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1 H. LING ROTH, The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo.

London 18%. Vol. I, XXXII +
464 pp. +
map; Vol. II, IV
+302 pp. +
240 pp. Appendices.
In vol. II Chapter XXI: Mengap, the Song of the Sea Dyak Head Feast,
by J. PERHAM, p. 174-183. Chapter XXVII: Languages, Names, Colours,
Appendices I, Vocabularies p. 1-160:
Sea Dyak, Malay, by H. BROOKE Low;
Rejang River Dialect, by H. BROOKE Low;
Malay, Kanowit, Kyan, Bintulu, Punan, Matu, by H. BROOKE Low;
Malay, Brunei, Bisaya, Murut Padas, Murut Trusan, Dali Dusun, Malanau,
A collection of 43 words in use in different Districts, by HUPE;
Collection of nine words in eight dialects, by CH. HOSE;
Kayan, by R. BURNS;
Sadong, Lara, Sibuyau, by SP. ST. JOHN;
Sabuyau, Lara, Salakau, Lundu, by W. GoMEZ;
Sea Dayak (and Bugau), Malau, by MR. BRERETON;
Milanau, Kayan, Pakatan, by SP. ST. JOHN;
Ida'an, Bisaya, Adang (Murut), by SP. ST. JOlIN;
Lanun, by SP. ST. JOHN;
Sarawak Dayak, by W. CHALMERS;
Iranun, Dusun, Bulud Opie, Sulu, Kian, Punan, Melano, Bukutan, Land
Dyak, Balau, published by F. A. SWETTENHAM, collected by TREACHER,

2 SIDNEY H. RAY, The languages of Borneo. SMJ 1. 4 (1913)

Review by N. ADRIANI, Indische Gids 36 (1914) p. 766-767.

3 Uit de verslagen van Dr. W. KERN, taalambtenaar op Borneo

1938-1941. TBG 82 (1948) p. 538---559.

4 E. R. LEACH, Social Science Research in Sarawak. A Report on

the Possibilities of a Social Economic Survey of Sarawak pre-
sented to the Colonial Social Science Research Council.

Colonial Research Studies no. 1. Published by His Majesty's

Stationery Office for the Colonial Office. (London) 1950. 93 pp.
General remarks on the linguistic position p. 44, 52, 60, 73; kinship
terminology in 18 languages and dialects (table between pp. 60 and 61);
map of Sarawak showing regional distribution of main cultural groups
other than Chinese, between pp. 46 and 47.
5 J. MALLINCKRODT, Het Adatrecht van Borneo. Leiden doctoral
thesis. Leiden 1928. Vol. I, 612 pp., vol. II, 254 pp.
Vol. I, p. 6 A few remarks on BW"nean language studies;
p. 7-44 Preliminary classification of Dayak tribes;
p. 44-48 On Malay influences;
p. 599--600 Appendix I on formation of proper names with the Bahau,
Kayan and Kenah Dayaks;
Vol. II, p. 207-218 List of Indonesian words, occurring in the book;
p. 193-206 List of books and articles on Borneo.
6 Atlas van Tropisch Nederland. Uitgegeven door het Koninklijk
Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap in samenwerking
met den Topografischen Dienst in N.-Indie. Batavia 1938, map 9b.
7 CH. HOSE and W. McDOUGALL, The Pagan Tribes of Borneo.
London 1912. Vol. I, XV + 283 pp., Vol. II, X + 374 pp.
+ maps.
8 W. CHALMERS, A Vocabulary of English, Malay, and Sarawak
Dayak. Canterbury 1861. 70 pp.
9 W. S. B. BUCK, Vocabulary of Sarawak Malay. SMJ 4.13 (1933)
p. 193-218.
10 C. DE CRESPIGNY, On Northern Borneo. Proc. R. Geogr. Soc. 16
(1872) p. 171-183.
English, Malay, Brunei, Bisaya, Murut Padas, Murut Trusan, Dali Dusun
vocabulary, p. 179-183.
11 CH. HOSE, A journey up the Baram river to Mount Dulit and
the Highlands of Borneo. Geogr. Journ. 1. 3 (1893) p. 193-208.
12 H. S. HAYNES, A List of Brunie-Malay words. JSBRAS 34
(1900) p. 39-48.
13 H. B. MARSHALL, A Vocabulary of Brunei Malay. ]SBRAS 83
(1921) p. 45-74.
14 G. T. MACBRYAN, Additions to a Vocabulary of Brunei-Malay.
]SBRAS 86 (1922) p. 376-377.

15 J. C. MOULTON, Points of the Compass in Brunei Malay. ]SBRAS

83 (1921) p. 75.
See also F. W. DOUGLAs, Points of the Compass in Brunei Malay, JSBRAS
85 (1922) p. 216.
16 W. KERN, Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise woorden?
TBG 78 (1938) p.271-273.
17 C. A. MEES, De Kroniek van Koetai. Leiden doctoral thesis.
Santpoort 1935. 290 pp.
Review by W. KERN, TBG (1937) p. 294-314.
18 S. W. TROMP, Uit de Salasila van Koetei. BKI 37 (1888)
19 W. KERN t, Commentaar op de Salasilah van Koetai. VKI 19
(1956). VIII 193 pp. +
20 H. VON DE WALL, Maleisch-Nederlandsch woordenboek ... uit-
gegeven door H. N. VAN DER TUUK [met] Aanhangsel uitgegeven
door PH. S. VAN RONKEL. Batavia 1877-1897. Vol. 1, X +
504 pp.,
vol. 2, 579 pp., vol. 3, 256 pp., Appendix, 69 pp.
21 H. WITKAMP, Een bezoek aan eenige oudheden in Koetei. TNAG
2de ser. 31 (1914) p. 587-610.
On the dialect of Muara Antjalung, p. 589. List of ± 75 Kutai words,
p. 60&--6lO.
22 H. WITKAMP, De Kedang Rantau (O.-Borneo). TNAG 2"" ser. 45
(1928) p. 34-61.
Remark on the relationship between Bendang and Pantun, p. 50.
H. WITKAMP, Langs de Mahakam. TNAG 2de ser. 49 (1932)
23 Midden-Oost-Borneo Expeditie 1925. Uitgave van het Indisch
Comite voor Wetenschappelijke Onderzoekingen. Weltevreden
1927. III +
423 pp.
Maps of Middle-East Borneo, p. 22 and p. 105.
Travelmap of Upper-Teh?:n up till the Kayan River, at the back of the
book. Many Kutai botanical terms, also some Benua Dayak, Long Wai,
Kayan, Banjarese and Bugis terms, p. 292-312.
24 S. C. KNAPPERT, Beschrijving van de Onderafdeeling Koetei.
BKI 58 (1905) p. 575-654.
Map of the region of the Kutai R. and its affluents from the coast to
Long Iram.

List of Javanese words in Kutai Malay, p. 588.

Rema.rks on dialects of Kutai Malay, p. 590.
On the behasa Ampanang with a list of 19 words in that language, p. 590,
On the languages of the Benua and Bentian Dayak, p. 624-625.
On the language of the Luwangan or Lawangan Dayak, p. 624.
25 Adatrechtbundel 44. 's-Gravenhage 1952. XI + 433 pp.
On the language of the Ulu Air and of the Taman, p. 4&-49.
On the Ulu Malay in Tayan, p. 102.
On the language of the Ipoh and Sei-Ambawang Dayak (by District Com-
missioner R. v. DIJK), p. 121-122.
Fragments of texts in the language of the Kendayan Dayak of Sungai
Ambawang with translation and notes (by Pater DUNSELMAN), p. 168-181.
Fragments of texts in the language of the Kendayan Dayak of Ritok, with
translation and notes (by Pater DUNSELMAN), p. 182--193.
Data on the language situation in Kutai, p. 194-197.
On the study of the Bornean languages (report by Governor Dr. B. J.
RAGA with the assistance of Dr. W. KERN), p. 317-318.
25a D. W. C. VAN LYNDEN en J. GROLL, Aanteekeningen over de lan-
den van het stroomgebied der Kapoeas. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift
voor Nederlandsch-Indie 2 (1851) p. 537-636.
On the language, p. 587-589.
26 A. H. F. J. NUSSELEIN, Beschrijving van het landschap Pasir.
BKI 58 (1905) p. 532-574.
Remarks on the population consisting of Bugis, Pasirese (descendants of
Dayak who adopted Islam), Bajau and Banjarese.
Some local words, p. 555, 559-560.
27 C. DEN HAMER, Proeve eener vergelijkende woordenlijst van zes
in de Z.O. Afd. van Borneo voorkomende taaltakken. TBG 32
(1889) p. 455-486.
"Biadju" Dayak, Banjarese, Lawangan, Maanyan, Siang, Tidung and
Solok wordlist p. 456-481 with about 6 pp. of notes.
28 C. DEN HAMER, De Sair Madi Kentjana. TBG 33 (1890)
p. 531-564.
Basa dalam and words which look like Javanese, p. 532--533.
List of writings found in Banjar, p. 533-535.
28a A. A. CENSE, De kroniek van Bandjarmasin. Leiden doctoral
thesis. Santpoort 1928. 176 pp.
Handschriften. Bandung 1950. 210 pp.

