TS Module I

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Gen.San Drive, Brgy. Morales, Purok Springs I, Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Phil., 9506
E-mail Add.: regencypolytechniccollege@yahoo.com/
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Website: http://www.regencypolytechniccollege.com.ph

An instructional material developed for the

exclusive use of the Maritime Education program
in accord with the quality standard requirements.


A Course Title/Description
Conduct hours (No. of Units)
Prof./Instructor: MS. CHERYBE P. SANTIAGO
Course Module Developer



Ms. Cherybe P. Santiago Dr. Rodolfo P. Ceballos, MBA Dr. Roberto F. Escaro III. LLB.
DATE: DATE: August 10,2020 DATE: August 13, 2020 DATE: August 14, 2020

Course Summary
Verification/ Assessment Questionnaire
Online Sources


Sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual
or organized participation, at least in part aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and
skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.

A team sport includes any sport which involves players working together towards a

shared objective. A team sport is an activity in which a group of individuals, on the same team,
work together to accomplish an ultimate goal which is usually to win.

This course is to provide learning experiences that will contribute to the development

of basic skills in Team Sports.  And teach students online, and module bases in kinds of Team
Sports while improving personal and social behaviors. The course also aims to generate
opportunities for advancing personal skill levels in various Team Sports. They’ll also be guided
by a program to improve their fitness level.

In addition to skill acquisition, the course will focus on how to plan and implement the
four stages of skill development in games through the use of extending, refining, and application
tasks.  An emphasis will be placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a
guide for designing a variety of sport game experiences for college students.

Students will be expected to achieve an intermediate level of skill in the selected team
sports.  Practice outside of class time and individual tutoring online may be necessary for some
students to achieve the expected performance level.


In its quest for quality instruction in maritime schools, the Regency Polytechnic College
Graduate School has developed and launched the Distance Education Program for exclusive use
by Maritime Engineering and Maritime Transportation The program responds to the immediate
need for academically trained teachers who are upgraded in terms of new trends in maritime e

This program provides opportunity for those students who need to enhance critical
thinking especially in engaging in different kind of sports as part of their learning process. This
module will teach students on how to improve their skills and develop physical fitness, in kinds
of sports activities and to be actively participative using their skills and knowledge.

This learning package which are to be used in the course of Bachelor of Science in
Maritime Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transportation have been developed
through the concerted efforts of writer, editor, reviewer and consultant.



This Text/learning package in PE 4 TEAM SPORTS can use as a teaching guideline for
those who teach the subject. It consists of all the module that needed in this particular subject, in
which each module has its lesson of introduction, learning objectives, posttest, summary of the
lesson, suggested enrichment activity and references.
It explains the background of sports, nature of the game, skills, and strategy of PE 4
Team Sports. She feels physically fit and easily adopted in engaging sports to the success of this
course; she has personally written the learning package. In doing this, she relied on the
experiences of expert that she has gained in developing this module.
The writer hope that this attempt shall be accepted as criticisms therefore are similarly
welcome that the succeeding editions, if needed shall be so enriched.


This learning package was to provide students of Regency Polytechnic College, Inc.
especially the students in Bachelor of Science in Maritime Engineering, Bachelor of Science in
Maritime Transportation a learning package that enhance them to be aware and knowledgeable
in a particular subject outline. It includes important skills, strategy, technique and applying
different kind of sports used in the sports activities. All states in this learning package are written
in a very simple clear and practical style for the learning of everyone.
In this text, it enhances students to develop their physical fitness and to become healthy
lifestyle in playing sports. All the assessment, activities can lead the students to be more
knowledgeable and responsible for taking it seriously. The participation of each student is highly
needed to have a better discussion.
I have designed this learning package to be flexible and meet the needs of students those
who want to learn in this course. My job as a writer is to present and explain important
background of sports, skills, develop their physical fitness and applying the word of
sportsmanship for PE 4 Team Sports in a comprehensible and interesting manner.



Course Information: BS Maritime Engineering, BS Maritime Transportation,

Instructor: Cherybe P. Santiago

E-mail Account: santiagocherybe@gmail.com

Contact No.: +639305919883

Course Description: PE 4 (Team Sports) 2 units

General Description:
This course is to provide learning experiences that will contribute to the development
of basic skills in Team Sports.  And teach students online, and module bases in kinds of Team
Sports while improving personal and social behaviors. The course also aims to generate
opportunities for advancing personal skill levels in various Team Sports. They’ll also be guided
by a program to improve their fitness level.
In addition to skill acquisition, the course will focus on how to plan and implement the
four stages of skill development in games through the use of extending, refining, and application
tasks.  An emphasis will be placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a
guide for designing a variety of sport game experiences for college students.
Students will be expected to achieve an intermediate level of skill in the selected team
sports.  Practice outside of class time and individual tutoring online may be necessary for some
students to achieve the expected performance level.


1. Appreciate the origin of history and ancient of the sport of swimming.

2. Identify the swimming cap equipment and what is the role of this equipment.
3. Illustrate the types of equipment for the purposes and the user.
4. Appreciate the equipment of goggles for the importance and safety of the swimmer.

5. Familiarize the custom plastic earplugs, foam earplugs, silicone earplugs, and silicone
putty earplugs.
6. Analyze the competitive swimwear equipment used in the water.
7. Describe the history of floating equipment and the importance of floating in case of an

8. Summarize the flipper's equipment, the types, and the purpose and guidelines for the
9. Apply the technique, strategies of strokes to better with safety in case of an emergency.
10. Summarize the freestyle swimming technique and for the leg’s execution, arm action, and
down sweep.

11. Summarize the arm breaststroke swimming arm action, swimming recovery, the timing
of the stroke, and swimming breathing
12. Indicate the execution of swimming backstroke arm position, leg position, and body
13. Identify the butterfly arm action and leg position and apply the strategy to execute
14. Summarize the water safety needs in case of emergency and to apply this strategy in the
survival technique.
15. Indicate the purpose of the sports development teams and the primary goals of
16. . Summarize the technique drills for strength, tapering, and swimming strokes drills.

17. Categorized training sessions for endurance, basic endurance, threshold endurance,
overload endurance, and sprint.
18. Summarize the contribution of the role as a coach and recognized the advantages and
disadvantages of various coaching styles.

This course is conducted entirely in a Flexible Learning setting, wherein you will
have classes through virtual interaction, meaning your presence in the school premises
may not be necessary.
If some students have a strong internet connection, a desktop that has an updated
browser, and can participate in an online class, I will schedule a day off when we conduct
a virtual discussion. If you can’t perform an online class through some internet access
problem, you can get your module to be answered and to be passing every end of the
week. In regards to this setup, the students need to share their thoughts and situations so
that the teacher can settle this problem.
Any requirements, school activities, assignments, quizzes will be sent through
email accounts. Students can use some platform like Facebook Messenger, Google Meet,
Zoom, and Skype in conducting online classes. For all inquiries to the subject submit it
anytime so that it can be answered on time.

Textbooks: Modular
System Requirements:
The system requirement in the conduct of the On-line should be the following:
 Laptop or Desktop Computer that has a Zoom, or Skype Installed
 Strong Internet Connection

For online class interaction, the system requirements would be updated systems software to
cater to video classes, FACEBOOK MESSENGER, GOOGLE MEET, ZOOM, or SKYPE.
Also, in case of offline interaction, a module will be developed for their reference and task
compliance, whereby all of the materials attached to the module shall be brought by you, and
any activity therein shall be complied and submitted at a designated date of submission.

Hardware Requirements:
A laptop or desktop with attached headset and printer or scanner is required as we conduct
a virtual or on-line class session (ref. website dashboard)

All the announcement/ Notice will be posted to the created group page on Facebook.
E-mail Communication:
In this course, we will use the designated e-mail address you have provided or a feature
in the dashboard of the website, whichever is convenient. Please check your
messages regularly. When submitting messages, please do the following:
 Put a subject in the subjections box that describes the email content with your
name, week, and message subject. For example, Juam de La CruzWeek 2
Project ABC;
 Send email only to the assigned official email address and not into my email
 Do not send messages asking general information about the class, please post
it on a separate forum;
 Do not submit assignments by SMS or message.

In online courses, you are encouraged to discuss any posted questions in the forum or
sessions. The collected answers will then be discussed in the succeeding sessions. For
every clear and comprehensive answer, you give, you will receive an extra credit of __
point/s for the course. (maximum of five (5) points)

Discussion Forums:
In this section, the teacher gives all the requirements, activities, assessments, and
test through the online/offline per week by providing a hard copy and soft copy in
every module topic. Students remind before the deadline of the requirements. In
case of offline interaction, a module will be developed for their reference and task
compliance, whereby all of the materials attached to the module shall be brought
by you, and any activity therein shall be complied and submitted at a designated
date of submission.
Always remind them of the high participation that is highly needed for the online
class access, so that the teacher and students are continuously, clearly to discuss
all the topics.

Schedule for face to face Modular Requirements:

This schedule is attached for the students scheduling start from 8:00 am to 5:00
pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday selected schedule in once a week only for going
back to school to comply their module per batch by wearing of face mask, face shield,
wearing of school attire like going in school and must apply social distancing. In the case
of virtual discussion hours, the students will be assigned a group of 10 above per chat
room in a Facebook Messenger and Google Meet.
Messenger Schedule: PE 3 Team Sports 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday once a week only.

Virtual Discussion Hours:

For the online discussion’s students will prepare for their schedule per week for
start hours at 8:00am-5:00pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday once a week only. The

students will prepare and ready for a lesson through online discussion. And for the offline
students, the teacher already prepares a module requirement. This whole first-semester
class will be conducted online and offline.

Online Etiquette:
Online etiquette requirements should be the following:
 We will set a schedule of what time we will start the online discussion; you need
to be on time so before handset your internet connection to avoid a problem if our
class is ongoing.
 During our class discussion, wearing attire properly like you are going to school
 Attendance is a must


Due Dates:
At the end of our virtual discussion, I will provide an assignment that you need to
accomplish. In every session expect that you will have an assignment to answer as part of
your learning. The passing of the assignment is after the day the teacher gives it to you.

Weekly Assignments:
Each week you will need to complete the following:
 Assignment
 Activities
 Self-Assessment Questions

Projects or Assignments:
At the end of the semester, I will give a project or compilation of all the activities you
performed and the entire module you have with the answer.

Components Percentage
Attendance, Assignment, Quizzes 25%
Participation in Practical through the access of 50%
Final Exam 25%

Extra Credits:
The students who were always actively participative through online classes by sending
their requirements ahead of time will get extra points.
Grades Announcement:
The grades will announce through online processing after midterm and final examination.
The teacher sends their grade in email account, Facebook, and Messenger.


If the students can’t pass or complete all their requirements at the end of the semester, there will
be a 1-week extension to comply with all their works.


This online and offline class the teacher already gives a respective assignment rule for the
students so that they remind before the proper protocol if the students do not comply with their
task assignment in more than times they notice that there was ignore their responsibilities the
teacher will remind for the warning, and last warning. Unless if their notice they doing again the
teacher will remind for the drop because the student’s performance can’t comply many times.

Course Outline
Module 1: PE 1 Basic SWIMMING
Lesson 1.1: History of Swimming
Module 2: PE 1 Basic Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Types of Equipment Swimming Caps
Module 3: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Equipment’s of Swimming Goggles
Module 4: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Ear Plug and Nose Clip
Module 5: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Equipment’s Swimwear
Module 6: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Equipment’s of Floats
Module 7: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Equipment of Flippers
Module 8: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Basic Skills in Swimming
Module 9: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Freestyle Stroke
Module 10: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Breaststroke
Module 11: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Backstroke
Module 12: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Butterfly Stroke
Module 13: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: The Water Safety
Module 14: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: The Benefits of Sports
Module 15: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Swimming Sports Development
Module 16: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Preparation for the competition
Module 17: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Planning for training drills
Module 18: Swimming
Lesson 1.1: Role as a coach

Module I

The ability to work together towards a common goal is an essential part of team sports, as
well as an important life skill. Participation in team sports allows kids to make lasting
friendships, develop communication skills, feel a sense of community, and learn to respect their
teammates and coaches. They develop a sense of camaraderie and community, allowing them to
maintain and nurture stronger relationships. Team sports put them in many social situations
where they need to express themselves. Because team sports promote teamwork and foster
relationships, kids also become better at communicating.

Team sports do more than keep children fit – they provide a plethora of life lessons and
skills that are essential to social and developmental health. Studies have shown that children who
are a part of a team sport grow up to be more well-rounded adults. In sports, rules define what is
allowed or not allowed to occur during situations on and off the court. The rules of a game apply
to players, coaches, and officials, and vary among different sports and age groups.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the brief history, nature of the game basketball.
2. Indicate the importance of safety etiquette in sport.
3. Identify the different facilities/equipment required in basketball.
4. Familiarize oneself with the rules and regulations of the game.
5. Illustrate the dimension and size of the court.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.
______1. A team sport in which two teams of five active players.
A. Basketball
B. Basketball Court
C. Dual Sports
D. Team Sports
______2. Who conceived the idea of attaching peach baskets at opposite ends of the gym on the
A. Dr. James A. Naismith
B. Philip S. Peter
C. Renato P. Salvador
D. William G. Morgan
______3. The game was introduced in what place?
A. Olympic Games
B. Springfield College
C. Springfield Massachusetts
______4. The most common shot used in basketball.
A. Jump Shot
B. Rebound
C. Shooting
D. Traveling
______5. How many points is a free throw worth?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Sport is about a range of specific activities that involve competition and requires physical
conditioning and skills. A good way to define it would be to say, "It is a structured physical
activity, usually competitive, that requires complex skills and a high level of individual
commitment and motivation". Team sports are practiced between opposing teams, where the
players generally interact directly and simultaneously between them to achieve an objective.
The objective often involves teammates facilitating the movement of a ball or similar
object following a set of rules, to score points. A team sport includes any sport which involves
players working together towards a shared objective. A team sport is an activity in which a group
of individuals, on the same team, work together to accomplish an ultimate goal which is usually
to win.

