1110 Lower Secondary English As A Second Language Teacher Guide 2018 - tcm143-353989

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Teacher Guide

Cambridge Lower Secondary

English as a Second Language 1110
Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of
the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which itself is a department of the University of Cambridge.
UCLES retains the copyright on all its publications. Registered centres are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal
use. However, we cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use
within a centre.

1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

2 Introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language ........................................ 3

2.1 Curriculum Framework 3
2.2 Progression in Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language 3
2.3 Schemes of work 4
2.4 Interdisciplinary learning 4

3 Planning............................................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Getting started 6
3.2 A consistent approach 6
3.3 Description of the planning stages 8
3.4 The planning process 9
3.5 Creating a long-term plan 10
3.6 Creating a medium-term plan 11
3.7 Creating a short-term plan (lesson plan) 12
3.8 An integrated approach to teaching Cambridge English as a Second Language 13
3.9 Collaborative planning 14

4 Teaching approaches ......................................................................................................................................15

4.1 Active learning 15
4.2 Developing success criteria 16
4.3 Giving formative feedback 17
4.4 Whole class, group, pair and individual activities 18
4.5 Language and dialogue in the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language classroom 21
4.6 Strategies for developing key Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language skills 23
4.7 The inclusive Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language classroom 26
4.8 Differentiation 27

5 Digital technologies ....................................................................................................................................... 29

5.1 eSafety 29
5.2 Using digital technologies to support teaching and learning of Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a
Second Language 30

6 Assessment provided by Cambridge International ................................................................................... 33

6.1 Progression tests 33
6.2 Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint 35

7 Support and resources ..................................................................................................................................36

7.1 Resources available from Cambridge International 36
7.2 Training 36

8 Glossary of key terms ................................................................................................................................... 37

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Welcome to the Teacher Guide for Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language. This guide is
designed to provide a suggested approach to the implementation and management of Cambridge Lower Secondary
English as a Second Language in your school.

It offers:
• an introduction to the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Curriculum Framework
• step-by-step guidance on the planning process
• advice and guidance on creating an inclusive interdisciplinary cross-curricular learning environment
• suggested strategies for implementing formative assessment and integrating this into your lesson planning
• advice and guidance on monitoring learning
• advice and guidance on effective classroom practice and creating a positive learning environment
• advice and guidance on using digital technologies for teaching and learning
• advice and guidance on resources
• information about Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests and Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint
• guidance on support and training available from Cambridge International.

Schools new to teaching a Cambridge programme will find that all sections of the Teacher Guide are relevant to
them. It provides a step-by-step guide through the process of implementing Cambridge Lower Secondary English as
a Second Language.

Existing Cambridge schools may be more familiar with certain aspects covered in this guide, especially if they
already deliver other Cambridge subjects. This guide is written so that schools can make use of the sections most
relevant to them.

This Teacher Guide should be read together with the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language
Curriculum Framework and accompanying schemes of work. The schemes of work include a possible teaching order
for each stage of the curriculum and suggested activities to use with your learners.

2 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

2 Introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language

2 Introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a

Second Language

2.1 Curriculum Framework

The Curriculum Framework document provides a comprehensive set of learning objectives for Cambridge Lower
Secondary English as a Second Language. These give a structure for teaching and learning and a reference against
which learners’ development of knowledge, skills and understanding can be checked.

The learning objectives are divided into five main areas called ‘strands’ which run through every stage: Reading,
Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking.
Second Language Curriculum Framework

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a


Use of English



It may be appropriate to introduce this framework at slightly different ages to suit your own particular

The five strands of the Curriculum Framework, and their respective learning objectives, work together to support
the development of knowledge, skills and understanding. The Use of English strand provides learners with the
linguistic features they need to be able to understand and use when engaging with the language receptively
(Reading and Listening) and productively (Writing and Speaking).

2.2 Progression in Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second

The Curriculum Framework is a planning tool that enables knowledge, understanding and skills to be developed
by revisiting and engaging with skills and topics at deeper levels and in different contexts. The learning objectives
in the Curriculum Framework have been designed to support learners’ progression through the different stages.
The sub-strands divide the content areas into more specific and measurable targets for teaching and learning. The
Speaking strand has no sub-strands.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 3

2 Introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language

The table shows some examples of how development of knowledge, understanding and skills can be traced through
the Curriculum Framework:

Strand Stage 7 Stage 9

Reading: Understand the detail of an argument on Understand the detail of an argument in
Reading for detail a limited range of unfamiliar general and extended texts on a range of unfamiliar
curricular topics, including some extended general and curricular topics.
Writing: Use, with some support, style and register Use, with limited support, style and register
Communicative appropriate to a limited range of written appropriate to a growing range of written
achievement genres on general and curricular topics. genres on general and curricular topics.
Use of English: Use a limited range of prepositional verbs Use a growing range of prepositional and
General vocabulary and begin to use common phrasal verbs on phrasal verbs on a wide range of general
a range of general and curricular topics. and curricular topics.
Listening: Understand, with little or no support, most Understand implied meaning in
Listening for gist/ of the implied meaning in extended talk unsupported extended talk on a wide range
global meaning on a wide range of general and curricular of general and curricular topics, including
topics. talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics.
Speaking Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary Use a range of appropriate subject-specific
and syntax to talk about a limited range of vocabulary and syntax to talk about
curricular topics. curricular topics.

2.3 Schemes of work

As well as the support provided in this guide, a set of medium-term plans (‘schemes of work’) are available on
the Cambridge Lower Secondary support site to help you get started. The schemes of work provide a sequence of
activities that ensure coverage of the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language curriculum at each
stage. The activities are arranged into teaching units based around topics and themes. The schemes of work should
be considered as the starting point in your planning process rather than a rigid structure. They are not compulsory,
so use them as working documents and amend them to meet the needs of your learners and to fit your context.

2.4 Interdisciplinary learning

Interdisciplinary learning involves drawing on learners’ knowledge from other subjects to provide the range of
contexts needed for them to develop their skills and language knowledge in ways that are both relevant and

Simple links with other curricula can be exploited for individual learning objectives. For example, in a Stage 7 lesson
focusing on sentence adverbs, such as too, either, also, practice can take the form of a scientific study to match
features and compare characteristics of the five kingdoms and the mathematical skill of reporting information
presented in calculations and charts.

4 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

2 Introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language

For example, the following stage 9 learning objectives could be effectively taught together:

Reading Speaking Use of English Global Perspectives

Understand the detail of Analyse and evaluate Use a range of active and Identify patterns and
an argument in extended the views of others passive simple present trends in graphical or
texts on a range of on a growing range of and past forms. numerical data in order to
unfamiliar general and contexts. support an argument.
curricular topics.

Extended projects that span several lessons are also useful for supporting development of language skills and
knowledge in wider, cross-curricular contexts. For example, Module 2A of the Stage 9 scheme of work is about Fuel
and Progress. A project on ‘The Industrial Revolution’ would give many opportunities for interdisciplinary learning:

Project: The Industrial Revolution

English as a Second Language

Use of English: a range of past tenses, including past perfect forms; relative clauses; past modal forms;
compound nouns; active and passive forms
Listening: audio and video sources – understand specific information; recognise the attitude or opinion of
Speaking: presenting findings; expressing opinions and reactions; role play – explain and justify their own and
others’ point of view; use formal and information language registers
Reading: research and reading testimonies of 19th century workers – read a range of fiction and non-fiction
texts; understand the main points in extended texts
Writing: writing a testimony of a 19th century worker – brainstorm, plan and draft written work at text level;
develop coherent arguments supported by examples and evidence
Global Mathematics ICT History Performing arts
Identify Collect, organise Use online Research Role play
perspectives and analyse resources 19th century experiences of 19th
and synthesise numerical data. to research developments in century factory
arguments and information and the workplace using workers.
evidence from a find images. different types of
range of sources. Create electronic historical sources.

You can give the learners the freedom to choose how to present their findings – speaking to the group or producing
a written summary – allowing them to be actively involved in their own learning.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 5

3 Planning

3 Planning

3.1 Getting started

This section will look at the process of planning, to assist you with developing your learners’ knowledge,
understanding and skills across and within the stages.

We will start by identifying what you need to plan:

• the knowledge, understanding and skills your learners need to learn and develop
• progression and continuity of skills and content
• the best order in which to teach the learning objectives
• detailed lessons, led by learning objectives.

And why you need to plan:

• to ensure that appropriate knowledge, understanding and skills are learned and developed according to your
learners’ needs
• to ensure consistency across different groups of learners and different teachers
• to be clear about what can be assessed and methods of assessment and feedback
• to ensure a variety of teaching approaches are used to meet different learners’ needs
• to ensure a positive and inclusive learning environment
• to ensure all necessary resources are available before starting to deliver the lesson(s).

