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The corporate
technical journal

Greater power 18
Integrating renewables 22
All components from a single source 44
Trends and outlook 60

Special Report
60 years of HVDC
60 years ago, ABB’s predeces-
sor company, ASEA, laid the
cable for the world’s first
commercial HVDC subsea
power link, ­Gotland 1, connect-
ing mainland Sweden to the
island of Gotland. This ground-
breaking event was the begin-
ning of the modern era of
HVDC transmission. Today,
ABB remains the market leader
in HVDC and is the only
company in the world that can
supply the complete range of
products for an HVDC system.

The picture here and on page 5

shows a cascaded two-level
valve arm, rated at 320 kV DC,
from the HVDC Light installa-
tion Dolwin1 in Germany.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 ABB review special report


Impact of HVDC
6 Powering the world
ABB is the global leader in HVDC transmission

13 High impact
60 years of HVDC has changed the power landscape

HVDC at work 18 Corridors of power

Next-generation UHVDC will send more power through
existing transmission corridors

22 Strong winds, high yield

HVDV Light® technology goes farther out to sea

26 From far away

Efficient and cost-effective long-distance power
transmission with HVDC

30 Steps beyond
ABB’s HVDC Light® provides a range of expanded
benefits for its customers

34 AC/DC
Backing up AC grids with DC technology

37 Offshore power
With HVDC Light® ABB offers the offshore industry an
alternative way to provide electrical power to platforms

Components of 40 First-class service

Service and upgrades lengthen HVDC equipment

lifetime and maximize performance

44 A single-source supplier
From semiconductors to surge arresters, ABB can
supply it all

60 Trend lines
Breakthroughs and developments

Contents ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3

60 years of HVDC

Dear Reader,
This year, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of semiconductors, and extruded cables with
the first commercial subsea high-voltage direct solid polymer insulation. By embedding HVDC
current (HVDC) power transmission link – a Light functionalities into an AC network,
groundbreaking project that used mercury-arc voltage support, reactive power compensa-
converters and mass-impregnated high-volt- tion, black start, and the performance of
age cables to bring electricity from mainland existing grid assets can be reinforced.
Sweden to the island of Gotland in the Baltic
Sea. Over the course of 25 years, Dr. Uno HVDC connections are currently point-to-
Lamm and his team at ASEA had researched point, so a logical next step is to network
previously unexplored fields to overcome the them. This will optimize network reliability
challenges of HVDC transmission – work that as well as enable balancing of loads, integra-
Claudio Facchin culminated in the commissioning of the tion of intermittent renewables, lowering of
Head of Power Systems division Gotland link in 1954. Since then, more than transmission losses and energy trading across
170 HVDC projects have been installed around borders. The missing link here has always
the world, bringing bulk power from distant been a low-loss HVDC breaker that acts fast
locations to where it is needed. enough to interrupt current and isolate faults.
ABB has now developed a solution for this
HVDC is the technology of choice for trans­ century-old challenge.
mitting power efficiently and reliably over long
distances. It is ideally suited for integrating Today, ABB remains the market leader in
renewable energy sources situated in remote HVDC, with more than half the global installed
and challenging locations. The benefits of base and the unique distinction of being the
reliable, long-distance transmission with only company in the world with in-house manu-
minimum losses, combined with features like facturing of key components like converters,
the ability to connect unsynchronized power cables and semiconductors, as well as
grids, have opened new opportunities for this switchgear, transformers and products along
versatile technology. the entire power value chain. This special
edition of ABB Review showcases how ABB
Classic HVDC power transmission technology keeps its HVDC pioneering heritage alive by
Hanspeter Fässler has come a long way: from the first 20 MW, remaining at the forefront of this technology
Global Business Unit Manager, 100 kV transmission in Gotland to ultrahigh- and continuing to shape the grid of the future.
Grid Systems
voltage DC links like the 800 kV Hami-Zheng-
zhou transmission link in China, with a capacity Join us on this journey. Happy reading!
of 8,000 MW. As part of this ongoing journey,
ABB has developed new technologies – eg,
line-commutated converters using thyristor-
based HVDC valves (up to 1,100 kV) that make
low-loss DC power transmission of 10 GW Claudio Facchin Hanspeter Fässler
over distances up to 3,000 km viable.

A major advance came in the late 1990s,

when ABB introduced HVDC Light. With well
over a dozen projects completed, this tech­
nology is being successfully deployed in an
increasing number of applications, thanks to
the parallel development of higher converter
voltage and power ratings, IBGT-based

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 ABB review special report

Editorial ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5
Powering the
ABB is the global leader in HVDC transmission
MAGNUS CALLAVIK, MATS LARSSON, SARAH STOETER – The installation of the world’s first commercial high-
voltage direct current subsea power link, Gotland 1, in 1954 was the beginning of ABB’s lifetime commit-
ment to HVDC. Since then, generations of ABB engineers have, together with ABB’s customers, pushed the
envelope of HVDC technology, resulting in more powerful links at greater distances. Today, as much as
8,000 MW can be transmitted – the 2,210 km, ± 800 kV Hami-Zhengzhou UHVDC link commissioned in early
2014 is one example. ABB has had many other firsts over the years, not least of which is the groundbreak-
ing development of the world’s first hybrid HVDC breaker, resolving the largest roadblock in the develop-
ment of an HVDC grid. As more electricity is generated from renewable sources in remote areas and
requires long-distance transmission, there is a greater push toward DC power. ABB, the only supplier to
offer the complete range of products for an HVDC system, remains committed to HVDC.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 ABB review special report

1 The limitations of AC transmission

I=I 0- IC U=U 0- UL

I0 U0
G Load G Load

C I C= wCU0 UL= wLI0

1a Underground cable 1b Overhead line



Transmission capacity (MW)





0 50 100 150
Length of cable (km)

AC 500 kV AC 345 kV AC 230 kV DC ±320 kV

1c Transmission capacity of AC and DC with cables


Transmission capacity (MW)



ack in the early days of electric-
ity supply, AC (alternating cur-
rent) was adopted for power
transmission because it could 0 200 400 600 800 1,000

be stepped up or down as needed by Length of transmission line (km)

transformers, and because it could be HVDC 800 kV HVDC 500 kV HVAC 765 kV HVAC 500 kV

interrupted more easily than DC (direct

current). High-voltage AC grids evolved 1d Transmission capacity of AC and DC with overhead lines
as an efficient way to connect existing
islands of distribution grids and large valves in 1954. Now, 60 years later, ABB generate a lot more reactive power than
generation units with industrial and resi- has supplied, or has been a subsupplier they consume, and require a large reac-
dential loads. It was not until some de- to, more than 90 HVDC connections. tive current to charge and discharge the
cades later that the technology for high- The company has helped transform cable as the grid voltage changes polar-
voltage DC (HVDC) power advanced HVDC from being a relatively specialized ity 50 or 60 times per second. This cur-
sufficiently for the first commercial HVDC application to a key technology enabling rent is added to the active current need-
link to be established. The pioneering both low-loss, high-power connections ed to transport the energy from one end
work by Uno Lamm at one of ABB’s pre- between power markets and remote of the cable to the other.
decessor companies, ASEA, began in renew­able generation.
1929 and resulted in the first subsea Both active and reactive current use the
HVDC link using mercury-arc converter Why HVDC? thermal capacity of the cable. Due to the
In DC, as opposed to AC, electrons flow generation of reactive power, high-volt-
through the circuit in one direction only, age AC cable transmission links have
and, as a result, do not generate reactive a maximum practical length of about
Title picture power. AC cables have primarily capaci- 50 to 100 km ➔ 1. In underground cables
The new HVDC Light technology is increasingly
being used as the power range increases and
tive characteristics ➔ 1a, whereas over- longer than 50 km, most of the AC cur-
losses decrease. Shown here is the reactor hall head lines have primarily inductive rent is required to charge and discharge
for an HVDC Light installation at 320 kV. characteristics ➔ 1b. Long AC cables the capacitance (C) of the cable ➔ 1a. In

Powering the world ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­7

ABB has supplied 2 DC power has lower losses on longer distances.

more than half of

the world’s HVDC 10
HVAC: 2 x 400 kV

connections. HVDC

Energy losses (%)


HVDC: 1 x ± 400 kV VSC HVDC

1,200 A
5 1,620 mm2 conductors

2 x 1,200 mm 2 conductors

AC/DC conversion losses

0 500 1,000
Transmission distance (km)

3 There is a critical distance at which DC becomes more cost effective.

Investment costs

Total AC costs

Total DC
DC costs

DC line costs

AC line costs

DC terminal

AC terminal costs

Critical distance

overhead lines longer than 200 km, most ferent frequencies (asynchronous grids).
of the AC voltage is needed to overcome This can be done via a power line
the voltage drop and phase shift due to ­between two converter stations or in a
the inductance (L) of the line ➔ 1b. C and back-to-back arrangement with both
L can be compensated for using reac- converters in the same location.
tors/capacitors or FACTS (flexible alter-
nating current transmission systems), or An HVDC system takes electrical power
by the use of DC power. from an AC network via a transformer,
converts it to DC at a converter station
HVDC is the most efficient method of and transmits it to the receiving point by
transmitting power over substantial dis- overhead lines or underground cables,
tances by cables ➔ 2. HVDC has a higher where it is turned back into AC using an-
initial cost – the converter stations – but other converter ➔ 4.
because the overhead lines and cables
are less expensive, there is a critical dis- The conversion is carried out using high-
tance above which DC is more cost power semiconductor valves. Because
effec­t ive ➔ 3. Furthermore, transmitting HVDC transmits only active (real) power,
DC power over long distances with over- no line capacity is wasted on transmit-
head lines is more efficient than AC trans- ting reactive power. Therefore, the same
mission and is a cost-effective method power can be transmitted over fewer
of connecting two grids operating at dif- transmission lines than would be required

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­8 ABB review special report

4 Overview of an HVDC system 5 Different transmission technologies


E Overhead line with AC

G Overhead AC line with FACTS


HVDC overhead line

a HVDC converter station rectifier

b HVDC converter station inverter Underground line with VSC HVDC or AC cable
c AC
c F d DC

6 Comparison of HVDC Light and HVDC Classic

HVDC Light (power from 50 to 2,500 MW) HVDC Classic (power up to 8,000 MW)

– Each terminal is an HVDC converter, which – Most economical way to transmit power
can support the AC network as a Statcom over long distances
(SVC Light) – Long submarine cable connections
– Suitable for both submarine and land cable – Around three times more power in a
connections right-of-way than overhead AC
– Advanced system features to enhance the – Footprint (eg, 600 MW): 200 x 120 x 22 m
performance of the AC network
– Footprint (eg, 1,200 MW): 100 x 150 x 20 m

using AC, so less land is needed to HVDC Light® cables, used together with prefabricated
­accommodate the lines. HVDC induces HVDC Light, introduced by ABB in 1997, joints, enable long underground trans-
minimal magnetic fields, so the power is used to transmit electricity where the mission. Because HVDC Light uses the
lines may be safely built closer to human power involved exceeds 50 MW. It uses IGBT as the power electronics device for
habitation ➔ 5. Upgrading an AC trans- IGBTs (integrated-gate bipolar transis- the conversion, superior independent
mission line to carry DC can substantially tors), which, unlike thyristors, offer fully controllability can be achieved. HVDC
increase its loadability and provide con- controllable power semiconductor switch- Light offers the same benefits as tradi-
trollability that can be used to protect the ing. The link with the highest power rating tional HVDC systems, but also provides
power networks against blackouts. in operation to date is the 500 MW / ±200 kV more secure power control and quick
East-West interconnector between Ireland power restoration in the event of a black-
HVDC Classic and the United Kingdom. Major advances out. Because of its ability to stabilize AC
HVDC Classic is one of two HVDC tech- in switching loss reduction have been voltage at the terminals, it is the ideal
nologies used today ➔ 6. Based on thy- ­accomplished – from an initial 3.7 per- technology for wind parks, where the
ristor power semiconductors, it is used cent to less than 1 percent – while HVDC relative compactness of HVDC Light
primarily for bulk electrical transmission Light technology has expanded the oper- converter stations compared with HVDC
over long distances and for interconnect- ating power ranges up to about 2 GW Classic converter stations is a key
ing separate power grids where conven- based on present voltage and current ­enabler for remote offshore wind power
tional AC methods are not suitable. ­capability. HVDC Light can be used for generation.
HVDC Classic transmission typically has a grid interconnections, offshore links to
power rating between 100 and 8,000 MW. wind farms, strengthening power net- Converter stations and transformers
It uses overhead lines (for distances over works, and powering oil and gas plat- Electricity generated in a power station
600 km) or subsea cables (for distances forms. Thanks to the superior reactive must first be stepped up to the appropri-
of 50 to 100 km), or a combination of power control capability of an HVDC ate voltage and converted from AC to DC
cables and lines. Thyristor power semi- Light terminal, it can increase the transfer for long-distance transmission, and then
conductors are line commutated, mean- capacity of the AC network surrounding stepped down and converted back to AC
ing that the turn-off signal is controlled the terminal. for distribution to consumers. The step-
by the AC line voltage reversal. ping up and down is performed by trans-
ABB’s HVDC Light features oil-free poly- formers. ABB is one of the world’s leading
mer-insulated extruded cables or mass- suppliers of transformers and transformer
impregnated cables. The lighter, extruded components – including insulation materi-

Powering the world ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­9

In 2012, ABB 7 HVDC cable technology

announced a major
breakthrough in
the development
of the DC grid – –

XLPE plastic insulation
Lightweight land cable at 10 kg/m

Oil-impregnated insulation
Heavyweight land cable at 25 kg/m

the hybrid HVDC –

Low number of joints for land installations
Prefabricated joints

High number of joints for land installations
Tailored joints

circuit breaker. – Flexible, allowing coiling and installation

from a barge (over 200 barges available)
– Requires special ship for installation (three
such ships available globally)
– Flexible production (ie, AC and DC cables – Dedicated production line for DC cables
in the same production line) – Maximum cable voltage of 500 kV
– Maximum cable voltage of 320 kV

7a Extruded polymer HVDC cables 7b Mass-impregnated HVDC cables

8 ABB’s hybrid HVDC breaker





8a Normal operation: Power flow in path with 8b Power electronic breaker blocks upper
least resistance (results in lower losses) current path to direct the flow into lower path




8c Mechanical breaker opens to block 8d Main electronic breaker block in

upper path lower path

als and kits, tap changers, bushings and world’s longest subsea cable, NorNed,
electronic control equipment – as well as which connects Norway to Holland via a
service for transformers. 580 km mass-impregnated cable, and the
world’s longest underground cable, the
The core element of an HVDC system is Murray link, which uses two 180 km long
the power converter, which serves as the extruded cables to connect the Riverland
interface to the AC system. The conver- region in South Australia and Sunraysia
sion from AC to DC and vice versa is car- region in Victoria.
ried out in a converter station using
valves, which can carry current in one Mass-impregnated submarine cables
direction only. This feature is needed for Mass-impregnated cables have been in
both rectification and inversion. use since 1895. ABB has delivered
more than 1,700 km of such HVDC ca-
Cables bles all over the world. The 580 km long,
HVDC makes it possible to stretch the 700 MW / 450 kV cable link between Nor-
transmission distance for subsea or under- way and the Netherlands represents a
ground cables ➔ 7, as has been shown milestone in both power and length for
by two world-record installations – the this cable type.

10 ABB review special report

9 ABB has supplied more than half of the world’s 170 HVDC projects.

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Extruded polymer land and subsea cables Service and upgrades large power station – in less than 5 ms.
(HVDC Light) As the installed base of HVDC links This innovation is paving the way for
New HVDC Light cables have insulation grows older, the number of upgrades to a more efficient and reliable electricity
consisting of extruded cross-linked poly- the system components increases. After supply system.
ethylene polymer. The insulation is triple about 20 years of operation it is common
extruded together with the conductor to upgrade valves and control systems. Since the introduction of the first com-
screen and the insulation screen. Often, after another 20 years, the whole mercial subsea HVDC link, ABB has be-
link or station is upgraded or replaced come – and remains – a leader in HVDC
The extruded DC cables are an impor- with new HVDC solutions. To date no technologies, and is the world’s leading
tant part of the HVDC Light concept. commercial HVDC link has been shut supplier of HVDC projects to date ➔ 9.
Typically, a link will have two cables, with down, which demonstrates the reliability
one carrying voltage of positive polarity and long lifetime of the equipment and
and the other negative. The strength and the market relevance of these links.
flexibility of HVDC Light cables make R equests for service are growing, and
them suitable for submarine use as well. ABB is commonly chosen as a turnkey
service supplier.
Control and protection system
ABB has its own powerful, flexible and The hybrid DC breaker
reliable control and protection system, One of the major disadvantages of HVDC
which uses state-of-the-art computers, and one of the main reasons today’s grid
microcontrollers and digital signal pro- is primarily an AC grid, is the inability to Magnus Callavik
cessors connected by high-performance to interrupt the flow of power and DC ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
industrial standard buses and fiber-optic fault currents. The lack of ultra-fast DC Västerås, Sweden
communication links. The system is breakers has been a huge roadblock to
called MACH (Modular Advanced Con- using HVDC beyond point-to-point links.
trol for HVDC and SVC) and is designed That is, however, until very recently. Mats Larsson
specifically for converters in power appli- ABB Corporate Research
cations. All critical parts of the system In 2012, ABB announced a major break- Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
have inherent parallel redundancy and through in the development of the DC
use the same switchover principles that grid – the hybrid HVDC circuit break-
have been used by ABB for HVDC appli- er ➔ 8. This breaker combines mechani- Sarah Stoeter
cations since the 1980s. cal and power electronic switching that ABB Review
enables it to interrupt power flows of up Zurich, Switzerland
to 1 GW – equivalent to the output of a

Powering the world ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 1

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 2 ABB review special report
60 years of HVDC has changed the
power landscape

BO PÄÄJÄRVI, MIE-LOTTE BOHL – We are he developed world relies on Mercury-arc valves
so used to the convenience of merely inter-regional and international Early HVDC experiments based on me-
having to flick a switch to illuminate a transmission lines to deliver the chanical, moving-contact devices were
room that few of us stop to think where power that energy-hungry cit- unsuccessful so pioneers soon turned
the power that lights the lamps actually ies and industries consume in such vast their attention to the potential of mer­
comes from. It may be generated quantities. As the world urbanizes and cury-arc valves. At the end of the 1920s,
locally, but, equally well, it may have becomes more industrialized, and as ASEA embarked on the development
been carried from a generator hundreds more dispersed generators appear on and manufacture of static converters and
of miles away – perhaps even in a differ- the network, the demand for, and on, mercury-arc valves for voltages up to
ent country. The infrastructure that such power distribution infrastructure about 1 kV, and the possibility of devel-
makes such widespread distribution of will only increase. It has long been rec- oping valves for even higher voltages
power possible is the spider’s web of ognized that power is more efficiently began to be investigated. In 1933, an
high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmitted using DC than AC and early experimental valve was produced that
transmission lines that interlink many visionaries worked hard at perfecting confirmed the validity of the principle.
regions and countries in the developed the valves neces-
world. Though having roots in the sary for converting
1920s, the modern era of HVDC the high-voltage AC Early HVDC experiments based
transmission really began in 1954 when produced by gen-
ASEA linked the mainland of Sweden erators into HVDC, on mechanical, moving-con-
and the island of Gotland with an HVDC
connector. In the intervening 60 years,
and vice versa.
This conversion is
tact devices were unsuccessful
HVDC technology and performance the key challenge so pioneers soon turned their
have improved at a remarkable rate – for HVDC transmis-
and are set to continue to do so. sion and the HVDC attention to the potential of
story can be divid-
ed into two con-
mercury-arc valves.
version technology
eras – one domi-
nated by mercury-arc valves and a later In 1944, Dr. Uno Lamm, “the father of
Title picture one in which they were supplanted by HVDC” ➔ 1, successfully operated a recti-
The modern era of HVDC began in 1954, but its thyristor-based valves. fier and an inverter in his laboratory in Lud-
roots extend back several decades further. Shown is
vika, Sweden at a power rating of 2 MW
a mercury-arc valve laboratory at the Trollhättan test
station, which was established in 1945 and run and voltage of 60 kV. The time was now
jointly by the Swedish State Power Board and ASEA. ripe for service trials at powers higher than

High impact ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 3

those that could be accommodated at
The 20 MW / 200 A / Ludvika so a test station, run jointly by the
1 Dr. Uno Lamm, “the father of HVDC”

Swedish State Power Board and ASEA,

100 kV Gotland link was established in 1945 at Trollhättan and

marked the begin- a 50 km power line was made available for

service trials ➔ title picture.
ning of the modern
Further technical development of the
era of HVDC and mercury-arc valve – as well as other com-

the concept was ponents in the converter stations and

transmission equipment such as trans-
so successful that it formers, reactors, switchgear, and pro-
tection and control equipment – resulted
has remained basi- in a completely new approach that was

cally unchanged implemented by ASEA in the 1954 HVDC

link to the island of Gotland ➔ 2. This
since. 20 MW / 200 A / 100 kV line marked the
beginning of the modern era of HVDC
and the concept was so successful that it
has remained basically unchanged since.