Wordslists, p. 189-192; no. 76, 213 Banjarese, no. 113 Kenyah-Dayak,

no. 128, 212 Ngaju, no. 129 Maanyan (Buntok), no. 130, 151, 219 Ot
Danum, no. 144 Penihing, no. 145 Penyabung, no. 146 Seputan, no. 152
Katingan, no. 210. Upper Matan, no. 214 Martapura, no. 220 Siang, no. 221
Ulu-Malay (Melawi).
30 Adatrechtbundel XIII (Borneo). 's-Gravenhage 1917. XIX +
431 pp.
Undang-undang Sultan Adam (1835) p. 343-372.
The text of the copy of this undang-undang published in this work hardly
differs from the text publishpd by A. M. JOEKES, with translation and notes,
in Indische Gids 2 (1881) p. 149-186.
31 J. RUSCONI, Sja'ir Kompeni Welanda berperang dengan Tjina.
Utrecht doctoral thesis 1935. 212 pp.
32 W. KERN, Aantekeningen op de Sja'ir Hemop (Sja'ir Kompeni
Welanda berperang dengan Tjina). TBG 82 (1948) p. 211-257.
33 H. J. SCHOPHUYS, Het stroomgebied van de Barito. Landbouw-
kundige schets en landbouwvoorlichting. Wageningen doctoral
thesis. Wageningen 1936. 207 pp.
With maps including a survey-map of the basin of the Barito River.
34 G. L. TICHELMAN, De onderafdeeling Barabai (Zuider- en Ooster-
afdeeling van Borneo). TNAG ~. ser. 48 (1931) p. 461--486,
On Banjarese, p. 6~92. Some names of games in Banjarese, p. 709-711.
35 Conferenties te Makassar. TBG 80 (1940) p. 293-296.
Communication by Dr. W. KERN (on 22nd May 1939) on Banjarese.
36 RACHMAT MARLIN, Beberapa untai pantun dari kampung. Medan
Bahasa 5. 5 (1955) p. 27-28.
M. SAN]OTO dan M. JUSRAN Is, Bahasa Bandjar sepintas lalu.
Medan Bahasa 7. 3 (1957) p. 15-19.
37 Djalan Solamat, ditoendjoe olih AI-Kitab (Bahasa Delang).
Bandjermasin 1938. 20 pp.
Short passages from the New Testament, the Ten Commandments,
Confession of Faith and a prayer.
38 J. KATS, Warna Sari Melajoe. Tjetakan jang keenam. Batavia-
Bandung 1940. XV +
212 pp.
Text in local Malay as spoken in Sambas (West Borneo), p. 201-202.
38a A. W. NIEUWENHUIS, In Centraal-Borneo. Reis van Pontianak

naar Samarinda. Leiden 1900. Vol. I, VIII + 308 pp., Vol. II,
VIII + 369 +XVI pp.
39 A. W. NIEUWENHUIS, Quer durch Borneo. Ergebnisse seiner
Reisen in den Jahren 1894, 1896-97 und 1898-1900. Unter
Leiden 1904. Vol. I, XV +
493 pp., Vol. II, XIII 557 pp. +
Several words in the language of the Kayan on the Mendalem and Upper
Mahakamrivers, passim.
On the large grouping of the Bahau and Kenyah tribes, I, 52-53.
On Kapuas Malay, I, 109.
On Busang, I, 275, 317, 421, II, 464.
Map of Borneo at the back of Vol 1.
Index of terms in Bornean languages, II, 544-557.
40 E. L. M. KUHR, Schetsen uit Borneo's Westerafdeeling. BKI 46
(1896) p. 63-88, 214-239. Contino BKI 47 (1897) p. 57-82.
See p. 223.
41 J. D. FREEMAN, Iban Agriculture, a report on the shifting cul-
tivation of hill rice by the Iban of Sarawak. London 1955.
XII + 148 pp.
42 SPENSER ST. JOHN, Life in the forests of the Far East. London
1862. Vol. I, XIX +
400 pp., vol. II, XVIII +
420 pp.
Wordlists in vol. II, p. 383-420.
43 F. A. SWETTENHAM, Comparative vocabulary of the dialects of
some of the wild tribes inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula, Borneo,
etc. JSBRAS 5 (1880) p. 125-156.
44 H. KEPPEL, The expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido for the
suppression of piracy; with extracts from the journal of James
Brooke, Esq. of Sarawak. London 1846. Vol. I, XIV 338 + +
XXVIII pp., vo1. II, VIII +
237 +
CX pp. +
Vol. I, App. II Philology, p. XII-XXVI vocabularies of Malay, Suntah,
Sow, Sibnow, Sakarran, Meri, Millanow, Malo, Kayan.
45 W. HOWELL and D. J. S. BAILEY, A Sea Dyak Dictionary.
Singapore 1900. XII + 186 + 24 pp.
The Appendix contains proverbs, riddles, songs, invocations, prayers and
some groups of words systematically arranged.
46 W. HOWELL and D. J. S. BAILEY, An English-Sea Dyak Voca-
bulary. Kuching (Sarawak) 1909. 175 pp.

47 N. C. SCOTT, A dictionary of Sea Dayak. London 1956. XI +

218 pp.
Supplement. Additional words used in the third Division, Sara-
wak, collected by the Rev. G. BRUGGEMAN, p. 213-218.
48 P. DONATUS DUNSELMAN, Kana Sera of zang der zwangerschap.
Een sacrale hymne der Mualang-Dajaks. BKI 110 (1954)
p. 52-63
49 E. BANKS, Sea Dayak carving. JMBRAS 19.2 (1941) p. 219-226
Names of patterns.
50 E. BANKS, Notes on Birds in Sarawak, with a list of native names.
SMJ 4. 3. 14 (1935) p. 267-325.
51 A. C. HADDON and LAURA E. START, Iban or Sea Dayak Fabrics
and their patterns. A descriptive catalogue of the Iban fabrics in
the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Cambridge. Cam-
bridge 1936. XV +
157 pp., with 35 plates.
51a N. C. SCOTT, Notes on the pronunciation of Sea Dayak. Bulletin
of the SOAS 20 (1957) p. 509-512.
52 BERAYUN ANAK BUGIN, Sampi Begawai Umai (in Iban). SMJ 5.
2 new ser. (= 17 old ser.), 1950, p. 238-241.
Text in Sea Dayak (part of the procedure before planting padi).
53 Religious rites and Customs of the Iban or Dyaks of Sarawak,
by LEO NYUAK. Translated from the Dyak by the Very Rev. EDM.
DUNN, Prefect Apostolic of Labuan and North Borneo. Anthropos
1 (1906) p. 11-23, 165-184, 403-425.
Sea Dayak text (information about Dayak theology) with English trans-
lation p. 1l>-22.
54 PEMBRITA, Surat brita pansut tiap bulan. Kuching.
A Sea Dayak monthly paper.
(The Dec. 1956 issue is no. 82 of this paper).
55 MICHAEL BUMA, Baka ni jalai nulis surat pekirum ti ngena.
Kuching 1956. V +
89 pp.
The first four chapters, p. 1-24, are translated (or adapted) by permission
from BRUCE ROBERTS, How to Write Good Letters, Longmans Green and
Company. A number of specimen letters follow, and a glossary mainly
concerned with explaining English terms in Sea Dayak.

56 Surat Zabor. The Psalms translated into Sea Dyak by the Rev.
J. PERHAM. London, no year. 178 pp.
57 Surat S. Jakob, Surat S. Petrus I, II, Surat S. Joan I, II, III.
No place, no year [pencil note on cover of copy BFBS: 1879].
56 pp.
58 Injil ti ditulis S. Matius. (Inside:) St. Matthew's Gospel in Sea
Dyak. London 1913. 95 pp.
59 Injil Isa Almasih Tuhan kami ti di-surat S. Markus. The Gospel
according to St. Mark, translated out of the original Greek into
Dyak. Nottingham 1864. 75 pp.
60 Injil kudus nunda ka S. Markus. Kuching 1902. 51 pp.
61 Injil kudus nunda ka S. Markus. London 1912. 53 pp.
62 Injil ti ditulis S. Lukas. (Inside:) The Gospel according to St.
Luke in Sea Dyak. London 1914. 99 pp.
63 Injil Isa Almesih Tuhan kite ti di-tulis S. Joan. Sarawak 1877.
No pag.
64 Injil kudus nunda ka S. Joan. Kuching 1902. 60 pp.
65 Injil kudus nunda ka S. Joan. (Inside:) The Gospel according to
St. John in Sea Dyak. London 1912. 70 pp.
66 Kerja Rasul. Sarawak 1877. No pag.
67 Surat Rasul Paulus ngagai Timotius, Titus enggau Pilemon.
Surat ngagai orang Ibrani. Kuching 1896. 48 pp.
68 Surat Rasul Paulus ngagai Orang Roma enggau dua surat iya
ngagai Orang Korintus. [Kuching] 1893. No pag.
69 Penyanggup Baru, iya nya surat ti madah ka Penyanggup Isa
Almesih Tuhan enggau Penglepas kitai. London 1933. III +
496 pp.
Sec. edit., 1952, 472 pp. with differences in spelling.
70 Tanya-saut, iya nya surat di diletak ka dipelajar ulih samoa orang
apin sida dibai ngadap tuan Bishop awak ka ditetap. Sarawak
1885. 14 pp.
Note in copy of SOAS: Catechism in Sea-Dyak.
71 Surat Pengajaran Christian. Rumah St Francis. Kanowit 1887.
128 pp.

72 Telusor di-puntang ari Surat jako Allah Taala. Short summary

of Old Testament History in Dyak. Sarawak 1889. 36 pp.
73 Surat Orang Christian nunda adat Ecc1esia Katolica. Hoc opus-
culum a missionariis Societatis S. Joseph exaratum et a Rev.
H. STOTTER ejusdem Societatis membro in lucem editum fuit
A.D. 1904. Cum approbatione Reverendissimi D. EDMUNDI DUNN,
Praefectus Apostolici insulae Labuan et Borneo Septentrionalis.
Brixinae 1904. 302 pp.
Note in copy of BFBS: R. C. prayerbook in Sea Dayak in the dialect of
the Dyaks living along the Rejang river in Sarawak.
74 Surat Sambeyang, iya nya sambeyang pagi enggau sambeyang
lemai enggau sambeyang sakramen, enggau adar bukai dalam
adat sembah Eklisia nunda ka Eklisia England: agi mega, skeda
mazmur baka ti dinyanyi dalam greja: agi mega, ator sambeyang
ti enggau masok ka orang nyadi bishop, padri enggau dikon. (The
Book of Common Prayer of the Sea Dyak Mission). London 1914.
XXXVI + 398 pp.
75 [A. J. SPARROW], Slalu sambiyang. London 1937. 44 pp.
Type-written note in copy of SO AS : A book of private prayers in the Sea
Dyak language.
76 JOHN BUNYAN, Jerita pasal orang ti ngiga penyamai dalam menoa
Serga. "The Pilgrim's Progress" translated into the Sea Dayak
language by A. W. STONTON, Archdeacon of Sarawak. London
1948. 128 pp.
77 Surat pengajaran. Kanowit 1948. 28 pp.
78 Jalai Pengidup. The Story of the Old and the New Testaments
in the language of the Sea Dayaks of Sarawak by the Ven. A. W.
STONTON, B.Sc. (S.P.G. Mission, Sarawak). London 1949. Pt. I
Penyanggup Lama, 206 pp., Pt. II Penyanggup Baru, 189 pp.
79 Tuku Sacramenta. No place, no year. P. 97-171.
80 A. W. KLERK, Jerita empekat lama unggau empekat baru. Turn-
hout (Belgium), no year. 124 +
IX pp.
81 Jerita Pasal Menoa Sarawak. A brief History of Sarawak com-
piled by the Rev. A. W. STONTON, B.Sc., for use in Dayak Schools.
London 1938. VII +24 pp.

