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Rochim B Cahyono

Komunitas : Ekotek B Teknik Kimia

Pengantar Ekonomi Teknik

Learning outcome
 Mampu menerapkan konsep yang
berkaitan dengan nilai waktu dari uang
 Mampu melakukan analisis keuntungan
dan kemenarikan ekonomi
 Mampu memilih alternatif investasi
berdasarkan analisis benefit cost ratio
Course topics
a. Modal tetap dan modal kerja.
b. Jenis-jenis biaya.
c. Konsep nilai waktu dari uang.
d. Analisis cash flow.
e. Depresiasi.
f. Analisis keuntungan.
g. Parameter-parameter untuk menyatakan profitabilitas (NPV,
ROI, Payback period, IRR/DCFRR, BEP, SDP, dll.).
h. Metode-metode pembandingan alternatif rencana investasi.
i. Proses pengambilan keputusan berbasis analisis ekonomi
atas alternatif rencana investasi.
j. Analisis kasus yang mengandung ketidakpastian.
k. Analisis sensitivitas ekonomi.
Course outline …
Week Topic Sub-topics
1 Introduction Course outline, learning outcome, course contract,
Principles of engineering economic ,Engineering
economic application in Chemical Engineering fields
2 Cash Flow Cash flow definition, Cash income, Cash cost, Cash
flow development in the form in the form of table and
3 Time Value of Money Simple interest: ordinary and exact, Compound
interest: nominal and effective
4 Time Value of Money Uniform series payment, Uniform series compound
(continued) amount factor, uniform series sinking fund factor
Capital recovery, Present value uniform series
5 Time Value of Money Arithmetic gradient, Geometric gradient
6 Investment Plan Present value analysis, Annual value analysis
7 Economical Analysis Uncertainty factors and risk
with Risk Consideration
… Course outline
Week Topic Sub-topics
8 Economical Analysis with Problem solving process in economical analysis
Risk Consideration with risk consideration
9 Capital Fixed capital, Working capital
10 Expense Expenses in plant operation, Manufacturing cost,
General expense
11 Depreciation and Profit Depreciation, Sales, Profit
12 Profitability Parameters Percent profit on sales, ROI, Venture profitability,
Pay-out time
13 Profitability Parameters IRR/DCFRR, BEP, SDP
14 Case studies
Rule & Assessment
 Minimum attendance is 75%.
 Grading:
 Homework & other assignment: 20% (max)
 Midterm exam: 35%
 Final exam: 45%
 Newnan, D.G., Engineering Economic
 Degarmo, E.P., Sullivan, W.G., and
Bontadelli, J.A., Engineering Economy
 Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D.,
Plant Design and Economics for
Chemical Engineers
 Couper, Process Engineering
Introduction to Engineering economics
What is Economics?
 “A science that deals with the allocation,
or use, of scarce (avalaible) resources for
the purpose of fulfilling society’s needs
and wants.” – Addison-Wesley
Dealing With Scarcity –
When There Is Not Enough For Everyone - Someone Suffers
Engineering Economy
 It deals with the concepts and
techniques of analysis useful in
evaluating the worth of systems,
products, and services in relation to their
Engineering Economy
 It is used to answer many different questions
 Which engineering projects are worthwhile?
○ Has the mining or petroleum engineer shown that the
mineral or oil deposits is worth developing?
 Which engineering projects should have a higher
○ Has the industrial engineer shown which factory
improvement projects should be funded with the
available dollars?
 How should the engineering project be designed?
○ Has civil or mechanical engineer chosen the best
thickness for insulation?

 Konsep “equivalence” yang digunakan dalam

Ekonomi Teknik akan membantu kita untuk
mengerti, bahwa untuk sejumlah uang yang
berbeda dalam waktu yang berbeda, bisa
dianggap sama dalam term ekonomi.
 Disini kita juga akan belajar bahwa “faktor
bunga” sederhana (simple interest) akan
berbeda dengan bunga majemuk (compound
Keputusan Strategis Didasarkan Ekonomi
 Pemilihan Peralatan dan Proses
 Penggantian Peralatan
 Produk Baru dan Perluasan Produk
 Pengurangan Biaya
 Perbaikan Pelayanan
 Public Works
 Cost Effectiveness

Identifikasi Masalah, Menetapkan tujuan

• CashFlow : perkiraan arus kas
masuk (pendapatan) dan arus
Alternatif 1 Alternatif 2 kas keluar (biaya) dari uang.

Mesin Baru Upgrade mesin lama

Deskripsi dan informasi Deskripsi dan informasi

•Perkiraan Income
Cashflow selama dan biaya Cashflow selama
Beberapa periode •Strategi pembiayaan Beberapa periode
•Peraturan Pajak • Analisis Menggunakan
Ekonomi Teknik : Perhitungan
yang mempertimbangkan time
Analysis dengan •Nilai waktu dari uang Analysis dengan value of money, dilakukan
menggunakan model •Suku Bunga menggunakan model pada arus kas untuk setiap
Ekonomi Teknik •Nilai keseluruhan Ekonomi Teknik alternatif untuk mendapatkan
hasil pengukuran.

Evaluasi Menghitung nilai Evaluasi

Alternatif 1 Keseluruhan Alternatif 2

• Pemilihan Alternatif : Hasil

pengukuran tersebut
dibandingkan, dan dipilih yang
paling baik. Ini adalah hasil
dari analisis ekonomi teknik.

Atribut non ekonomis yang harus dipertimbangkan

Implementasi alternatif yang dipilih

Making Economic Decisions
 Every decision we make involves
trade-offs – alternatives that we must
give up when we make a choice
 The most desirable of the options you
pass up is called the Opportunity

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