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News: “Pumalag ang ilang kongresista sa panukalang rendahan ang political dynasties
sakaling maisulong ang charter change.”

Political dynasty has a big role in the politics here in the society. We can observed in one
society a one name in different position in government, it includes that they may be different
person but carrying a one name and one goal for the society. We know the Philippines for having
a being democracy country, but does political dynasty give value to equal opportunity for people
to hold offices, that just lead a path where only one clan is dominating the power in society. It
was also been said that political dynasty monopolize the governance system being hindrance to
the common Filipino to serve the people. It is giving a way to brain wash the people that there is
no one better that can hold the office other than the relative of current politicians. So even before
this have been issues that until now is not being solve because politician are the one who are
blocking the way to eliminate the political dynasty.

Former Mayor and former DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo of Naga City, who has firmly
stood against political dynasties, he believes, “The right to serve does not belong to one family
alone. Ordinary people who deserve to be empowered should be given the opportunity to serve
the community.” Some people said that only if Jesse Robredo is alive until now, he may fight
against this. Last 2019 this issue has been open again because year by year political dynasty is
getting bigger but it also immediately dismiss because the government said that this issue has a
very long process. As we think of it why do they eagerly want to pursue political dynasty? Some
politicians are too obsessed with powers and money. Frankly speaking when we say political
dynasty it seems like they are planning something. But it would be better if they are planning
something god but many of aspiring leaders will be deprived of rights since we are on a
democratic country. And again this January 28, 2020 this issue was being open again in the
congress, in which a number of Congressmen do not want to diminish the political dynasty. They
have different reasons to convince the DILG to not diminish the political dynasty, which got the
attention of the people and give different comment. Into this it can easily say that they are using
their name to elect and vote their sons, wives, and siblings to have a full power in the society. It
has been observed that being a leader is not only measured by the knowledge and ability of
candidates but how much power does your family name has. According to Article II, Sec. 26 of
the Constitution, “The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and
prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law.” Stating this law, does our politicians
didn’t know this kind of laws? Are they not well educated? Political dynasty is a sort of
giddiness and selfishness. This is one of the swords of the people to stop the political dynasty;
however this article does not give clear clarification of political dynasty which results of non-
self-executing. This is the most ignored law in the congress; there is a loophole that allowed the
political dynasty to continue the only active law for not to abuse power is the limits of elective
position. But this law does not give a chance to other Filipino that has a great chance to serve the
people. One of the reasons why people and some politicians want to diminish political dynasty is
because of history of the Philippines in which linked the negative connotation of political
dynasty. Perhaps this was started because of Marcos family and Ferdinand Marcos which known
for being most corrupt political leader because of big amount that he get to the Filipino people.
So from that most of the Filipino is having a doubt to political dynasty. Implementing political
dynasty is like a trap for every Filipino. Those young leaders who have the potential aren’t able
to pursue what they want for the Philippines. As of now we can say that the generation we have
at the moment, we are molded by different issues that has happened for the past decade of the
Republic of the Philippines we can say that we have a great potential and capability of holding
higher kind leadership such as entering the politics. But this only happen of political dynasties
will not be implemented unless we are member of that family who can rule. More over having
such kind of dynasty can root further issues, controversies and other dishonesty when it comes to
leading a government. One thing is for sure, corruption will be rampant and many injustice and
manipulation could happen. No one will dare to tell the truth because every one of them will be
drag down. Being a leader is not about where family you belong or what your surname is. What
important is your willingness to serve your fellow citizen with genuine intentions, what
important is you have your goals and vision not just for yourself but for the whole country you
are holding on.

Political dynasty might be part of the culture of Filipino, but that does not that we will not
acknowledge to the changes in our government. We can honestly say that somehow political
dynasty has a good effect especially when the family clan has a good goal for the better future of
the society and this only make the way to continue that goal. But this is not only means that
politicians need to take advantage on that freedom, because some of them are using political
dynasty to widen their connection and power to take advantage to other. And for Filipino we
have the right to vote which means we have also the right to have a changes in our government,
and not only voting some politician just because their name are familiar or known in the society.
We must always think first the future of our society and not just go with flow.

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