EmpTech Lesson 1

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Information and Communication Web 2.

0 or Dynamic Webpage

Technology  Web 2.0 allows the user to interact with the

page known as DYNAMIC PAGE; instead of
ICT deals with the use of different communication just reading a page, the user may be able to
technologies such as mobile phones, telephone, comment or create a user account. Dynamic
Internet, etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information. page refers to the web pages that are
affected by user input or preference.
These are digital forms of communication including tools  It is a webpage that displays different
available in the internet , such as blogging and e-mail, content each time it’s viewed. For example,
as well as computer software, such as Microsoft the page may change with the time of day.
PowerPoint and Word The user that accesses the webpage, or the
Take note: ICT focuses on communication type of user interaction.

>UNESCO’s definition of ICT >Key Features of Web 2.0

The scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines
and the management techniques used to handle  Folksonomy – allows users to categorize and
transmit information with men and machines. classify/arrange information using freely chosen
keywords (e.g. tagging). Popular social
Internet networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram,
Connections with different networks: global system of Facebook, etc. use tags that start with a pound
interconnected networks or devices. sign (#) or hashtag. It is also known as social
tagging, collaborative tagging, social
Empowerment Technologies classification and social bookmarking. It is the
To create foundation in understanding the world if ICT process of using digital content tags for
(Information and Communication Technologies), categorization or annotation to classify websites,
understand and demonstrate the proper etiquette in pictures, documents and other forms of data so
using ICT and more. With the help of empowerment that the content may be easily categorized and
technologies, students and other millennials will be able located by users.
to understand the real value of technology; that with it,  Rich User Interface – content is dynamic and
they can make their lives and future a better one. is responsive to user’s input. An example would
be a website that shows local content. In the
WWW (World Wide Web) case of social networking sites, when logged on,
Composed of many web pages that are accessible your account is used to modify what you see in
anytime. their website.
 User Participation– the owner of website is
not the only one who is able to put content.
Others are able to place content on their own by
Location where there are many web pages.
means of comments, reviews, and evaluation.
 Long Tail – services are offered on demand
Web browser rather than on a one-time purchase. This is
Search engine: a tool for searching. synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that
charges you for the amount of time you spent
Web 1.0 or Static Webpage on Internet or a data plan that charges you for
the amount of bandwidth you used.
 Static (also known as flat page or stationary  Software as a service
page) in the same that the page “as is” and  Mass Participation- sharing through universal
cannot be manipulated by the user. This web access.
referred to as Web 1.0.
 It contains Web pages with fixed content. Each Semantic Web
page is coded in HTML and displays the same
information to every visitor. Static sites are the  It is a movement led by the World Wide Web
most basic type of website and are the easiest Consortium (W3C). The semantic web provides
to create. a framework that allows data to be shared and
reuse to deliver web content specifically
targeting the user.
>Factors for not fully recognizing semantic as web able to receive these updates. Example:
3.0: Twitter and Plurk
 Compatibility -HTML files and current web 6. Blogs and Forums– These websites
browsers could not support Web 3.0. allow user to post their content. Other
 Security – The user’s security is also question users are able to comment on the said
since the machine is saving his or her topic. Example: Blogger, WordPress and
preferences. Tumblr
 Vastness-The World Wide Web already
contains billions of web pages. 3. Mobile Technologies – The popularities of
 Vagueness – Certain words are imprecise. The smart phones and tablets has taken a major rise
words “old” and “small” would depend to the over the years. This is largely because of the
user. devices capability to do the tasks that were
 Logic- since machines use logic, there are originally found in PCs.
certain limitations for a computer to be able to
predict what the user is referring to at a given Several of these devices are capable of using high-
time. speed internet. Today the latest model devices use
4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the
Trends in ICT fastest mobile network.