Playing sports is great for children and adults. It has both physical and psychological
benefits. Sports can increase physical coordination, fitness, and self-esteem. They also teach
important lessons about teamwork and self-discipline. But children are at risk for sports injuries.
That's because their bodies are still growing and their coordination is still developing. Many
children ages 14 and younger are treated for sports-related injuries each year. Half of all of those
injuries can be prevented with the proper use of safety gear and changes to the playing
environment. Following sports rules can help prevent injuries, too.

Brief History of Basketball

Basketball was invented during the school year of 1891-92 at Springfield College in
Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. James A. Naismith conceived the idea of attaching peach baskets
at opposite ends of the gym on the track that encircled the playing floor. This is where the height
of 10 feet for the basket was arrived at. Basketball derives its name from the original ball and
basket used in the first games. The game was introduced in YMCA’s across America and also to
foreign countries. Basketball became part of the Olympic Games in 1936.

Nature of the Game

Basketball is played by two teams of five players each. The object of the game is to score
more points than your opponent. The ball is passed, thrown, bounced, batted, or rolled from one
player to another. A player in possession of the ball must maintain contact with the floor with
one foot (pivot foot) unless the player is shooting, passing, or dribbling. Physical contact with an
opponent can result in a foul if the contact impedes the desired movement of the player.

1. Clear the gymnasium and immediate playing area of movable obstructions and cover or pad
those obstructions that cannot be moved.
2. No rough play or horseplay will be tolerated.
3. Be careful/aware of the walls during practice or play.
4. When possible make use of breakaway rims and pad the underside of the backboards.
5. No loose or hanging jewelry should be worn by competitors. Remove rings, bracelets, and
6. Only gym shoes with sufficient traction should be worn.
7. Always be alert of play, even if you are standing on the sidelines.
8. Whenever possible during the drills or gameplay, participants of common ability levels should
play against each other.
9. Good sportsmanship should be displayed by all.
10. Take periodic rest and water breaks.

Care of Equipment/Facilities
1. Balls are stored in portable bins and should be carefully returned to the bins at the end of each
period of use. Do not kick the basketballs or throw them from a distance into the storage bins.
2. Balls should be checked often for proper inflation levels.
3. Do not sit on or throw the basketballs against the gym walls.
4. Do not hang on the rims or nets.
5. The playing floor should be swept and cleaned regularly.
Original rules of basketball

Rules for the offense
The basketball team on offense is the team with the basketball. When a player has the basketball
there are certain rules they must follow:

1) The player must bounce, or dribble, the ball with one hand while moving both feet. If at any
time, both hands touch the ball or the player stops dribbling, the player must only move one foot.
The stationary foot is called the pivot foot.

2) The basketball player can only take one turn at dribbling. In other words, once a player has
stopped dribbling, they cannot start another dribble. A player who starts dribbling again is called
for a double-dribbling violation and loses the basketball to the other team. A player can only start
another dribble after another player from either team touches or gains control of the basketball.
This is usually after a shot or pass.

3) The ball must stay in bounds. If the offensive team loses the ball out of bounds the other team
gets control of the basketball.

4) The player's hand must be on top of the ball while dribbling. If they touch the bottom of the
basketball while dribbling and continue to dribble this is called carrying the ball and the player
will lose the ball to the other team.

5) Once the offensive team crosses half court, they may not go back into the backcourt. This is
called a backcourt violation. If the defensive team knocks the ball into the backcourt, then the
offensive team can recover the ball legally.

Defensive Rules
The team on defense is the team without the basketball.
1) The main rule for the defensive player is not to foul. A foul is described as gaining an unfair
advantage through physical contact. Some interpretation has to be made by the referee, but, in
general, the defensive player may not touch the offensive player in a way that causes the
offensive player to lose the ball or miss a shot.

Rules for everyone

1) Although the foul rule is described above as a defensive rule, it applies the same to all players
on the court including offensive players.

2) Basketball players cannot kick the ball or hit it with their fist.

3) No player can touch the basketball while it is traveling downward towards the basket or if it is
on the rim. This is called goaltending. (touching the ball on the rim is legal in some games).
Every player on the court is subject to the same rules regardless of the position they play. The
positions in basketball are just for team basketball strategy and there are no positions in the rules.

Basketball Court Dimension

Basketball courts come in different sizes. In the National Basketball Association
(NBA), the court is 94 by 50 feet (28.7 by 15.2 m). Under International Basketball Federation
(FIBA) rules, the court is slightly smaller, measuring 28 by 15 meters (91.9 by 49.2 ft).

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What is the importance to know the history of basketball?
2. Why basketball is the most popular sport in the world?
3. Compare the offensive to defensive.
4. What are the positions on a basketball team?
5. Do you consider sports the best form of exercise for physical fitness? Why? If not
what other means of exercising would you suggest?


Basketball is one of the few sports whose exact origin is known. In the winter of 1891–
1892, Dr. James Naismith, an instructor in the YMCA Training College (now Springfield
College) at Springfield, Mass., deliberately invented the game of basketball to provide indoor
exercise and competition for the students between the closing of the football season and the
opening of the baseball season.

He affixed peach baskets overhead on the walls at opposite ends of the gymnasium and
organized teams to play his new game in which the purpose was to toss an association (soccer)
ball into one basket and prevent the opponents from tossing the ball into the other basket.
Because Dr. Naismith had eighteen available players when he invented the game, the first rule
was: “There shall be nine players on each side.” Later the number of players became optional,
depending upon the size of the available court, but the five-player standard was adopted when
the game spread over the country. U.S. soldiers brought basketball to Europe in World War I,
and it soon became a worldwide sport.

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Give at least 10 examples of the major health benefits of sports in basketball and explain.

 Randall Communications, 1993-2012
 Jeff & Joe Haefner, 001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402,- http://www.winningdrills.com/
 basketball91.com - https://basketball91.com/blog/basketball-coaching/
  Joe and Jeff Co-Founder & Owner, Breakthrough Basketball, LLC.
5001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 -

Lesson 2: The Basic Skills in Basketball


Game basketball is a team game. Wherein the players are involved with the process of
playing the game and function as one primary skill is created to accomplish the passing. Which
remains one of the most under-taught, under-emphasized, and under drilled skill in the game.
Players assume the values that the coach places on each aspect of the game. When teaching
passing skills, the coach must teach not only the skill but the mentality as well. Too many
players think of passing as something to do when they don’t have a shot as opposed to an
unselfish act that is designed to include other players.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the importance of B-E-E-F in a game basketball.
2. Identify the basic skills in basketball.
3. Describe the appropriate procedure in executing different basketball skills.
4. Demonstrate the execution of basketball skills.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.

________1. A team sport in which two teams of five active players.

A. Basketball
B. Basketball Court
C. Dual Sports
D. Team Sports
_______2. The free-throw line given as a result of a foul worth 1 point.
A. Reaching
B. Rebound
C. Scoring
D. Zone Defense
_______3. A player breaks a rule of basketball without making physical contact with another
A. Court Dimensions
B. Rebound
C. Scoring
D. Violations
_______4. The most common shot used in basketball.
A. Jump Shot
B. Rebound
C. Shooting
D. Traveling

_______5. The player to be in motion toward the basket, and to “lay” the ball “up” into the
basket, typically off the backboard.
A. Jump Shot
B. Layup

C. Reaching
D. Rebounding

Basketball might seem like a difficult game to play, but anyone can be competitive if they
master three specific skills: dribbling, shooting, and playing defense. As a youth coach, these
three skills should be the main focus of your players. To teach them the basics, you'll need an
understanding of the mechanics behind each skill.

Dribbling looks simple enough, but in reality, it can be a difficult task to master. You
may want to start by having each player on your team bounce a ball up and down on the court
with two hands. Once they get a feel for that, have them do it with one hand. Now, here comes
the hard part. Have them dribble with one hand without looking at the basketball. This is perhaps
the most fundamental skill necessary to be a good basketball player, and it is important to
introduce it right away at the youth level

Next comes shooting. Rather than just letting your players aimlessly throw the basketball
at the hoop, you should do your best to teach them good shooting form. Start with the feet. A
player's feet should be roughly shoulder-width apart when preparing to shoot the ball. Next, the
player's eyes should be focused on the hoop. With both hands on the basketball, your player
should have their shooting hand (dominant hand) behind the ball and their balance hand on the
side of the ball. Both elbows are bent, but the elbow on the shooting arm should be directly under
the ball forming a 90-degree angle.

If the form is good, it's time to shoot. Simply tell your players to push the ball toward the
hoop using their shooting hand. The balance hand is there to do nothing more than steady the
ball. When the ball leaves a player's hand, their wrist should be flexed to put a spin on the ball
and their arm should be straight up in the air. This is called a follow-through, and it's important
to hold the follow-through until the ball hits the rim [source: Wassel]. Once your players get the
hang of shooting the ball, you can move on to defense.

When it comes to defense, players need to be able to shuffle their feet side to side. Their
feet should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and their knees slightly bent. One hand
goes up high in the opposing player's line of sight, and the other stays low so it can be used to
steal the ball. Simply having your players use this form and move side to side can be a good way
to teach them the basic mechanics of playing defense. Keep reading to learn about drills that can
help you teach these fundamentals.

When you are thinking about your shooting technique, remember B-E-E-F.

B - is for BALANCE, E - is for ELBOW, E - is for EYES, F - is for FOLLOW-



1. Make sure you are "squared-up" to the basket.

2. Make sure your feet are about shoulder-
width apart, the "shooting foot" (the one
on the same side as your shooting arm)
slightly in front.
3. Knees bent for balance (and to
provide "upward thrust" when you

1. Keep the elbow of your shooting arm
close to your body - no "chicken wings".
2. During the shot, the elbow should come up
to your eyebrow level rather than going
out in front of your body too much. This makes sure
you get plenty of lift on the ball rather than pushing it
out in front of you.

1.Keep your eyes on the target (the basket)! Don't
watch the ball.


1. When you are holding the ball for

the shot your wrist should be
2. Release the ball off the fingers
and snap the wrist back to put
some backspin on the ball.
3. Keep your arm up in the air for a
second - it should be like a
"gooseneck". !
4. Point your index finger at the
target at the end of the shot.

Holding the Ball

1. If you are holding the ball

correctly you should see a

"Y" is formed by your
thumb, fingers, and forearm
of your shooting arm.

2. You should hold the ball with the

pads of the fingers and thumbs.
there should be a gap between
the palm and the ball.
3. The other hand only acts as a
guide and is removed from the
ball before the shot is released.

The angle of the Shot

1. Try and give the ball a nice arc, like the middle line in the diagram here.
2. If you throw the ball too flat it will be harder to get it into the basket.

Basic Skills of Basketball

Chest Pass

The chest pass is used only when you have a clear path to the receiver.

Simple Procedure
1. The ball is held close to the chest,
keep your elbows close to your
body - no "chicken wings".
2. The ball is held in both hands.
Hands either side of the ball,
fingers spread, thumbs behind the
ball. Use the fingers and thumbs
to hold the ball, don't use the
palms of the hands.
3. Step towards the target and thrust the arms forward.
4. As you pass the ball snap your
wrists so that the palms face
outward, fingers point towards the
target, and the thumbs facing
5. The ball should be aimed above waist height and below shoulder height.

Bounce Pass
Simple Procedure
The bounce pass is useful for going
underneath the arms of a defender.
Execution is the same as a chest pass
except the arms are thrust out and down
so that the ball
hits the floor about two-thirds of the
distance to the receiver.
The ball should come up to the waist level for the receiver.

The Overhead Pass

The overhead pass is useful when closely guarded, especially if you are

taller than your opponent. It is also very useful for an "outlet" pass after a
defensive rebound.

Simple Procedure
1. Hold the ball with both hands,
using the finger pads and thumb
on the outside of the ball.
2. Hold the ball above your
forehead, not behind your head
where it is easily stolen.
3. Step towards your target and pass
the ball with a snap of the wrist and
flick of the fingers.
4. After you have thrown the ball
your palms should be facing out,
thumbs down and fingers forward.
5. The target area is the receiver’s
chest or shoulders, or their target

Push Pass

The push pass is perhaps the most common pass used in basketball. It is called a "push
pass" because the ball is pushed outwards from the shoulder using one hand.
From the "triple threat" position the pass is made as follows;
Simple Procedure
1. The wrist and forearm are
"cocked" behind the ball.
2. Step into the pass (using
either foot) and push the
ball forward.
3. Snap the wrist and fully extend
the arm. The other hand is only
used to steady the ball until it is
4. All players must practice and become proficient at the
push pass with both hands.

Other important points are;

a) The push pass is quick.
b) Step into, or around your
defender remember you're the
c) The push pass can be made high (over the
defender’s arms if they are low) or low (under the
defender’s arms if they are high). It can be either a
bounce pass or a direct pass.
d) Pass to the receiver’s target hand.
e) Pass away from the defender.
f) "Fake a pass to make a pass". Use a

pass fake in one direction before
passing in the other. Keep both
hands on the ball for the pass fake.
Keep the fake short but believable.

Baseball Pass
The baseball pass is used when you
want to pass longer distances.

Simple Procedure
1. The ball is up behind the ear with
the passing hand behind the ball and
the other hand on the front or side
of the ball.
2. Step forward with the opposite foot whilst snapping the
wrist and fully extending the arm.
3. Follow through with the wrist
The following key points always apply,
1. Don't overuse the dribble - a quick pass is always a better option if you have an
open team-mate further up the court.
2. Don't waste your dribble - wait for your defender to commit and drive past her. Use a
big explosive step and don't dribble until you are past her.
3. Keep your head up - don't look at the ball. If you are looking at the ball you can't see
where your teammates are, or where the defenders are. You must be able to see the
4. Keep the ball below waist height.
5. Keep your dribbling hand on top of the ball - don't "carry".
6. Don't slap at the ball.
Use your fingertips, not your palms, to push the ball to the floor, getting most of the "push"
from your wrist.
7. Make sure your fingers are well spread, hand cupped.
8. Elbow should be fairly still, near your hip, with your forearm parallel to the floor.