82 A. W. STONTON, Hygiene iya nya Jalai ngintu tuboh diri grai

nyamai. For use in the Sea Dayak schools of Sarawak. 2ad edit.
(Revised). London 1948. 80 pp.
83 Surat Tangga (New Edition). Sea Dyak. Kuching 1905. 16 pp.
Spellingbook; Confession of Faith, the Lord's Prayer and the Ten
84 A. W. STONTON, Surat tangga enggau Surat bacha No. 1. London,
no year. 43 pp.
85 Surat bacha No.2. J erita mayoh macham ti ditusi mensia dalam
mayoh bengkah menoa sablah dunya. Collected and translated by
A. W. STONTON. London, no year. 111 pp.
86 Longmans' Penemu Peniap kena sekula di Sarawak. (Longmans'
Practical Sea Dayak Arithmetic. Book Two.) London, New York,
Toronto 1952. IV +
92 pp.
86a Father LEO J. BARRY, English-Iban Phrase Book. Kuching 1954.
Title taken from HEDDA MORRISON, Sarawak. London 1957.
87 E. DUNN, The Mengap Bungai Taun, the "Chant of the Flowers
of the Year", a sacred chant used by the Sea-Dyaks on the
occasion of a sacrificial feast to invoke a blessing on the fruits of
the field. Anthropos 7 (1912) p. 135-154, 634-648; 8 (1913)
p. 22-39; 9 (1914) p. 494--528, 873-913; 11 (1915-1916)
p. 332-357, 817-843.
Text with translation.
88 J. PERHAM, Mengap, the Song of the Dyak Head-feast. JSBRAS
2 (1878) p. 123-135.
89 A. J. N. RICHARDS, The migrations of the Ibans and their Poetry.
SMJ 5. 1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 77-87.
Fragments of the text of an ensera (chant).
90 W. HOWELL, A Sea-Dayak Dirge. SMJ 1. 1 (1911) p. 5-73.
Recited by a professional wailer living in the Undup in a village called
Siga, Batang Lupar district.
91 BIRAI ANAK DAP, Two Dayak Chants. SMJ 5. 1 new ser. (= 16
old ser.), 1949, p. 73-76.
Different versions of the texts in J AMUH'S article in the same issue of the
SMJ, and another Saratok Dayak Melody. Author is from Saratok (Rumah
Burna, Melupa Krian).

92 G. JAMUH, Tanong Umor. SMJ 5. 1 new ser. ( 16 old ser.),

1949, p. 69-73.
Some invocations in Iban (Sea Dayak).
93 W. R. BARRY GIFFORD, A Dayak Song. SMJ 2. 5-7 (1914-
1917) p. 187-188.
94 M. G. DICKSON, Four Saribas Dayak Songs. SMJ 5. 3 new ser.
(= 18 old ser.), 1951, p. 457--460.
A. J. N. RICHARDS, Notes on two Cradle Songs from the Saribas
(number 3 & 4 above), ibid. p. 460--461.
95 P. DONATUS DUNSELMAN, Kana Sera, zang der zwangerschap.
VKI 17 (1955). 284 pp.
With ill. and map of the Mualang region and surrounding area.
Text of 3067 lines in Mualang with Dutch translation and notes;
Remarks on the sound system, p. 17-19.
Remark on DIu Malay, p. 56 note 386.
96 P. DONATUS DUNSELMAN, Over de huwelijksadat der Moealang-
Dajaks van West-Borneo. BKI 106 (1950) p. 1-45.
Terms of Customary Law and two chants with incantation formulas.
On the relationship of the various Dayak groups, p. 1.
97 P. J. VETH, Borneo's Wester-Afdeeling, geographisch, statistisch,
historisch, voorafgegaan door eene algemeene schets des ganschen
eilands. Zaltbommel 1854 and 1856. Vol. I, XCVIII + 385 pp.,
vol. II, XI + 656 pp.
Vol. I, p. 164-169: on classification of tribes and languages.
Vol. II, p. 232-241: survey of languages and literature.
98 O. VON KESSEL, Statistieke aanteekeningen omtrent het Stroom-
gebied der Rivier Kapoeas, Wester-afdeeling van Borneo. Indisch
Archief I. 2 (1850) p. 165-204.
Vocabulary (± 70 words): Dutch, North Western race, Malay race, Pari
race, Punan and Mankettan, Bejadjouw, p. 202-203.
99 E. H. ELAM, Land Dayaks of the Sadong District, Sarawak.
SMJ 4. 4 old ser. (= 15 new ser.), 1937, p. 373-394.
Ethnographical data and English-Sadong Land Dayak vocabulary,
p. 392-394. On the language and dialects, p. 375.
99a Father A. REIJFFERT, Vocabulary of English and Sarawak Land
Dyak (Singhi Tribe). Kuching 1956.
Title taken from HEDDA MORRISON, Sa.rawak. London 1957.

100 P. DONATUS DUNSELMAN, Bijdrage tot de kennis van de taal en

adat der Kendajan-Dajaks van West-Borneo. BKI 105 (1949)
p. 59-105, 147-218; 106 (1950) p. 321-373.
101 P. DONATUS DUNSELMAN, Adatgebruiken van Kendajan-Dajak's
van West-Borneo in acht te nemen na een brand. BKI 108 (1952)
102 M. C. SCHADEE, Bijdrage tot de kennis van den godsdienst der
Dajaks van Landak en Tajan. BKI 55 (1903) p. 321-343.
Prayer in the dialect of the Ayuh Dayak, p. 329-33t.
Prayer in the dialect of the Bukit Dayak, p. 332--333.
Continued BKI 56 (1904) p. 532-547.
Communication on bird-orac1es composed in Malay by a chieftain of the
Manyuke Dayak, p. 533.
Continued BKI 58 (1905) p. 489-513.
"Lenggang"-song in the language of Landak mediums with words that are
probably Malayisms, p. 497-498.
Song being a welcome to the Mambang Kuning, many Malayisms,
p. 501-502.
Incantations, strongly influenced by Malay, p. 504--508.
Unggang-pantuns, almost entirely Malay, p. 509-510.
Song by which ghosts are welcomed, almost entirely Malay, p. 511-512.
Continued BKI 59 (1906) p. 207-228, 616-647.
Some "balian" words.
Continued BKI 60 (1908) p. 101-127.
M. C. SCHADEE, Het familieleven en familierecht der Dajaks van
Landak en Tajan. BKI 63 (1910) p. 390-489.
Formula at confinement (many Malay words), p. 395.
Codification of customary law, Malay, p. 444--462.
M. C. SCHADEE, Het strafrecht der Dajaks van Tajan en Landak.
BKI 66 (1912) p.274-302.
Codification of customary law, Malay, p. 275-286.
Agreement of reconciliation, Malay, p. 295-298.
M. C. SCHADEE, Gebruiken bij de rijstteelt in Tajan en Landak.
BKI 67 (1912) p. 237-244.
M. C. SCHADEE, De tijdrekening bij de Landak-Dajaks in de
Westerafdeeling van Borneo. BKI 69 (1914) p. 130---139.
103 [J. R. LOGAN]' The languages of the Indonesian Archipelago.
Journ. Ind. Arch. 3 (1849) p. 203-234.

104 Kitab Indjil Karangan Markus dibahasai gi bahasa Balantian.

Djakarta 1952. 47 pp.
105 E. H. ELAM, Slakow and Larah Land Dayaks of Lundu. SMJ 4.
3. 14 (1935) p. 241-251.
Vocabulary English-Slakow-Lara s (± 275 words), p. 242-247.
106 Letter from the interior of Borneo (West Coast), no. III. Kara-
ngan, July 10th , 1848.
Journ. Ind. Arch. 2 (1848) misc. notices, etc. p. L-LV.
On the language p. L-LII.
107 The virgin daughter of Sultan Bongsu. A Dayak tale, with '1
translation. Journ. Ind. Arch. 2 (1848) p. 758-763.
108 Toespraak, gehouden door een Dajakschen toekang bitjara enz.
Notulen Bataviaasch Genootschap 59 (1921) p. 48-50.
109 C. KATER, De Dajaks van Sidin. TBG 16 (1866) p. 183-188.
On the language p. 187-188.
110 A. A. FOKKER, Korte aanteekeningen over het Behe-Dajaksch.
Tijdschr. B.B. 4 (1890) p. 344-347.
111 W. S. B. BUCK, Vocabulary of Land Dayak as spoken in Kam-
pong Boyan, Upper Sarawak. SMJ 4. 2. 13 (1933) p. 187-192.
112 G. BERESFORD STOOKE, Some Land-Dayak Words. JMBRAS 2.
1 (1924) p. 78-83.
113 N. MACE, A list of Land Dayak words collected at Tebekang.
SMJ 4. 3. 14 (1935) p.253.
114 G. ROBERTS, Descent of the Sadong Bidayuh. SMJ 5. 1 new ser.
(= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 88-94.
115 P. AICHNER, Some Notes on Land-Dayaks. Their language. SMJ
5. 1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 95-97.
116 W. R. GEDDES, The Land Dayaks of Sarawak. Colonial Research
Studies no. 14. London 1954. 113 pp.
Land Dayak words, mostly in Mentu Tapuh (Sadong) dialect.
Kinship terms, p. 15, 35.
Spell, text and translation, p. 20.
Invocation, text and t.ranslation, p. 28-31.
Remarks on linguistic position, p. 31.

