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Redemption and Resistance

The Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians

in Antiquity

Edited by

Markus Bockmuehl & James Carleton Paget

t 8t clark
Published by T&T Clark
A Continuum imprint
The Tower Building, 11 York Road, London SE1 7NX
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or
any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the pub-

Copyright © Markus Bockmuehl & James Carleton Paget and contributors, 2007
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN-10: 0-567-03043-1 (hardback)

ISBN-13: 978-0-567-03043-6 (hardback)

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List of Contributors ix
List of Abbreviations xiii
Preface - Raphael Loewe xix

Introduction - Markus Bockmuehl & James Carleton Paget xxi


Chapter 1. THE PERSIAN PERIOD -Joachim Schaper 3

Chapter 2. THE HASMONEAN PERIOD - Jan Willem van Henten 15

Chapter 3. THE HERODIAN PERIOD - Sean Freyne 29



Markus Bockmuehl 65
LUKE AND AcTs - Graham Stanton 78
OF JOHN - Judith M. Lieu 97
Chapter 8. THE CHRIST OF PAUL - Andrew Chester 109
Chapter 9. THE CATHOLIC EPISTLES AND HEBREWS - David G. Horrell 122
Chapter 10. THE APOCALYPSE - Paul Spilsbury 136




66-135 C.E. - Martin Goodman 149
vi Contents

Chapter 12. JEws AND CHRISTIANS iN THE HOLY LAND, 135-325 C.E.
- Oskar Skarsaune 158
MALxa MSHIHA - Sebastian Brock 171
Chapter 14. EGYPT -- James Carleton Paget 183
Chapter 15. THE WEST AND NORTH AFRicA - Wolfram Kinzig 198
Chapter 16. MATERIAL REMAINs - David Noy 215
Chapter 17. THE RABBIS AND MESSIANISM - Philip S. Alexander 227
GREEK AND LATIN - Alison Salvesen 245
AND SYRLAC - Robert P. Gordon 262
PRE-IsLAMIc BYZANTIUM - Nicholas de Lange 274

Appendix: William Horbury's Publications 297

Works Cited 303

Index of Ancient Sources 351

Index of Authors 371

Index of Subjects 379

Chapter 20



Nicholas de Lange

Both Judaism and Christianity grew up with a deep-seated messianic tension

embedded in their very muscles and sinews. Every now and then this tension flares
up until it becomes intense and in extreme cases unbearable. It is tempting to
attribute these flare-ups to external causes, such as political oppression, or a gener-
alized malaise in society due to rapid change or uncertain prospects. Such links
may well seem fanciful, and it is never easy to establish them with confidence;
often they have a strong whiff of the post eventum explanation about them.
Messianic fervour may spread spontaneously, or it may be deliberately stirred up.
It is always characterized by a dissatisfaction with the established order, ranging
from impatience to deep despair.
Looking at the first Byzantine centuries from this viewpoint we might expect
to be able to predict that as Christianity dramatically gained official acceptance
after the great persecution and then gradually achieved political power in the
Roman empire the stimulus to acute messianism would die away, while in
Judaism the same political development would produce a contrary effect, official
intolerance, isolation and marginalization giving rise to resentment and a
powerful desire for change. But such expectations would be based on a simplistic
view of the triumph of Christianity and the subjugation of the Jews. Christian
history in the period from Constantine to Heraclius is marked by successive
strains and crises: internal political and religious conflicts expressed in anathemas,
schisms and occasional violence, not to mention foreign invasions and military
defeats. The so-called barbarian invasions and the seemingly endless fighting with
Persia must have stirred anyone with apocalyptic leanings. As for the Jews,
despite an observable deterioration in their legal and social position, they enjoyed
a good deal of stability at certain times and places. The background, then, is much
more complicated than it may appear, and the story of Jewish and Christian
messianism during this period is also a complicated one. In untangling the

