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Accounting is essential for every business and the responsibility of the accounting software is
hence very critical for any company. It causes the control to control the whole business task
alongside the availability of the aggregate cost and the aggregate benefit estimation. For both
small and medium or the substantial scale business activity the significance of accounting
software is high. In the past period when, there was accounting software, pen and paper and the
manual procedure of computation was the best way to keep the budgetary record. The creation of
the accounting software occurred for the year 1955-1960 and the adjustment in the business task
process and the development of various business association drag the consideration of the non-
clients or the manual accounting process devotees (Wong et al., 2017).

There are various industries and companies in the Australian business market. These are
assembling and creation industry, retail industry, sales and marketing industry, food and
beverage industry, hospitality industry, tourism industry, clothing industry and significantly
more. Each company has their own particular arrangement of structure, which is totally in view
of their own requirements. Based on this reference, INDIA SUPERMARKET has been decided
for think about, which is additionally situated in different parts of Australia and here it is known
as INDIA AT HOME. There are about 8 stores of this INDIA AT HOME that have been
observed to be situated in Melbourne (Gosnell, 2017). These 8 stores are available at different
rural areas like Footscray, Clayton, nareen waren, Epping, Dandenong, Dandenong square, Glen
Huntly and box slope (Sallem et al., 2017).

In the first section of the report it identifies the one of the organization that is using accounting
software along with its organization structure and the operational issues that are faced due to the
organization structure. Furthermore, the report also states the most likely system acquisition
method, sales flowchart and control problems in the system and what sorts of fraud are possible
in this system

In the second part of the report, literature review has been conducted regarding the accounting
software that will aid in the having knowledge about the development and adoption of the
accounting software. Moreover, the report will also mention the current market size, the market
leader of the accounting software, current gaps or challenges that are faced by the market leader.
Lastly recommendation shall also be based regarding that. Aside from MYOB, there are a few
other accounting software is accessible in the business market of Australia. These are XERO,
QUICKBOOKS, and INTUIT and so forth. Among them, the most famous are XERO which has
been talked about in the accompanying segments (Smith, 2017).

Part 1

1. Current organizational structure

The structure of the INDIA AT HOME Company shows the effective advancement process. This
hierarchical structure is especially vital for the development of the organization in the
competitive market. The one of the franchise is in Melbourne from where they control their
general production network process. They stock their items in this franchise branch and disperse
the items to the objective market or to the objective clients according to their client's or market
requests. The whole organizational structure is subcategorized into a few sections which can be
portrayed as the best and base level of administration. There are distinctive levels in the middle
of these two principle parts. At the top level of management, high skilled managers are there who
handles all the approaching and active of items and control different procedures. The Company
for the most part imports the items from India or store their own items at the franchise and on
requests of the market circulate the items in the diverse establishment. Here are diverse directors
are available who assumes distinctive responsibilities in the company.

They are HR director, financial manager, marketing manager, inventory manager and so forth.
Aside from them assistant, account manager or accountant and different staffs are likewise there.
HR supervisor primarily searches for the enlistment procedure and disseminate the
representatives in different divisions according to necessities Stock manager for the most part
handles all the stock related information and keep up the record or approaching and active items
from the stock. Financial manager and the team members in the financial department are in
charge of taking g care of cost administration and keeping the record of aggregate cost and
aggregate income age every month or every year. They likewise create the monetary record at
the season of a review. Assistant chiefly handles the managerial works and do keep the receipt of
each buy or the conveyance receipt. They give the cash memo to the client after each buy and
keep the record. Counting every one of these profiles INDIA AT HOME Company has add up to
156 workers. The organization gives both the offline and web based shopping option. They
additionally have the options like cash on delivery, online payment, platinum card or Visa
through payment and so on, which pull in more clients towards them and empowers the clients to
be adaptable and flexible for their payment

2. Operational problems the organization experience because of this structure

The company has been recognized with few main problems such as recruitment, the recruitment
procedure and the interview procedure isn't on the web and they even don't keep any information
which makes perplexity amid the recruitment procedure (McManus, 2013).