117 R NYANDOH, The Story of Kumang Ruwai. Sirituh Kumang

Ruwai. SMJ 7. 7 new ser. (= 22 old ser.), 1956, p. 208-220.
Text with interlinear English translation.
118 WILLIAM JOHNNY, The Honey Song. SMJ 5. 2 new ser. (= 17
old ser.), 1950, p. 181-186.
119 J. STAAL, Folklore of Sadong Dayaks. JMBRAS 18. 2 (1940)
Texts of prayers with translation, glossary and explanations.
120 Surat Peminyuh Daya Sarawak. Singapore 1862. I + 24 pp.
According to a prefatory notice, signed W. C(HALMERS), Quop, Sarawak
Nov. 1861, this spelling book is w;ritten in the dialect of the tribe of Sentah.
Contains beside short reading lessons: Ten Commandments, Articles of
Faith, songs, Lord's Prayer and other prayers, parable of the prodigal son
(St. Luke 15), parable of the weeds (St. Matthew 13), parable of the Sower
(St. Matthew 13).
121 Surat tangga Bidayiih. (Land Dayak). RC. Mission. Serian no
year (printed Breda-Holland). 18 pp.
Prim~, alphabet, words, short sentences, tales, biblical parables.
122 P. H. H. HOWES, Surat Basa. A Land Dayak (Biatah) Primer.
London, no year (according to Cat. SOAS: 1952). 31 pp.
123 P. H. H. HOWES and EWIIM JABOH, Hygiene anti inti simuki patut
kingat ptirting-ganan shitin-i bua sanang, being a translation into
Biatah Land Dayak of the Sea Dayak "Hygiene iya nya jalai
ngintu tuboh diri grai nyamai", by A. W. STONTON, B.Sc. London
1948.80 pp.
124 Sambayang di Greja Quop. Sarawak 1875. 36 pp.
125 Puji-pujian adi ni nyanyi di anuh Sambayang darum Peminyuh
Daya Kuab. Sarawak 1876. 72 pp.
Collection of Christian hymns; the "God save the King".
126 The order of the Administration of the Holy Communion. Sam-
bayang Sakramen Yukaris di Greja Quop. Sarawak 1876. No
pag. [contains 18 pp.].
127 Injil Agah Salamat (Sentah dialect). Sarawak 1879. 166 pp.
Notice inside copy of SOAS: Bible. Dayak. Parallel passages from the Gospels
in Land Dyak.
128 Land Dyak. Injil Tuhan Isa Almesih Penubos-ta. San Markus.
Sarawak 1887. 72 pp.

129 Land Dyak. Injil Tuhan Isa Almesih Penubos-ta. San Lukas.
Sarawak 1887. 125 pp.
130 Doa, Epistola nga Injil, stekud sawa. 32 pp.
This booklet is to be found in the library of the BFBS; the cover page is
lacking, it begins with "Minggo ni darum Advent" and ends with "Minggo
num ripas Epipani".
It is bound together with the following booklets:

Doa, Epistola nga Injil. Minggo Septuagesima nug ka Minggo

num darum Lent. Quop Mission Press 1889, 22 pp.
Doa, Epistola nga Injil. Minggo Ister nug ka Anu Selasa ripas
Pentekost. Quiop Mission Press 1889. 23 pp.
Doa, Epistola nga Injil. Minggo Triniti nug ka Minggo Duwuh-
puru-rimuh ripas Triniti. Quop Mission Press 1889. 40 pp.
131 Form of Prayer used at the Consecration of Burial-grounds.
Atur nyikudus tana Tinungan. No place, 1891. 8 pp.
132 Land Dyak. Injil adi nuris San Mataios darum Pimiu Beta.
Sarawak 1898. 93 pp.
133 So-pat Injil samun Karja pinganai Murid darum pimiu Beta.
London 1912. 400 pp.
Inside: Gospels and Acts in Beta.
134 Kitab nyanyi Daya Biatah, Quop. Land Dyak Hymns. Singapore
1921. 52 pp.
135 Liturji puankah Sambahyang Sakramen purung nga Deya Tuhan
Isa traun dog sabUt Sakramen Yukaris, tambah guh atur Sambah-
yang Sidia ka Sambahyang Ngyen Trima Kaseh amai Sakramen,
nga tambah guh ni Pingaku pinyabah. Magnificat. Nunc dimittis.
Angelus. Darum piminyu Daya Bidayuh Siburan, Biatah. Q110P
Dyaks. Kuching 1923. 39 pp.
136 Liturji puan-kah Sakramen Yukaris Purung nga Deya Tuhan
Isa traun dog sabut Sambahyang Mass. Tambah guh atur Sambah-
yang sidia ka Sambahyang ngyen trima kaseh amai Sakramen,
nga tambah glih ni Pingaku Pinyabah Angelus, Anima Kristi,
Atin Tuhan Isa, Puji-puji Tuhan Allah ka atur Sambahyang
Isan-isan ka singumi anu. Darum priminyu Daya Bidayuh-Sibu-
ran, Biatah, Quop Dayaks. Kuching 1927. 58 pp.

137 Kitab Keda Mazmur so Kitab Mazmur Daud. Daya Biatah QUop.
Book I, Land Dyak Psalms, 1928. 79 pp.
138 Kitab Sambahyang Darum Piminyu Daya Biatah. A Service
Book, with Hymns, in the Land Dayak (Biatah) language, autho-
rized for use in the Diocese of Labuan and Sarawak. London
1949. XV +
532 pp.
139 Injil nunda San Markus. No place, no year. 72 pp.
140 J. B. ARCHER, Melanau as it is spoken. (A review). SMJ 5. 1 new
ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 98-102.
A. DRUCE, A Melanau Comment on the Above. SMJ 5. 1 new
ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 102-103.
141 H. S. MORRIS, Report on a Melanau Sago Producing Community
in Sarawak. Colonial Research Studies no. 9. Published by Her
Majesty's Stationery Office for the Colonial Office. (London)
1953. VI + 184 pp.
Contains many Melanau-words, especially from Medong on the Oya S River.
Remarks on the language p. 2-3, 53, 88--89, 148.
The "Government Liko Law" printed in English and the Melanau dialects
of Mukah and Oya s, p. 90.
Melanau Kinship Terms, p. 109-118.
On death chants, p. 148.
Map of Melanau area between pp. 3 and 4.
142 A Vocabulary of Mukah Milano. SMJ 4.1. 12 (1930) p. 87-130.
Remarks on the region where Melanau is spoken, on accents and
pronunciation, on loanwords, p. 87-88.
English-Melanau wordlist, p. 89-126.
Supplement: list of verb-forms.
143 R. G. AIKMAN, A Vocabulary of Matu Melanau. Kuching 1947.
35 pp.
Some words and compounds.
Index on the Melanau words, p. 24--29.
Id. on Malay words, p. 3{}'-35.
144 W. S. B. BUCK, Notes on Oya Milanos. SM] 4. 2. 13 (1933)
Melanau words passim.
145 G. ]AMUH, Some Melanau Pastimes. SMJ 5. 3 new ser. (= 18 old
ser.), ]951, p. 446-456.

146 A. E. LAWRENCE and J. HEWITT, Some Aspects of Spirit worship

amongst the Milano of Sarawak. JRAI 38 (1908) p. 388-408.
Incantation Chant, p. 407-408.
147 Melanau catechism and prayers. Mukah 1950. 28 pp.
148 Melanau catechism and prayers. Dalat 1953. 30 pp.
149 T. HARRISSON, "Bisaya": Borneo-Philippine Impacts of Islam.
SMJ 7. 7 new ser. (= 22 old ser.), 1956, p. 43-47.
150 Kitab Injil yang senurat S. Markus. (Inside:) St. Mark in Bisaya
(Sarawak) (Tentative Edition). London 1938. 72 pp.
151 R. A. BEWSHER, Bisayan Accounts of Eearly Bornean Settlements
in the Philippines. Recorded by Father SANTAREN. SMJ 7. 7 new
ser. (= 22 old ser.), 1956, p. 48-53.
152 R. NEEDHAM, A Note on some Murut Kinship Terms. JMBRAS
28. 1 (1955) p. 159-161. .
Some Lun Daya words, p. 159-160.
152a R. NEEDHAM, A Note on some North Borneo Kinship Terminol-
ogies. JMBRAS 26. 1 (1953) p. 221-223.
153 F. H, POLLARD, The Muruts of Sarawak. SMJ 4. 2. 13 (1933)
p. 139-155.
Remarks on the language and wQ\"dlist, p. 142-143.
154 C. HUDSON SOUTHWELL, Structure of the Murut Language. SMJ
5. 1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p: 104-115.
155 A. BOLANG and T. HARRISSON, Murut and Related Vocabularies
with special reference to North Borneo Terminology. SMJ 5.
1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 116--124.
156 J. C. MOULTON, An Expedition to Mt. Batu Lawi. JSBRAS 63
(1912) p. 1-104.
Appendix IX: Tabun- Murut- Kelabit- vocabulary, p. 100-104.
157 R. S. DoUGLAS, A comparative Vocabulary of the Kayan, Kenyah
and Kalabit Languages. SMJ 1. 1 (1911) p. 75-119.
158 M. W. F. TWEEDIE, Reptiles from the Kelabit Plateau. SMJ 5.
1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 154-155.
The Kelabit names of these reptiles, collected by T. HARRISSON at Bario,
a,re added.