1 It gives me special pleasure to dedicate this essay to a dearly loved colleague and
friend, whose acuity, sagacity, encyclopaedic knowledge and unfailing good humour have
accompanied me through thirty-five collegiate years. William Horbury's study of the theme of
messianism in the liturgical poems of Yose ben Yose (which in his multifarious published
oeuvres represents an isolated foray into this terrain) represents a pioneering contribution to the
subject of these lines, and remains the best (and virtually the only) study of the theme in any of
the early synagogue poets.
Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes ... 275
complexities there may be some benefit in considering the Jewish and Christian
material together.2
It is indeed not easy to find firm evidence of a direct link between messianism
and political events between the reign of Constantine I and that of Justinian I.
To take first the case of the Jews, the apparently widespread Jewish yearning for
the restoration of the Jerusalem temple and the Davidic kingdom may be
naturally seen as a response to the loss of political autonomy and the destruction
of the temple by the Romans, followed by centuries of subjugation, fiscal
exactions and dispersion. Does that mean that the peaks of acute, urgent
messianic expectation correspond necessarily with political events, such as rebel-
lions, or with the anticipation of wars and possible regime change? This has often
been asserted, both in general and in relation to specific episodes; the evidence,
however, is generally too flimsy to support such claims in our period, at any rate
before the sixth century.
A case in point is the assertion found in a number of histories that a Jewish
revolt in Palestine during the period 351-3 had a messianic character, on the
evidence of the statement of Aurelius Victor that the Jews `nefariously raised
Patricius to a kind of royalty'.3 A series of recent studies has demonstrated that
there is no basis for this assertion,4 and it has even been denied that a Jewish
rebellion against Roman rule took place at this time.5
The emperor Julian's planned rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple, frustrated
by an earthquake datable probably in May 363, has often been interpreted in a
messianic light Careful recent studies of the evidence have, however, discounted
this interpretation.6
Interestingly for the thesis of a link between political events and messianism,
there is no hint in our sources of any Jewish messianic interpretation of the sack
of Rome by Alaric in 410, and again by Gaiseric in 455.
Referring to a series of ominous floods, famines, comets and earthquakes
during the reign of Justinian I in the sixth century, the historian S. W. Baron writes:
`If the Christian masses viewed these awesome events as messianic portents, how
much more prepared were the minds of harassed Jewry to see in them signs of
approaching redemption ... That is why large segments of the populace were

2 In what follows I adopt a deliberately broad definition of messianism. The focus is

mainly on the eastern part of the Roman Empire. I have opted to treat Jewish and Christian
messianism as two distinct topics bound together mainly by time and place; it seems to me that
any study of mutual influences in this period would have to be built on dangerously slim founda-
tions. For reasons of space I have omitted all discussion of the role of Jewish messianism in the
Christian literature of the period, a large subject that deserves a study of its own. For an
important illustration of some of the complexities of the topic see Kinzig 2003.
3 Aurelius Victor, Caes. 42.11.
4 Geiger 1979; Stemberger 1987: 132-50 (ET Stemberger 2000: 161-84); Arce 1987;
Mor 1989.
5 Schafer 1983, 1986: 197 (ET Schafer 1995: 182).
6 `The Christian reports of the attempt to rebuild the Temple contain no reliable infor-
mation about Julian's motivation for undertaking the project or Jewish reactions to it, Levenson
2004: 453. See also Stemberger 1987: 151-74 (ET Stemberger 2000: 185-216); Penella 1999;
Borelli 2000. The attempt by Laceranza 2002 to discern a messianic interpretation in certain
rabbinic sources relating to Rabbi Ahai of Lydda, while suggestive, remains speculative.
276 Redemption and Resistance

