Unit Test 6

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Inside Out Upper Intermediate

Name ____________________________ Date _______________

UNIT TEST (Unit 6)

Section 1: Listening (Tapescript 33)

Listen to an interview with Lara Croft of Tomb Raider. For sentences 1 to 6
circle T (True) or F (False).

(1) Lara believes she’s been successful because of the way she looks. T / F
(2) Lara had a skiing accident during a holiday in Switzerland. T/F
(3) Lara lives a long way from her parents. T/F
(4) Lara will eat almost anything. T/
(5) Lara is not ready to get married yet. T/F
(6) Perseverance is a quality that Lara admires. T/F

Section 2: Structure and Vocabulary

Underline the correct linking words in italics in the paragraph below.

Most adults today own their own mobile phone. (7) Consequently, / Nevertheless, /
Yet in recent years there has been a sharp increase in the profits of mobile phone
(8) Consequently, / Nevertheless, / Also many people are now saying that the market
has become saturated and (9) on the other hand, / even so, / as a result, these
companies will start to see their profits and their share prices fall. (10)
Consequently, / Yet / Also some market analysts remain optimistic. They say that
increasing prosperity will (11) even so / also / yet mean that parents buy mobile
phones for their children. Of course, (12) on the other hand, / yet / also that
prosperity could be short-lived.

Underline the correct word in italics in the sentences below.

(13) I think / am thinking of learning to play the guitar.

(14) I’m not believing / I don’t believe a word of what he says.
(15) Are you envying / Do you envy David’s success?
(16) Are you still having / Do you still have that CD I lent you last year?
(17) How long have you known / have you been knowing Alison?

Complete the sentences below using the present perfect or present perfect
continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
Inside Out Upper Intermediate

(18) I ____________ (lose) my keys three times this week already!

(19) How long ______________ (save) money for your luxury holiday?

(20) I _______________ (take) my driving test three times.

(21) How stupid of me! I _______________ (drive) all day with the headlights on!

(22) I _____________ (know) my wife for seven years.

(23) Sarah _____________ (look) for a new house. Do you know of anything

Section 3: Reading

Read the following text on Internet radio. Circle T (True) or F (False) for
sentences 24 to 30.

Internet radio is a great illustration of why the unregulated Internet stimulates so

much innovation and allows an unparalleled range of choice.

Way back in 1994, a man named Rob Glaser had a great idea for transmitting audio
signals across the Net. It had always been possible to transfer audio files – some were
doing it in the 1980s – but the problems were that (a) the files were large and (b) the
entire file had to be transferred before you could start listening to it.
Glaser’s Big Idea was to compress the file and dispatch it over the Net in the usual
way, but with one magical twist: special player software (available as a free
download) would, after a brief pause, start playing the audio even as the rest of the
file was downloading, thereby giving the listener the illusion of being able to listen to
audio programming live. Thus was born ‘streaming media.’ Henceforth, audio (and,
later, video) signals could be ‘streamed’ over the Net and listened to by anyone with
an Internet connection and a PC. The name Glaser chose for his invention was Real
Audio, and it spread like wildfire.
The Real Audio story provides a great illustration of why the unregulated Internet has
stimulated so much innovation. Because the network is owned by nobody, and
because it is a ‘dumb’ system designed to do only one thing – deliver data packets
from source to destination – anyone with a good idea can harness it. If you can do it
with packets, the Internet will do it for you. Glaser had a great idea for sending audio
in packets, so all he had to do was write the software and – Bingo! – the network did
the rest. If, however, the Net were owned, he would have had to apply for permission
and would then have become involved in arguments about what was legitimate and
illegitimate use of the system and, well, you can imagine the rest...

One of the reasons Real Audio took off was because it enabled anyone to set up a
virtual radio station. People no longer needed a broadcasting licence and a transmitter
and all the other expensive apparatus of broadcasting: all that was required was a
server, a broadband connection, some server software (available at a modest price
Inside Out Upper Intermediate

from Mr Glaser) and a source of audio material. Internet radio stations spread and
today, there are at least 10,000.

(24) Internet radio has been popular since the 1980s.

(25) Mr Glaser had to apply for a licence to use the Internet network. T/F
(26) Real Audio enables you to download software over the Net. T/F
(27) ‘Streaming media’ was Glaser’s ‘Big Idea.’ T/F
(28) Real Audio has been very successful. T/F
(29) The writer of the article believes the Internet should be better regulated. T/F
(30) The writer of the article is very positive about Internet radio. T/F

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