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Prologue. off to the door. "You may come in.

My names Elizabeth, what is

yours?" As he crossed the threshold and shut the door her heart raced
Elizabeth lived a quiet life. One that never had her noticed, at least and the blush that left only moments before returned. He looked at
not until now. She will probably never understand why she was her for quite some time before answering her, seemingly amused by
chosen out of so many. Why she was singled out. Why, will always her blush. "I am Josh. Very pleased to meet you ma'am." He took her
be a constant question in her life now, but the answer is always hand and kissed it. As his lips left her skin she felt a disappointment
worth the question in the end, isn't it? The year was 1926. The day in the caress' end. She led him into the parlor to sit with her father
was September 9th. Elizabeth's 18th birthday. The day the rest of her and made quick haste in saying her good nights. Before she left the
life was chosen for her. The day that she will never forget. The day room she took one more glance back at Josh, not knowing whether
she met Josh. It was raining, when he showed up at her parents house she was to see this handsome stranger again. He met her gaze with a
that night. None of them were expecting visitors since it was look that made her knees weak. He smiled at her reaction as she left.
considered to be to late. As she reached for the door, she was washed She didn't know why, or how, but she was certain she was going to
over with a sense of strife. She knew as soon as she laid eyes on him, see him again. She just had this pit feeling that she had to see him
that he wasn't like anybody she has ever known in her whole life. again or she would never again be happy in her quiet uneventful life..
Every part of her was urging her to close the door and walk away,
yet as she looked into his dark emerald eyes, she smiled at him.
"May I come in? I apologize for interrupting your evening, but i was
walking when it started to rain. Your house is the only one with the
lights on." He ran his hand threw his almost black hair as if trying to Chapter One-
prove he was soaked enough to be allowed to ask to be in a strangers 1928- The sweet smell of her mothers cooking woke her, as always.
house this late. "Well, if you don't mind waiting here a moment, I She had had the dream again. The one of Josh, of the night she had
will get my father to allow you inside." She couldn't help the deep met him. 2 years ago. As she brushed her waist length auburn hair,
blush that ran to her face as he smiled at her and leaned against the she thought of him. His easy manner. Those dark emerald eyes. His
door. She felt his gaze follow her as she walked away and she knew thick dark hair, but most of all she thought of his tantalizing smile.
that no matter what her father had to say she would allow him to The same smile that she has dreamed of every night since she first
come inside, if not only because he needed somewhere dry and warm saw it. Just thinking about the way his lips curved up, made her smile
for an hour or so. As she explained to her father about the stranger at and blush. She didn't understand why he has stayed in her thoughts
the door, she realized the sudden urge to go back to him. She wasn't after all this time. That night was the first and last time she ever saw
sure if she liked it or not, but decided she would think that over more him. Although, she has never stopped keeping an eye out for him.
in time. "Well, if it's warmth and hot drink he needs, then by all Waiting for his return, especially on rainy nights. She always found
means Lizzie, let the boy in. It wasn't polite manners to leave him herself sitting by her window until late at night watching the dark,
waiting in this weather." Even before her father was finished she was empty road. She just knows he will return. She could feel it in the pit


of her stomach. She walked down to the kitchen and her mother. Elizabeth's mother had a point. Maybe Elizabeth should allow Scott
"Oh, Lizzie Good morning." Her mother kissed her head as she sat to call on her, after all it has been 2 years she has kept Scott waiting.
down to eat. "I was just about to wake you." Elizabeth looked at her 2 years she has waited for Josh's return. It was time to let go. He
mother. Even nearing old age she was beautiful. Her auburn hair must not have been nothing but a mere passing stranger. In those few
streaked with gray, in an elegant twist at the nape of her neck, her moments they had shared, he never indicated he was smitten with
skin fair to perfectly contrast her deep ocean blue eyes. Elizabeth had her. If he has been he would have returned. Would he not? "So, what
gained much of her looks from her mother, especially the willowy do you say Lizzie?" Her mother was waiting on her answer. An
way she was built. Although, she did inherit her fathers icy, cold blue answer to a question she did not hear that is. Why after 2 years did
eyes, instead of her mothers. "No need to wake me mother," she he come back? Chisum, Josh Chisum. He used her nickname, not
paused and smiled as her mother turned to her. "Your food always even Scott uses her nickname. Oh my, Scott. All that happened in
does the trick." Elizabeth let out a chuckle as her mother just looked front of Scott. What must he think of her. What will everybody say
pleased. "Well, there was a young man here." At those words now. She was there to see Scott, she made it obvious she was there to
Elizabeth's heart raced 20 times faster. Could it be that Josh finally see Scott, and she ended up in Josh's arms. It was so hard not to be
returned? Why wouldn't he come when she was sure to be awake? like that with him, when she was with him, it was as if they had
Had he been thinking of her as well? "He had said his name was, known each other forever, been together forever. What was she
well oh my i can't remember, but a handsome boy he was." supposed to do now? Now that he was back. Was he back for good?
Elizabeth's heart, she feared would leap out of her chest. It had to be Or was he here just to mess with her head like he did 2 years ago.
Josh. Had to be. Why had he waited so long to return? It didn't Only time will tell. She will know for certain next time she runs into
matter as long as it was him and he did return. "Works at the bank Josh. Elizabeth knew for certain she would run into him and she
with your father. Very tall, blonde haired young man. Scott. That's it. would run into him again soon...
A very charming young man Elizabeth. Avery good opportunity for
you. I do believe he said he stopped by to ask you on a morning
stroll. When i told him that you were still in bed, he said maybe i
could ask you to see him at the bank when you did awake..." At
those words Elizabeth tuned her mother out as she felt her heart
dangerously slow. That wasn't at all what she had wanted to hear.
She knew Scott was smitten with her. The whole town knew, he
made it all to obvious. He was very agreeable to look at, very sweet
to her, but she never blushed from one of his boyish grins. She never
felt that need to see him again after he left. It wasn't his face that she
dreamed of, or his name that never left her mind. Although, Josh has
never returned. Not even once. Scott, however, never left. Maybe Chapter Two


