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Story associated with Christian living symbol of true

Nobel Prize 1986 Wole Soyinka

Reading fluency
Prepare the script

Remedial outcome
resolution of communication problems

Language defeciency
Lack of understanding


Important phrases in sentences

is a freshman
fields lush green
a big hug

embedded clause shocked everyone

on behalf of my colleagues

the rain chu chu 21 start


NOT asigned/aligned (not sure) Individual Learner's and Individualities of Learning

pedagogical approach constructivist , inquiry based

not a K+12 bilingual education

K-12 communicative competencies - 4

How many phrases in "mining chuchu" 5

puppets, interview communicative

Shakutala, karma- Dushyanta failed to recognize Shakuntala as his wife

Diagnose of needs- ESP

widely use of infromal and formal- slang expressions

writing notes, memos, reports- task-based

re-teaching, reviewing, and assessing (not remedial teaching)

grammar remedial teaching- structure language function

lack of orthodoxy
-ESP teacher not ready
-ESP teacher needs to distil and synthesize
-ALL ESP teachers are pioneer
- I, II, III

6 yrs of primary education, 4 years of junior hs, 2 SHS

K-12 envisions
-Holistically developed learners with 21st century

important cog

science- teaching language, integrated

therefore- voiced th sound

blew- blue

Why various IMs- diverse needs of the learners

Natural Order
(refer lorimar book. )

Rabindranath Tagore's work The woman fetch the water everyday

In my opinion
Keep with
great at
Conformed with
with state of fashion

5-7-5-7-7 tanka

Art or Science of knowledge pedagogy

Haiku with attitude tanka

Anton Chekov show not tell

Poetry about God John Milton

"Mast Head" Name of the news paper

"Tip of the tongue" Anomia

Pride and Prejudice Marrying good family for financial security eme.

High level difficulty More structured+Workbooks+Interactive

About games Communicative

Computer aided instruction behaviorism

Nature naturalism

Masthead name of the newspaper

Desk corps of the editor

Biag ni Lam-ang
make a climax
make presentations of the characters

tide slide (Annabel Lee) assonance

and miles to go before I sleep (Stopping by the woods

tip of the tongue anomia

without the use of native language direct

direct interaction with native immersion)

Paws of Monkey greed

Two brothers Apnu and Bata

Poetry is chuchu for God John Milton

1st step in lit assessment identifying the literary context and language learning

Natural events naturalistic

haiku with attitude tanka

not a haiku iambic pentameter

Gold from the east Dawn

Messenger of the gods Hermes

Not a washback connection of testing and learning

assessment is segmented evaluation

Brave adjective
Corporal admission what lead

Prime minister agree

extrinsic scene

Karma Dushyanta didnt recognize Shakuntala as his wife

Nouns vocatives

last step situational language teaching correction

first step in metacognition in listening check for difficulties

crocodiles gain interest of the topic

the strong noun signal is THE

About gerund

Power Macbeth

Student's records Learning log

Ancient civilization started in rivers such as Tigris and Euphrates and Nile

What should be considered in preparing and instructional materials?

Do pattern practice

Prepare a script - reading fluency

Maxim of quality- it's snowing

A thousand and arabian nights- a story within a story

learning log- master competencies

With rakes, brooms and chu chu- With prepositional phrase

listening- 50%

not a criterion of good test


Portfolio -collection of written

Analysis- write the meaning of the underlineds words according on how they are used in the sentence

connotative meaning

delighted valuing

Is this..? questioning

Broke out/outbreak conversion

Fine is the chuchu extra position

mathematic skill before engineering prerequisite

master the competencies reading log

onset can

translate and verbal think aloud

difficulty recognizing sight words difficulty in decoding words syllable by syllable

