Research Proposal: Kardan University

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Kardan University

Engineering & Technology Faculty

Civil Engineering Department

Research Proposal


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Design and Cost Estimation of four stories private school

Due to the needs and wants of human the engineering construction society is improving.
Consequently, the renewable method of engineering is applied for the safe, efficient and
economical buildings. Afghanistan is the country experiences the rapid growth in
construction, however, has led way to problems such as non-standard constructions due to
insufficient consideration of building code and standards.
Therefore we undertook the design of four stories building for private school located in
chehelsetoon 7th district of Kabul. The mentioned building for school is considered of 8
classes and has 4 washroom in each floor and basement is the facilities of students such as
library, computer lab, laboratory and a conference hall.

In Afghanistan most of building constructions build by unprofessional persons without

considering Design requirements. Based on their experience it might be safe but it could be
uneconomical project. So, we decided to design a six stories building as a professional
engineers considering all requirements, Codes and specifications requirements for design
which our project be safe and economical. This project is located in ………..
New standards are put forward to ensure that every demand is met. Thus
Using Codes and specifications are important requirements of Design.

Problem Statements
The reaction of foundation due to seismic earthquake
Failure of foundation due to earthquake for different foundation types calculate moments
Seismic foundation Design
Earthquake resistance foundation design
Foundation sliding resistance

Scope of the Project

Kardan University, Civil Engineering Department



Project Plan

Project Plan Schedule

No Task Description Period

1 Project Proposal Introducing the overall work to be done 5-15-Oct-2019

alongside a rough overview of the methods
to be carried out.

2 Literature review Studying up to 12 engineering research 1-10-Nov-2019

papers and journals. Summarizing the work
according to our project needs.
3 Methodology, The methodology of project delivery, 20-30-Dec-2019
flowchart, Analysis analysis and design methods will be
method methods and discussed.
some important
4 Analysis and Design The building will be analyzed and designed 10-15-Jan-2020
according to required standards.

5 Final result Final results presented after analysis and 20-25-Jan -2020
design by hand and software.

6 Implementation Implementation of the particular project 28-31-Jan-2020

based on practical aspects.

7 Internal and external To be done by engineering department. 5-8-Feb-2020


Load Calculations
Analysis and Design Process

Kardan University, Civil Engineering Department

Final Drawings
Cost estimation
Potential contributions of the proposed project

Kardan University, Civil Engineering Department

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