Elizabeth made her way home, her mind was racing with thoughts of than a stranger. Scott on the other is who she should be thinking of.
seeing Josh again. After all this time, he was back. She walked into Just like her mother wanted her to. After all Scott she has known,
the door and paid her mother no attention at all as she walked to her and knows exactly what to expect. He wishes to court her, and take
room. She carefully let her hair down and began to brush. "Elizabeth. her hand in marriage. Her parents would be thrilled. Her mother
You never answered me. Did you even hear me? How did it go at the wouldn't approve of Josh, she hadn't had anything nice to say the day
bank? Well are you-"Her mother pounded her questions out while after that night he showed up. Although, it wasn't Scott's hazel eyes
she stood at the door, but as soon as she saw the look on Elizabeth's she saw when she closed hers. The eyes she saw were emerald and
face, she stopped as watched. Her daughter was seemingly calm and perfect. She needed to clear her head before she did something stupid
content as she brushed her hair an hummed to herself. Scott did it like went looking for those emerald eyes. A walk, that would work
after all, he must have said something right to make Elizabeth so perfectly. She needed the air on her face. The peacefulness of being
smitten she couldn't focus. It was about time the girl found reason. alone with her thoughts. She carefully fixed her hair back up in a
With Scott's family wealth, he will be able to give her everything she loose twist, and rushed down the stairs to her mother. "I am going for
could ever dream of. Her mother slowly smiled to herself, wrapped a walk mother,"Elizabeth's mother stared at her in bewilderment as
in her own thoughts as well now, and closed Elizabeth's door as she her daughter's hair began to fall loosely around her face. "I will be
left the room. Elizabeth heard the soft click of her door shutting, home in time for dinner."She pressed a kiss to her cheek as she ran
didn't look towards it. All she wanted was to see Josh again. Ask him out the door. She slowed as she reached the sidewalk and tried her
why he didn't return to see her, and why the bank was the first she best to slow her heart and adrenaline rush. Elizabeth couldn't seem to
saw him in town or at all since that first night. He had called her process any thoughts as she walked more slowly down the path. She
beautiful. He had used her nickname and it never sounded more right stopped when she reached her favorite spot on the woods path. It was
then when he said it. She could still feel his caress on her hand, his a bit off the actual path, but completely surrounded by plants an so
hand on her waist. Could still hear his voice as if he was there in her hidden nobody ever noticed her just sitting there.
room with her. Which she had the sudden urge to have him there in
her room with her to have him see her with her hair down, an the Elizabeth didn't understand why it was that Josh would return now,
blush forming on her face from thinking about how it would feel to and just when she decided to give Scott the chance she owed him.
have him try to steal a kiss from her lips. "But Lizzie, if you ask, i Scott had money to take care of her, make sure she had everything
won't have to try and steal a kiss.."The words tickled her ear an at she could ever ask for. Scott was the kind of guy that she wouldn't
complete ease Elizabeth turned herself around hoping to see him, see even have to ask, he just kind of knew, or was told. She doubted Josh
the face that went with the voice, but came up empty. Her whole could be that for her. Or would even care enough to try to be that for
bedroom was empty. Her imagination then, must have been. her. As she kept comparing each of the men in her life, she found she
Disappointment washed over her suddenly. What would it have been grew angrier, and didn't understand why at all. "I can tell you
like to turn around and see his face? To have the chance to ask him why,"She jumped startled at the voice that spoke to her. Then
to kiss her? What was she thinking? Josh Chisum was nothing more startled again to see josh there in front of her. "You look angry and


confused Lizzie."Josh smiled that cocky grin he did the first night
they had met and sat down next to Elizabeth like it was an everyday
thing. "I am not angry, or confused. Chapter Three
It may have taken me two years, but it makes it worth it to know i Elizabeth not once stopped thinking of the way Josh's lips felt on
have been on your mind as well," He reached for her hand again and hers. They were smooth, soft, and tasted faintly like mint. It was the
she let him take it. "You need me Lizzie, just as much as you want most incredible kiss she ever had, the only kiss she had ever had. As
me. You just need to see it as clear as I do." He pulled her up and she she brushed her hair, she tried to remember other details, but failed
found herself looking up into his emerald eyes. Her heart was racing, once she thought back to how his hair felt in her fingers. Just like
and her stomach was flipping. Josh was going to kiss her. He was silk. It was this she was thinking of when her mother walked into her
going to finally kiss her. That was the only thought in her mind as he room. "Lizzie, Scott's here,he said you made plans for a walk this
came closer inch by inch. Smiling down at her like he knew. As his morning." She studied her daughter. There was a change in her. A
lips met hers, she actually melted and her knees buckled underneath permanent blush almost. She almost glowed. It only enhanced her
her. She felt the pressure of his hands holding her up around her beauty that much more. She waited for Elizabeth to nod before she
waist. She let her hands go upon themselves and travel up and left and went downstairs to Scott. "She's fixing her hair and will be
around his neck, playing with the hair just above his neck. It felt like down shortly." She smiled at Scott and wondered what it was that he
silk in her hands. His lips never let up as the time seemed to go on, could have done or said to Elizabeth for her to be so smitten. "Thank
he never once tried to deepen the kiss, which at the time frustrated you ma'am. We won't be long, i only have a few minutes before i
her, and his hands never left her waist, but she could feel him need to return to work." He paused as Elizabeth came down the stairs
everywhere. When he finally let her go and ended the kiss, Elizabeth and he took in all of her elegant unmeditated beauty. "I don't know
was breathless. Speechless even. Josh sat her back down where she what to say Josh. I really don't." And she didn't it was like with him
was, kissed her forehead and slowly left her secret little area, left her touching her, he took away her ability to talk, or think. As he traced
alone. She did need him. If he could make her feel this way with just his finger over her skin leaving a tingling trail behind, that was all
a simple kiss, she needed him more than she knew. The one thing she she had the ability to think about or to want. "well, why don't you
couldn't let herself admit was just how right he was with her wanting just try to tell me what you want, what you are thinking about
him just as much. She didn't fully understand what it meant to really Lizzie." As he said it he leaned in closer to her until they were no
want somebody, not in the way he meant, but she would soon more than an inch away from each other and all her eyes could focus
enough. All she could think about doing at that very second was on were his eyes. "I am thinking i like the way my skin tingles when
sitting there smiling, tracing her lips with her finger, and think about you touch it. And i want to feel, what i felt when you kissed me."
Mr. Josh Chisum and the things she knew he would bring into her She barely finished her sentence before Josh kissed her again. It
life, whether she wanted them or not. started out as sweet as it was the first time, but it changed as she
tangled her fingers in his hair and he deepened the kiss. There was