ASEA’s second order for HVDC transmis-

sion equipment – for a 160 MW / ± 100 kV
Anglo-French cross-channel link – fol- the second technology era – that of thy-
lowed soon after and the stage was set ristors – was about to dawn.
for the development of converters that
could handle twice the voltage and Thyristor-based converters
would have 10 to 20 times higher power Mercury-arc-valve-based HVDC had come
than would be required by subsequent a long way in a short time, but was a
installations. technology that still harbored some
weaknesses. One of these was the diffi-
Following the English Channel project, culty in predicting the behavior of the
several further HVDC links using mercury- valves themselves – for example, because
arc valves were built during the 1960s: they could not always sustain the reverse
Konti-Skan (250 MW) between Sweden voltage, they suffered from arc-backs.
Also, mercury-arc
valves require reg-
The invention of the thyristor ular maintenance,
during which abso-
in 1957 had presented indus- lute cleanliness is

try with a host of new oppor- critical. A valve that

avoided these draw-
tunities and HVDC transmis- backs was needed.

sion was seen as one The invention of the

promising area of application thyristor in 1957

had presented in-
for these new devices. dustry with a host
of new opportu­
nities and HVDC
and Denmark; Sakuma (300 MW) in Japan; transmission was seen as one promising
the inter-island connection in New Zea- area of application for these new devic-
land (600 MW); and the Italy – Sardinia es. All through the first half of the 1960s,
(200 MW) link. The largest mercury-arc work continued on the development of
valve transmission built by ASEA was the high-voltage thyristor valves as an alter-
Pacific HVDC Intertie in the United native to the mercury-arc type. In the
States, a 1,440 MW (later re-rated to spring of 1967, one of the mercury-arc
1,600 MW) / ± 400 kV transmission from valves used in the Gotland HVDC link
The Dalles, Oregon to Los Angeles, Cali- was replaced with a thyristor valve ➔ 4. It
fornia ➔ 3. In fact, this was the last mer- was the first time anywhere that this kind
cury-arc valve project commissioned as of valve had been put into commercial

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 4 ABB review special report

2 Gotland control room in the 1950s 3 Pacific Intertie mercury-arc valve in
Sylmar, Los Angeles

4 Mercury-arc valves and thyristor valves installed at Gotland 1

The largest mer­
cury-arc valve
transmission built
by ASEA was the
­P acific HVDC Inter-
tie – 1,440 MW,
­l ater ­re-rated to
1,600 MW.

operation for HVDC transmission. Thyris- showed that it could and this cable was With thyristor valves, convertor stations
tor technology had ushered in a new era subsequently operated at an electrical became much simpler, cheaper and more
of HVDC and rendered the mercury-arc- stress of 28 kV/mm, which is still the reliable and semiconductors have been
based approach obsolete. After a trial of worldwide benchmark for large HVDC used in all subsequent HVDC links.
just one year, the Swedish State Power cable projects.
Board ordered a complete thyristor valve Other companies now entered the field:
group for each Gotland link converter The new valve groups were connected in Brown Boveri (BBC), which later merged
station and increased the transmission series with the two existing Gotland mer- with ASEA to form ABB, teamed up with
capacity by 50 percent at the same time. cury arc valve groups, thereby increasing Siemens and AEG in the mid-1970s to
In parallel, tests were carried out on the the transmission voltage from 100 to build the 1,930  MW / ±  533 kV Cahora
Gotland submarine cable, which had 150 kV. This higher-rated system – the Bassa HVDC link between Mozambique
been operating without any problems at new rating being another world first for and South Africa ➔ 5. The converter valves
100 kV, to see if its voltage could be in- the Gotland transmission link – was for this transmission were oil-immersed.
creased to 150 kV – the level needed to brought into service in the spring of The same group then went on to build the
transmit the higher power. The tests 1970. 2,000 MW / ± 500 kV Nelson River 2 link in

High impact ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 5

5 Oil-insulated and oil-cooled thyristor outdoor valves in the Cahora Bassa HVDC link 6 600 kV valve test for Itaipu
between Mozambique and South Africa

Canada. This was the first project to em- ground, with opposite polarity. Since
ploy water-cooled HVDC valves. these conductors must be insulated for
the full voltage, transmission line cost is
The mid-1970s saw the completion of higher than a monopole with a return
further projects: The Skagerrak link be- conductor, but this is more than com-
tween Norway and Denmark, Inga-Shaba pensated for by its advantages, such as
in the Congo, and the CU Project in the negligible earth-current flow, lower abso-
United States. The converter valves in lute current rating (each line carries only
these projects were air-cooled. The half the current for the same power), fault
­P acific Intertie was also extended twice tolerance and so on. Gotland 2 and 3,
in the 1980s, each time with thyristor with a total rating of 2 × 130 MW / ± 150 kV
converters, to raise its capacity to featured new water-cooled converters.
3,100 MW at ± 500 kV. This bipolar link has provided extremely
good availability with no interruption of
In 1983, Gotland was revisited with a power transmission in 10 years.
new 130 MW / 150 kV cable being laid –
Gotland 2. Gotland 1 and Gotland 2 op- Itaipu
erated independently, but Gotland 3, an The contract for the Itaipu HVDC link in
additional link laid in 1985 to satisfy Brazil was awarded to the ASEA-PRO-
i ncreasing demand and allay supply
­ MON consortium in 1979. The sheer
scale and technical
complexity of the
In 1967, one of the mercury- Itaipu project pre-
sented a consider-
arc valves used in the Gotland able challenge, and

HVDC link was replaced with it can be seen as

the start of a new
a thyristor valve – the first chapter in the
HVDC story. The
commercial use in HVDC power rating was

transmission. the highest ever

seen in HVDC –
two bipoles at
safety fears, usually works with Got- 6,300 MW / ± 600 kV ➔ 6. The project was
land 2 to form a bipolar link (though it too completed and put into operation in sev-
can operate independently). In bipolar eral stages between 1984 and 1987 ➔ 7.
transmission, a pair of conductors is It played a key role in the Brazilian nation-
used, each at a potential with respect to al power infrastructure, supplying a large

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 6 ABB review special report

7 12,600 MW power station at Itaipu
The Itaipu power
rating was the high-
est ever seen in
HVDC – two bipoles
at 6,300 MW /
± 600 kV.

portion of the electricity for the city of bulk power transmission and is able to
São Paulo. The experience gained in the send vast amounts of electricity over very
course of the completion of the Itaipu long distances with low electrical losses.
HVDC project has paved the way for all But HVDC technology is constantly chal-
later HVDC high-power transmissions. lenged to achieve higher ratings for volt-
age and current, conquer even longer
Some milestones here are: ­distances with overhead lines, cables or
− The 2,000 MW / ± 500 kV Québec to a combination of these, and to further
New England link. This was among the ­reduce transmission losses.
first large multiterminal HVDC trans-
mission systems to be built anywhere. ABB’s 1992 vision to create a DC grid
− The 1,920 MW / ± 500 kV Intermoun- that solves the problem of renewable
tain Power Project in the United ­e nergy generators often being situated
States. The high earthquake-proofing far from the users they serve is now close
requirements were met by suspended to being realized by the multiterminal
valve structures – used here for the HVDC links being built on land and off-
first time and the standard solution shore. HVDC has become an established
since. technology and an integrated part of
− The 6,400 MW / ± 800 kV Xiangjiaba- AC grids, as well as the key for a future
Shanghai transmission link. This sustainable grid based on renewables.
record-breaking link uses UHVDC
(ultrahigh-voltage direct current) – the
technology used in the longest and
most powerful transmission links. The
introduction of the 150 mm, 8.5 kV
PCT (phase control thyristor) was a
major factor in enabling performance
improvements in this technology, the
next generation of UHVDC.

HVDC – key for a sustainable grid

based on renewables
HVDC is now the method of choice for Bo Pääjärvi
subsea electrical transmission and the Mie-Lotte Bohl
inter­connection of asynchronous AC grids ABB Power Systems
– providing efficient, stable transmission Ludvika, Sweden
and control capability. HVDC is also the
technology of choice for long-distance

High impact ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 7

Corridors of
Next-generation forecasted average annual growth rate of 9 percent [1], the world’s

UHVDC will send voracious hunger for clean, reliable electrical power is set to continue
for many years to come. Power utilities struggle to keep up with this
more power through surging demand. Indeed, in order to cope, they would need to increase
their power generation base by an average of 11 percent each and every
existing transmission year for the foreseeable future [1]. A further complication arises in that

corridors much power generation capacity is situated at some distance from

those places where it is consumed – a trend exacerbated by increasing
urbanization and industrialization. To ensure future supply, power
transportation corridors will have to increase their voltage- and current-
carrying capabilities. Despite the maturity of ultrahigh-voltage direct
current (UHVDC) technology, these new ratings represent major techno-
logical steps that will have to be taken in a very short time.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 8 ABB review special report

1 World energy forecast from EIA [1]


World electricity generation by fuel (trillion kWh)








2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Coal Nuclear Nonhydropower renewables

Natural gas Hydropower Liquids

1a World electricity generation by fuel (2007-2035) in trillion kilowatt-hours

World energy consumption (Btu x 1015 )






orld energy consumption 300

and the power generation 200
to match it are set to con- 100
tinue to rise for the fore-
seeable future [1] ➔ 1. Unfortunately, the 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040
bulk of the energy resources needed to
satisfy rising demand are not located
near the load centers. For example, in 1b World market energy consumption (1990-2035) in quadrillion (10 15) Btu
China, large resources of untapped hy-
droelectric power – up to 500 GW – are quirements to minimize routes through power throughput per line as possible.
available in the west of the country, in forests and other sensitive ecosystems, For shorter distances, the utility in China
­S ichuan, Xizang and Yunnan provinces. and the general protection of flora, fauna has been considering an increase of the
In addition, additional significant coal- and people. If a transmission corridor rated current of 800  kV DC systems.
fired generation capacity is planned in is long, the chance of exposure to one Despite the maturity of HVDC techno­
the Xinjiang area. The distance of these or more of these factors is increased. logy, these new ratings – of voltage or
generation sources from the heavily in- current – represent
dustrialized regions along the coast in major technologi-
eastern China (Beijing, Shanghai) and The bulk of the energy cal steps that will
southern (Guangzhou) China is between have to be taken in
1,000 and 3,000 km. resources needed to satisfy a very short time.

All over the world, diverse factors make

rising demand are not located Technical-eco-
the construction of new transmission near the load centers. nomical solution
lines ever more complex: public resis- In recent years,
tance, narrow transmission corridors, 800  kV DC trans-
limited availability of rights of way, re- Often, the best solution is to increase mission systems, capable of transmitting
the power-carrying capacity of existing more than 7 GW over 1,400 km, have
routes. been in operation ➔ 2. However, when
Title picture the transmitted power is increased above
Rising demand and the difficulty of building new China, for example, is investigating the 10 GW, 800 kV systems become much
HVDC transmission lines means new technology possibility of using a voltage rating of less economic because it is not possible
has to be developed to allow existing lines to carry
1,100 kV for power transmissions of 10 to transmit these power levels over a
more electrical power from distant generators to
centers of consumption. Shown is the valve hall in to 13 GW per line for distances over single UHVDC transmission line – two
the Xiangjiaba-Shanghai Fengxian UHVDC station. 2,000 km in order to achieve as much lines are needed.

Corridors of power ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1 9

2 HVDC systems evolution 3 Cost comparison of various options in percentage of the total cost
of an 800 kV DC transmission link

900 8,000
Yunan Jingping 180

Total cost of an 800 kV DC transmission link (%)

Guangdong Sunan
800 7,000 160
Shanghai 140
Itaipu 120
Rated voltage (kV DC)


Rated power (MW)

Cabora Bassa 5,000
Nelson River 100
4,000 80
Pacific Intertie
New Zealand 60
200 20
100 1,000 0
Cross Channel 800 kV DC 1,100 kV DC 1,200 kV DC 800 kV AC 1,000 kV AC
0 0
1953 1960 1962 1970 1978 1979 1985 2010 2010 2012 Station Lines Losses
Rated power Rated voltage HVDC: one 10 GW line HVAC: three 3,167 MW lines

There is no question that using higher Electromechanical design and equipment ments is of critical importance – elec-
voltages reduces losses and allows tar- transport trode size, corona shielding, terminal
get energy costs to be achieved ➔ 3. Outdoor high-voltage insulators face forces, etc. all need to be properly de-
However, for power lines to be able to many challenges, among which is the signed and tested to guarantee a cost-
cope with the higher-voltage demands risk of flashover – atmospheric pollution, effective solution with the reliability that
that will soon be put upon them, new for example, can lead to excessive con- the new generation of UHVDC systems
system components, especially thyristor tamination of the insulator and thus to requires ➔ 4.
valves, will have to be developed. flashover if creepage length and general
design is not adequate. Insulators de- Indoor vs. outdoor DC yard
Challenges signed for higher voltages have to be Today, both outdoor and indoor DC yards
ABB has worked for many years in high- longer – necessitating a diameter in- have been adopted by different 800 kV
voltage power transmission and this expe- crease to provide the required mechani- UHVDC projects. However, operational
rience is exploited in the development of cal stability and this, in turn, decreases experience at this voltage level is still lim-
products that meet the challenges faced flashover performance. The battle to rec- ited [2]. One reason for selecting an indoor
when transporting power over very long oncile insulation, mechanical and electri- solution is to minimize the footprint of
distances at very high voltages. Several cal requirements can quickly spiral into a the converter station ➔ 5. For equipment
aspects become critical when designing runaway situation if great care is not inside this weather-protected building,
UHVDC systems: availability and reliability, taken in the design phase [2]. the creepage distance needed and the
electromechanical design and equipment mechanical strength required can be
transport, and the type of DC yard. The equipment subjected to the new, reduced. Switching impulse voltage will
higher voltages will be larger, which be the dimensioning parameter. There-
Availability and reliability brings further challenges. For example, fore, smooth electrodes with a larger
UHVDC systems designed to transmit converter transformers are assembled, ­diameter can be adopted to reduce the
power levels above 10 GW need to cope tested and shipped to site. Shipment required air clearance [2].
with higher requirements on availability
and reliability. After all, one single-pole The cost of the
trip will disconnect energy equivalent to All over the world, diverse building makes the
half of the installed capacity of a very indoor approach
large hydroelectric power plant – eg, the ­factors conspire to make the more expensive than
12 GW Itaipu plant in Brazil. This will also
impose a high strength requirement on
construction of new transmis- the outdoor. In ad-
dition, depending
the AC systems at both ends of the sion lines ever more complex. on the requirements
­U HVDC transmission. Also, thorough in- on the ambient con-
vestigations are necessary to ensure that ditions inside the
single, small events that occur in regions might be no longer possible with larger- hall, auxiliary equipment, such as a humid-
into which multiple UHVDC systems feed sized transformers, so on-site manufac- ity controller, may be required [2]. How­
do not escalate into something more turing and the reliability issues this e
­ ntails ever, part of the building costs will be
dramatic. This all means that reliability is have been assessed. returned by the reduced cost of the
a very important issue and represents a ­apparatus itself and the costs saved by
major design parameter. Reliability throughout the entire range of reducing outages will usually more than
products and components destined for cover the rest. A reduced risk of failure is
use in these new, higher-voltage environ- the major benefit of the indoor solution.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 0 ABB review special report

4 High-voltage test laboratory 5 Indoor DC yard

ABB technology development systems in both the AC and DC realms. It

In 2010, ABB started research into and was the first country to commission and
development of the key components for fully operate 800 kV DC transmission sys-
the next generation of UHVDC transmis- tems and more than 21,000 GW of trans-
sion systems, ie, those exposed to the mission capacity is now installed at this
new rated voltage (1,100  kV DC). By rated voltage. Further economic growth
means of advanced electromagnetic is expected in the coming years – and
simulations, transient studies and high- with it further demand for high-voltage
voltage testing, ABB has developed transmission systems.
­p rototypes for the converter valve, valve
hall design, converter transformer, by- After 2020, a further seven hydroelectric
pass switch, radio interference capacitor, power projects, with a total rating of
surge arrester, transformer bushing and 110  GW, are planned in Xizang. The
power from these will be transmitted to
the eastern and southern provinces of
China is investigat- China. To enable the bulk transmission
from these and from other projects, even
ing using 1,100 kV further development of UHVDC systems

for power trans- will be required – either at 1,100 kV DC

or at existing voltage ratings with higher
missions of 10 to current-carrying capabilities. Presently,
there is no immediate market interest for
13 GW per line for the new UHVDC transmission systems

distances over outside of China. However, this may

change with the emergence of future hy- Raul Montano

2,000 km. droelectric and solar generation sources Bjorn Jacobson

in Africa, India, the United States and Dong Wu
South America that are far removed from Liliana Arevalo
wall bushing. Also, conceptual designs the centers of consumption and that are ABB Power Systems
for station layout and indoor DC yards needed to satisfy the world’s apparently Ludvika, Sweden
have been completed. insatiable hunger for power.
New UHVDC applications
The Chinese economy has exhibited an
average annual growth rate of around
12 percent over the last 30 years. Improve-
ment in affluence and economic growth is References
closely associated with increased energy [1] EIA, International Energy Statistics database,
requirements. To cope with the increas- available March 2014,
ing electricity demands, and to keep the
[2] D. Wu, et al., “Selection between indoor or
costs reasonable, China has pioneered outdoor DC yards,” article submitted to CIGRE
the implementation of new high-voltage 2014.

Corridors of power ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 1

Strong winds,
high yield
HVDC Light® technology goes farther out to sea
PETER SANDEBERG – Under pressure to decrease the environ- exploited these winds to produce clean energy. Given that the
mental impact of generating electrical power, coupled with higher average offshore wind speeds can result in an energy
continuously increasing demand, energy producers must yield of up to 70 percent higher than that generated on land,
utilize more of the earth’s natural resources to harvest it is no wonder that the next 15 years will see an increase in
additional power. While many parts of the world bask in the number of offshore plants. However, the farther out to
glorious sunshine, northern Europe tends to experience sea, the greater the challenge of ensuring the transmission of
winds that can wreak havoc. On the flip side, the construction a stable energy supply to the mainland. This challenge is
of onshore and offshore wind power plants have successfully being met with ABB’s HVDC Light technology.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 2 ABB review special report

1 Alternative HVDC and HVDC/HVAC connection schemes




Onshore grid Onshore
grid grid


1a Direct connection solution 1b Back-to-back solution 1c Parallel solution combines


he United Nation’s Intergovern- of the mainland grid, particularly consid- To begin with, given that each wind ­power
mental Panel on Climate Change ering the intermittent nature of wind. The plant will typically be in range of a few
(IPCC) has predicted that clean tendency toward long distances in com- hundred MW up to several GW, HVDC is
energy will have to at least tre- bination with often weak coastal connec- capable of transmitting power levels of
ble in output in order to avoid catastrophic tions mean that tough technical chal- between 100  MW and 1,200  MW with
climate change [1, 2]. Over the past few lenges need to be overcome: only one cable circuit. It is considered an
decades, wind power generation has – The power level of the connected park economically viable solution especially in
been making a vital contribution to the – The distance to the connection point situations where the distance to the con-
global effort of lowering the environmen- – The type of transmission necting AC grid exceeds 70 to 120 km.
tal impact of electrical power generation. – The AC network strength at the
Championed as an increasingly important connection point Closer to shore, a wind power park could
source of renewable energy, its contribu- – The fault ride-through capability in be connected with either AC or DC
tion is set to increase over the next 15 case of AC grid faults transmission or a combination of these
years with the construction of large off- – The start-up of the wind power park systems. It offers support to meet oner-
shore wind parks in Northern Europe with – The environmental impact of the ous grid access requirements and helps
a planned capacity of up to 40 GW of transmission system to improve power quality issues at the
power. One of the main attractions of connection point.
­going offshore is the frequency of very Its technology pro-
strong winds, which in turn can yield up vides superior con-
to 70 percent more energy than onshore Average offshore wind speeds trol and quick
wind parks. Even though it is costlier to
construct offshore wind power parks, this
can result in an energy yield power restoration
during and after
increase in yield combined with the fact
that many renewable energy technolo-
of up to 70 percent higher disturbances and
contingencies in-
gies have substantially advanced in terms than that generated on land. cluding blackouts.
of performance and cost, could offset And it supports
these costs in the long run. weak grids with
In addressing each of these challenges, black-start capability, fine-tuning of AC
As well as growing in terms of rated ABB has, using its HVDC Light transmis- voltage and reactive power and the abil-
power, offshore wind power plants are sion technology, developed a detailed ity to energize wind power parks at zero
being located farther from the coasts design for offshore HVDC (high-voltage or low wind conditions. Last but not least,
and the grid entry points. The impact of direct current) systems that can safely this transmission system is ideal for stabi-
large-scale offshore wind power pene- and reliably integrate large-scale wind- lizing irregular electricity flows by quickly
tration may potentially affect the stability power production. compensating for power fluctuations.

