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Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

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A plantation-dominated forest transition in Chile

Robert Heilmayr a, b, *, Cristian Echeverría c, d, Rodrigo Fuentes c, Eric F. Lambin e, f
Environmental Studies Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, United States
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Hawai'i, Ma noa, HI, United States
Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Laboratorio de Ecología de Paisaje, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcio
n, Chile
Millennium Nucleus Center for the Socioeconomic Impact of Environmental Policies (CESIEP), Santiago, Chile
Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research, Earth and Life Institute, Universit
e Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
School of Earth Sciences and Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As one of the few countries in Latin America to have reversed persistent losses in tree cover, Chile may hold
Received 20 January 2016 important insights for forest transition theory. However, existing studies have not provided methodolog-
Received in revised form ically consistent analyses at sufficient temporal and spatial scales to properly assess the state of Chile's
21 July 2016
forest transition. In the current study, we generate high-resolution maps of Chilean land use change be-
Accepted 22 July 2016
Available online 20 August 2016
tween 1986, 2001 and 2011. We couple remote sensing with a review of historic assessments of Chile's
forest resources to document long-term trends in forest extent. This historical review identifies multiple
discrete forest transitions throughout Chile's history. These fluctuations in forest clearing emphasize that
the cultural, economic and political forces that precipitate forest transitions can all be reversed. The remote
Forest transition sensing analysis calls into question official statistics indicating an expansion of native forests between 1986
Plantation forestry and 2011. We find that increases in forest cover were largely driven by the expansion of forest plantations,
Land use change rather than through native forest regeneration. Plantation forests directly displaced native forests in many
Remote sensing locations, especially during the 1986e2001 period. Nevertheless, declines in the rate of forest conversion
during the 2001e2011 period suggest that plantations are beginning to ease pressure on native forests.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction & Southworth, 2009). Developing countries that have successfully

reversed longstanding trends of deforestation may hold insights to
Over the past decade, decelerating deforestation and forest guide more sustainable land use practices.
expansion in some countries have fostered growing public opti- However, forest transition analyses that aggregate distinctly
mism that the world may be discovering ways to end deforestation different types of tree-covered landscapes under a single definition
(Meyfroidt & Lambin, 2011; Nepstad et al. 2009; Rosenthal, 2010). of forests may obscure the ecological impacts of continued changes
In response, land systems scientists have shown a great deal of in forest composition and location (Perz, 2007). China, for example,
interest in understanding the processes that give rise to forest has added nearly three million hectares of forest annually over the
expansion. In particular, forest transitions e national shifts from past decade as result of aggressive reforestation efforts (FAO, 2011).
extended periods of deforestation to periods of forest expansion e Although FAO statistics indicate that the extent of primary forests
seem to be an important factor in current global forest trends has not declined, diverse native forests are being converted to
(Mather, 1992). Early studies of forest transitions sought to describe plantation monocultures (Li et al., 2006). Furthermore, much
historical changes in the extent of temperate forest cover in Europe afforestation has taken place without consideration of the local
and North America (Mather, Fairbairn, & Needle 1999; Mather & suitability of planted species (Xu, 2011). Such examples highlight
Fairbairn, 2000). However, a growing literature focuses attention the importance of assessing the ecological quality of forest transi-
on more recent transitions in Asia and Latin America (Bruggeman, tions (Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2010).
Meyfroidt, and Lambin 2016; Meyfroidt & Lambin, 2008; Nagendra An increasingly important determinant of the ecological quality
of forest transitions is the relative share of plantation and natural
forests (Hall, Van Holt, Daniels, Balthazar, & Lambin, 2012). Due to
rapid growth over the past two decades, plantations now constitute
* Corresponding author. Environmental Studies Program, University of California,
more than 7 percent of global forest area (FAO, 2010b). This rapid
Santa Barbara, CA, United States.
E-mail address: (R. Heilmayr). growth in plantation area has been associated with a variety of
0143-6228/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