Speed Dribble

The speed dribble is used when you are running at full speed down the court
with no defender close to you. Key points,
1. Push the ball out in front of you.
2. The fewer bounces over a certain distance the better.

Protection Dribble

The protection dribble is used when a

defender is close. Key points,
1. Adopt the stride stop stance - one foot in front of the other.
2. Knees bent, keep low.
3. Keep the ball slightly lower - about knee height.
4. Always dribble with the hand furthest from the defender, bounce the ball near your back
5. Protect the ball with your body and your free arm.

Advanced Dribbles to Practice

1. Crossover
2. Fake crossover (inside out).
3. Behind the back.
4. Between the legs.
5. Reverse (spin) dribble.

A "good" basket baller can dribble well with both hands.

Practice with your weak hand as much as you can.
Don't waste your dribble - use it wisely! Keep your head up and see the
whole court.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions.
1. Discuss briefly the importance of B-E-EF in basketball.
2. Enumerate and discuss the basic skills.
3. Differentiate the basic skills in the sport of basketball?
4. Why other players do exercise like stretching before the game basketball start?
5. How basketball helps you to become physically fit?

Basketball is a fast-paced game that requires the knowledge and instinct to perform
quickly and properly. The sport of basketball requires five basic skills. While some players might
be more experienced with some skills than others, it is best to have at least some ability in all
five areas. Dribbling is an important skill for all basketball players. This skill will allow you to
move up and down the court, maneuver past defenders, and execute plays. Proper dribbling
requires ball-handling skills and knowledge of how to spread your fingers for ball control. It is
also best if you know how to dribble equally well with both hands. To score points in basketball,
you need to shoot the ball into the hoop. This requires the ability to properly hold and throw the
ball into the air toward the basket while avoiding defenders. A proper shot requires precise
aiming, arm extension, and lift from the legs. There are different types of shots you need to learn,
including jump shots, layups, and free throws. Running is a big part of basketball. In a full-court
game, you will find yourself running back and forth as the game quickly transitions between

offense and defense. When you have the ball, running will help you to avoid defenders and get to
the basket quicker. On defense, you often will find yourself needing to run after the opponent,
especially during fast breaks.
Passing is another skill that when mastered can help you become a complete basketball
player. Basketball is a team sport that involves finding a teammate who is open for a shot. The
ability to pass the ball to this player can make the difference between scoring and not scoring.
Great passers are an important part of a basketball team and usually the ones who set up scoring
plays. Jumping is another skill that can define how good a basketball player is. Jumping is
involved in offense during the jump ball in the beginning, while taking shots and sometimes
while trying to catch a pass. On the defensive, you will need the ability to jump when trying to
block a shot or a pass. Being able to out-jump your opponent for a rebound also is important.

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Discuss the importance of basic skills in playing basketball. Explain your answer.

 Randall Communications, 1993-2012
 http://www.guidetocoachingbasketball.com/
 Jeff & Joe Haefner, 001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402,- http://www.winningdrills.com/
 basketball91.com - https://basketball91.com/blog/basketball-coaching/
  Joe and Jeff Co-Founder & Owner, Breakthrough Basketball, LLC.
5001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 -

Lesson 3: The basic defensive skill position of a basketball game


To stop the ball and deny dribble penetration, you must begin with a good stance. If you
don't have a good stance, you won't have a good defensive slide, and you'll constantly be out of
position and off-balance. This will enable the offense to score on you at will. Everything begins
with a good defensive stance. A good defensive stance starts with the feet. Point them forward
and position them slightly wider than your knees, which should be shoulder-width apart. Place
your weight on the balls of your feet (but not on your toes), and keep your heels off the ground.


At the end of this lesson, you shall have been able to:

1. Discuss the meaning of basic defensive skill in a basketball game

2. Identify the different movement patterns in basketball

3. Explain the role of every defense in sports

4. Demonstrate the appropriate procedure in executing a defensive position in basketball.

5. Familiarize oneself with the specifications of the different defensive position


In a typical game of basketball, there are usually five players on each team on the court,
and each player has their roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, players who filled this position
would solely stick to their role and focus on their task, but basketball has advanced a lot since
then and every player these days are required to play two or more positions at one time. This is
due to the nature of the sport where players move around and play flexibly, doing what is
required in any given situation. Balance is the key to a great defensive stance and guarding the
ball. If you lose your balance you are beaten. Low and Wide. A good defensive stance starts with
the feet. Point them forward and position them slightly wider than your knees, which should be
shoulder-width apart. Place your weight on the balls of your feet (but not on your toes), and keep
your heels off the ground.

Basic Defense Skills are the key to winning a basketball game.

Coaches want players who are willing to work hard at their defense. A good scorer who
doesn't work hard on defense is less valuable than a hard-working defender who scores
Good defense requires the following personal attributes;
 Willingness to work hard

 Concentration
 Aggressiveness
 Determination
 Alertness
You will also need to understand, and use, the following basic basketball skills;
 Correct stance
 Footwork (shuffle and drop step)
 Maintaining a good defensive position

Defensive Stance
1. Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
2. Have one foot slightly in front of the other. Usually, it should
be the "inside" foot (the one that is nearest to the center of the
court) that is in front. Dictate the direction the offense can
3. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet, don't stand flat-footed.
4. Knees bent, backside low, back straight.
5. Keep your head up.

The position of your hands depends on whether your man (the

one you are defending) is within his shooting range or not.
If your man is outside his shooting range (you think he cannot score from where he is) then;
 Keep your hands at about waist height with your palms facing up or out.
 If you want to try and knock the ball away, "dig up" at the ball rather than slapping down at
 Pressure the passing lanes.

If your man is inside his shooting range (you think he can score) then;
 Keep one hand high (at shoulder level) to pressure the shot and to block the shooter's view
of the basket.
 Keep the other hand low to guard against the dribble and pressure the passing lanes.
The Shuffle Step

When moving to cover your offensive player always uses the shuffle step.
Your feet should not cross or come together as you would lose your balance and the
ability to react quickly. Keeping a wide stance ensures it is harder for your man to drive
past you.
Take short quick steps, keeping on the balls of your feet.

The Drop Step

The drop step is a reverse pivot that is used to change direction when using the defensive
shuffle step.
It is important to use the drop step so that you give up a bit of ground, but maintain your
position between your man and the basket. If you just continue shuffling in front of your
man, he will likely get right past you, or you will foul her.

Defensive Position

The most important thing to remember is;

Guarding the man with the ball

1. If he still has his dribble, stay about three feet away, keeping pressure on the ball and the
shot with your hands.
2. If he has used his dribble then you can approach closer and increase the pressure.
Most players in our age group will dribble with mainly one hand (usually the right hand).
In this case, you should try and overplay them to that side (move to their right a bit), to
try and force them to dribble or drive using their weaker dribbling hand.
Guarding a man without the ball

Here the object is to stop the man from getting the ball.
You should still keep between your man and the basket, but take a position that allows

you to put your hand and knee into the "passing lane". This is called the "deny" stance.
Make sure to play a step towards the ball ("jump to the ball") to force you man to cut
behind you and not in front. The "passing lane" is a straight line between your man
and the ball.

If we are to be competitive with the top teams next season, we need to put much more emphasis
on our defense.

Everyone, if they put in the effort and practice can be great defensive players. Defense
requires effort, determination, aggression, and concentration rather than the ball skills
required to be a great offensive player.

Important points to remember, to practice and to execute in games are;

1. Position

 You must be between the player and the basket when guarding a player with the ball.
 Play "in the passing lane" when guarding a player "one pass away" from the ball.
 Play "help defense" (towards the "split line") when guarding the player "two or
more passes away" from the ball.
2. Spacing

 Play about an arm’s length away when guarding a player with the ball. If you
know they are quicker than you play a bit further away, if you are quicker go
a bit closer.
 Play closer and apply more pressure once they have used their dribble.
3. Stance

 Keep in the proper defensive stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, head up,
hands ready.
 Keep "low" and "wide".
 Stay in the stance and you'll be quicker and more balanced. Stand up and you'll be
beaten every time.
 Remember "nose behind toes" - if you lean forward with your head, you'll be off-
balance and beaten easily.
4. Ball pressure

 Your main objective as a defender is to put pressure on the pass or shot!
 Apply as much pressure to the ball as you can!
 Trace the ball with your upper hand.
 "Dig up" - don't slap down!
 Don't foul!
 If the player has the ball well protected behind, don't reach around or give up
your position and let them past you.
 No easy, uncontested shots!
 Try and block the player's view of the court and basket.
 Have fast hands!
 Be like a fencer!
 Don't reach your head!
5. Quickness

 Stay on the balls of your feet.

 Shuffle - glide!
 Big then bigger, then big again - don't bring your feet together!
 Keep your feet moving - pitter-patter - remember the tennis player waiting for the
 Stay on one level - don't move up and down - stay low. No bobbing heads!
6. Vision

 Keep your head up - see the whole court!

 You must be able to see the ball and your man - remember "pointing pistols".
 If in doubt, watch the ball.
 When sprinting back down the court, look over the inside shoulder, always look at the

7. Attitude

 Controlled aggression!
 You must want to play defense! You must want the ball!
 Say to yourself - "She is not going to get that shot away!", "She is not going to drive
past me!"
 Be nasty, mean, and greedy - it's your ball - not theirs!
 When chasing a player, run for a spot on the court he wants to get to and get there
8. Transition

 Sprint! Get back down the court before they do!

 Get in front of the ball!

9. Give ground

 Give up ground using the drop step rather than letting the player get past you!
10. Guard the Key

 We must not let players get the ball in our defensive key! Don't even let them in the
defensive key!
 Under no circumstances is an opposition player to be in the key unguarded.
 Under no circumstances pass back across the defensive key when there are opposition
players near.

 Shout (loudly!) to let your team-mates know what is happening - it can

also upset the other team's concentration.
 Shout "BALL" when your player (the one you are guarding) has the ball.
 Shout "DEAD" when they pick up their dribble.
 Shout "SHOT" when a shot is taken.
 Shout "SWITCH" when you go to guard someone else's man to let them know to take
12. Force the Opposition to the Sideline / Baseline / Corner

 Always force the opposition ball handler to the sideline/corner!

 Keep them out of the middle of the court.

13. Own the Backboards - Rebound, Rebound, Rebound!

 The team that gets most rebounds, nearly always wins!

 "Block out" - make contact.
 "Hands near ears !"
 Watch the ball - anticipate where it is going to go!
 Jump high - jump stop!
 75% of rebounds bounce the opposite side from where the shot was taken!
 Grab the ball as you want it!
 Once you've got it to protect it - pull it in, elbows wide!
 After an offensive rebound - power the shot straight back up - power lay-up is
the only shot I don't mind you using two hands.
 After a defensive rebound - look for an outlet pass to the wing or dribble the ball out.
14. Shot Blocking

 Don't bring the arm/hand down or forward.
 Keep the arm upright - no fouls this way!
 Don't jump unless the ball has left the shooters hand - beware of shot fakes.

A good rebounder is a very valuable player.

They get the ball back for the team at the defensive end and get opportunities for
extra shots at the offensive end. Although there are some techniques and skills to
learn, rebounding is mainly about effort and determination.
1. Be in the right position.
Be between your man and the basket.
Try and anticipate where the missed shot is going to go!
2. Box out your opponent.
In defense, after the shot goes up, pivot "into" your man, make
contact with your "behind". Stay low (knees bent - "sitting
position") for balance and strength.
Stay wide (legs and arms) so you are harder to get past.
Keep your arms up, hands up at about ear level, palms facing the basket.
3. Watch the shot (ball) and anticipate where it is going to go.
4. Move to the ball and jump up high!
5. Catch the ball with two hands above your head. Don't wait for it to come down to you!
6. Land with a two-foot jump stop!
Then you can choose your pivot foot.

Defensive Rebounds
Bring the ball into the body and protect it.
Look for an "outlet" pass to the closest wing, or a strong
dribble and then a pass. The rebound is the first stage of
our fast break - get going!

Offensive Rebounds
Be strong and go straight back up for the shot.
Remember the "pump fake" - get the defender up in the air.

Triple Threat and Individual Offensive Moves

The Triple Threat Position

You should develop the habit of always going straight into the "triple threat" position when you
get the basketball.

The triple threat position is,
1. Facing the basket
2. Feet about shoulder-width apart.
3. Knees bent, keep your "behind" low.
4. Stay on the balls of your feet, don't stand flat-footed.
5. Keep your head up - looking around the court.
6. Holding the ball in the "ready" position, if closely guarded protect it on
your back hip.
From the triple threat position, you can,
1. dribble (drive to the basket)
2. pass
3. shoot
Remember to always "square up" to face the basket.
Individual Offensive Moves

These moves are all used to beat the defender. They all start with you in the "triple
threat" position. Remember this means you can dribble, pass, or shoot.
These moves begin with a short "jab" step toward the defender, or a shot fake, to
make him react in some way. The following important points apply to all of these
individual offensive moves.
1. Don't automatically bounce the ball as soon as you get it. Save your dribble.
2. Always adopt the triple-threat position - remember to "square up" and face the basket.
3. Keep low, knees bent, butt low.
4. Make the jab step short and quick - keep your weight on your pivot foot - this will help you
stay balanced.
5. Make your shot fakes believable they must look like the start of your normal shooting
6. Don't make the shot fake and following action too quick - give the defender time to react.
7. Make the drive step quick and long. You have to get past the defender with this first long
8. Drive close to the defender, straight at the basket, no "banana cuts".
9. Attack the lead foot and hand of the defender.
10. "Read" the defense - see what they do before you decide your move.
11. You must start the dribble before your pivot foot leaves the floor.
Strong Side Drive

If your defender doesn't react quickly to the jab step, make a strong side drive.
1. Make sure the drive step is long and try and get your head and shoulders past the defender.
2. Protect the ball by keeping it on your "strong" side, protecting it with your body.
3. Keep the defender on your back by moving across in front of her.