something in the way he kissed Elizabeth that had her wanting to after awakening these feelings inside her. These needs and wants of
take a breath even as she thought this he let his lips leave hers and equal strength. She had to see him again. She just had to, she didn't
trail down her neck, causing her to take a sharp breath. She knew it want a lifetime without him. Couldn't have a lifetime without him.
was wrong, she knew she should stop him, but she didn't want him
to. She felt that same need inside her as he did inside him. She felt As Josh paced back and forth in the woods he thought of the look on
that same insane wanting as he did. Did that make this right? Did Elizabeth's face when he shot away from her. Then he thought of the
that make it ok to let him bring his lips back to hers and lay her back feel of her gentle hands pulling him down closer to her, feeling her
on the soft grass. Should she really be pulling him even closer to her, rapid heart beat against his chest. He thought of the taste of her on
needing to feel him everywhere. Needing to have the weight and his lips. The smooth soft perfect skin under his lips as he kissed her
pressure of his body on hers. When she thought she just might neck. What would she think, if she knew the truth of him. She'd think
explode with the needs and wants she had, he pushed up and off her he was a monster no doubt. He thought of himself as a monster,
and was on his feet pacing before she could even process him gone. threw and threw, but she awakened something inside of him two
"I'm so sorry Lizzie. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I have no years ago when he saw her face. Something he thought dead forever.
right. I just can't explain it. I forget everything when i kiss you, Something that had brought him back to her after vowing not to go
forget what i am, what i can do to you. You deserve so much better, back. He felt alive when he was near her. Felt like he could almost
you deserve Scott Haring, not me, that's why i waited two years fall in love with her, but she needed somebody better for her.
Elizabeth, don't you see? You can't ever be happy with me like you Someone who will love her all her years and all the years after.
can be with him. But i can't bare to think of you being with anybody Someone who wasn't a monster.
else but me. Don't you understand? Can't you hear what i am saying?
Can't you see that we can't happen, we just cant Lizzie, i am so sorry.
I need to go." He was gone faster than she thought possible, leaving Chapter Four
her nothing but the memory of his kiss and the way he felt on her,
and his words. What did he mean he forgets what he is. What is he Elizabeth was determined to see Josh again, she didn't care what he
besides a man? And it could happen she would see to it that it will had said, or meant by it. She never felt this, this weird sensation he
happen. She will not settle for Scott Haring, when she could have brought to her when they were together. Everyday for the past week
what she felt with Josh for a lifetime. As she rose from the soft grass she went to her spot in the woods, wistfully wanting him to appear
and carefully brushed her dress off and righted her hair she walked like he always did when she thought of him. Every day she sat there
towards her house, needing the solitude of her bedroom more than and he didn't appear, made her that much more determined to see
she ever has before. To really be alone and think about everything him again. Josh couldn't just leave, not after the way he kissed her.
that Josh had said, and what he could possibly have meant by them. Not after she could finally admit that she wanted him as much as she
He couldn't mean he wasn't going to see her again after today. He needed him. He made her feel, completely new, like before she
wouldn't just up and leave again, not after kissing her that way. Not wasn't really living at all. She didn't want to lose that. She was


dangerously close to losing it, considering Scott asked for her hand ever be possible to feel this way after only a short time, but i do. It is
the day before. She could still remember wishing as he asked it was so much more with you. I don't need anything more than your love to
Josh. Elizabeth had told him to let her take a day to think it threw. be happy." Elizabeth threw her arms around Josh and couldn't stop
She didn't want to marry Scott Haring. She didn't want to be smiling. She didn't actually think he would say that to her. She felt so
Elizabeth Haring. She wanted to be Elizabeth Chisum. She wanted to crazy, as she planted a firm single kiss to his lips in her happy
hear Josh say the words that Scott said. Wanted Josh to admit to her moment and blushed at his surprised smile. "Runaway with me
and everyone how he felt. She knew he must feel the same way as Lizzie. Your mother doesn't approve of me. She will never allow us
her, or her wouldn't have said the things he had, or done the things to be married. Leave with me, marry me." Josh kissed her again
he'd done. If only he'd just appear. Just for a minute so she could ask allowing it to become deeper as they both let themselves go with
him, ask him if he truly wanted her, or if she should just remain with their happiness. He wanted to stay with her like this forever, in this
Scott. As it was her mother was extremely happy when she heard moment. Never let her go. Never face reality, but he had to tell her
Scott proposed. Her mother put her down when she found out he knew he had to tell her, or she would never really be able to love
Elizabeth had not said yes on the spot, but how could she. How could or hate all of him. She pulled away to look at him. "I will do
she look into Scott's eyes wishing they were Josh's emerald eyes, and anything for you. I will leave with you tonight if that's what you
say yes to him? It wouldn't be right. The only way she could say yes want. I want to be yours Josh. I want all of you, forever." Elizabeth
to him was if Josh were to tell her he didn't want her. Even if he did, smiled as she felt her racing heart certain Josh too had felt it. She
she wouldn't believed him, not after the way he kissed her. It made would need to go home and pack a few clothes and then she would
her shiver thinking about it. leave after her parents went to bed. She would leave to be happy.
Because her mother would never allow her to marry Josh he was
smiled as she frowned and took her hand from his. He took it back right, so she would take things into her own hands for once.
and held it tight. "It was amazing Elizabeth. Kissing you was like Elizabeth's smile faded slightly as she saw reluctance in Josh's eyes.
nothing i have ever experienced in my whole life, which is a very She began to allow her thoughts turn to panic as she watched him.
good thing my love." He watched her face brighten at his words and He didn't mean it did he? He didn't really want to be"Elizabeth, i
felt himself brighten as well. Everything was so different with her. have to tell you something. I love you and i need you to know or you
He never cared so much how anybody else felt like he cared about can not truly ever love me." Josh paused and watched Elizabeth
how she felt. "Elizabeth, i love you. I don't want you to marry Scott. closely. He wanted to take in all of her. Wanted to remember how
I don't want you to be Mrs. Haring. I want you to marry me. I want beautiful she looked. Wit the blush still in her cheeks from his kiss.
you as my bride. My Wife. I can't give you everything that he can, Her hair slightly falling down around her face. And her beautiful
but i can give you my love, my life, and everything i have." He trusting eyes. He wanted to memorize her. "I don't know if you will
stroked her cheek and listened as a thousand thoughts entered her feel the same so after i tell you i am going to leave. If you still feel
mind and left again as she smiled at him. "Oh, Josh! I have been the same about me and want to marry me and leave with me, meet
waiting for you to say that! Oh, i love you, i didn't think it would me here tomorrow night. Meet me and tell me then that you love me


Lizzie." He stopped again letting her take everything he said so far wouldn't be capable of any of those simple, but of so very human
in. Letting her process it. "No matter what you say i will love you things. Josh must have thought her a fool, he didn't mean any of the
Josh, there is only ever going to be you for me. I love you." words he had said. He didn't love her. He stole her first kiss and
Elizabeth was past panic now, but held true to her words, she would didn't feel anything for her. How is that possible? Elizabeth just
love him no matter what he said. He can never say anything about wished she could have read his mind. Heard his thoughts just for
himself that she wouldn't love. Nothing. "Elizabeth i don't know. I once. So she could just understand what it was exactly he was
really hope that's how you will always feel, no matter what i am feeling. If he was true to his words or if he was trying to push her
about to tell you. Lizzie, I'm not like any man you know. I'm back farther from him. She wished she could be with him for just a
different, I'm, I'm a vampire..." Abruptly Elizabeth jumped away moment to see him. Josh felt more and more torn apart as he let it
from him not knowing what to do. Josh fought to control his fall on his shoulders that she couldn't truly love him, especially if she
emotions crossing his face as he rose and left without looking back thought that he would lie to her. If she thought he didn't really feel
once. He really hoped that she wouldn't think him a monster. He anything for her. He shouldn't have told her. He should have just
didn't want her to hate him. Most of all he hoped that he would see asked to her to run away with him. He should have just loved her the
Elizabeth there tomorrow looking beautiful in the moonlight, waiting way she wanted to be loved, the way only he could love her. He
for him, waiting to runaway with him and be his forever, no matter should have just let the truth come in time. He couldn't bare the hurt
what he was. he felt as he thought of her hurt. Elizabeth will never be his now. She
won't meet him tomorrow. Why should she? He had stolen his first
kiss, and then told her he was a vampire.