political, demographic and economic drivers (Rudel, 2009). This As one of very few Latin American countries to have seemingly
expansion has allowed the world to meet rapidly growing demand reversed persistent losses in forest cover, Chile may hold important
for timber and fiber; by 2020, plantations are estimated to provide lessons to guide the creation of effective mechanisms to slow global
44 percent of global industrial roundwood production (Carle, deforestation. Rising incomes, labor diversification and government
Vuorinen, and Del Lungo 2002). Plantation forests also serve as policies have all influenced forest expansion (Diaz, Ignacio,
an important component of global strategies for carbon emissions Nahuelhual, Echeverria, & Marin, 2010; Modrego, Barrera, and
mitigation (Favero & Mendelsohn, 2014; Strengers, Minnen, and Charnay 2004). Due to the rapid growth of plantations, Chile can
Eickhout 2007). However, while plantations may reduce harvest also inform our understanding of the environmental impacts asso-
pressure on natural forests, they also directly compete for scarce ciated with forest-sector intensification. Plantations provide nearly
land (Heilmayr, 2014). When plantations displace native forest 95 percent of the country's timber production on 15 percent of its
ecosystems, they can reduce biodiversity (Barlow et al. 2007; forested lands (FAO 2010; FAO 1997). Such intensive production has
Stephens and Wagner 2007), introduce invasive species the potential to reduce pressures on native forests. However, plan-
(Richardson, 1998, p. 199), negatively affect local hydrology tation expansion has also been an important direct driver of native
(Jackson et al. 2005; Little, Lara, McPhee, & Urrutia, 2009) and in- forest clearing (Clapp, 2001; Echeverria et al. 2006). As a result of
crease erosion (Oyarzun & Pen ~ a, 1995). As a result, it is important to these competing interactions, the ecological impacts of Chile's forest
understand the types of ecosystems forest plantations replace. transition are unclear. Careful consideration of Chile's experience
The ecological differences between plantations and naturally may give forest transition theory greater nuance in describing the
occurring forests have inspired the term “tree-cover transition” as a range of possible ecological consequences of forest expansion.
more general variant of the traditional “forest transition” (de Jong Due to the forest sector's connections to the neoliberal economic
2010; van Noordwijk and Villamor, (2014). Such terminology en- policies of the 1970's, Chile's experience holds significant relevance
ables clear differentiation between “natural” forest regrowth (for- in a steadily globalizing economy. In contrast to other countries
est transitions) and more anthropogenically driven tree-cover undergoing forest transitions, Chilean forest expansion has occurred
expansion (tree-cover transition). However, to maintain consis- with relatively little import-based displacement of land use to other
tency with the original literature on forest transitions, we choose to countries (Meyfroidt, Rudel, and Lambin 2010). With timber prod-
follow the FAO definition of forests in which “forest area” includes ucts and pulp counting among its top exports, Chile can provide
both naturally occurring and plantation forests. We nevertheless insights into trade's impacts on natural resource protection. The
strive to provide a more nuanced description of Chile's forest recent expansion of the Chilean forest industry into countries such as
transition by differentiating “plantations” from “native forests” Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay further highlights the potential
throughout our analysis. We choose to use the term “native forests” importance of the Chilean forestry model for the rest of the world.
to refer to non-plantation forests in order to maintain consistency
with Chilean terminology. Following this convention, we use the 1.2. Historical transitions
term native forest transition to refer to increases in native forest
area, and forest transition to refer to increases in the sum of plan- Over the course of its human history, Chile has undergone a series
tations and native forests. of alternating periods of deforestation and forest expansion. By the
The objective of this study is to analyze forest expansion in Chile, time Spanish explorers reached Chile's shores, agricultural mosaics
one of the few countries with net gains in tree cover that has rarely existed in many of the more fertile regions of the country (Camus &
been explored through the lens of forest transition theory. Whereas Solari, 2008). Although the ‘original’ extent of Chilean forests may
government datasets (CONAF, CONAMA, & BIRF, 1999; CONAF, 2008) have approached 30 million hectares (Bryant, Nielsen, and Tangley
and the UN FAO's Global Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) (FAO, 1997), archeological reconstructions indicate that indigenous pop-
2010b) indicate that Chile has undergone a forest transition, several ulations had converted nearly 891,000 ha of forests over much of
regional analyses emphasize the continued loss of native forests Central and Southern Chile to agricultural mosaics (Lara et al. 2012).
(Clapp, 2001; Echeverria et al. 2006; Echeverría, Newton, Nahuelhual, However, Spanish conquest and the associated introduction of dis-
Coomes, & Rey-Benayas, 2012; Lara, Eugenia Solari, Del Rosario Prieto, ease devastated the indigenous population throughout this region.
& Pen ~ a, 2012). In order to reconcile these inconsistencies, we un- The ensuing three hundred years of Spanish colonialism mark Chile's
dertake the most spatially and temporally comprehensive, method- first native forest transition. By the middle of the 19th Century,
ologically consistent analysis of land use change in Chile to date. The Chile's native forests had reclaimed many abandoned agricultural
results overturn the existing understanding of Chile's forest transition areas and covered approximately 24 million hectares (Otero, 2006).
by identifying net losses in native forests between 1986 and 2011. In After the Chilean War of Independence (1810e1826), the newly
addition, a review of Chile's historic forest extent underscores the established government began to shift its attention towards
precarious nature of forest transitions. Finally, this study adds nuance consolidation of its territory. Through a combination of incentives,
to forest transition theory by differentiating changes in the area of immigration reforms and infrastructure investments, the govern-
native forests and plantation forests. ment encouraged widespread colonization during the second half
of the 19th century. According to Federico Albert, the first Chilean
1.1. Study area Inspector General of Forests, Hunting and Fishing, 13 million
hectares (approximately half) of Chile's forests were cleared during
Chile has many characteristics that make it a particularly this period of colonization. Although Albert claims the total
important subject for forest transition research. Historical isolation, forested area in 1914 was 15.7 million hectares, his estimates for the
shaped by geographic influences of the Andes, Atacama Desert and Patagonian region of Magallanes is considered an overestimate by
Pacific Ocean, has endowed Chile with exceptionally high levels of several million hectares. Albert's revised numbers indicate that the
endemism (Smith-Ramírez, 2004). Extreme gradients in elevation total area of forests fell from between 24 and 29 million hectares in
and latitude have further contributed to the country's impressive the mid-1800s to between 11 and 16 million hectares by 1914
biodiversity (Armesto, Villagran, and Arroyo 1996). However, tim- (Albert, 1901, 1913; Otero, 2006). Despite the uncertainty of Albert's
ber harvests and agricultural expansion from the 18th until the estimates, the observation of significant Chilean deforestation
early-20th century led to significant degradation of forest ecosys- during the Southern colonization is confirmed by the country's first
tems (Armesto et al. 2010). aerial inventory of forest resources. The maps created by the US
R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82 73

