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Socrates (Avocado) Aristotle (Avocado) Peregrinus Proteus Avicenna (Avocado) Rene Descartes Immanuel Kant Daniel Dennett Maurice

Immanuel Kant Daniel Dennett Maurice Merleau-

He believed that the Similar to Plato, reason (Artichoke) The self is independ- (Avocado) (Avocado) (Artichoke) Ponty (Artichoke)
soul is the immortal part is the foundation of the The self is nothing but ent from the physical “Cogito ergo sum”. On his rationalist theory, Defines self as a mir- Perception guides our
of humans. It is the part self. What differs it from its layers. By having no aspects of life. Even if The ability to think reason is the foundation ror image molded by action based from our
that is unvarying. Even Plato is that the human essence, the self is we isolate ourselves defines the self. It is of all knowledge. The our experience of the experiences. One’s be-
when the body perish- being is a compound of from any sensory con- essence of the self is haviors, actions or lan-
likely to create itself by the home of our intel- from the collection of
world. People craft
es, the soul leaves the soul and body and that adapting to the cir- tacts and our bodies, lectuality and pas- stories to give them a guage used could re-
body and travel to the impressions and differ- flect to our perception
the soul will never part cumstances the self we will still have self- sion. sense in this world.
ideal world. ent contents. of the world.
from its body. faces. consciousness.

Plato (Avocado) Laozi (Avocado) St. Augustine St. Thomas Aquinas David Hume Gilbert Ryle Jean-Paul Sartre
The true self of a hu- On his Tao Te Ching, (Avocado) (Artichoke) (Artichoke) (Artichoke) (Artichoke)
man being is the Tao (discipline) is the Connects our exist- Our self-knowledge On his bundle theory, Self is the behavior Existentialism. Be-
ability to reason that source of all exist- ence to God being is determined on the the self is nothing but presented by the per- lieves that existence
establishes their ence. It is powerful crafted in his likeness experiences we face. a bundle of experi- son. Behaviors that precedes essence.
soul and that the yet humble. Tao Te though being alive Our awareness is en- ences linked togeth- we act and express Asserts that humans
soul is divisible from Ching intends to means in a distance abled on our experi- er. manifests the self. are free to define
their body. bring about balance from God. ences in the environ- whoever they are.
in the imbalances. ment.
Goldhill, O. (2018, May 13). Jean-Paul Sartre was the Original Self-help Guru. Retrieved from Quartz:
Menon, A. (2018, September 9). What is Self According to Socrates? Retrieved from Quora:
Mitchell, H. B. (n.d.). Roots of Wisdon: A tapestry of Philosohical Traditions.
Philosophy of Self. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

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