The following sub-sections lay out a step-by-step guide to the planning process, including how you can build in
flexibility to allow you to adapt coverage, teaching style and timing to suit you and your learners’ needs.

3.2 A consistent approach

Firstly, you need to download the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Curriculum
Framework from https://lowersecondary.cambridgeinternational.org/curriculum-frameworks and familiarise
yourself with the coverage and structure of the programme. We would suggest working with colleagues at your
school to coordinate a consistent approach and support learners’ progression from Stage 1 to Lower Secondary.
You can do this in three clear stages (long-term, medium-term and short-term), but first it is worth getting all the
teachers who are going to be teaching Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language together.

You should adopt an integrated approach to planning for Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second
Language courses and lessons. Each lesson and unit needs to provide opportunities for practice in all four skills
as well as a focus on one or more Use of English objectives, as these are the ‘building blocks’ of language which
underpin communication.

In addition, the learning objectives in each stage of the Curriculum Framework are designed to introduce new
language and skills or extend what has previously been studied. Learners need regular practice to become confident
and proficient, so you should provide repeated opportunities to develop each skill in your planning. As well as
the given learning objectives for a particular stage, you should refer back to earlier stages to review and practise
language and skills which are still relevant to the task and to communicative development.

6 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

3 Planning

For example, prepositions as, like to indicate manner, a learning objective at Stage 7 but not specifically referenced
at later stages, will be relevant when developing coherent arguments supported by reasons, examples and evidence
in written tasks and or explaining the advantages and disadvantages of ideas, plans and arrangements in spoken
tasks at Stage 8.

Have a look at the diagram below. Start by thinking about the decisions in the white box: approach, terminology
and formats.






Approach: The general approach to delivering Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language will
largely be decided by discussion with colleagues and management. Your school will decide how frequently this
subject will be delivered in your timetable, how long for and by which teachers. The suggested long-term plan in
the scheme of work will need to be discussed, reviewed and agreed with colleagues across the whole school.

Terminology: Everyone involved in teaching Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language needs to
understand the terminology used so that, for example ‘long-term’ plan means the same to all. This is true whatever
the overall approach within a school.

Formats: It is not essential that you all use the same documentation for planning, but it is very helpful for
communication and common understanding of the curriculum requirements. Templates for all stages are available
for Cambridge schools at https://lowersecondary.cambridgeinternational.org/support-materials/planning. We
recommend that all teachers who are teaching Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language use the
same template.

Evaluation: Perhaps the most important box is the ‘Evaluation’ stage. It is always a good idea to check how well
something works. The diagram shows that this can be for any stage of planning. If there is a problem with a lesson,

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 7

3 Planning

it is often assumed that there is something wrong with the lesson plan. This can be true but sometimes it may be
because the medium- or long-term plan that is being used needs changing in some way. The white box decisions
may also need to be revisited. You should expect to adapt how you teach the Cambridge Lower Secondary English
as a Second Language curriculum as you find out what works well with your learners.

3.3 Description of the planning stages

Long-term planning involves considering the curriculum for a particular stage and planning coverage of the
curriculum throughout the year. This includes taking account of holidays, school events and possible visits to
enhance the learning process. It also requires pre-planning in terms of required resources, whether these are
shared, limited or need buying in.

You will need to manage a balance in your coverage of each of the strands, ensuring that skills (Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking) and Use of English (input of grammar and vocabulary) are all integrated in the long-term
plan. You might find that your learners need more of one skill than another. You should also have an overview
of the topics being covered in other subjects in your school during the course of the year so that cross-curricular
links can be developed and language support provided. Knowing when the science curriculum will be focusing
on weather and climate, for example, will help with planning when to develop this theme within the Cambridge
English as a Second Language classroom and will also signal when learners may need support with numbers
to express temperatures, comparative and superlative adjectives and future forms for prediction. These are all
decisions you need to make as a school for your long-term plan.

Medium-term planning usually covers a term or unit of work. The schemes of work provided by Cambridge
International serve as the medium-term plans and are based on three terms of twelve weeks each. Each term
contains six units of two weeks organised into three modules. Over time, you will be able to adapt the units and
the best order in which to teach them according to resources and available teaching and learning time, and in the
light of your learners’ needs.

If this is the first time you are teaching this curriculum, you can use the units in our suggested order in the schemes
of work as an initial starting point for your planning. Do not expect your plan to be perfect first time – start with
an estimate of how long you think learners will need to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills targeted.
Then adjust your plans as you go along in response to the needs of your learners. You are the best judge of the
capabilities of your learners and how long it will take them to develop the understanding and skills required, based
on their existing strengths.

Short-term planning is a plan for a particular lesson. This is a detailed working document and is led by the
learning objectives for that lesson.

It provides:
• essential information for all adults involved in the teaching and considers the learning needs of all learners, to
create an inclusive learning environment
• continuity in the absence of regular teaching staff
• an outline of resources, timings, and teaching and learning activities.

The real value of a short-term plan is that it influences the next steps in the light of the learners’ responses to the
learning opportunities previously presented.

8 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

3 Planning

The steps of the planning process (1–6) outlined in the following diagram are divided into three logical phases that
form the sub-sections of this section of the guide:

Phase 1 – Creating a long-term plan (steps 1–3)

Phase 2 – Creating a medium-term plan (step 4)

Phase 3 – Creating a short-term plan (steps 5–6)

The six steps of the process are dealt with in each related sub-section.

3.4 The planning process

Phase 1: Creating a long-term plan

Step 1: Teaching time

Find out:
• How many hours are there to teach the subject?
• How is the teaching time divided?
• How many lessons will each week and term/semester contain?

Step 2: Approach

Think about:
• How will you structure the teaching and learning?

Step 3: Ordering the teaching

• Look at the Curriculum Framework.

• Decide which content/skills will be covered in each term within
each stage.
• Decide which learning objectives will be covered on an ongoing
basis throughout the year.
• Decide how you are going to integrate skills (Reading, Writing,
Listening and Speaking) with Use of English.
• Think about marking up the curriculum framework (e.g. use a
colour code) to track your decisions.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 9

3 Planning

Phase 2: Creating a medium-term plan

Step 4: Creating units

• Group learning objectives into topics and themes creating a

logical, progressive sequence of learning for the stage.
• Rearrange learning objectives as necessary for learners’ needs,
timing, pace, local context and appeal.
• Organise the number of units to match the time available from
Step 1.
• Identify and adapt suitable teaching and learning activities and
resources to deliver the learning objectives.

Phase 3: Creating a short-term plan (lesson plan)

Step 5: Creating a lesson plan

• Identify what you are going to teach and how you are going to
teach it.
• Identify and adapt opportunities for formative assessment and
giving feedback to learners.

Step 6: Evaluating the lesson and the planning

• Amend your scheme of work and lesson plans to best meet the
needs of your learners and the local context.
• Amend the lesson plan for your next lesson to reflect the
learning that has taken place during this lesson.

3.5 Creating a long-term plan

Step 1: Teaching time
First, you need to establish the length and number of semesters or terms available and the number of lessons that
will fit into each.

Step 2: Approach
Next, you will need to decide the overall approach you want to take to the teaching structure of the subject.

10 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

3 Planning

Here are a few helpful prompts:

• Do I have a preferred way of working?
• What is the availability of English as a Second Language resources in my school (are they shared)?
• How can I ensure that I cover the whole curriculum for the stage during the year?
• How will I provide opportunities for a balanced coverage of all the skills and language content (grammar and
vocabulary) in the curriculum framework?
• How can I sensibly group learning objectives from the curriculum framework to incorporate them into
meaningful units of study?

Step 3: Ordering the teaching

Next, consider how you will order the teaching of the learning objectives across the year.

Think about:
• the order of learning to create progression
• bringing the different strands together into a logical whole to make learning meaningful.

You can see examples of how the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language curriculum content
has been organised across terms, and a suggested teaching order of the learning objectives, in the long-term plan
found in the schemes of work.

3.6 Creating a medium-term plan

Step 4: Creating units
Next, you need to organise your learning objectives for each term into groups based around topics and themes.

Here are some questions to consider:

• What contexts will provide genuine and meaningful opportunities for learners to develop their skills and
• What do my learners already know?
• What skills do I need to teach?
• What knowledge do I need to teach?
• Is there a logical order of teaching for these objectives?
• How long will my class need for learning to happen?
• Do I need to adapt the order of teaching to meet my learners’ needs, timing, pace, local context, appeal?
• What activities can I use to teach these objectives?
• What resources in school are available? What purchases are required?

Each scheme of work (medium-term plan) available from the Cambridge Lower Secondary support site contains:
• An overview of the stage, giving a suggested teaching order of units for each term. For Cambridge Lower
Secondary English as a Second Language, there are eighteen units for each stage.
• Any ongoing learning objectives that apply across a whole term or the whole year.