Forest Service's Chilean Forestry Mission in 1946 document just years, both natural and planted forests have expanded in Chile. Since
10.9 million hectares of forests and woodlands (Haig et al., 1946). the FRA data largely represents self-reported government forest
In the aftermath of the Great Depression and World War II, Chile statistics, it is not surprising that the Chilean government's own
began to pursue a policy of import substitution and industrial analyses of land use demonstrate a similar expansion of both native
support. The policies pursued generally discriminated against do- and plantation forests (CONAF et al., 1999; CONAF, 2008).
mestic agricultural production e increasing the cost of agricultural However, the national-scale statistics generated by the govern-
inputs while lowering the cost of imported agricultural products. ment lie in contrast to several analyses published in the academic
Agricultural production stagnated as a result of these discrimina- literature. Clapp (2001) posits that the 1990s represented the “most
tory policies and the relative inefficiency of Chilean agriculture rapid deforestation in Chile's history.” A variety of regional analyses
(Silva, 2007). The slow recovery of agricultural production appears have encouraged a common perception among Chilean land system
to have driven an expansion of native forest cover in the middle of scientists that, while plantation forests have certainly expanded, this
the 20th Century. In addition to forest regeneration on abandoned expansion has likely resulted in a significant decline in native forests
agricultural lands in Central Chile, Southern Chilean forests recov- (Echeverria et al. 2006; Lara et al. 2012). Non-governmental orga-
ered during this period on formerly burned landscapes (Otero, nizations have built on the academic research to further question the
2006). Although inconsistencies in definitions across different as- accuracy of government forest data (Fredes, 2002; La Nacio n, 2011).
sessments complicate direct comparisons, a variety of studies by In attempting to make sense of the seemingly inconsistent find-
FAO and Chile's national forestry institute (INFOR) indicate native ings between academic and government research, several limita-
forest extent reached a peak of approximately 14 million hectares tions of the existing research become apparent. Although the
between the late 1950's and 1980 (INFOR., 1986a). government's assessment has been used to determine general trends
In addition to disincentivizing agriculture, Chilean import sub- in land use, precise determination of land use transitions are not
stitution encouraged the establishment of industrial forest plan- possible due to poor georegistration and a lack of consistency in
tations through tax incentives and public investments (Clapp, methods across time. Government updates to the cadaster state that
1995). Haig et al. (1946) observed 143,500 ha of plantation forests perceived land cover changes resulting from the comparison of
throughout the country; fifty-eight percent was composed of Pinus cadasters from different points in time primarily represent meth-
radiata and 31 percent of Eucalyptus spp. In the following decades, odological improvements or changes in definitions rather than
plantations of non-native species continued to expand, first due to actual changes in land use (CONAF, 2011; CIREN., 2013; CONAF &
direct government investment, and then increasingly through the Universidad Austral de Chile, 2014). In addition, the government
private sector during the Pinochet regime. Trade liberalization and cadasters only provide assessments of land use in the late 1990s and
the 1974 passage of Decree Law 701 (D.L. 701) e a package of 2011. They miss many of the important changes in land use that
policies that protected reforested landscapes from expropriation occurred towards the end of the 20th century. In contrast, academic
and subsidized 75% of afforestation costs on new plantations e are analyses of land use change have generally been limited to specific
often identified as important drivers of the rapid expansion of regions exhibiting prominent land use change patterns (Aguayo et al.
Chilean plantations in the last quarter of the 20th century 2009; Altamirano and Lara 2010; Diaz et al. 2010; Echeverria et al.
(Gonzalez, 2010; Niklitschek, 2007; Nahuelhual et al., 2012). Chil- 2006; Echeverría et al. 2012; Schulz et al. 2010; Nahuelhual et al.,
ean plantations covered 740,000 ha in 1980; ten years later that 2012). These studies are inadequate for determining large-scale
area had more than doubled to 1.7 million hectares (FAO, 2010b). patterns in land use change. Global, high-resolution remote
A variety of regional case studies in Chile link this rapid expansion sensing products (Hansen et al. 2013) achieve the desired scale and
of plantation forestry to a new period of native deforestation. In the consistency in methods, but a lack of differentiation between natural
Mediterranean dryland forests near Santiago, fuelwood harvesting and planted forests and a short time series (2000e2012) limit their
and conversions to plantations between 1975 and 2008 led to the value in describing Chile's forest transition. In the current study, we
loss of 82,000 ha of forests, or more than a third of original forest undertake a consistent, high resolution assessment of land use
extent (Schulz, Cayuela, Echeverria, Salas, & Benayas, 2010). In the change across Central-Southern Chile between 1986 and 2011. Using
Coastal forests of Chile's Maule and Biobío Regions, more than two this data, we determine whether native and plantations forests have
thirds (81,000 has) of all forests were lost between 1975 and 1990, expanded. We also explore the implications of these patterns
primarily due to agricultural and plantation expansion (Echeverria through the lens of forest transition theory.
et al. 2006). In the central valley and Andean foothills of Maule
and Biobío, 20 percent (132,000 has) of native forests were converted 2. Materials & methods
to plantations between 1979 and 2000 (Aguayo, Pauchard, Azo  car, &
Parra, 2009). Conversion to plantations drove the majority of native 2.1. Study area boundaries
forest loss between 1987 and 2008 (Miranda, Altamirano, Cayuela,
Pincheira, & Lara, 2015). Between 1986 and 2001, 6 percent The study boundaries were defined as Chile's Valparaiso Region
(98,000 has) of the native Valdivian rainforests in parts of the in the North and the Los Lagos Region in the South (Fig. 1). The study
Southern regions of Los Ríos and Los Lagos were converted to area covers only 28 percent of Chile's land, but it includes almost all
plantations (Holt et al., 2012). Such clearing for plantation forestry forested landscapes facing potential conversion to other land uses.
was an important driver of broader native forest loss in the final Landscapes further to the north are generally incapable of support-
decades of the 20th Century. At the national scale, an update to ing forests, and those to the south are sparsely populated and rela-
INFOR's 1980 study found that half a million additional hectares of tively inaccessible. We divided the study area along regions, Chile's
forests had been cleared by 1995 (INFOR and CORFO, 1996). first administrative division. Chile's regions are arrayed from north to
south in a transect of Chile's extreme latitudinal gradient. The
1.3. Contemporary forest transition northern regions in the study area (Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins)
experience a Mediterranean climate. These regions include many of
The commonly-held belief that Chile is currently undergoing a the most urbanized parts of Chile, as well as the highest value
forest transition stems primarily from the aggregate forest cover agricultural lands. The central regions in the study area (Maule and
statistics presented in the UN FAO's Global Forest Resource Assess- Biobío) experience a more temperate climate and are the center of
ment (FRA) (FAO, 2010b). The FRA indicates that over the past 20 Chile's forestry industry. The greater precipitation falling in the
74 R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

reflectance using a semi-empirical Teillet C-correction (Meyer et al.,

1993; Teillet, Guindon, and Goodenough 1981) implemented in
Python. Using indicative maps of forested areas (CONAF, 2008), we
drew a sample of 10,000 forested pixels within each Landsat scene.
We then used these points to develop scene- and band-specific
regression models of surface reflectance in forested areas as a
function of the solar incidence angle. We then applied these re-
gressions to create corrected images which minimized topo-
graphically induced dissimilarities in reflectance values. A similar
procedure has been shown to improve the quality of classification
in mountainous regions (Balthazar, Vanacker, and Lambin 2012).