Strong winds, high yield ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 3

Offshore wind 2 Offshore wind projects connected by HVDC Light

power plants are Project

Company /
DC cable
Year of

growing in terms of (MW) (kV) (km)

rated power and BorWin1

DC: ±150
AC: 155/400
SM*: 2x125
UG*: 2x75

are being located

TenneT DC: ±320 SM*: 2x75
farther from the DolWin1
AC: 155/400 UG*: 2x90

coasts and the DolWin2

DC: ±320
AC: 155/380
SM*: 2x45
UG*: 2x90

grid entry points. *SM = Submarine; UG = Underground

Capturing offshore wind with HVDC immune against transient disturbances

solutions originating from the onshore grid. For
A variety of different transmission schemes example, during onshore AC network
are possible using HVDC technology alone faults the onshore converter station can
and in combination with HVAC ➔ 1. bypass the surplus energy from the wind
power plant into a braking resistor. Once
The direct connection solution shown the network fault is cleared the resistor is
in ➔ 1a and the back-to-back solution­ disconnected and normal power flow is
illustrated in ➔ 1b can use a frequency in re-established. This practice protects the
the wind power park that is not synchro- wind turbines and other equipment from
nized with the onshore grid. The wind stresses which, in the long term, helps
power park is also isolated from electri- extend their life cycle.
cal disturbances in the onshore grid,
meaning that significant “fault ride- From an environmental point of view,
through” capability is achieved. HVDC Light transmission systems pro-
vide many benefits, including:
The parallel case demonstrated in ➔ 1c – An underground, oil-free extruded
shows how HVAC and HVDC can be cable system from the shore to the
combined and is an example of a step- AC connection point
wise expansion approach that enables – Twin cable installation, which in turn
transmission capacity to be added in neutralizes magnetic fields
stages. The advantages of such a scheme – An enclosed converter station to
include higher energy availability, the­ efficiently suppress noise
poten­tial to include changes and incorpo- – A smaller station footprint
rate new technology as the wind power
park develops and, from a business point Offshore platforms with dual
of view, incremental investments. functionality
The trend nowadays is toward large off-
At startup, an HVDC Light converter sta- shore power plants located remotely in
tion provides fast and efficient voltage a harsh and unforgiving environment that
control as the offshore grid is being ener- can accommodate both HVDC convert-
gized. The voltage is ramped up smooth- ers, as well as operations and mainte-
ly at a rated frequency (to prevent tran- nance personnel. The first two platforms
sient overvoltages and inrush currents) built for offshore wind HVDC converter
after which the wind turbine generators stations were based on a conventional
are safely connected to the offshore grid. topside jacket solution. In close cooper-
The onshore (receiving) converter station ation with a Norwegian yard, ABB devel­
is located either near the shore or farther oped a flexible, highly innovative, robust
inland. Even though the grid is often and scalable platform for greater pro-
weak along the coastline, HVDC Light duction efficiency and ease of instal­
technology is designed to enhance the lation (no heavy-lift vessels or jack-up
system by providing voltage stability operations are required). This platform
support. Moreover, this technology will is based on a combination of semisub-
literally make the offshore grid, including mersible and gravity-based designs –
the connected wind turbines, electrically ie, it acts as a semisubmersible platform

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 4 ABB review special report

3 Dörpen West onshore station for the DolWin1 wind farm 4 The DolWin2 offshore platform for the North Sea

3a Back view

3b Side view

during transport and installation, after DolWin1 neutral electromagnetic fields. Compact
which it is ballasted down to sit solidly Another example of this type of solution converter stations will help reduce car-
on the seabed. is the 800 MW DolWin1 HVDC Light con- bon dioxide emissions by more than
nection, which will bring power to the 3 million t per year by replacing fossil-
HVDC in action grid connection point at Dörpen West in fuel-based generation.
The increasing number of wind power Germany, about 90 km inland ➔ 3. ABB is
parks combined with the growing distance responsible for system engineering, in-
between offshore power generation and cluding design, supply and installation of
onshore consumption are two of the main the offshore converter station, including
driving factors for the adoption of HVDC the platform, 75 km of DC submarine
Light. In fact, HVDC has been and will be cables, 90 km of underground cables and
used in some major European projects, all the onshore converter station. Sched-
of them in the North Sea ➔ 2. uled to be operational in 2014, this net-
work of offshore wind power parks is
BorWin1 e xpected to reduce CO2 emissions by
In 2007 ABB received an order from 3 million t per year.
E.ON-Netz (now TenneT) to integrate one
of the largest and most remote offshore DolWin2
wind power parks into the German grid by For the DolWin2 project, the wind power Peter Sandeberg
means of a 400 MW HVDC Light ­system. parks will be connected to an HVDC ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
The project order, known as BorWin, is converter station installed on an offshore Västerås, Sweden
the world’s first offshore wind HVDC platform in the North Sea ➔ 4. The gener-
connection. Full grid code compliance ated power will be transmitted through
ensures a robust network connection of a 45 km long DC submarine cable and
the wind power plant, which consists of a 90 km long underground cable to the
80 wind generators rated at 5 MW each; HVDC onshore station at the grid con- [1] D. Carrington. (2014, April 12). IPCC report:
offshore and onshore converter stations; nection point of Dörpen West. world must urgently switch to clean sources
and 75 km of underground and 125 km of energy [Newspaper article].
Available: http://
of submarine cables. The wind energy The transmission system will have a total
environment/2014/ apr/12/ipcc-report-world-
feeds into a converter substation at ­Diele, capacity of 900 MW at ± 320 kV, which must-switch-clean-sources-energy
near Papenburg, on the German main- will make it the world’s largest offshore [2] R. McKie and T. Helm. (2014, April 12).
land where the power is injected into HVDC system. This HVDC Light connec- UN urges huge increase in green energy to
avert climate disaster. [Newspaper article].
the 400 kV grid. This project reduces tion provides numerous environmental
CO2 emissions by nearly 1.5 million t per benefits, such as electrical losses of less environ-ment/2014/apr/12/un-urges-increase-
year. than 1 percent per converter station and green-energy-avert-climate-disaster-uk

Strong winds, high yield ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 5

From far away
Efficient and cost-effective long-distance power
transmission with HVDC

ABHAY KUMAR, ALF PERSSON – As the VDC technology uses thyris- trolled cascade tripping of lines is avoid-
energy needs of the world increase, the tors for conversion and typi- ed. For example, during the massive
demand for long-distance energy cally has a power rating of sev- 2003 blackout that affected the entire
transmission also rises. Areas needing eral hundreds of megawatts, northeastern United States, the HVDC
electrical energy are often located far though many are in the 1,000 to 3,000 MW connections shielded the Quebec sys-
away from the source of energy, be it range, and some even as high as tem in Canada from frequency swings. 1
water, solar or wind. ABB’s HVDC 8,000 MW. HVDC is suitable for over-
Classic technology serves as a cost- head lines as well as undersea/under- HVDC lines use the right of way (m/MW)
effective alternative to AC transmission ground cables, or a combination of cables very effectively and can also be operated
for long-distance and bulk-power and lines. It can also be configured as at reduced voltage in case some section
transmission as well as for intercon- back-to-back HVDC stations. This con- of a line has issues with insulation with-
necting asynchronous AC networks. figuration enables two asynchronous stand capability. HVDC technology en-
For connecting remote and large-scale grids to exchange power and ensures ables long underwater transmission links
generation to load centers HVDC is that in the event of a disturbance in one, with low losses. Traditional AC transmis-
an attractive solution with extremely the other supports it. sion systems with underwater cables
low transmission system losses. cannot be longer than about 60 to 100 km
ABB continues to create HVDC solu- The interconnection through HVDC does as it would require massive ­ reactive
tions to suit the many scenarios not add to the short-circuit capacity of compensation en-route.
encountered in the transmission world. the networks. This
allows for less-fre-
quent replacement The configuration enables
of the heavy-duty
switchgear equip- two asynchronous grids
ment, keeps grids
immune from dis-
to exchange power and
turbances and mini- ­e nsures that in the event of a
mizes affected ar-
eas. By controlling disturbance in one, the other
its power flow, an
HVDC system sta-
supports it.
bilizes the grid in
the interconnected networks and in-
creases the security of supply. As HVDC 1
systems cannot be overloaded, uncon- DocumentsandMedia/BlackoutFinal-Web.pdf

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 6 ABB review special report

1 The NorNed station
The interconnection,
which is based on
market coupling,
has led to power
trading between the
two countries and
increased the
reliability of electric-
2 A selection of ABB’s HVDC commissions
ity supply in both.
– The Itaipu project in Brazil supplies 50 Hz – The Rihand-Delhi project in India transmits
power into a 60 Hz system and economically bulk thermal power (1,500 MW) to Delhi,
transmits large amounts of hydropower ensures minimum losses, least amount of
(6,300 MW) over long distances (800 km). right-of-way, and better stability and control.

– The Leyte-Luzon project in the Philippines – The Garabi project in Argentina is an

supplies bulk geothermal power across an independent transmission project transfer-
island interconnection and improves stability ring power from Argentina to Brazil. The
to the Manila AC network. back-to-back HVDC system ensures a
supply of 50 Hz bulk power (1,100 MW) to a
60 Hz system under a 20-year power supply.

Sustainability showcase: NorNed Dutch grid to be optimized by using

The 580 km NorNed HVDC monopolar hydro­power to cover peak loads during
transmission link with a 700  MW / the day. At night, power can be trans-
± 450 kV transmission capacity, is the ported back to Scandinavia, thereby
longest underwater high-voltage cable saving electric energy in the dams. The
in the world ➔ 1. Commissioned in 2008, result is a more stable output from the
the converter stations are located at the fossil-fuel-fired plants, thus minimizing
Feda substation in Norway and at the emissions. Additionally, the stabilized
Eemshaven substation in the Nether- grid allows integration of new renewable
lands – a span of 580 km. The intercon- generation in the form of wind power.
nection is jointly owned by the two state
power grid companies, TenneT in the The security of supply has improved
Netherlands and Statnett in Norway. since production resources in a larger
The interconnection, which is based on area are available as a backup in the
market coupling, has led to power trading event of network disturbances. The elec-
between the two countries and increased tricity market has benefitted as the link
the reliability of electricity supply in has enabled electricity trading between
both. two distant, isolated markets.

To optimize cable costs and cable loss- The link demonstrates that HVDC tech-
es, NorNed has two fully insulated DC nology offers the unique capability to
cables at ± 450 kV although it is a mono- build long underwater or underground
polar link. This makes the DC current cable transmission lines with low losses.
small and creates low cable losses, but The NorNed link has losses of only about
requires a higher converter voltage and 4 percent.
has a record voltage of 900 kV for a
12-pulse converter. North-East Agra
ABB has built HVDC transmission projects
Scandinavia has a largely hydro-based all around the world ➔ 2. A unique project
production system whereas the Nether- is currently under construction in India.
lands and surrounding countries have a When commissioned in 2016, the North-
system based largely on fossil fuels. East Agra HVDC link, officially known as
Hydro­p ower is easily regulated and ± 800 kV / 6,000 MW HVDC Multi Termi-
stored in existing dams. This allows the nal NER/ER-NR/WR Interconnector-I, will

From far away ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 7

ABB’s HVDC trans- 3 The North-East Agra HVDC link will cover a distance of 1,728 km.

mission system Agra


was chosen in large


part because of the

advantage of the
technology needing INDIA

only a minimum
right of way. be the first multiterminal HVDC project at the technology needing only a minimum
800 kV. The link comprises four terminals right of way.
in three converter stations with a 33 per-
cent continuous overload rating, enabling The system will have two ± 800 kV con-
an 8,000 MW conversion. It will be the verter poles in Biswanath Chariali and
largest HVDC transmission system ever two ± 800 kV converter poles in Alipur­
built, having the highest converter capac- duar, whereas Agra will have four
ity at 8,000 MW and the first one having ± 800 kV converter poles. As each con-
800 kV indoor DC halls. verter pole has a nominal rating of
1,500 MW with a continuous overload
Power Grid Corporation is constructing rating of 2,000 MW, it is possible to com-
this HVDC link to transmit clean hydro- pensate for the loss of any conver-
ter pole. If for in-
stance Pole 1 in
The solution also acts as a Agra is lost, Poles
2, 3 and 4 can still
firewall, isolating disturbances supply the rated

and preventing them from 6,000 MW to the

Agra region ➔ 4.
spreading from one network
At full capacity, the
to the other. North-East Agra
HVDC link will be
able to supply
electric power from India’s northeast enough electricity to serve 90 million
r­egion to Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal, people based on average national con-
over a distance of 1,728 km ➔ 3. sumption.

One converter station (Biswanath Chari- Multiterminal HVDC links are unique to
ali) will be in the state of Assam, and a ABB. The North-East Agra HVDC link will
second (Alipurduar) in the state of West be the second ABB-built multiterminal
Bengal in eastern India. The other end of HVDC link. The first of this kind was built
the DC line will terminate at Agra, where by ABB in North America in the early
two bipolar converters will be connected 1990s. The Québec-New England HVDC
in parallel. The 800 kV equipment yard at link is a large-scale three-terminal trans-
Agra will be indoors. mission link (2,000 MW / 450 kV) com-
missioned in 1992. ABB recently received
Northeast India has abundant untapped a contract to refurbish the 20-year-old
hydropower resources of the order of control and protection systems of the
50 to 60 GW scattered over a large area, link with the newest modular advanced
but load centers are hundreds or even control systems (MACH).
thousands of kilometers away. Transmis-
sion lines must pass through a very nar- Railroad DC Tie
row patch of land (22 km × 18 km) in the The Sharyland station, located at the
state of West Bengal, which has borders border of Mexico and the southern tip
with Nepal and Bangladesh. ABB’s of Texas in the United States, was the
HVDC transmission system was chosen first 150 MW back-to-back DC tie sta-
in large part because of the a
­ dvantage of tion ➔ 5. It was commissioned in 2007.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 8 ABB review special report

4 Multiterminal arrangement in North-East Agra HVDC link

-432 km -1,296 km

3,000 MW 3,000 MW +800 kV 3,000 MW 3,000 MW

400 kV 400 kV 400 kV

Pole 1 Pole 3 Pole 1 Pole 3

Pole 2 Pole 4 Pole 2 Pole 4

Bipole 1 Bipole 2 Bipole 1 Bipole 2

Biswanath Alipurduar Agra
Chariali +800 kV

5 Sharyland station ABB is currently constructing a second

150 MW back-to-back HVDC converter
station adjacent to the existing site. The
two stations, part of the Railroad DC Tie
Expansion project, will work in parallel to
provide a transmission capacity of up to
300 MW. This will further increase the
power transfer capacity between Texas
and Mexico and secure the reliability of
power in the Rio Grande Valley.

To learn more about ABB’s reference projects, please


national grid, operated by the Comisión

ABB designed Federal de Electricidad (CFE), and in-
creases power reliability in the Rio
a solution that Grande Valley. HVDC technology en-

­i ncludes unique ables bidirectional power flow between

both grids, thereby allowing each grid
black-start emer- to rely on the other in times of emer-
gencies or peak demand.
gency assistance.
ABB designed a solution that, in addition
to the normal properties of an HVDC sta-
The Mexican and the Texan AC net- tion, includes unique black-start emer-
works are not synchronized so con- gency assistance. The solution also acts Abhay Kumar
necting them as a normal AC intercon- as a firewall, isolating disturbances and Alf Persson
nection was not possible. The Sharyland preventing them from spreading from ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
station enables power exchanges be- one network to the other. Ludvika, Sweden
tween the Electric Reliability Council of
Texas (ERCOT) grid and the Mexican

From far away ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­2 9

Steps beyond
ABB’s HVDC Light® PETER LUNDBERG, MIKE BAHRMAN – Using advanced convert-
er technology developed by ABB, the world’s first HVDC
provides a range of transmission with voltage source converters began transmit-
ting power in 1997. This technology was introduced as HVDC
expanded benefits for Light. The new transmission link ran along a 10 km route

its customers between the Swedish towns of Hellsjön and Grängesberg.

It was rated at 3 MW / ± 10 kV DC. Due to its unique charac-
teristics, HVDC Light has expanded the range of system
applications beyond that possible with HVDC Classic. New
uses include remote offshore applications, weak system
interconnections, long land cables and black start. A look at
a few of the significant HVDC Light projects tells the story of
how ABB has linked the development of this technology to
meeting customer needs.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 0 ABB review special report

1 Shoreham HVDC Light converter

evelopment of the new HVDC The result was the development of de- AC/DC VSC stations connected by a pair
Light technology has continued vices with voltage and current ratings of 40 km DC submarine cables ➔ 1 - 2.
at a rapid rate, with voltage lev- suitable for transmission. This semicon-
els and power ratings steadily ductor development formed the basis for Transmission capacity over the CSC
increasing as power losses decrease. HVDC Light. project was offered to market partici-
Since the first transmission ABB has un- pants through an open season process
dertaken 20 HVDC Light projects globally. Within five years of its inaugural project, and a firm capacity purchase agreement.
HVDC Light is currently available for rat- ABB commissioned two HVDC Light com- A key feature of the HVDC Light technol-
ings of 2,000 MW / ± 500 kV in bipolar mercial projects – Gotland Light in Sweden ogy in the CSC project is the ability to
configuration and 1,200 MW / ± 320 kV in 1999 and Directlink in Australia in 2002 precisely control power transfers with
in symmetrical monopolar configuration. – where the technology was proven at a scheduled transactions by those who
Voltage source converter (VSC) techno­ voltage level of ± 80 kV and a power rat- have purchased rights to its capacity.
logy provides superior dynamic features ing of 55 MW per
that go beyond pure power transmission. circuit. The next
They have no reactive power demand or step was the intro- Both interconnected networks
associated need for reactive power com- duction of systems
pensation. They appear to the network as at the ± 150 kV lev- benefit from active and
a virtual synchronous machine but with-
out inertia. Therefore the converters can
el. A power rating
of 330  MW was
­reactive power control and
help control the AC voltage. reached in 2002 AC voltage control.
with the Cross-
A brief history Sound Cable (CSC)
In the development of power electronic project connection in New Haven and Additional benefits for the HVDC Light
technology for industrial drive systems Long Island in the United States, and the technology in the project were reactive
thyristors were replaced with VSCs 200 MW Murraylink project in Australia. power and AC voltage control at each
where the semiconductors could be converter to support the connected AC
switched off as well as on. The advan- Cross-border trading networks and a compact layout with the
tages this change brought to controlling With the CSC project, ABB showcased majority of all equipment inside the con-
industrial drive systems could also be the ability for cross-border trading as verter building. Modular design allowed
applied to transmission technology. well as excellent dynamic voltage sup- for comprehensive factory testing, which
port with HVDC Light. CSC was the first led to short field testing and commis-
merchant transmission project in the sioning.
Title picture
ABB continues to develop HVDC Light transmission United States consisting of a bidirection-
throughout the world. al 330 MW transmission system with two

Steps beyond ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 1

2 The Cross-Sound Cable project links southern New England with 3 Estlink 1 HVDC Light cable laying
Long Island, New York.


