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THE LIZARD PEOPLE has stated that it wants me to hang myself by the neck until dead.

would like to try to answer such statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.
As I elaborate on that concept throughout this letter I will use only simple words and language so
that even a child can understand my message. Yes, even a child should know that as soon as the
time is ripe I will direct our efforts toward clearly defined goals and measure progress toward
those goals as frequently and as objectively as possible. This isn't just a public-relations move.
It's a real move to get people to see that THE LIZARD PEOPLE has accused me of writing that
obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and
brilliance. I would inarguably hope that even stuck-up buggers realize that when you put words
in someone else's mouth, you're obviously bound to hear exactly the conclusions you wanted.
THE LIZARD PEOPLE's aggressive ideas concoct a version of reality that fully contradicts real
life. THE LIZARD PEOPLE then blames us for that. Now there's a prizewinning example of
psychological projection if I've ever seen one.

Many people are shocked when I tell them that THE LIZARD PEOPLE fits the description of a
conniving, sneaky preacher of nonrepresentationalism to a T. And I'm shocked that so many
people are shocked. You see, I, as someone who approaches new information critically,
rationally, and empirically, had thought everybody already knew that I've been observing THE
LIZARD PEOPLE's little empire for many years, and I will readily concede that I still don't
know all of their tricks. Whenever I think I've figured out what they'll do next they surprise me
by doing something unexpected and unpatriotic such as crushing the remaining vestiges of
democracy throughout the world. It has been said that you'd think THE LIZARD PEOPLE
would see how loud and scummy it appears. That makes sense to me. I believe it's true. But it
clearly implies that THE LIZARD PEOPLE's drossy dream is starting to come true. Liberties are
being killed by attrition. Antinomianism is being installed by accretion. The only way that we
can reverse these irritating, atrabilious trends is to study the problem and recommend corrective
action. To be precise, if it wants to be taken seriously, it should counter the arguments in this
letter with facts, not illogical panaceas, personal anecdotes, or insults.

Any rational argument must acknowledge this. THE LIZARD PEOPLE's cullionly artifices,
naturally, do not. Is that such a difficult concept? THE LIZARD PEOPLE is trapped in a vicious
cycle. The more opposition to its enormities it faces, the more obstinate it becomes. The more
obstinate it becomes, the more opposition to its enormities it faces.

I have observed that those who disagree with me on the next point tend to be unsophisticated and
those who recognize the validity of the point to be more educated. The point is that I am worried
about a new physiognomy of servitude, a compliant citizenry relieved of its burdens by a
“compassionate” THE LIZARD PEOPLE. It's hard to spot the compassion when you notice that
THE LIZARD PEOPLE's galère represents an enclave of sesquipedalianism in our otherwise
benignant society. To cap that off, THE LIZARD PEOPLE's remonstrations are like the Hydra
from Greek mythology. They continually acquire new heads and new strength. The only way to
stunt their growth is to explain the THE LIZARD PEOPLE factor in the equation of plagiarism.
The only way to destroy THE LIZARD PEOPLE's Hydra entirely is to provide more people with
the knowledge that violence, mayhem, and insanity are the inevitable consequences of its deeds.
It may be more correct, however, to say that I really had to cudgel my brains to figure out why
THE LIZARD PEOPLE would want to destroy our sense of safety in the places we ordinarily
imagine we can flee to. Then suddenly it hit me: THE LIZARD PEOPLE is living in cloud-

Hoodlumism is increasing at an alarming rate in our culture. You will no longer be able to ignore
it and hope to avoid the consequences. That's why I, as someone who approaches new
information critically, rationally, and empirically, believe that THE LIZARD PEOPLE seeks
scapegoats for its own shortcomings by blaming the easiest target it can find, that is,
longiloquent egomaniacs. There are two reasons that induce me to submit THE LIZARD
PEOPLE's declamations to a special examination: 1) The most significant aspect of THE
LIZARD PEOPLE's mentality and its lack of refinement is the closeness of THE LIZARD
PEOPLE's way of thinking in general to the way that thrasonical babblers think in particular, and
2) each year, THE LIZARD PEOPLE produces dozens of tracts extolling the virtues of
Machiavellianism, mammonism, and antipluralism while delivering an endless stream of literary
assaults on capitalism, democracy, and Western civilization generally. I must admit that the
second point in particular sometimes fills me with anxious concern. The more I think about
furciferous doolally-types, the more troubled I become by THE LIZARD PEOPLE's campaigns
of demagoguery and disinformation. While I don't know THE LIZARD PEOPLE's secret plans, I
do know that THE LIZARD PEOPLE is a pretty good liar most of the time. However, it tells so
many lies, it's bound to trip itself up someday.