2.3. Change vector analysis

Topographically corrected surface reflectance data for all images

were processed using a tasseled cap transformation (Crist, 1985) to
generate brightness, greenness and wetness bands. Similar to the
change vector analysis proposed by Lambin and Strahlers (1994),
change was assessed for each pixel by computing the Euclidean
distance across time in three-dimensional tasseled cap space. Since
the focus of this study was to identify changes in forest cover, we
further modified the change vector analysis to accentuate the
greenness band. We did this by standardizing the difference raster
of each of the tasseled cap bands and rescaling the green band by a
factor of two prior to taking the three-dimensional Euclidean dis-
tance. This rescaling accentuated differences in vegetation and
made the spectral change bands more sensitive to nuanced spectral
changes in land use such as the conversion of native forests to
plantations. We used expert photointerpretation to determine
change thresholds for each scene to generate binary rasters iden-
tifying regions where land cover change had taken place. Particular
Fig. 1. Political and ecological regions of study area. attention was placed on ensuring these thresholds would capture
spectrally nuanced changes such as forest regeneration, or con-
southern regions (La Araucanía, Los Ríos and Los Lagos) gives rise to version from native forests to plantations. The resulting binary
extensive temperate forests. These regions also include extensive maps of spectral change were used for two purposes: to limit his-
rotations of livestock and grain production. torical classification samples to spectrally stable pixels (see Section
2.4) and to conduct a hybrid change detection across the study area
2.2. Data selection & pre-processing (see Section 2.6).

To capture changes in land use at a fine spatial resolution over 2.4. Generation of dataset for classification model training and
multiple decades, we chose Landsat imagery as the principal data testing
source for the remote sensing analysis. Cloudless, summer-season
images with acquisition dates within two weeks of the anniversary We conducted a supervised maximum likelihood classification
date of the other images for that scene were selected whenever of land use on each of the 28 images. Using the government's land
possible. In total, 42 images we collected to cover fourteen Landsat cover cadaster for stratification (CONAF, 2011), points were
scenes at each of three time periods (1985e1987, 1999e2001 and randomly sampled from each scene to yield examples of each of 16
2009e2011). The dates selected for each path and row are listed in classes (adult forest, secondary forest, stunted forest, adult plan-
Table A-1. When multiple adjacent scenes along the satellite's path tation, young plantation, clear-cut, shrub, arboreous shrub,
were available from a single day, these images were merged into a wetland, cropland, fallow, grassland, bare ground, urban, snow and
single image to reduce the number of separate images from 42 to 28. water). Based on calculations outlined by Congalton and Green
The sources of the data included the United States Geological Survey (2009), we sought to generate at least 55 points in each land use
(USGS), the Argentinean National Space Activities Commission class for each image to be classified. In total, more than 11,000
(CONAE) and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE). points were sampled across the study region.
We relied upon semi-automated processes for all stages of A combination of Google Earth imagery and field visits were
analysis due to the large quantity of imagery required for the used to classify samples into each of the 16 land use classes. To
research. Georegistration of images was conducted using the ensure comparability to existing studies of land use in Chile, we
Automated Registration and Orthorectification Package - AROP used official government definitions for each of our land use classes
(Gao, Masek, and Wolfe 2009). AROP parameters were set to yield (CONAF & CONAMA-BIRF, 1995; FAO, 2010a). Adult forests included
root mean square errors for georegistration accuracy of less than regions in which native tree species reached a height greater than 8
one pixel. Calibration, atmospheric correction and conversion to meters, and the canopy covered at least 25 percent of the area.
surface reflectance were completed using the Landsat Ecosystem Secondary forests included regions with native tree species
Disturbance Adaptive Processing System - LEDAPS (Masek et al. exceeding 2 meters and a canopy cover of at least 25 percent. In
2006). Because of the complex topography of many regions contrast to adult forests, trees in secondary forests exhibit relatively
within the study area, topographic shadows could pose a problem high homogeneity in age, vertical structure and diameter. Stunted
for consistent classification. As a result, we corrected surface native forests, also known as achaparrado or krummholz, included
R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82 75