Crossover Drive

If the defender reacts to your jab step by moving to that side, go past him on your
pivot-foot side using a crossover drive.
1. Rip the ball through low to the other side of your body as you make the crossover step
across your body.
2. Dribble with your "off" hand to keep your body between the defender and the ball.

Jab Step into Jump Shot

If the defender reacts to your jab step by moving backward, and her hands
are down, take the shot if you are in range and have room.
1. It is important to keep the jab step short to retain your balance for the shot.
2. Make a good high jump shot to ensure the defender doesn't reject the shot.

There will be some times during practice when not all players are
involved in a particular on-court activity. During these times, you should
not just stand around and do nothing. Use the following ball-handling,
stationary dribbling, and jump-rope activities to keep you busy and improve
your skills and fitness. All of these drills are designed so that you can still
watch what is happening on the court.
Ball Handling Drills

With all of these drills - KEEP YOUR HEAD UP - DON'T LOOK DOWN
Body Wraps
Wrap the ball around your head from hand to hand.
Move down your body and wrap the ball
around your waist. Move down again and
wrap the ball around your ankles.
Single leg wraps
Stand with your legs apart and wrap the ball around one of
your legs from hand to hand.
Do 10 in one direction, then 10 in the other, change legs.
Figure-8 wraps
Stand with your legs apart and wrap the ball around both of your legs

from hand to hand in a figure 8 pattern.
Do 10 in one direction, then 10 in the other.

Blurr - with a bounce

Stand with your legs apart and hold the ball with one
hand in front and one hand behind your body. Letting
the ball bounce only once, change hands, the front to
the back, and then back to the front.
Blurr - with no bounce
Same as above but don't let the ball bounce.

Spider Drill
Dribble the ball twice in front of your body, once
with each hand, then dribble the ball twice with the
hands behind the body, again once with each hand.
Then return to the front for the same again.

Straddle Flip
Hold the ball with both hands in front of the body. Release the ball and catch it before it bounces
with both hands behind the body. Repeat coming back to the front.

Finger Tipping
Tip the ball continuously, and rapidly, between the fingertips of both hands. Move
the position of the ball from above your head to out in front of your body and back
again as you tip the ball.

Dribbling Drills

1. V-dribbles (crossover) in front of your body - from hand to hand - keep the ball low.
2. V-dribbles (front to back) either side of your body - in the stride stop stance.
3. V-dribbles in front of your body - one hand only.
For 2 & 3 above, remember the hand & wrist must change position each dribble
(from one side of the ball to the other.
4. Change position drill.
Protection dribble right hand for 5-10 dribbles, then swap to left hand for 5-10 dribbles -
5. Dribble around your body.
6. Figure 8 dribbles between the legs.

7. Between the legs dribble.
8. Behind the back dribble.

Jump Rope Drills

Jump rope (skipping) is great for conditioning and

developing foot quickness. Try sets of 20 of each of the
1. Two-foot jumping.
2. Single foot jumping (hopping).
3. Alternate feet jumping.
Or, just use your imagination!

Line Jumping Drills

Use the lines of the basketball court (or any lines - draw one with chalk if you need to)
to do the various drills below. These will develop your foot quickness as well.
Try sets of 20 of each of the following.
1. Standing side on to the line, jump with both feet, back and forth across the line.
2. Standing side on to the line, jump with the single foot (hop), back and forth across the line
(use right then left foot).
3. Standing front on to the line, jump with both feet, back and forth across the line.
4. Standing front on to the line, jump with a single foot (hop), back and forth across the line
(use right then left foot).
Make up any combination of the above, or again, just use your imagination.

Self – Assessment Question (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What is the most defensive position in basketball?
2. Differentiate rebounding and layup.
3. What are the three keys to playing defense in basketball?
4. What is the best defense in basketball?
5. Why is defense important in basketball?


Now it’s time to take these skills and put them all together to play the game of
basketball. When your team has the ball and you’re trying to score, you’re playing
offense. When the other team has the ball and you’re trying to keep them from
scoring, you’re playing defense. In basketball, everyone plays offense and everyone

plays defense. You switch back and forth all the time.

Some players only want to shoot the basketball. But good basketball players
work on playing defense just as hard as playing offense. This is good teamwork. Be a
“team” player - play both offense and defense. When you’ve got the ball, keep the ball
moving. Dribble it or pass it.

Remember: A good pass is the best way to move the ball and keep moving when
you don’t have the ball. As soon as you pass the ball, move toward the basket and away
from players on the other team. This puts you in a good position to receive a pass.
Keep your eyes on the ball as you are moving so you’re ready to catch it if a
teammate passes to you.

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Discuss briefly the defensive position in basketball and what strategy of defense will you
do in case you are inside the court?

 Copyright © 2001 - 2020, James A. Gels, - https://www.coachesclipboard.net/
 RandallCommunications,1993-2012. http://www.guidetocoachingbasketball.com/
 Jeff & Joe Haefner, 001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402,- http://www.winningdrills.com/
 basketball91.com - https://basketball91.com/blog/basketball-coaching/
  Joe and Jeff Co-Founder & Owner, Breakthrough Basketball, LLC.
5001 1st Ave. SE, Ste 105 #254 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 -
 http://training.ymca.net/

Lesson 4: The player position of the game basketball

A good basketball team is like a well-oiled machine. Five players step onto the court,
each filling a specific role, working toward the ultimate goal: victory. But what does each of
these positions entail? A basketball player generally falls into one of five positions: point guard,
shooting guard, small forward, power forward and center. Pro Tips is here with a breakdown of
these five positions. Take a look at the abilities, skills, and qualities needed to be successful at
each position. Basketball is a sport that has evolved throughout the years. While there are five
traditional positions, sometimes a player doesn’t fit into those roles. Instead, they play in a
hybrid or non-traditional position. 

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the important position of game basketball.
2. Identify the different positions/movements in basketball.
3. Determine the appropriate position, that applies to a specific game situation.
4. Describe the appropriate procedure in executing different positions of the sport in
basketball games.
5. Familiarize oneself with the specifications of the different positions.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.

_________1. The ball is passed directly from the passer’s chest to the receiver’s chest.
A. Chest Pass
B. Forwards
C. Guards
D. Overhead Pass
_________2. The ball strikes the court and bounces up toward the receiver.
A. Bounce Pass
B. Forwards
C. Guards
D. Player

_________3. What was the first object used as a hoop?
A. Buckets
B. Garbage can
C. Metal hoops
D. Peach Basket
_________4. How many quarters are played in a professional basketball game?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
_________5. The players may choose to play either a man to man defense zone.
A. Blocking
B. Defense
C. Holding
D. Offense

Basketball in its elemental form is a team sport that relies on the unique attributes and
abilities of all the team members that the team comprises of, making it essential to know your
position in the team. Although teams today have many variations of team setups and unique
player types, this article will revolve around the traditional 5 positions that every player can be
classified as to give an overview and insight into your position in the team.
By knowing your position in the team, you’ll be better able to support your
team to victory. In today's game, things are a little different than described above. We've now
entered into an era of 'position less basketball. Meaning all players are now required to do a bit
of everything regardless of which basketball position they're listed as.
There are now 7-feet-tall point guards who can hold their own against the best big men in
the league when competing for rebounds. Just as there are centers who can easily lead the fast
break. If you want your players to compete in the most elite competitions in the world one day,
you must be training them to play (and guard) any position on the court.
Basketball Positions
1. Point guard

Notable Point Guards:  Chris Paul, Magic Johnson, Steph Curry, and John Stockton.
The point guard (also known as the floor general or the 'one') is often one of the shortest
players on the team and is responsible for advancing the basketball up the court and setting up
the team's offense. This requires the point guard to be highly skilled at dribbling and passing
while rarely turning the basketball over to the opposition.
Once the offense has been set up, the point guard must be able to read what the defense
is doing and make smart decisions. A high level of basketball IQ is crucial for this position
which is why the point guard is often referred to as the on-court coach.
The player filling the point guard position must be unselfish (there's nothing worse than a
selfish point guard) and aim to get their teammates involved on the offensive end of the floor.
This requires crystal clear knowledge of the playbook as well as understanding their teammate's
strengths and weaknesses.
Knowing what areas of the court your teammates thrive in allows the offense to take
advantage of mismatches. As with all positions, the point guard should be able to knock down an
open outside shot and also penetrate and pass to their teammates. Defensively, the point guard is
responsible for guarding and disrupting the opposition's main ball-handler. They do this by
playing aggressive (but smart) full-court defense attempting to tip the basketball lose but
ensuring they always stay between their opponent and the basket.

2. Shooting Guard

Notable Shooting Guards: Michael Jordan, James Harden, Kobe Bryant, and Reggie Miller.
The shooting guard (also known as the off guard or 'two') is often one of the shorter
players on the team and generally starts an offensive possession on the wing. This is a scoring
position and is often be filled by the team's best outside shooter. But the shooting guard position
requires more than outside shooting. This player must be able to shoot consistently from outside,
midrange, and close to the basket, as well as be able to make a variety of layups including
floaters, euro steps, and reverse layups.

Being able to score from anywhere on the floor means the shooting guard is always a
threat and many basketball plays can be run for them. They're also the team's secondary ball-
handler and can help advance the basketball up the court if the point guard is competing against a
tough opposition defender. On the defensive end of the floor, a great shooting guard defender is
quick and able to avoid screens from the opposition's bigs.

3. Small Forward

Notable Small Forwards: LeBron James, Scottie Pippen, Kevin Durant, and Larry Bird.
The small forward (also known as the 'three') is often the most versatile of the 5
basketball positions on the court both offensively and defensively. They’re long and athletic

which allows them to be incredibly disruptive on the defensive end of the court and usually
makes them the team's best defensive player.

The best small forwards also have an offensive game. Similar to the shooting guard
position, they're able to shoot consistently from outside, score inside, and also penetrate and
create for their teammates. To put it simply, they're the 'swiss army knife' of a basketball team.
They can do everything on a basketball court. This includes helping out the two 'bigs'
with rebounding the basketball on the defensive end of the floor.

4. Power Forward

Notable Power Forwards:  Tim Duncan, Dennis Rodman, Karl Malone, and Kevin Love.
The power forward (also known as the 'four') is usually the second tallest player on the
team and is required to be both strong and skilled. In past years, the player in this position always
played close to the rim and scored the majority of their points in the paint. In today's game, the
power forward needs a good mid-range jump shot (especially from the short corner) and will be
even more effective if they're able to consistently hit a three-point shot.

Players who can do this are known as a 'stretch four'. Whether this player spends most of
their time inside the three-point line or on the perimeter will depend on the offense the coach
chooses to run with their team. Defensively, having size and strength is important for boxing out
their opponent and securing rebounds.

5. Center

Notable Centers: Shaquille O'Neal, Joel Embiid, Wilt Chamberlain, and Bill Russell.
The center (also known as the 'five') is usually the tallest and strongest player on the team
and spends most of the game close to the basket. Offensively, most centers don't have a
consistent midrange shot or a three-point shot, nor are they typically the focus of most offenses.
Instead, they will score often score the majority of their points by staying close to the rim and
scoring off offensive rebounds or by receiving short passes when a perimeter player penetrates
and their defender is forced to provide help defense.
This requires that they have good hands and a high basketball IQ to know where to move
around the rim to give passers the best angle. The best centers have a good post game and can
score with a variety of moves from the low post area. This is especially necessary when they get
switched onto a smaller and weaker player. Defensively, the two main responsibilities of a center
are to defend the basket and rebound the basketball. The center doesn't necessarily need to be a
great shot blocker (though that certainly helps); simply taking up space in the paint and forcing
opponents to change their shots is often enough to prevent a score.

6. Sixth Man

Notable Sixth Men:  Manu Ginobili, Eric Gordon, Jamal Crawford, and Jason Terry.
The 6th man is the first player to come off the bench and enter the game. This player can
vary from game-to-game, but on most teams, there is a specific sixth man who enters each game
first off, the bench. In regards to skill level, the sixth man is often as skilled as the 5 starting
players. Possibly more skilled than several of them (it's never a good idea to start with your 5
best players on the court). They’re usually a versatile player who can fill several different
basketball positions. Who they substitute off the court will usually depend on matchups and
which player starts the game poorly. The main requirement of a sixth man is that they must bring
energy to the game when they step on the court.

7. The Bench

The rest of the players who begin the game on the sideline (usually 2 - 4 more players)
are known as 'the bench'.

The number of minutes the players on the bench will get on the court varies significantly
depending on the level of competition the team's playing. For youth basketball, I always
recommend coaches give all players an even amount of court time until the last few minutes of a
close game.

For high school or older, the players on the bench often have much less of a role on the
team in regards to playing time. Some will get 10 - 15 minutes, and others won't play a minute at
all. Regardless of how many minutes they receive on the court, the bench needs to be constantly
positive and encouraging the players on the court. Never overlook the importance of having a
great bench presence.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What's the hardest position in basketball? Explain your answer
2. Which basketball position is most important?
3. What's the easiest position in basketball?
4. What is the most attacking position in basketball?
5. Differentiate the positions of the game basketball.

Basketball in its elemental form is a team sport that relies on the unique attributes and
abilities of all the team members that the team comprises of, making it essential to know your
position in the team. Although teams today have many variations of team setups and unique
player types, this article will revolve around the traditional 5 positions that every player can be
classified as to give an overview and insight into your position in the team.
There are five main positions on the court. It is every player's responsibility to try and
stop the opposition from scoring. And every player can push forward to try and make that all-
important basket. Different players will possess a variety of skills, shooting, passing, or
defending. Depending on how well the team is getting on, the coach will want different players
will certainly jobs on the court at any one time.
Traditionally, the basket has 5 specific positions on the court, Two guards, two forwards,
and a center. Like their position of Point guard, shooting guard, Small forward, Power forward,
and Center. Each of these basketball positions has its roles and responsibilities. Many years ago,
the players who filled these positions would stick solely to their role and avoid doing anything
that was outside their position.
The center and power forward would dominate 90% of the rebounding but very rarely
dribble the basketball. The guards would dribble the basket up and down the court but very
rarely would they enter the key area. While basketball has advanced a lot in recent times, the
players who fill these basketball positions still have specific responsibilities.

