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will, going to and present continuous

1. When __________________ your bedroom? It's a terrible mess.

A. :-)  are you going to tidy

B.   ?    are you tidying

C.   ?    will you tidy

2. 'We're out of eggs.'

'OK, I _______________ some when I go to the shops.'
A.   ?    am going to get

B.   ?    'll get

C.   ?    am getting

3. 'It's hot in here, isn't it?'

'Yes. I _________________ the air-conditioning.'
A.   ?    am going to switch on

B.   ?    'll switch on

C.   ?    am switching on

4. 'Any plans for the weekend?'

'Yes, I ________________ some furniture for my new flat.'
A.   ?    am buying

B.   ?    will buy

C.   ?    am going to buy

5. Ding-dong!

'Someone's at the door.'

'I_____________ .'

A.   ?    am going

B.   ?    am going to go

C.   ?    'll go

6. ___________________ anything on Saturday evening? We thought we might go

to the cinema.
A.   ?    Are you doing

B.   ?    Will you do

C.   ?    Are you going to do

7. 'Are you free tomorrow afternoon?'

'Let me check in my diary...I ________________ a client at three. I'm free after that.'
A.   ?    will see

B.   ?    am seeing

C.   ?    will seeing

8. 'Did you tell Paul about the party?'

No, I forgot. I ______________ him later.'
A.   ?    am going to call

B.   ?    am calling

C.   ?    'll call
9. We _____________ a party on Friday night. Would you like to come?
A.   ?    have

B.   ?    are having

C.   ?    will have

10. The news is on in five minutes. _______________________ watch it?

A.   ?    Are you going to

B.   ?    Do you

C.   ?    Will you

11. 'We __________________ the bedroom walls light blue.'

'That'll be nice.'

A.   ?    are painting

B.   ?    will paint

C.   ?    are going to paint

12. I heard on the news that they ___________________ a new shopping centre in
the town centre next year.
A.   ?    are going to build

B.   ?    will build

C.   ?    are building

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