groupings of tree species that were limited in growth (heights were derived from the tasseled cap bands. The post-classification
between 2 and 8 meters) due to exposure to strong winds or poor comparison of two points in time was then used to characterize
soil. Plantations included areas in which exotic trees (primarily the specific land use transition for each pixel.
Eucalyptus Globulus and Pinus Radiata) had a canopy cover of at
least 25 percent. Given Chilean forestry practices, the highly ho- 2.7. Comparison to previous datasets
mogeneous, intensively managed plantation monocultures tended
to yield plantations with a spectral signature that was distinct from In order to explore differences across datasets, we compared our
native forest classes. Formal definitions of each of our land use estimates of forest cover change to previous analyses of forest cover
classes are provided in Appendix B. in Chile. Limiting our comparisons to public, spatial datasets that
In order to minimize misidentification due to small errors in spanned our study region, we compared our results to forest cover
georegistration (Stehman & Wickham, 2011), we segmented im- statistics derived from the official government cadaster (CONAF,
ages into spectrally similar, multi-pixel polygons using e-Cognition 2011) and version 1.2 of Hansen et al.'s global dataset (2013).
software. Each randomly sampled point was associated with the Since we used the same land use class definitions as the govern-
overlaying polygon to create a sample of multi-pixel polygons used ment’s classification, the comparison to these maps was relatively
for classification training and testing. In order to minimize the straightforward. We limited the area of analysis to the region
impact of mixed land-use polygons, only polygons of a single land included in our study, and then aggregated the total area in native
cover class were used for model training. To avoid biasing the error forest classes (adult native forest, secondary native forest and
calculation, mixed polygons were retained for model validation. In stunted native forest) and plantation classes (adult plantation,
such cases, the individual pixel was used for accuracy assessment young plantation) for each of the two periods of the cadaster (1997
rather than the full mixed polygon. and 2011). Hansen et al. (2013) provide 30 m resolution rasters of
Since high resolution Google Earth imagery was generally percent tree cover in 2000, and binary forest gain between 2000
limited to the most recent time period, the binary change maps and 2012, and annual forest loss for each year between 2000 and
derived from the tasseled cap bands were used to identify spec- 2014. To calculate the forest extent in the year 2000, we determined
trally stable samples. Stable samples were used to train and test the the area of land with forest cover exceeding 25 percent e the same
classification of older Landsat scenes. Where possible, we used cutoff used for forests in the cadaster and in this study. To calculate
external historical datasets including aerial imagery, historical the net forest change between 2000 and 2012, we took the differ-
maps of plantation concessions and the Chilean government's land ence between the total forest gain and total forest loss over the
use cadaster to refine training data or conduct post-processing study region. We did not count forest loss on pixels that started
revisions to the classification (CONAF et al., 1999; CONAF, 2008; with less than 25 percent forest cover. Our year 2012 estimate of
INFOR, 1986b; INFOR, 2009). forest extent was the sum of year 2000 forest area and this calcu-
lation of net changes in forest extent.
2.5. Classification model estimation and cross-validation
3. Results
The sample polygons were used for both training and testing of
the classification algorithm through a five-fold cross-validation. We 3.1. Land use classification
randomly separated all sample data into five groups. The classifier
was trained using four of the five groups, while accuracy assessment At a national scale, Chile's general land use patterns are strongly
was conducted using the last group. The input data for the classifi- influenced by longitudinal topographic gradients and latitudinal
cation model included all of the atmospherically and topographically climactic gradients (Fig. 2). Moving across the study area from West
corrected Landsat image bands, as well as topographic information to East, one crosses from the Pacific Ocean, over a coastal mountain
from the Global Land Survey Digital Elevation Model (USGS, 2008). range, through a broad central valley and into the Andes. In general,
This procedure was repeated using each of the five groups as the test the most productive agricultural lands fall within the central valley,
group. The accuracy measurements from each iteration were then while forestry plays a more important role in the coastal range and
combined to yield an accuracy assessment for the entire classifica- the foothills of the Andes. Transecting the study area from North to
tion procedure. Finally, the classification was repeated one more time South, the dominant trend is a shift from a Mediterranean climate
using all samples to generate final land use maps. in Valparaiso and O'Higgins, through a temperate climate in Maule,
After classification, several land use classes were merged in Biobío and La Araucanía and into a temperate rainforest in Los Ríos
order to simplify the final analysis and meet desired levels of ac- and Los Lagos. As a result, the natural vegetation shifts from
curacy. The resulting classes were native forest (adult, secondary Mediterranean shrub and sclerophyllous forests in the North to
and stunted), forest plantation (young, adult and clear-cut), shrub, more dense and expansive temperate rainforests in the South. This
agriculture (including crops and pasture land) and other (bare soil, latitudinal gradient can be seen in the depiction of regional land use
snow, water and urban). Based on these aggregated classes, we shares presented in Fig. 3.
calculated confusion matrices and the associated kappa coefficient The accuracy of these maps is presented in the form of confusion
of agreement for each image. We combined these accuracy matrices in Table 2. Cohen's Kappa for the three time periods was
matrices with the classified maps to generate error-adjusted esti- 0.83 for the 1986 map, 0.81 for the 2001 map and 0.82 for the 2011
mators of the area of each land cover class at each point in time map. Classification accuracies for native forests ranged from 88 to
(Olofsson, Pontus, Foody, Stehman, & Woodcock, 2013). 91 percent, while accuracies for plantations ranged from 79 to 90
percent. Using the confusion matrices, adjusted area estimates and
2.6. Hybrid change detection confidence intervals were calculated for each land use (Table 1).

In order to determine the trajectory of change while avoiding 3.2. Forest area changes
the decline in accuracy resulting from traditional post-classification
change detection methods, we used a hybrid change detection Plantation forests underwent rapid expansion throughout the
method (Coppin, Jonckheere, Nackaerts, Muys, & Lambin, 2004). study period. Between 1986 and 2001, plantation forests expanded
First, binary maps differentiating changed from unchanged pixels at a rate of 4.3 percent per year, nearly doubling the total area of
76 R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

Fig. 2. Maps of Chilean land use.

Nave forest

Fig. 3. Land use share (percent) by region and year.

plantation forests to 2.3 million hectares.1 While the rate of expan- Nevertheless, native forests were also an important source of land for
sion slowed to 2.2 percent in the 2001 to 2011 period, the country plantations; 22.3 percent of all new plantations were established on
still added 573 thousand hectares of additional plantations. lands that had been native forests in 1986 (Fig. 4).
Throughout the study period, plantations were primarily established Between 1986 and 2011, the total area of native forests declined
on former agricultural lands (45.1 percent) and shrub (31.0 percent). by 0.3 percent annually. However, this decline obscures different
trends in the two time periods. Between 1986 and 2001, the
annualized net rate of native deforestation was 0.5 percent be-
Annual rates of change are calculated using the FAO's compounding growth
tween 1986 and 2001, dropping to 0.1 percent between 2001 and
formula. 2011. In addition, the gross rate of native deforestation was three
R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82 77