"while listening" complete the family tree

schema theory knowledge

parts information informative

initiating events predicting

qouting side by side by its mother story

copyreading statements and sources are retained

soundwaves acoustic

task and project based skill learning

imminent approaching

Act illocutionary act

Give me a ...... (command) direct illocutionary

Everyone indefenite pro



1. Twins, themselves
2. Co-curricular activities- its
3. Structure collaped joints- loose
4. And in turn- reciprocal
5. Regular solid with equal length- cube
6. Product of 13 and an integer- 1326
7. Ms. Sanchez weight on fourth week- 58
8. Scientific method- controlled environment
9. Very hot gas of nuclei & electrons- plasma
10. Prokaryotes- have genone that is in nucloid
11. Capable of undergoing metamorphosis- anthropoda
12. River is mixed with contents of a septic tank- hypertrophication
13. Demand for energy double in 2040- mass transportation
14. US VP Al Gore's prediction- total destruction of environment...
15. Insulin deficiency- diabetes disorder
16. First settler in the Ph- aboriginal/negritos
17. Portugese explorer- magellan
18. Newspaper of reform movement againts spanish- la solidaridad Graciano
19. Lea Salonga- stage actress
20. Fernando Amorsolo- Grand Old Man old PH Art. Backlighting technique
21. Napoleon Abueva-father of PH Sculptor
22. Guillermo Tolentino- UP Oblation -The Bonifacio Monument
23. Carlos v Francisco- Naational Artist for Visual Arts, Muralist of Agono
24. Lucio San Pedro- Natnl artist for Music, Ugoy ng Duyan
25. Mukha in television- Dignity of Labor
26. Gilopez Kabayao brought classical violin to- masses
27. Lea Salonga- Pilipina singer
28. Cecil Licad- Filipina pianist
29. Liza Macuja- Prima Ballerina
30. Levi Celerio- music using a leaf, Ntnl Artist for Music from Tondo
31. Eduardo Castrillo- sculptor of Landmark
32. Severino Montano- Arena Theather
33. Wikang Pambasa as Filipino- 1987
34. 1937- Tagalog bilang wikang pambansa
35. 1940- pagtuturo sa ika-apat na taon
36. 1946- wikang pambansang Pilipino
37. 1959 –Pilipino
38. 1987- Filipino
39. Panaguri-predicate
40. Eksepsyon- hindi lang
41. Pamukod- pamimili o pagtatangi
42. Panandag- at, saka, pati
43. Pananhi- katwiran, dahilan, sapagkat
44. Panubali- pagbabakasakali: kapag sana, kung
45. Panlinaw- sa madaling salita
46. Paninsay- ngunit
47. Tuntunin sa pagbaybay- ortograpiya
48. Ponema- makabuluhang tunog
49. Gramatika- bararila,
50. pagkaugnay-ugnay bg mga salita
51. Pagsasalin-wikang teknikal-agham
52. Pagsasalin: Salita sa salita
53. Literal-pinakamalapit na kahulugan
54. Matapat
55. Semantik
56. Adaptasyon
57. Malaya
58. Komukatibo
59. Sinaliksik-saliksik
60. Parallel-vertical
61. Grouped data-82-85
62. Phytagorian Theorem- 6cm

 Rio Alma- virgilio Almario

 KWF- Kumisyon sa Wikang Filipino
 Uyayi- Ugoy ng Duyan
 Phonological Awareness- sound awareness
 6 Phonological Awareness Skills
 1. Listening- "foundation" of all the the phonoligicak skills
 2. Rhyming- ability to produce rhymes.
 3. Blending- "combining" small units of sounds into words.
 4. Segmenting- opossite of blending. "Breaking" breaking down the qords into each sounds.
 5. Alliteration-Ability to recognize the repeated sounds
 6. Syllables-ability to know how many syllable is in a word.
 Multiplication of same number ending in 5
 Square root of a digit number
 Microecomonics- Law of Demand
-inversely proportional
 GNP- outside the classroom
 GDP- inside the classroom
 5 Kingdom system
1. Monera - E. Coli
2. Prostista- Plasmodium
3. Fungi- Penicillium- first antibacterial
4. Plantae- Ferns
5. Animalia- earthworm
 Periodic Table
 Levels of Assessment
1. Knowledge - 15%
2. Process or skills - 25%
3. Understanding- 30 4.
4. Products/performance - 30%
 Entry
 Adoption
 Adaptation
 Infusion
 Trasformation
 Inductive Method -student-centered -discovery method -slow process -leads to useful results
 Deductive method -teacher-centered -verification method -fast process -leads to principles
 Cosmopolitan man Cultural Identity- history, culture and roots
 Knowledge of culture- Unity amidst cultural diversity
 Parten's types of childplay
1. Unoccupied play
2. Independent or solitary play
3. Onlooker play
4. Parallel play
5. Associative play
6. Cooperative play
7. Competitive play
 PQF-
 K-12 CBRC (College preparation, Building skills, Relevant & responsive, Continuos learning)
 Edgar Dale Cone of Experience (Book:Audiovisual Method) 1946 published The more senses
involved the more retention
 4 Types of research
¤Basic research
¤Applied research-
2. Philosopy
3. Nature
4. Time
Cross sectional Longitudinal
Cohort study- studying people on one point of time