Chapter Five "Is she ok? She didn't even eat dinner last night," Elizabeth's father
was maybe too worried about his only daughter. She was usually so
Elizabeth had locked herself inside her bedroom. She sat on her bed full of love and life and laughter. He just wasn't used to seeing her
as she watched the shadows play across her floor. The shadows that this way. He knew it wasn't Scott or his proposal, but probably more
frightened her because if they twisted just the right way, she could of the two of them pushing it on her. "Perhaps we should tell Scott to
remember what Josh told her. She wasn't sure if she should be leave, that Lizzie isn't feeling up to company. She doesn't seem to
scared, or amused. Josh honestly thought he was what he said he like the boy at all, love." He grabbed his wife's hand and kissed it,
was. Elizabeth could remember the look of determination cross his willing her to see their daughter was miserable. "No, don't be silly.
face as he told her. Of course she didn't believe it. Why would she? Lizzie, is smitten with the boy. She always has been. I think she is
Josh had spoken of a fictional creature. Said he was a fictional just nervous." She never understood her husband, always trying to
creature. If he didn't want her, that was all he had to say. Not talk see things that just couldn't be there. She was sure Elizabeth was
about lies. She refused to believe he was what he said. There was no fine. She was sure she knew her daughter enough to when she was
way he was a vampire. He walked in the sun. He was warm. Hadn't smitten with a boy. Elizabeth, went down the stairs as slowly as she
she felt his rapid heart beat against her chest? If he was a vampire, he


could, knowing what she had to do must be done at some point. She stop, Lizzie?" His eyes pleaded with her to not say yes. He needed
walked up to Scott placing a hand in his before she spoke the words her, needed to be close to her and feel her burn with need and want
that would ruin her life in her eyes. for him if only for tonight. When she shook her head no, he allowed
her to pull him close again letting his lips crush hers. He greedily
"I will marry you Scott." She forced herself to smile as his face lit took in every sensation as he brought her dress up around her hips.
up. He seemed to be happier than her, which was fine by her, he She started to protest, but as he kissed her neck her protests turned
could be plenty happy for the both of them. Everything after she into moans of his name. Elizabeth couldn't think straight, she just
declared she would marry Scott Haring was a complete blur. All wanted him to never stop. He gently pushed against her, letting her
Elizabeth could focus on was tonight. When she would go to Josh to feel just how much he wanted her and smiled when she gasped out.
tell him of her plans. If he would even bother to meet her. He owed He covered her mouth with his as he skillfully got his pants down
her at least that. Closure, he owed her closure to be sure. When night and positioned himself at her center. She still wasn't ready, he knew
finally came it was easier to leave her house at dusk than she she wasn't ready just yet for him. Pulling the front of her dress down
thought. Her mother and father were out with Scott and his parents exposing her breasts he caught a breath as he thought of just how
while she feigned sick. When she reached the spot in the woods she beautiful she was. He took one in his mouth as his hand took the
sat and waited for Josh. She hadn't needed to wait too long for him to other. "Josh, please. I need you." Elizabeth wasn't sure if those were
show up. "You came." Was all Josh could say to her as he crossed to the right words. She only knew she had this odd throbbing that
her and she allowed him to pull her up into his embrace. Elizabeth wouldn't go away, but knew somehow he could make it feel better
seemed to melt against him, temporarily forgetting about the day for her. She reached down between her legs and grabbed at him, but
before and even what she had decided today. Josh didn't even give he pulled back just out of her reach, but Josh was to distracted by her
Elizabeth a chance to speak he simply kissed her. Long and deep and frustrated sigh, to dodge when she thrust her hips up towards him.
she kissed him back, with everything she had she kissed him. Letting When he entered her they both cried out. Elizabeth had never felt
her fingers to tangle in his hair, hearing him moan. He moved his lips anything like it before in her life.. She knew she would have to leave,
down her jawline then to her neck. His hands moving in an urgent, but they could have just this one moment, couldn't they? To lie
but careful way, up her back then back down grabbing at her hips together just one time and be happy. She knew she would always
pulling her closer to him and she couldn't help the soft moan of think back to this night, this moment in the years to come, no matter
pleasure and shock as she felt him hard against her stomach. "Josh, if Josh left and stayed away or he stayed in her life. She would never
oh please Josh." She didn't want him to stop, and that scared her. forget this for as long as she lived. Facing Scott would harder, now
What scared her even more is that she didn't even notice they had that she was to be his wife, but it was what she had to do. It was her
gone to the ground. Pulling him even closer wrapping her legs duty to. No matter how much she loved Josh.
around his waist she let her instincts and body take over. As hard as
it was for him he pulled back away from Elizabeth and looked into
her eyes, clouded with need and want, for him. "You, want me to