Table 1 land use trends. The persistence of a forest transition will often
Land use by time period (thousand ha). depend upon the continuation of economic, political and cultural
1986 2001 2011 trends that precipitated the original onset of forest transition.
Native forest 6039 ± 309 5589 ± 225 5555 ± 244
Plantation 1227 ± 181 2311 ± 272 2884 ± 198 4.2. Plantation dominated transition
Shrub 4798 ± 380 4991 ± 316 3919 ± 416
Agriculture 4960 ± 560 3913 ± 428 4594 ± 328 Our analysis of Chile's forest cover indicates that total forested
Other 3732þ ± 168 3625 ± 99 3471 ± 141
area consistently increased throughout the study period. Forests
No data 251 578 586
comprised 34.6 percent of the studied area in 1986, expanded to 37.6
in 2001, and 40.2 percent by 2011. However, rather than representing
times higher than the net rate of native deforestation. Although the
regeneration of native forests, this expansion of forest cover was the
total native forest area in 2011 represented 92 percent of the total
result of rapid expansion of plantation forests. In contrast to native
native forest area in 1986, only 77 percent of the native forests that
forest transitions in other countries in which native forests expanded
had been standing in 1986 still persisted as native forests in 2011.
due to economic development (Mather, 1992), forest product scarcity
This difference is consistent with recent studies that have empha-
(Foster & Rosenzweig, 2003) or smallholder agricultural intensifi-
sized the dynamism and reversibility of land use change in
cation (Meyfroidt & Lambin, 2008), the underlying drivers of Chile's
southern Chile's forested landscapes (Altamirano et al., 2013;
forest transition were more closely related to the political, economic
Carmona & Nahuelhual, 2012). Fig. 4 illustrates the transitions
and technological conditions that encouraged industrialization and
back and forth between native forests and other land uses.
expansion of Chile's timber sector. Through early investments in
The proximate causes of native forest loss varied dramatically by
forestry research, Chile cultivated a natural advantage in forestry
region. In the Northern regions bordering metropolitan Santiago
based on highly-productive, short-rotation plantations (Sedjo &
(Valparaiso, O'Higgins and Santiago Metropolitan), forests were
Botkin, 1997). When coupled with supportive government policies
primarily degraded to Mediterranean shrub. In Maule and Biobío, the
such as subsidies for afforestation (Gonzalez, 2010) and trade liber-
heart of the Chilean timber industry, the majority of forest conversion
alization (Niklitschek, 2007), this natural advantage was exploited to
was caused by plantation expansion. In these regions, 16.3 percent of
achieve rapid growth in plantation areas (Clapp, 1995). Interestingly,
native forests standing in 1986 had been converted to plantations by
the policy interventions and business development that enabled
2011. While plantation expansion also played an important role in
Chile's forest transition were not precipitated by inherent local
forest clearing in La Araucanía, agricultural expansion was the
scarcity of forests, but rather by explicit trade objectives that sought
dominant driver of clearing. Finally, in the temperate rainforests of
to establish Chile as a leader in the global timber sector. These drivers
Los Ríos and Los Lagos, conversion to shrub was the primary proxi-
underlie the unique pattern observed in Chile in which a country
mate cause of forest loss. In these regions, the largest contiguous
simultaneously undergoes a forest transition, while expanding its
conversions were the result of fire on Chiloe Island, and the eruption
exports of land intensive products (Meyfroidt et al., 2010).
of Chaiten volcano in Continental Chiloe. In contrast, the dominant
The common emphasis on expansion in total forested area ob-
transition leading to forest regrowth was fairly consistent
scures important net losses in native forest area that occurred be-
throughout the country e secondary regrowth occurred over-
tween 1986 and 2011. In contrast to previously published figures on
whelmingly in shrub and, to a lesser extent, agricultural lands.
Chilean native forest extent (CONAF, 2011; FAO, 2010b), we find that
The aggregate changes in native and plantation forests indicate
the area of native forests declined throughout the study period
significant expansion of forested landscapes. The net increase in
(Table 1; Table 3). Given that our analysis is the first study at this scale
native and plantation forests between 1986 and 2011 was 1.2
to track changes in plantation and native forest areas using consistent
million hectares or 16.1 percent of the total area of forests in 1986.
land use definitions and remote sensing methods, we believe our
The rate of expansion of total forest area was 0.6 percent per year
results provide a valid counterweight to previous figures. Despite the
for both time periods.
contradiction with government statistics, our results are consistent
with a variety of studies that have been conducted at more local scales
4. Discussion (Aguayo et al. 2009; Altamirano and Lara 2010; Diaz et al. 2010;
Echeverria et al. 2006; Echeverría et al. 2012; Schulz et al. 2010).
4.1. Precarious forest transitions The majority of regions experienced native deforestation be-
tween 1986 and 2001. The highest regional-scale rates of native
Historically, Chile has undergone multiple forest transitions. deforestation between 1986 and 2001 exceeded 1 percent in Maule,
Early Spanish colonialism drove a dramatic decline in population, Biobío and La Araucaría. Although these rates of native forest loss
resulting in agricultural mosaic abandonment and an associated would rank among the World's highest national rates of defores-
expansion of secondary forests. The causes of this native forest tation over the same period (FAO, 2010b), they occurred during a
transition eventually led to a later period of extensive deforestation period where Chile was ostensibly experiencing a forest transition.
as the Spanish colonial state expanded into the Southern portions This result draws attention to the importance of considering forest
of Chile. Although definitions of forests vary across existing esti- transitions at multiple scales (Walker, 2012), and of characterizing
mates from the first half of the 1900s, our synthesis of data in- forest types when assessing forest transitions. Many studies of
dicates a second forest transition occurring in the middle of the forest transitions that were based on FAO data have treated all
20th Century. Finally, the current study confirms a contemporary forests similarly (Meyfroidt et al., 2010; Rudel et al. 2005), but there
forest transition that began towards the end of the 20th Century. is a growing awareness that forest transition theory must recognize
These multiple transitions emphasize an under-explored precari- the important differences between different forest types (Angelsen
ousness of forest transitions. In the case of Chile, historical changes & Rudel, 2013; Hall et al. 2012; Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2010).
in economic conditions and policy were associated with shifts in
land use trends. This reinforces arguments that forest transitions 4.3. Forest substitution
complicate the clear determination of deforestation baselines
(Angelsen, 2008). The Chilean experience provides little evidence Previous analyses have emphasized the important role planta-
to indicate that a forest transition represents a permanent shift in tion forestry played as a proximate cause of deforestation in Chile.
78 R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

Table 2
Classification confusion matrices (samples).

