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Grammar quiz chaps. 1-2 Nomen mihi _____________________________ est.

Cane is the ablative of canis. Eheu = Oh no! ē = ex

Hodie = ‘today’ Currus celer = fast (celer) chariot (currus) Necat = kills
Ieiunus, ieiuna = hungry Intrat = comes onto/ into Bonus = good
Post = after, behind Euge = good job!

Puella Horatia in casā1 cum Argo cane habitat. Hodie Argus ieiunus est. cena non parata est nam Horatia cum Horatiō in

uiā ludit. Argus Horatiam uocat, sed Horatia eum non audit. Eheu! Currus celer in uiam intrat, sed puer et puella non

audiunt.2 Sed Argus currum audit! Argus celer in uiam intrat. Puellam 3 rapit et ē uiā exit. Horatius post Argum ē uiā exit.

Currus puellam non necat. Argus bonus canis est. Euge, canis! Argus tandem in casam intrat et cenam habet.

English to Latin:

Flaccus lives in the house, but works in the field and drinks wine (uinum) in the tavern (taberna).

What gender, number, and case is casā in, and why that case?

Explain the ending on audiunt.

What gender, number, and case is puellam in, and why that case?

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