could be exam-
ined and categorized to enhance our understanding of
Current state of the art LBP. Those modes provide a more objective assessment
LBP is complex in nature and involves different than conventional methods. Quantitative assessments
muscle and tissue groups. As muscle is anisotropic, ultra- can also be correlated with clinical outcomes, such as
sound is expected to reveal the structural information and pain index.
1354 Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology Volume 46, Number 6, 2020

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