ready to follow any messianic pretender. It is almost unbelievable how many of

these false messiahs, whether genuine ecstatics or ruthless careerists ... found
immediate acceptance among the masses and little overt opposition on the part
of the more sophisticated leaders.' That the sixth century was a time of intense
eschatological excitement among Christians is not in doubt,8 but so far as the Jews
are concerned Baron's sweeping claim is unsupported by any evidence, and the
only example cited from the period before the Arab conquest is a false messiah
in Crete who appeared a century earlier than the period under discussion,
around 440, and who according to a contemporary Christian chronicler
proclaimed himself a new Moses and promised to lead the Jews dryshod to
Palestine; they threw themselves into the sea, and many were drowned, the
remainder accepting baptism, according to our single source.' While there is no
particular reason to doubt the historicity of the account, and while it certainly
seems to indicate an interest in messianism at the time, it is hardly sufficient to
sustain the edifice of Baron's speculation. A letter purportedly written about this
time by the Jewish priests and leaders in Galilee announcing the end of the
dispersion of the Jews and inviting them to hasten to Jerusalem for the feast of
Tabernacles, `since our kingdom will be restored in Jerusalem', is of very doubtful
historical value.10
Moving on to the sixth century, a suggestion that from messianic motives a
supposed descendant of King David, a son of the exilarch in Babylon, was
appointed head of the rabbinic school or `sanhedrin' in Tiberias in 520 must be
judged highly speculative.'1 The event itself is only reported in a single medieval
We are on firmer ground as we progress towards the cataclysmic events of the
early seventh century. Wars between Byzantium and Persia flared up under
Anastasius I (reigned 491-518) and again under Justin II (reigned 565-78), and
under Phocas (reigned 602-10) in 603. This extended period of alternating
warfare and uneasy phases of peace and diplomacy evidently raised for some Jews
a real prospect of an end to Christian rule; it culminated in a series of dramatic
events under Heraclius (reigned 610-41) that had a marked impact on Jews and
Christians alike. Jerusalem was captured by the Persians in 614. The supposed
relic of the Cross of Christ, preserved in a silver casing in the Church of the Holy
Sepulchre, was carried off to Persia, and the city was apparently handed over (for
a period of some three years) to the Jews, who, according to Christian sources,
exacted a bloody revenge on the remaining Christians of the city for long years
of oppression.12 It is not hard to guess at the feelings inspired by these events in
those sensitive to the messianic beliefs of both religions. Within a few years the

7 Baron 1957: 3.16.

8 See below, and Mango 1980: 203-7.
9 Socrates, HE 7.38.
10 The letter is only mentioned in the Syriac life of the monk Barsauma: see Stemberger
1987: 247-50 (ET Stemberger 2000: 310-12). On Jewish life and letters generally at this time
see de Lange 2005.
11 Irshai 2002: 207. See also Rabello 1987: 1.479-82.
12 On the interpretation of these sources in modem historiography see Horowitz 1998,
Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes ... 277
Persians had taken Alexandria and were marching on Constantinople. Heraclius,
playing on apocalyptic feelings fuelled by the capture of Jerusalem and the
Cross, rallied Christians for a holy war on the infidel. His impressive victory over
Persia (which some calculated had taken a symbolic six years to achieve, corre-
sponding to the days of creation) was crowned by the calculatedly apocalyptic
return of the True Cross to its place on Golgotha in 630. This was said to have
been accompanied by a massacre of Jews in the Holy Land, and closely followed
by a decree that all Jews in the empire should be baptized.13 A great deal has been
written about this period, and some of the echoes of political expectations in
contemporary Jewish writings will be mentioned below. It must be stressed that
the writings in question are not easily datable, and indeed attempts to date
them have largely hinged on the assumption that acute messianism must be
associated with political upheavals. Some of them are composite works that seem
to have evolved in stages over some time, and sometimes there is no single
definitive form of the text. Generally speaking, there is no reason to doubt that
many of these works originated, in part at least, during the long period from 502
to 630, and the closer we approach the finale under Heraclius the closer the visible
links between at least certain apocalyptic texts and the anticipated outcome of
the fighting.14
In Christianity, too, it is difficult to identify explicit instances of acute
messianism before at least the beginning of the sixth century. There is one fairly
obvious explanation for this. There was an old belief that the world would last
for six thousand years, corresponding to the six days of the creation (since from
the divine perspective a thousand years are like a single day, Ps. 90.4). It was
generally agreed that the advent of Christ came in the middle of the sixth and
last of these millennia, indeed elaborate chronological systems were constructed
to accommodate this date. Thus the end of the present order was not due until
ca. 500 A.D. Hippolytus had spelt this out in his commentary on Daniel (4.23f.):
the end of the sixth millennium would be followed by the `sabbath', when
Christ would come down from heaven and reign together with the saints (Rev.
20.4-5). But when Hippolytus was writing, at the beginning of the third century,
the present order still had three centuries to run and the expected end was
relatively remote. Similar views were expressed a little later by the chronographer
Sextus Julius Africanus and others.
It is true that some others, like Hippolytus's contemporary Tertullian, saw the
end as very near: the present world is worn out with age, and will soon be
consumed with a great flame; the Antichrist is close at hand, gasping for Christian
blood. Tertullian also mentions eyewitnesses who have seen something looking
like a city suspended above Judaea, an allusion to a persistent Christian belief
in the future restoration of the earthly Jerusalem (cf. Rev. 21.2).15 Various beliefs
of this kind were maintained in the early Church, and what they tended to have