New Haven

New York
United States

The cross-border trading feature in this n ational grids of Estonia and Finland.
­ tinue to operate in supplying its own aux-
instance works well because the opera- Commissioned in December 2006, this iliary power, supplied through the DC
tor can continuously control the power was the first time electric power was from the Finnish station. The converter
transfer in either direction between 0 and e xchanged between the Baltic states
­ can also be started manually in black-
330 MW independent of the AC voltage and the Nordel electric systems. With the start mode, if needed.
control. CSC manages the steady-state goals of creating electricity trading and
AC voltage regulation at the connecting increasing secure supply in the Baltic The network restoration sequence starts
stations to improve the dynamic stability. region, HVDC Light was an obvious
­ with the converter station running with-
During the first year of operation a testi- choice due to the asynchronous net- out load. The voltage and frequency are
mony to the quality of the feature was works and the long distance under water decided by the converter, which in this
seen when a severe thunderstorm on between the two systems ➔ 3. case operates in voltage and frequency
Long Island created multiple AC faults, control. The AC network is then connect-
yet voltage up to its reactive power limit Both interconnected networks benefit ed with a small load, and ramped up to
of 125 MVAr was supported and active from active and reactive power control the rating of the link. The black-start fea-
power kept relatively constant. and AC voltage control. Additional con- ture makes it possible to start up parts
trol features are emergency power con- of the Estonian network in only minutes
Following the massive blackout of the trol, frequency control and rapid active after a total blackout. In the network res-
northeastern portion of North America on power flow to support either of the con- toration scenarios determined by the grid
August 14, 2003, CSC was instrumental nected grids. On the Finnish side a operator, Estlink 1 would provide aux­iliary
in restoring electric power to customers damping control is designed to damp the power to selected power units. Estlink 1
on Long Island, being one of the first inter-area oscillations that can occur in and the connected generators will share
transmission links to the area brought into the Nordel electric system to increase the load through the use of frequency
service after the blackout. The link trans- operational security. droop. When a sufficient amount of gen-
ported 330 MW to the area, enough power eration is feeding the network, the mode
to restore electric service to over 330,000 HVDC Light converters are able to gen- of operation of the converter can be
homes. Furthermore, CSC’s AC voltage erate a voltage that can be changed very changed from frequency/voltage control
control feature proved valuable by stabi- quickly in amplitude and phase and offer to normal power/voltage control.
lizing the AC system voltage in Connecti- the possibility of energizing a network
cut and on Long Island during the net- ­a fter a blackout. This has been imple- Caprivi Link
work restoration. mented in Estlink 1 for the Estonian side. Many of the electricity networks in the
developing part of the world, such as
Estlink 1 The transformer is equipped with a spe- ­Africa, span vast distances and are often
Supply security and black-start capabili- cial auxiliary power winding for self-sup- characterized by relatively weak AC net-
ty are additional benefits ABB has pro- ply of the converter station, and the con- works. ABB’s Caprivi Link project 1 was
vided with HVDC Light. The Estlink 1 trans- trol system has schemes for detecting able to meet these challenges in order to
mission system, operating at 350 MW / a network blackout. If such a blackout connect the Zambezi converter station in
±150 kV DC, has been able to provide occurs, the converter will automatically the Caprivi strip in Namibia, close to the
these features while connecting the trip the connection to the grid, and con- border of Zambia, and the Gerus converter

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 2 ABB review special report

4 Gerus HVDC Light station
Additional custom-
er benefits are the
system’s black-
start capability and
active AC voltage

station, about 300 km north of Windhoek and the DC line by opening the AC and As part of the solution, ABB extended
in ­Namibia ➔ 4. The Caprivi transmission DC circuit breakers to interrupt the fault the previous rating record for an HVDC
link is a 2 × 300 MW interconnection with currents. Immediately after clearing the Light cable from 150 kV to 200 kV. The
the converter stations joined by a 950 km fault currents, the breakers are re-closed higher voltage enables a higher trans-
long, bipolar ± 350 kV DC overhead line. and the transmission resumed. Reactive mission capacity of 500 MW.
This was the first HVDC Light project to power support is resumed within 500 ms
combine VSCs with overhead lines. and power transmission within 1,500 ms.

The weak networks have a high likeli- Intergration of onshore renewable

hood of becoming islanded with passive generation
AC networks when critical lines are HVDC Light transmission technology is
tripped. The converter controllability with of particular interest for power transfer
AC voltage and frequency control pre- between asynchronous AC grids in order
vents tripping of about 100 MW of gen- to increase the security of supply be-
eration at Victoria Falls island close to tween grids with wind farm generation.
the Zambezi converter. A similar condi- The EirGrid East-West Interconnector
tion can occur on the Namibian side project (EWIP), is a benchmark example.
when the AC link to South Africa is lost Commissioned in 2012, EWIP links the
and the Gerus converter station islands high-voltage power grids of Ireland and
together with the Ruacana hydropower Great Britain by means of an HVDC Light
station. Similarly both sides can experi- interconnection. The project is ABB’s
ence passive network conditions where most recent, and largest HVDC Light
no generation is present. Without the project undertaken.
HVDC Light link the outage of critical
lines can lead to a blackout due to the Ireland is expanding its wind power gen-
extremely weak AC network. eration and the 500 MW / ± 200 kV EWIC Peter Lundberg
HVDC Light transmission system pro- ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
The HVDC Light solution has enhanced vides an opportunity to export excess Ludvika, Sweden
stability and assisted with the prevention power into the UK market.
of blackouts. The Caprivi Link converter
stations can provide up to ± 200 Mvar Additional customer benefits, due to the Mike Bahrman
reactive power capability throughout
­ choice of the HVDC Light technology, are ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
nearly the entire power transfer range the system’s black-start capability and Raleigh, NC, United States
from 0 to 300 MW. The solution is pre- active AC voltage support. In addition,
pared for providing n-1 network security by connecting to the UK national grid,
when the full bipole is implemented. Dur- Ireland can now access power from con- Footnote
ing a DC line fault, the converter stations tinental Europe (via an interconnector 1 See also figure 3 on page 35 of this issue of
are temporarily isolated from the AC grid from Great Britain to the continent). ABB Review.

Steps beyond ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 3

Backing up AC grids with DC technology

STEFAN THORBURN, TOMAS JONSSON – VDC transmission is starting rate AC systems ➔ 1 – 2. In the embed-
As the demand for energy grows, so to evolve into a grid of its own ded HVDC grid, the AC frequency is
too does the demand for reliable where very fast HVDC break- the same in all HVDC stations. A power
supplies of energy. When power grids ers help maintain high avail- imbalance in the AC grid cannot be
were established, AC transmission ability of the meshed HVDC grid. The ­a lleviated by HVDC control since both
was the preferred choice, overcoming existing AC system is utilized to trans- ends of the HVDC link are in the same
DC’s inability to be quickly interrupted form power between different voltage grid. With DC and AC grids in parallel,
and transformed. Now, more intelli- levels and to use the less costly AC the AC frequency is the same in the
gent, better-controlled networks are breaker for local fault clearance, mini- HVDC stations, but the HVDC system is
needed. How can these be created? mizing the impact of an electrical fault. in a strong position to mitigate an exist-
The key lies in combining existing AC ing bottleneck on the AC side. With
and DC technologies, making use of Reinforcing the AC grid separated AC grids, the AC frequency
the best of both. HVDC (high-voltage The existing point-to-point HVDC links differs between the HVDC stations; a
direct current) transmission will be already show many examples of support power imbalance in one of the AC grids
embedded inside the AC grid and will functions, which can, even today, be- can be alleviated by applying proper
reinforce the operation of the whole come part of a wider HVDC grid [1]. HVDC control. The size of the HVDC
grid with its controllability, speed and These support functions address four support can easily be limited to the
low losses. At designated locations main constraints in the AC system: present capacity (spinning reserve) of
the HVDC system will operate as a – There must be a power balance the other AC grid.
“firewall,” supporting the AC system between production and consump-
during disturbances. tion (including losses). HVDC as a firewall in the AC grid
– Thermal overloading of the circuits An HVDC system can be placed be-
must be avoided. tween AC grids as a firewall to prevent
– The synchronous generators must be disturbances spreading from one AC
in synchronism. If they are not, there grid to another. The HVDC system can
may be difficulty maintaining the be set up such that loop flows are
integrity of the AC system after an avoided and market power exchange
electrical fault or avoiding oscillations can be fulfilled. Should a power imbal-
between the generators. ance occur on the AC side, HVDC con-
– Availability of local reactive power trol can mitigate the imbalance and
control must be ensured. Losing this b orrow spinning reserve from the
control may result in a voltage neighboring AC systems in a controlled
instability, which could spread and manner.
endanger the whole power network.
Frequency stability
There are also different ways in which An imbalance between the produced
AC and DC systems can be connected. and consumed power will show up as a
The HVDC system can be embedded in frequency deviation. Many HVDC sys-
the AC system or it can connect sepa- tems can mitigate the frequency devia-

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 4 ABB review special report

1 Connecting AC and DC systems 2 Level of support possible from an embedded HVDC system during

Embedded Separated
HVDC grid AC grids

VSC Classic VSC Classic

Operate as a firewall
+ 0 +++ ++
during contingencies

Maintain frequency
N/A N/A +++ +++

Separated Artificial inertia N/A N/A +++ +


++ + + +

Improve voltage
+++ + ++ +

Improve power
++ + ++ +
oscillation damping
Merchant links ++ ++ +++ +++

Black start + 0 +++ 0

technology will start to back up the

3 Case study: Caprivi Link
AC system. When the fault is cleared,
the reactive power output from the
For islanded network situations, the converter
station has a characteristic comparable to an HVDC system will support the power
infinite AC source, ie, a slack bus. The link transfer in the AC grid. This will reduce
Gerus auto­matically converts the active power needed the risk of falling out of step and losing
to maintain the power balance of the system. It
synchronization. Special schemes can
also automatically converts the reactive power
Namibia be set up in the HVDC system to help
needed to keep the AC voltage at the desired
level. Under normal AC network conditions, the quickly restore a viable power flow after
converter resembles an electrical machine to a fault.
generate or consume active and reactive power.
The Caprivi Link interconnects the Namibian
and Zambian/Zimbabwean AC systems ➔ 4. Performance under islanded AC network It is also possible to control the HVDC
The overhead HVDC line has a length of 952 km. in Namibia system in such a way that inadvertent
The first stage of the project was a monopole On June 3, 2010, a high-power transmission power flow changes in the AC grid are
scheme with a nominal power of 300 MW and was planned from Namibia to Zambia. Dur-
automatically compensated for so that a
nominal DC voltage of -350 kV DC. ing the process of ramping up power, when
the power exported from Namibia was about safe power transfer can be maintained
At the initial stage, the AC networks at both 80 MW, an overload protection tripped a 220 kV in the AC system. The active power
sides are extremely weak and the short-circuit line in Nampower’s 220 kV bus zone, which led control can, alternatively, be set up such
ratio (SCR) at the connection points may be to an islanded condition in Namibia.
that it resembles the phase-angle de-
below 0.8. Normally, the AC networks at both
sides of the HVDC link are connected to the This unplanned event was observed and pendency of an AC line (possibly with
AC grid of South Africa, resembling a parallel automatically recorded in both converter sta- reactive power support at each end).
AC structure as in ➔ 1. However, if an AC line is tions ➔ 5. The Gerus substation (shown on
lost it can lead to an islanded network situation page 33 of this issue of ABB Review) immedi-
Power oscillation damping
in either end of the HVDC link. ately reduced the power to almost zero (see
the lower plot in ➔ 5a). About 1s after the line A stressed AC system is prone to elec-
tripped, the Namibian grid restored stable AC tromechanical oscillations of the rotors
voltage and frequency [2]. in the synchronous machines. This is an
unwanted situation since it wears down
the governor systems of the turbines
tion if one of the converters is connect- link in such an AC system can be con- and indicates an operating working
ed to a separate AC grid. Assuming trolled to provide additional inertia in point close to the stability limit related to
that the separate AC grid has spinning o rder to strengthen the local stability.
­ maximum power transfer. By modulat-
­reserve available, the stressed grid can Such functionality has been implement- ing a control signal to the HVDC sys-
be automatically supported to restore ed in the Caprivi Link project in southern tem, oscillations can be damped and a
frequency stability. Africa ➔ 3. safe power transfer limit can be main-
tained in the AC system. This damping
Artificial inertia Maintaining synchronization functionality has been implemented in
In very weak AC systems, frequency To maintain synchronization, the HVDC several links, including the Pacific DC
variations may be a problem due to the system will support the AC system in Intertie and the Fenno-Skan link.
low ratio of rotating mass (inertia) relat- several ways. For example, during a
ed to synchronous machines. An HVDC fault, the VSC (voltage source converter)

AC/DC ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 5
requires precise, controllable power
4 Network map of the Caprivi Link project
flows in order to operate effectively in
3x80MW 100MW Otjikoto
line with the market-derived schedules.
Ruacara Kafue
Power scheduling on an hour or minute


Mazuma basis is a common situation. The con-
Walmund Omburu Omburu SVC
Gerus Zambezi
Sasheke trollability of active power flow in the
To South
Rössing AC
Africa HVDC system compensates for the
Khan 3x27MW Caprivi link Victoria
power flow in the AC system that would
Van Falls P/S
Eck follow the physical laws rather than the
Botswana Victoria S/S prearranged commercial deals.
Hwange P/S

Zimbabwe AC/DC: the grid of the future
Kuiseb Hardap
400 KV
The HVDC system will alleviate power
Auas SVC 330 KV imbalances in the AC system and give
Walvis Bay Kokerhoom 220 KV operators full control over the power
65 KV
Future line flow. With the introduction of VSC tech-
nology, HVDC is also able to operate as
a FACTS 1 device. The HVDC system
Aggeneis Aries South Africa
can consist of a back-to-back convert-
er, a point-to-point connection, a multi-
terminal connection, or a meshed HVDC
grid with parallel paths enhancing the
5 AC voltage, frequency and converter P/Q loadings for Zambezi and Gerus
availability of the HVDC system.
450 400
For more information, please visit


400 350

350 300

300 250

250 200
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
5 5

0 0
F_DEV (Hz)

F_DEV (Hz)

-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
100 100

Stefan Thorburn
50 50
ABB Corporate Research
Q (Mvar)

Q (Mvar)
P (MW)

P (MW)

0 0 Västerås, Sweden
-50 Q -50 Q
-100 -100 Tomas Jonsson
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
Time (s) Time (s)
Västerås, Sweden
5a Gerus 5b Zambezi

Black start its smooth control of both active and References

In some AC grids, black-start function- ­reactive power. As the AC grid is rather [1] S. G. Johansson, et al., “Power System Stability
Benefits with Vsc Dc-Transmission Systems,”
ality is very valuable. The restoration weak and often has reduced short-cir- CIGRE, Paris, 2004.
process (black start) of an AC system cuit power during a black start, high [2] Y. Jiang-Häfner, M. Manchen, “Stability
following a contingency related to loss require­m ents are put on reactive power Enhancement and Blackout Prevention by VSC
of crucial AC lines, islanding or blackout control to maintain voltages. ABB has Based HVDC,” CIGRE, Bologna, 2011.

has some critical requirements, which, implemented and tested this for the
in certain cases, can be fulfilled with an ­E stlink 1 project.
HVDC link. VSC transmission techno­ Footnote
1 FACTS, or flexible alternating current transmis-
logy is particularly suitable. The VSC Merchant links sion systems, are technologies that enhance the
link can follow the cold load pickup and The coupling of electricity markets and security, capacity and flexibility of power
the pickup of the power production with growing commercial interconnections transmission networks.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 6 ABB review special report

Offshore power
With HVDC Light® MATS HYTTINEN – Traditionally, offshore platforms generate their own

ABB offers the off- electricity by burning fossil fuels to run onboard gas turbines and/or
diesel-powered generating units. This inefficient method has come
shore industry an under increasing scrutiny and criticism because it creates substan-
tial greenhouse gas emissions, particularly CO 2; consumes large
alternative way to amounts of fuel; and adversely impacts the health and safety of
platform workers. Some regions also put a high tax on CO 2 emis-
provide electrical sions, adding to the steep operating costs of platform generating
power to platforms systems. ABB’s HVDC Light is a proven technology providing more
efficient power from shore for customers who need reliable power in
remote places. As the offshore industry searches for alternative
ways to provide platforms with electrical energy, ABB is ready with
a solution.

Offshore power ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 7

1 The Troll A was the first HVDC Light transmission
system installed in an offshore platform.

40 years, which is higher than a local workers. The reduced risk of a fire or ex-
­generation solution. Efficiency rates vary plosion, as well as decreased noise levels
­depending on the transmission distance and vibrations, are also important work-
and cable type. With an HVDC Light place improvements.
transmission system there is often more
than a 90 percent efficiency rate, com- Technical background
pared with the typical range of 15 to Initially power-from-shore solutions were
25 percent for a local generation unit. limited to AC cable systems over short
distances (50 to 100 km), or conventional
Coupled with the requirement of high line-commutated HVDC systems. The in-
availability is the cost-effectiveness of the troduction of HVDC Light with voltage

transmission system. Each potential user source converter (VSC) technology in the
BB’s HVCD Light is a robust of HVDC Light for offshore power is late 1990s opened up the market seg-
transmission system with a unique in terms of power rating, distance ment, because VSC technology enables a
long life cycle that reduces op- from the platform to the mainland, sea cost-effective supply of large amounts of
erating and maintenance costs. depth, etc. Initially the cost to install gen- power over long distances using robust,
Such a power-from-shore system helps eration on the platform can be lower than lightweight, oil-free cables. Beyond 50 to
make the platform a safer, cleaner place the cost to install a power-from-shore 100 km, HVDC Light is the only techni-
to live and work by lowering greenhouse system, especially when power ratings cally feasible solution.
gas (GHG) emissions, risk of fire and are low, the sea route is deep and the dis-
­explosions on the platform, and noise and tance from the mainland is long. However, HVDC Light does not need any short-cir-
vibrations, while maintaining the highest by using an electricity supply from the cuit power to operate, which makes it an
standards of reliability and availability. mainland weight and volume on the plat- ideal technology to start up and energize
form are greatly reduced, enabling signifi- offshore platforms and allows for fully
Ensuring high availability and lower cant savings in the long term. A small and inde­pendent control of both active and
costs compact HVDC Light solution may also reactive power. The technology ensures
The offshore industry’s main requirement enable a complete onshore assembly, smooth energization and startup, and
of any power supply solution is high avail- with shorter installation and commission- precise control of the platform’s power
ability, since an emergency shutdown ing time, thus further reducing costs. system.
means loss of production capacity and
income. In terms of operating costs power-from- During a black start, active and reactive
shore alternatives require less mainte- power is automatically adjusted accord-
An HVDC Light installation typically has nance and shorter maintenance shut- ing to the ongoing power need of the
99 percent availability per year, taking into downs. Power-from-shore solutions pro- ­platform. The HVDC Light link will balance
account both scheduled and forced out- duce no emissions, so an emissions tax the load generation automatically as new
ages. The lifetime is on average 30 to is not paid. loads are connected, instantly changing
the transmitted power according to the
From a health and safety perspective, size of the load.
power-from-shore eliminates all hazards
Title picture associated with gas-fired rotating equip-
Valhall HVDC Light field platforms ment operating in the vicinity of platform

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 8 ABB review special report

2 Troll A and Valhall transmission links
Each potential
user of HVDC Light
for offshore power
Troll A
is unique in terms
Kollsnes of power rating,
distance from the
Lista platform to the
mainland, sea
depth, etc.