159 F. H. POLLARD, Some comparative notes on Muruts and Kelabits.

SMJ 4. 3. 14 (1935) p. 223-227.
On the language, p. 225.
160 A. MORRISON, Murut Pottery. SMJ 6. 5 new ser. (= 20 old ser.),
1955, p. 295-296.
161 Injil luk inaiyud S. Markus. (Inside:) St. Mark's Gospel in
Murut (Lun Daya). Sydney 1947.
162 T. HARRISSON and F. MANIS, Hairpins from Borneo Hill Peoples.
SMJ 5. 2 new ser. (= 17 old ser.), 1950, p. 242-255.
A Kelabit folksong, p. 252.
163 J. C. MOULTON, Trengs. SMJ 1. 2 (1912) p. 91-95.
Note on the language, p. 94-95.
164 OWEN RUTTER, The Pagans of North Borneo. London 1929.
288 pp. + map.
Murut classification, p. 34-36+ sketch map.
Comparative vocabulary, Appendix A, p. 26~275.
Texts, Appendix B, p. 276-279.
165 N. B. BABONEAU, A Murut Vocabulary. With an Introductory
note by G. C. WOOLLEY. JSBRAS 86 (1922) p. 343-375.
166 G. C. WOOLLEY, Murut Basketwork JMBRAS 10. 1 (1932)
p. 23-26, contino p. 27-28.
G. C. WOOLLEY, Some Notes on Murut Basket Work and
Patterns. JMBRAS 7.2 (1929) p. 291-315.
Some names of patterns.
167 H. G. KEITH, Some Ulun-no-Bokan (Murut) words from North
Borneo. JMBRAS 14.3 (1936) p. 314-322.
A Bokan-Malay-Technical English list of animal names. Some of the
Malay words are Brunei Malay.
H. G. KEITH, Ulun-no-Bokan (Murut) folklore. JMBRAS 14.
3 (1936) p. 323-326.
H. G. KEITH, A few Ulun-no-Bokan (Murut) taboos. JMBRAS
14. 3 (1936) p. 327-329.
H. G. KEITH, Some UIun-no-Bokan (Murut) charms. JMBRAS
14. 3 (1936) p. 330.
168 G. C. WOOLLEY, Two Murut Pantuns from the Dalit District
Keningau, British North Borneo. JMBRAS 5. 2 (1927)
p. 366-369.

169 A. L. GoSSENS, A Grammar and Vocabulary of the Dusun

Language. ]MBRAS 2. 2 (1924) p. 87-220.
Grammar p. 87-96
English-Dusun vocabulary, containing about 5500 a 6000 words, p. 96-220.
170 J. STAAL, The Dusuns of North Borneo. Anthropos 18-19
(1923-1924) p. 958-977; 20 (1925) p. 120-138, 929-951.
171 I. H. N. EVANS, The religion of the Tempasuk Dusuns of Borneo.
Cambridge 1953. XVIII +
579 pp.
Besides many Dusun words texts with translation and notes in Appendices
I and II.
172 W. F. SCHNEEBERGER, A short Vocabulary of the Banggi and
Bajau language. JMBRAS 15. 3 (1937) p. 145-164.
173 H. L. E. LUERING, A vocabulary of the Dusun language of
Kimanis. ]SBRAS 30 (1897) p. 1-29.
174 ]. STAAL, The Dusun language. Anthropos 21 (1926) p. 938-951.
English-Tuaran-Putatan-Papar vocabulary, p. 944-951.
Map of North Borneo.
175 G. C. WOOLLEY, A Dusun Vocabulary in the dialect of the District
of Tambunan North Borneo. Sandakan 1940. IV 55 pp.+
176 I. H. N. EVANS, Some Dusun Measures and the Classification of
Domestic Animals. SM] 5. 2 new ser. (= 17 old ser.), 1950,
177 J. W. VAN DAPPEREN, De "Maragang". Bulletin van het Koloniaal
Museum te Haarlem 1896, p. 31-37.
178 EDMUND MAJUSIM BIN MAJINAL, Some Notes on the Dusun
Language. SMJ 5. 1 new ser. (= 16 old ser.), 1949, p. 125-129.
179 ]. PRENGER, The Dusuns of Borneo and their Riddles. Actes du
dixieme Congres Intern. des orientalistes. Session de Geneve,
1894, 4" Partie, Section V, p. 19-52.
101 riddles with translation.
Some remarks on Dusun dialects, p. 26-27.
A few lines on the Dusun morphological system, p. 28.
180 J. STAAL, Dusun drinking- and love-songs. Anthropos 21 (1926)
p. 182-191.
Texts with translation.

181 J. STAAL, A Heathen Dusun Prayer. Anthropos 22 (1927)

p. 197-201.
Text with translation.
182 Katekismus. Jesselton 1950. 104 pp.
Catechism in Dusun (N. Borneo).
183 A. ANTONISSEN, Koimaan ngaavi do Tuan Jezus. Singapore 1955,
293 pp.
Life of Jesus according to the gospels in Dusun (N. Borneo).
184 A. ANTONISSEN, Oi Tuan, ajalo zou do sumambayang. Buuk do
Sambayang. Singapore, no year. XIII 144 +
IV pp. +
Prayer-book in Dusun (N. Borneo).
185 Father LAMPE, Tanong ngaavi tongotopot do Testamentum Haid.
Singapore 1956. 150 + III pp.
Tales from the old Testament in Dusun (N. Borneo).
186 I. H. N. EVANS, Some Dusun Fables. SMJ 6. 5 new ser. (= 20
old ser.), 1955, p. 245-247.
Three very short fables with English translation; two fables in translation
187 I. H. N. EVANS, Fifty Dusun Riddles. SMJ 5. 3 new ser. (= 18
old ser), 1951, p. 553-561.
188 I. H. N. EVANS, More Dusun Riddles. SMJ 6. 4 new ser. (= 19
old ser.), 1954, p. 20-35.
189 I. H. N. EVANS, Some Dusun Proverbs and Proverbial Sayings.
SMJ 6. 5 new ser. (= 20 old ser.), 1955, p. 233-244.
51 proverbs in the language of the valley of the Tempasuk (Kedamaian)
River in North Borneo, the majority being from Kahung Saraiyoh (Kaung
Ulu) , 28 miles from Kota Belud, but others from Tambatuon, 22 miles
from Kota Belud, and from the lowland villages of Kadamaian (Tempasuk)
and Tombulion.
190 N. ADRIANI, De talen der Togian-eiIanden. TBG 42 (1900)
p. 428-490, 539-566.
191 A. R. WALLACE, The Malay Archipelago: The Land of the
Orang-Utan, and the Bird of Paradise. London 1869. Vol. I,
478 pp., Vol. V, 524 pp.
Bajau wordlist in Vol. II, p. 476-501.
192 I. H. N. EVANS, Bajau Pottery. SMJ 6. 5 new ser. (= 20 old
ser.), 1955, p. 297-300.

193 ABDUL GHANI BIN BAGUL, Notes on the Bajau language. SM] 5.
2 new ser. (= 17 old ser.), 1950, p. 196-200.
194 I. H. N. EVANS, Notes on the Bajaus and other Coastal Tribes
of North Borneo. ]MBRAS 25. 1 (1952) p. 48-55.
195 ]. MONTANO, Rapport it M. Ie Ministre de l'Instruction Publique
sur une mission aux iles Philippines et en Malaisie. Archives des
missions scientifiques et litteraires, 3me ser. t. XI (1885)
Malay, Sulu, Bisaya (= Phil. Bisaya!)-Bulud-Upi vocabulary, p. 432-439.
196 J. MONTANO, Voyage aux Philippines et en Malaisie. Paris 1886.
VIII + 351 pp.
On Bulud-Upi, p. 189-191.
197 A. COWIE, English-Sulu-Malay vocabulary, with useful sentences,
tables etc., edited by WM. CLARK COWIE. London 1893. XLVIII
+288 pp.
A few grammatical notes, p. IX-XL VIII.
198 M. W. H. BEECH, The Tidong dialects of Borneo. With Preface
and notes by Dr. ABR. ANTH. FOKKER. Oxford 1908. 120 pp.
199 W. AERNOUT, Een woordenlijstje der Tidoengsche taal. Indische
Gids 7. 1 (1885) p. 536-550.
200 P. VAN GENDEREN STORT, Nederlandsch-Tidoengsch-Tinggalim
Dajaksche woordenlijst. VBG 61. 5 (1916). IV 100 pp. +
201 L. RUTTEN, Reisherinneringen uit Zuid-Oost Boelongan (Oost
Borneo). TNAG 2"e ser., 33 (1916) p. 236-253.
List of words in Sajau Basap (Bulungan), p. 251-253.
202 A. H. SPAAN, De landstreek tusschen Sangkoelirang en Doema-
ring (Borneo). TNAG 2de ser., 35 (1918) p. 781-790 with map.
203 P. VAN GENDEREN STORT, Nederlandsch-Kenja Dajaksche Woor-
denlijst. VBG 59. 3 (1912). 33 pp.
204 ]. M. ELSHOUT, Over de geneeskunde der Kenja-Dajak in Cen-
traal-Borneo in verband met hunnen godsdienst. Amsterdam
doctoral thesis. Amsterdam 1923. 218 pp.
On the dwelling places of the Kenyah tribes, p. 12.
On the language, p. 12, 106, 122, 183-184.

