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ROLL NUMBER- 1805759

The topic is ‘social and ethical values’.

Values mean the principles of standards of behaviour,one’s
judgementof what is important in life.Values can be defined as
broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of actions or
outcomes.As such,values reflect a person’s sense of right and
wrong.To behave ethically is to behave in a manner
consistent.With what is right or moral. Moral values and ethics
are important in every person’s life.The ethics defined by
various societies are more or less same.The social values form
an important part of the culture of the society.Ethical values
determine what is right or wrong.

Ethics help in answering the questions of human morality by

providing a set definition for the concepts of right and wrong
,good and evil,vice and virtue and so on.The social values
include the seven fundamental right provided by the
constitution-right to freedom,right to equality,right against
exploitation,right to freedom of religion,cultural and
educational rights,rights to poverty and right to constitutional
remedies.Democracy- a system of government by the whole
population or all the eligible members of state typically through
elected represntative.Cause of decline of values-market based
economy,personal greed,modern mindset of
individuality,influence of western culture,low awareness,lack of
courage to denounce corrupt behaviour.

The conclusion is that ethical and moral values play an

important role in any individual’s life but they are on the hard
decline due to obsession of today’s youth with western
culture.There are very few aspects of western culture which are
very good but there are some aspects which should not even
be studied.The people should be made aware of the cultural
differences before making any ritual their own while framing
their standards.

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