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3 Planning

Each unit contains:

• the learning objectives related to the topic or theme of the unit, arranged in a logical and progressive teaching
• the framework codes of the learning objectives from the Curriculum Framework
• suggested activities to deliver the learning objectives. Teaching and learning activities have been designed so
that learners are actively engaged in their own learning. More information about teaching approaches can be
found in Section 4 of this Teacher Guide.
• information about suggested resources.

The relevant scheme of work should be downloaded for your use. In addition, all learners will need access to
bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, whether in paper or online format, audio equipment, an English-language
phonemic chart and a range of age-appropriate, good quality fiction and non-fiction books, magazines and other
written text sources (journals, newspapers, advertisements, instructions etc.). Access to websites and a variety of
media sources is also recommended.

If internet sites are to be used, then you must check these before the lesson and make sure that all learners know
how to use online resources safely and responsibly. More information on eSafety is in Section 5.1 of this Teacher

3.7 Creating a short-term plan (lesson plan)

Step 5: Creating a lesson plan
Short-term plans are for use in the classroom when teaching lessons. Producing lesson plans for single lessons
is particularly useful when first working with the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language
curriculum. You can use the blank template provided on the Cambridge Lower Secondary support site or your
school may have its own.

The different components that we recommend you consider when planning each lesson are:

• Clear information about date/class/teacher

• Title of the unit and skills being covered
• Timing for each part of the lesson
• Learning objectives and success criteria
• Summary of the planned activities
• Expectations for learner outputs
• Any specific groupings or instructions for pair/individual work
• Resources required for the activities
• Any opportunities for learners to demonstrate achievement of learning objectives

Good planning makes for successful teaching and an enjoyable learning experience. However, plans should be
flexible enough to be adapted. For example, your learners might be ready to move on more quickly than you
anticipated. Alternatively, they might need more time and support on a particular concept or activity.

Step 6: Evaluating the lesson and the planning

Remember that your plans are a working document. You will need to be responsive to your learners and adapt your
teaching as required.

12 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

3 Planning

Here are a few things to consider regarding the creation and maintenance of lesson plans:
• Teachers need to keep in touch with learners’ needs and ensure that learning is of good quality and that
progress is made.
• ‘Over-planning’ can lead to inflexibility if a teacher feels they must follow their lesson plan in order to
demonstrate their intentions have been met rather than focussing on learners’ needs. For example, it may be
more useful to work on a mistake which has arisen or to progress a learner’s idea which has been offered during
a lesson. Sometimes lessons need to speed up; on other occasions it may be necessary to revisit an aspect of
• Teachers must be prepared to amend plans from lesson to lesson.
• If learners’ work is poor or they have struggled during the lesson, it might be sensible to revisit the work and
not rush on to the next objective. Teachers must be cautious, when revisiting anything that has led to learners
struggling, not to repeat the same process but to consider alternative strategies or ways of supporting depth of
• Plans should not just ‘sit’ in a neat folder. A good set of plans may have notes written all over them to show
what went well and what might need adjustment for next time.

There is a need to try and keep ‘on track’ or keep up with planned work, but you should not stick so firmly to your
plans that you cannot follow an idea that is unplanned. Quite often, excellent lessons result when something
happens to stop the planned lesson – a local or national event, an individual brings something into school – and the
learners are interested. You should feel that you can use these stimuli to develop any of the skills. Learning takes
place when learners are motivated and enthusiastic. Although ‘unplanned’ activities should not lead the teaching,
it may be possible to revisit both short- and medium-term plans to see if any learning objectives have been met. In
this way, a certain amount of flexibility can be allowed.

3.8 An integrated approach to teaching Cambridge English as a Second

It is expected that an integrated approach to planning and teaching is used for the development of effective
communication. Integrated learning can occur across skills, across stages and across curricula. The four skills,
together with an understanding of the grammatical and lexical ‘building blocks’ of language, should be taught in a
coherent way and practised together.

Integrating the four language skills and linguistic features:

• enhances learners’ all-round development of communicative competence
• enables teachers to build a lesson around a theme or a topic relevant to the learners
• motivates learners to learn by building more variety into the lesson
• works at the level of realistic communication, where language tasks involve more than one skill
• exposes learners to authentic language
• challenges learners to interact naturally.

This integrated approach can and should be implemented throughout the curriculum, starting in Primary and
continuing through the Lower Secondary stages. For example, Link comments, with some flexibility, to what others
say at sentence and discourse level at Stage 7 draws on listening and speaking skills and on different language
features, including an understanding of reported speech forms for statements and questions and conjunctions
to express reasons and give explanations. As learners move through the stages, previously studied language is
reviewed, extended and integrated into different practice tasks. For example, at Stage 7, learners use conjunctions
and structures to explain reasons and give explanations. At Stage 8, the range of conjunctions is extended and new
functions of indicating purpose and contrast are introduced and written tasks at all stages provide practice in a
growing range of genres.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 13

3 Planning

Lessons which integrate all five strands are recommended, where possible. For example, in Stage 9, Module 2B, Unit
10: Making presentations, there are a series of activities based round a headteacher’s speech, learners talk together
to predict the content of the speech; listen for specific information in an example speech; use reported statements
and gerund/infinitive verb patterns to summarise the key points and write a short article reporting on the speech
for a school newspaper. Reading skills could also be integrated by asking learners to share their written articles and
identify specific information that is common to all the articles, for example.

At a cross-curricular level, the integrated approach to learning can link content and language by following CLIL
(Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology. CLIL involves learning another subject, for example
science or mathematics, through English and learning English as a Second Language by studying other subjects.
For example, at Stage 8, learners can discuss, read about and listen to reports and information about the effects of
smoking, a science topic, using simple perfect forms, passive forms and time adverbials (Use of English 8Uf3) and
then write a summary of the evidence that smoking harms health (Writing 8Wc1).

CLIL helps to:

• integrate language into the wider curriculum
• diversify classroom methods
• develop natural language acquisition
• increase learner motivation by presenting language in context and in real-life situations – learners who are
interested in a topic are motivated to acquire language to communicate
• introduce a wider cultural context
• improve overall and specific language competence.

Integrated learning and CLIL require teachers to be able to exploit all opportunities for language learning in the
classroom. Authentic sources of written and spoken material can be exploited to illustrate language – words,
phrases or grammatical structures – in use. Encouraging learners to identify the target language in context makes
the learning relevant and meaningful and gives learners a sense of achievement.

3.9 Collaborative planning

Discussions with your colleagues about the curriculum not only deepen your own knowledge and understanding,
but also build a good network of teachers who understand it and are able to deliver it in a motivating way, each
bringing different strengths from their areas of specific knowledge and experience. Teachers who specialise in
teaching different stages/age groups can share activities, which have worked well, or topic-specific materials, which
are transferable across stages. Collaboration between teachers at different stages is vital for ensuring a smooth
progression through the curriculum for the learners. There may also be opportunities for cross-curricular links with
a wide range of other subjects.

Finding common planning time is not always easy. School leaders can provide opportunities for teachers to meet to
share ideas and plan collaboratively. You may be fortunate enough to already have some common planning time in
school or you may need to organise some common planning time. You might also collaborate with colleagues using
technology such as email, a virtual learning environment or social media.

14 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

4 Teaching approaches

4 Teaching approaches

This section considers some of the different teaching approaches that you may choose so that your learners’
understanding and skills develop throughout the year.

4.1 Active learning

Active learning is about learners being engaged in their learning rather than passively listening and making notes.
Instead, they should take part in a variety of activities that involve thinking hard.

Active learning can be done by learners in class or out of class, by working individually, in pairs, in small groups or
as a whole class. It can be done either with or without the use of digital technologies. It may involve moving, as in
role play activities, but it does not need to. The important thing is that learners are engaged in their own learning
and have responsibility for their progress.

Your aim is to enable learners to think for themselves and maximise their opportunities to practise the language.
This includes learners setting their own goals and monitoring the achievement of these goals. In the Cambridge
Lower Secondary English as a Second Language classroom, this could involve using a variety of English language
media sources to introduce and support skills and language practice in the classroom. Where possible try to draw
on your learners’ interests and experiences to provide engaging contexts to develop their language skills.

You will need to use a range of different teaching strategies to provide a positive environment in which learners
can be actively engaged in their learning and develop their skills, knowledge and understanding. There are different
ways to promote learners’ talk while minimising your own talking wherever possible. For example, you may ask
open-ended questions and pause to allow thinking time before accepting answers. Alternatively, you could take
answers from all learners, not just those who put their hands up.

Try to scaffold tasks so that each step is achievable. A vocabulary box is a useful addition to any classroom – new
words and expressions can be added to the box as they are learned in the classroom and five-minute ‘hot seat’
activities, in which learners take it in turns to describe or guess the words, can be planned into the timetable.

Useful principles for active learning include:

• identifying prior learning and building on this
• using a variety of individual, pair and group work
• promoting high-quality talk
• using success criteria so that learners are responsible for their own progress
• encouraging regular self-reflection and peer feedback.