13 See Dagron and Deroche 1991, esp. 28-32.

14 See van Bekkum 2002.
15 For a summary of the eschatological beliefs of Tertullian, F ippolytus and other early
Fathers see Daley 1991: 25-43. On the restoration of Jerusalem in Christian thought see
Wilken 1992, esp. 65-100.
278 Redemption and Resistance

in common was a belief in a two-stage Second Coming, in which the last

judgement would be preceded by a thousand-year reign of the Messiah in this
world. They were attacked by Origen, as resulting from a `Jewish' reading of
Scripture, in the name of an allegorizing Christian Platonism which categorically
exalted the spiritual over the `carnal' or material.16
While the allegorizing tendency did not completely crush millennial beliefs, it
did tend to predominate in the Church. Eusebius (Hist. eccl. 7.24-5) mentions
a bishop in the Fayyum named Nepos who wrote a Refutation of the allegorists,
based on the visions of the Apocalypse, and looking forward to an earthly rule
of Christ. Eusebius, following in the footsteps of Origen, describes his interpre-
tation as `rather Jewish', and explains that it was combated by Dionysius of
Alexandria, a pupil of Origen, in a work entitled On the promises. Dionysius
discovered that the millennarian doctrine propounded by Nepos had taken such
hold in the region that entire churches had turned to `schism and apostasy', a
rather extreme point of view on the part of the allegorists, indicating, like the title
of Nepos's work, an acute conflict within the Church. In his counterblast
Dionysius undermined the authority of the Apocalypse, arguing that it was not
a genuine work of the apostle John, and interpreting its visions allegorically. The
story of Bishop Nepos, related by Eusebius, opens an all-too-rare window for us
on this conflict in the church of the third century. From sparse references it is clear
that the victory of the allegorists was not complete,17 but it was very considerable,
and indeed the scarcity of surviving millenarian literature from the church of the
fourth and fifth centuries is a tribute to their success.
With the approach of the year 500, the end of the sixth millennium, however,
urgent eschatological interest intensified. The Apocalypse, previously viewed with
some suspicion in the eastern churches and often excluded from the canon of
Scripture, was more widely read and commented on. The earliest extant Greek
commentary (one of only three surviving) is by the sixth-century author
Oecumenius: it accepts the book as part of the divinely inspired Scripture and
expounds its relevance to the current situation, although Oecumenius does not
specifically accept the view, propounded by others in his time, that the end of
history is imminent.18
The year 500 fell during the reign of Anastasius. A very few years after this
fateful date an unknown Greek writer took up an older Latin work, now lost,
known as the Tiburtine Sibyl, and recast it as a prophecy of the last times. The
`birth pangs of the world', according to this `Oracle of Baalbek', have already
begun; the last times will begin in earnest after the death of Anastasius (predicted
for the year 522). Savage fighting will break out, a series of kings, bearing the
marks traditionally attached to the Antichrist, will rule during this period of
violent destruction, culminating in a nameless `king with the changing shape'. This

