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Task Sheet

Develop a Study Guide
Based on the contents of your course area, and using your session plan and/or Competency Based
Curriculum as your guide, you must be able to develop a study guide for your assigned Unit of Competency.
Session Plan, Competency Based Curriculum, Study Guide Template
1. Review the following documents of your assigned UC:
a. Session Plan and/or
b. Competency Based Curriculum
2. Scan the contents, elements and technologies included in your course area.
3. Since this is a collaborative project, you should assign a leader who shall create a google document
where all the group members can collaborate in creating the study guide.
4. Together with your groupmates, analyze your session plan and CBC and develop a study guide
for your assigned UC with the following components (download template uploaded in the LMS):
a. Name of course
b. Course Delivery
c. Nominal Hours
d. Introduction
e. Learning Objectives
f. Key Concepts
i. Organize the key concepts per LO
g. Learning Resources
i. Aside from your existing course materials, you may include other additional OER
from the internet.
h. Study Questions
i. Organize the study questions per LO
i. Learning Activities
i. Organize the learning activities per LO
ii. For blended delivery: Include online and offline activities
j. Study Schedule
i. Organize the learning activities per day
k. References
5. Upload you study guide in your course site

For more information about the study guide, please refer to the following links:
1. Lesson 1: Preparing a Study Guide:
2. Sample Study Guide: https://www.e-

Assessment Method:

Name of Trainee: Benito A. Requillo Date: July 6, 2020

During the performance of the activity did the trainees perform according to the required criteria?

Criteria Yes No
Did you utilize your session plan and CBC in developing your study guide? 
Did you collaborate with your groupmates in developing the study guide by 
providing inputs related to the LO assigned to you?
Were you able to:
 Address the course introduction to your students? 
 Provide the objectives? 
 Organize the key concepts per LO? 
 List the learning resources? 
 Organize the study questions per LO? 
 Align the online activities with the activities in your course site? 
 Align the study schedule with the list of online and/or offline activities? 
 Properly cite your references? 
 Upload your study guide in your course site? 

For satisfactory achievement, all items should receive a yes response.



Name and Signature of Trainer

*Note: Trainees must submit their self-evaluation using this Performance Criteria Checklist
and provide the web link (URL) of your output, if applicable.

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