Garuda Puranam Shareeram PDF

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Questions on Garuda PurANam

Updated on November 23, 2018 in Holy Books.

vikraminside 13 0 on November 9, 2018

Srimathe Rangaramanuja Mahadesikaya Namaha

1. How is there reference of Srimad Ramayanam ShrAddham in Garuda purANam?

IthihAsam being recent purANam being old

SitA pirAtti ran inside after seeing Dasharatha and grandfather came down in real to receive the food from shrAddham

Also that incident not covered in Valmiki Ramayanam?

2. How come Garuda puANam classifed as sAthvikam by Maharishi VedavyAsar when it contains so much violence?



enpanifan 0 0 on November 9, 2018

Srimate Ramanujaye namaha.

Swami , Adiyen has heard that these vibhava /leela avatarams are not one time events, they happen periodically in a
cyclic manner continously, so we cannot say which is first which is second.. because in a cyclic set of events there is
no first , second or last.

Regarding Garuda puraanam Classification I don’t know swami, but containing violence for spiritual advancement is
good, even in Bhagavat Gita central theme is to fight the battle as Krishna’s instruction but it is the top most satvikka



Chowkidhar KongilPiratti 0 0 on November 9, 2018

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha, 

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha, 

Beautiful reference BhagavAta from BhagavAta Gita referring to Swami’s Pravachanams. Additionally With Swami
Ramanujar’s Kataksham with Asmadh Acharya Krupai and Sri Velukkudi Swami’s Anugraham, some details as below.


Dear Vikram Thambi,

Arumaiyaana Kelvi.

Question 1 answer:

* Srimadh Ramayanam is an “Ithihasa”  (written as and when it happened) by Valmiki Maharishi A BhagavAta (A great
Acharya)’. Hence it is the Moola Grantham “Original Source of informatiom”.

* “Puranam” is written at a later stage after incident happened which captures all the incidents that happened during
that time as Ithihasa and as well it captures the incidents that were missed to be written on Ithihasa Grantham, though
the incident actually happened.

* Garuda Puranam was said by BhagavAn Sri Vishnu Himself to Garuda Alwar.

So Garuda ‘Puranam’ talks about the ‘Shraddham’ incident that actually happened during SriRama Avatar though it
was not written in Valmiki Ramayanam ‘Ithihasa’ .

Valmiki Maharishi has written all the key incidents as much as possible for BhagavAtas like us to know and follow. It is
not necessary that “EACH second”  happening  can be detailed. If an incident is not mentioned in Valmiki Ramayanam,
that doesn’t mean that the incident did not happen. So how to verify that ” while SriRama was during shradham,
Dasaratha actually appeared in front of Sita Piratti”. Only Sri Rama BhagavAn ‘THE SUPREME’  knows this incident. So
BhagavAn tells that incident LATER in Garuda Puranam to Garuda Alwar. So we BhagavAtas Accept it, since SriRama
is DharmavAn and HE is the one who decides whom to give Moksham.

Another reference:

“Hamsa Sandhesham”, SriRama sent message about HIS love and couldn’t bear the Seperation from HIS Wife Sita
Piratti through a Hamsa Paravai  (bird).  This incident is NOT told in Valmiki Ramayana. So how to believe?. Sri Rama
BhagavAn’s  one of favorite adiyar is Gantam Alwar ‘Bell’ (Nithyasoori). So Gantam Alwar took avatar based on
SriRaman NarayanAn wish as ‘Swami Vedanta Desikan’ and wrote the “Hamsa Sandesham” based on SriRamas
instructions, since BhagavAn was the one who was involved in sending Sandhesham to Sita Piratti. So we BhagavAtas
accept it with NO DOUBHT since BhagavAn himself says these through other Adiyars, though it was not told in
Ithihasa ‘Srimadh Ramayanam’.

Overall, if something is not mentioned in “Ithihasas”, then those incidents IF mentioned in “Puranas”, then we
BhagavAtas accept it since we follow VEDA maargham (Ithihasaas,Puranaas, Divya Prabhandhams, Acharya Sri
Sookthikal etc…..).


Question 2 answer :

Garuda Puranam is Sathvika Puranam since BhagavAn Sri Vishnu  (Suddha Satvam) talks about it to Garuda Alwar.
The word ‘violence’ can be used ONLY in places where Attrocities happen  against law.

So Narakam (Hell) is not a violence place, since it is a Dharmika place to ‘Punish Bad people (non-stop without any
break)’ who has done attrocities (against shastras)  during their bhooloka birth as humans. 

The closest better term in English for Garuda Puranam stories is Full of “NON-STOP REHABILITATION THERAPY” .

Few glimpses of how rehabilitation therapy is done is hell is by giving the JeevAthma a different body called
“YATHANA” shareeram. The beauty of this Yathana body is, if one took bribe using the hands while on earth, then
during their therapy in Narakam, their hand is cut in Yathana body, so the Athma can feel the pain. Immediately the
hand grows within fraction of second, then cut again (pain felt), then hand grows again, cut again and pain felt and so
on. This is not like vadivelu movie comedy “Ivan Yevalavvu Adicchaalum Thaangaraanda“. Its real in Yama lokam
 untill the Athmas ‘BAD VAASANA’ is removed from its Chittham, so that when they take birth in Earth again, we avoid
taking bribes due to experience of the Punishment received previously in hell which is stored in our subconscious
mind (Chittham). So we avoid doing bad things in future and follow Shastras. 