The optimum balance between the size The system eliminates GHG emissions other 40 years of service. Improvements
of the platform module, equipment cost, from the Troll A platform. ABB’s HVDC include a new production and hotel plat-
engineering work and risks must be eval- Light solution was selected because of its form that require more electric power than
uated in each specific installation. Specif- positive environmental effects, the long is currently available. ABB is responsible
ic arrangements and optimizations of the cable distance under water and the com- for the system engineering and the d
­ esign,
main circuit equipment may be necessary pactness of the converter achieved on and is supplying the HVDC Light system.
to achieve desired compactness. the platform.
According to BP the benefits gained from
In addition, the system design must ensure The electrical drive system that Statoil using ABB’s HVDC Light power-from-
that maintenance activities have an abso- and ABB developed has met all perfor- shore technology, as opposed to conven-
lute minimum effect on system operation. mance expectations. The ABB motor- tional gas-turbine generators, are consid-
With HVDC Light, maintenance time – formers – a very-high-voltage motor and erable. Operating and maintenance costs
­especially work that requires interrupting generator – installed on a platform com- have been significantly lowered. Each
the power transmission – can be minimized pressor skid have performed well and year 300,000 t of CO2 and 250 t of NOX
by exchanging whole modules or compo- ­operate at lower than expected vibration emissions have been eliminated. Working
nents, instead of repairing them, and by levels. conditions have improved and no emis-
introducing redundant systems whenever sions tax is applied. Maintenance is mini-
technically or economically justified. In 2011, ABB was awarded a second mal, simple, remote and safe, which
power-from-shore contract from Statoil ­reduces the need for the constant pres-
Troll A for the Troll A platform, this time to pro- ence of offshore crews.
The Troll A precompression project deliv- vide 100  MW to power two additional
ered to Statoil in the North Sea and com- compressor drive systems. This HVDC
missioned by ABB in 2005 was the first Light transmission system is scheduled to
HVDC Light transmission system ever go into operation in 2015.
­installed in an offshore platform ➔ 1. It is
located in the Troll oil and gas field about Valhall
65  km west of Kollsnes, near Bergen, The Valhall HVDC Light power-from-shore
Norway ➔ 2. This field contains almost transmission system was commissioned
40 percent of total gas reserves on the in October 2011 to replace gas turbines
Norwegian continental shelf, and is the on British Petroleum’s (BP) linked multi-
cornerstone of Norway’s offshore gas platform complex in the North Sea, about
production. 294 km from the Norwegian mainland ➔ 2.
The Valhall HVDC Light system is capable
The groundbreaking solution delivers two of delivering 78 MW to run the offshore
independent systems, each producing oil-and-gas field facilities, though most
42 MW of power from the Norwegian customers need only roughly half the
mainland to power a high-voltage vari- power.
able-speed synchronous machine instal­ Mats Hyttinen
led on the platform to drive compressors The project is part of a redevelopment ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
that maintain gas delivery pressure, com- scheme to increase production at the Ludvika, Sweden
pensating for falling reservoir pressure. 30-year-old complex and equip it for an-

Offshore power ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 9

First-class service
Service and upgrades ANNA JANSSON, HANS BJÖRKLUND – High-voltage direct current (HVDC)
transmission links are being used all over the world to efficiently and
lengthen HVDC cost-effectively transmit large amounts of power from generators to
distant centers of consumption. But such links represent significant
equipment lifetime and investments for the utilities who own them. Also, HVDC assets typically

maximize performance have an expected lifetime that runs into decades. These two aspects of
HVDC mean that properly servicing and upgrading these assets is of
major importance. ABB has extensive experience with HVDC service –
covering regular maintenance and support as well as major service and
upgrades. Control system upgrades, which can be done with a relatively
short system outage, are, in particular, an efficient way to prolong the
high performance of an HVDC link. Service, maintenance and upgrades
have been applied by ABB in many cases to maximize output, increase
functionality and extend the lifetime of HVDC assets.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 0 ABB review special report

1 ABB has many years of experience in HVDC and has maintenance and service agreements
with many HVDC systems operators.

− 24/7 standby Midlife upgrades of HVDC

− Spare parts and other additional installations
services When built, most HVDC installations had
− Control system maintenance a long operational life - typically 30 years

– as a design target. When the end of
hen an HVDC transmission Assessments maximize system this design life nears, it often turns out
asset has a lifetime of lifetime and reduce downtime that the installations are still running very
many decades, then very In order to put a coherent service and efficiently and delivering substantial eco-
often newer, better tech- upgrade plan in place for HVDC equip- nomic benefit to their owners. Often,
nology has come along by the time the ment, it is usually necessary to perform a many important parts – usually repre-
asset has reached the middle of its ex- lifetime assessment of certain systems senting the bulk of the investment – are
pected lifetime. Carrying out an upgrade or items of equipment. Such an assess- still in good working order and can
at this point can add many years to the ment is available for all HVDC-specific be used for many more years to come.
asset’s lifetime as well as further increase equipment provided by ABB – eg, con- Examples of these are overhead lines,
its availability and reliability. ABB has a verter transformers, thyristor valves, cables, buildings, switchyards and trans-
long experience with HVDC and is trusted IGBT valves and control equipment. Sim- formers. When elements of these assets,
by many operators of HVDC systems with such as breakers,
maintenance and service agreements ➔ 1. parts of a cable or
One recent example of a long-term ser- ABB has a long experience single-phase trans-
vice undertaking that typifies this sort of formers, fail, they
arrangement is found in the Estlink 1 with HVDC and is trusted can often be re-
HVDC Light project, where ABB has been
providing services since the commission-
by many operators of HVDC placed on compo-
nent basis. How-
ing of the link in 2006. systems with maintenance ever, there are
some parts of an
These consist of: and service agreements. HVDC installation
− HVDC converter station operation that need to be
support, eg, weekly inspection of viewed as an inte-
unmanned stations ilar assessments can also be carried out grated system and for these it is advan-
− Regular preventive and corrective on conventional AC equipment included tageous to look at a more coordinated
maintenance in the HVDC scheme – eg, breakers, dis- upgrade activity.
− Annual planned maintenance connectors, filter reactors and ca-
bles ➔ 2. These assessments provide the Upgrades of control and protection systems
owner with a firm foundation upon which The lifetime of an HVDC control and pro-
Title picture planning for future upgrades, service and tection system can be expected to be at
HVDC equipment, like this converter station in operation can be based. least 30 years. The actual life is often lon-
Finnböle, Sweden, represents a significant
ger, perhaps 40 years, but for installations
investment. Servicing and upgrading can ensure
that the operator gets the most out of the that will operate for 50 to 60 years it is
equipment as well as extend its life. wise to plan for one replacement of the

First-class service ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 1

2 Breakers at Porto Velho HVDC station 3 Control and protection upgrades
Station commis-
New Zealand pole 1 and 2 1992

CU 2004

Square Butte 2004

Sylmar converter station, Pacific DC Intertie 2004

Skagerrak 1 and 2 2007

Apollo converter station, Cahora Bassa HVDC link 2008

Blackwater 2009

Chateauguay 2009

IPP 2010

Highgate 2012

FennoSkan 1 2013

The following stations are currently

being prepared for control upgrades:

Eel River 2014

Skagerrak 3 2014

Inga Kolwezi 2014

Celilo converter station, Pacific DC Intertie 2015

Quebec New England multiterminal HVDC 2016-17

control equipment during the lifetime of upgrade and ABB has therefore focused
the plant – perhaps after about 20 to both the design of new control and pro-
35 years. In this way, an optimal return on tection systems and the organization of
investment for the new controls can be the upgrade work on keeping outage
achieved. If the plan is to retire the com- times to a minimum.
plete plant after 40 years, the control
equipment can most likely be used during One example of this type of work is the
the entire operational lifetime of the plant recent successful upgrade and testing
if the spare part supply is monitored on Great River Energy’s CU HVDC proj-
closely during the last years of operation. ect – a 1,000 MW / ± 400 kV DC bulk
power transmis-
sion corridor be-

Some parts of an HVDC tween Underwood,

North Dakota and
­installation need to be viewed Dickinson, Minne-
sota, that was built
as an integrated system and and commissioned

for these it is advantageous to by ABB in 1978.

Here, the controls
look at a more ­c oordinated were changed with
just a two-week
upgrade activity. outage of one pole
at a time while the
other pole of the
These assumptions are supported by bipole was running. Thus, the complete
data from the large number of plants bipole could be upgraded in one month,
around the world that have long service during which time the HVDC link could
histories and by the different reasons for still carry 50 percent of its rated power.
upgrading their control and protection
systems. In the Intermountain Power Project (IPP)
in the United States, commissioned in
A complete control equipment upgrade 1986 to bring power from a 1,600 MW
essentially means replacing the brain coal-fired generating plant in Utah to
of the converter; this will inevitably result Southern California, a similar approach
in power transmission being interrupted was used but here a three-week outage
at least for one pole at a time. The cost per pole was needed because not just
of this period of unavailability may be the control system, but also the valve
as much as, or higher than, the actual cooling and the transformer cooling sys-

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 2 ABB review special report

4 MACH control system
In due course,
upgrades of IGBT
valves will be avail-
able in ways similar
to that of thyristor

tems were upgraded to handle higher Kolwezi converter stations. ­Future valve
powers. upgrades are being prepared for the
Eel River and Celilo HVDC converter
In Skagerrak 1 and 2 – HVDC links ­stations.
­b etween Norway and Denmark – a differ-
ent approach was used because mainte- So far, IGBT valves (the successor
nance work on the overhead line was to thyristor valves) have only been in
needed and this required a bipolar out- ­o peration for 15 years. In due course,
age. A three-week bipolar outage was upgrades of IGBT valves will be available
planned, but the installation activities went in ways similar to that of thyristor valves.
very smoothly and power transfer was
restarted after an outage of just 15 days. The further development and improve-
ment of ABB’s HVDC service product
There are many such examples of portfolio is very important and is an
completed control and protection up-
­ ongoing exercise. For example, ABB is
grades  ➔ 3. ABB’s long experience in placing great emphasis on Web-based
HVDC and the very advantageous struc- systems that speed up support and ser-
ture of the MACH control system ➔ 4 vice information exchange between cus-
stands ABB in good stead when such tomers and ABB. Further, an annual
upgrades are executed. u sers’ conference (celebrating its 21st
anniversary this year) ensures that cus-
Thyristor and IGBT valve upgrades tomer feedback is clearly understood
Remarkably, most of the HVDC thyristor and mutual proposals for service im-
converters ever supplied by ABB/ASEA provements can be heard. These and
are still in operation. From the technical many more measures that enhance up-
data available, it can be concluded that grades and service ensure a commit-
the lifetime of a thyristor valve is very ment to quality throughout the entire life
long, probably around 50 to 60 years. cycle of a product.

Because thyristor technology has ad-

vanced so dramatically in the last
40 years, replacing an old thyristor valve
with a new one may be a good business Anna Jansson
proposition for the customer, resulting in Hans Björklund
life extension, lower losses and decreased ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
maintenance. ABB has a leading position Ludvika, Sweden
in this area and has conducted valve
­upgrades in the Sylmar, Apollo, Inga and

First-class service ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 3

A single-source
ABB enjoys a unique position in HVDC systems technol- power semiconductors, cooling equipment, transformers,
ogy, being the sole company able to supply all key compo- bushings and other DC and AC power products, and in
nents. An HVDC substation includes converter valves with many cases, cable connections.

Heart of the
High-voltage power semiconductor devices

MUNAF RAHIMO, SVEN KLAKA – Silicon- wide range of possibilities in terms of dependent on technologies devel-
based high-voltage semiconductor controlling the way electrical energy is oped for lower power applications,
devices play a major role in megawatt transported and used. At the heart of which were then scaled to handle
power electronics conversion. In this revolution lies the power semicon- higher voltages and currents. In
particular, advances in ultrahigh-volt- ductor device: This device performs HVDC applications today, the two
age semiconductors have over the the actual task of modulating the main types of switching devices are
past few decades led to tremendous energy flow to suit the demands of the the phase-controlled thyristor (PCT)
improvements in high-voltage direct application. The main trend in the and the insulated-gate bipolar
current (HVDC) transmission. The development of power devices has transistor (IGBT). Also important is
power device is considered a main always been increasing the power the power diode found in a range of
enabler for the growing demands of ratings while improving overall device applications spanning rectification,
modern grid systems in terms of performance in terms of reduced snubber and freewheeling.
increased power levels, improved losses, increased robustness and
efficiency, greater control and better controllability, and improving Different power-semiconductor-based
integration of renewable energy reliability under normal and fault circuit topologies such as current
sources. conditions. source converters (CSCs) and voltage
source converters (VSCs) are em-
The power electronics revolution, The HVDC-applications market is ployed for the AC/DC conversion
which over the past few decades has small but important for semiconduc- process. For long-distance and
swept across the power delivery and tors. Progress in the domain of power multi-gigawatt power transmission,
automation sectors, has opened up a devices has in the past largely been PCT-based CSC topologies are widely

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 4 ABB review special report

1 Power device evolution and basic structures


Cathode (Metal)
PCT/Diode 150 mm
Bipolar Insulator 125 mm
100 mm
technologies GTO IGCT

Switching power (VA)

gate layer 1,E+07
n MOS n
MOSFET gate layer p GTO
MOS based
technologies IGBT
N-base N-base
Ge Si

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1,E+05

p p 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Anode (metal) Year

Thyristor Insulated
Carrier concentration GTO/IGCT PressPack


2 PCT evolution and 150mm PCT rated at 8.5 kV / 4,000 A for UHVDC
The power elec-
tronics revolution
has opened up
a wide range of
10,000 200
Blocking rating (V)

Wafer area (cm2)

8,000 160

6,000 120
possibilities in
4,000 80
terms of control-
2,000 40 ling the way elec-
0 0
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
trical energy is
transported and
Blocking capability Wafer area
used due to the overall low system low n-doped base region at the
losses. For relatively shorter distances pn-junction to support the high
and lower power levels, IGBT-based electric fields required for the high
VSC conversion is becoming the voltage ratings. For current-carrying
system of choice due to a number of capability with low losses, they
advantageous integration and control require large active areas and highly
features (especially when taking into doped contact regions to provide
account the introduction of renewable high minority carrier (holes) injection
energy into the grid). Despite the levels for modulating the low doped
existence of optimized high-voltage n-base, and good ohmic contacts to
devices with attractive electrical the outside world. Current normally
characteristics, the main development flows in the vertical direction (per-
trend continues to seek higher power pendicularly to the wafer surface)
and superior overall performance. in devices whose voltage range
exceeds 1 kV. Today, silicon-based
Power semiconductor devices for devices can be designed with good
HVDC applications overall performance parameters up to
High-voltage power semiconductors 8.5 kV for a single component. It is
differ from their low-voltage counter- important to note here that power
part in a number of structural as- semiconductors employed in grid
pects. First, they include a wide and systems do not differ from those

A single-source supplier
Topic 45
3 Evolution of IGBT technology and modern structures

Enhanced planar IGBT Trench IGBT

Cathode MOS cells
Cell design Enhancement

SOA n-enhancement p
technologies temp. p
Bulk design
6,500 V n-base n-base
4,500 V
3,300 V
Ratings 2,500 V n-buffer (SPT)
1,700 V
1,200 V p
600 V p

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010


employed in other power electronics bipolar device, which is mainly

For relatively applications such as traction and characterized by its favorable excess
industrial drives. carrier distribution for low on-state
shorter distances losses in conduction mode. The IGBT,

and lower power Nevertheless, for HVDC applications

operating in the hundreds of kilovolts
on the other hand, is a MOS (metal-
oxide semiconductor)-controlled
levels, IGBT- range, devices are normally connect- device with a bipolar effect for
ed in series to support the total achieving low on-state losses.
based VSC DC-line voltage. The choice of the

conversion is single device voltage rating employed

in these systems depends largely on
In contrast to the IGBT, the PCT is
becoming the the performance/cost calculation for not a turn-off device. It is nevertheless
a given topology and operational the device of choice for line-commu-
system of parameters. Devices rated for lower tated CSC HVDC systems due to its

choice. voltages normally have favorably

lower overall loss figures but imply
exceptionally low on-state losses and
very-high-power handling capability.
that a larger number of components Until very recently, state-of-the-art
are needed. single devices were rated at 8.5 kV
with a total diameter of 125 mm.
The basic structure of a PCT and With the increase in demand for even
IGBT is shown in ➔ 1 as is its evolu- higher power HVDC system ratings,
tion over the years along with other larger area 150 mm, 8.5 kV PCTs
with current
ratings up to
The PCT is the device of 4,000 A were
choice for line-commutated for the latest

CSC HVDC systems due to Ultra HVDC

its exceptionally low on-state operating at
± 800 kV with
losses and very-high-power total transmis-

handling capability. sion power

7 GW. The
device concepts such as the integrat- PCT evolution, including the new
ed gate-commutated thyristor (IGCT). 150 mm PCTs and the UHVDC system
The historical increase in the switching valves consisting of series connected
power levels of high-voltage devices is PCTs, is shown in ➔ 2.
also shown. The PCT is a thyristor

46 ABB review special report

4 High-voltage IGBT technologies on-state losses Vce(sat) 5 IGBT application from single chip to system valve

7 Wafer

5 System valve
Today Sub-module section
Vce(sat) (V)

85 A/cm2 75 A/cm2 60 A/cm2 50 A/cm2 40 A/cm2 30 A/cm2
500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500 7,000
Vce (V) Module
Planar NPT Enhanced trench SPT limit
Planar SPT BiMOS thyristor
Enh. planar or trench SPT BiMOS thyristor limit or IGCT
Enhanced trench SPT

Further technology developments are on an enhanced-planar cell design

underway to increase current ratings (EP-IGBT), which has enabled the Today, high- power
to exceed 6,000 A while lowering establishment of a new technology
conduction losses. curve benchmark over the whole IGBT press-pack
IGBT voltage range from 1,200 V up
to 6,500 V as shown in ➔ 4. Future
and insulated
The IGBT is a MOS-controlled bipolar higher power densities and loss modules have rat-
switch and presents the inherent reductions are possible by implement-
advantages of that technology includ- ing Enhanced Trench ET-IGBT cell ings ranging from
ing a controlled low-power driving
requirement and short-circuit self-limit-
designs, Emitter Switched Thyristor
EST structures as shown in ➔ 4 and
1,700 V / 3,600 A
ing capability. The IGBT has experi- integration solutions such as the to 6,500 V / 750 A.
enced many performance break- bi-mode insulated-gate transistor
throughs in the past two decades ➔ 3. (BIGT).

The fast progress in IGBT cell designs A customized press-pack module (Stak-
(planar, trench, enhancement layers) Pak) was developed for series connec-
and bulk technologies such as punch- tion of IGBT and diode chips to be used
through (PT), non-punch-through (NPT) in grid applications. The mechanical
and soft-punch-through (SPT) has led design is optimized to clamp the press
to their widespread deployment in packs in long stacks. The module
many high-voltage applications. Today, remains fully functional due to its design
high-power IGBT press-pack and with individual press-pins for each chip
insulated modules have ratings ranging as shown in ➔ 5. Furthermore, the
from 1,700 V / 3,600 A to 6,500 V / choice of materials is optimized to
750 A. The most recent trends have achieve high reliability.
targeted lower losses by using thinner
n-base regions (SPT) and plasma
enhancement layers and/or trench cell
designs as shown in ➔ 3 accompanied
by higher SOA and higher operating
temperature (HT) levels. Similar
development efforts targeted an
improved diode design to match the
latest IGBT performance. The free- Munaf Rahimo
wheeling diodes play a very important Sven Klaka
role in the application during normal ABB Semiconductors
switching and under surge current Lenzburg, Switzerland
conditions. The current IGBT platform
employed in grid applications is based

A single-source supplier
Topic 47
Crossing land and sea
High-voltage 1 Laying the Gotland cable in 1954

DC cables


JEROENSE – It is notable that
Gotland 1, the very first modern
HVDC project of the 1950s, featured
an underwater link. Following this 2 An extruded HVDC cable for submarine application, equipped with optical fibers for
1954 breakthrough, further HVDC temperature monitoring

cables were installed across the

world. ABB has as of today deliv-
ered 2,300 km of mass impregnated
DC cables.

