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Inside Out Upper Intermediate

Name ____________________________ Date _______________

UNIT TEST (Unit 1)

Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 02)

Listen to the conversation between two people. For sentences 1 to 5 circle
T (True) or F (False).

(1) One of the people is on vacation. T/F

(2) The man doesn’t like London. T/F
(3) The woman owns an art gallery. T/F
(4) Mrs Rivers graduated in 1989 from Rosefield High. T/F
(5) The man and the woman don’t have anything in common. T/F

Section 2: Structure and Vocabulary

Read the paragraph below. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense.

I (6) ___________ (drive) to the city centre last month when I (7)___________ (see)
Brad, an old friend from college. I (8) ___________ (know) him quite well, but we
lost touch with each other when I (9) ____________ (ask) to move to Ohio by my
company a few years ago. I (10) _______________ (see) him for ages so I
(11) _____________ (get out) of the car. ‘How long (12) ______________ (live) in
Ohio, Colin?’ I asked him. ‘I (13) ______________ (just move) here’ he replied. ‘I
(14) ________________ (work) in the film industry and we (15) _______________
(shoot) part of a new movie here in Ohio.’

Rewrite the direct questions below as indirect questions beginning with the
words given.

(16) How long have you known about this?

Do you mind telling me ______________________________________

(17) When does the next train leave?

Do you have any idea ________________________________________

(18) Could you help me please?

I was wondering ____________________________________________

Inside Out Upper Intermediate

(19) Has she got a boyfriend at the moment?

I’d really like to know ________________________________________

(20) When did he leave?

What time do you suppose ____________________________________

Underline the correct phrase in italics in the sentences below.

(21) Man: I wasn’t a very good student at school. Woman: So was I / Neither was
(22) Man: I went to Colombia on holiday last year. Woman: Really? So was I / So
did I.
(23) ‘Pass me that book, will you / don’t you?’
(24) ‘Let’s have a drink at this café, won’t we / shall we?’
(25) ‘Nobody got it right, didn’t he / did they?’

Section 3: Reading
Read the article about Dress-Down Friday. For sentences 26 to 30 circle
T (True) or F (False).

It’s official – wearing casual clothes to work makes people rude, lazy and flirtatious.
Dress-down Friday has not worked out. A host of new surveys from the States shows
employers increasingly concerned that staff who turn up ‘smart casual’ are up to 50
per cent more likely to act rude and silly. Lateness, sluggishness or just not being
there at all have all become hallmarks of the last day of the working week, according
to a study for American Corporate Trends Magazine. So much so, that many bosses
are now returning Friday to its previous strict and sober incarnation.

Friday first went casual in Britain in the late 1980s, but the practice didn’t really
catch on until the mid-Nineties. By then, the economy was booming and new sources
of income and prestige – IT, biotechnology, dotcom – were emerging. The people
who worked for these firms may have been rich, but bowler hats and umbrellas
represented an older – now ailing – economy, one that had been founded in the mid-
nineteenth century on a formal distinction between work and home. The New
Economy, by contrast, liked to emphasise the continuity and even overlap between
professional and domestic spaces. People brought scented candles to the office before
returning home to a converted industrial site. In Frankfurt, workers could pop into
'nap rooms' after lunch, while in London the smartest new nightclub was called, quite
simply, ‘Home’. Work and play had become infinitely interchangeable.
Inside Out Upper Intermediate

Dressing down has proved to be more of a worry than getting dressed up in a uniform
ever was. Even in those companies that are casual every day, the understanding is that
you wear a suit whenever appropriate – to meet a client, make an important
presentation. ‘As a result I spend more time matching up my clothes to my schedule
than I ever did before,’ says Sarah Smart, who works for a Swiss bank.

Where dress-down Friday got it wrong was that employers had the hope that allowing
people to wear buff-coloured trousers to the office would signal a loosening up of
mental boundaries which, in turn, would release a stream of ‘beyond the box’
thinking. But clothing acts like a sharp trigger for sense memory. Wear casual
clothes to work, and your brain thinks it’s on holiday. It makes you want to gossip
with your friends, drink coffee, and send loads of joke emails.

According to the text:

(26) People are naturally lazy and sluggish on the last day of the working week. T/
(27) Dress-down Fridays were popular in Britain in the late 1980s. T/
(28) In The New Economy there was no clear divide between work and home. T/
(29) Sarah Smart adapts the clothes she wears for specific occasions. T/
(30) It is still not clear whether clothing affects performance in the workplace. T/

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