>Mobile OS
1. Convergence- It is the synergy of
technological advancements to work on a similar
goal or task. For example, besides using your o iOS– use in apple devices such as iPhone and
personal computer to create word documents, iPad.
you can now use your smart phone. It is a o Android – an open source OS developed by
platform that can create multiple tasks. Google. Being open source means mobile phone
companies use this OS for free.
2. Social Media– is a website, application, or o Blackberry OS– It is use in Blackberry devices.
online channel that enables web users to create,
o Windows Phone OS – a closed source and
co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user
proprietary operating system developed by
generated content.
o Symbian– the original smart phone OS; used by
>Six types of social media:
Nokia devices.
1. Social Networks – These are sites that o Web OS– originally used in smart phones; now
allow you to connect with other people used in smart TVs.
with the same interests or background. o Windows Mobile – developed by Microsoft for
Once the user creates his/her account, smart phones and pocket PCs.
he/she can set up a profile, add people,
share content, etc. Example : Facebook 4. Assistive Media – is a non- profit service
and Google+ designed to help people who have visual and
2. Bookmarking Sites– These are sites that reading impairments. A database of audio
allow you to store and manage links to
recordings is used to read to the user.
various website and resources. Ex. :
3. Social News– These are sites that allow
users to post their own news items or
Status of ICT in the Philippines
links to other news sources. The users
can also comment on the post and  Philippines as the “ICT Hub of Asia”.
comments may also be rank. Example:  Huge growth of ICT related jobs around the
reddit and Digg country, one of which is call center or BPO
4. Media Sharing – These are sites that (Business Process Outsourcing) centers.
allow you to upload and share media  According to 2013 edition of Measuring the
content like images, music and video. Information Society by the International
Example: Flickr, Youtube and Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8
Instagram. cellphones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012.
5. Microblogging– These are sites that  In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of
focus on short updates from the user. Philippines Business and Industries in 2010, the
Those that subscribed to the user will be
ICT industry shares 19.3% of the total Always check your spelling and grammar before
employment population. posting.
 Time magazines declared Makati City, a. Know what you are talking about and
Philippines-Rank 1 as the “Selfiest Cities around make sense saying it.
the world and Rank 9 is Cebu City.
6. Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge
Ask questions online
Share what you know online.
ONLINE SAFETY, SECURITY AND Post the answers to your questions online
RULES OF NETIQUETTE because someone may have the same question
you do.

Internet Safety- it refers to the online security or 7. Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under
safety of people and their information when using control
internet. Netiquette does not forgive flaming.
Netiquette does however forbid people who are
Netiquette- is network etiquette, the do’s and don’ts of flaming to hurt discussion groups by putting the
online communication. group down.
>Ten Rules of Netiquette
8. Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy.
1. Rule No. 1: Remember the human Do not read other people’s mail without their
You need to remember that you are talking to a permission.
real person when you are online. Going through other people’s things could cost
The internet brings people together who would you, your job or you could even go to jail.
otherwise never meet. Not respecting other people’s privacy is a bad
Remember this saying when sending an email: netiquette.
Would I say this to the person’s face.
9. Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power.
2. Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards Do not take advantage of other people just
online that you follow in real life. because you have more knowledge or power
You need to behave the same way online that than them.
you do in real life. Treat others as you would want them to treat
You need to remember that you can get caught you if the roles were reversed.
doing things you should not be doing online just
like you can in real life. 10. Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s
You are still talking to a real person with feelings mistake.
even though you can’t see them. Do not point out mistakes to people online.
Remember that you were once the new kid on
3. Rule no. 3: Know where you are in the block.
cyberspace. You still need to have a good manners even
Always take a look around when you enter a though you are online and cannot see the
new domain when surfing the web. person face to face.
Get a sense of what the discussion group is
about before you join it. Internet Security
4. Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time Confidentiality
and bandwidth. Data confidentiality
Remember people have other things to do Privacy
besides read your email. You are not the center Integrity
of their world. Data integerity
Keep your post and emails to minimum by System integrity
saying what you want to say. Availability
Remember everyone won’t answer your

5. Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good

Be polite and pleasant to everyone.
Threat Consequence Threat Action (Attack) Types of System Intruders
Unauthorized Disclosure Exposure: Sensitive data  Masquerader
A circumstance or event are directly released to an  Hackers
whereby an entity gains unauthorized entity  Clandestine User
access to data for which Interception: An
the entity is not unauthorized entity directly Parts of Virus
authorized. accesses sensitive data  Infection mechanism
traveling between  Trigger
authorized sources and  Payload
Inference: A threat action Virus Stages
whereby an unauthorized  Dormant Phase
entity directly accesses -Virus is idle.
sensitive data by reasoning
from characteristics or by-  Propagation Phase
products of -Virus places an identical copy of itself into other
communications programs or into certain system areas on the
Intrusion: An unauthorized disk.
entity gains access to
sensitive data by  Triggering Phase
circumventing a system’s -Virus is activated to perform the function for
security protections which it was intended. Caused by a variety of
Disruption Incapacitation: Prevents or system events.
A circumstances or even interrupts systems
that interrupts or prevents operation by disabling a  Execution Phase
the correct operation of system component -Function is performed.
system services and Corruption: Undesirably
functions. alters system operation by ==================================
adversely modifying Key Terms
Deception system functions or data
A circumstance or event Obstruction: A threat
that may result in an action that interrupts Cyber crime- a crime committed or assisted through
authorized entity receiving delivery of system services the use of the Internet.
false data and believing it by hindering system
to be true. operation Privacy Policy/Terms of Services (ToS) - tells the
Masquerade: An user how the website will handle its data.
unauthorized entity gains
access to a system or Malware- stands for malicious software.
performs a malicious act
by posing as an authorized Virus- a malicious program designed to transfer from
entity one computer to another in any means possible.
Falsification: False data
deceive an authorized Worms- a malicious program designed to replicate itself
entity and transfer from one file folder to another and also
Repudiation: An entity transfer to other computers.
deceives another by falsely
denying responsibility for Trojan- a malicious program designed that is disguised
an act. as a useful program but once downloaded or installed,
Usurpation Misappropriation: An entity leaves your PC unprotected and allows hacker to get
A circumstances or event assumes unauthorized your information.
that results in control of logical or physical control
system services or of a system resource Spyware- a program that runs in the background
functions by an Misuse: Causes a system without you knowing it. It has the ability to monitor
unauthorized entity. component to perform a what you are currently doing and typing through key
function or service that is logging.
detrimental to system
Adware- a program designed to send you Advanced
advertisement, mostly pop-ups. o Features are offered on many engines by going
to an "Advanced search" page and making
Spam- unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. selections. Effective in narrowing search returns
to a specific topic or phrase.
Phishing- acquires sensitive personal information like
passwords and credits card details. Contextualized Online Search and
Pharming- a more complicated way of phishing where Research Skills
it exploits the DNS system.
Online Search
Copyright- a part of law, wherein you have the rights Online search is the process of interactively searching for
to work, anyone who uses it w/o your consent is and retrieving requested information via a computer
punishable by law. from databases that are online. Interactive searches
became possible in the 1980s with the advent of faster
Fair Use- means that an intellectual property may be databases and smart terminals.
used w/o consent as long as it is used in commentaries,
criticism, parodies, research and etc. >Advantages
o Ability to obtain a large sample, which increases
Keyloggers- used to record the keystrokes done by statistical power
user. This is done to steal passwords or any other o Data is automatically coded so no data entry
sensitive information. errors
o Reduced cost of conducting research
Rogue security softwares- is a form of malicious
software and internet fraud that misleads users into >Disadvantages
believing there is a virus on their computer, and o Online is not totally secure and theft is one of
manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware the numerous danger it poses, researchers
removal tool. personal information is at risk of being access by
rogue persons.
================================== o Some of the materials on the internet have not
Four Search Strategies been evaluated by experts or thoroughly
Keyword Searching o Lack of accreditation and low quality
o Enter terms to search
o Use quotation marks to search as a phrase and Research Skills