The Gotland 1 link ➔ 1 did not only

feature the first submarine MI (mass-
impregnated) HVDC cable, but it also
heralded an era of onshore connec-
tions. A new link was built at Gotland
in 1999 using an 80 kV extruded installed more than 5,000 km of
HVDC cable system. Three years later The Murray Link extruded HVDC cable ➔ 2 – 3.
ABB installed the Murray Link at the
antipodes using almost twice the is still today the Almost all modern HVDC cables are
voltage (150 kV) and more than double
the length (180 km). The Murray Link
longest land- single-core. The simplicity of the
design is one of the reasons for the
is still today the longest land-based based high-volt- significant reduction in required
high-voltage cable in the world. The investment compared with HVAC.
contracting of a number of extruded age cable in the HVDC cables can be manufactured in
HVDC cable projects for offshore
wind farms at ± 320 kV is a clear
world. many varieties. Round copper or
aluminum conductors of large sizes
indication for the confidence in this can be used. There are two different
technology. As of 2015, the energy section, NordBalt will be the longest insulation types used for HVDC
supply of Lithuania will be supported extruded high-voltage cable in the cables: Mass-impregnated cables (MI)
by the record-breaking NordBalt world. Once the DolWin2 cable have a layered insulation made of
project. With its 400 km submarine system is complete, ABB will have special paper and impregnated with a

48 ABB review special report

3 Cable history

HVDC and HVDC cables have always had a were expected to grow after the war. At the – Solid 90 mm2 solid copper conductor
flavor of fascination – from the War of Currents same time, the work of Dr. Lamm in Ludvika in order to reduce disadvantageous
between AC and DC at the end of the 19th resulted in mercury-arc valves with acceptable conductor expansion under cable torsion
century to the German “Energiewende,” reliability. in manufacturing or submarine laying
engineers and even the public continue to – 7 mm mass-impregnated insulation,
discuss the fantastic possibilities of HVDC As so often happens in technical development, comfortably exceeding physical require-
cables to transport large amounts of power not only ingenuity but its combination with ments
over virtually unlimited distances. During the pioneering spirit and a certain market situation – Extra-dense insulation paper in order to
first half of the 20th century, HVDC research in lead to the breakthrough – and to the Gotland avoid partial discharges or ionization
countries such as Sweden, the United States project. The Swedish State Power Board as it was called at that time
and Germany focused on converter stations. decided in 1951 to connect the Swedish Island – Double lead sheath. Liljeholmens AB later
The development of high-voltage cables of Gotland electrically to the mainland – a developed a continuous lead sheathing
principally served the widespread AC tech- distance of 100 km. No other technology but machine, which improved the quality and
nology. Although some of the peculiarities a submarine HVDC cable could solve the task. emerged as a virtual standard in high-volt-
surrounding HVDC cables were understood It was a bold decision – nobody had done this age cable sheathing
early on, manufacturing experience remained before. – Double armoring in the landfall cables
scarce. An HVDC cable system was built during
WW II in Germany but was never commissioned Bjurström, the mastermind of Liljeholmens AB The cable design was so successful that the
due to the turmoil of war. It was later re-erected at that time, presented the Gotland cable original Gotland cable link could be upgraded
in Russia as an experimental line. A submarine at the 1954 Cigré conference, in a paper from 100 to 150 kV when power demand
HVDC connection between Norway and the humbly titled “A 100 kV DC cable.” The increased. A piece of the original cable
Netherlands was proposed as early as 1933, Gotland cable was a masterpiece of its time, was analyzed after decommissioning a few
75 years before ABB realized this link. engineered to be reliable. While it is quite decades later and showed no signs of aging.
easy to produce a few hundred meters of
ABB’s predecessor cable factory (Liljeholmens cable, the production and installation of Today, only the double-lead sheath would be
AB) performed HVDC tests on mass-impreg- extreme lengths is a very different business. manufactured differently.
nated cable in the 1940s, maybe sensing the Bjurström and his colleagues put all the best
upcoming interest in the market where grids into the Gotland cable:

high-viscosity compound. The other

type, the extruded insulation, com- The simplicity of the HVDC
prises a polymeric insulation made by
continuous extrusion of ultra-clean ­cable design is one of the
polymeric material. MI cables are a
good choice for the highest ratings
­reasons for the significant
but extruded cables are catching up. ­reduction in required investment
Both insulation types are solid, ie, no
harmful oil is spilled should the cable when compared with HVAC.
be damaged.

Since the insulation must be pro- Characteristics of HVDC cables temperature. A loaded cable gener-
tected from water, submarine HVDC At first sight there is not much ates heat in the conductor, which will
cables always feature a metallic difference between an HVAC and an typically result in a temperature drop
sheath serv­ing as a water block HVDC cable. Both contain a conduc- across the insulation. The tempera-
and path for short-circuit currents. tor, insulation, a water barrier and in ture distribution will have a corre-
Extruded underground HVDC cables the case of the submarine cable, sponding effect on the resistivity
can instead use a lightweight metallic armor. The main difference lies in the distribution. As a result, the electrical
laminate sheath and a copper wire electrical high-voltage insulation. field distribution may be inverted in a
screen. loaded HVDC cable compared with
From an electrical point of view, HVAC (where the electric field is
The HVDC cable can be dressed with HVDC insulation behaves differently always the highest at the conductor
tough outer plastic sheaths, or wire than its HVAC counterpart. While screen and decreases toward the
armoring for, eg, subsea applications. the electrical field – an important insulation screen). The effect of field
The extruded HVDC cable can be design and operational parameter – inversion is a well-known peculiarity
installed in the most challenging is defined by the permittivity in an of both mass-impregnated and
environments, such as the deep sea HVAC cable, it is (also) controlled extruded cable.
and vertical shafts ➔ 4. by the resistivity in the HVDC case.
The resistivity of the insulation
material depends in part on the

A single-source supplier ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­4 9

4 Selection of ABB’s groundbreaking HVDC cable projects 5 The PEA technique presents a reliable method to quantify
space charge
Project Location DC voltage Insula- Year Remarks
name tion
Cable screen Guard ring Cu-foil Ferrite
First submarine HVDC Semicon
Gotland 1 Sweden 100 - 150 kV MI 1954
cable ever

Baltic Sweden- Highest Voltage, longest

450 kV MI 1994
Cable Germany length at that time

Longest underground UA
Murray Link Australia ± 150 kV XLPE 2002
cable system of all times.
580 km. Longest
NorNed ± 450 kV MI 2008 power cable system,
all categories

First extruded HVDC

Sweden ± 320 kV XLPE 2015 system with combined
cables and OH line.

Longest HVDC Light

Pulse generator
Sweden- system, 400 km submarine
NordBalt ± 300 kV XLPE 2015
Lithuania cable route with cost-
saving Al conductor

The development of the extruded (such as lightning and switching

The main differ- cable took time: The physics of the impulses). DC field control is achieved
polymer insulation under DC electric by a continuous layer of nonlinear field
ence between stress was a new area, and proper grading material (FGM) connecting full

HVAC and non-destructive measurement

technology was not available. In the
potential to ground.

HVDC cable lies 1960s, theorists had predicted that

so-called space charges would impact
in the electrical the electric field and therefore possibly

high-voltage have a negative effect on the perfor-

mance of the cable. Space charges,
insula tion. as the term suggests, are charges
that are present inside the insulation.
These charges will affect the local field
strength and “distort” the distribution
of the electrical field. In the 1980s
Tatsuo Takada in Japan presented a
reliable measurement technology to
quantify space charge in both magni-
tude and space. The measurement
principle is called the pulsed electro-
acoustic (PEA) method. ABB was one
of the first companies to use it ➔ 5.

Applying this tool as well as a wide

technology base in physics, chemistry
and high-voltage engineering, ABB
was able to develop 80 kV extruded Thomas Worzyk
cable systems. The technology has Ola Hansson
since been boosted to 320 kV. Marc Jeroense
ABB Power Systems
Cable accessories for HVDC Light Lyckeby, Sweden
extruded cables utilize a combination
of geometric and refractive field
grading for capacitive field distribu-
tions and nonlinear resistive field grad-
ing for DC field distributions. The Torbjörn Sörqvist
accessories are designed to ensure an ABB Power Products
appropriate electric-field level when Alingsås, Sweden
subjected to time-varying voltages

50 ABB review special report Topic 50

HVDC valves 1 Valve suspended from the ceiling of the valve hall


SHENG – The heart of the converter is
the valve, which comes in two basic
designs for HVDC Classic and HVDC
Light®, based on thyristors and IGBT
semiconductors, respectively.

Two different designs of thyristor-

based line-commutated valves have
been developed by ABB: a conven-
tional base-mounted design with
support insulators standing on the
floor, and another (more frequently For the sake of reliability they have a ing voltages and currents, while also
used) design with the valve suspended minimum of electrical components reducing conducting and switching
from the ceiling of the valve hall  ➔ 1. and connections. The main compo- losses. The first HVDC valves designed
The latter design is particularly suitable nents are thyristors and their voltage by ABB were for the upgrading of the
for withstanding seismic stresses, but dividers, control units and heat sinks. Gotland transmission – they used
also offers cost advantages. thyristors with
an area of
The design uses a modular concept The design uses a modular 5 cm2. The
to ensure high reliability while retaining next valve
the flexibility to design valves accord- concept to ensure high design (used
ing to customer requirements and
preferences. A valve is built up with
­reliability while retaining the for the
one or several layers depending flexibility to design valves transmission)
on the required voltage withstand featured
capability  ➔ 2. Each layer consists of ­according to customer require­ double-sided
series-connected thyristor modules
with intermediate current-limiting
ments and preferences. cooling of the
reactors, corona shields and piping which had
for the cooling liquid. The individual The modules are of compact design an area of 8 cm 2. Today thyristors have
parts are supported by a mechanical for easy access during maintenance. an area of up to 130 cm2 capable of
structure with a central shaft running The design allows components to be withstanding continuous currents up
vertically through the structure with exchanged without opening the water to 4,500 A and short-circuit current
ladders and working platforms for cooling circuit   ➔ 3. up to 50 kA, eg, for the Xiangjiaba-
easy access. Shanghai ± 800 kV Ultra-HVDC
Each module contains a number project  [1].
Thyristor modules of thyristors connected in series.
Thyristor modules are of a mechani- Continuous thyristor development
cally standardized compact design. enables them to handle ever-increas-

A single-source supplier
Topic ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 1
2 Single layer of a valve 3 Thyristor module


Thyristor module

4 Voltage across thyristor level

Service platform
Current busbar

Aluminum shields
Water pipes

Light guide channel

Protected area

A switching position is built up from IGBT-based voltage source type mainly depends on the appli-
a thyristor with two parallel circuits, converter valves cation.
each consisting of a damping circuit The use of IGBT-based voltage source
and a DC grading circuit, as well a converters (VSCs) in HVDC power A switch-type valve has a close
TCU (thyristor control unit). The TCU transmission was a breakthrough. apparent resemblance to conventional
converts the optical firing pulses Its first application was in a 3 MW thyristor valves: A large number of
from the control system to electrical HVDC Light test installation in Hällsjön series-connected IGBT devices are
signals to trigger the gate that fires in 1997. Since then, 20 VSC HVDC switched simultaneously. Pulse-width
the thyristor. The TCU includes modulation
state-of-the-art built-in functions (PWM) is used
that protect it against overvoltages The liquid in the closed to achieve a
during the reverse recovery period good approxi-
(after a thyristor turns off) as well as valve cooling system is mation of a
from high voltages in the forward
blocking state ➔ 4.
continuously passed through sinusoidal
output voltage
a deionizing system to keep (AC volt-
By using this hybrid technique, ABB age) ➔ 5.
is able to provide a very compact its conductivity low.
TCU. ABB’s service record is also A CTL
unbreakable: Of the more than 19,000 converter
thyristors installed since 2000, only power transmissions have been integrates the DC capacitors into the
four thyristor failures have been installed or are under construction by valve. The valve consists of series-
reported. This demonstrates the supe- ABB alone [2]. connected voltage cells that can
rior design of electrically triggered produce a sinusoidal voltage ➔ 6.
thyristors. Two types of VSCs have been devel- The greater the number of cells con-
oped for HVDC transmission: the nected in series, the more sinusoidal
“switch” type and the cascade two- the waveform. A CTL converter valve
level (CTL) or “controllable voltage for the DolWin1 HVDC trans mission
source” type. The choice of converter project is shown in figure 3 page 25.

52 ABB review special report

5 Voltage and current in a switch-type VSC valve with PWM 6 Voltage output of a CTL-type converter with seven voltage
cells in series connection
Uv(t) (kV) and Uac(t) (kV)


-100 +1⁄2U dc
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02
time (s)
4 U

Iv(t) (kV)

0 -1⁄2Udc


0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02
time (s)

7 StakPak IGBT used in ABB’s VSC valves 8 Overview of a typical valve cooling system 9 Typical skid-based modularized
redundant cooling system
Main pumps Shunt valves
vessel M

verter Mechanical filters

Deionizer filters Replenishment


Mechanical filters

In this project, one valve consists of tors. This efficiently transports heat
thirty-six voltage cells. away from the device to be cooled
through heat exchangers using either
The modular design concept for air or a secondary circuit. The liquid in
valves is found in both switch and the closed-valve cooling system is
CTL types. ABB’s VSC valves use continuously passed through a
StakPak IGBTs   ➔ 7. These switching de-ionizing system to keep its
modules create an internal short conductivity low.
circuit should they fail, making them
similar to thyristors. This function A typical valve cooling system is Jonatan Danielsson
allows a current to continue to con- shown in  ➔ 8 and ➔ 9. ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
duct through a faulty IGBT device Raleigh, NC, United States
without calling for an external bypass
circuit (as is the case for other IGBT
types). The decreased deployment Baoliang Sheng
of components at high potential can ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
therefore augment the valve’s avail- Ludvika, Sweden
ability, reliability and compactness.
StakPak follows the conventional
press-pack design advantages such
as better cooling and robust mechani- References
cal module structure [3]. [1] J. Waldmeyer and W. Zhengming, “Six Inch
Thyristors for UHVDC,” in Proc. 2006
International Conference on UHV Transmission
Valve cooling Technologies, Nov. 27–29, 2006, Beijing, China.
The purpose of the cooling system is [2] G. Asplund, “Application of HVDC Light to
to dissipate the power losses gener- Power System Enhancement,” IEEE/PES Winter
Meeting, Singapore, January 2000.
ated in the valves. Coolant fluid is [3] B. Jacobson, et al., “VSC-HVDC Transmission
circulating through the heat sink in with Cascaded Two-Level Converters,” B4-110,
close contact with the semiconduc- CIGRE 2010, Paris, France.

A single-source supplier
Topic ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 3
Converter 1 An early converter transformer

A 60-year journey

MATS BERGLUND – ABB’s HVDC- 2 The function of the HVDC converter transformer
transmission transformer technology
Voltage and dielectric separation integral part of the control of the HVDC
has evolved from the 1954 Gotland
In all HVDC systems (regardless of the system, both from an active and reactive
link  ➔ 1. ABB’s predecessor com- converter topology) the HVDC converter power perspective. Compared with other
pany, ASEA, broke new ground with transformer serves as an interconnection transformers, the HVDC converter
its 400 kV DC technology used in the between the AC grid and the converter transformer often displays a large regulation
1,000 MW CU project (Coal Creek valve. Besides converting AC voltage and range – a consequence of its role as an
current to a level suitable for the converter integrated regulating function of the
Station to Underwood, ND, United valve, the HVDC converter transformer fulfills HVDC system.
States) in 1977. The company additional roles in the HVDC system. For
asserted its undisputed technology many converter topologies (HVDC Classic Short-circuit current limitation and
leadership with the Itaipu (Brazil) and asymmetric HVDC Light®) the most system properties
important function of the transformer is to In the early days of converter valves, a key
project of 1982 (3,150 MW / 600 kV keep the DC-voltage offset created by the feature of the transformers was to provide an
DC). This was to be a cornerstone in converter valve out of the AC network. impedance to limit the short-circuit current
HVDC converter-transformer history. This results in AC and DC stress being to the semiconductor valve. As the capability
To realize this record-breaking superimposed in the winding of the of semiconductors grew, this property
transformer. lessened in importance. The transformer still
milestone, ASEA built on the fulfills basic functions in enabling correct
knowledge it accumulated delivering Power and voltage regulation interaction between the HVDC transmission
high power transformers to the The HVDC converter transformers is an and the AC network.
booming AC-networks during the
3 Design aspects for the HVDC-converter transformer
It was not until the end of the 1990s
that anything close to Itaipu would be High power, high voltage and DC Reactive loading
attempted in terms of transmission HVDC converter transformers are among For HVDC transformers, reactive power
the largest transformers in terms of power, capability of the complete transmission is
power. The next records were set by
voltage and complexity. On top of this come translated into the transformer’s ability to
transmission projects in China: The the requirements dictated by the need to handle the reactive load.
first two major HVDC links were from handle DC voltages.
the Three Gorges hydropower station Short-circuit-like duty
Impact from current harmonics The mercury-arc valves of the early HVDC
to the load centers in eastern China,
For some applications, the load current seen days sometimes “backfired,” subjecting
for which ABB was a key supplier. by the transformers is not perfectly smooth. the transformers to a condition close to
This implies extra care for the thermal short circuit. Apparently, the ABB design was
A diversification of HVDC-transmis- dimensioning of the HVDC converter sufficiently robust as there is no history of
transformer as well as its accessories, short-circuit incidents – but this was not
sion configurations into the Light and
bushings and tap changers. formally proven until 2007 when ABB
Classic variants started at the end of short-circuit tested an HVDC converter
the 1990s. The thyristor-based HVDC transformer for the first time.
Classic has built on its strengths –

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 4 ABB review special report

4 HVDC transformer configurations
The ultrahigh
All HVDC systems need transformers, but
how these are arranged can vary quite
direct consequence of HVDC-transmission
power capability and the transformer
substantially between projects depending on
the specification of the project. In their basic
voltage is highly
forms, each pole of an HVDC Classic system
needs to be fed by six phases of transform-
For HVDC Classic, the transformer
alternatives are shown below. challenging to
ers while HVDC Light needs a three-phase
supply. Typically, more transformers are needed the insulation
abilities of the
when transmission power and transmission
The HVDC-transformer configuration of an voltage are high. The spare transformers
individual project is unique to the project and strategy in the converter station also plays
determined by the sheer size of transformers an important role in the selection of converter
in relation to the limitations in the transport transformer solution.
infrastructure between the place of manu-
facture and the HVDC converter station. For HVDC Light, the transformer solutions
The main driver behind size of the converter possible often are limited to the choice of
transformer is the rated power, which is a single-phase and three-phase transformers.

transmission voltage of 1,100 kV DC.

3-phase, 3-winding 3-phase, 2-winding 1-phase, 3-winding 1-phase, 2-winding This means that the transformers
transformers transformers transformers transformers
must have a very high power rating,
Y Y Y and thus a substantial physical size
Y Y – weighing in excess of 600 t  ➔ 6.
The ultrahigh DC-transmission voltage
is highly challenging to the insulation
Y abilities of the converter transformers.
These are subjected to extreme test
1 unit per 2 units per 3 units per 6 units per
12-pulse bridge 12-pulse bridge 12-pulse bridge 12-pulse bridge
voltages before delivery. Besides the
voltage stresses often appearing in
HVDC Classic, these transformers
often claim superlatives in terms of
5 Project execution power rating as well. The largest
HVDC converter transformers built
Technical and scientific proficiency is one China are examples where ABB has set
have single-phase power ratings in
important aspect of HVDC converter industry records. In the project between excess of 600 MVA – the largest in the
transformers, but equally important is the Hami and Zhengzhou ABB delivered all world of transformers ➔ 7.
way projects are executed and how HVDC converter transformers to the
technology is implemented. HVDC projects 8,000 MW, 800 kV DC mega-project in
often need a long series of HVDC converter 17 months. This should be compared with
HVDC Light
transformers being manufactured in a timely the delivery times of the Three Gorges HVDC Light systems share certain
manner to complete the supply for an projects where the complete time schedule features with HVDC Classic systems,
individual project. As lead times for delivery ranged over 36 months. These improve- while others are less prominent.
of projects are gradually reduced, this aspect ments could very well stem from the
becomes more and more important. abundance of projects delivered: ABB was
Depending on the system configura-
responsible for more than 50 percent of all tion, the converter transformers are
ABB has taken the lead in this important the projects realized – far more than any of sometimes exposed to a DC stress
development. The deliveries to SGCC in its competitors. similar to that of the HVDC Classic
systems, while in some system
configurations they are not. The
­ xpanding into ultrahigh transmission
e To understand what contemporary further the capability of HVDC Light
voltages enabling very efficient power HVDC transmission means for the advances, the greater the DC stress
transmission over long distances. HVDC converter transformers a that the converter transformer must
HVDC Light, which started off as a complete view of the technologies and face  ➔ 8.
moderate power application, has their applications are given below.
grown into a medium-power transmis- A clear contrast to the HVDC Classic
sion system that nowadays can do HVDC transformers today systems is found in the load current
what HVDC Classic could do at the HVDC Classic has in recent years that the converter transformers for
end of the 1990s ➔ 2 – 5. seen rapid expansion in terms of HVDC Light are subject to. For HVDC
performance. HVDC Classic can now Light, the load current is in most
transmit up to 11,000 MW at a cases free from current harmonics,

A single-source
single source supplier
Topic ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 5
6 800 kV UHVDC (ultrahigh voltage direct current) converter transformer 7 Power rating references

Project Rated power Year

Itaipu 314 MVA 1982

404 MVA 1987

Sylmar 625 MVA 2007

Rio Madeira 630 MVA 2011

Celilo upgrade 785 MVA 2014

The thyristor-
based HVDC
Classic has built
on its strengths –
expanding into
ultrahigh trans-
mission voltages
enabling very
efficient power
8 Converter transformers and the spare transformer at Woodland HVDC Light® station
in Ireland.
transmission over
long distances.