Native forest Plantation Shrub Agriculture Other Total Producer's accuracy

1986 Native forest 999 11 78 9 6 1103 0.91

Plantation 12 128 14 3 3 160 0.8
Shrub 93 6 565 56 38 758 0.75
Agriculture 8 3 26 357 9 403 0.89
Other 12 0 25 5 820 862 0.95
Total 1124 148 708 430 876 3286
User's accuracy 0.89 0.86 0.8 0.83 0.94 0.87
Kappa 0.83
2001 Native forest 1415 27 127 25 10 1604 0.88
Plantation 37 372 40 20 3 472 0.79
Shrub 113 49 997 129 40 1328 0.75
Agriculture 7 15 63 606 13 704 0.86
Other 7 7 45 27 1446 1532 0.94
Total 1579 470 1272 807 1512 5640
User's accuracy 0.9 0.79 0.78 0.75 0.96 0.86
Kappa 0.81
2011 Native forest 1226 25 117 11 20 1399 0.88
Plantation 25 590 32 12 1 660 0.89
Shrub 114 21 594 58 36 823 0.72
Agriculture 3 13 71 693 11 791 0.88
Other 13 7 38 21 961 1040 0.92
Total 1381 656 852 795 1029 4713
User's accuracy 0.89 0.9 0.7 0.87 0.93 0.86
Kappa 0.82

Lara and Veblen (1993) estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of providing more formal protection of native forests. A law to protect
Chile's pine plantations had been established through the conver- and encourage regeneration of Chile's native forests had been very
sion of native forests. In the coastal mountains of Chile's Maule and controversial since the legislation was proposed in 1992 (Clapp,
Biobío regions, Echeverria et al. (2006) find that 53 percent of the 1998). Nevertheless, due to gradual changes in the timber sector,
native forests were converted to plantations between 1973 and opposition declined and the law was finally adopted in 2008 (Henne
2000. Consistent with these results, we find significant conversion & Gabrielson, 2012). In addition, in the early 2000s, the Chilean
of native forests to plantations. 14.3, 12.6 and 11.1 percent of forests timber sector was transformed through the implementation of a
in Maule, Biobío and La Araucanía respectively were converted to variety of non-state, market driven governance systems. These
plantations between 1986 and 2011. The aggregate share of forests policies included eco-certification through the Forest Stewardship
converted to plantations across our study region is 6.5 percent. Council, a competing Chilean certification standard called CERTFOR,
However, the rate of conversion of native forests to plantations and the Joint Solutions Project, a voluntary agreement between
shows dramatic regional variations. In Los Lagos, the most heavily environmental organizations and Chile's three largest timber com-
forested region in the study, only 0.4 percent of native forests were panies. Heilmayr and Lambin (2016) demonstrate that these policies
converted to plantations. slowed forest substitution. When considered alongside the slowing
In Chile, where plantation forestry generally takes the form of of native forest clearing observed between 2001 and 2011, it appears
short rotation, even-aged monocultures, the replacement of native that plantation forestry, combined with changes in forest policy,
forests with plantation forests poses particularly important have reduced pressure on native forests in the long term.
ecological consequences. Previous studies have emphasized that, in
comparison to nearby native forests, Chilean plantations reduce
water yields within watersheds (Little et al. 2009) and sequester
less carbon in aboveground biomass (Gayoso, 2001). In addition, 5. Conclusion
Chilean plantation plots typically have a lower vascular plant spe-
cies richness, but a higher prevalence of exotic species than Our historical review of forest trends documents three distinct
matched native forest plots (Becerra & Simonetti, 2013; Frank & forest transitions: i) a colonial native forest transition associated
Finckh, 1997). As a result, the ecological quality of Chile's forest with indigenous population decline; ii) forest regrowth associated
transition is likely to be relatively low (Lambin & Meyfroidt, 2010). with the import substitution policies of the mid-20th Century; and
Although plantation expansion has directly displaced native iii) a contemporary, plantation-dominated transition. These results
forests, it also has the potential to benefit native forests through underscore the precarious nature of forest transitions. Over long
displacement of timber supplies. Clapp (2001) argues that planta- periods of time, the cultural, economic and political forces that
tion forestry in Chile had failed to deliver on this promise. He notes precipitate forest transitions can all be reversed.
that the rapid increase in exports of native wood chips in the 1990s Rapid expansion of plantation forests drove the forest transition
demonstrated that the loss of access to traditional timber markets at the turn of the 21st Century. In contrast to government statistics
did not lead to a reduction in native forest harvesting. While this indicating native forest expansion, we document continued declines
seems to be an accurate characterization of Chile's forestry markets in the area of native forests. Plantation forests directly displaced
in the 1990s, the early 2000s marked a dramatic collapse in native native forests in many locations, especially during the 1986e2001
woodchip production. By 2004, one decade after native woodchip period. This conversion of native to plantation forests has had
production peaked at 2.8 million cubic meters per year, native important, adverse ecological impacts. Nevertheless, dramatic de-
woodchip production had been completely replaced by plantation clines in the use of native timber in industrial applications, as well as
production (INFOR 2008; Lara and Reyes 2008). declines in the rate of forest conversion during the 2001e2011
This transformation likely enabled several policy changes period and changes in forestry policies suggest that plantations are
beginning to ease demand pressure on native forests.
R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82 79

Fig. 4. Forest land use transitions. Panel A depicts all transitions by time period. Panel B disaggregates the final land use of areas converted from native forests (1986e2011). Panel C
disaggregates the starting land use of areas converted to plantations (1986e2011).