This type of rehabilitation therapy is called as “NIGRAHAMUM ANUGRAHATTHIN  SEIKAYE” (Punishment is Blessing
in Disguise), so the JeevAthma travel in correct path “NERMAI, OZHUKKAM etc….”. We all have gone through such
therapy in the past janmas and now we started Bhakthi after rehabilitation.


This is like a person who was involved in unlawful/ unethical activities WITHIN FAMILY MEMBERS or Outside family
(society) gets punished in jail/lock-up/rehabilitated  for a longer period of time, then when released from jail, they
remember the Punishment received and they avoid doing such bad activities in future.

Finally, the JeevAthma follows Shastras and Surrenders to Sriman NaryananAn  (Sharanagathy) and pleads for
forgiveness, since BhagavAn Sriman NarayanAn is the Supreme Head for Yama Dharma Raja as well.

So, after Sharanagathy, when we are involved in Shravanam, naama sankeetyhanam etc… And involved in Kainjaryam,
our Bad Vaasanaas gets Removed and “Good Vaasanaas” gets stored.get due to Sri Rama Thiru Ulla Ugappu.

It’s a coincidence and BhagavAt arul that Swami’s today’s Enpani 1191 topic “Dharmatthin Vazhiyil Thunbham Illai” is
relavent to this thread. Swami reads our mind and delivers instantly. Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami ThiruvAdigalaey

Let’s all “Follow” the Righteous foot steps of Sri Rama by “Listening” to SriKrishna’s BhagavAt Gita words and spread
the Sath Vishaya messages to all with Swami’s Anugrahagam.

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi.

Sri Ramou DharmavAn Vigrahaha:

Sri RamaChandra Murthi Ki Jai,

Sarvam SriKrishnarpanam Asthu. 

vikraminside 0 0 on November 15, 2018

Why shouldn’t we remember consciously? Why always sub-conscious? Isn’t it like tricking JeevAthma into doing the
sins again? Like Liquor is sold officially but adding a note drinking is injurious to health!

What is the role of memory if we can’t remember the punishment in hell?



vikraminside 0 0 on November 15, 2018


Regarding cyclic events adiyen have difference of opinion. If a JeevAthma attained MOksham it cannot be reborn. So
those characters who went to MOksham in Srimad Ramayanam cannot be reborn.

Next adiyen opine that the cycle happen in different universe not the same one even if Yuga is repeated. Ravana was
said to be born after a certain number of chathur Yugas (thinking 74). Listened in an upanyasam.

So based on these available information it is easier to conclude the events are recorded in different different universe
containing Bhumi PirAtti . As each Andam has a Brahma and they paraded in front of Krishna in Brahma Mohana Leela
of Srimad BhAgavatham.



Chowkidhar KongilPiratti 0 0 on November 16, 2018

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Guruve Namaha,

Dear En Arumai Vikram Thambi,

Sharanagathy appo, unga Asmadh Acharyar Swami, namma Ramanujartta Keattu Ungallukku Anugraham pannina
piraghu, yedharkku ivalavvu Vicharam?

If we start remembering all the past punishments in Conscious Mind, then we will NOT be able to do all the day to day
Kainkaryams, since we will fear to death as there is so much of COUNTLESS births/deaths that we have undergone
and so many times we have been in the Dharmika Place (Narakam) for therapy. Remembering one birth punishment
itself is STRESSFULL, why do we need to remember all the past Therapy details.

So, BhagavAn’s Karunai, HE has NOT imparted such therapy information into our Memory direct Conscious mind.

Due to BhagavAN’s PURE KARUNAI, HE has kept it in our Sub-conscious mind as JUST a BACK-UP, that whenever our
“Bad Vaasana” pops-up, then BhagavAn KINDLES the past therapy details, so that we remember it and WE CORRECT
ourselves immediately and avoid doing bad things using our Jeeva Swatantriyam (Independently dependent on

As mentioned in above thread earlier, When we follow Shastras, Sath Vihsyams, Kainkaryams, Satvika Stasangams
like Swami’s Enpani, then Good Vaasanaas gets stored in our Mind “Gradually” and Bad Vaasanaas gets Erased
“Automatically” due to Acharya Krupai and we get THELIVU/BLISS.

