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We are, a social species, affected by our surroundings at every moment of our lives.

birthplace, where we’re raised, our families, schools, teachers, friends, work colleagues, as
well as our culture and the media we absorb and engage with, all influence how we can
achieve happiness and what we do in order to achieve it.
it is important to view ourselves as a social species, viewing our lives in connection with
others, and that the quality of our connections influences our perspectives and sensations of
hhappiness. That is to say, A social foundation where everyone tends to each other, working for
everyone’s benefit—is an optimal setup for each person’s a other hand, every one desires
money, honor, control and knowledge. Our individual pursuits to fulfill these desires, he must
continually struggle to out-compete others, building his pursuit of such goals by disturbing or
ruining the wealth, power of others. The social desires are permanent changed. This side of
human nature makes him feel constantly unsatisfied and wanting. Therefore, if we seek
source of happiness, we need first to admit that nothing will change if our egoistic human
nature continues absorbing social influences that feed into its selfish direction at others’
expense. Moreover, Complete happiness is impossible when a person is alone, because the
ultimate source of happiness is a force that connects us in mutual ties of love, bestowal and
positive connection. To experience this force, we need to actively participate in a social life
that aims to reveal this force. By doing so, we undergo corrections in our inner from egoistic
to altruistic—until we all become conduits of this force to each other. Therefore, it is
important to be connected to others, even if only virtually.
Finally, we can be happy, if we all connect and make each other feel happy. we will feel happy
if we think about other people’s happiness instead of your personal happiness, about how and
what we can give to them.

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