Table 3
Comparison of annualized rates of forest change derived from different studies.

Acknowledgements some satellite scenes and the collection of ground-truth data was
provided by Rodrigo Arriagada and by FONDECYT Project 1140531.
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation The Argentinean Comisio n Nacional de Actividades Espaciales
Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant Number DGE-1147470, donated several satellite images from its archive. Elif Tasar, Karla
the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation, and Stanford Uni- King, Samuel Otavo, Julian Reyes and Julie Scrivner all provided
versity's Emmett Interdisciplinary Program for Environment and essential assistance at various stages of research.
Resources. Additional financial support for the classification of
80 R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82

Appendix A. Imagery used

Table A-1
Path, rows, dates, sensors and cloud cover estimates for all Landsat imagery used in this study.

Path Row 1986-era 2001-era 2011-era

Date Sensor Cloud cover Date Sensor Cloud cover Date Sensor Cloud cover

001 085 1/6/1987 TM-5 0.00 1/18/2000 TM-7 0.00 1/8/2011 TM-5 0.25
001 086 1/6/1987 TM-5 10.00 1/18/2000 TM-7 0.08 1/8/2011 TM-5 6.74
001 087 12/21/1986 TM-5 0.00 2/21/2001 TM-7 5.48 1/2/2009 TM-5 0.07
233 082 1/28/1986 TM-5 0.15 1/13/2001 TM-7 0.48 2/2/2011 TM-5 0.42
233 083 1/28/1986 TM-5 0.32 1/13/2001 TM-7 0.46 2/2/2011 TM-5 0.13
233 084 1/28/1986 TM-5 0.03 1/13/2001 TM-7 1.72 2/2/2011 TM-5 0.03
233 085 1/15/1987 TM-5 10.00 1/27/2000 TM-7 0.15 1/14/2010 TM-5 0.11
233 086 1/15/1987 TM-5 0.00 1/27/2000 TM-7 0.09 1/14/2010 TM-5 0.06
233 087 12/30/1986 TM-5 0.97 11/29/2001 TM-7 0.00 2/18/2011 TM-5 2.32
233 088 9/25/1986 TM-5 0.00 11/29/2001 TM-7 0.03 1/1/2011 TM-5 10.26
233 089 1/25/1985 TM-5 0.00 10/23/1999 TM-7 2.55 1/1/2011 TM-5 0.02
233 090 9/25/1986 TM-5 0.00 12/7/2001 TM-5 0.06 1/1/2011 TM-5 0.07
232 089 3/7/1985 TM-5 0.00 2/7/2001 TM-7 4.14 2/19/2011 TM-7 0.14
232 090 3/7/1985 TM-5 0.00 3/11/2001 TM-7 7.02 2/19/2011 TM-7 0.17

Appendix B. Land use definitions

Table B-1
Land use class definitions and aggregated categories.

Land use Land use class Land use class e Definition

category Spanish

Native Native adult forest Bosque nativo Native tree species with a height greater than 8 m and a canopy cover exceeding 25 percent of the area. Native
forest adulto adult forests are usually heterogeneous in terms of vertical structure, age of trees and canopy size. Adult forests
typically have a shrub layer of varying density as well as a layer of forest regeneration.
Native forest Renoval Native forest regrowth corresponds to a secondary forest originating either from seeds and/or vegetative
regrowth reproduction after a natural or human disturbance (fire, clearcut, avalanche). In general, trees are homogeneous in
their age, vertical structure and diameters. Native trees with a height over 2 meters that cover more than 25% of the
Stunted native forest/ Achaparrado Adult forests with a height of 2e8 m. Krummholz is characterized by slow growth in height due to unfavorable
krummholz environmental conditions (e.g. altitude, low temperatures, strong winds, aridity, poor drainage, shallow soils).
Plantation Adult plantations n adulta Exotic trees greater than 3 meters in height cover more than 25 percent of the area. Plantations are composed
entirely of single age peers, yielding a very homogeneous forest.
Young plantation n joven Plantation in the early stages of development. This land use corresponds to a forest layer dominated (>25%
coverage) by exotic or native trees less than 3 meters in height.
Clear cut Tala rasa Bare soil that is exposed after plantation clearing.
Shrub Woody shrub Matorral Tree species cover between 10 and 25 percent of the area, shrub species cover 10 to 100 percent of the area and
arborescente herbaceous species cover between 0 and 100 percent of the area.
Shrub Matorral Tree species cover less than 10 percent of the area, shrubs cover between 10 and 100 percent of the area and
herbaceous species cover between 0 and 100 percent of the area. For this study, it also includes the steppe and
Andean highlands.
Wetlands Humedales Water-covered surfaces be they natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, stagnant or flowing, fresh, brackish
or salty. Includes areas of marine water where the depth of low tide does not exceed 6 meters. Includes the
following categories: permanently flooded herbaceous vegetation along rivers, seasonally flooded herbaceous
marshes by the sea, peat bogs and wetlands.
Agriculture Crops Cultivos Areas which, at the time of the Landsat image acquisition, were used for crop production. Crops include cereals,
horticulture and fruit production.
Fallow Barbecho Bare soil exposed after agricultural harvest and left exposed to fallow a field.
Grassland Pradera Areas where herbaceous species dominate and shrubs and trees cover no more than 10 percent of the area. Note
that, although high elevation grasslands such as the Andean Steppe are technically grasslands, we include them
with the shrub class to separate land uses.
Other Snow Nieve Areas covered by snow or ice.
Water Agua Water bodies including lakes, rivers and oceans.
Urban Urbano Areas occupied by cities, industrial facilities or streets.
Permanently bare soil Suelo desnudo Areas where the total coverage of all vegetation types (herbs shrubs and trees) is less than 25%. Bare soils include
permanente beaches, dunes, rocky outcrops, lava runs, landslides not yet colonized by vegetation, salt flats and river banks.
R. Heilmayr et al. / Applied Geography 75 (2016) 71e82 81

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