HVDC converter transformers will

need to connect HVDC systems
directly to AC networks at even higher
voltages than are used today. An
HVDC-transformer technology for
interconnecting the highest voltage
DC transmissions to 800 kV AC sys-
tems already exists and there will
soon be commercial applications.
Beyond this, interconnections to even
higher AC voltages, such as the
1,000 kV AC networks in China, are a

whereas in HVDC Classic the trans- reactive, something that needs to

formers must cope with the thermal be carefully considered in the trans­-
stress originating from the extra losses former design.
incurred by current harmonics.
The future Mats Berglund
One consequence of the reactive It is not only the DC voltage level on ABB Power Products
power capability of HVDC Light is that the HVDC transmission itself that is Ludvika, Sweden
a large portion of the load can be being increased. Another trend is that

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 6 ABB review special report

A key component 1 Capacitor bank at Porto Velho HVDC station in Brazil

in HVDC systems


– Capacitors have multiple functions
in HVDC systems  ➔ 1. They cover
aspects such as reactive power
compensation, DC filtering, AC filter-
ing and power-line carrier coupling.
Capacitor technology for HVDC has
gone through the various shifts in
technology from impregnated mixed
dielectrics (paper/film) to full-film
dielectrics with highly specialized
capacitor fluids. The latest technology
used in HVDC Light® applications
features dry solutions based on
special metallized film dielectrics.

ABB’s technology is based on its long

experience and deep understanding
of specific DC phenomena such as
space charges. An example of ABB’s
prowess is the internally fused
capacitor used to maintain high levels
of power quality and availability.

HVDC’s increasing voltage levels

have introduced special mechanical
challenges in the design of the capaci- As a technology leader, ABB also
tor stacks, not the least of which drove the technology shift to dry
concern seismic requirements. HVDC capacitors for HVDC Light,
required to handle unit voltage ratings
Capacitors are part of the output filter above 150 kV. ABB’s dry DC capacitor
that reduces harmonics. One chal- technology is based on metallized film Birger Drugge
lenge faced is that these harmonics with self-healing properties. With Peter Holmberg
generate sound in the components. ABB’s dry technology, customers ABB Power Products,
Special patented sound-attenuating benefit from higher availability and High Voltage Products
solutions have been developed to reduced footprint of the link, also Ludvika, Sweden
keep the sound level low and meet improving the eco-aspect of the
environmental requirements. solution.

A single-source supplier
Topic ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 7
1 ABB’s HVDC arresters 2 Comparison of gapped SiC arrester and
gapless ZnO surge arrester

6- to 12-pulse valve AC bus

Neutral bus HVDC AC filter

arrester applications

DC breaker

DC filter DC bus

2a XDL 280 A surge 2b ZnO surge

arrester (1970s) arrester (1980s)

Surge arresters
60 years of HVDC protection

LENNART O. STENSTROM, JAN-ERIK The various arresters normally used in A short history of ABB (and predeces-
SJÖDIN – An HVDC station features an HVDC project are shown in ➔ 1. sor company ASEA) HVDC surge
different types of surge arresters to arresters is shown in ➔ 3 and ➔ 5.
protect the equipment from overvol- Historically HVDC stations were first
tages caused by lightning and/or protected by gapped SiC surge ABB has a number of designs for
switching events. In some equipment arresters until the late 1970s when HVDC arresters optimized for thermal,
such as DC breakers, surge arresters gapless ZnO surge arresters were electrical and mechanical stresses,
also may form an integral part of the introduced. The last generation of the safety requirements and cost depend-
apparatus. gapped arresters were quite complex ing on the application.
and comprised a vast number of
The stresses the arresters have to be components such as spark gaps, To date, tens of thousands of ABB
designed for, compared with normal SiC blocks, grading capacitors and HVDC arresters have been delivered
AC arresters, are characterized by, for grading SiC resistors. The design worldwide with an excellent service
example: became even more complex when record.
– Special voltage waveforms compris- parallel columns had to be used to
ing frequency components ranging meet high energy demands or low Instrument transformers –
from pure DC, and power frequency protection levels  ➔ 2 shows how the reliable metering and protection
to several kHz introduction of the ZnO material ABB has been producing instrument
– Very low protection levels required remarkably simplified the internal transformers by the thousands for
– High energy demands – eg, for valve design of the surge arresters com- more than 70 years ➔ 4. Their applica-
arrester, neutral-bus arresters and pared with the previous gapped tions range from revenue metering,
arresters for DC breakers HVDC arrester. control, indication and relay protec-
– High ambient temperature, eg, for tion. One field of application in HVDC
valve arresters is the use of capacitor voltage

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 8 ABB review special report

3 Surge arrester 4 420 kV cap. 5 The first gapless HVDC arrester and the first 500 and 1,100 kV DC bus arresters with
history at ABB volt. transf. polymer housings

Pre-1979: Gapped SiC

1979: First gapless
ZnO surge arrester
(probably the world’s
first) delivered to a
250 kV HVDC station in
Denmark ➔ 5a
2000: First 500 kV
arrester with
delivered to the 3GS
project in China ➔ 5b
2006: First 800 kV
arrester type tested
and energized for a
China project
2012: First 1,100 kV
arrester fully type
tested ➔ 5c

5a Gapless HVDC line 5b 500 kV DC bus arrester 5c 1,100 kV DC bus

arrester (1979) (2000) arrester (2012)

of a capacitor voltage transformer

ABB has been incorporates an inductive reactor,

producing instru- connected in series between the

capacitive voltage divider and the
ment transform- high-voltage end of the primary
winding, to compensate for the shift
ers by the thou- in phase angle caused by the
capacitive reactance of the capaci-
sands for more tor’s voltage divider. This type of
than 70 years. compensation allows simple con-
struction to obtain high accuracy for
high loads. However, the reactance
transformers to obtain the source and capacitance form a tuned circuit
voltage for converter control, as well that gives relatively low accuracy at
as to obtain signals for the protec- frequencies outside the nominal
tion of the converter station. The frequency.
output from the capacitor voltage
transformers is used to trigger the In an HVDC application, the capacitor
thyristor valves at a certain time, voltage transformer that is used to
based on the previous zero crossing obtain the source voltage for special
of the AC voltage. Because even requirements in converter control for
minor disturbances can be disas- transient and frequency response
trous to the operation of the HVDC uses an electromagnetic unit without
station, special requirements must be a separate compensation reactor. For
met for transient and frequency this special type, the function of the
response. compensation reactor and the
primary winding of the intermediate Lennart O. Stenstrom
The first capacitor voltage transform- transformer are combined into one Jan-Erik Sjödin
ers were produced by ABB in the device. This arrangement gives a ABB Power Products,
1950s for delivery to the 1,000 km, substantially increased operating High Voltage Products
400 kV AC transmission line from frequency range, and highly improved Ludvika, Sweden
Harsprånget to Hallsberg in Sweden. transient response.
The electromagnetic unit in the base

A single-source supplier ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­5 9

Trend lines
The first high-voltage direct current (HVDC) pioneers the last few years have seen a steady stream of world-
started work in the early 1920s, but it was not until 1954 record-breaking achievements in both the classic
that ASEA, a predecessor of ABB, was able to develop line-commutated converter (LCC) and in the more recent
and commission the first commercial subsea HVDC link, voltage source converter (VSC) areas. HVDC progress
to the island of Gotland, in Sweden. Since then, HVDC has, to a large extent, been made possible by the
technology has been characterized by rapid and evolution of a particular set of key technologies and
continuous advances driven by new and demanding products and it is likely that these will continue to drive
customer needs. Despite the maturity of the technology, the field for the foreseeable future.

Future 1 HVDC is the technology of choice for bringing distant

offshore wind power to shore.

Technologies for bulk
power transmission are
evolving fast

PER SKYTT – Advances in HVDC In addition, HVDC makes it more cost for the user during its entire life
technology in recent years have straightforward to interconnect cycle – which in HVDC can span
been breathtaking: Bulk transmis- asynchronous AC networks and it decades. The initial investment, driven
sion for extremely long distances can effectively be used in very long by equipment and plant size, and
has reached levels of 8 GW using subsea cables that connect AC engineering and commissioning
± 800 kV ultrahigh-voltage DC and systems. HVDC is also ideal for efforts, can be considerable and
ratings above 10 GW are envisioned powering offshore oil and gas installa- improved technology and processes
within a few years; world-record tions with clean electricity from shore. can contribute significantly to cost
subsea transmission cable projects Further, embedding HVDC in AC reduction here. HVDC also saves cost
have opened the door to the further systems is an effective way to rein- during operation because total
expansion of the global power cable force bulk transfer and strengthen the electrical system losses, a major
network; and new VSC tech­n ology AC system operation. factor for many operators, are lower
will simplify the job of con­n ecting than in other solutions.
weak AC networks as well as Customer values
making it easier to transfer power As in many technology areas, one of Other aspects are important too:
from offshore wind generators and the most important aspects of the As HVDC is a part of critical national
other remote renewables  ➔ 1. product is a continuous reduction of electrical infrastructure, reliability and

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 0 ABB review special report

2 HVDC lines in Brazil. HVDC meets many criteria for bulk electrical power transport. 3 Evolution of HVDC Classic power and
voltage ratings
Voltage Power
Valve type Year
(kV) (MW)
1954 100 20
1968 533 1,440

Thyristor 1970 50 10

Thyristor 1977 250 500

Thyristor 1978 500 560

Thyristor 1979 400 1,000

Thyristor 1985 500 2,000

Thyristor 1987 600 3,150

Thyristor 2003 500 3,000

Thyristor 2010 800 6,400

Thyristor 2013 800 7,200

availability become essential consider- decisive steps will be taken. The
ations. In addition, less-easily defin- improvements being made to indi- Thyristor 2014 1,100 10,000
able requirements often come into vidual components and the way they
play, such as an efficient approval are used within HVDC systems
process for the system, the supplier’s suggest that HVDC transmission and computer memory have pushed
experience, simplicity of updates and systems will continue to gain in material and processing limits beyond
upgrades, and project execution functionality and capacity for the what many thought possible. The
time ➔ 2. foreseeable future. industry has gone from 4-inch to
5-inch and now 6-inch thyristors,
Performance improvements increasing current ratings. Voltage
Even though HVDC technology has Breaking DC cur- ratings have been increased by many
reached a point at which many vital kilovolts purely with enhanced
and demanding applications can be rents has been a processing ability and material quality.
satisfied, there is a need for further
enhancement in capabilities and
major challenge The IGBT has seen an even more
drastic development in the past few
performance: when applying years that has enabled VSC HVDC to
− Increased power ratings and lower reach the 1 GW level. This develop-
losses for bulk transfer using LCCs HVDC on a large ment looks set to continue for many
− Increased power ratings for VSCs
– enabling connections to remote
scale. However, years to come, until silicon-based
technology reaches its theoretical
renewable generators or the ABB’s new hybrid limits. Already, however, other even
interconnection of weak AC more capable semiconductor materi-
networks HVDC breaker als, principally silicon carbide, are
− Further reduction in HVDC station
size – allowing applications offshore
has changed this. emerging as the basis of new compo-
nents. Indeed, silicon carbide devices
and in constrained urban areas have already started to appear in
Power semiconductors lower power applications.
These enhancements will come about The core of an HVDC system is a
by developments in key enabling-tech- silicon-based power semiconductor Insulation
nology areas ➔ 3. device: a thyristor in an HVDC Classic The DC voltage withstand of HVDC
system, or a more controllable tran- components and systems is a critical
Enabling technologies sistor device, an IGBT (insulated- factor to consider when designing
The advances in HVDC have, to a gate bipolar transistor), for HVDC reliable and compact electrical
large extent, been made possible by Light ➔ 4 – 5. This technology benefits systems. DC voltage withstand limits
the evolution of a particular set of key from the astonishing progress that has have been pushed ever higher in
technologies and products. These been made in the mainstream semi- recent years and systems operating
same technologies and products conductor business – where fabrica- at 1,100 kV have recently been made
provide the arena in which future tion processes for microprocessors possible. But better DC voltage

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 1

4 Assembly of thyristors at ABB’s semiconductors facility 5 ABB StakPak with four and six submodules

withstand has advantages other than DC breakers The latest systems use, as their basis,
higher operating voltages and capaci- Breaking DC currents has, for many advanced electronics that are tailored
ties – converter stations can be made years, been seen as a major challenge for HVDC.
smaller, for example. Gas-insulated when applying HVDC on a large scale.
solutions for DC will play a major role However, ABB’s new hybrid HVDC Trends
as will further expansion of the air- breaker has changed this and has From day one, pioneering technology
insulated switchgear design envelope. thus ushered in a new era of HVDC has ensured ABB’s leading position in
transmission networks. This paves the the HVDC field. This leadership will be
Cable technology way for large multiterminal systems of great importance in the planning of
A key enabling product for HVDC is and a future supergrid HVDC system future electrical transmission systems
the lightweight polymer-insulated that will be superimposed on the – in which HVDC will play a major role.
cable, which allows systems with existing AC network. In addition, the theoretical limits of
higher transmission capabilities to be HVDC’s core technologies have not
built. Recent history shows a dramatic Control systems yet been reached, so HVDC holds
evolution of the cross-linked poly­ An HVDC system comprises a collec- great potential and is set to become
ethylene (XLPE) DC cable, for instance. tion of controllable equipment that an even more dominant technology for
The first HVDC Light systems oper- needs constant monitoring and con- bulk power transmission.
ated with a system voltage of 80 kV trol. The semiconductor valve itself,
and projects currently under construc- for example, relies on a very fast and
tion will operate at ± 320 kV, enabling reliable automatic control regime to
900 MW of power to be transmitted. fire the thyristors in the HVDC Classic
And there is scope to expand cable product, or to fire the on and off
signals for
the IGBTs in

The DC voltage withstand HVDC Light.

Apart from
of HVDC components and this, the entire
systems is a critical factor and auxiliary
to consider when designing need to be
reliable and compact electri- constantly
monitored and
cal systems. controlled to
ensure all
development much further: Theo­retical work in harmony. ABB has developed
limits are well above current ratings such dedicated control and protec- Per Skytt
and this points to the possibility of tion systems – starting with ones ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
future cables performing at levels far based on vacuum tubes that then Ludvika, Sweden
above current ones. evolved into relay-based solutions.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 2 ABB review special report

Breaking 1 ABB’s new hybrid HVDC breaker will revolutionize the HVDC field by making
­m ultiterminal HVDC grids possible.

ABB’s unique
­hybrid HVDC
breaker is a key
component for
future grids

JÜRGEN HÄFNER, REZA DERAKHSHAN- The hybrid HVDC breaker melds reliable Building multiterminal HVDC systems
FAR, PETER LUNDBERG – The best way power electronics already used in with more than one protection zone
to transport large quantities of electri- HVDC converter stations and fast-dis- would increase the robustness of the
cal power over long distances with connecting gas-insulated switchgear system during DC faults and would be
minimal losses is to use high-voltage technology to fill a gap in the products of great value to the customer. However,
direct current (HVDC) technology. needed to build large multiterminal the absence of a suitable breaker has,
Because more, and more remote, systems with multiple protection zones. until now, limited the feasibility of this.
renewable power sources are coming
online and urban centers of consump- The hybrid HVDC breaker opens up a DC breakers are required to protect
tion are pulling in power from further new era not only for the transport of voltage source converters from line
and further afield, the importance of renewable energy but also for all other faults in DC grids and to enable a
HVDC is growing rapidly. However, types of generated power that has to reactive power compensation mode for
since the dawn of HVDC technology, voltage stabiliza-
almost a century ago, one major tion in point-to-
com-ponent has been missing – a This 100-year-old electrical point and
low-loss breaker that is appropriate multiterminal
for the high voltages and high speeds engineering problem has HVDC applica-
required. The absence of this critical
component has confined HVDC topol-
now been solved by the tions. The
relatively low
ogy to point-to-point configurations; ­introduction of ABB’s new impedance of
an HVDC grid has remained infeasible. HVDC systems
All this has changed with the launch hybrid HVDC breaker. presents a
of ABB’s new hybrid HVDC breaker. challenge when
The many HVDC transmission lines be transmitted over long distances, faults occur in a DC link because the
scattered around the globe have one including under large bodies of water. fault penetration is faster and deeper
thing in common: They are all point-to- Further, the ability to create HVDC grids compared with the AC equivalent.
point connections. There is no HVDC will improve overall grid reliability and Consequently, ultrafast HVDC breakers
grid. The reason for this has been the enhance the capability of existing AC are needed to isolate faults and avoid a
absence of a breaker that could handle networks. collapse of the common HVDC grid
the high voltages and high response voltage. In DC systems, fault currents
speeds involved, and that could operate Technical background and system grow steadily in one direction. The lack
within acceptable loss limits. requirements of (naturally occurring) zero crossings
Until now, protecting a multiterminal and the response speed requirements
This 100-year-old electrical engineering HVDC grid in the event of a fault would have long been the main challenges [1].
problem has now been solved by the demand a coordinated operation by all
introduction of ABB’s new hybrid HVDC the terminals to abort the active power
breaker ➔ 1. flow in the entire multiterminal system.

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 3

2 Hybrid IGBT DC breaker

Hybrid DC breaker

b c

h d

a Main current branch (when current is flowing) consisting of: d Main HVDC breaker consisting of: g Residual current breaker
b Ultrafast disconnector e Semiconductor interrupter h Current limiting reactor
c Load-commutation switch (semiconductor-based) f Arrester bank

3 The ultrafast disconnector kilowatts of on-state losses and a size mode in case of component failure.
that increases the footprint of an HVDC Individual resistor-capacitor-diode (RCD)
converter station by only 5 percent. This snubbers across each IGBT module
breaker is a milestone in the history of ensure equal voltage distribution during
electrical transmission and solves a current breaking. Optically powered
central problem of HVDC grids. gate units enable operation of the
hybrid HVDC breaker independent of
How it works current and voltage conditions in the
The hybrid HVDC breaker consists of HVDC system.
a main breaker branch made up of
semiconductor switches and a bypass A cooling system is not required for the
branch composed of a semiconductor- main breaker, as the semiconductors
based load-commutation switch (LCS) are not exposed to the line current
in series with a mechanical ultrafast during normal operation – then, the
disconnector (UFD) ➔ 2. current will only flow through the
bypass. The LCS opens proactively at a
The main breaker path is separated into certain fault current level in order to
several sections with individual arrester commutate the fault current, almost
banks that are dimensioned for full instantaneously, into the main breaker.
voltage- and current-breaking capability. Thereafter, the UFD opens in less than
The LCS is dimensioned for a lower 2 ms to disconnect the load commuta-
DC breakers should have negligible voltage and energy capability. After tion switch from the main breaker. After
transmission losses and be easy to fault clearance, a disconnecting circuit the UFD is opened, the main circuit
integrate into a converter station breaker interrupts the residual current breaker is ready for operation.
design. Mechanical breakers have very and isolates the faulty line from the
low losses, but developing a very fast HVDC system in order to protect the One IGBT for each current direction
mechanical HVDC breaker is a chal- arrester banks from thermal overload. is sufficient for the LCS to fulfill the
lenge. Semiconductor-based HVDC requirements of the voltage rating. The
breakers, on the other hand, easily Each main breaker section contains transfer losses of the hybrid HVDC
surmount the limitations of switching semiconductor stacks composed of breaker are thus significantly reduced
speed and voltage, but generate high series-connected insulated-gate bipolar – to less than 0.01 percent of transmit-
transfer losses. transistor (IGBT) DC breakers. Due to ted power. Parallel connection of IGBT
the large di/dt stress during current modules increases the rated current of
ABB’s hybrid HVDC breaker system [2] breaking, a mechanical design with low the hybrid HVDC breaker; series-con-
overcomes these hurdles with a com­- stray inductance has been adopted. nected, redundant IGBT positions
bination of mechanical and semicon- Application of ABB StakPak IGBTs improve the LCS reliability. A three-by-
ductor devices. It has an opening enables a compact stack design and three matrix of IGBT positions for each
time of less than 5 ms, a few tens of ensures a stable short-circuit failure current direction was, therefore, chosen

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 4 ABB review special report

The hybrid HVDC 4 Hybrid HVDC breaker test results showing fault current and voltage versus time

breaker melds
reliable power Main breaker

electronics opens

­a lready used in Main breaker

Voltage across

HVDC converter

Load commutation

stations and fast-

switch (LCS) opens

gas-insulated 2

switchgear tech-

Start of fault 250 µs delay for 2 ms delay for Time

nology. current LCS opening UFD opening (2 ms/div)

for the base design. A minor cooling The purpose of the tests was to verify breaker will be premiered. The hybrid
system is required due to the switch’s the switching performance of the power DC breaker will finally allow the long-
continuous exposure to the line current. electronic parts and the opening speed held visions of HVDC grids spanning
of the mechanical UFD. The test object Europe and other regions to become a
The UFD opens at zero current with consisted of one 80 kV unidirectional reality.
low-voltage stress and can, thus, be main breaker cell. The higher voltage
realized as a disconnector with a rating is accomplished by the series
lightweight and segmented contact connection of several main breaker cells.
system ➔ 3. A similar series connection approach is
also used to test HVDC Light and
System validation and key compo- Classic valves. To verify reliable and
nent testing safe operation, tests have also been
Successful verification testing at device carried out with IGBTs that have deliber-
and component level has proven that ately been made defective [4].
the system performs as required. The
complete hybrid HVDC breaker has Benefits, markets and applications Jürgen Häfner
been verified in a demonstrator setup at Fast, reliable and nearly zero-loss HVDC Reza Derakhshanfar
ABB facilities. The diagram in ➔ 4 shows breakers and current limiters based on Peter Lundberg
a breaking event with peak current of the hybrid HVDC breaker concept have ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
8.5 kA and a 2 ms delay time for opening been verified at component and system Ludvika, Sweden
the UFD in the branch parallel to the levels for HVDC voltages up to 320 kV
main breaker. Switching performance and rated currents of 2 kA. The next
of the UFD has been verified for 2,000 step is to test such breakers in a real
consecutive open and close operations, HVDC transmission line. An increase of
including subsequent dielectric integrity voltage rating to accommodate 500 kV References
tests. Other synthetic tests typical for HVDC systems by improving UFD [1] C.M. Franck, “HVDC Circuit Breakers:
high-voltage circuit breakers have been insulation extends the range of possible A Review Identifying Future Research Needs,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26,
performed, verifying the required per- applications of the hybrid HVDC breaker
pp. 998–1007, April 2011.
formance at full ratings. The maximum from cable-based DC grids to embed- [2] J. Häfner, B. Jacobson, “Proactive hybrid
rated fault current of 8.5 kA is the limit ded HVDC links utilizing overhead lines. HVDC Breakers – A key innovation for reliable
for the generation of semiconductors HVDC grids,” Cigré, Bologna, Paper 0264,
used during initial testing. Application of The hybrid DC breaker is the key
[3] M. Rahimo, et al., “The Bimode Insulated Gate
bimode insulated-gate transistor (BiGT) technical element that finally makes a Transistor (BIGT), an ideal power semiconduc-
devices allows for breaking currents true multiterminal DC grid with multiple tor for power electronics based DC Breaker
exceeding 16 kA [3]. protection zones possible. In the applications,” Cigré, Paris, Paper B4-PS3,
extension of existing point-to-point
[4] R. Derakhshanfar, et al., “Hybrid HVDC
systems and in the construction of new Breaker – A solution for future HVDC system,”
HVDC grids will be where the hybrid DC Cigré, Paris, Paper B4-304, 2014.