The best learning will happen when you create an environment where everyone is comfortable and familiar with
routines and expectations. Learners will respond to all kinds of activities if the atmosphere is one that encourages
them to participate fully in developing their learning. Regular review and recycling of previously studied language is
a useful way to motivate learners by showing progress. It illustrates how studying language is a process and that all
elements and stages are connected.

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4 Teaching approaches

4.2 Developing success criteria

Learning objectives tell learners what they should know, understand and be able to do. Success criteria help you
and your learners know when a learning objective has been achieved. By having clear success criteria, learners are
engaged in their learning because they know what is expected. They have clear goals and can push themselves to
achieve the learning objectives.

Success criteria can be expressed in different ways, moving from simple statements from the teacher (What I’m
looking for …) and questions learners ask themselves (How will I know I have done this?) to more precisely worded
questions which focus on different aspects of the success criteria (Is this information relevant to the topic?; Does
this text communicate effectively?; Why is … important?; How would you …?).

It is often helpful to display the success criteria and the learning objectives throughout the lesson to help maintain
focus and help learners work independently. For example, if success criteria are in the form of ‘steps’, learners can
check their ‘success’ by following the pathway created by the ‘steps’.

However, this is not the only approach and sometimes it may be more engaging to ‘reveal’ the objective and
success criteria at other points in the lesson. Learners have a clearer understanding of a learning objective if they
share in the creation of the success criteria, perhaps through whole or group discussion or by discussion with talk

One way to generate success criteria with learners is to use samples of work perhaps from the previous year or
by creating a classroom culture where every learner, over time, is expected to share with the rest of the class
something they are particularly proud of.
• Select two pieces of work – one that has met the requirements, and one that does not quite include all of
• Ask learners to discuss with their talk partners what they like about the work and what could be improved.
• Feedback comments can be collected and the learners can decide which are the most important things to think
about when doing the task. In this way success criteria are produced.

Once learners are used to the routine of producing success criteria, it can happen often, although not necessarily
for all tasks. You may be concerned that there will not be enough time in lessons to do this. However, you will
quickly discover that time is no longer wasted on repeating the task instructions because the learners now all
understand what they have to do and are keen to get on and complete the task.

Learning objectives and success criteria may be limited to one lesson or, be spread over a series of lessons. There
may also be several success criteria for one learning objective. For example, the learning objective 7Wc1 Develop
coherent arguments, supported when necessary by reasons, examples and evidence, for a limited range of written
genres on general and curricular topics encompasses several success criteria, such as expressing opinions and giving
examples (e.g. appropriate range of tenses, conditional forms, modals, reported speech forms, sentence adverbs,
conjunctions to explain reasons and give explanations, relative clauses) and demonstrating relevant Writing skills
(e.g. composing, editing and proof-reading a text; writing with grammatical accuracy; using appropriate style,
register, layout and punctuation).

Giving success criteria a central role in lessons and allowing learners to produce them:
• helps learners to gain a deeper understanding of what to do
• gives learners ownership of the criteria so that they can create a successful ‘product’
• gives learners a basis for self-evaluation and peer-evaluation
• enables learners to become active learners.

16 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

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4.3 Giving formative feedback

As you observe learners using the success criteria, you will have many opportunities to identify how their
knowledge, understanding and skills are developing. In addition, as part of an active learning environment, learners
will also regularly reflect on their learning and progress. Together these will give you lots of information about each
learner’s strengths and weaknesses.

In order to help learners make progress, they will need to receive feedback on their knowledge, understanding and
skills and how they can develop them further. Feedback may be oral or written. All feedback should be constructive
and meaningful to learners. In particular, it should help learners to identify what their next steps are.

Most importantly, having been given guidance on how to improve, learners need an opportunity to carry out
the steps for improvement and demonstrate evidence of their competence. Without opportunities to reflect and
improve, feedback cannot effectively impact learning.

We are constantly giving our learners feedback. Our response to their contributions in questioning sessions or
discussions may be oral but it can also be non-verbal – a smile or a gesture. There are countless examples of when
we do this – a smile at the beginning of a lesson, a nod of the head. Below are listed some techniques for giving
specific feedback.

Oral feedback
Oral feedback is potentially the most effective form of feedback. The language of the classroom has an enormous
impact on learners, and should create an ethos where speaking freely about learning is positive. Oral feedback
needs to be focused around the learning objective of the lesson, and on progress towards and achieving the success
criteria. Feedback can be given to an individual, to a group or to the whole class.

Written feedback
Written feedback should be positive, clear and appropriate in its purpose – it needs to offer positive benefits to
teachers and learners, and the outcomes need to be fed back into planning. The most effective feedback occurs
when the work is discussed together face-to-face, but if this does not occur and learners’ work is marked outside of
a lesson, the following should be considered:
• Can learners read your comments?
• Can learners understand your comments?
• Are comments clearly linked to the learning objectives and success criteria?
• Do you allow learners time to read your feedback?
• Will the feedback you provide have a constructive impact on their skill development?

Writing on learners’ work should always be neat and clear. It should not compromise their efforts to produce well-
presented, high quality work.

For digital texts, you could add comments to documents or blogs and learners could respond by adding or
amending their work in a different colour. Some learners may benefit from using ‘tracked changes’ in a word

Self- and peer-assessment

Learners should be involved as far as possible in the review of their own development. You should encourage
learners to use self-evaluation continually, so that reflection and improvement become a natural part of the
process of learning.

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Peer- and self-assessment are much more than learners commenting on their own or each other’s work. Peer-
assessment enables learners to give each other valuable feedback so they learn from and support each other. It
adds a valuable dimension to learning: the opportunity to talk, discuss, explain and challenge each other enables
learners to achieve beyond what they can learn unaided. Peer-assessment helps develop self-assessment, which
promotes independent learning, helping learners to take increasing responsibility for their own progress.

Self-assessment and monitoring can involve learners directly if they have an independent research or reflection
journal. You can discuss these with learners at key points in the year.

Digital technologies also provide a range of ways of recording evidence of learners’ working which can be used for
self- or peer-assessment or for you to give feedback.

4.4 Whole class, group, pair and individual activities

There are many different ways of organising the classroom when following the Cambridge Lower Secondary English
as a Second Language curriculum. As you plan your lessons, aim to have a mixture of teacher-led, individual, pair
and group activities.

Teacher-led activities
Teacher-led activities should be used sparingly within lessons, although, to ensure learners engage and understand,
it is essential that teachers ask a variety of questions and that learners are encouraged to answer them individually
and in small groups.

Examples of teacher-led activities include:

• teacher demonstration
• teacher talk/presentation
• teacher-led discussion.

Individual activities
Learners will need to work independently at times. These kinds of activities can be made more interactive through
the use of peer- or self-assessment.

Examples of individual activities:

• Learners complete a worksheet that gets progressively more challenging.
• Learners create a leaflet or poster summarising recent learning.
• Learners carry out independent research and present their findings to a group or to the class.
• Learners read or listen to texts and complete comprehension questions, for example multiple-choice questions.
• Learners prepare and then speak for one minute on a given topic.
• Learners write a short review of a favourite book or film.

Paired activities
Having someone to share ideas with is invaluable, and a critical friend can offer advice and guidance. Working in
pairs helps learners to construct meaning and both partners can be focused and engaged in learning.

18 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

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Examples of paired activities:

• Learners consider their ideas individually, then share with a partner and then adapt and share their ideas with
the class.
• Learners peer assess each other’s work against a checklist.
• Learners complete problems as a pair to produce the ‘perfect’ solution/piece of work.
• Learners design a worksheet to be completed by their peers.
• Learners use a questionnaire to interview each other.
• Learners role play different situations with each other.

Group activities
Working in small groups, learners can take on varying roles and learn how to collaborate and cooperate with

Examples of group activities:

• Learners plan and carry out research on a topic they have selected.
• Small groups of learners rotate round a variety of activities, trying out each one.
• Learners work together in a small group for a few minutes to answer a question or complete a task and then
present their solution.
• Learners take part in a debate on a topic, discussing different views on a topic.
• Learners dramatise a story (such as a well-known fairy tale) together, each taking on different roles.
• Learners collaborate to tell a story (written or spoken) or report an event, each contributing a sentence or more
in turn. Use flash cards or pictures as prompts.

Organising and managing group work

Groups can be arranged in many ways. Although learners often choose groups by friendships, it is useful to organise
groups in other ways. Importantly, learners need to experience working with a variety of their peers, rather than
sitting in the same group all the time.

One quick method of grouping learners is to number them as they come into the classroom and allocate a number
to each group of tables. If choosing their own groups, learners need to be given a strict time limit to arrange
themselves, say 30 seconds, and guidance on how to include everyone and choose sensible ‘working’ groups.