Chapter Six beautiful, honestly beautiful, as she plopped down on the grass and
her dress fanned out around her, strands of her hair framing all
"Run away with me Lizzie." The statement was easy, simple. Josh around her face perfectly and her eyes, her eyes told him everything.
let his fingers trail threw her hair as he watched the light from the She was an angel, he was in love with an angel. "I decided, i believe
moon wash threw her deep auburn color, making it look alive almost. you Josh. I believe everything you told me. I know you love me, it
As he cradled her close to his chest enjoying the feel of her heart would be foolish to think otherwise," A blush crept up her cheeks
beating against him. Never wanting to let her go. It felt so right, and she tried to hide it by turning her head. She grabbed his hand and
laying here together, a tangle of limbs under the moon and stars. She pulled Josh down next to her. She wanted to be close to him again.
stirred feelings in him that he never thought possible really until this She needed to be close to him. She wasn't sure why, but she believed
very second. She was beautiful, being with her is beautiful. She him truly did. Maybe it was the way his emerald green eyes had
changed him, from the very first time they had met. Josh flashed dark and stormy one second, but the second he spoke of
remembered how shy Elizabeth was, how her thoughts even then loving her, they calmed and brightened. Or maybe it was the way he
were about wanting to know him better. She didn't truly know him, said he loved her, gently, soft, but with such passion it made her
not all of him. She knew his darkest secret, but nothing else that blush. She needed him desperately. Just as much as Josh needed her.
made him who he was. He was more than just a vampire, for one he "I want," She blushed and he smiled as she thought exactly what it
wasn't a 'made' vampire, it was his birthright. All in good time, she was she wanted. Josh wasn't sure if she was ready, but he would
will know him. "Josh." That was all Elizabeth was able to say as she humor her as much as she wouldn't. He couldn't deny her anything
shifted up and away from him. She should have never let tonight she wanted. "I want to see them." The blush growing ten shades
happen, she knew it was wrong. She was to be Scott's wife, Scott deeper, he slowly opened he mouth for her to see his extended Josh,
should have been the one to have her innocence, but she loved Josh not ever having experienced this before, pulled back out of shock as
like no other. She wanted him to have the most valuable thing she she reached out to feel one. As her icy blue eyes pleaded with him,
had to give. She didn't want Scott to have that power over her. he leaned back towards her and shivered as she ran a finger gently
Though, Josh lied to her, wasn't she angry with him? Shouldn't she over his fang. It was like nothing he had ever known before. To be so
be telling good-bye, and not making love to him it. He stood up not completely accepted. To have someone that he was in love with want
able to take her pacing any longer and pulled her towards him. "I to be near him while his fangs were out, let alone want to touch
need you Lizzie, my love, i would never lie to you. If i never loved them. As he marveled at the thought of her curiosity, Elizabeth
you, why tell me would i come back after two years? Why would i decided this wouldn't be the last time they saw each other. She let her
keep coming when you think of me? Why would i kiss you? Why finger go from his fang to the other, then she traced his soft pliant
would i want still to be with you and only you even as you turn me lips, she watched his emerald eyes watch her, as she memorized
away. And why Elizabeth would i make love to you unless i loved everything about him. She was in love with him. She was in love
you as i say i do?" He gently kissed her hand. He watched her as she with a vampire. "Meet me here again Josh?" Elizabeth surprised
processed what he said, taking in every inch of her. She was them both as the question rolled out of her mouth. Although, as soon


as it was out, it was exactly what she had wanted to say. It felt so as he kissed her knuckles, letting her ponder over what he meant.
right, being with Josh, just near him, she felt safe, even knowing he "Distracted? By me? How?" Elizabeth asked intently not
wasn't exactly human. He would never let anything or anyone hurt understanding at all. Josh knew she would still be in a way to
her, that she knew for certain. "Why, Lizzie? You told me you innocent to understand what he meant. So, he kissed her deeply and
already gave yourself to Scott." As much as it pained him to say, he long, letting the same passion and want he felt by just looking at her
had to say it. He had heard her finally realize she loved him, that she be transferred over into her body as well and he felt it as soon as it
was in love with him, all of him, even the vampire part of him and he did, first the trembling, then the shaky hands as she tried to pull him
felt totally elated, but he didn't want to be tortured, to be near her, but closer. Josh pulled away only slightly so he could look into her
not really being able to be near her. "No, i gave myself to you Josh, i passion clouded eyes. "Yes, my love, just looking at you, makes me
made love with you, i gave my innocence to you. I merely gave him want you.
my word to be his wife. I want you though, Josh, i will always only
ever want you." A single tear rolled down her cheek as she felt the I will think of meeting you here for just the perfect tomorrow
full impact of pain at the decision that she had made just that evening." Josh pulled Elizabeth close holding her even closer around
morning. Already regretting it. "Now, now my love. Don't cry. I am her waist, as she looped her arms around his neck and they shared a
right here and i am never going anywhere and don't you forget that. I pleasant and happy goodnight kiss before he walked her home. "I
love you. Always," Josh reached up and wiped away the tears and love you Elizabeth, always. And i will be waiting to be able to see
brushed his lips across hers, a mere whisper of a kiss. "I will come, your beauty again tomorrow." With a charming smile he was gone,
whenever you wish to see me, all you have to do is think of me, think but she knew he was still watching, listening as she made her way to
of meeting me here and when you want to me. Think of those things her house and into her bedroom. 'And i love you Josh, with every
and i will be here, waiting to see you, Lizzie." Josh wasn't sure if it part of me that i have, i love you. Until we meet again tomorrow i
was the smartest thing to do, but he would come and see her simply will think of you.' And that was the last thing Elizabeth thought as
because she wanted to see him. He needed her, he realized, more she drifted off in dreams, knowing he was listening and heard her.
desperately then he thought. "I am so curious about you Josh. I want
to know everything." Elizabeth felt the heat rise to her cheeks and
when she went to turn her head she felt his strong and firm, but
gentle grasp pulling her face back to his. This kiss held more passion
Chapter Seven
in it, almost like the one that turned that heat in her belly and made "So, would you care to tell me where you were last night,
her want him all over again. "I love the color in your cheeks," Josh Elizabeth?" Her mother had been pacing outside her bedroom door
said with a smile watching it grow deeper, pleased that it was all morning, waiting to pounce when Elizabeth woke up. Walking
because of him that it grew deeper. "And i will tell you all you want over to her mirror She found she had missed several leaves still
to know Lizzie. All you have to do is ask and i will answer. I can't tangled into her auburn waves and sighed as her mother came to help
promise you that i won't get distracted by you though." He trailed off get them out. "I went for a walk threw the woods," Elizabeth let her