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 5

Fast and
1 Original Gotland converter firing control
tubes were replaced by transistors as
system based on vacuum tubes
soon as they became available in the
late 1950s, which greatly increased

reliable reliability.

The need for ever faster and higher-

precision control systems for HVDC

The MACH™ meant that ABB always adopted the

latest and most advanced electronic
control and pro- technologies as soon as they became
tection system
for HVDC Microprocessors
In the 1970s, the microprocessor
was introduced and ABB immediately
(in 1973) adopted the Intel 8008 in
thyristor monitoring systems. In 1975,
HANS BJORKLUND – High-voltage the brand-new Intel 8080 was used
direct current (HVDC) transmissions in ABB’s emergency power control
have always differed from alternating system.
current (AC) transmissions in that
the conduction pattern of an HVDC The advent of microprocessors finally An HVDC control system can benefit
converter is fully controllable. made it possible to build single board from a calculation capacity higher
Indeed, this property is what pro- computer (SBC) systems that had than an SBC can provide, so from the
vides many of the outstanding everything needed for one function early 1980s, solutions that employed
features of HVDC transmission. (inputs, A/D converters, microproces- parallel-bus backplanes hosting
To make sure that the HVDC valve sor and output circuitry) on one board. multiple processing boards began to
conduction sequence is tightly HVDC protection is very different from appear. It was fully digital-converter
adhered to and that the system is AC protection in that it has to be firing control running on multiproces-
run within the foreseen operating much faster (sub-millisecond re- sors that made the world’s first fully
envelope, a fast and reliable control sponse) and has to mix DC and AC redundant control system possible in
and protection system is required. current and voltage measurements. Gotland 2 in 1983.
And the better this system is, the
better the HVDC transmission will DSP and
operate. For this reason, ABB’s The need for ever faster and FPGA
HVDC control and protection prod- In the 1990s,
ucts have always been very quick higher-precision control sys- two new
to exploit the very latest and best
technology. In fact, the story of
tems for HVDC meant that technologies
HVDC control and protection sys- ABB always adopted the latest the digital
tems over the past 60 years mirrors signal
that of the main trends in computing and most advanced electronic processor
technologies as soon as they (DSP), with
an instruction
The modern era of HVDC transmission became available. set tailored
began in 1954 when the island of for very fast
Gotland was linked to the Swedish calculations
mainland by an HVDC connector. SBCs are ideal for this. A 16-bit SBC (allowing control system cycle times
At that time, AC systems still relied on that could implement all HVDC station below 100 µs) and the field program-
electromechanical relays for protec- protection functions by just using mable gate array (FPGA), which
tion and control, but the nature of different software, was introduced in opened up the possibility of imple-
HVDC demanded that the Gotland 1983 for the Gotland 2 transmission menting larger-scale programmable
HVDC link have a very different and link. A few years later, the SBC found logic in HVDC applications.
much faster system. The best technol- large-scale use in the Itaipu project in
ogy available was used: amplifiers Brazil, where several hundred were Combining circuit boards using these
based on vacuum tubes – technology used to implement all protection technologies with the latest 32-bit
unheard of in other areas of power functions in the HVDC converters. micro-processors on a fast parallel
systems at that time ➔ 1. The vacuum multiprocessor backplane resulted in

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 6 ABB review special report

2 PS700, the latest main computer for MACH 3 Distributed I/O unit

the first-generation ABB MACH™ PCI Express bus Computer processing power will
(modular advanced control for HVDC) The use of parallel backplane buses continue to increase in the years to
control system, which was introduced involves many signals and complex come and this will bring further
in 1991. The first installation using the connector arrangements. This can improvements in the capabilities of
MACH system, a cable between introduce unreliability when data control and protection systems, and
Norway and Denmark, was put into transfer speeds increase. Therefore, deliver many new and fascinating
commercial operation in late 1993. the industry is moving to multiple applications.
serial buses and the PCI bus has now
PCI bus been replaced by the software-com- The interfaces used in the MACH
When the high-speed PCI (peripheral patible PCI Express bus. ABB has system have been chosen very
component interconnect) bus was used this opportunity to upgrade the carefully so that MACH can continue
introduced, it allowed even faster MACH system, after 20 years, with a to evolve and remain the base for
microprocessors to be used, thus new 64-bit multicore microprocessor ABB’s HVDC control and protection
further improving the performance of unit and new multicore DSP units, all systems at least for the next 30 years.
the control and protection system. connected by the PCI Express bus. Maybe it will even live to see the
The PCI bus also allowed ABB to take This latest advance means that a Gotland HVDC link celebrate its
advantage of DSP computing muscle control system can be built much centenary in 2054.
and introduce, for the first time in the smaller, yet with 10 to 100 times the
industry, floating-point DSP clusters. calculation capacity ➔ 2. Further, less
When ABB introduced the second power is used, so fans are not
generation of the MACH system in necessary – thus increasing reliability.
1999, these powerful control and There is backwards software compat-
protection computers were combined ibility so that applications developed Hans Björklund
with a revolutionary input/output (I/O) for earlier systems using ABB’s ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
system that was connected only by function block programming language, Ludvika, Sweden
serial buses, even for the highest HiDraw, can be recompiled and run in
speed measurement signals. This was the newest systems.
the first time a control and protection References
system for a power system application I/O units [1] C.M. Franck, “HVDC Circuit Breakers: A
had been built using solely serial The full assortment of well-proven Review Identifying Future Research Needs,”
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 26,
buses for all I/O needs (voltage and modular MACH I/O units is still
pp. 998–1007, April 2011.
current measurement, breaker trip and available, but, with the latest MACH [2] J. Häfner, B. Jacobson, “Proactive hybrid
close operations, etc.). This resulted generation, ABB is also introducing a HVDC Breakers – A key innovation for reliable
in an extremely flexible control and series of environmentally hardened I/O HVDC grids,” Cigré, Bologna, Paper 0264,
protection architecture in which the units ➔ 3. These can be distributed
[3] M. Rahimo, et al., “The Bimode Insulated
location of the different components further afield and placed, for example, Gate Transistor (BIGT), an ideal power
could be chosen much more freely in breaker junction boxes or trans- semiconductor for power electronics based
than in a conventional system where formers. In this way, the traditional DC Breaker applications,” Cigré, Paris,
Paper B4-PS3, 2014.
all signals have to be brought to the copper cabling connecting the
[4] R. Derakhshanfar, et al., “Hybrid HVDC
various controllers and protection devices back to the control system is Breaker – A solution for future HVDC
devices by discrete wiring. replaced by optical fibers. system,” Cigré, Paris, Paper B4-304, 2014.

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 7

control and protection of converters,
1 Working with hardware in the HVDC
grid simulation center lines and DC/AC grid interconnectivity
must be understood in a fundamental

way. To advance this understanding,
ABB has constructed a real-time HVDC
grid simulator with control and protec-

simulation tion hardware- and software-in-the-

loop [2] ➔ 1.

ABB HVDC grid simulation center

The HVDC grid simulation center is a

A new HVDC grid state-of-the-art installation where ABB’s

ability to meet market requirements and
simulation center handle the challenges thrown down by
DC grids are demonstrated. It forms
brings deeper part of ABB’s HVDC response to the
growing number of renewable energy
understanding of sources coming onto the grid, to
multiterminal integration of electric power markets
and to the growing problem of power
HVDC control system bottlenecks becoming more
frequent as power systems are run
and protection centers. HVDC, being the superior tech- closer to their thermal and electrical
nology for transportation of bulk power stability limits.
over long distances, is becoming a
TOMAS LARSSON, MAGNUS CALLAVIK – major player in this new transmission Further, since the versatility, reliability
It is predicted that the coming years infrastructure. In the long term, a super- and availability of a DC grid will help a
will see an increase in the use of grid or overlay grid based on HVDC is customer to create a business case,
electricity generated by sources considered to be a very feasible propo- the simulation center provides a forum
remote from load centers and in- sition [1]. It makes sense to integrate where practical demonstrations that
creased integration of electricity individual HVDC lines on the DC side of underline these advantages can take
markets. High-voltage direct current a converter into a grid when the HVDC place – for example, by showing the
(HVDC) technology is emerging from capabilities of
being a relatively specialized technol- a hybrid DC
ogy to becoming a central element of Since the versatility, reliability breaker.
the future transmission assets neces-
sary to make this happen in a timely and availability of a DC grid will A visitor to
and efficient way. A supergrid or
overlay grid based on HVDC is
help a customer to create a the ABB
HVDC grid
considered to be feasible and also business case, the simulation simulation
to be the most efficient technology center will
to use for a future extended high-volt- center provides a forum where initially
age electric network. However, the
development will come in steps. As
practical demonstrations that encounter the
the first building blocks of an HVDC underline these advantages environment
grid are being planned now, there is of an operator
already a demand for systems for can take place. that repre-
control and protection of converters, sents ABB’s
lines and DC/AC grid interconnectivity. proposal as
To advance understanding in this field, density in the transmission network to what an operator would face in his
ABB has constructed a real-time increases. Recent developments in daily work ➔ 2. The operator’s comput-
HVDC grid simulator with control and voltage source converters (VSCs), cable ers collate and display information from
protection hardware- and software-in- technologies and DC breakers mean the simulated power system and
the-loop. that the time has arrived to plan for transmit orders from the operator to a
such scenarios. real HVDC MACHTM control system. All
New transmission assets are being parts of the control system in the HVDC
planned and constructed to connect In order to master HVDC grids and to grid simulation center are identical to
power markets and to bring power from ensure everything is handled in a safe their counterparts in real-life installa-
remote renewable generators into load and efficient manner, the behavior, tions, so everything is operated in real

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 8 ABB review special report

pensation. The rest of the system will
2 HVDC grid simulation center: a visitor’s view
be intact after the fault clearance but
for a short while, given that the DC
voltage controlling station tripped, be
without a common DC voltage control.
In the interim, every converter has its
own local functionality to control the
DC voltage until the master controller
has assigned a new DC voltage
controlling station and calculated new
optimal set points for the remaining

Apart from demonstrating ABB’s

performance and ideas in the context
of a DC grid, another task of the ABB
HVDC grid simulation center is to
deliver results to ongoing ABB-internal
research and development projects –
for example, applications of the DC
breaker in a power system.

time and the operator experiences DC grid is combined with requirements As the spread of HVDC grids widens
exactly the same as he would in a real for robust selective tripping involving in future years, the ABB HVDC grid
control room. fast-rising fault currents. By having the simulation center will continue to
real control system in the loop, confi- increase in sophistication and scope,
Responses from the process – ie, the dence is gained that the protection in and continue to provide insight into
HVDC converters and the AC and DC real life will secure the DC grid by HVDC protection and control for ABB
power systems – are also obtained fast-tripping only parts that belong to and customers alike.
in real time, but with one significant the faulty zone while keeping the
difference to a field installation: In the healthy circuitry on line.

For an HVDC
To advance this understanding, grid, ABB’s
ABB has constructed a real- involves

time HVDC grid simulator overlaying a

with control and protection controller in
order to
hardware- and software-in-the- optimize

loop. system
This function-
simulation center they are simulated by ality too has been implemented in the
a model running in a real-time digital HVDC grid simulation center. Besides
simulator (RTDS). For the MACH control assisting the operator in finding an Tomas Larsson
system, then, it is a real-world experi- optimal operation point of the DC grid, Magnus Callavik
ence, but with one major advantage: the master controller also helps to ABB Power Systems, Grid Systems
Because the high-voltage equipment restore the DC grid after a fault. A Västerås, Sweden
is simulated, it can be stressed with typical case would be a DC fault in a
contingencies, faults and other excep- cable attached to a converter that is
tions that, in some cases, would be acting as a DC voltage controller. The
totally impossible to perform in a real protection system would, after the fault,
field installation. This allows verification first clear the fault by disconnecting the References
of responses from troublesome cases cable. The isolated converter could then [1] CIGRE Technical Brochure 533, Paris, 2013.
[2] P. Mitra, T. Larsson, “ABB’s HVDC Grid
that are run in offline simulations. This stay connected on the AC side and, if Simulation Center – a powerful tool for
is of great interest for time-critical required, work as a Statcom, eg, SVC real-time research of DC grids,” EWEA,
processes, such as when a fault in the Light, providing reactive power com- Barcelona, Spain, March 2014.

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­6 9

Gas- 1 Examples of DC GIS components

Flexible and
compact power
routing 1a DC GIS surge arrester 1b Gas-insulated disconnector and
earthing switch

PER SKARBY – Gas-insulated As in AC power systems, DC GIS

switchgear (GIS) is much more technology spans a number of It is anticipated
compact and requires far less switchgear components, eg, bus
clearance than air-insulated switch- ducts, disconnect switches, earthing that DC GIS com-
gear (AIS). Another advantage is the
routing flexibility of the ducts
switches, and current and voltage
measurement sensors ➔ 1. DC GIS
ponents with rat-
compared with cables. GIS is now has two principal advantages: ings up to 500 kV
replicating its AC success in the Installations can be made far more
world of HVDC. compact than the AIS equivalent and DC will be devel-
they have a significantly lower
sensitivity to ambient factors.
oped and offered
to the market in
The most obvious cost-saving
potential can be found on offshore the near future.
DC GIS has two converter platforms where the air
clearance required for AIS would lead connection with the facility of cross-
principal advan- to a large and heavy offshore struc- border trading ➔ 2. This increases the
ture. By using DC GIS, where the live utilization of the cables and the
tages: Installa- parts are encapsulated in a pressur- security of supply, and can provide

tions can be ized and grounded enclosure, the

need for air clearance around the
redundancy of the wind park transfer
capacity in case of capacity reduction
made far more components is completely eliminated
and the volumetric space of the
at one of the receiving ends.

compact than the switchgear component can be HVDC installations on shore may also

air-insulated drastically reduced, typically by 70 to

90 percent. Furthermore, the space
be drastically reduced in footprint and
building height by applying DC GIS to
switchgear (AIS) savings obtained can accommodate
new functionality. An example of this
selected components of the converter
equivalent and functionality is a multiterminal DC
system (MTDC) – ie, a set of onshore Due to the combination of solid and
they have a sig- or offshore marshalling points for gaseous insulation in GIS and the
nificantly lower multiple cable connections. Using
these, an offshore wind park with a
composite dielectric stress of both
direct and impulse voltages, special
sensitivity to am- converter platform can be connected care needs to be taken in the design
to different grids in different countries, of the insulating components. The
bient factors. combining the utility of wind park grid support insulators inside the enclo-

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­7 0 ABB review special report

ABB Review Special Report
2 DC GIS can provide compact grid
interconnections in multiterminal HVDC The most obvious 60 years of HVDC
July 2014

cost-saving po-
Editorial Council

tential can be
Claes Rytoft
Chief Technology Officer
Group R&D and Technology and

found on offshore
Grid A
Head of Technology
Grid B Power Systems division

converter plat- Magnus Callavik
Technology Manager

forms where the

wind Grid Systems business unit
Hans Johansson

air clearance Head of HVDC Marketing and Sales

Grid Systems business unit
HVDC converter
and DC hub required for AIS Peter Lundberg
Product Manager HVDC Light

would lead to a Grid Systems business unit

Erik Jansson
Grid C
large and heavy Project Manager
Grid Systems business unit

offshore structure. Harmeet Bawa

Head of Communications
Power Products and Power Systems divisions

Sara Funke
Head of Communications
Grid Systems business unit

sure, also known as GIS spacers, Sarah Stoeter

Editor, ABB Review
must be able to withstand not only the
direct rated voltage but also transient Andreas Moglestue
Chief Editor, ABB Review
switching and lightning overvoltages
of different polarities. All these factors Publisher
ABB Review is published by ABB Group R&D and
need to be considered in the design Technology.
of the insulators. ABB Technology Ltd.
ABB Review
Affolternstrasse 44
A direct application of existing AC GIS CH-8050 Zurich
components is typically not possible Switzerland
but these have been shown to be an
excellent starting point in developing ABB Review is published four times a year in
English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese.
DC GIS components [1]. ABB Review is free of charge to those with an
interest in ABB’s technology and objectives.
For a ­sub­scription, please contact your nearest
Based on the fact that well-estab- ABB representative or subscribe online at
lished AC GIS technology with voltage
ratings up to 1.1 GV is available, it can Partial reprints or reproductions are per­mitted
subject to full acknowledgement. ­Complete
be anticipated that DC GIS compo- reprints require the publisher’s written consent.
nents with ratings up to 500 kV DC will
Publisher and copyright ©2014
be developed and offered to the ABB Technology Ltd.
market in the near future.
Vorarlberger Verlagsanstalt GmbH
AT-6850 Dornbirn/Austria


Per Skarby Disclaimer

ABB Power Products, High Voltage Products The information contained herein reflects the views
of the authors and is for informational purposes
Zurich, Switzerland only. Readers should not act upon the information
contained herein without seeking professional
advice. We make publications available with the
understanding that the authors are not rendering
technical or other professional advice or opinions
Reference on specific facts or matters and assume no ­
[1] M. Mendik, et al., ”Long term performance liability whatsoever in connection with their use.
verification of high-voltage DC GIS,” IEEE The companies of the ABB Group do not make
any warranty or guarantee, or promise, expressed
Transmission and Distribution Conference, or implied, concerning the content or accuracy of
New Orleans, LA., April, 1999, vol. 2, the views expressed herein.
pp. 484–488.
ISSN: 1013-3119

Trend lines ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­7 1

The corporate
technical journal

Electricity across borders?


Demand for reliable power continues to rise and so does the quest to integrate
clean renewable energies. These trends are encouraging countries to install cross-
border power links to improve power security and balance demand and supply. ABB
is leading the way with HVDC and HVDC Light ® systems, enabling grid interconnec-
tions and facilitating the transmission of electricity beyond borders through overhead
lines, underground and underwater cables with minimal environmental impact.
ABB’s HVDC Light technology is also being used for offshore links to wind farms
and oil and gas platforms.

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