16 The relevant texts from the First Principles are clearly set out by Simonetti 1975. See
also Wilken 1992: 76.
17 See, for example, the passage of Methodius of Olympus (d. ca. 311) discussed by
Simonetti 1975: 54-8. For some examples of millenarianism outside the Greek-speaking
churches in the fifth century see Daley 1991: 169 (Agathangelos) and 172 (Narsai). For further
discussion of this incident, see Carleton Paget, this volume: 193-4.
18 See Daley 1991: 179-83.
Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes... 279
terrible ruler will slay Enoch and Elijah, who have risen to fight against him, but
he will be killed in turn by Christ, who will come from heaven `like a great
flashing star'. After the last judgement, Christ will rule with his holy angels.19
Elements of this apocalyptic vision, including the return of Enoch and Elijah,
can be traced in earlier prophecies. The Antichrist, in particular, is a familiar figure
in Christian speculation about the last times, rooted in the prophetic visions of
Daniel and the Apocalypse, and assuming many different forms in different
contexts.20 Whereas for Origen and his followers the name encompasses a
multitude of abstract, impersonal ills that can be summed up as false ways of
reading the sacred Scriptures, for other Christian writers it refers to a real
person, a future tyrannical figure, probably of Jewish origin (although some
identified him with the emperor Nero), who will secure absolute power over the
world until the coming of his cosmic enemy, the true Christ. It has often been
suggested that this interpretation is particularly associated with times of perse-
cution of Christians, or, in the Christian empire, political crisis.
In the troubled century following the death of Anastasius eschatological
predictions intensified, and there were some Christians who even, identified
emperor Justinian I (reigned 527-65) with the expected Antichrist.21 When in
557 the city of Constantinople was shaken by a terrible earthquake prophecies
of the end of the world proliferated and the population panicked. It was around
this time that Romanos the Melodist composed his kontakion on the Second
Coming, which dwells at length on the figure of the Antichrist:

Then he will make for himself a special temple, deceiving the Hebrew nation and others -
the lawless one,
when he performs fabricated illusions and signs, the tyrant.
He changes himself from one form to another, he flies into the air,
and cunningly gives the demons the appearance of angels
to carry out his orders with zeal.
Tribulation and constraint there will be for humankind, great and without measure,
through which all your servants are tested,
Judge most just.22

With the resumption of the Persian wars in the second half of the sixth century an
intensified mood of anxiety and apocalyptic speculation can be discerned in
Christian literature, centring, as we have already observed, on the holy city of
The foregoing remarks may serve to place the Jewish messianism of the age of
Justinian and Herachus into some kind of perspective. This messianism may be
discerned in various writings: I shall concentrate here on three genres: liturgy,
hymnography and apocalypse.
The Hebrew liturgy of the synagogue, so far as we can reconstruct it, expresses
a strong sense of longing for redemption (ge'ullah)23 This is particularly felt in some

19 Alexander 1967.
20 See McGinn 1994; Badilita 2005.
21 Procopius, Secret History 8.13; 12.19-32. See Rubin 1961.
22 Lash 1995: 224.
23 On what follows see particularly Heinemann 1977. See also Reif 1998.
280 Redemption and Resistance

of the petitionary prayers of the amidah (the main statutory prayer), in such
formulations as these:24