eyes drift shut as her mother pulled the brush threw her hair. It had she was meant to be with Scott Haring, then he would feel as if he
been so long since her mother had done this for her. Elizabeth had had nothing anymore. He would feel more than broken, he would be
forgotten just how much she enjoyed this. She would miss it. "I fell broken beyond repair. He would never be the same. As Elizabeth
asleep a little off the path when i sat down to think. I'm sorry. I didn't finally got threw lunch and told her mother she was going for a walk
want to make you worried." Elizabeth almost missed the small smile and needed to be alone, she set out for the woods. 'Josh, i don't know
that lit her mother's face for a brief moment. She knew her daughter how this works, but i am going to our spot. I want to see you Josh.'
too well. Knew something else was going on, but she would opt out She hoped he was listening to her, or listening for her. She let her
and be oblivious if that was what her Lizzie wanted. She slowly thoughts temporarily shift back to lunch and the way Scott had
gathered Elizabeth's long thick curly auburn hair into a light twist looked at her. She had felt completely violated with just one look.
and smiled down on her. "Ok," She was in awe of just how beautiful Ever since she had agreed to be his wife, he had began to treat her
and grown Elizabeth was. She hadn't really seen it until just now, she differently. As if she was a prize meat he had won. He looked her up
seemed to simply glow. "You, are so beautiful Lizzie," Elizabeth's and down more often than not . Pain from what was her next
whole face seemed to lit up at her mother's appraisal. "Scott, is a question. "Yes, i had parents, my mother and father, Liam and
lucky man. Lucky he scooped you up first that is." As she watched Patrica Chisum. My mother did carry me for nine months of course,
her daughter's eyes fall down to her hands and the blush creeping up and so yes i was very much born. And no not all vampires were
her face, her mother decided it was time to leave her to her thoughts, made. Not the pure vampires anyway. We are kind like a royal sort,
whatever they may be. Elizabeth felt guilty. It especially made him but i never had a choice, i was born to what i am, born to be a
happy to know she was sitting there with that fool Scott Haring, and monster." Josh answered her before she could ask about the pain he
she was thinking of him, and his kisses. He was prepared for her had slipped up and let her see. Elizabeth was speechless, she caught
million and one questions. He was just happy she was finally on to the past tense when he spoke of his parents, she also heard the
accepting him, all of him. Of course it still made him feel terrible he fondness in his voice when he spoke of them. She just couldn't
took her innocence and wasn't able to do her right and marry her. He comprehend that he was born into being what he was, it didn't seem
would in a heartbeat. He would make her his in every possible way, fair to her. To not have a choice, even if he liked being a vampire. To
but she was determined to be a good person. He loved that about her, her though, it sounded as if he thought it more of a curse than
her flawless character. Her complete and total willingness to make something to be proud of. She placed both her hands on either side of
everybody around her happy. His Lizzie, she was beautiful inside his face, forcing him to look at her instead of the ground. "You, Josh
and out. He hadn't yet seen a flaw about her. She was perfect. He Chisum, are not a monster," She kissed him long and hard, desperate
couldn't get the notion of his head to look at her as an angel. That to make all the sadness and longing to vanish from him. "I love you.
was what she was to him. His angel. She saved him. She made him I would never love a monster," Another kiss, this one light and sweet
feel whole again. After what felt like years of hurt, she healed him. to try and reassure him of the truth behind her words. Which were
Took away all his pain with just thinking of him. Josh knew that if he very much truth, she would not love him if she thought him to be a
listened to reason and what was right, and he didn't meet her since monster. She knew he would never be a monster. Josh was too gentle


and kind for her to see him in that light at all. "Now, tell me, how is moist center. As he rubbed gently she moaned out his name and
it, that you walk in the sun? How can i feel your heart and why do gripped onto him for fear of falling. "Oh, Josh. Please." He wasn't
you age?" A smile crossed Josh's face as she fired more questions at exactly sure what she was asking please for, but he decided to take it
him. It was the smile Elizabeth had wanted to see. "One, question at upon himself to try and interpret as she wasn't saying anything more
time, my love," He kissed her lightly across her brow as he tried to besides inaudible moans of pleasure. He gently let two of his fingers
think of the best way to answer her questions without them leading glide inside her and took her mouth in his when she got louder. He
to even more questions. "I can walk in the sun because i am not took her to the peak and beyond and when he was finally finished
made, the sun merely makes me feel worn down and gives me and pleased he was able to take her to that point, he kissed her. He
terrible headaches sometimes." He smiled crooked at her and kissed her deeply as he held her, still trembling from the onslaught of
laughed as she made a confused face back at him. He knew she was satisfaction. She was already forming questions for their next
trying to make sense and separate being 'made' and 'born'. Josh was meeting. But, for now, he smiled to himself as he leaned back in his
trying so hard to control himself. He just couldn't help it with her chair. He smiled and thought with wonder of the amazing possibility
looking so beautiful as the sun played threw her hair lighting it and of true love. Elizabeth was his true love, he was sure of it. More sure
making it shine, and making her skin look so soft. He reached out than anything he had ever had before. And he listened as she let
and stroked her cheek gently, then smoothed out the lines on her herself drift off in wonder and amazement as well.
brow and smiled at her. He pulled her towards him and kissed her.
As he made the kiss deeper, she felt her heart leap in her chest
unsteadily. In one swift movement he pulled her on to his lap and she
was straddling him. He reached up and slowly pulled her hair out of
Chapter Eight.
the twist her mother did just that morning. Running his hands threw Josh has been meeting Elizabeth in the clearing for almost a month
her hair as she pawed greedily at his chest, undoing the buttons and and a half now, always right after mid-day. They never really talked
pulling it open. She let her hands glide softly and suggestively across about anything too important and more often then not they ended
his chest, feeling pleasure when he shuddered from her touch. "I their ‘get togethers’ with a rushed, passionate meeting, before he
suppose i distracted you?" She smiled as he growled in protest when would let her leave. He wasn’t sure exactly how it was that she did
she stood up. He watched her as she shook her long hair before what she did to him, but as he paced his little living room, he thought
pulling it lightly back into a twist. Elizabeth pulled him up to face of her radiant beauty. He had never met anybody like her ever
her and he pulled her back against him feeling her thundering heart before. She completely confounded him. Elizabeth was always so
match the beat of his. "Yes, i suppose you did. It's what you do to me eager and willing to learn more and more about him everyday, but at
Lizzie, my love." He began to kiss her throat in a lazy haste, trying to the same time always allowed him to distract her and lead her away
bring her to the same point he was already at. Aching for her, heating from whatever it was she was trying to say. Kissing her, god, it was
for her. Her response was almost instant as he let his hands roam like an explosion. One that he cherished every single second of. As
over her chest and then when he reached under her skirt and felt her she would lay next to him before she left, the sun peaking threw the


