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Inside Out Upper Intermediate

Name ____________________________ Date _______________

UNIT TEST (Unit 9)

Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 40)

Listen to three people discussing cosmetic surgery. Complete the notes below
with a suitable word or words. Study the notes for two minutes before listening
to the recording.

Jean Oldham: beauty editor on a (1) _____________ magazine. She believes that

true beauty comes (2) _______________. She believes that we should refuse to be

influenced by (3) ______________________. She loves to see (4) _______________

showing on people’s faces.

Rita Taylor: cosmetic surgeon. She believes that plastic surgery can give people

(5) _______________. She suggests that Jean’s (6) ___________ had something to

with her getting the job she has.

Michael Hirst: conservative journalist. He believes it’s (7) ___________________

of people to spend vast amounts of money on cosmetic surgery.

Section 2: Structure and Vocabulary

Underline the correct word in italics in the sentences below.

(8) ‘I like people who are calm and relaxed, you know, kind of laid-back / stand-
offish / absentminded.’
(9) ‘She was always reasonably nice to me, but then I discovered yesterday that
she’s been saying all these horrible things about me. She’s so self-assured /
open-minded / two-faced.’
(10) ‘Just because she’s got loads of money and I haven’t, she thinks she’s better
than me. She’s so stuck-up / grown-up / quick-witted.’
(11) Beauty is in the face / eye / mind of the beholder.
Inside Out Upper Intermediate

(12) ‘My mum won’t let me go out with my boyfriend alone. We always have a
guard / supervisor / chaperone with us.’
(13) ‘I’m so in love with him. I’m in a maze / craze / daze most of the time!’

Write the second sentence using Passive Report structures and the verb in
parentheses so that it means the same as the first.

(14) He will be in prison for the rest of his life.



(15) A few people are suggesting that he could be the next Prime Minister.


(16) Most people thought he wasn’t up to the job.



(17) They have investigated allegations that he accepted bribes.



(18) He probably left before she did.


He _____________________________________________________________.

Complete the conversation between Pat and Sarah with the correct form of
have/get + object + past participle. Use the information in parentheses.

P: Are you ready for the party, Sarah?

S: Yes, just about I think. I (19) ___________________ (do / my hair) this


P: I thought so. It looks great. It really suits you.

S: Thanks. And I (20) _________________ (dry-clean / my party dress) last

week, so I should look pretty sexy!

P: You always look sexy, Sarah!

Inside Out Upper Intermediate

S: Well, if you think so, Pat, I think you should (21) ___________________ (test
/ your eyes)! I have my bad days!

P: Don’t we all! Oh, by the way, did you (22) ___________________ (tune /
your piano)?

S: Yes, I did. I’m looking forward to having a few songs at the party.

Underline the correct word in italics in the unreal conditional sentences below.

(23) Imagine that you were living in the year 2099. What would you wearing /
be wearing / have worn?
(24) Suppose that a complete stranger gave you £100. Would you give / have
given / be giving it back?
(25) Supposing she were to tell / had told / might tell you she loved you, what
would you have said?
(26) Assuming that your team were to win / had won / were winning the semi-final,
could you be fit to play in the final?

Section 3: Reading
Read the text about beauty and then answer questions 27 to 30.

Women today have fewer babies, have them later, are less exposed to the elements,
and are better nourished and less disease-ridden than their ancestors. They can look
like an ancestral teenager well into middle age. Women also have techniques to
stimulate and exaggerate the clues to youth, femaleness, and health: eye make-up (to
enlarge the eyes), lipstick, eyebrow plucking (to reduce the appearance of a masculine
brow ridge), make-up products that increase the lustre, thickness, and colour of hair,
and hundreds of potions alleged to keep the skin looking young. Dieting and exercise
can also help, to keep the waist thinner and the waist-to-hip ratio lower.

Why do they do this? Is it merely an attempt to look sexy? It could be. But people
decorate their bodies for many reasons: to look rich, to look well connected, to look
‘in’, to earn membership of a particular social group. People outside a culture usually
agree with the people inside about who is beautiful and who is not, and people
everywhere want to attract good-looking partners. Even three-month-old babies
prefer to look at a pretty face.

(27) ‘the elements’ (line 1) is closest in meaning to:

a) the weather
b) chemicals
c) illness

(28) The article implies that…

Inside Out Upper Intermediate

a) women with big hips are sexy.

b) women with waists thinner than their hips are sexy.
c) dieting and exercise will reduce hip size.

(29) The article states that…

a) women today have to wear make-up to keep them looking young in
middle age.
b) there is no universal agreement about what is or isn’t beautiful.
c) women today have children older than they did in the past.

(30) According to the article…

a) three-month-old babies like their mothers to wear make-up.
b) three-month-old babies have an awareness of what is or isn’t beautiful.
c) pretty three-month-old babies like to look at their own reflection in a

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