Sound the great ram's horn for our liberation, and raise a banner to gather in our exiles, [and
gather us together from the four comers of the world to your holy abode]. Blessed are you,
Lord who gathers the dispersed ones of his people Israel.
Restore our judges as in olden times and our counsellors as at the beginning, [and remove from
us sorrow and sighing; and reign over us as king, 0 Lord, you alone with compassion, right-
eousness and justice]. Blessed are you, Lord, the king who loves [righteousness and] justice.
But for the apostates let there be no hope [if they do not return to your Torah;] [and may
you speedily uproot, smash and humble the arrogant empire in our days]. [And may the
Christians and the minim [heretics] perish in an instant and may all the foes of your people
and their persecutors be speedily cut off, and break the yoke of the gentiles from off our necks.]
Blessed are you, Lord who smashes the wicked and humbles the arrogant ...
Return in mercy to Jerusalem your city, and rebuild it soon in our time to last for even Blessed
are you, Lord who rebuilds Jerusalem. [Some texts read: Have mercy 0 Lord upon us and
on Israel your people and on Jerusalem your city and on your shrine and your temple and
your abode, and on Zion the dwelling place of your glory, and rebuild it etc.]
Cause the scion of David your servant to spring up [speedily], and exalt his horn with your
salvation, [for we await your salvation all day long]. Blessed are you, Lord who makes the
horn of salvation to spring up.

The following words are preserved among the prayers following the prophetic
reading (haftarah):

Show compassion to Zion, for she is the home of our lives, and save her who is grieved in
spirit speedily in our days. Blessed are you, Lord who makes Zion rejoice in her children.
Make us rejoice, 0 Lord our God, through Elijah the prophet your servant and through the
kingdom of the house of David your messiah, speedily may he come and gladden our hearts;
on his throne let no stranger sit and let others no longer inherit his glory, for you have sworn
to him by your holy Name that his lamp shall never be extinguished. Blessed are you, Lord,
the Shield of David.

Other similarly worded prayers may be found, for instance in the worship for the
New Year and Atonement Day festivals.
While the wording of these prayers is definitely messianic (we may note partic-
ularly the mention of Elijah and David) and contains a repeated note of urgency,
it is far removed from the elaborate apocalypticism to be found in some other
writings, and even biblical allusions are handled with severe restraint. The prayers
may be seen as striking a compromise between the quietism that can be discerned
in some rabbinic writings and the full-blooded visions of the apocalypses.
Hebrew hymnography (piyyut) of this period, as one might expect, reflects the
expectations of the liturgy, with each author contributing his own perspective26

24 The translations are based on the edition by Luger 2001 (5761). Wording enclosed in
square brackets is found in some but not all texts.
25 On which see de Lange 1978.
26 On the place of the piYyi t in the late antique synagogue see Levine 2000a, esp. 552-6;
Yahalom 1999. On Hebrew hymnography in general see Weinberger 1998. See also Alexander,
this volume: 231-2.
Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes... 281

William Horbury, in a masterly study, has analysed messianic elements in the

piyyutim of Yose ben Yose (5th century?), which he summarizes in the following

Yose's messianism hopes above all for the establishment of God's kingdom and the return
of the divine Bridegroom to his sanctuary and people. This hope embraces a series of expec-
tations, from the downfall of Edom [the Roman empire) and the return of the Shekhinah
[the divine presence] to the resurrection of the dead, the defeat of antichrist and God's sole
rule. His presentation of them is urgent, nationalistic but theocentric; concerned with God's
Law, and concerned still more obviously with sanctuary, sacrifice, sin and atonement.27