thick over hang of trees. It always made him feel like he was was wrong and what he could do to help her. He paid no mind at all
dreaming, if he could dream that was. That today was the day she to Scott Haring, sitting on the porch with his head in his hands. He
would finally wise up and not want to meet him anymore. Only one didn’t care if the fool felt anything at all, what he cared about was
way to find out what was going on. Josh decided to take a walk not seeing her. Seeing that she was ok. Even as Elizabeth dreamed, she
directly by her house, but close to it so he could reach out with his knew it was a dream. It was all to unreal looking. Their clearing in
mind clearer and read more than just Elizabeth’s. Josh found it easier the woods had a magically feel to it sure, but not like this. And when
and easier to be able to catch Elizabeth’s thoughts, even while he she saw Josh, it was different, he was different. They both had rings
doing silly things like reading a book, one simple thought would on their fingers and she was puzzled. Were they married? If they
always find him and it would make her smile. She sometimes were, why were they still meeting here, in private where nobody
thought of the silliest things. Such as maybe cutting her hair would would ever be able to see them? Why did it feel so wrong. The
make her appear to be more of a grown woman or not. In Josh’s dream Josh stepped closer to her and suddenly he was holding
opinion, she had magnificent hair. He always loved letting her thick, something. Something very small in his arms. He was smiling at her,
wavy, waist length auburn hair out of her neat little twist when they and that was when she realized what was different, it was his eyes.
were together. Made her appear that much more like an angel to him. His amazing emerald eyes held a hint of adoration in them. More
More or else Josh would really prefer that she didn’t cut it all off, but than what she saw when he looked at her filled his eyes as he looked
then again he’d probably find something sexy about any way she at the small thing he held in his arms. Curious, she stepped closer to
wore her hair. Walking a street over from Elizabeth’s Josh reached him not frightened at all, but only curious. The closer she got, she
out his mind threw her house. It seemed nobody was home. Puzzled, could hear Josh talking in hushed tones, meant only for the tiny thing
he decided to loop around and try maybe knocking on the door. Even in his arms. When Josh looked up at her and smiled, she was maybe
as he knocked he knew the house was empty, there was just a few inches away from him. Nervous now all of a sudden, she
something crying out to him that there was nobody there, not even wouldn’t let her eyes leave his. ‘Now, my love, look, look at this
trying to hide. Becoming more and more panicked, Josh reached out amazing beautiful thing we made together.’ He tickled the words
pushing past his limits to find Elizabeth’s mind. When he did finally across her mind and her heart sank to her stomach. Elizabeth let her
locate her, she wasn’t even exactly thinking. She was dreaming. Why eyes drift down with his and her eyes widened in complete shock. It
would she be sleeping? It was the middle of the day. Now speeding was a baby. A baby with a full head of thick auburn hair and fair skin
up his walk he raced toward where ever it was that Elizabeth was at. and Josh’s beautiful emerald eyes. He was just watching her, this
He tried urge her into waking, but couldn’t. Not even threw her tiny baby, with his eyes so much like Josh’s. She looked back up at
dream. ‘Lizzie, my love. Wake up.’ He whispered it gently across Josh, unsure of what to do, when he passed the baby over into her
her mind and not getting any response, he panicked even more. arms. ’Yes, it’s your baby my love, our baby. He looks so much like
When he stopped in front of the building that held his Lizzie, he you, so handsome isn’t he?’ More words that she almost dismissed,
realized it was a doctors office. His heart felt as if he stopped beating but looking down at this baby in her arms, she couldn’t dismiss it at
right then and there. All he could think about was finding out what all. She found herself smiling down at their baby in her arms and felt


a warmth spread all threw her. When Josh took her hand and examined you after you had that fainting spell to try and find what
watched her watch the baby, he tickled more words into her mind, was wrong with you, and well, my love, you’re pregnant.” It took
but these ones made no sense to Elizabeth at all. ’wake up Lizzie, half a second before the smile lit her whole face and she cried out in
please, please wake up. I need you, here with me, please don’t leave pure joy. Relief flooded him that she accepted it well, he didn’t want
me, not like this.’ She looked up at Dream Josh and let her brow her to not want the baby, he wasn’t sure what he would do if that was
furrow in confusion. His face was filled with such pain, she didn’t the case. “Oh, Josh, it’s so wonderful isn’t it? Absolutely
understand, just seconds ago he looked like a proud, happy new magnificent.” As her eyes were shinning and the smile only got
father.. She was dreaming of their baby. He wasn’t sure ifhe should brighter, her parents walked in. When they saw Elizabeth was awake
cry or be happy. He was going to be a father. The father of they rushed over and tried to push Josh away from her, which made
Elizabeth’s baby. He let go of her mind and listened hard to her Elizabeth pull him even closer. She wasn’t going to let her parents
steady heartbeat and strained his hearing to catch the fast flutter of take her away from the father of her child, especially when she loved
the child inside Elizabeth. It made him catch his breath the minute he him and he loved her. Her father looked more sad then angry, maybe
heard it and before he knew it he was crying. He held tight on to her it was because of the amount of anger that was held in her mother’s
hand and cried. Josh wasn’t sure how long he stayed just like that, he eyes. The accusations and guilt made her blush automatically and
might have even fallen asleep, but the minute he felt Elizabeth lower her head as she turned and buried her face into Josh’s chest.
stroking his hair he jolted straight up. He gathered her inside his “Now, Elizabeth, you gave your hand to Scott, why tell us just why
arms and cried even harder. “I thought I lost you, my love, I thought you felt the need to be with this man?,” Elizabeth shrugged her
you would never come back to me.” Elizabeth smiled as she let Josh shoulder’s toward her father and his question. She wasn’t strong
hold her. This she knew was real. She had fainted, she wasn’t sure enough for this. She just couldn’t bare to look at them again. It hurt
why, but she did, and that was when she had that marvelous dream too bad and she wanted to be happy, this was meant to be happy
and now here was Josh, waiting for her to wake up, he really did love news, she was pregnant. ‘You have to be strong enough, Lizzie, I
her. This realization brought tears to her eyes. When Josh heard her promise you it will be ok, I’m right here and I’m not going
crying as well he pulled away from her and rubbed hard at his eyes. anywhere.’ Josh whispered the words across her mind while holding
“No, you didn’t lose me Josh, I’m right here. I had the most her tighter for a moment before releasing her. Josh was right, she had
wonderful dream though.” Josh noted the twinkle in her eyes as she to do this, for herself, for him and for their unborn child. It wasn’t
talked of the dream, explaining it in full detail to Josh before he going to be easy, but she has to face her parents now or never.
decided to tell her the news. When she was finished finally he took
both her ands in his and he kissed her hands and kept them there near
his face. He wasn’t sure how to say it, but he knew from the look still
in her eyes, she would be happy no matter what way he told her. Chapter Nine
“Lizzie, I have something to tell you,” He seemed nervous to
Elizabeth and that automatically made her nervous. “The doctor had