3. The most likely system acquisition method— commercial software, custom software,
or ERP?

It has been discovered d that INDIA AT HOME Company utilizes MYOB accounting software
for their records administration and for other significant work. This MYOB programming is very
effective accounting software which has seven unique classes like records, saving money, deals,
finance, buy, stock and card life. This specific software helps in getting to the information
respects to day by day buy or day by day deals rate per the month to month/yearly deals
information in a solitary snap which helps the accountants or the money related supervisor to
take legitimate choice for the cost administration and to arrange the other departmental work
effectively (Curtis, 2015). This likewise helps in creating the bill for each buy to the clients and
the immediate print out of the receipt can be effectively taken. For the stock upkeep, it is
likewise useful like what number of items have been sold out or what number of new items have
been recently acquainted with the store each figuring can be effortlessly done through the
assistance of this MYOB software (Dyt and Halabi, 2014).

4. Describes and prepare a system flowchart of the sales procedures

INDIA AT HOME Company does not have any complicated structure for their inventory
network procedure of items. It is extremely basic and is effortlessly justifiable. The structure of
the supply of items takes after both the on the web and offline techniques. The organization is
popular about their speedier delivery process where it has been discovered that from the season
of submitting the request it requires exceptionally investment to deliver the items at the client's
entryway steps. After each buy by the clients, they are given over with the items alongside the
cash memo with particular points of interest of the payable sum (Mayasari, 2015). A client can
pay the bill through debit card, credit card, cash on delivery or online which has made
purchasing adaptability or the payment adaptability for the client. When the request is dispatched
from the stores, it is refreshed with the rest of the items numbers and the quantity of items
dispatched. The item arrange, dispatching, shipping and the last delivery took after by the fruitful
payment refreshing everything can be followed over on the web (Choong, 2016).

5. Identify any control problems in the system and what sorts of fraud are possible in
this system?

There are two sides of every coin. Moreover, the INDIA AT HOME Company likewise has two
inverse destinations where alongside the distinctive positive viewpoints it has diverse negative
angles as well. It has been accounted for that there are numerous deceitful exercises are done in
the various stores of this organization. The significant issues that have been experienced are that
one individual handles various assignments in this company which makes perplexity with the
activity profile and the activity part. Someone who handles the trade additionally takes an
interest out the basic leadership process (Dunbar, Laing and Wynder, 2016). Then again,
everybody has the approval to deal with money so the remittance of taking exercises are there
and to shroud the issues false budgetary reports are made once in a while which can be
considered as the genuine offense or fake action. Indeed, even the conduct or the conduct of the
workers are likewise not extremely attractive. This movement must be kept up or controlled after
some time (Pabst and Perrin, 2014).

Part 2

1. Development and adoption of the accounting software packages

On fifth June 2007, XERO was established in New Zealand in the exchange market at the cost of
$1. Precisely following 5 years from this starting time, Xero was acquainted with the market in
Australia in the year 2012 on eighth November (Jenkins, 2016). This introduction took place for
the reason of security exchange for accounting. Inevitably, XERO got around $23 million (NZD)
reserves from the distinctive financial specialists in New Zealand. From Peter Thiel and from
Matrix Capital, XERO got and $49 million (NZD) of assets which are extremely a major sum
(Smith, 2017).

After the starting of this XERO, it had received numerous extra characteristics such as finance,
money sharing and so forth. This was done in the period of July 2011. Prior to this development
or the mediation of finance, the quantity of existing clients of XERO was 1.9 million which
expanded up to 800,000. Alternate beneficial characteristics were Mastercard payment, a
computerized saving money framework, receipt, detailing framework to the administration and
numerous others. The mediation of the finance framework and the whole XERO accounting
software unraveled every one of the problems in Australia respects to accounts (Smith, 2017).

2. Current market size

XERO has two hundred and fifty thousand clients and aggregate ten thousand partners of them in
the whole business world. According to the most recent year budgetary record, this has been
accounted for that the aggregate number of clients has been expanded by 53% in the focused
market of New Zealand. As indicated by the overseeing chief or of TRENT INNES, Xero is the
champ among all the accounting software in the worldwide focused market. As contrast with
MYOB, XERO is far superior and effective. XERO has add up to 15% of the piece of the pie in
Australia and has a high potential to expand its sharing rate. The names of alternate nations
where XERO has been effectively utilized by the associations are Singapore, Hong Kong, and a
few other Asian nations.