Invocations, incantations, fragments of chants, p. 104, 106-114, 129-132,

134, 137, 147-148, 166, 171-173, 179-182, 186-187, 191-193, 199, 203.
Many Kenyah words and sentences.
205 J. M. ELSHOUT, De Kenja-Dajaks uit het Apo-Kajangebied.
Bijdragen tot de kennis van Centraal-Borneo. 's-Gravenhage
1926. XI + 523 pp.
Many Kenyah words and sentences. Fragments of chants and incantations.
Map of the Apo Kayan area in front of the book.
206 E. W. F. VAN WALCHREN, Eene reis naar de bovenstreken van
Boe1oengan (Midden-Borneo), 12 Nov. 1905-11 April 1906.
TNAG 2de ser. 24 (1907) p. 755-844.
Some Kenyah words. Teknonymic terms in the Pujungan area, p. 791.
Sketch-map of the Kayan, Bahau and Pujungan-rivers.
207 H. E. D. ENGELHARD, Aanteekeningen betreffende de Kindjin
Dajaks in het landschap Baloengan. TBG 39 (1897) p. 458-495.
Remarks on the language, p. 483-484; numerals and names of the months,
p. 484--486; wordlist (about 140 words), p. 491-494.
208 1. A. N. URQUHART, Some Interior Dialects. SMJ 6. 5 new ser.
(= 20 old ser.), 1955, p. 193-204.
About 200 words in 17 Bornean languages:
Sarawak Malay, Iban (Sea-Dayak), Kayan, Kenyah Sambup" Punan Batu,
Punan Lusong, Punan Gang, Punan Bah, Speng, Bah Malei, Sekepan,
Bukitan, Ukit, Kajaman, Lahanan, Tanjong, Maloh.
209 E. BANKS, Some Kalamantan vocabularies. SMJ 4. 3. 14 (1935)
Malay, Sibop, Skapan, Sabup, Long Bangan, Kajaman, Lanun, Kenyah,
210 F. H. POLLARD and E. BANKS, Teknonymy and other customs
among the Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelamantans and others. SMJ 4. 4.
15 (1937) p. 395--409.
211 E. BANKS, Rice planting customs in the Baram district, Sarawak.
JMBRAS 18. 2 (1940) p. 83-104.
212 S. WAN UWK and A. D. GALVIN, A Kenyah Song. SMJ 6. 5 new
ser. (= 20 old ser.), 1955, p. 287-289.
Song of the Kenyah in the Baram River.
213 J. P. J. BARTH, Boesangsch-NederIandsch Woordenboek. Batavia
1910. XXVIII +343 pp. +

214 R. BURNS, A Vocabulary of the Kayan language of the North-

West of Borneo. Journ. Ind. Arch. 3 (1849) p. 182-192.
215 R. NEEDHAM, Penan and Punan. JMBRAS 27. 1 (1954) p. 73-83.
216 R. NEEDHAM, A Penan Mourning-Usage. BKI 110 (1954)
217 R. NEEDHAM, Punan Ba. JMBRAS 28. 1 (1955) p. 24-36.
The Punan Ba historically and linguistically and in many cultural respects
distinct from the Punan and from the Penan, p. 31.
On the language, p. 32.
Some kinship terms and other words, p. 32, 35.
218 R. S. DOUGLAS, Some Murik Words. SMJ 1. 2 (1912) p. 86-87.
219 R. S. DOUGLAs, The Muriks. SMJ 1. 1 (1911) p. 146-148.
220 E. V. ANDREINI, A Punan Vocabulary. SMJ 4. 3. 14 (1935)
221 C. BOCK, The head-hunters of Borneo. London 1881. XVI +
344 pp.
Appendix IV p. 334-335, approx. 140 Long Wai words.
222 C. BOCK, Reis in Oost- en Zuid-Borneo van Koetei naar Banjer-
massin, ondernomen op last der Indische Regeering in 1879 en
1880. Met aanteekeningen en bijlagen van P. J. B. C. ROBIDE VAN
DER AA, eene historische inleiding over Koetei en de betrekkingen
van dit leenrijk tot de regeering van Nederlandsch-Indie, door
S. W. TROMP, en een atlas van 30 ethnografische platen in
kleurendruk en schetskaart. 's-Gravenhage 1887. 129 pp.
Long Wai wordlist, p. 113-123.
223 A. H. SPAAN, Een landreis van Berouw naar Samarinda. TNAG
zte ser. 18 (1901) p. 7-33, 199-224.
224 M. A. BOUMAN, Ethnografische aanteekeningen omtrent de Gou-
vernementslanden in de boven-Kapoeas, Westerafdeeling van
Borneo. TBG 64 (1924) p. 173-195.
225 J. c. M. RADERMACHER, Bijvoegsels tot de beschrijving der Sun-
dasche eilanden Java, Borneo en Sumatra. VBG III (1781; in
edition printed in Holland: 1787) p. 423-464.
List of words of the language spoken in upper Sanggau, p. 4~39; in
the new edition of 1824 the list is found on p. 280--281.

226 O. CH. DAHL, Malgache et Maanjan. Une comparaison linguis-

tique. Avhandlinger utg. avo Egede-Instituttet 3. Oslo 1951. 408 pp.
Reviews by:
A. CAPELL in Oceania 23 (1952--3) p. 76-78;
I DYEN in Language 29 (1953) p. 577-590;
A. G. HAUDRICOURT in Word 9 (1953) p. 314-315.
N. C. SCOTT in Man 53 (1953) article no. 140, p. 93.
227 H. TROMP, Versuch einer Grammatik der Sprache des dajak-
kischen Stammes der Olon-Maanjan. Mit Anhang: Mythen
Erziihlungen, Sprichwortern.
228 H. SUNDERMANN, Der Dialekt der Olon Maanjan (Dajak) in Siid-
Ost-Borneo. BKI 67 (1913) p. 203-236.
229 H. SUNDERMANN, Dajakkische Fabeln und Erziihlungen. BKI 66
(1912) p. 169-214.
Eleven tales in Maanyan and five in Ngaju with German translation.
230 Surat pangurukan na pakai kawan ia mangadji hang sakola.
Bandjermasin 1897. 90 pp.
Reading book and a few poems.
231 Sarita teka surat Alatalla. Bandjermasin 1883/5. 218 pp.
The Calwer Bible Stories.
Second edit. 1907, 272 pp.
Third edit. 1938, 171 pp. (new title: Soerat sa-rita hengka soerat lengan
232 Surat putut adjar Agama olon Kristen, surat lakudoa anri surat
nj anj ian. Bandjermasin 1910. 158 pp.
Note in copy of SOAS: Catechism & Hymnbook in the language of the
Second edit. % pp., no year, title with oe-spelling instead of u.
233 Surat lengan AlataIIa. Bandjermasin 1917. 176 pp.
Fragments from the New Testament.
234 Lalan Salamat, natotoi hawoeang lengan Alatalla. Bandjermasin
1936. 15 pp.
Fragments from the Bible.
235 Soerat njanit, pakaini ngoerok ia masa soerat. Bandjermasin 1880.
28 pp.
236 Habar salamat manjoe kasaksian Loekas. (Inside:) Lucas Maan-
jan-Dajak. No place, no year. 99 pp.
The gospel according to St. Luke [1950].

237 ]. MALLINCKRODT, Het huwe1ijksrecht bij de Dajaks in de onder-

afdeeling Boentok. TBG 66 (1926) p. 553-603.
List of kinship terms in Maanyan, Lawangan and Dusun, p. 567.
238 [A Sihong translation of Genesis I-XXVI: 5]. Banjermasin
1858.80 pp.
On the first page of the copy of BFBS a handwritten note:
The first writing of the language of Sihong on Borneo (150 miles northern
from Banjermasin), containing a translation of Genesis from chap. 1 to
26 : 5 by E. DENNINGER, missionary.
239 Soerat pangadjaran agama olon kristen. Hoeang bahasa Dajak
Samihim. Bandjermasin, no year. 40 pp.
240 J.MALLINCKRODT, Grond- en waterrechten in de onderafdeeling
Boentok. Ko!. T. 15 (1926) p.60-102.
Data on the tribes living in Buntok and their languages, p. 60-62.
241 J. MALLINCKRODT, De Njoe1i-beweging onder de Lawangan-
Dajaks van de Zuider- en Oosterafdeeling van Borneo. Kol.
St. 9. 6 (1925) p. 396-425.
A few Lawangan words.
242 Soerat Batang adjar agaman oloh kristen. Tinai Soerat Lakoe
doa hapan Basa Taboejan. No place, no year. 8 pp.
The Ten Commandments, Confession of Faith, some prayers.
243 Soerat sarita neke soerat oe1ek Alahtalla. No place, no year. 44 pp.
Biblical tales in Tabuyan.
244 Surat hurup hapa madjar anak 010 mambasa. Bandjermasin 1857.
24 pp.
Several times reprinted.
245 Soerat Hoeroep. Bagi Ia. Ingoean awi Seminarie goeroe Bandjer-
masin. Mangalur 1933. 44 pp.
Spelling book.
246 Soerat hoeroep. Bagi lb. Ingoean awi Seminarie goeroe Bandjer-
masin. Mangalur 1930. 45 pp.
Spelling book.
247 Surat itong akan ihapan anak oloh huang skola. Part 1 2, +
Bandjermasin 1893. 56 +
51 pp. Part 3, Bandjermasin 1894.
58 pp.

248 Lima sansanan 010 Ngadjoe. Bandjermasin 1877. 35 pp.

Five tales in Ngaju.
249 Lima sarita akan 010 Ngadjoe idja radjit'l mambasa soerat, injali-
nan bara basa Balanda akan basan 010 Ngadjoe awi C. VAN
HOEFEN. Bandjermasin 1877. 56 pp.
250 Soerat krookjes akan anak 010 idjii haroe taoe mambasa isoet,
injalinan bara basa balanda akan basan 010 Ngadjoe, awi C. VAN
HOEFEN. Bandjermasin 1880. 30 pp.
251 Viooltjes, soerat sarita akan anak 010 mangadji, injalinan bara
basa Balanda akan basan 010 Ngadjoe awi C. VAN HOEFEN.
Bandjermasin 1880. 89 pp.
252 Hakabeken sarita indu adjar akan oloh bakas tabela. Bandjer-
mas in 1892. 175 pp.
253 Hakabeken sarita indu adjar akan oloh bakas tabela. Bandjer-
masin 1909. Vol. I, 106 pp., vol. II, 80 pp.
254 Hakabeken Sarita. Bagi I. Ingoean awi Seminarie hong Bandjer-
masin. Mangalur 1933. 44 pp.
255 Hakabeken Sarita. Bagi II. Ingoean awi pandita KUHNLE Meng-
katip toentang Seminarie goeroe hong Bandjermasin. Mangalur
1927.62 pp.
256 Surat rinting agama. Bandjarmasin 1854. 112 pp.
257 Palisang oIoh Kristen, manintu lewu sorga, tumon djehi injarita
awi JOHN BUNYAN. Bandjermasin 1879. 104 pp.
Translation of "The Pilgrim's Progress". Sec. edit. 1928. 186 pp.
258 Surat Sarita bara Surat Auh Hatalla. 3 rd edit., Bandjermasin
1875. 244 pp.; 4th edit., Bandjermasin 1883. 292 pp.
259 Surat Djumala Augh bara Surat Hatalla Awang Kampili.
Bandjarmasin 1855. 182 pp.
260 Surat batang adjar agaman oIoh kristen tinai surat laku doa
tuntang surat njanji. Bandjermasin 1876. 96 95 pp. +
Many times reprinted, with small differences in title and contents.
261 Saritan Gawin Rasul. Bandjermasin 1904. 135 pp.

