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Grammar quiz chaps. 5 Nomen mihi _____________________________ est.

Extra credit: List the ablative-taking prepositions and/ or illustrate the passage.

Mycenae, -arum – the city Mycene (always plural) Hoc – this Ipse, ipsa, ipsum – itself
Diu – for a long time Spolia n. pl. – booty, spoils, loot Uerbum, uerbi n. - word
Miles, militis m. – soldier Nobis – ablative of “us” Uiuus –a –um = Alive (vivus)
Thersites, Thersitis – Thersites, a common Greek Rapio –ere – to steal Deinde – then
infantryman Nullus –a –um = no, none Specto –are = watch
Dux, ducis m. – leader, chief Nihil - nothing

Agamemnon, rex Mycenarum, omnes principes Graecorum conuocat. Iubet eos bellum in Troianos parare. Ad urbem

Troiam navigant et Troianos oppugnant, sed Troiani urbem fortiter defendunt. Diu pugnant Graeci cum Troianis, sed

urbem fortem capere non possunt.

Ergo Thersites, miles Graecus, ad exercitum Graecorum clamat, “Hoc bellum 1 stultum est! Fortiter pugnamus, sed duces

omnia spoilia a nobis rapiunt. Diu in bello pugnamus, sed quid habemus? Nulla spolia, nullam gloriam, nihil sed mortem

ipsam2 habemus. Abire cupio! Venite cum me, comites!”

“Tace, Thersites, et noli uerbum unum dicere 3.” Odysseus inquit, “Tacete omnes! Uiui non abitis.” Deinde Thersitem


Omnes Graecorum taciti territique spectant. Tactiti in bellum redeunt.

What gender, number, and case is bellum in, and why is it in that case?

What gender, number, and case is ipsam in, and why is it in that case?

What form of the verb is dicere, and why is that form being used?

What is the subject of occidit and how did you figure that out?

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