Setting ground rules for group work

Clear ground rules are needed on how to conduct group work. You should develop these with your class and could
include some of the following:
• Respect and value everyone’s opinions.
• Do not interrupt when others are speaking.
• Use and accept constructive criticism.
• Take your fair share of the tasks.
• Support and explain to each other – you have a collective responsibility.
• Meet deadlines.
• Listen to each other and the teacher when instructions are given.

As the teacher, you need a clear signal that indicates when you want the class to listen. Simple ways of doing this
are by positioning yourself at the front of the room holding your hand up. Counting down from five to zero is also
an effective method as by the time zero has been reached the class is silent, equipment is down and all eyes are on

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Assigning roles
One way to support group work is to assign roles to members of the group. This allows learners to focus on one
particular area. It is important though that each member of the group reports back about their progress so that all
members are aware of what is going on.

Not all of these roles may always be needed but here is an example of the different roles that could be assigned:

Scribe Resource manager Adjudicator Analyst

Keeps records Lists resources needed Manages discussions/ Identifies key information
Collects information Locates and fetches Organises and counts Identifies what further
resources votes information is needed
Seeks clarification Makes sure everyone has Ensures all members of Identifies where further
the resources needed the group are heard information can be found
Writes up findings Timekeeper States final agreed group Researches unknown
decision words/phrases

Monitoring pair and group work

While learners are working in pairs/groups, you need to monitor progress. How much you intervene will depend on
the age of the learners. It is important that you do not intervene too much so that learners become too reliant on
you. Instead, you should allow learners to make mistakes, find their errors and correct them and encourage learners
to help and support each other. This will encourage learners to become more responsible: a key Cambridge learner
attribute. One way of doing this is to use the ‘three before me’ rule. This means that learners are expected to look
to three different sources of information (peers, resources, etc.) before they ask you. You can also have a ‘three
questions’ rule that states that each group can only ask you three things during any one lesson or learning activity.

Part of your role is to ensure that every member of a pair or group is involved, that quiet learners are not excluded.
Standing back and observing learners is a good start. You can then follow this up with questions directed at
individuals. For learners who are not engaged in an activity, small targets can be set and a time limit given before
you return to the individual.

• ‘When I come back in 5 minutes I want you to explain how you have ...’
• ‘... is responsible for telling me why you ... I will be back in 3 minutes’
• ‘I will pick one of you randomly to present your ideas, so make sure you are all confident in your method and

However you monitor pair or group work, it is important that you give learners time in which to discuss their ideas
and practise their language skills and that you move around the classroom and listen to the language that learners
are using. Try to be unobtrusive in your monitoring, particularly if you are noting down errors for delayed error
correction, so that learners don’t feel self-conscious about speaking.

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4.5 Language and dialogue in the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a

Second Language classroom
All Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language resources are written in English, and, ideally, all
dialogue in your classroom should be in English. However, you should also celebrate the diversity of languages
your learners may have and you can draw on similarities and differences between English and the learners’ first
language(s) to reinforce understanding.

Teachers need to be language aware to be able to understand why learners face the difficulties they do, and what
they can do to support them. You can encourage learners to make use of their first language to understand ideas
and concepts.

One of the leading authorities on bilingual education, Professor Jim Cummins, suggests that learners need a
minimum level of linguistic and conceptual knowledge in their first language to successfully develop a second
language. Once this knowledge is firmly established in a first language, learners can draw on this learning when
working in an additional language. Younger learners and learners studying at the earlier stages of the curriculum
may sometimes need the support of their first language to aid their understanding of topics, new language or tasks.
However, allowing too much reliance on the first language in the classroom may lead to confusion and distract
learners from the target language.

Modelling tasks, using gestures and grading your language can all facilitate learners’ understanding and allow you
to use English as the main, if not the only, means of communication in the classroom. By doing so, you are creating
an immersive learning environment in which learners can generally progress more quickly.

To support learners, you can pre-teach key vocabulary and use visuals with words to encourage understanding.
Pre-teaching key vocabulary can help towards a more inclusive classroom. This does not mean giving learners a list
of random words to go away and look up in a dictionary. This will only demotivate them. Instead, you can introduce
vocabulary to learners by using photos, by getting them to do mind maps and brainstorm words and phrases they
already know to help them access an informative text, a story, a poem, an audio or video clip. You should use
contexts that learners are familiar with and have an interest in to pre-teach vocabulary.

Promoting talk
Using talk partners can create a very positive classroom atmosphere because learners work with different people.
Many learners feel more confident discussing with a partner before giving an answer to the whole class. An
example is ‘think, pair, and share’ where learners are given the opportunity to think about a question before they
discuss it with a partner and then they share their ideas in a small group or with the whole class.

You can organise talk partners in either a structured or a random way. Partners can be changed at certain intervals
to vary the experience.

There are many benefits of using talk partners. For example they provides opportunities:
• for all learners to speak and listen to each other
• for learners to generate ideas, views and opinions or practise mathematical language skills in a safe
• for all learners to voice their understanding of ideas and concepts or use their language skills
• to enable participation by learners who might not be as confident in the whole-class situation
• to develop thinking, speaking, listening, collaborative and cooperative skills
• to ensure all learners are involved in the lesson
• to enable learners to learn from each other
• for thinking time
• to encourage extended responses.

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Example talk partners activity

Predict the text: An activity that helps learners predict the topic of a text using only images.

1) Give learners a series of images related to a text (this can be a text about any chosen topic).

2) Learners discuss the images to decide what they think the text might be about.

3) Learners write words that the images might represent.

4) Give learners the text and ask them to compare their words with key words in the text given, discussing any
similarities and differences.

Every class will have loud and quiet learners. One problem facing teachers every day is how to get some learners to
participate and how to stop others taking over a discussion.

Speaking tokens: A simple and effective method is the use of ‘speaking tokens’. A learner is given four tokens.
These could be buttons, glass pebbles or slips of paper. Each time a learner contributes to a class discussion they
give back one token. The aim is to have given them all back by the end of the lesson. Quiet learners are encouraged
to offer their ideas. Louder learners have to prioritise their input to the more important influential comments they
wish to make, thus also giving others a chance to participate.

Discussion starters: In order to encourage learners to talk about different ideas, you can use a range of discussion

Examples include:
• Why do you think ... said that?
• Can you think of an opposite idea?
• What would happen if this was not true?
• Can you add an idea?

Promoting writing
The Writing strand focuses on three key areas: communicative achievement, content and organisation. Having
completed the Primary stages, learners will have developed the necessary mechanical skills and started planning,
writing, editing and proofreading written work, with some support, at text level. The Lower Secondary curriculum
develops these skills to enable learners to write with less support and on a wider range of topics, focusing not only
on content but also on accuracy, register and style. Cross-curricular collaboration is essential in order to manage
the expectations of teachers of other subjects, who may require their learners to communicate their understanding
of the curriculum in written form.

From Stage 7 onwards, when learners begin to focus on brainstorming and drafting texts and developing coherent
arguments, mind maps and spider diagrams are useful teaching tools. They help learners think about the
connections between their ideas and organise information thinking about reasons, examples and evidence.

Writing frames allow learners to decide how to structure their work before they start.

Example writing frame appropriate to Stage 8

It is often said that ………………………………………………… due to …………………………………………………

However, others believe ………………………………………………… since …………………………………………………

In my opinion ………………………………………………… since …………………………………………………

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Modelling is when you demonstrate to learners what they are expected to produce. A high-quality text is studied
and the important features identified and highlighted. Learners can then try to replicate these features in their own
work. To scaffold this final task, learners could be given a gapped version of the original text, to which they add the
key features.

Using questions effectively

If a learner asks a question in class they should look to fellow learners to answer the question first rather than the
teacher. If learners are not initially confident enough to put their hand up and ask a question in class, alternative
approaches can be used. These include:

Question wall: Choose an area of the classroom where questions and answers can be posted. This could be on a
poster or slips of paper stuck to the wall. Learners are free to add their own questions and answer any that they
can. At various times in a series of lessons the class can review the questions together and move any questions they
can to the answer area.

Question box/problem book: A similar idea is to have a box in which learners can post their questions.
Alternatively, you can pass around a problems book where learners write down any questions they have and review
other learners’ questions. You can review questions in the box or book and use them to direct future learning.

Question starters: One way to help learners to ask open questions is to regularly use question starters. These
encourage fuller, more justified answers from learners.

Examples include:
• Why ...?
• How do we know that ...?
• What if ...?
• How does this compare to ...?
• How would you ...?
• How did ...?
• Explain why ...?
• What might it mean if ...?
• What might happen if ...?
• How could you tell ... was true?

For questions that require more thought, it is important to give learners time to think before they are expected to
answer. Aim to wait for about five seconds between asking a question and expecting a response.