3. Leaders in the market and what gives them the competitive advantage

The XERO’s market competition is very complex. It likewise has a high rivalry with MYOB. In
any case, upon the market investigation, it has been accounted for that XERO is cloud-based
accounting software that permits greater efficiency and enables the clients to get to the
information from any edge of the world and this gives a definitive adaptability to the clients and
thus, this makes the whole business task less demanding. According to the report, it has been
discovered that in the year 2013-2014, XERO has built up a market with 1.4 million clients. It
likewise helps in bringing the information specifically from a bank and can give the receipt with
appropriate refreshing in the framework. The high level of openness of information over the web
has turned the inclination of the clients towards XERO.
4. Current gaps or challenges encountered by users or customers of accounting

This has been accounted for that the primary difficulties that XERO has been confronting are the
information taking. Taking of the information is very conceivable on the grounds that it is a
cloud-based framework and absence of encryption may enable it to be hacked. Be that as it may,
as indicated by the overseeing executive of XERO, to be specific Chris Ridd, XERO is secured
and without the assistance of the web association the information can be downloaded and can be
spared. A report says that 70% of the business showcase in Australia utilizes XERO as opposed
to MYOB (Jenkins, 2016).

5. Recommendations.

Despite the fact that XERO has gotten a huge achievement still it requires some change or
advancement to keep up its maintainability in the aggressive market. It has been discovered that
XERO sets aside long opportunity to keep running on the PC and crash the application while
running it in portable. It additionally keeps running at a moderate speed in versatile. Accordingly
it has gotten 3 stars out of 5 for iPhone and iPad. In the wake of experiencing these issues of
XERO, the organization had guaranteed to dispatch another rendition with more productive
highlights and quicker processor in the year 2015 yet at the same time, this has not been
propelled. In this manner, these issues must be tended to and the change in the INDIA AT
HOME association's structure and in the appropriation of the activity profile and employment
obligations must be done appropriately.


After the entire investigation, one might say that the INDIA AT HOME does not keep up a
legitimate organization process that has permitted the false exercises in the organ disconnection.
This bother must be enhanced through the execution of the best possible managerial body and
HR administrator. Then again, XERO must look or the change with the came about issues so
they can clear its direction effectively and can get more open doors towards sustainability
towards future. Accounting is essential for every business and the responsibility of the
accounting software is hence very critical for any company. XERO has gotten a huge
achievement still it requires some change or advancement to keep up its maintainability in the
aggressive market. The XERO’s market competition is very complex. It likewise has a high
rivalry with MYOB. In any case, upon the market investigation, it has been accounted for that
XERO is cloud-based accounting software that permits greater efficiency and enables the clients
to get to the information from any edge of the world and this gives a definitive adaptability to the
clients and thus, this makes the whole business task less demanding.

Gosnell, P. (2017). The challenges of cloud accounting. Australian Restructuring Insolvency &
Turnaround Association Journal, 29(1), pp.14

Mayasari, M. (2015). The Influence of Personal Characteristics, Interaction:

(Computer/Individual), Computer Self-efficacy, Personal Innovativeness in Information
Technology to Computer Anxiety in use of Mind your Own Business Accounting Software.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(1S).

McManus, L. (2013). Customer accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel
industry: Evidence from Australia. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), pp.

Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical
Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.

Curtis, V. (2015). MYOB Software for Dummies-Australia. John Wiley & Sons

Smith, H. (2017). Xero for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.

Dunbar, K., Laing, G. and Wynder, M. (2016). Content Analysis of Recordkeeping Job
Advertisements in Western Australia: Knowledge and Skills Required by Employers. Australian
Academic & Research Libraries, 34(3), pp.194-210.

Chong, C. (2006). The Impact of GST on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Owners in the
Malaysian Retail Sector - Austaxpolicy: The Tax and Transfer Policy Blog. [online]
Austaxpolicy: The Tax and Transfer Policy Blog. Available at:
[Accessed 1 May 2018].

Dyt, R. and Halabi, A. (2007). Empirical Evidence Examining the Accounting Information
Systems and Accounting Reports of Small and Micro Business in Australia. Small Enterprise
Research, 15(2), pp.1-9.

Jenkins, J. (2016). Learning Xero. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing Ltd.

Pabst, W. and Perrin, B. (2014). e-Generation: A Computerised and Manual Accounting
Practice Set: Using MYOB Accountright Plus Version 19 Student Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John
Wiley & Sons.

Sallem, N., Nasir, N., Nori, W. and Kassim, C. (2017). Small and Medium Enterprises: Critical
Problems and Possible Solutions. International Business Management, 11(1), 47-52.

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