THE LIZARD PEOPLE claims that granting it complete control over our lives is as important as
breathing air and that, therefore, its theories are all sweetness and light. This bizarre pattern of
thinking leads to strange conclusions. For example, it convinces ill-natured grouches (as distinct
from the puerile four-flushers who prefer to chirrup while hopping from cloud to cloud in
Nephelococcygia) that the government should be beholden to special interests, campaign donors,
and lobbyists. In reality, contrariwise, the important point here isn't THE LIZARD PEOPLE's
double standards. It's that it asserts that it is perched atop the moral high ground. If so, then
maybe THE LIZARD PEOPLE should climb down to scavenge for some facts before claiming
that courtesy and manners don't count for anything.

If I had my druthers, THE LIZARD PEOPLE would never have had the opportunity to force us
to bow down low before unbridled, effete agrestics. As it stands, THE LIZARD PEOPLE likes
saying that crafty brownshirts are easily housebroken. Okay, that's a parody—but not a very
gross one. In point of fact, if I am correctly informed, all of THE LIZARD PEOPLE's
animadversions are paralogistic. In any case, it warrants that it's a tribune of the oppressed. That
concept is, of course, complete bunk by any stretch of the imagination. However, it is bunk that
has survived virtually unchanged from when it was first proposed nearly half a century ago by
unholy loan sharks to its present incarnation in THE LIZARD PEOPLE's spleenful treacheries.

Naturally, if the only way to sound the tocsin for action is for me to die an agonizing death, be
given no burial place, and have my soul chased by demons in Gehenna from one room to another
for all eternity and more, then so be it. It would indisputably be worth it because it's clear enough
that it knew of its assistants' plans to interfere with the most important principles of democracy.
However, THE LIZARD PEOPLE contented itself with a private, pro forma call for restraint—in
other words, a green light. This call may even have encouraged its assistants' actions by
obscuring the fact that THE LIZARD PEOPLE's latest manifesto, like all the ones that preceded
it, is a consummate anthology of disastrously bad writing teeming with misquotations and
inaccuracies, an odyssey of anecdotes that are occasionally entertaining but certainly not
informative. Mark my words: you, of course, now need some hard evidence that none of THE
LIZARD PEOPLE's “deep insights” has any more depth than a flapjack. Well, how about this for
evidence: It finds reality too difficult to swallow. Or maybe it just gets lost between the sports
and entertainment pages. In either case, THE LIZARD PEOPLE once said that children don't
need as much psychological attentiveness, protection, and obedience training as the treasured
household pet. Its eulogists and others capable of little more than rote psittacism are now saying
that too. In contrast, I say that to say that THE LIZARD PEOPLE is merely trying to make this
world a better place in which to live is disdainful nonsense and untrue to boot.

Out of the vast number of devastating evils for which self-deluded maggots are directly or
indirectly responsible, I shall pick out only a single one which is most in keeping with the inner
essence of THE LIZARD PEOPLE's blathering, parasitic beliefs: pessimism. One of the
gruesome saboteurs in THE LIZARD PEOPLE's employ has penned an extensive treatise whose
thesis is that THE LIZARD PEOPLE would never even consider exercising both subtlety and
thoroughness in managing both the news and the entertainment that gets presented to us.
Contrary to what that emollient hagiography asserts, a free and open society should be able to
tolerate a diversity of beliefs and practices, even when they are at odds with THE LIZARD
PEOPLE's featherbrained shenanigans—perhaps especially when they are at odds with THE
LIZARD PEOPLE's featherbrained shenanigans. The mental leaps and backflips needed to
believe and internalize THE LIZARD PEOPLE's headlong roorbacks are thoroughly astounding.
I guess I have to hand it to its adherents for their amazing ability to accept utter nonsense such as
THE LIZARD PEOPLE's claim that the best way to make a point is with foaming-at-the-mouth
rhetoric and letters filled primarily with exclamation points.

THE LIZARD PEOPLE deceptively claims that it's listening to our suggestions. The reality,
however, is that it's thumbing the scales towards its own caustic strictures even though it knows
that its complacent behavior will one day catch up to it. Or, to express that sentiment without all
of the emotionally charged lingo, it isn't shy about its plan to collapse the society that sustains us
all. Are we just going to stand around and let it get away with that? I say we shouldn't. I say that
there are two observations one can make here. The first is that THE LIZARD PEOPLE's retinue
is consecrated to putting the foxes in charge of guarding the henhouse. The second observation is
that the quintessence of THE LIZARD PEOPLE's tuft-hunters' credulousness and stupidity is
their belief that THE LIZARD PEOPLE is as innocent as a newborn lamb. These shards of
empirical evidence suggest that some insidious bluenoses are actually considering helping it
declare martial law, suspend elections, and round up dissidents (i.e., anyone who does not buy its
lie that without its superior guidance, we will go nowhere). How quickly such people forget that
they were lied to, made fun of, and ridiculed by THE LIZARD PEOPLE on numerous occasions.
As a final, parting thought, I assert that we must throw off THE LIZARD PEOPLE's yoke of
racialism. This is a long road and not one for the fainthearted, but if pursued with integrity and
conviction it could lead to a world in which people are no longer afraid to free THE LIZARD
PEOPLE's mind from the constricting trammels of Bonapartism and the counterfeit moral
inhibitions that have replaced true morality.

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