4.6 Strategies for developing key Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a

Second Language skills
Using questions, either from you to the learners, or, better still, questions that learners ask themselves and each
other, are effective ways of developing skills and encouraging active learning. Before posing the questions, you need
to anticipate likely answers so that you are prepared for dealing with them.

Below are some suggestions of questions that can help learners develop skills which are particularly important for
Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 23

4 Teaching approaches

Selecting information sources

All learners should use a range of information sources and it is good practice to look at different approaches so that
learners see that they have a choice:
• Could you check in a dictionary or thesaurus?
• Could you look in a grammar book?
• Could you check verb tables?
• Could you search online?
• Could you ask your classmates?

Analysis and evaluation

• What language patterns do you notice?
• Which is the odd one out? Why?
• Put … in order (i.e. comparative degree structures).
• Put the words into categories (i.e. Stage 7 quantifiers for countable/uncountable nouns).
• How is this similar to ...?

After a collaborative Speaking activity, for example, ask learners to consider questions like these.
• What worked well?
• Why was it successful?
• What didn’t work?
• Why do you think this was?
• What could you have done differently?
• What will you do differently next time?

Metacognition describes the processes involved when learners plan, monitor, evaluate and make changes to
their own learning behaviours. As learners progress through the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second
Language curriculum, you should give them increased opportunities to monitor their own learning and plan their
next steps by reflecting on and evaluating where they are in their learning. This will not happen overnight or
without your guidance.

One way of encouraging metacognition is to have conversations about learning with individual learners, small
groups and the whole class as needed. These should be on a regular basis as this will help learners become more
independent in their own learning, relying less and less on the teacher. An example from Stage 7 could be to:
• Ask learners to remember the last time they wrote a formal letter of complaint.
• Discuss what the success criteria were e.g. use conjunctions to express reasons and structures to give
explanations; use relative clauses; use modal forms; use appropriate style and register; punctuate appropriately;
use appropriate layout etc. Learners do not need to use the terminology of the learning objectives, as long as
they are clear about what is required.
• Ask them to think about how well they met these success criteria.
• If they were not completely successful, guide them into thinking about different strategies they could use to
complete the task, such as planning the structure of their story using mind maps.
• If they were successful, ask how they could use that experience to be successful again, and maybe extend their

24 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

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Similar questions can be used to help learners to self-monitor. You can ask them to respond to questions at the
end of each lesson or series of lessons. For example, following a Stage 7 lesson focusing on using causative forms:
• How am I doing (in relation to showing success in achieving the learning objective)?
– Do I understand the difference between do something and have something done?
– Do I know which form the main verb should always be in?
• Are there any gaps in my understanding?
– Look at the practice task I did. What were my common mistakes? Was it verb form (get my hair cutting
rather than get my hair cut)? Did I get the word order wrong (have done something)? How does this work in
different tenses or with different subjects?
• What’s my next step?
– Can I find this section in my grammar book?
– Do I need my teacher to explain this again?
– Are there more exercises I can do?

Encourage learners to reflect at the end of each task, answering these three key questions:

1) What went well?

2) What didn’t go so well?

3) What could I do differently next time?

Learners will then be more proactive in knowing how they can make progress in Cambridge Lower Secondary
English as a Second Language lessons.

‘Think aloud’ is another useful strategy for developing metacognition. It involves speaking your thought processes
as a way of focusing your mind on the skills and strategies required to complete a task. You can model this strategy
by describing your thinking as you do an activity with the learners.

For example, to practise deducing meaning from context in texts at Stage 7, you could look at a text with learners
and talk them through the process of using key words, paraphrase and synonyms in the text as ‘clues’, for example
by identifying positive or negative meanings to the surrounding words.

Learners can also do ‘think alouds’ so they can monitor their thinking as they complete a learning activity. For
example, when practicing writing coherent arguments supported by reasons, examples and evidence, learners
could answer a series of questions which they think about and answer aloud while planning and drafting their
writing. They can do this individually or in pairs and you can circulate to see how much they understand a text. As
learners become better at this technique, they learn to construct their own questions to help develop their skill.
Questions might include:
• What are the main points I want to mention?
• How can I organise these points so that they make my opinion clear?
• Do I have examples or evidence for each of these points?
• How can I link the examples/evidence to the points using different connecting words?
• What layout should I use and what punctuation do I need to include?
• What will my conclusion be?

When modelling the ‘think aloud’ strategy, keep examples short and clear so that you do not confuse learners. You
want them to start thinking about their own thinking and learning. They might find it unusual, but fun as they start
to ‘think aloud’. You can stress that once they are used to the ‘think aloud’ strategy, they don’t actually need to
speak out loud, but can do their ‘thinking aloud’ in their head.

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Helping learners to explain their reasoning

In Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language, exploring learners’ thinking is a useful technique for
building understanding of the language being studied. Useful approaches include:
• asking learners to give reasons for their response (e.g. Tell me why you chose so that instead of in order to in this
• asking further questions (e.g. What sentence structure do you need after so that?).

You can also use a range of strategies to involve the whole class in discussing questions. Examples include:

Strategy Example questions

Bounce it back What do you think?
Bounce it on Can you give another example?
Consider approaches How can you choose the correct answer out of these three choices?
Link it to previous work That’s interesting, because we looked at that yesterday. What did we say?
Involve the whole class Does anyone else know the answer/have an example?
Use it to further enquiry Let’s think about how we might improve (the organisation of this text).

4.7 The inclusive Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second

Language classroom
Learners bring different competencies to their lessons. For example, some might excel in mathematics and science,
but find subjects where they need to write at any length a challenge. There will inevitably be different levels of
literacy amongst your learners, and for some learners English might be a third or even fourth language. This diverse
range of competencies and backgrounds should be celebrated in your classroom.

It is part of your role to discover what the competencies and backgrounds of your learners are and to get the best
out of every learner. Achieving this will involve creating a positive learning environment in which all learners feel
confident to make suggestions, take risks, ask for help and admit when they are finding something difficult.

You can do this by:

• ensuring that all learners take an active role in the learning process
• showing appreciation of everyone’s ideas and contributions
• encouraging learners to give good reasons for their ideas
• involving everyone in whole class activities and discussions
• inspiring confidence in learners to develop their own ideas
• making sure learners have enough time to explore ideas properly/formulate responses
• helping learners to work together and share their ideas with others and to appreciate the ideas of others
• encouraging learners to make their own decisions
• using varied questioning techniques and encouraging learners to think of their own questions.

By using a variety of teaching strategies, you can address the needs of learners with a variety of backgrounds,
competencies and interests. These strategies will contribute to an overall inclusive learning environment, in which
all learners feel equally valued and supported and are able to develop and succeed in your lessons and beyond.

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Benefits of an inclusive learning environment include:

• being able to connect with and engage all your learners
• being able to provide support or challenge as appropriate
• being more prepared for any issues that arise
• having the freedom to prepare interesting, exciting lessons that learners can relate to and connect with
• ensuring learners feel comfortable in the classroom environment so that they are prepared to voice their
opinions and ideas, ask any questions, or use their language skills
• creating a positive learning environment where learners enjoy your lessons and are successful, as the teaching
and learning activities you design will support their competencies, backgrounds and interests.

Teaching strategies and approaches for inclusive learning

To make learning inclusive in Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language, you should use a variety
of ways of presenting information for learners to work with to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills.
For example, you can use a combination of written, oral and visual resources and materials.

Try to provide flexibility and choice in how learners demonstrate their development of knowledge, understanding
or skills. Your focus will be on the development of learning rather than presentation of the learning. For example,
when producing written work, learners could choose to create a leaflet, a webpage or other media presentation.
After learners have demonstrated their current level of learning, aim to give targeted feedback on how they can
improve further. It is valuable to let them know what they have done well and what the next steps are to progress
their learning.

Feedback from learners can help in your aim to have an inclusive Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second
Language classroom. You might try giving out small pieces of paper, commonly known as exit slips, as learners
leave the lesson and asking them to anonymously write how confident they felt about the content learnt or skills
practised during the lesson from 1 to 4, with 4 being the most confident. You could also ask for two suggestions for
how they might feel more confident. You can discuss your findings with learners in the next lesson and talk about
the changes you are making so that everyone feels included and able to learn and achieve in the lesson.

4.8 Differentiation
Differentiation is a strategy you can use to help you make your lessons more inclusive. Differentiation aims to
promote learning so that all learners reach their potential: the best that they as individuals are able to achieve. Your
skills as a teacher will be to encourage learners on their journey to reach their own personal goals through carefully
planned provision of exciting and stimulating learning experiences. Differentiation means thinking about your
learners’ needs and trying to match the teaching methods, learning activities, resources and learning environment
to individual learners or groups of learners. The purpose of differentiating learning is to enable all learners to have a
positive learning experience and become successful learners.

Reasons for differentiation

Differentiation allows you to appropriately challenge each learner. This can be by providing support for those
learners who are struggling and more challenge for those that need it.