262 Ampin hoeang atei olon, ie hoeman Hatalla atawa eka setan djete
imprahan awi sapoeloeh gambar idje inarang awi JOHANNES
GoSSNER, injalinan bara basa Doeis awi Pandita C. HENDRICK.
3'd edit. Stuttgart 1927. 55 pp.
The first edit. appeared in 1905 (64 pp.); on the title-page the missionary
H. TROMP is mentioned as collaborator.
263 Djalan salamat, insanan hoeang hakabeken bawak aoech Soerat
Hatalla. Pandahang batang adjar. 3rd edit. Bandjermasin 1933.
16 pp.
Fragments of the New Testament.
264 Soerat Pandohop akan Pansanan Ewanggelion. Rinting horoi
kakare adjar akan oloh idje handak tame Oengkoep Oloh Kristen.
2 nd edit. Bandjermasin 1937. 15 pp.
Inside a note: Hilfsbiichlein fiir Evangelisten in der Ngadju-Dajak Sprache.
The first edit. appeared in 1913.
265 Panoendjoek djalan salamat, soerat adjar tahioe kapertjajan oIoh
Kristen Evangelis injalinan toentang ingoean toemon soerat toean
E. BUDDEBERG awi K. E[PPLE]. Bandjermasin 1937. 106 pp.
Inside a note: Ein Wegweiser zur Seligkeit. Christliche Glaubenslehre.
266 Saritan Toehan Jesoes hoeang Minggo Toenis. 1941. 34 pp.
267 Dindang induan bara Almanak 1910, ingarang awi ARNOLD
NGANTOENG. Bandjermasin 1910. 15 pp.
Microfilm in the Royal Institute in The Hague; one copy of the book is in
268 Atoran hoeang oengkoep oloh kristen hong Borneo Salatan. No
place, 1930. 28 pp.
Regulations for Christian communities in S. Borneo.
269 Soerat atoran sombahjang toentang kare gawe brasih hoeang
Gredja Dajak Evangelis. 2"d edit. Bandjermasin 1937. 65 pp.
Inside a note: Agende fUr die Evangelische Dajakkirche.
270 Tahioe Gredja Dajak. Ampin tamparae toentang Pesta Pangingat
100 njelo. Bandjermasin 1935. 20 pp.
Booklet published on the occasion of the centenary of the mission and the
Qreation of an independent Dayak church.
271 Daftar bawak Kotak, idje babehat rimae hoeang soerat Bibel tinai
Aoech Hatalla idje taoe imbasa akan hakabeken katikae. Bandjer-
masin 1938. 27 pp.
Inside note: Biblische Hauptbegriffe (Konkordanz).

272 Soerat Lagon Njanji, idje ihapan oloh Kristen hoeang sombahjang
toentang metoh pesta. 2nd edit. Hildburghausen, no year. 158 pp.
273 Soerat njanji akan anak sakola. 2nd edit., no place, 1924. 16 pp.
274 Njanji Pesta akan oloh kristen lintih toentang igoean tingkat idje
doee, awi pandita K. EpPLE. Bandjermasin 1924.40 pp.
275 Soerat njanji idje ihapan oIoh kristen. Bandjermasin 1923. 158pp.
Another slightly enlarged edition appeared in 1930. 176 pp.
276 Njanji Taheta, Pandahang soerat njanji akan oloh kristen impa-
Ioea awi njonjah R. KUHNLE. Bandjermasin 1937.
277 Soerat njanji pandehan idje ihapan hoeang Geredja Dajak.
Basel 1948.
Booklet containing a selection of hymns from the congregational hymnbook,
which is out of print. It was printed under the supervision of the Rev.
GOTTIN [note on the cover of the copy of the Basle Mission].

278 Surat Brasi Djandji Taheta ain Toehan toentang djoeroe salamat
itah Jesoes Kristoes, injalinan Bara Poena Basae akan Basan
Oloh Ngadjoe hong Poelau Borneo. Kaapstad 1846. 458 pp.
First ed. of the New Testament.
279 Surat brasih Djandji idjii solake. Amsterdam 1858. Vol. I,
768 pp., vol. II, 568 pp.
Translation of the Old Testament. The same translation is found in the
complete edition of the Bible.
280 Bibel Hi iii: hapus surat Hatalla idjii brasih, djandji idjii solake
tuntang djandji taheta. Amsterdam 1858. 1336 +
541 pp.
Translation of the Old and New Testament.
281 Soerat Brasih Djandji Taheta ain Toehan Toentang Djoeroe-
salamat itah Jesoes Kristoes, injalinan bara poena basae akan
basan oloh Ngadjoe hong Poelau Borneo. Leiden 1926. III +
511 pp.
Third ed. of the translation of the New Testament.
282 Surat Barasih injalinan bara puna basae akan basan Oloh
Ngadjoe hong pulau Kalimantan. Djakarta 1955. 1193 416 +
+ 2 pp.
Second ed. of the Old and New Testament. A few comments on biblical
terms and proper names, p. 416-418.
283 Ewanggelion injoerat Mateoes. Bandjermasin 1940. 132 pp.

284 Keleh djaka ikan mangasene. No place, no year. 2 pp.

The title is a translation of St. Luke 19 : 42. Not available in Holland,
one copy in Basle.
285 Surat Imadeddin, atawa saritan oloh pintar, idja solake salam
rahian mandjadi oloh Kristen. 1a • ed. Tumbang-Kapuas 1897.
30 pp. 2nd ed. Bandjermasin 1885. 16 pp.
Life story of an Islamite convewted to Christianity, translated into Ngaju
by B. VAN NES.
A microfilm is now in the library of the Royal Institute in The Hague.
286 Katapas itah ngadju tuntang djalan dohop tinai auh adjar mala-
wan hadat mihop. No place, 1895. 32 pp.
Tract against alcoholic excess.
A microfilm is in the library of the Royal Institute in The Hague, a copy
of the book is in Basle.
287 ROSA KUHNLE, Mahaga anak awau. Bandjermasin 1937. 62 pp.
On baby care.
288 Pira-pira tjerita bara surat Hatalla. Batavia 1843.
Stories from Genesis, II+37 pp.
Stories kom the New Testament, II + 100 pp.
289 A. HARDELAND, Duii tamparae sombajang; awi - pandita,
Borneo, Pulopetak, 1845. 10 pp.
290 Tjerita karadjan Hatalla tuntang augh adjar bara surat Hatalla
tinei sombajang dan nj anj ian. Elberfeld 1845.
History of the Kingdom of God in Ngaju. Hymns with music.
291 A. HARDELAND, Pira-pidi njanjian akantara Hatalla. Borneo,
injurat hong Pulautelo. 1845. 20 pp.
292 Surat akan 010 Ngadju hong pulau Borneo. Ilambagan hong lewu
Kapstad, tanah Aprika. Njelo 1846. IV 131 pp.+
Lessons in history in Ngaju. By A. HARDELAND.

293 Surat tjerita bara karadjaan Hatalla, tuntang augh adjar bara
surat Hata1la, tuntang augh hapan sombajang; laku doa; njanian.
Kapstad, tanah Aprika. Njelo 1846. IX +
221 pp.
History and Lessons, with Hynms in Ngaju. By A. HARDELAND.

294 Surat hapan adjar membasa. Kapstad 1846. 24 pp. without title-
Ngaju-primew. By A. HARDELAND.

295 Brita Bahalap.

Publication of the Christian Community, appears every fortnight at Banjar-
Although probably the publication started already in 1913 no copies of the
period 1913-1923 were to be found; the Basle Mission only possesses
the series 1924-1940. In 1954 the paper reappeared as a monthly, edited
in the Bahasa Indonesia. The issues of the year 1927 can be consulted
in the Royal Institute at The Hague.
296 Almanak atawa Rinting andau, bulan (later: boelan). Bandjer-
masin 1880 and following years. 63 pp.
297 H. C. VON DER GABELENTZ, Beitriige zur Sprachenkunde. Erstes
Heft: Grammatik der Dajaksprache. Leipzig 1852. 48 pp.
298 A. HARDELAND, Versuch einer Grammatik der Dajackschen
Sprache. Amsterdam 1858. VIII 374 pp. +
Texts with interlinear German translation and notes p. 207-374.
299 A. HARDELAND, Dajacksch-Deutsches Worterbuch. Amsterdam
1859. VIII + 638 pp.
300 Miss. Inspektor WALLMANN, Grammatik der Pulopetak-Dajack-
sprache fUr Anfiinger. Barmen 1856.47 pp.
ShQrt grammatical sketch with little wordlist p. 1-23, followed by a
translation of the Gospel of St. Mark XIV in Pulopetak, Banjar-Malay
and classical Malay.
A copy is available at Wuppertal; the Royal Institute at The Hague
possesses a microfilm-reproduction.
301 H. KERN, Taalkundige gegevens ter bepaling van het Stamland
der Maleisch-Polynesische volken. Collected writings 6 (1917)
302 R. BRANDSTETTER, Malaio-polynesische Forschungen. Zweite
Reihe. III. Ein Prodomus zu einem vergleichenden Worterbuch
der malaio-polynesischen Sprachen fUr Sprachforscher und
Ethnographen. Luzern 1906. 74 pp.
303 R. BRANDSTETTER, Mata-Hari oder Wanderungen eines indone-
sischen Sprachforschers durch die drei Reiche der Natur. Luzern
1908. 55 pp.
304 R. BRANDSTETTER, Wurzel und Wort in den indonesischen Spra-
chen. Luzern 1910. 50 pp.

