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Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ

by kidNeutrino

Smoking food is time-intensive and certainly has commercial cooking equipment and very large BBQ
some complexity but the foundations are not very pits. It was fantastic, but that scale of tools is
difficult. I want to share the process I have developed unrealistic to own in order to feed my family and for
in the past ten years. Smoking (low temperature, slow simple enjoyment. I have developed methods for
cooking) of a big cut like a whole turkey is going to smoking food using a kettle type BBQ grill. It is critical
take about 12-20 hours depending on the size of the to control temperatures, the conditions in the smoker,
bird and a few other factors. and timing, but you don't need to spend big bucks on
fancy commercial equipment that only does one
I got started working on BBQ cooking methods in the thing! I am just as opposed to the idea of unitaskers
1980s when I worked for a restaurant in Land O' as Mr. Brown.
Lakes Florida. At the time, I had access to large

1 2 2 1 1

1. Christmas 2017 Turkey in progress. 1. Thanksgiving 2018. A dark color is common in smoked turkey,
but I have had every shade from light caramel to this dark umber.
The thermometer is critical to not under or over-cook the bird.
2. YUM!!
1. Thanksgiving 2018. A dark color is common in smoked turkey,
but I have had every shade from light caramel to this dark umber.
The thermometer is critical to not under or over-cook the bird.
2. YUM!!

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 1


1. Christmas 2017 Turkey

1. Essential! At least put one of these thermometers in the vents of your BBQ.

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 2

Step 1: The Controversies, the Techniques

The topic of food preparation is controversial, to say wish to cook with the smoking technique. The smoke
the least, and perhaps BBQ is the ultimate acts as a food preserving technique and slowly works
battleground of styles methods etc. So in the interest its way into the food. Temperatures for this type of
of education (and peace), I offer these definitions to cooking range around 225 - 350 Fº. The very gentle
help you understand my process. BBQ (aka heat is similar to braising techniques for very tough
barbeque) is a wide-ranging set of cooking meats with a lot of connective tissue (which are great
techniques that are most often found on outdoor candidates for smoking too).
cooking vessels. This can include using live fire from
woods, charcoal, etc. to gas and electric burners. Brine/brining - Soaking a piece of meat in a solution
of salt, sugars, spices to increase the water quantity
Live fire/wood cooking - I prefer the live fire methods in the meat. This helps keep the food from drying out
in most of my BBQ cookery. This is probably evident during the long periods in the smoker. The chemistry
in that I am talking about smoking food, but you can of the salt and sugar also do a preservation and
develop smoking techniques that will work on your partial cook of the meat as denaturing the meat. I will
gas appliance (another instructable for another day). allow a big cut of meat such as a turkey will sit in the
brine for 6 hours on average. I recommend reading on
Low-n-slow - A method where the food is exposed to brines from your favorite cooking resources. My go-to
low temperatures and smoke for extended periods sources include America's Test Kitchen How to brine
(12 hours is common). The number of hours is meat.
dependent on the size, weight, and type of food you

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 3

Step 2: Your Ingredients

I am going to give directions on smoking a turkey. This is a family favorite for Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts.


Brined Turkey
Brine ingredients (water, salt, spices, herbs, etc.) See links on next step.

Tools/consumables all links are suggestions I don't get any kickbacks ;) The basics of my process is under $100 in
equipment. And these are good tools to do other types of cooking as well.

Kettle BBQ
Charcoal Chimney
Wood Chips/chunks
Some newspaper for starting charcoal
Heavy duty foil
disposable aluminum cake pan (
masonry stepping stones (
BBQ thermometer (
leave in type thermometer (
Heavy Duty Gloves (
cooking tools for BBQ, tongs especially (

Step 3: Brining a Cut of Meat

Most commercial turkeys are already 'brined'. You will To make the brine, I put a small amount of the water
see information on the ingredients on the label that into a saucepan and bring it to boil in order to
indicate salt and water or other flavor enhancers. dissolve the salt and other items easily. And then let
Technically, you aren't going to get a lot of bang from this cool or you can add ice to make up the rest of the
re-brining one of these. But I do it to marinate the water. I then usually use a clean trash bag in a tall
turkey with my own 'enhancers' like spices and herbs. container. Put the meat in the bag and pour this
I just cut down the salt. But if you buy a fresh bird, cooled brine over and into the meat until it is totally
chickens, and other unbrined meats it is well worth it. surrounded. I gather up the bag, get the air out and tie
I follow the basic recipe from America's Test Kitchen. it.