Suggested Enrichment Activity
Give at least 10 effective strategies or positions to play basketball. And what strategy you
feel the most important in the game.


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Lesson 1: Apply the meaning of sportsmanship on the game

Good sportsmanship is the most important aspect of the game. Sometimes games will get
intense, heated, and personal; therefore, sportsmanship must be learned to be practiced in sticky
situations. If athletes weren’t reprimanded for unfit behavior, there would be no guidelines for
others to follow. Of course, there’s talent and hard work, which are both very important parts of
sports, but without sportsmanship and self-discipline, there would likely be chaos throughout
various levels of play.

When athletes go “beyond the game,” they look outside of what it takes to win a game
but decide to be a good teammate, good opponent, and good person. Everyone may have a tad bit
different definition of good sportsmanship, but first-class sportsmanship all leads to the same
goal of having a clean, fun competition with the outcome of creating champions who excel both
on and off the court.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the meaning of sportsmanship and their importance of applying in the game.
2. Describe the five main qualities of true sportsmanship.
3. Define the meaning of bad qualities and cause in their teammate in a basketball game.
4. Identify the official's hand signal using in the game basketball

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.

_________1. A violation where the player is deemed to kicked the ball.

A. Carrying
B. Charging
C. Hacking
D. Kicking
_________2. A foul in which a defender makes contact with the ball-handler while reaching in
an attempt to steal the ball.
A. Key
B. Kicking

C. Passing
D. Reaching
_________3. A foul in which a defender makes contact with the shooter on the arm or wrist
while in the act of shooting.
A. Hacking
B. Kicking
C. Rebound
D. Zone Defense
_________4. The ball-handler makes contact with a player who has already established a
position on the court.
A. Charging
B. Foul
C. Passing
D. Shooting
_________5. The area on the court that is located under the basket and in front of the free-throw
A. Basket
B. Double Dribble
C. Key
D. Low Dribble

Sportsmanship is defined as ethical, appropriate, polite, and fair behavior while
participating in a game or athletic event. When a basketball player plays by the rules, is fair to
his opponent, and is gracious when he loses, this is an example of sportsmanship.
Good sportsmanship builds teamwork, character, and teaches respect, honor, discipline,
kindness, inclusion, resilience, perseverance, and more. The benefits of good sportsmanship are
many. When kids enjoy active play, they look forward to sports and exercise as a chance to make
new friends and develop new skills. Good sportsmanship is when people who are playing or
watching a sport treat each other with respect. This includes players, parents, coaches, and

Sportsmanship Tips: 5 Qualities of a Good Teammate

Regardless of the sport, certain team dynamics are common across all sports and all
backgrounds. There are universal traits that make individuals likable by the whole team and
coach. Here are 5 qualities that make a good teammate:

Being coachable isn’t limited to what your coach can teach you; your teammates who may
be more skilled or more experienced may have something new to teach you too. A huge part of
being a good teammate is being humble enough to recognize that you don’t know everything and
that there may be someone else that can give you advice. What your teammate has to offer may
not always be helpful but if any of them has any insight to offer, say thank you that they have
taken the time. The advice they have for you may not always be sports in nature but may also
include suggestions on managing your time between school and sports.

A team that is supportive of each other will always do better than a team that has
individual goals and nothing in common. Support your teammate by cheering them on or high-
fiving when they make a good play. Don’t laugh at them when they mess up or get on their case.
You are their teammate; they don’t need someone else making them feel worse about screwing
up. Consider adjusting your phrasing always to highlight the positive. Avoid negative phrases
like “don’t miss” and say “focus!” instead. Good teammates support each other and don’t put
added pressure on one another.

3.Know your role

When you know your role for the team, your teammates know what they can expect from
you. Being accountable for your actions and your position shows that you are taking
responsibility for the part you play in the success of the team. It also means that you respect the
roles that your other teammates hold and have no intentions of overstepping or crossing
boundaries. This is particularly important for a team where a captain is identified and also true
for certain players who may try to assume the position of someone else on the team.

Being able to talk with your coach and teammates is perhaps one of the more important
traits of being a good teammate. Communication on and off the court is crucial to the success of
the team. To be a good teammate, try to maintain authentic connections outside of practices and
games by being friendly when you see them at school or in your neighborhood. Being able to
talk freely and openly to your teammate is essential if you want to communicate on game day.

5. Have fun and a positive attitude

Show your teammates that you are passionate about the success of your team and the sport
you all love. Ultimately, to be a good teammate means to be a good sport, a good friend, and an
overall good person who has the right attitude and knows how to have fun.

The Seven Bad Habits That Make Selfish Teammates

One thing is for certain that will happen throughout your athletic life as you carve your
path to success: You will have bad teammates, and depending on where you play, you may come
across a lot of them. They are about as certain in athletics as death and taxes are in life, and
almost every team at every level in life and athletics, have selfish teammates.

Some of those teammates may be aware of their behavior and just don’t care because of
their obsession in achieving their success, while others may not know that they’re acting
selfishly.  Whatever the case may be, selfish teammates generally exhibit the same behavior on
the playing field, in the classroom, and at the office when you get older in life. It’s not the end of
the world if you’re acting like a selfish teammate, but you can guarantee that it will be damaging
to your success if you realize you are acting selfishly and don’t make an effort to change.

1. Selfish Teammates Blame Their Coaches & Teammates

The number one thing that bad teammates do is blame their coaches for their
shortcomings.  They are the type of player that never sees eye to eye with their coaches and
cause friction both publicly and privately between them and their respective teachers.  Bad
teammates can cause friction through two major practices – they either have a conflict with their
coach in front of everyone publicly or they undermine their coaches behind their backs in closed
circles, with teammates one on one, or in the locker room.  

If they try to suck you in to have a conversation about your coaches, just do yourself a
favor and walk away.  It’s a no-win situation for you. You may become unpopular or be labeled
as a “suck-up” for deciding to not listen, but just know that it will pass and that everyone will
value your loyal values in the long run. 

Those types of conversations are always short term and usually occur because
your teammate isn’t mature enough to realize that their problems stem from their current
mentality. Have you ever heard “You should have given it to me!” or “I was wide open!” or even
“You can’t make that play! Give it to me instead!” from one of your teammates?  Odds are,
they’re selfish.  You may think that their comments are constructive criticism, but when a
teammate lashes out in frustration that the play should have gone to them instead of you, they are
telling the entire world around them that they believe their athletic ability is superior compared
to their teammates.  

It’s only constructive criticism when a teammate asks: “Did you see what happened
there?” or “What did you see? Gotcha. Check this out, this is what we need to try to do.”  The
latter brings to try and connect, understand what their teammate saw, and then make a suggestion
to change.  The former is a tirade of frustration because the play “didn’t go their way”.  That’s
selfish behavior. Their way isn’t more important than the team’s way.

2. Selfish Teammates Make Excuses

Bad teammates ALWAYS make excuses for their shortcomings and blame someone else
for their failures and never exhibit the quality of “Grit“. They blame others for not allowing
them to succeed or for not giving them a chance and they always fail to see that the reason why
they aren’t getting the opportunities that they want is that they aren’t putting in the work.  That,
or they don’t have a great attitude and don’t realize that their bad attitude is what coaches don’t
want to reward.

 Instead, they go around and say that they aren’t getting what they want because someone
“is out to get them”, “doesn’t like them”, or “isn’t fair”. News flash: life isn’t fair.  However,
more times than not, people that have a great attitude and a solid work ethic are the ones that
tend to make the most success for themselves.  Players that make excuses like this are a dime a
dozen, and you should realize that their mentality is toxic for not only sports but for life in

3. Selfish Teammates Could Care Less About Their Teammate’s Success

There is no bigger red flag of a bad teammate than the one that doesn’t get excited about
their teammate’s success.  Why? Because they are all in it for themselves.  They want the
limelight, the recognition, and to be revered for their talents more than see their teammates
experience success. Not only will you experience selfish players that want more, but I can
guarantee that you will certainly come across those who ACT like they are truly happy for their
other teammates but aren’t.

Selfish players usually act this way when they only have happiness for teammates that
don’t compete against them for their position. How do you deal with this?  You don’t need to be
a sports psychologist.  You just need to realize that bad teammate have bad attitudes and to not
get caught up in it.  Truly celebrate your other teammate's success because when they succeed,
you usually succeed as well.

4. Selfish Teammates Put in Minimum Time with Marginal Effort

Bad teammates are the ones that love everything that comes with being a part of the team:
The swag, the fans (if there are any), and the “lifestyle”. However, they don’t value their self-
improvement as a priority and always do the minimum required work just to “get by”.  Bad
teammates are never the first ones to arrive or the last ones to leave from practice and they
would rather be social than put in the time to practice.

If you want to make progress every day, you shouldn’t be associated with teammates that
are perceived as they don’t care and only do the minimum. Don’t expect to make personal gains
or have exceptional results if you surround yourself with players that only dedicate a small
amount of time to their progress. These bad teammates are the ones that put in “marginal effort”
too. They just do enough to meet what is required of them and never go the extra mile.  

Being team functions is sometimes a nuisance to them, and they are constantly checking
the clock to see “how much time is left until practice/workout/film is over”. These types of
teammates are drifters through life and ever really take anything seriously, unless if it is on their
terms. You don’t want to associate yourself with these types of teammates because they will
never inspire you to achieve more in life. Sure, for a majority of the time they are harmless, but
being harmless is extremely harmful to you and your team making progress.

5. Selfish Teammates “Know It All” & Contemplate Quitting When Times Are Tough

When your team hits a rough patch, bad teammates are easy to identify because they are
the ones that try to point the finger of blame.  They will claim that they know why everything is
going bad and they usually choose either the coaches or players that they compete with as a
scapegoat to the lack of team success.

 The problem with this is that divides the team rather than bring it together, but bad
teammates don’t care about that or the team.  They only care about being right and would rather
be right in their minds than admit that they don’t know the answer and have to lean on their
teammates for success.  Stay away – these players ALWAYS end up alone because they push
teammates, coaches, and supporters away due to their narcissistic personality.

The other thing that they do is bring up the possibility of quitting because “it’s not fun”,
“the team sucks”, “I don’t want to play anymore”, or “I’m wasting my time”.  As an individual,
you cannot get sucked into their way of negative thinking because it is TOXIC.  The Golden
Rule: Never quit just because things aren’t going your way.  

Playing sports is all about managing the mental ups and downs while you continue to
stick to the process.  You will never teach yourself anything about loyalty, sacrifice,
determination, or perseverance if you quit because of your negative mentality.  In times of rough
patches, you should be thinking about how lucky you are to have the opportunity to play the
game.  Think about how many people would love to have the opportunities that you have in life
and realize that you need to work to hone your skills instead of taking things for granted. Don’t
get caught up with Energy Vampires (bad teammates).  They’ll suck the life out of you.

6. Selfish Teammates Are Always “Tired” & “Busy”

Teammates that don’t have any time for the team aren’t teammates at all – they’re just
people that happen to play on the team.  Being a teammate means that you put your peers and
your coaches around you before yourself.  You make sacrifices to keep the life of the team intact
and you don’t do anything to put yourself in front of the team and upset the apple cart.

That’s what it means to be a “team player”.  Selfish teammates don’t do any of these
things.  They are the type of player that can’t attend team-building functions on the weekend
because they’re “busy” or have “other commitments”.  They are the ones that don’t go the extra
mile to form team functions themselves because they care about themselves and what they are
doing more than creating relationships and building bonds with their peers.  Their lazy, me-first
mentality is toxic and can usually pull in one or two more players to adopt their lazy mentality,
but the largest that they will ever grow to be is a “clique”.

If you have a teammate that doesn’t have to make time for you, your coaches, or your
fellow teammates, then they don’t understand what it means to be a teammate at all.  You don’t
want to associate with people that think that their time is more important than the greater good of
the group.  No matter how hard they try to make it look like they don’t care what you think, they
do.  So, don’t get sucked into the complainer’s mentality of being tired from doing so much and
that there is not enough time in the day to make the team a priority.  Instead, side with those
teammates that want to make the team their priority – You’ll find that most people will side with
the team.  If you have a teammate that doesn’t want to put the team first, that’s their problem and
not yours.

7. Selfish Teammates Look Out for Themselves (Number One) Before Anyone Else

Finally, you guessed it – selfish teammates put themselves before anything else in life.
They are usually the people that have all the materialism that they can buy, but none of the
substance or camaraderie that they have to sacrifice their materialism for.

These are the teammates that don’t treat people well, always ask for things and expect
people to solve their issues at the drop of a hat, work hard only when they feel like it, feel that
they don’t have to pick up the locker room, are above doing team laundry and filling water
bottles, don’t feel that it is important to wear the apparel that team gives you for team functions –
I can keep going on.

Selfish teammates are easy to sniff out.  Just look for the players that don’t have pride in
the logo that you play for and don’t treat everyone around them with mutual respect. They only
care about what they think, how they feel, and what they want to do.  Sacrifice, loyalty, humility,
and appreciation are not in their vocabulary.

Officials hand signal in basketball

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)
Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What is the difference between gamesmanship and sportsmanship?
2. How do you show sportsmanship and how can you apply this to play basketball?
3. Is gamesmanship unethical? Explain your answer
4. What is the importance of being a good sportsman or showing good sportsmanship?
5. How do you promote sportsmanship?