“Mother, Father, I am so so sorry, but I love Josh, I am in love with you may not like that now or ever, but I am. And I want to be there
Josh. I have been since the very first day we met. He is such an everyday threw her pregnancy and then everyday after. I want to
amazing man, and such a gentleman. The things that led to this,” marry her and love her and raise our child together and not watch her
Elizabeth gestured to her stomach, then rested her hand over her still try to be happy to please you or watch another foolish man try to
flat stomach and Josh put his over hers. They locked eyes for a brief raise MY baby. I will not have that.” Josh let his voice dropped after
moment and even a blind man could see the affection, adoration and he raised it high. He didn’t want to make her mother upset at him,
complete love exchanged in such a short, easy moment. “well it was but he had to let her know where he stood. He would step up and is
just as much my choices as they were his. I can’t exactly explain it, stepping up right now. He looked at Elizabeth and brushed the hair
but I never should have told Scott I would marry him, but I only did back behind her ear and she leaned her head into his hand. She
because it pleased you. He saw the meaning and truth behind her closed her eyes and breathed in deep. “Now, young man, I know you
thoughts. It did more than just flatter him to know she would accept love my daughter. And despite what my wife says, you WILL do
whatever their child would be in the end. Josh also noted she kept right by her and marry her, and you will do so before the town knows
saying he, and him when she spoke of their child. He shook his head she is carrying your child. I will be damned if I say I don’t see the
and let that go, maybe she just wanted a son, there was no way she way you adore each other. I want my Lizzie happy, and if you make
would be able to know if it was a boy or girl, it was too soon. “I her happy well then damn, I wish we had just seen it sooner.”
don’t understand Elizabeth, I really don’t understand, Scott, he wants Elizabeth’s father looked tired and weary as he patted Josh’s hand
to give you the world and so much more, why, why this boy? And and walked out of the room with her mother trailing behind him as
don’t think I don’t recognize this stranger. He was the one that was she still fumed. They had done it. Josh smiled at Elizabeth and kissed
here that night, I don’t approve Elizabeth, you will marry Scott, if he her gently. “I love you Josh.” That was all she got the chance to say
will still have you, but you will not be with this boy, this boy who before Josh crushed his lips back onto hers. He couldn’t get past the
probably can’t give you half of what Scott can.” Her mother’s voice overwhelming warmth and excitement at everything that has
was loud and booming and full of hatred as she pointed at Josh and happened. He was really going to marry her. He was going to marry
her. Elizabeth felt the tears well up in her eyes, as Josh pulled her his beautiful Lizzie and they were having a baby. It seemed like
closer to him until she was practically in his lap. Elizabeth could feel nothing could go wrong now. He didn’t see anything, but her as he
the anger and tension running threw Josh, as he watched her mother, pulled back and watched her smile and blush deep. “I love you
she just prayed that he wouldn’t say or do anything stupid. “No, Elizabeth. Mrs. Chisum.” Her blush went deeper as he picked up her
ma’am, I don’t mean you any disrespect, but Elizabeth is carrying hand and kissed her palm, sending shivers down her spine. Elizabeth
my child, not Scott’s. I will do her right and marry her, and you’d be watched Josh as he lay his head on her stomach just listening and
pleased to know that she would never want for anything, I have more talking to their unborn baby. She raked her fingers threw his hair and
money than Scott will ever dream of, so if that’s why you don’t want couldn’t believe she was actually getting everything she could ever
her with me, then rest assured there. And Scott will never be able to dream of. A man to love her as much as she loved him and a baby to
make her happy or love her as I can. I am in love with your daughter, share this love with as well. She would have the man of her dreams


soon. Josh looked up at her when she stopped playing with his hair did, she placed his hand over where she felt the kick. When he felt it
and smiled at her.. This was what was right. Being here with Josh in he smiled. It was marvelous, nothing at like he had ever thought it
his bed, soon to be their bed. She thought of the rooms she had could be like. When he smiled and kissed his wife, he went back to
passed threw as Josh shifted off of her and pulled her to his side and his desk.
played with her hair. Elizabeth wondered which room they would
transform into a nursery and then which would later become their He had just received a letter from his brother, Logan. Logan had
baby’s room as it grew older. She knew that even after this child been cast out of the family years ago, and finally ran out of the
their would be more, human babies or not, she wanted to have his money their parents had set him up with so he found Josh. Saw
children and as many as he wanted. It was one of the few things she Josh’s marriage announcement in the paper. This really was the last
could give to him besides her love and acceptance that held value to thing he needed. He was already worried enough about Elizabeth’s
her. Josh knew as soon as Elizabeth drifted off into sleep when he pregnancy. Josh couldn’t find any other time in ’born’ vampire
breathing became slower and more even. He shut his own eyes and history of one of them mating with a human. Not once. There was no
held her closer to him, more pleased than he had been in a long time, way to know if both Elizabeth and the baby would make it threw the
knowing that she didn’t have to rush off to leave him so soon after whole term. Josh prayed every waking moment he could. Shoving
they shared each other. It was a marvelous feeling, holding her as he his hair back with his hand in a rough but fast movement, he looked
drifted off into sleep soon after she did. out to the yard.

Chapter Ten The sun was setting. It looked beautiful. As Elizabeth crossed the
yard to sit in her favorite spot. Laying back cradling her stomach
Elizabeth sat back and rubbed her growing belly as she looked out watching as the sun went down. Josh usually sat with her, but
the window. She caught herself doing this a lot lately in the last four something was bothering him all day. She couldn’t imagine what on
months. She was just about five months along in her pregnancy and earth could upset him so much, especially with her pregnancy going
couldn’t be more excited. Her and Josh had had the most marvelous very smoothly, since he didn’t allow her to do anything but rest.
wedding, everything she had ever dreamed of, and now she was Mrs.
Elizabeth Chisum. She had her happy ending. “Oh my.” Elizabeth Elizabeth sighed still gazing at the now empty sky. The first few
held a hand to her belly where she had felt the kick strong as Josh stars would soon begin to poke threw the blackness in the sky.
flew into the room. He looked so frantic as if the sky was falling Making their mark being first out. Shining the brightest. She smiled
down on them that second. as the first finally peaked threw.

Josh stood there for a long while watching his wife watch the sky.
“What? What’s the matter??” His eyes huge he frowned as Elizabeth He knew she couldn’t see all the stars yet, like he could, but there
only smiled at him. She motioned him to come to her and when he was that one that she could see. She was thinking about its strength.


About how she wished she could be that strong and bright. She was
though, she just couldn’t see it. Not yet anyway.

He walked slowly down to his now sleeping wife. As he looked

down at her his heart sighed. She was beautiful. Her curls fanning
out all around her, her fair, beautiful skin, and the way her arms
cradled her stomach with a smile on her face as she slept. He picked
her up as gently as he could and carried her into the house. He kissed
her forehead and whispered he loved her before heading back down
to his study.

It more than surprised him when he heard the faint knock on the door
and immediately jumped up to answer it before they grew impatient,
knocked louder and awoke Elizabeth.

Josh reached out with his mind to try and see who it was before
answering, but frowned when he was blocked and thrown out of this
person’s head. This person knew what he could do, this person
sensed him in their brain. This was not good. When Josh opened the
door his mouth fell open in shock. Logan stood on his front porch
smiling at him with mischief in his eyes.

“Hey lil bro, I was kinda hurt you didn’t invite me to your fancy little
happy wedding.” Feigning hurt he laid his hand over his heart and
frowned. He pushed his was past Josh and walked right in the house,
not even asking. This was going to be a trip and defiantly hard to
explain to Elizabeth in the morning.


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