How to differentiate
You can create and adapt teaching methods and resources or materials in a variety of different ways to give each
learner the opportunity to be successful in your classroom.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 27

4 Teaching approaches

Use different groupings: You can vary the groupings of learners depending on the learning activity or learning
objective. Sometimes you might decide that friendship groups are appropriate for a particular activity. At other
times, you might plan groups made up of learners with different competencies. By organising groups in this way,
learners will be able to gain ideas and skills from each other and all learners will be able to progress.

Vary the activity: This is when learners meet the learning objectives in different ways. For example, when learners
are doing a gapped sentences task as a focus on dependent prepositions following nouns, verbs and adjectives,
some might be given sets of ‘preposition cards’ to narrow down their choices when completing the sentences or
they might focus only on nouns and adjectives. Others might be able to work without any prompts and focus on all
three word types.

Vary the outcome: This is when learners have the same task, but are expected to achieve different outcomes. For
example, if the class task is to write an email to a friend advising them on ways to be healthier, then learners will
produce responses of different lengths and complexities.

Vary the amount and type of learner support: This is when learners receive additional help and support either
from the teacher, a classroom assistant or other learners. For example, you might work with a small group of
learners who need more support and allow other learners to work in unsupported groups with a summary sheet of
questions to focus their learning. Or, rather than working individually, you could allow learners to work in pairs or
small groups. In the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language classroom, support may be required
more when a skill or language feature is first introduced and can be gradually removed as learners become more
competent. Support may take many forms. For example, the teacher may model tasks to demonstrate the skills
required or give examples of the target language in context. They may provide a framework for writing activities,
offer prompt cards for speaking activities, highlight key words in texts for reading activities or break listening texts
down in to manageable chunks.

Appropriate resources can be provided and adapted to support different groups of learners. Learners who need
extra support can also be given the opportunity to choose their own support materials. This encourages them to
be more independent in their own learning and how they learn.

Some learners may need extension activities. These should be based on the same learning objective as the rest of
the class. The extension activities need to challenge the learners, for example in the level or extent of language
produced, yet still have realistic expectations.

28 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

5 Digital technologies

5 Digital technologies

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language provides many opportunities for incorporating digital
technologies into teaching and learning.

You can make the best use of technology in the classroom by developing your awareness of a range of digital
technologies and considering carefully how and why they can be used to support students’ learning. The
consideration of what learning will be achieved and how the technology may help is fundamental to its effective

The aim of using digital tools is no longer because they ‘engage’ and ‘enthuse’. Instead the use of digital technology
focuses on impact and progress.

The SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) model developed by Dr Ruben Puentedura is
a useful reference when considering the implementation of technology in the classroom. The model (see below)
shows the stages that adopters of educational technology often follow as they integrate their teaching and learning
with technology.

Substitiution Technology acts as a Instead of producing a handwritten

direct tool substitute, with report, learner types the report using

no functional change a word processor.

Augmentation Technology acts as a Teacher adds comments electronically

direct tool substitute, with then emails the report back to the
function improvement learner.

Modification Technology allows for Learner loads report onto a blog. Other

significant task redesign learners view and add comments.

Redefinition Technology allows for the Instead of written report, learner

creation of new tasks, produces online response including
previously inconceivable images, audio and video.

See more in the Cambridge Educational Brief: Digital technologies in the classroom

This section gives you some ideas for how you might use digital technologies for teaching and learning.

5.1 eSafety
There are many positives to using digital technologies, but learners also need to be made aware of the potential
dangers and about how to keep safe when using computers, especially online. Learners also need to be given
opportunities to consider their own behaviour and the impact that their actions can have on others.

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 29

5 Digital technologies

The guidance given to learners will depend on their age, maturity, background and the content that is being
delivered. Many online tools are designed for learners aged over 13 to use, but younger learners can access
technology safely through supervised use or using school approved accounts. Learners should be given clear
instruction about what they should do if they feel unsafe when using digital technologies; this should include how
to report their concerns.

We recommend that all schools have an acceptable use policy that describes in detail what learners and school
employees should and should not do once they are given access to the school’s computer network. Care should
be taken to ensure the acceptable use policy is followed during all lessons, including Cambridge Lower Secondary
English as a Second Language lessons. If concerns arise, teachers should follow the policy, including making contact
with local child protection and law enforcement agencies if appropriate.

Internet filtering and monitoring tools should always be in place and anti-virus software should be up-to-date.

5.2 Using digital technologies to support teaching and learning of

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language
Digital technologies are particularly useful for Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language lessons
when used as part of a range of effective teaching and learning methods. Learners can be empowered to be more
autonomous in their learning yet also be critical and select the most appropriate technology to support their

Digital technology is a valuable resource which learners can use to help develop their knowledge, understanding
and skills. Teachers of Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language may use digital technologies for a
variety of reasons:
• as a tool to support cross-strand and cross-curricular work, by providing tools for research (accessing written
and spoken resources) and presentation
• to provide visual stimulus as a context for presenting or practising language
• as a dynamic resource for feedback, for example using an interactive whiteboard to highlight and correct errors
• as a writing tool, focusing on planning, writing, editing and revising texts on screen
• to recreate a real-life, genuine need to communicate, for example by setting up an electronic messaging
activity between learners within the class or with a class somewhere else in the world
• to record (audio or video) speaking activities, allowing for more in depth review and targeted feedback.

It is important that both you and your learners feel confident to evaluate where digital technologies may add
value to the learning over other non-digital resources. Start with the learning objectives and consider how digital
technologies may support the teaching and learning of these objectives, rather than thinking about ways in which
to bring digital technologies into the curriculum. The section below gives some practical suggestions of how digital
technologies may support the learning of different objectives in the Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a
Second Language classroom.

Digital technologies offer great opportunities for sustained forms of talk, asking and answering questions.
Presentation software allows greater classroom emphasis on presentation, explanation and discussion. The use of
webcams extends interactivity, allowing for instant feedback and time to reflect on the processes of talk – both in
groups and individually. Interactive whiteboard technology puts greater emphasis on shared and public talk.

30 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

5 Digital technologies

It is now much easier to use transportable sound recording equipment. At the same time, gesture, posture and
facial expression are integral elements of spoken expression and video recording devices are likely to help learners
develop the ability to reflect and comment on language use.

Basic skills and strategies
Digital technology can support the development of early reading skills, for example by using software that
identifies and highlights phonic elements. The essential discussion of sentence and word structure is greatly
enhanced by the flexible uses of an interactive whiteboard. Not only can texts be highlighted and marked, created
and amended, they can be saved and returned to as learning is built from session to session.

Read and respond to texts

Discussion of the ways that films are constructed, for example decisions made by the director about camera angles
and the effect these decisions have on the viewer, can help learners with the evaluation of written texts. Films can
be easily paused and re-viewed to see how directors (and so writers) construct narratives. Discussions like these,
based on film, transfer very easily to discussions about authors’ intentions and points of view in written texts.

Creating and shaping texts
On-screen writing is now an essential part of the writing curriculum and learning to type is as important as
developing fluent handwriting. The composing, editing and revising process helps learners see themselves as
authors, with the responsibility to proofread and craft their writing. Word banks can be easily stored – either as
part of whole class work or individually – to support stylistic choices. Completed work is more likely to include
image, digitally produced and imported from the internet, and variations in font, colour and design as part of
composing effective texts.

Text structure and organisation

Reorganising texts on screen, moving sections, sentences and paragraphs, is becoming an everyday part of
classroom writing experience. Drafts can be saved and returned to as part of the writing process. Planning and
sequencing narrative and non-narrative can be even more effectively learned through software which allows for
quick and easy changes in structure. Sentence structure and punctuation can be edited quickly and easily. These
changes can be shown to a class in real-time using a projector or using an interactive whiteboard.

Video recording devices can be used to create short film narratives developing understanding about narrative
structure, setting and characterisation. Adding sound means understanding how to create atmosphere or use
dialogue to move a story forward.

Word structure and spelling

Spell checkers and grammar checkers mean that accuracy can be part of the drafting process. Web-based
dictionaries and thesauruses allow the extension of vocabulary. Personal word banks and dictionaries can be made.

Practical considerations are also necessary. The technology you have available will influence how you choose to use
it. For example, if there is one computer per class then the classroom could be set up with an area that allows the
computer to be used for research purposes or as a reference tool. Will learners have to work individually or is pair-
work or small group work possible? How involved will you, the teacher, need to be? Alternatively, if you have access
to an interactive whiteboard or projector, you could consider whole class activities where learners present their
work or evaluate and discuss language live on the board. You can also consider video conferencing tools to provide
opportunities for wider participation, perhaps by establishing links with schools in English-speaking countries. If
you have access to a computer suite you could book it for particular research or preparation tasks that may form

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 31

5 Digital technologies

part of a long-term project. Assigning different research tasks related to a central topic to individual learners or
small groups will create a natural information gap, leading to meaningful communication when the whole class
exchanges their findings.