Good sportsmanship encompasses many aspects of a man’s character, the most
fundamental being respect. The good sportsman respects both his teammates and his opponents
as equals. He plays with integrity. A win that does not come fairly holds no satisfaction for him.
He is honest in his dealings with opponents because he treats them the way he wants to be
treated. He is unselfish in his desire to see all his teammates participate and enjoy the game. He
is humble in his victories and has the proper perspective on his losses.
In short, the qualities that go into making a good man are the same ones that contribute to
being a great sportsman. Unfortunately, as men’s character off the field has declined, so has their
behavior on it. Men pout and even cry when they lose, they gloat when they win, and they take
sports far too seriously. A man should understand that good sportsmanship truly enhances the

experience of both playing and watching sports. Players feel encouraged by one another and take
satisfaction in the fact that the game was played fairly. And fans can enjoy themselves at the

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Explain the importance of good sportsmanship and how can you apply in the game


 Guide to Sportsmanship: Be a Good Sport | The Art of Manliness
 www.artofmanliness.com › articles › be-a-good-sport-a...

23 Qualities of a Great Teammate - Basketball for Coaches
 www.basketballforcoaches.com › Blog › Players

 The Seven Bad Habits That Make Selfish Teammates
 www.spongecoach.com › Latest Posts

 https://www.basketballwiki.net/index.php?title=Official%27s_Signals

 The Meaning of Good Sportsmanship | The Huddle | News

 lhsaa.org › News › The Huddle

Lesson 2: The skills, technique, strategies of sport activities

The sport includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through
casual or organized participation, at least in part aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability
and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for
spectators. Sport is about a range of specific activities that involve competition and requires
physical conditioning and skills.
A good way to define it would be to say, "It is a structured physical activity, usually
competitive, that requires complex skills and a high level of individual commitment and
Sports, by performing developmental, educational, patriotic, communicative function,
integrates and coordinates individuals and social groups, helps the nation to develop.
The sport system is directly connected with the subsystems of health, science, culture,
upbringing, and education.
The game of volleyball goes back as far as 1895 when it was invented in America as a
hybrid of tennis and basketball. It spread to Europe and around the world during World War I
and became an officially recognized sport after World War II when the International Federation
was founded.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the brief history, nature of the game volleyball.
2. Indicate the importance of safety etiquette in sport.
3. Identify the different facilities/equipment required in volleyball.
4. Familiarize oneself with the rules and regulations of the game.
5. Analyze the strategies on the game volleyball.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.

_______1. A team sport in which two teams of six active players on a court divided by a net.
A. Basketball Court
B. Dual Sports

C. Team Sports
D. Volleyball
_______2. He decided to blend the elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball.
A. Alfred Halstead
B. Dr. James Naismith
C. Philip Salvador
D. William G. Morgan
_______3. In what year the game volleyball starts originated.
A. 1892
B. 1893
C. 1894
D. 1895
_______4. A player holds or throws the ball.
A. Block
B. Bump
C. Dig
D. Side out
_______5. The game is played by the rally point system and a point is awarded on every
A. Game point
B. Scoring
C. Serve
D. Side out

Volleyball, game played by two teams, usually of six players on a side, in which the
players use their hands to bat a ball back and forth over a high net, trying to make the ball touch
the court within the opponents’ playing area before it can be returned. To prevent this a player on
the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a teammate, before it touches the court surface—
that teammate may then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it
across the net.

A team is allowed only three touches of the ball before it must be returned over the net.
The game of volleyball takes two forms: the six-a-side indoor version, and beach volleyball,
which is played in pairs. The beach variety emerged on the Olympic scene at Atlanta in 1996 and
is considered to be the more glamorous of the two versions – perhaps due in part to suntanned
bodies and the skimpy clothing worn by competitors.

However, in both disciplines, the object of the game is the same: to get the ball to land in
the opposition’s half of the court. The emergence of beach volleyball – with the sand, sun, and
cool-looking competitors making it far more popular than the indoor version –led the authorities
to revamp the traditional game in recent times. The basics remained the same, but a new position
– the ‘libero’ – was created to introduce longer rallies and more spectacular defensive play.
Organizers also made the game even faster by declaring that either side could score a point on
any rally, irrespective of who had served.

The sport originated in the United States. In 1895, William G. Morgan, an instructor at
the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Mass., decided to blend
elements of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball to create a game for his classes of
businessmen which would demand less physical contact than basketball.

He created the game of Volleyball (at that time called mintonette). Morgan borrowed
the net from tennis, and raised it 6 feet 6 inches above the floor, just above the average man's
head. During a demonstration game, someone remarked to Morgan that the players seemed
to be volleying the ball back and forth over the net, and perhaps "volleyball" would be a
more descriptive name for the sport. On July 7, 1896, at Springfield College, the first game
of "volleyball" was played. In 1900, a special ball was designed for the sport. In 1900 the
YMCA spread volleyball to Canada, the Orient, and the Southern Hemisphere.

Safety and Etiquette

1. Players must be aware of hazards in the playing area. Volleyball standards/poles,
teammates, walls, and balls all pose the possibility of serious injury.
2. Players should roll the ball under the net, rather than throw it over the net to the other
3. Players should attempt to alert other players when a ball has rolled onto another court
so that a player does not accidentally land or step on the ball.
4. Players should avoid net violations or crossing the centerline as this can cause injury.
5. Players should announce his/her team’s score and then the opponent’s score clearly
and loudly before each serve. In the absence of an official, players should call the ball

“in” or “out,” and call net violations in the interest of the fair play.
6. Place volleyball back in the bin/holder at the end of the game.

Equipment in volleyball

Net is one meter long and 9.5 to 10 meter wide. It is tied vertically above the centerline
of the court to posts fixed at either side of the court, at a distance of one meter from the
sidelines. The center of the net should lie 2.43 meters above the ground for men and 2.24 meters
for women.

At the sides, the net may be higher by a maximum of 2cm, however it should be tied at
the same height at both the posts. The court width is marked on the net with a tape and a
flexible antenna of one meter extends from the tape marker on both sides of the net. These
markings help the referee determine when the ball goes outside the court.


Volleyball a spherical ball of 65-67 cm circumference. It is made of leather or any synthetic

material and weighs 260-280. Volleyballs are available in various colors, however, for
international tournaments, FIVB approved balls should only be used.

Other Equipment

Players of a team are uniformly dressed in jerseys, shorts, socks, and sports shoes. Jerseys of
each team have a different color.

Rules, Regulations, and Scoring

Team Composition
1. A team is comprised of six players:
1. Position #1 is the right-back Position #4 is the left front
Position #2 is the right front Position #5 is the left-back
Position #3 is the middle front Position #6 is the middle
back NET
b. i. c.
4 2
d. f. g.

e. i. h.
5 1

2. Rotation is clockwise and is made before the turn of service, including at the start of the
3. After a coin toss, the team that wins the call may elect to choose to serve or may
select the side of the court on which they will play.
4. Substitutions are made when the ball is dead.
5. A team that does not have the first serve will rotate out of their starting position
before their first server.

6. A “libero” player is utilized in competitive high school volleyball. This player is a

designated defensive player who can only play in the back row. The libero can serve
for one position. This player wears a different color jersey than the team does to
identify themselves as the libero.

Point or Side Out

1. Rally scoring allows for a point to be won by either team regardless of which team is
2. If players on the serving team commit any of the following, a side-out will be awarded
to the other team. A point will be awarded to the opposing team if a player on the
other team commits any of the following:
i.contacts the ball more than once in succession
ii.makes contact with the ball for a fourth time on their side

iii.touches the net with any part of the body
iv.catches hold, or double hit the ball
v.causes the ball to go out of bounds
vi.reaches over the net to contact the ball
vii.stands outside of the side boundaries, or touches the end line on the serve
viii.steps over the center line

3. Replay – a replay will be called when two opponents commit a violation

simultaneously. No point is scored and the ball is re-served.

Game and Match

1. A game is won when one team has scored 25 points, as long as they have a two-point
advantage. A match is won by the team who wins two out of three games.
2. Teams change courts at the end of each game.
3. Teams flip a coin to determine who will serve first for the first game. The second team will
have the service in the second game.
4. If teams are tied at one game each, there will be another coin toss to determine the server
for the third game.

Skills and Techniques

Forearm Pass
Goal: Consistent placement of the volleyball to a teammate at the net.
Hand Position: thumbs side-by-side and pointed down to the floor.
Arm Swing: relaxed, slow, and in the direction of the intended target.
Body Position: knees bent throughout the entire motion. One foot is slightly in front of
the other and steps toward the intended target just before the contact.
Purpose: Move the ball to the front line.

Serving (Overhand)
Goal: Placement of the serving ball consistently into the court of the opponent.
Verbal Cues: toss-step forward-swing
Body Position: staggered stance. The left foot is slightly in front of the right for a
right-hander. Just before contact, step forward with the left foot in the direction of the
intended target. Reverse for a left-handed player.
Arm Position: the left hand is the tossing hand and lifts the ball into the air slightly
toward the right side of the body so that the striking arm can contact the ball when it
is fully extended. Reverse for a left-handed player.
Hand Position: hand is open with the fingers slightly tensed. Contact is made with
the palm, not the fingers. The wrist should snap down on contact with the ball.

Set (overhead volley)
Goal: Placement of the ball in a high arc to a teammate who then hits it over the net.
Body Position: back is straight, the body leans forward slightly, the right foot is
forward of the left, knees are slightly bent.
Arm Position: elbows are bent, pointing out.
Hand Position: hands are drawn to the forehead and are in the shape of the ball.
Hands form a triangle with the index fingers and the thumbs. This “triangle” is behind
the ball so that the thumbs point to the hairline of the head. The remaining fingers
contact the sides of the ball.

Contact Position and Follow-through:

hands and arms are drawn up to the forehead as the ball begins to drop. As the ball contacts the
hands at forehead height, the body, as a whole, extends up and forward toward the intended
target. This extension begins in the legs and continues into the arms and hands.

Back Set
Goal: Placement of the ball in a high arc to a teammate or over the net.
Body Position: same as the forward set.
Arm Position: same as in the forward set.
Hand Position: same as in the forward set – hands are drawn to the forehead.
Follow-through: upper body extends slightly backward along with the extension of
the legs upward. Arms will also extend slightly backward. An extremely arched back
in not necessary.
Spiking Skills
Goal: Placement of the ball in a downward angle toward the floor of the opponent.

Approach Technique for the Right-Hander (reverse for a left-handed player):

1. Begin 10 feet back from the net for the approach.
2. A right-handed hitter steps forward with his/her right foot.
3. Then, the left foot steps forward.
4. The last steps are a quick right-left, which leads to the takeoff.

“Right-Left-Right-Left” for a right-handed hitter; reverse for a left-handed player:

When the player has finished his/her last step, he/she should be in this position: READY
1. Two feet away from the net.
2. Left foot a bit closer to the net than the right foot.
3. Arms back – behind the body.

4. Palms and inner arms up toward the ceiling (behind the body).
5. Knees bent at a 45-degree angle.
6. Back straight.
7. Weight rolls forward from the back of the heels to the balls of the feet.
8. *Note: for a 3-step approach disregard the first step.
Jumping Position
1. Throw arms down toward the floor and then upward until the body reaches full
extension and the feet push up off the floor.
2. Drop the hitting arm down to shoulder height.
3. Drop the spiking hand back behind the head and then upward to reach for contact.
Contact Position
1. The spiking hand should be open, slightly tensed.
2. Bring the arm forward, fully extended.
3. Contact the ball slightly in front of the forehead, but at full reach, and snap the wrist forward
and down.
4. Just before this contact, the opposite arm snaps downward toward the floor to give the body
rotation and power for the spike.
1..Land on both feet keeping the body out of the net. Absorb the landing with the knees.
Blocking Skills
Goal: To stop or intercept the volleyball before the ball crosses the net of the opponent.

Beginning Body Position

1. Stand two feet from the net.
2. The knees should be bent slightly.
3. Hands should be open and up, even with the chin, facing the net.
4. Elbows should be bent.
5. Hands are shoulder-width apart.
6. Trunk leans slightly forward.

Jumping Position
Knees should be flexed and then extend upward. Keep the arms up, do not drop the
hands below the bottom of the net. This prevents net violations.

Block Timing Position

1. Align the body shoulder to shoulder with the angle of the approaching spiker.
2. Just after the spiker jumps, the blocker should jump.
3. Extend the arms straight up and slightly forward toward the ball.
Arm and hand Position
1. Arms are stretched upward and slightly forward.
2. Hands are open, slightly tensed, thumbs and pinky fingers form a straight horizontal line.
Palms face the net.
3. The hands should be 2 – 3 inches apart so that the ball does not pass through the hands.

Landing Position
1. Land evenly on both feet.
2. Flex the knees on contact with the floor to absorb the shock of the landing.
3. Bring the hands and the arms back down to the beginning position.

Block – A block prevents an opponent’s spike from crossing the net.
Forearm Pass – Method of moving the ball into the air by contacting it with the
Libero – A designated defensive player who only plays the back row and can sub in
freely for any back-row player.
Out of Bounds – Areas that are out of bounds are the walls, opponent’s ceiling,
poles, and any other objects outside the boundary lines. A ball landing on a line is
considered in bounds.
Point – A point is awarded when a team fails to return the ball legally over the net.
Rally – the volleyball is contacted back and forth over the net.
Rotation – The method of moving into new positions on the court in a clockwise
pattern. Rotation is made each time that the receiving team becomes the serving
team, including on the first side out of the game.
Service - Method of putting the ball into play. The ball must go over the net and land
within the boundary lines. If the ball contacts the net on the service and it goes over, it
is considered to be in play. A serve that touches a line is “good.” The server may
stand anywhere behind the baseline providing they are within the side boundary lines.
Set – The method of sending the ball to a teammate using the pads of the fingers. A
set should be high enough and approximately two feet off the net to allow for a
teammate to spike the ball over the net.
Speed Scoring or Rally Scoring – Scoring a point any time your team wins a rally,
not just on a serve.

Volley – One contact of the ball by a player. A ball contacted simultaneously by two
players is considered one hit. Three hits are allowed on one side of the net and a block
does not count as one of the three hits.