Most of these elements echo themes already noted in the synagogue liturgy, but
a few demand further comment. The `divine Bridegroom' points to the rich use
of biblical imagery in the piyyutim, which indeed often integrate entire biblical
verses cited ostensibly in confirmation of the ideas set forth. Each biblical citation
or allusion carries its baggage of pre-existing interpretation, often heavily
messianic, but the poet has the freedom to rework both citations and interpre-
tations. Thus, in Yose, the Bridegroom of the Song of Songs is more liable to
represent God himself than the messiah, as in some other interpretations. Edom
or Esau is a common designation, in rabbinic midrash as well as in piyyut, of
Rome, denoting at first the pagan empire and later, naturally enough, its Christian
successor.28 `Antichrist' (never so named in the Jewish sources) is shorthand for
a powerful enemy who will achieve dominion in the last days, to be eventually
overcome and slain by the messiah; he can sometimes be identified with the
Roman emperor.
The urgency of Yose's messianic tone deserves closer attention, as it may at first
sight appear to represent a departure from the standard messianic expectations
of the midrash and the liturgy. It is discerned by Horbury in such lines as:

Stir and awake the joy of the whole earth [Jerusalem, Ps. 48.3],
and establish thy throne in the city of the KINGDOM


Contend, 0 saviours [Obad 21], take the glory from Edom:

and set upon the Lord the majesty of the mNGDOM29

Yet these are relatively conventional petitions, and they lack even the adverb
`speedily' that is so often repeated in the liturgy. A more explicit urgency is found
in the piyyutim of Yehudah, an otherwise unknown poet whose works have been
recovered from the Cairo Genizah. His gedushta'ot (hymns to embellish the
`amidah) follow a very strict and regular form, in which the fourth element always
begins with the words `ad matai ('how long?'), and expresses genuine impatience
for redemption. Here are some examples:

27 Horbury 1981: 178 (rept. in Horbury 2003b: 323).

28 See de Lange 1978; Hadas-Lebel 1984.
29 Horbury 1981: 160-1, 175 (=Horbury 2003b: 306-7, 320) [the translation is
282 Redemption and Resistance

How long will the perpetual offering fail from your throngs,
and your lodging place be given over to eaters of pigs' flesh?
Be zealous on account of our zeal to restore it to your abode,
let my prayer be set forth before you as incense [Ps. 141.2].

From the four corners of the world to my holy house

gather to Zion all the seed of my holy ones
and on the three pilgrim festivals may my assembled ones be seen;
kings shall bring presents to you [Ps. 68.30] ...

How long will our Land be desolate,

and she who is fair as the moon and pure as the sun cry out?
Her firstfruits count for naught until you quicken those who he fast asleep,
you send forth your spirit and they are created, and renew the face of the earth [Ps. 104.301

How long shall we dwell outside the Land,

while the ruler [or guardian angel?] of Edom is exalted unto heaven?
Humble him and cause him to descend to the depths of the earth,
and let heaven be glad and the earth rejoice [Ps. 96.10].30

Despite these expressions of impatience, Yehudah, who probably lived and

wrote in the sixth century, shares with his predecessor Yose ben Yose a tendency
to focus on God's return to Zion, rather than the person of the messiah, to whom
he rarely alludes. A contemporary of Yehudah's, Simeon bar Megas, is more
explicit, as in this poetic elaboration on the theme of Esau, the elder brother, and
Jacob (Israel), the lesser:

His mother and father called him eldei,

but you said, I will make you [Esau] least [Obad. 2] ...
Hasten the great day,
Hurry, that the smallest [Israel] become a mighty nation ...
The prince [Joseph] who began [his search] with the eldest [Gen. 44.12]
[bring nigh] the time when the lesser Messiah will issue from him ...
send the mighty prince [Michael, Dan. 12.1],
that he may save both great and small.31

The messiah of the tribe of Joseph (or Ephraim), who will die in battle with
Israel's enemies, before the latter are defeated by the messiah of the house of
David, is found in various sources, rabbinic, targumic and apocalyptic. It is the
Davidic messiah who is referred to under the name Menahem, `the comforter',
in this poem by Simeon bar Megas:

