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EVIDENCIA: The doctor told me

Yesterday at the emergency room, I begged somebody to help me. The doctor said
me that keep in calm and said me that what is the problem, I said to him my
problem that was that I can’t breathe, he told me that I have to sleep on the bed
that was on the hospital and then the nurse gives me oxygen then he said me that
if I have any other difficult besides breathing and I say that I can’t help scratching
the rush on my back. He said me that he put me an epinephrine shot and that relax
and tray to breathe, I really said thanks for that doctor because I can breathe right
now is that I have an anaphylactic shock this said me the doctor, he said me that if
I have any contact with an animal or a plant something like this and I said that
yesterday I start a new job that was a groomer, he told me that I have to make me
a exams to know what is the reason of this.

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