For every 2 quarts of water use 1/2 cup salt. And then You should put this into the fridge or a cooler with ice
you can add other things that go well with the cut of for food safety reasons.
meat. Suggestions: sugar, herbs, garlic and onion,

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 4

Step 4: More Preparations for Slow Burn and Temperature Control

The challenge of smoking in a kettle bbq is the While that is warming, I soak chunks of wood during
temperature control. Over the years I have developed this preparation time. The idea is to slow the ignition
a couple of techniques that will help control the and get the wood to smolder.
temperature rises and falls.
About 30 minutes before, start a chimney of coals. to
Two hours before the smoking starts I wrap a couple use as the starting fire. I also build a 'fuse' of the
of pavers in foil and put them in the oven to slowly charcoal and wood chunks. The idea again is about
heat on the low setting. These pavers will act as a temperature control. As the charcoal burns it will
heat 'battery' both absorbing and radiating heat as ignite the next piece causing a slow controlled burn.
needed to smooth out temperature variations. Warm Line the edges of the kettle with the charcoal and
these up to about 200˚ - 250˚ F. Just do this slowly on wood chunks. I build about three layers deep with the
low in the oven. charcoal and intersperse the soaked wood.

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 5

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 6
Step 5: Let's Light This Candle.

Drain the brine from the turkey. Set aside until end. With a little experience, you will begin to
needed. understand the number needed to get up to
temperature. Our target is between 225˚ and 350˚ F. I
Carefully transport the preheated pavers to the bbq. I usually use about 12 - 18 depending on how burned
put these down in the middle of burn grate. Next, I down the coals are. Put on the lid on and monitor the
add a foil pan to catch most of the drippings and fill temperature for the next 10 to 45 minutes. Add or
this about halfway with boiling water to keep a humid subtract the coals to reach a temp. in range. I have a
environment in the bbq and also another heat battery grill thermometer installed in the lid of my rig, you
for the smoker. You will want to do these things fairly could use a leave in grill thermometer. Try to add or
quickly do not lose the heat you have built up. subtract live coals as little as possible to keep that
heat battery up.
Put on the Grid and put on the turkey. I then open the
side grate and add some of the live coals to the fuse

Step 6: Low and Slooooooooooooow

Once you get the temp. stable, check on the BBQ thermometer for doneness. Different meats will need
every 45 min. to an hour. Keep the temperature in the different temperatures (look up the figures for your
zone between 225˚ and 350˚ F. Be ready to start up cooking).
some more coals if the fuse burns all the way down or
the temp. begins to drop. Add in wood chunks if Remember that it is a best practice to let the meat
needed. rest and that the carry-over cooking will continue to
heat the cut. I always pull it 5 - 10˚ early and leave it
My experience is that you should expect about 30 to rest under foil. With a turkey that could be as long
minutes per pound and so this year I am looking at 12 as an hour before carving.
hours. You can temp. the meat with an instant-read

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 7


1. Embedded thermometer. 1. The Smoke begins


1. Thermometer still a little low, time to add more live coals 1. Getting there.


1. That's the ticket! 1. Thanksgiving 2018 turkey reached 170˚ F at 9 hours. We pulled it to
rest under foil in an oven shut off for an hour. This dark color is common in
smoked turkey, but I have had every shade from light caramel to this dark
umber. The thermometer is critical to not under or over-cook the bird.

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 8

Nice instructable. However, 12 hours at 30 min/lb would suggest a 24 lb bird. That is dangerous as
the bird will spend too much time in the "danger zone". Smoking low and slow should be limited to
a 12-15 lb bird. If you need more, cook 2 birds.
On a scientific level, you are right about danger zone temps, but I didn't have trouble with my 22 lb.
victim this past week. I use a pinch of Prague Powder curing salt in my brine as a hedge against
bacterial growth. Not sure if it is worth it. You thoughts?
I would or to suggest a food safe bucket from homedepot. Their white unlabeled buckets are food
safe unlike the trash bags. Otherwise awesome inscrutable

Smoking Food Using a Kettle BBQ: Page 9

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