See activity unit breakdown, fitness grade breakdown, and final grading scale under
NC/SC Grading Policy at the front of the Study Guide.

Technique Description/Skill Tests

Specific skills for activity units are taught regularly. In some units, demonstrated
knowledge of skills may be obtained through some form of skill testing. This testing is

not outcome-based.

Volleyball Court Dimensions

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What is the brief history of volleyball?
2. Why was the volleyball game invented?
3. Describe the different types of passing skills in-game volleyball.
4. What is the purpose of volleyball?
5. What is the winning score in volleyball?


Volleyball originated in the United States at a YMCA club in Holyoke in 1895

as Mintonette. It was invented by William G. Morgan, a physical director of the YMCA club.
He wanted to invent a not-so-strenuous indoor game that businessmen in the club can play.
Players strike the ball and it volleys among the players, so it was later named Volleyball by a
professor from Springfield College in Massachusetts.

Volleyball quickly gained popularity among various YMCA branches in the States and it
was subsequently spread to other parts of the world during World War I by the American
troops. Since it is not a very vigorous sport, women also took interest in the sport and started

playing Volleyball. Volleyball is played by two teams in a rectangular court, divided into two
halves across the length by a net tightly stretched between two poles fixed at either side of the
court. It is one of the most popular rally games and is today widely played across the world.

The objective of the game is to try to make the ball touch the ground on the opposite side.
When the ball is hit by a team, the members of the other team hit it with their hands to prevent it
from touching the ground and to send it to another teammate or the other side of the court across
the net. Only three players from the team can strike the ball successively before they send it to
the other team.
Volleyball allows players to pass the ball among teammates like basketball, but the
strategies of defending and attacking are similar to other net or racquet games. Players try to
shoot the ball over the net at the opposite side where it is tough for the opponents to volley it.
The players of both teams have to prevent the ball from touching the ground thus preventing the
opponent to gain points.

Volleyball is played among two teams of six players each. A team may also have six
more substitute players. One of the players is a team captain and one of them is Libero. Players
are positioned in two rows of three players each. The Libero is identified with a dress different
from other team members. He is a specialist in defending and cannot serve or move to the

The team captain along with the coach is responsible for maintaining discipline in the
team. The team captain also represents the team and speaks about their team member's
concerns. During the competition, each team has a coach, one or two assistant coaches, a
physiotherapist, and a doctor. These members sit along with substitute players on their team
bench outside the free zone.

Suggested Enrichment Activity
Discuss the important skills, a technique in volleyball and how can you apply those

 VOLLEYBALL Etiquette and Safety Care of Equipment Rules
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 volleyball | Definition, Rules, Positions, & Facts | Britannica

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Lesson 3: The health benefits of sports

Volleyball is a great team sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels.
One of the many benefits of volleyball is the fact that it can be played year-round in both an
indoor and outdoor setting. Aside from the pure enjoyment of the game, there are several reasons
why people play volleyball. It’s a great bonding activity for friends and family. It acts as an
alternative and highly effective way of reaching your fitness goals in a fun engaging way. Others
simply love the game and play volleyball for pure enjoyment. Whatever your reason may be, the
physical, mental, and emotional benefits of playing volleyball are unparalleled.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the important benefits of team sports volleyball.
2. Indicate the benefits of indoor and outdoor games.
3. Analyze the strategies and techniques in playing sports activities.
4. Familiarize the health improvement of sports volleyball.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.

________1. The middle player moves up to receive a short serve.

A. Back row
B. Front row
C. Middle
D. Power
________2. When the serving team fails to win the point or makes an illegal play.
A. Ace
B. Block
C. Serve
D. Side out
________3. The violation of the rules.
A. Bump
B. Dig
C. Foul
D. Violation
________4. The ball lands completely outside of the boundary line.
A. Carrying

B. Double Dribble
C. Out of Bounds
D. Side out
________5. The act of hitting the ball to another teammate.
A. Defensive
B. Offensive
C. Rotation
D. Passing

Playing volleyball is a really good time and a great way to get some sun, but if that is not
good enough for you, you might be interested to know that there are many advantages to be had
from playing this simple game. The benefits of volleyball are virtually limitless and they all work
towards a healthier lifestyle.
Playing volleyball, either indoors or outdoors, can help you lose weight, build stronger
muscles, increase hand-eye coordination, make you a better people person, and a whole lot more.
Keep reading to find out just what volleyball can do for your physical and mental health, not to
mention the look of your body!
Aside from the pure enjoyment of the game, volleyball has many benefits. Playing 45
minutes of volleyball can burn up to 585 calories. Volleyball also improves muscle strength and
tone. The activities required when playing volleyball strengthen the upper body, arms, shoulders,
thighs, abdominals, and lower legs. Also, volleyball improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes,
and balance.
The benefits of playing volleyball stimulate coordination and concentration;
improves speed, skill, and reflexes; reinforces thigh and abdominal muscles; and the formation
of a group synergy within the team. Volleyball has very few disadvantages. As there is no
physical contact with others, it is a fairly safe sport.

Benefits of Volleyball
1. Weight Loss
One of the biggest benefits that come along with playing volleyball is that it provides you
with a fun alternative to lose weight, get rid of those love handles, and keep that beer belly in
check. Both indoor and outdoor volleyball can help you lose weight, although at different rates.
Indoor court volleyball can help you burn up to 385 calories in a 1-hour session.

Beach volleyball is better for you in terms of weight loss and it can help you burn close
to minutes. The reason that beach volleyball helps you burn more calories in a shorter time frame
than indoor volleyball has to do with the ground. It is a lot more physically taxing to run through
the shifting sand than it is to run on a flat and hard surface. The sand forces you to engage your
muscles much more to both stay upright and move around.

2. More Efficient Metabolism

Another thing that volleyball is great for is to increase your metabolism or your metabolic
rate. Your metabolic rate refers to how well and how quickly your body can metabolize calories
and turn them into energy. A higher metabolism means that more of the food you eat will be
converted into usable energy in a shorter amount of time.
This means that you will have more short and long term energy, both to play volleyball
with and to do various other activities too. Having a higher metabolism also means that less of
the fats, carbohydrates, and proteins you eat get turned into body fat that gets stored on your legs,
arms, stomach, butt, and love handles. More usable energy also translates into better athletic
performance across the board.

3. Increased Hand-Eye Coordination

In our opinion, one of the best things that volleyball can do for you is to greatly increase
your hand-eye coordination. Volleyball makes you have to follow the ball with your eyes and
then hit it with your hands at the exact right spot to get it to go where you need it to go, that
being to the opponent’s side of the court. You also need to follow the ball with your eyes and
then move into a position to strike the ball after your opponent has hit it towards you.
This constant need for solid hand-eye coordination will increase your abilities. Every
muscle in your body can be trained to be bigger and stronger and that goes for your brain and the

various functions it performs. The more you play volleyball, the more you train your hand-eye
coordination, and the better it gets. Recent studies have shown that there is a direct positive
correlation between the amount of time a person has been playing volleyball and their hand-eye
coordination abilities. Volleyball players are proven to have better hand-eye coordination than
people who do not perform any physical exercise of this nature.

4. Better Cardiovascular Health

Volleyball is a fantastic sport and one of the reasons for that is because it helps increase
your cardiovascular health. This is a very physically intense sport, especially if you are playing
outdoor volleyball on the sand. Volleyball forces you to run around, go back and forth, use your
leg muscles for jumping, and your arms for hitting the ball. All these things in combination will
get your heart pumping and your lungs going no doubt.

There are so many benefits of cardiovascular health that we don’t even know where to

begin. Having a healthy heart means having a more efficient heart that can pump more blood
throughout your body without having to work very hard. This means that your limbs are getting
the blood and oxygen they need to function properly, which in turn improves your athletic
performance by letting your muscles work harder and longer without getting tired.

A more efficient heart also translates into lower blood pressure, thus lowering your
chances of suffering from heart disease, artery conditions, strokes, and heart attacks. Moreover,
a stronger respiratory system means that you won’t get winded so easily, which can come in
handy when the elevator breaks. Plus, having stronger lungs means that they can process
oxygen more efficiently, oxygen which your body and muscles need to function. More oxygen
in your system also means that your muscles can function better.

5. It’s a great way to meet new people

The one really big benefit of playing volleyball is that it makes you get out of the house
and socialize with other people, thus making it a good way to meet some new people. If you have
a busy work life or are a student that doesn’t get out too much, volleyball, either indoor or
outdoor, gives you a great outlet for your loneliness. Nobody likes being alone all of the time and
volleyball can help you solve that problem.

6. Volleyball can increase your interpersonal skills

Your interpersonal skills refer to how you interact with others. This includes starting
conversations, making new friends, engaging in meaningful talks, and knowing how to respond
to various situations. Volleyball also helps you work together with other people much better
thanks to the fact that it is a team sport.
If you can’t properly function as a team during a game of volleyball, your team will
surely lose, thus a lot of practice will help you become a better people person and a better team
player. Interpersonal skills go a long way in life because they dictate many things in our lives
such as finding a mate or spouse, making friends, getting a job, and pretty much anything else
that involves being put in a situation that forces you to interact with other people.
A few games of volleyball per week can make you better at interacting with the people
around you. If you are a person who has trouble interacting with others, volleyball might just be
the solution to get over that hump or that shyness.

7. Volleyball will boost your mood & motivation

Perhaps one of the best things about the game of volleyball is that it can help boost your
mood a whole lot. One of the reasons that it can do this is because it is intense physical exercise.
Exercise causes your brain to release endorphins, serotonin, and end cannabinoids and that is
good for your emotional and mental health. Endorphins are a feel happy chemical produced in
your brain, a chemical that makes you feel happy, feel a sense of euphoria and elation, and
decrease the effects of stress. Getting enough exercise can go a long way in curbing the effects of
severe depression, anxiety, and mood swings.

These same endorphins also help to reduce the effects of chemicals in your body which
cause stress. Moreover, end cannabinoids are a naturally occurring version of THC, the main
drug found in marijuana. This substance also produces feelings of happiness and can also reduce
the physical pain that you feel. A recent study reported that a set number of test subjects who
played volleyball felt that they were much happier and more emotionally satisfied after a game
of volleyball, not to mention that many of the subjects experienced 'a bright splash of feelings'.
Volleyball also helps improve your mood, especially your self-confidence, because it
gives you a better body image. We all want to look fit, healthy, muscular and toned, plus when
we don’t look that way, we don’t feel good about ourselves.
Since volleyball helps us lose weight and build muscle, it will make you feel better about
yourself, thus making you happier. Finally, volleyball also can increase your motivation. It’s a
team sport and it’s a game that you want to win at; we call that motivation. This increased
motivation is shown to translate into your daily life and will help you accomplish various tasks
with ease and increased vigor.
8. Increased Muscle Strength

A great thing that volleyball does for you is to increase your muscle strength because it is
a full-body workout. After all, it is a type of weight training combined with cardiovascular
exercise. Constantly having to run back and forth, especially in the sand, and being forced to
react quickly in terms of directional changes is very beneficial for all of the muscles in your legs.
Moreover, every time that you go to hit the ball you are doing a squat.
This is because to play volleyball properly you need to put some real power into your hit
every time you make contact with the ball. That power has to come from your legs, thus when
you hit the ball, you are training your legs to be stronger too.
When you set, you have to use your arms, legs, core, and thighs to hit the ball and when it
is coming towards you, you need to use your arms and legs to get ready for it. In all reality,
volleyball is a great strength-building sport that targets virtually every muscle in your body. If
you want to tone your body and make your muscles stronger, volleyball is a great option.
9. It’s a cheap alternative
Something that we like about the game of volleyball is that it is cheap and inexpensive.
All you need is a ball, a pair of decent shoes, and a court to play the game on. You don’t need
any expensive equipment and you don’t need any gym memberships either. If you don’t exactly
have an abundance of money then volleyball is a good alternative to stay healthy while also
keeping your wallet out of trouble.

10. Build Agility, Speed, and Balance

Volleyball is great for helping you build agility, speed, balance, and flexibility. This sport
forces you to serve, pass, set, jump, hit the ball, run back and forth, and turn on a dime. All of
those things go a long way in helping you to build agility. To put it simply, it takes a lot of speed
and agility for you to hit the ball accurately every time. Moreover, when you hit the ball, plus
when you jump and land on your feet, it takes balance to keep you upright. Plus, you often need
to stretch yourself to the limit to reach the ball in time before it hits the ground. Volleyball is an
intense sport that trains all of your senses and skills, and the more your train them, the better they
11. Versatile
The last benefit of volleyball is that it can be played year-round. Like we said before,
there is indoor and outdoor volleyball for you to choose from. When it is nice outside you can
play on the beach and when it’s wintertime you can play indoors. It’s a truly great sport because
the weather can never get in your way.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. What is the most important thing in volleyball?
2. How does volleyball relate to life?
3. What are the benefits of playing volleyball?
4. Why volleyball is good for your health?
5. Are you agree that volleyball is a good sport to improve your muscles and bones?

Volleyball is a popular game worldwide and ranks third as a recreational team sport. It is
one of the few popular games that originated from the United States. The object of the game is to
keep the ball in flight, going back and forth over the net without it touching the floor. Volleyball,
apart from the interest and excitement it steers up among players and spectators, offers an
opportunity for exercising the whole body.
It involves five basic skills that must be mastered before competitive games could be
played meaningfully. These skills are the serve, the reception or digging', the 'setup' or volley for
a spike, and the spiking. There is also the 'block'. These skills are not developed overnight but
with training practice with the ball. The players also need proper physical, physiological and
psychological qualities like flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, self-confidence, sports
achievement motivation, and so on.

First, it's a fun way to burn calories. Playing 45 minutes of volleyball can burn up to 585
calories. Volleyball also improves muscle strength and tone. The activities required when
playing volleyball strengthen the upper body, arms, shoulders, thighs, abdominals, and lower
legs. Aside from the pure enjoyment of the game, volleyball has many benefits. First, it's a fun
way to burn calories. Tones and shapes the body: The physical activities involved in
playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms, and shoulders as well as the muscles of
the lower body. Playing volleyball also improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Also, volleyball improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance.