 0-6months- giggle, coo, babble

 ZPD-difference
 Hispanic-religion
 Chronological- historical
 Corazon Aquino- 1887 constitution
 Fidel Ramos- trifocalized education
 Joseph Estrada- pser
 Gloria Arroyo-DepEd
 Benigno Aquino- K-12
 Rodrigo Duterte- Free tertiary education
 Angola & Djibouti- not k-12
 Ched, DepEd & Tesda- coordination Ched, Prc, DepEd and Tesda- sychronization
 Sychronization- to secure college readiness and to avoid drop out and remedial
 5 basic relationship- kung fu tzu
 Confucious- by moral example
 Most reliable- median
 89,90,88- 89
 Low standard deviation- homo
 P80- Higher than 80percent of the class.
 .98- very easy.
 A valid test is always reliable.
 Leptokurtic- mostly average
 Bulletin board- motivational "best work in the world"
 Math madness- instructional
 Fall in love with reading- motivational
 Pangungusap na wala- eksaherado
 Formative-anytime
 Summative- end
 With it ness
 Ripple effect- escalating
 Thrust- unready
 Alternative delivery group (ADMS)
 Positive reinforcement- add Negative reinforcement- nagremove

The 7 Domains collectively comprise 37 strands that refer to more specific dimensions of teacher

 Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, is composed of seven strands:

1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies
 Domain 2, Learning Environment, consists of six strands:
1. Learner safety and security Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 6
2. Fair learning environment
3. Management of classroom structure and activities
4. Support for learner participation
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior
 Domain 3, Diversity of Learners, consists of five strands:
1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds
3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups
 Domain 4, Curriculum and Planning, includes five strands:
1. Planning and management of teaching and learning process
2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
 Domain 5, Assessment and Reporting, is composed of five strands:
1. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment strategies
2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders
5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices and programs
 Domain 6, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement, consists of four strands:
1. Establishment of learning environments that are responsive to community contexts Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers 7
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school community in the educative process
3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures
 Domain 7, Personal Growth and Professional Development, contains five strands:
1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals

 Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers have gained the qualifications recognized for entry into
the teaching profession. They have a strong understanding of the subjects/areas in which they
are trained in terms of content knowledge and pedagogy. They possess the requisite knowledge,
skills and values that support the teaching and learning process. They manage learning programs
and have strategies that promote learning based on the learning needs of their students. They
seek advice from experienced colleagues to consolidate their teaching practice.
 Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers are professionally independent in the application of skills
vital to the teaching and learning process. They provide focused teaching programs that meet
curriculum and assessment requirements. They display skills in planning, implementing, and
managing learning Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers 8 programs. They actively
engage in collaborative learning with the professional community and other stakeholders for
mutual growth and advancement. They are reflective practitioners who continually consolidate
the knowledge, skills and practices of Career Stage 1 teachers.
 Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers consistently display a high level of performance in
their teaching practice. They manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the
teaching and learning process. They have high education-focused situation cognition, are more
adept in problem solving and optimize opportunities gained from experience. Career Stage 3
Teachers work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to
enhance their learning and practice. They continually seek to develop their professional
knowledge and practice by reflecting on their own needs, and those of their colleagues and
 Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody the highest standard for teaching grounded in
global best practices. They exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching practice
and that of others. They are recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession
and initiators of collaborations and partnerships. They create lifelong impact in the lives of
colleagues, students and others. They consistently seek professional advancement and
relevance in pursuit of teaching quality and excellence. They exhibit commitment to inspire the
education community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the

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