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Reproduction is the process by which all living organism produce one of their kinds to ensure
the survival of the species

The perpetuation of life is dependent on the process of reproduction.

Plant Reproduction

The reproductive organ of plant is the flower. A flower has four sets of organs namely sepals
petals stamens and pistils. Petals are collectively called corolla, sepals are called calyx.

A flower that has all four sets of orgas is said to be complete and one that lacks one of these
organs is described as incomplete

The pistil consists of three parts: the stigma style and ovary. The stamen has the anther and the

Sexual Reproduction in Plants


Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the
flower. If the transfer involves the same flower, it is termed self-pollination, If the transfer is
from one flower of one plant to another plant it is called cross pollination. Agents of pollination
are insects, wind, water, birds and human


The pollen grain that lands on the stigma develops a pollen tube that grows
down through the style and into the ovary where the ovule is located. The sperm travels down
the pollen tube and fertilizes the egg cell inside the ovule. The Fertilized egg called the zygote
develops into the embryo. The ovule becomes the seed. The ovary swells up and ripens to form
a fruit. Inside the seeds plant embryo is located.


A strawberry plant can reproduce by sending out horizontal stems called

runners. Along the runners, new roots and shoots develop at every node.

The type id reproduction in plants from its vegetative parts such as stem, roots,
and leaves is called vegetative reproduction

Example: new plants grow from the eyes of potatoes, cloves of garlic bulbs, and
runners of Bermuda grass, tubers of potatoes and rhizome of ginger.
Other methods of vegetative reproduction are through cuttings wherein pieces of stem or roots
are cut and planted in soil. Cassava grow from cuttings. Budding and grafting and macrotting,
wherein small stems from one plant are attached to larger stems or roots of another plant are
don with some fruit or nuts trees.

Carrots and sweet potatoes are underground roots used for vegetative propagation. While
potato is a tuber, camote, ube and other tubers are also example vegetative propagation.

Animal Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction in Animals. The representative animals are earthworm, frog and chicken.


Both male and female reproductive organs are found in the same earthworm. Such organism
are called monoecious or hermaphrodites. The earthworm lives in the soil, body is long and is divided
into 115-200 ring like segments called somites. The glandular swelling at somite 22-37 is the clitellum,
which secretes material containing eggs. The pair of testes and sperm funnels at about 10 and somites.
The female reproductive organ includes two pairs of seminal receptacles where sperms received in
copulation are stored until they are ready to fertilize the eggs. Although monecious self-fertilization
rarely occurs.

The eggs of one worm are fertilized by the sperm from another worm through copulation. Two
worms stretch another worm through copulation. Two worms stretch and bring their ventral surfaces
together. One worm passes its sperms into the seminal receptacles of another; at the same time
receives sperms into its own receptacle. The clitellum secretes a slime tube and passes the opening of
oviducts where eggs are laid and fertilization occurs.


The productive organs of frogs consists of gonads. The female produces the ova or eggs; the
male produces the sperms. During mating season, the eggs escape into the body cavity, towards the
oviduct, and stored in the uterus. During mating time, the male and female enter a pond where the
male mounts the back of the female. Then the female drops her mass of eggs and the male sheds his
sperms over the eggs. The eggs are fertilized in the water


The eggs are released in the oviduct. They are surrounded by a yolk. The rooster places the
opening of his reproductive organ against the opening of the hen’s. Sperm swim up the oviduct and
fertilize some of the eggs. An egg deposit egg white around the yolk. It is called albumen. A shell made
of calcium

Asexual Reproduction

One-celled organism can reproduce an exact copy of the parent by:

1. Fission

- The individual divides into two,halves after which each grows to the original form.
Paramecium reproduce in this way

2. Budding

- The parent organism prodces offsprings by growing a replica in the forms of an outgrowth
called a bud in some parts of its body. After it has grow enough, it falls off and cebomes an
exact copy of its parent. Hydra and sponges are examples.

3. Fragmentation

- Separated pieces of the parent organism can develop into an individual. Examples are star,

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