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Explain the benefits of volleyball.



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Benefits of Playing Volleyball, March 14 2020 -

Lesson 4: The purpose of sports in daily life

Sport develops a sense of friendliness among the children and develops their team spirit. It helps
children to developmental and physical toughness. Sport shapes its body and makes it strong and
active. Children should actively participate in sports to avoid being tired and lethargy. Aside
from keeping your body in shape and, therefore, making you feel better, sports have a
great impact on your organism's health. Active people rarely have issues with high blood
pressure, cholesterol, or diabetes. Sports also improve the function of your lungs and heart and
help you lead a healthier life.

At the end of the lesson, you shall have been able to:
1. Discuss the purpose of sports in daily life.
2. Understand the positive impact of volleyball team sports in life.
3. Determine the changes in engaging sports.
4. Familiarize the effective changes of a healthy body in playing sports activities.

Multiple Choice: Each item is provided with four choices. Write the letter of your answer
on the blank provided before each number.
________1. The first basic volleyball pass.
A. Forearm Pass
B. Handball Pass
C. Overhead Pass
D. Set Pass
________2. Forearms parallel to thighs.
A. Execution Phase
B. Forearm Pass Errors
C. Overhead Pass Errors
D. Preparation Phase

________3. Arms and legs extended forward.
A. Execution Phase
B. Forearm Pass Errors
C. Overhead Pass Errors
D. Preparation Phase
________4. Transfer weight forward.
A. Execution Phase
B. Forearm Pass Errors
C. Follow Through Phase
D. Preparation Phase
________5. Clockwise movement of players before the new serving term of a team.
A. Game Point
B. Rotation
C. Serve
D. Service Line

Sports also have a huge impact on your health. When exercising or playing a sport, your
body lets out a hormone called positive endorphins. When your body lets out positive endorphins
it can reduce stress, ward off anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem, and improve your sleep.
Importance of Sports in our Life: Sports play a great role in our life as it keeps us healthy,
wealthy, and active.
They can have a healthy mind only when they have a healthy body. Great achievements
come our way when they maintain physical and mental well-being. Sport develops a sense of
friendliness among the children and develops their team spirit. It helps children to developmental
and physical toughness. Sport shapes their body and makes it strong and active he is
because sports improve their blood circulation and their physical well-being.

The purpose of sports:

1. Strength and Coordination
A person who regularly engages in sports and physical activities easily remains healthy
and fit. Furthermore, as time goes, he/she builds the body's strength and becomes more confident
about his/her body. Plus, sports help children develop better coordination, Improves HGH
hormone which is responsible for the growth of an individual that may prove to be useful later in
their lives. Strength and coordination aren't the only physical benefits of sports.
The most important one is perspiration. When you do sports or exercise, you are sweating
which helps you get rid of the toxins in your body and boosts your immune system. On top of

that, you increase your endurance. The chances are that both children and adults who are good as
sports will get less tired compared to people that rarely engage in physical activities.

Another thing you should take into account is that athletes rarely have problems with
obesity. There is no need to be a professional athlete, even occasionally playing sports will help
you burn the extra calories, develop your muscles, and keep your body fit. Aside from keeping
your body in shape and, therefore, making you feel better, sports have a great impact on your
organism's health. Active people rarely have issues with high blood pressure, cholesterol, or
diabetes. Sports also improve the function of your lungs and heart and help you lead a healthier

2. Sports Build Character

Sports will help you build your muscles and become more endurable, but it will also help
you to improve your character. Numerous studies confirmed that discipline and punctuality are
two traits you can usually see in people doing sports. After all, they can't allow themselves to be
late for training and miss it altogether.

As for the children, it is incredibly important to let them participate in different sports and
outdoor games with their friends. That will encourage them to build and cultivate social
relationships and, therefore, make more friends. All that will prepare the kids to perform better in
social situations once they move into adulthood. Many friendships develop from playing sports

Training with your team and participating in various competitions leads to opportunities
to meet new people. On top of that, sports are not connected to social status. You don't have to
worry if you don't have a high income because sports are the perfect opportunity for all social
groups to socialize.

3. Teamwork and Fair Play

Another important thing that your child can learn from playing sports is the value of
teamwork. Not only it will be used to being around other people, but it will also learn how to
work with them to achieve a joint goal. Respecting opponents, as well as teammates, is another
important aspect where sports impact the life of your child. He/she learns to follow the rules of
the game and accept the results whether they won or lost the game. Sports teach children not
only to be graceful winners but to accept defeats as something that is also a part of life.

4. Sports as a Career

Sports can be a career path for your child. Thanks to modern times, there are plenty of
opportunities to choose a fitting sports career. Football (soccer), for example, is extremely
popular throughout the entire world and professionals make millions playing it. On the other
hand, if you want to be a top player, it requires strong physical fitness, enthusiasm, and mental
strength. Basketball, volleyball, cricket, and tennis are also very popular worldwide. Whichever
sports you choose for your career, it's important to know that you have to be persistent and train
regularly. You should have the talent, too, but hard work will take you to success.

5. Final Words

Whether you choose to be a professional athlete or you just want to play with your
friends, sports should be an integral part of your life. It offers multiple benefits, including
numerous advantages for your physical and mental health, and they offer many opportunities for
socializing. When it comes to children, an important thing to note is that you should motivate
your child to play sports from an early age.

Parents should make sure to set a proper example and encourage their children to be
active and spend time outdoors. That is a sure way of raising a healthy child that will be ready
for all challenges that adulthood brings. If you are already an adult, don't worry. Regardless of
your age, sports can contribute to your overall health. Not only sports can help you get rid of
those extra pounds and get your body in order, but being more active also makes you feel much
better. So, what are you waiting for? Call your friends and head out for a game of your favorite

The positive impact of sport in our lives

Sports have this amazing, unique way of making a positive impact on society. Whether
it's helping children, communities, or even nations, sports make a difference daily. Sure, nothing
is all sunshine and lollipops, but there is good being done with sports as the platform. Team and
player foundations are raising money for worthy causes, major events are boosting local
economies and kids are encouraged to get out and get active. So instead of focusing on off-the-
field scandals or even the games themselves, let’s take a few moments to focus on nothing but
the positives.

Economic Impact

Sports represent a billion-dollar business—that’s no secret. But what you might not
realize is the immensely positive impact sports have on local economies, mainly through tourism
dollars.In 2010, the New York City Marathon boosted the city’s economy to the tune of $340

million. Bob Nightingale of USA Today reported that the Chicago Cubs generate $600 million
annually for the state of Illinois.


Part of the economic impact involves jobs. According to Economic Modeling Specialists
Intl., as of 2013, the sports industry in America produced 456,000 jobs (average salary of
$39,000). These jobs include far more than just the athletes—EMSI looked at other occupations
involved with spectator sports such as coaches, referees, and agents. And that doesn't even take
into consideration the many stadium vendors and their employees, front-office personnel, etc. 

National Unity

Sports provide a platform for people to come together and support their country.
International events like the Olympics and the World Cup serve as a point around which to rally
and show national pride and unity. During the 2014 World Cup, American fans turned out in end
masse to support the men’s national team. FIFA reported that 200,000 World Cup tickets were
sold to U.S. residents. The U.S. match against Portugal was one of the most-watched soccer
games in U.S. history with approximately 24.7 million viewers. Sports also have the power to lift
people in times of turmoil. The Miracle on Ice came at a time when tensions were high in the
Cold War, and South Africa’s 1995 Rugby World Cup victory helped a nation heal from decades
of Apartheid. 

Role Models

Ask young children who their role models are, and I bet a good amount of them would
name an athlete. Recently, a 7-year-old boy sent his Pee-Wee football jersey to Houston Texans
defensive end J.J. Watt. The boy, Anthony Tarantella, included a letter and called himself Watt’s
“biggest fan.” Watt, who has gained a reputation as one of the NFL’s biggest role models,
responded by sending the young boy some gear and a letter of his own.

Matt Hammond of Sports Radio 610 reported that when asked if he considers himself a
role model, Watt said, “I’ve always felt as though there are people who look up to us or look up
to me, so I try to provide the best example possible. I don’t judge anybody else. I can only speak
for myself.”

Helping Kids Get Active

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “More than one-
third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese” in 2012. Young people who look up
to athletes might be more likely to get out and play sports themselves. As a more concrete
example, sports leagues have done their part to get kids active and healthy. The NFL Play
60 campaign works to “tackle childhood obesity by getting kids active.” MLB has its RBI
program or Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities, that teaches baseball and softball to disadvantaged
urban youth.
Besides league-sponsored programs, the number of children playing sports in America, in
general, is significant. According to Bruce Kelley and Carl Carchia of ESPN The Magazine, in
2011, approximately 21.5 million youth between ages six and 17 played team sports.

Employment Outlook

Besides helping children get active and healthy, sports participation can have other major
benefits such as mental well-being and increased self-esteem. Recently, a new study, “Sports at
Work: Anticipated and Persistent Correlations of Participation in High School Athletics,” by
Cornell behavioral science professor Kevin Kniffin found that sports can have a significant
impact on employment outlook as well. According to the study, young people who played high
school sports had a better career outlook and performed better in their jobs later in life.  

Community Relations

Most teams and leagues have community-relations departments or charitable arms. This
means that professional and collegiate athletes often spend time performing service in their
communities. In October of 2014, Boston Bruins hockey players visited a local children’s
hospital for Halloween. They dressed up as characters from the Disney movie Frozen to help
cheer up patients. The athletic department at Northwestern launched a program called ROARR in
2013, or Reach Out and Reinforce Respect. ROARR is an anti-bullying campaign run by

student-athletes in collaboration with the athletic department’s community-relations team. These
are just two of many examples of teams and athletes supporting their communities. 


The Make-A-Wish Foundation isn’t the only charity of its kind, but it is probably one of
the more visible. Make-A-Wish has partnered with many sports teams and athletes over the years
to make dreams come true for young people with life-threatening illnesses. One wish recently
helped a young boy became a national phenomenon known as Batkid. Miles Scott, a five-year-
old leukemia patient from northern California, wished to be Batkid, and Make-A-Wish made it
happen. Miles spent a day “saving” San Francisco from bad guys, and the Giants even joined in.
Batkid saved the Giants mascot, Lou Seal. Later, Miles was invited back to throw out the first
pitch on Opening Day.

Honoring Heroes

Stadiums full of fans provide a great backdrop to honor true heroes.

On Veterans Day, 2014, NHL teams wore military-inspired jerseys and hosted pregame
ceremonies to honor servicemen and women. In the first Red Sox home game following the 2013
Boston Marathon bombings, the team hosted a pregame ceremony that honored victims, first
responders, and volunteers. At the first New York Yankees home game following the 9/11
terrorist attacks, baseball helped a city and a nation begin the healing process and provided
a platform to honor the city’s heroes.

Team and Player Foundations

Many professional athletes have foundations. There are hundreds, in fact, with causes
ranging from promoting healthy lifestyles to diabetes awareness. Derek Jeter’s Turn 2
Foundation, in existence since 1996, helps steer young people toward a healthy way of life.
During his final season in 2014, many teams donated money to Jeter’s foundation to help honor
him. According to Bob Nightingale of USA Today, the foundation has raised over $19 million to
date. Most professional teams also have charitable arms that raise money to fund grants and
community programs. In 2012, The Boston Globe reported that the Red Sox Foundation had
raised over $52 million in 10 years.


I know this sounds hokey, but one of the most positive things about sports is the pure,
unadulterated joy that can result for the players, coaches, fans, and everyone involved. Sports are
emotional, and they can incite great passion. Sometimes it’s joyful, and other times it’s not. But
anytime something can bring out that range of extreme, raw emotion in people, it’s a good thing.
Like Jim Valvano so movingly said in his 1993 ESPY speech, “you should have your emotions
moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you
cry, that’s a full day. That’s a heck of a day.”

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ)

Answer briefly the following questions:
1. How do sports influence you?
2. What role do sports play in your life?
3. How would you explain volleyball is a sport for everyone?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing volleyball?
5. Explain the impact of engaging sports.


The activities required when playing volleyball strengthen the upper body, arms,

shoulders, thighs, abdominals, and lower legs. Also, volleyball improves hand-eye coordination,
reflexes, and balance. Volleyball can help circulate more blood, oxygen, and nutrients into the
body as well as enhance your energy levels to improve your overall well-being. Volleyball is
also a great way to burn calories since according to FitnessHealthZone.com, you can burn up to
585 calories playing for forty-five-minute.
Volleyball involves communicating with your teammates as you pass the ball to each
other and ensure that you are open whenever the ball comes your way. You will not win if
everyone on the team is trying to be the star and criticizes the other for missing the ball or not
hitting it over the net. You will learn that being a team player involves encouraging each other to
do the best and that it is just a fun game in the end.
Volleyball is a great way not only to be in great shape and having an elevated mood but
to learn about the important lessons of teamwork that you will always carry with you. Volleyball
does not only benefit you physically, it also a great way to make new friends and develop your
interpersonal skills. It is a team sport, which means it requires cooperation and teamwork.
When you interact with your teammates, you learn how to work as part of a team and
learn how to work well with others in attaining a common goal, that is, to win. This interaction
with team members also provides an emotional network of support. Team members encourage
one another during practice and in the game to do their best because every player’s effort
contributes to the success or failure of the team.
Interaction among team members also helps you learn how to value and respect your
teammates. Whether you win or lose, volleyball creates a bond between players which helps

them develop interpersonal skills. These skills go a long way in life, creating healthy
relationships with other people.

Suggested Enrichment Activity

Discuss the purpose of the positive impact of sports in your daily life. And explain why is
it important?
 SportsRec, Morgan Rush, 11 December, 2018 -
 Bleacher Report, Inc., Laura Depta, February 3, 2015

Course Summary

Verification/Assessment Questionnaire


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