Send us the man called Menahem;

vengeance will sprout from him.
Let him come in our day
and may authority rest on his shoulders [Isa. 9.5].32

30 Cf. van Bekkum 1998: 45 (cf. xv), 87,104 (cf. xvi).

31 Translation by Weinberger 1998: 37.
32 Translation by Weinberger 1998: 38.
Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes ... 283
There may be an allusion to the antichrist-figure in a poem on the tenth
plague (the slaying of the firstborn): just as the tenth plague led to the Exodus,
so may the tenth king come soon, heralding Israel's latter-day redemption.33 Yet
although he is freer in mentioning the messiah than some other poets, Simeon
too places the emphasis firmly on God, his return to Zion, and the restoration
of sacrificial worship.
Quite different in character are the apocalyptic texts that have been dated to
the period of Heraclius on the basis of references to contemporary events. The
best-known of these is the Prophecy and dream of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel.34
Zerubbabel is carried miraculously to Rome, where he meets the Davidic messiah,
named as Menahem son of Ammiel, together with the archangel Michael, who
tells him of the future salvation of Israel. The scenario is confused in the extreme
in the text as it has come down to us. Hephzibah, the mother of the messiah, will
attack and kill two kings. Five years later the messiah of the house of Joseph and
Ephraim, by name Nehemiah son of Hushiel, will appear and gather all Israel;
they will stay in Jerusalem and offer sacrifices. Five years later, however, the king
of Persia will attack them, but thanks to Hephzibah and her magical staff, the
`wicked one', who is the ninth king, will die. But there is worse to come. The tenth
king, Armilos,3S the offspring of Satan and the image of a virgin, will dominate
the world with violence and will kill Nehemiah son of Hushiel and his righteous
companions, and the people of Israel will flee to the wilderness. But Menahem,
the Davidic messiah, will make his appearance with Elijah the prophet; he will
bring Nehemiah son of Hushiel back to life and Israel will be saved. The Lord
will descend upon the Mount of Olives and blow a great ram's horn; he will do
battle against Gog and Magog and the forces of Armilos (who will have been slain
by Menahem). After this final war the dead will be brought back to life and the
two messiahs, with Elijah, will go up to Jerusalem. Israel will offer sacrifices to
God once more, and he will rejoice at their smell and bring down to earth the
temple that was built above.
This apocalypse, and others like it,36 are far removed from the restrained and
learned language of liturgy and piyyut (with which, however, they share many
elements), and are closer to that of Christian apocalypses from this period that
are preserved in Greek and Syriac, such as the Oracle of Baalbek mentioned
above. This is a popular genre, spread by seers and holy men, rather than an
expression of official religion; it is clearly born of the excitement and uncertainties
of very troubled times.
To summarize: messianism takes varied forms, and these may readily co-exist.
As comparative study underlines, for both Jews and Christians the sixth and early
seventh centuries mark a high point in acute, urgent messianic fervour resulting

33 Yahalom 1984: 182.

34 The text has been edited by Israel Levi from the so-called Chronicles of Yerahmeel
(conveniently reprinted in Patlagean 1994). It is translated by M. Himmelfarb in Stem and
Musky 1990. A more recent edition by Even-Shmuel (Kaufman) 1954 is largely the product of
the editor's imagination and cannot be relied on.
35 See Dan 1998.
36 See now Spurling 2004.
284 Redemption and Resistance

at times in elaborate apocalyptic visions. This development coincides with

political events and is clearly related to them; indeed it is sometimes exploited
by political leaders.
Heraclius's reconquest of Jerusalem was short-lived. Already a new enemy had
made its appearance in the form of the Arabs or `Saracens', and it was said that
a prophet had appeared among them proclaiming the advent of the coming
anointed one or messiah. Under Arab rule both Jews and Christians - but partic-
ularly the Christians, compelled to accustom themselves to the condition of a
subject people long familiar to the Jews - experienced new manifestations of
messianic speculation. But that is another story.

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