The Sticker and Drinks tricky example is applicable ONLY in “Lowkika life” (satisfying Neechargal) who are interested
in making Money by acting against Shastras. We cannot apply such examples to “Vaidheha life” (satisfying
BhagavAn), as HE is Sathya Sankalpan, Karunai Kadal, Nermai, Sarvagyan, Sarva Shaktan and so on COUNTLESS
Kalyana Gunagal……………………………………

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAR ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKRishnarpanam Asthu


Chowkidhar KongilPiratti 0 0 on November 19, 2018

Sri Ramanuja Munaye Namaha,
Sri Velukkudi Krishnan SWami Guruve Namaha,

Dear All BHagavAtas,

Only Soultion for ANYONE (male/female/any varnas)to get out of this Birth-Death-Swargam-Narakam Continous cycle
is saying SHARANAM on “Swami Ramanujar THiruvAdi“, since Perumal is responsible for giving us BOTH “Birth”
based on our Karmas and “MoKsham” based on our Absolute surrender on HIS lotus feet, but Swami Ramanujar is not
responsible for our Birth, SWami is resposnbile ONLY for our MOksham due to HIS KRUPAI, and Perumal-THayar-Alwar
gave such a GReat Acharya Ramanuja for US. Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami and Asmadh Acharyan THiruvAdigalaey
SHaranam for leading us to JagadhAcharyAr Swami Ramnujar THiruvAdi.

“Prapanna Gayatri” (Ramanuja NoorAndhadhi Paasuram 98) by Swami THiruArangatthAmudhanaar.

Keep Chanting Ramanuja NoorthAndhdhi. Swami will “STOP” any Bad Vaasanaas getting in to us and will provide
THelivu due to Swami’s Karunai. THis nature of SWami Ramanujar is called as “Thadutthu Aat Kollum Thanmai“.

RN 98-
** இ ேம இனிய வ க த * இ ன நரக ேம? * ஆவ ைற ெதாட த
ெதா ைல ** ழ ப ற ப ந ேம? இனி ந இராமா ச * ந னம ந வச ேத வ ேம?
சரண எ றா * மனேம ! னநய ேம த ேக.

[Please see the meaning from the sloka book. Please listen to Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami’s Upanyasam for beautiful

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey Vazhi UdayavAr THiruvAdi,
Sarvam SriKrishna Kudumbham.


Prapannan 0 0 on November 21, 2018

Acharya u ve velukudi krishnan swami padhangaluku kodi namaskarangal, vikram swami and all swamis shanthi
nilavattum, muranbadugal vendaam, Kindly let’s not research how the picture is taken or how to take picture when the
scenery is front of us enjoy brahmam


Prapannan 0 0 on November 21, 2018

Kindly forgive adiyen if adiyen has said something wrong out of ignorance


Chowkidhar KongilPiratti 0 0 on November 21, 2018

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha,

Sri Velukkudi krishnan Swami Gurve Namaha,

Dear Prapanna BhagavAta,

Vikram BhagavAta is doing “Asking Kainkaryam” based on Swami’s Pravachanams, and

Adiyen is doing “Sharing Kainkaryam”  based on Swami’s Pravachanams.
So, Adiyen and Vikram BhagavAta are on same page as “Kainkarya Bhavanai” since we are Swami Ramanujar’s
ThiruvAdi through our own Asmadh Acharyan and Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami’s Anugraham.
Since Prapanna BhagavAta is doing “Stirring Kainkaryam“, Adiyen request Prapanna BhagavAta not to get confused
looking at the thread, based on BhagavAta’s Vaasanaas.

Since Prapanna BhagavAta is also Swami Ramanujar’s ThiruvAdi like adiyen or Vikram BhagavAta or any other adiyars
in this forum, We all are same SriPAdha Thuli of same level under swami’s ThiruvAdi. But, sometimes adiyen feel that,
other BhagavAtas at times are like “Ennai Nokki Paayum Thotta” (not sure why?), so here is the song for such

Poongaattre Ingu Veesathey, Naan Thaanaey Ingu Visiri………………..

கா ேற இ சாேத,  நா தாேன இ வ ச ரி …………..

கா ேற –> All BhagavAta’s

இ –> either Dharma sandeha or Adiyen
சாேத –> don’t breeze (throw stuffs) on this forum or on adiyen, since
நா தாேன இ வ ச ரி –> adiyen Kongil Piratti is one of the Fan (வ ச ரி) that breezes/cools-down others in
this forum due to Swami’s anugraham.

Other BhagavAtas are also like the “வ ச ரி”, due to Guru-Bhakthi.


Ramanuja NoorthAndhadhi Paasuram 107,

“** இ ற சீல இராமா ச! * எ எ வட

எ ற ேநா * உட ேதா பற இற   ** எ ணரிய

ய ெசா வ ஒ உ  *உ ெதா ட க ேக

அ இ ப *எ னன ஆ க அ ஆ ப ேத .”

Adiyaargal Vaazha Aranga Nagar Vaazha Sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swamiye Innum Oru Nootraandu Irumm…………..

Adiyen Sri Velukkudi Krishna Dasan,

Uyya Oraey vazhi UdayavAr ThiruvAdi,

Sarvam SriKrishna Kudumbham..


Prapannan 2 0 on November 22, 2018

Kongil piratti swami,kindly forgive adiyen if adiyen has commited mistake or confused or hurted ” Adiyen request
Prapanna BhagavAta not to get confused looking at the thread, based on BhagavAta’s Vaasanaas.” yes adiyen parama

Prapannan 0
adiyen does not have any eligibility in finding faults or never intended to ,cos adiyen is parama neechan

Prapannan 0
All bhagavathas are million times better than adiyen ,i apologize again to all bhagavathas if i had done
something wrong


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