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Course Title Mechanics I

Course code BENG 103

Instructor Dr. Shaimaa Mostafa
N. of Students

Choose one of the following researches:

1. Categories of Engineering Structures

Three broad categories of engineering structures are considered in our study.
They provide both a practical and an economical solution to many engineering
situations, (e.g. in the design of bridges and buildings). Describe these
categories of engineering structures and give examples for they practical
applications. (Engineering structures: frames, machines, and trusses).
2. Variation of Gravitational Acceleration with Altitude for Solar
System Planets
Newton postulated a law governing the gravitational attraction between any
two particles. Using this law, derive a formula to calculate the gravitational
acceleration for the solar system planets. Then give table for each planet to
show the variation of gravitational acceleration (g) with altitude (y),
F = G M m / r2 = m g
g = G M / r2
(r= R + y)
R radius of planet,
y height from the planet surface
r distance between centers of the two masses (the body and the planet)
3. Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Practical Engineering
The external forces acting on a rigid body can be reduced to a force-couple
system at some arbitrary point O. When the force and the couple are both
equal to zero, the external forces form a system equivalent to zero, and the
rigid body is said to be in equilibrium. State the necessary and sufficient
conditions for the equilibrium of a rigid body and show how this study
provides practical solutions to many engineering situations.
4. Equilibrium of a particle in Practical Engineering Situations
In our study, it has been shown that, sometimes the size and shape of the
bodies under consideration will not significantly affect the solution of the
problems treated and that all the forces acting on a given body will be assumed
to be applied at the same point. Show how such an assumption can be verified
in many practical applications, such that you will be able to solve number of
engineering problems.

5. Units and Newton’s Second Law of Motion

The four basic quantities length, time, mass, and force are related by Newton’s
second law of motion, F = ma. Because of this, the units used to measure these
quantities cannot all be selected arbitrarily. The equality F = ma is maintained
only if three of the four units, called base units, are defined and the fourth unit
is then derived from the equation. Show how is this applied in both
International System of Units (SI) and U.S. Customary Units. Then give the
principal SI Units Used in Mechanics.
6. Six Fundamental Principles in Elementary Mechanics

The study of elementary mechanics rests on six fundamental principles based

on experimental evidence, give a detailed description of these principles.

General Evaluation of the Research

No Contents Evaluation
1 Abstract (6 Marks)
2 Introduction (9 Marks)
3 Proposed models and methodology (12 Marks)
4 Implementation and analysis (15 Marks)
5 Results and Comments (9 Marks)
6 Conclusions (6 Marks)
7 References (3 Marks)
Sum 60 Marks
Success >30 Marks
Fail <30 Marks

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