keep the words linked together o “Research” sometimes just means finding out
o Common words are ignored (That, to, which, a, information about a topic. You can certainly
the ...) develop advanced information retrieval skills in
o + and – can be used to include or exclude a Working with Sources. However, in specific
word understandings of “research” carry a lot of
weight. The classic definition is that “research”
Boolean leads to an original contribution to knowledge in
o AND - enter words connect with AND- it will a particular field of inquiry by defining an
include sites where both words and found important question or problem and then
Uses: joining different topics (i.e. global answering or solving it in a systematic way.
warming AND California)
o OR - requires at least one of the terms is o So you will need to read on to develop a
found. relevant understanding of what research means
Uses: join similar or synonymous topics (i.e. in your subject.
global warming OR greenhouse effect)
o NOT - searches for the first term and excludes >Examples of Research Skills
sites that have the second term.
(i.e. Washington NOT school) 1. Report writing.
2. Analysing lots of information from
Question different sources.
o a question may be entered in the search field of 3. Finding information off the internet.
search engine 4. Critical thinking.
Important aspects of research friends feel comfortable with what's in
o Research design covers the key issues in front of them. Let Google annotate the
developing a successful research project. results with reading levels labelled, or
choose to only show basic, intermediate,
o Research methods takes you to resources on or advanced level content.
essential techniques for carrying out convincing
research. If you are looking for credible
information—or your first taste of
o Working with data will provide resources on the scholarly research—you can check out
use of statistics and other numerical skills in Google's academic offshoot, Google
research. Scholar.17 Bonus tip: Explore with
confidence by viewing content critically.
Search Engines Just because you see it online doesn't
A web search engine is a software system that is mean it's true.
designed to search for information on the World Wide
Web. The search results are generally presented in a line o Time-Zone Challenged
of results often referred to as search engine results If you have far-flung family and don’t
pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of web want to wake them up in the middle of
pages, images, and other types of files. Some search the night, you can find the local time
engines also mine data available in databases or open anywhere in the world by typing "time"
directories. Unlike web directories, which are maintained and a city's name into the search bar.
only by human editors, search engines also maintain
real-time information by running an algorithm on a web o The Perfect Search
crawler. Internet content that is not capable of being Let’s say the homework assignment
searched by a web search engine is generally described requires you to use only one source of
as the deep web. information. Enter your query, followed
by the URL for the website (i.e.,
>Tips in Using Search Engines weaving site: ncca.gov.ph/) and hit
enter. You'll see only results from that
o Find the Hidden Calculator website.
If number crunching just isn't your thing
—and you need an answer fast— Need help with weaving homework but
Google's hidden calculator is a lifesaver. getting search results for weaving for
Head straight to the search bar and type sale? Add a minus sign before "sale" to
in the problem or equation you're eliminate sale-related results.
looking to solve. You'll know you've
gotten to the right place when a gray, o Photo Magic
calculator-like tool pops up as the Learning how to attribute photos is a
search result. critical research skill. With Google
Reverse Image Search, you can upload
o Definitions and More any photo to Google Images and hit
Browsing the Merriam-Webster "search" to find the name of it, and a
dictionary for hours might be a lost art, whole lot more.
but broadening kids' vocabulary doesn't
have to be. Simply add the word Bonus tip: In Google's Chrome browser,
"define" before a search term (for you can just right-click on any image
example, “define onomatopoeia”) to and select "search Google for this
bring up the proper spelling, definition, image." There's a Firefox addon, too.
origin, and even fun tools like voice and
translation options. o Just for Fun
If all you really need is a little
o Age-Appropriate Results distraction, go to Google and type in
Tools like Google SafeSearch and "tilt," browse the Google Doodle
YouTube's Safety Mode can help filter archives, or just tell Google to do a
out mature content that's beyond what barrel roll. You won't be disappointed.”
those below 18 are ready to see or read.
This can also be taken a step further
with search results filter by reading level What Matters In A Query?
so you or your younger siblings or 1. Every word matters.
2. Order matters.
3. Capitalization does not matter.
4. Punctuation does not matter.

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