305 O. DEMPWOLFF, Entstehung von Nasalen und Nasalverbindungen

im Ngadju (Dajak). ZES 13 (1922) p. 161-205.
306 O. DEMPWOLFF, Vergleichende LautIehre des austronesischen
Wortschatzes. Zweiter Band: Deduktive Anwendung des Ur-
indonesischen auf Austronesische Einzelsprachen. Berlin 1937.
307 W. AICHELE, Eine neu erschlossene friihindonesische Literatur-
sprache in ihrem Einflusz auf das Altjavanische. ZDMG 90
(1936) p. *18*-*19*.
308 I. DYEN, Dempwol££'s R. Language 29. 3 (1953) p. 359-366.
309 I. DYEN, The Ngaju-Dayak 'Old Speech Stratum'. Language 32.
1 (1956) p. 83-87.
310 K. D. EpPLE, Kurze Einfiihrung in die Ngadjoe-Dajaksprache.
Bandjermasin 1933. 84 pp.
311 K. D. EpPLE, Soerat Logat Basa Ngadjoe. Orthographisches
Worterverzeichnis der Sprache der Oloh Ngadjoe Dajak.
Bandjermasin 1922. 73 pp.
312 J. C. M. RADERMACHER, Beschrijving van het eiland Borneo, voor
zo verre het zelve, tot nu toe, bekend is. VBG 2 (1780)
p. 107-148. In second Batavia ed. (1823) p. 43-69.
17 Banjarese words, p. 115. In second Batavia ed. on p. 48.
Wordlist of "Biadjoos" (21 WQl"ds), p. 138-139. In second Batavia ed.
on p. 63.
313 K. W. TIEDTKE, Woordenlijst der Sampitsche en Katingansche
taal. VBG 36 (1872) p. 1-93.
Wordlist: Malay, Sampit, Katingan, Dutch, with the numerals at the end.
314 C. HUPE, Korte verhandeling over de godsdienst, zeden, enz. der
Dajakkers. TNI 8. 3 (1846) p. 127-172, 245-280.
Several words of the Pulopetak language.
Prayer, text and translation, p. 133-134.
Curses, text and translation, p. 165--166.
On the "Behasa Sangiang" p. 166-167.
A text, "Dayak manuscript" (?), with translation, p. 167-172.
Riddles (tingkes), text and 1;ranslation, p. 252r-280.
315 F. GRABOWSKY, Ueber Aesserungen geistigen Lebens bei den 010
Ngadju in Sued-Ost-Borneo. BKI 38 (1889) p. 144-152.
A few sayings.

316 F. GRABOWSKY, Familie, Verwandtschaft und Freundschaft bei

den 010 Ngadju in S.O.Borneo. BKI 38 (1889) p. 463-466.
A few kinship terms.
317 J.
MALLINCKRODT, Ethnografische mededeelingen over de Dajaks
in de afdeeling Koealakapoeas (Res. Zuider- en Oosterafd. van
Borneo). BKI 80 (1924) p. 397-446, 521-600; 81 (1925)
p. 62-115, 165-310.
318 J. MALLINCKRODT, Het begrip djawi bij de Dajak van Zuid
Borneo. Kol. T. 16. 6 (1927) p. 629-651.
een Dajaksche priesterzang. TBG 68 (1928) p. 292-347.
320 H. SCHARER, Die Gottesidee der Ngadju Dajak in Sud-Borneo.
Leiden doctoral thesis. Leiden 1946. VII 236 pp. + pI. + +
map of S. Borneo.
Beilage I, Die Schopfungsmythe, p. 185-223; text with translation in
321 K. M. HELBIG, Die Insel Borneo in Forschung und Schrifttum.
Sprachforschung, p. 187-188. Schrift und Sprache, p. 321-324.
Mitteilungen der Geograph. Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 52 (1955)
p. 105-395; with ill. and map.
On linguistic research, p. 187-188.
322 K. EpPLE, Aoech Bara ahkan Oeloen Kristen. Banjermasin 1937.
32 pp. sec. edit.
Biblical stories, Prayers and hymns in Ot Danum, first edit. 1914.
323 N ain bara indan Doeloen kristen soewan ingkan soerat Mahatara
hintang nain butang bara. No place (Bandjermasin ?), 1931. 44 pp.
Biblical stories, catechism, prayers in Siang Dayak.


Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indie, 2nd ed.

I-IV, A-Z, samengesteld door J. PAULUS e.a. Den Haag-Leiden
V -IXj2 Supplement, onder redactie van D. G. STIBBE e.a. Ibid.

J. C. HOOYKAAs, Repertorium op de koloniale litteratuur ... 1595-

1865. Ter perse bezorgd door W. N. DU RlEU. 2 vols. Amsterdam
1877-1880. Continued in:
A. HARTMANN, Repertorium op de litteratuur betreffende de Neder-
landsche Kolonien, voor zoover zij verspreid is in tijdschriften en
mengelwerken. I, Oost-Indie. 1866-1893. 's-Gravenhage 1895.
1·'°--8'" vervolg. 1894-1932. Ibid. 1901-1935. Continued in:
Netherlands East Indies: a bibliography of books published after 1930
and periodicals articles after 1932 available in U.S. libraries. By
B. LANDHEER. 208 pp. Washington 1945.
Catalogus der Bibliotheek van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de
Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie en het Indisch Genoot-
schap, door G. P. ROUFFAER en W. C. MULLER. IX + 1053 pp.
's-Gravenhage 1908.
Eerste Supplement, door W. C. MULLER. VIII +
426 pp. ibid. 1915.
Tweede Supplement, door W. C. MULLER. VIII +
459 pp. ibid. 1927.
Derde Supplement, VIII +
439 pp. ibid. 1937.
A fourth Supplement is in preparation.
R. KENNEDY, Bibliography of Indonesian peoples and cultures.
Revised ed. New Haven 1955.
F. H. VAN NAERSEN, Litteratuur-overzicht voor de Taal-, Land- en
Volkenkunde en geschiedenis van Nederlandsch-Indie voor het jaar
1936, 1937. 's-Gravenhage [1937], 1938.
id. 1938, 1939 door H. VAN MEuRs. Ibid. 1939, 1940.
For further years see the bibliography in Culturee1 Indie (Leiden
1939-1946) and now in TNAG.
Linguistic bibliography for the years 1939 ~ . Utrecht-Anvers
1949 ~.
For Sanskrit words in Indonesian languages see: J. GoNDA, Sanskrit
in Indonesia. XXIX +456 pp. With linguistic map. Nagpur 1952.
For the lan&uages of Borneo see especially p. 51.


BFBS The British and Foreign Bible Society.

BKI Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (before 1949 ~
van Nederlandsch-Indie), ed. by Koninklijk Instituut voor
Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (before 1949 K. I. voor de
T. L. en V. van Nederlandsch-Indie).
Geogr. Journ. The Geographical Journal.
JMBRAS Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
JRAI The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of
Great Britain and Lreland.
JSBRAS Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
J ourn. Ind. Arch. The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia.
Kol. St. Koloniale Studien.
Kol. T. Koloniaal Tijdschrift.
Proc. R. Ge<>gil". Soc. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society.
SMJ The Sarawak Museum Journal.
SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies, University of
TNAG Tijdschrift Koninklijk Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig
TBG Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde.
TNI Tijdschrift vow. Nederlandsch-Indie.
Tijdschr. BB Tijdschrift voor het Binnenlandsch Bestuur.
VBG Verhandelingen van het (Koninklijk) Bataviaasch Genoot-
schap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.
VKI Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-,
Land- en Volkenkunde.
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.
ZES Zeitschrift fur Eingebot"enen-Sprachen.


Adang 22 Labu 31
Lahanan 35
Bajau 27-28 Land Dayak 13-17
Ba Mali 34 Lawangan 41
Banjarese 9-10 Long Glat 38
Basap dialects 31 Long Wai 38
Beketan 36-37
Bintulu 20 Maanyan 39-41
Bisaya 20-21 Malay Dialects 7-13
Bok 35 Matu Melanau 19
Brunei Malay 8 Melanau 17-20
Bulud-Upi 28-29 Modang 38
Busang 33-34 Mualang 12
Mukah Melanau 19
Dali Dusun 25 Murik 34--35
Delang 10
Dusun 24, 39-41 Ngaju 42-45
Dusun De(y)ah 39-41 Nibong 35
Nonukan 30
Embaloh 38-39 North Borneo Murut
Dialects 23-24
Iban (- Sea Dayak) 10-12
Ida'an 25 Ot Danum 45-46
Illanun 28 Oya S Melanau 19

Kajaman 35 Padas 22
Kayan 33-34 Pa Kemaloh 23
Kelabit 22 Pasir Malay 9
Kendayan Dayak 13-17 Peluan 23
Keningau 23-24 Penchangan 30
Kenyah 32-33 Penihing 37
Kimanis 25 Penyabung 37
Kuijau 23 Punan Ba 36-37
Kutai-Malay 8 Punan Batu 37

Rundum 23 Sintang Malay 10

Speng 35
Sajau Basap 31 Sulu 29
Sambas Malay 10
Samihim 39-41
Tabuyan 42
Sarawak Malay 7-8
Tarakan 30
Sarawak Murut 21-23
Tempasuk 25
Sea Dayak (= Iban) 10--12
Tengara 23
Sedalir 30
Tidung dialects 29-30
Segai 38
Timugan 24
Sekapan 36
Treng 23
Semabu 24
Trusan 22
Sembakung 30
Seputan 37
Sibop 35 Ubian 28
Si(h)ong 39-40 Ukit 36-37
Simbakong 30 Ulu Malay 10

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