Mobile devices such as tablets and similar tools can be used within your standard classroom. Here the digital
technology can be presented as a tool to support learning, similar to a box of books. This allows learners to make a
positive choice in their use of technology for a particular task, such as recording their presentation, researching and
checking ideas, or preparing or taking part in an interactive quiz. Here we can see effective teaching through digital
technology as learners can be empowered to make higher-level use when they feel it is appropriate.

It is clear that there are numerous opportunities to integrate digital technology in the classroom, but care is
needed not to force its use – it should only be used when it gives added value. Skills and language learning can be
supported and extended through the use of digital technologies, but there will always be occasions when more
traditional forms of literacy are appropriate.

32 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

6 Assessment provided by Cambridge International

6 Assessment provided by Cambridge International

6.1 Progression tests

As part of Cambridge Lower Secondary, end of stage tests (progression tests) are provided for Stages 7 to 9. These
are available from the Cambridge Lower Secondary support site.

Why use Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Tests?

These tests are for use within the classroom to measure the progress of learners and identify strengths and
weaknesses. The tests are designed to be flexible and can be used to:

Assess the performance of learners against the learning objectives in the curriculum framework. The
progression tests are produced to precise specifications to ensure a representative coverage of skills and knowledge.
The progression tests assess learning objectives from the entire stage and so should be used when they have
all been covered. However, it is preferable that they are used when there is still time left in the term to provide
learners with feedback and help them reflect on their achievements and consolidate the year’s work.

Diagnose strengths and weaknesses. The results of the progression tests should be fed back to your learners. It is
important that they know their strengths as well as being aware of the areas that require improvement. Feedback
should always be constructive and should include practical advice on how to improve.

Analyse progress from one year to the next. The progression tests can help you see whether your learners are
progressing at a steady rate or faster, or slower, than expected. The comparison against an external standard means
that learners can show progress which may have been overlooked if these learners were always compared with
their peers. Similarly, lower than expected performance can be identified and investigated.

Inform planning. You can use the results of the progression tests to reflect on your teaching over the year and
prompt changes for subsequent years. If there are areas where the entire class appears to be strong or weak, you
should consider the strategies used for those areas and adapt them as necessary. The data from the progression
tests will also be of value to the following year’s teachers to provide them with information about prior knowledge
of the learners entering their classes. Alternatively, it is possible to give the test for the previous stage at the
beginning of the next stage to determine the ‘starting point’ of learners and identify any areas of weakness that
need to be addressed.

Aid reporting to parents. The results of the progression tests can be combined with your own observations
to produce informative reports to parents. Parents want to know how their child is doing and the results of the
progression tests provide quantitative evidence of this. Reports should include areas of strength as well as areas
where improvement is needed.

Results analysis
You can analyse your learners’ test results using the reporting tool available on the Cambridge Lower Secondary
support site https://lowersecondary.cambridgeinternational.org

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 33

6 Assessment provided by Cambridge International

The site allows you to:

• access the progression tests and store learners’ marks
• organise your learners into groups, making it easier to administer the tests and run reports for each group
• use the reports to track learners’ progress by comparing individual results against the rest of the class, the
school or other schools around the world
• compare results on a year-by-year basis
• analyse the reports to reflect on your teaching and then focus your efforts where they are needed most
• download, print or email your reports to share with other staff and parents.

Using the reports to inform future lessons

The progression test reports are useful analyses to gain an overview of the strengths and weaknesses in the whole
group. They enable you to consider factors that might affect this. It is always a good idea to begin by reviewing the
planning for the objectives where the weakness was shown, for example:
• Was a reasonable amount of time allowed for the objectives?
• Was a balance achieved between whole class and differentiated tasks?
• Were there any activities that could be described as favouring either boys or girls (gender bias)?
• Have you made any notes on your lesson plan about how the lesson was?

The planning check alone may not directly reveal the possible reasons for any weaknesses shown in the reports. If
this is the case, consider the response of the learners and their performance in class. This could still lead back to

It is possible that the content of a lesson was too difficult for some learners. If so, you may need to adjust the
original plans. Doing this does increase pressure on ‘finishing’ the set of lessons for the objectives in question.
However, time spent revising materials can save time when new objectives are introduced because they will be
delivered on a firmer base of understanding.

It is also important to check the areas that were strengths because you could gain some ‘extra’ time by reducing
the input for these areas. This has to be carefully judged as you do not want to reduce the standard in those areas.

Review the teaching activities for objectives that were areas of weakness to find out whether the chosen activities
were as stimulating as others. If they were not, this will affect learners’ responses quite significantly.

This analysis will provide information that can help you improve your planning and teaching for the following
year. Although groups of learners will vary from year to year, the review process needs to be ongoing, not just a
procedure that simply follows the tests.

Lessons following the test period will need careful planning and incorporate differentiation so that learners can
target the particular areas of improvement identified in the reports. The reports may show similar problems
for groups of learners which will help with organisation – groupings created for this may change from lesson to
lesson. For learners who require more challenge, you could prepare a set of lessons that extend their skills and
understanding while ensuring that any areas of weakness are addressed.

Learners can have their own set of targets. These should be set up as part of regular practice in class. Setting up
success criteria will support this as well as other self-assessment tools so that learners are involved at all times.

34 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

6 Assessment provided by Cambridge International

6.2 Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint are additional (end of Lower Secondary) tests available to Cambridge
Lower Secondary schools.

These are intended for learners at the end of their final year of Lower Secondary education, when they are around
14 years old. They provide an assessment for learning objectives from Stages 7–9 of the curriculum framework.

Schools make entries for their learners using CIE Direct. Cambridge International will then send the examination
papers to the school. After learners have taken the Checkpoint tests, the tests are returned to Cambridge
International for marking.

Following the Checkpoint, Cambridge International provides detailed feedback including:

• centre report
• report on teaching group
• individual reports to learners.

Learners also receive an individual statement of achievement.

Details about Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint (including specimen and past papers) are available from site

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 35

7 Support and resources

7 Support and resources

7.1 Resources available from Cambridge International

Cambridge Lower Secondary centres receive access to a range of resources when they register. The Cambridge
Lower Secondary support site https://lowersecondary.cambridgeinternational.org is a password-protected
website that is the source of the majority of Cambridge-produced resources for the programme.

Included on this website are:

• Curriculum Framework
• progression tests and analysis tools
• past papers and information on Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint
• schemes of work – these give a suggested course outline where learning objectives are organised into a
teaching order. A brief outline of activities to achieve these objectives is provided together with suggested

7.2 Training
Face-to-face training opportunities
Face-to-face training is available in the form of workshops on planning and teaching strategies. To see what
training courses are currently available in your region go to our Events and Training Calendar on the Cambridge
International website.

Online training
An online, self-study introductory course is available free to Cambridge Lower Secondary centres. It provides an
introduction to Cambridge Lower Secondary, its educational philosophy and the services and resources available to
Cambridge Lower Secondary centres.

Additional online tutor-led courses are also available. To see what training courses are currently available go to our
Events and Training Calendar on the Cambridge International website.

36 Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide

8 Glossary of key terms

8 Glossary of key terms

This glossary is provided to assist teachers in understanding the content of this Teacher Guide. The definitions are
intended to be sufficient to guide an informed reader.

For more information on important ideas and themes in education, and how to use them in your classroom,
please see the Getting started with … interactive resources provided by Cambridge International at http://www.

Education terms
Active learning – a classroom approach in which learners are encouraged to ‘think hard’, rather than passively
receive information from their teacher.

Lesson plan – the short-term plan.

Long-term plan – an overview of the whole stage indicating the teaching time available, its division into terms (or
semesters) and the knowledge, understanding and skills covered in each term.

Medium-term plan – a plan providing a logical, progressive teaching order of learning objectives, grouped into
themes or topics, and an outline of a sequence of teaching activities to deliver the learning objectives.

Metacognition – the process of getting learners to plan, monitor, evaluate and make changes to their own learning

Monitor – when a teacher observes learners’ performance and progress through a task without getting actively

Scheme of work – the medium-term plan.

Short-term plan – the lesson plan or teaching and learning plan for a lesson/series of lessons.

Success criteria – descriptions of how learners can achieve the learning objectives through a particular activity.
This helps learners to know if they have been successful in achieving the learning objectives.

Peer-assessment – classmates assess and give feedback on each other’s tasks.

Talk partners – learners discuss the answer to a question with a partner before responding.

Think aloud – a technique related to metacognition which encourages learners to verbalise their thought processes
while completing a task.

Unit of work – a group of learning objectives and activities based around a topic or theme, covering a series of

Cambridge Lower Secondary English as a Second Language Teacher Guide 37

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Email: info@cambridgeinternational.org www.cambridgeinternational.org

Copyright © UCLES December 2018


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