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Workshop : 13.

Seeking Divine Empowerment and Types Of Power, Part 2

Subtopics :
Seeking Divine Empowerment and Types Of Power, Part 1
1. Types of Power
2. What is Empowerment?

Seeking Divine Empowerment and Types Of Power, Part 2

3. How to Recognize an empowered devotee?
4. Seeking Divine Empowerment
5. Srila Prabhupada’s mood in accepting Lord’s empowerment

[3] How to recognize an empowered devotee?

Any place where the Supreme Personality of Godhead is present by His name, form, qualities or
paraphernalia immediately becomes a dhäma. For example, we speak of Våndävana-dhäma, Dvärakä-
dhäma and Mathurä-dhäma because in these places the name, fame, qualities and paraphernalia of the
Supreme Godhead are always present. Similarly,

, as explained here by the words duräsado

'tidurdharsaù. [SB 10.2.17]

…..çaktyäveça-avatäras are incarnations of Viñëu's power invested in a living entity. Living entities are
also part and parcel of Lord Viñëu, but they are not as powerful; therefore when a living entity
descends as an incarnation of Viñëu, he is especially empowered by the Lord. When King Påthu is
described as an incarnation of Lord Viñëu, it should be understood that he is a çaktyäveça-avatära, part
and parcel of Lord Viñëu, and is specifically empowered by Him.

though such offenders may dress as Vaiñëavas with false tilaka and mälä, they are never forgiven by
the Lord if they offend a pure Vaiñëava. [SB 4.19.37]

________________________ __________________________ _________________________

________________________ __________________________ _________________________

________________________ __________________________ _________________________

naivaà-vidhaù puruña-kära urukramasya
puàsäà tad-aìghri-rajasä jita-ñaò-guëänäm
citraà vidüra-vigataù sakåd ädadéta
yan-nämadheyam adhunä sa jahäti bandham
My dear King, a devotee who has taken shelter of the dust from the lotus feet of the Lord can
transcend the influence of the six material whips—namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old
age and death—and he can conquer the mind and five senses. However, this is not very wonderful for
a pure devotee of the Lord because even a person beyond the jurisdiction of the four castes—in other
words, an untouchable—is immediately relieved of bondage to material existence if he utters the holy
name of the Lord even once.

Caitanya Mahäprabhu
therefore teaches us to take shelter of the Lord's lotus feet:
ayi nanda-tanuja kiìkaraà patitaà mäà viñame bhaväàbudhau
kåpayä tava päda-paìkaja- sthita-dhülé-sadåçaà vicintaya
"O son of Nanda Mahäräja, I am Your eternal servant, yet somehow or other I have fallen into the
ocean of birth and death. Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place me as one of the atoms
of Your lotus feet." [Cc. Antya 20.32, Çikñäñöaka 5]

ACTIVITY : : (5 min)

1. One who chanted 3 lac names day _______________________

2. One who preached KC all over the world _______________________
3. One who leapt over the Ocean without a bridge _______________________
4. One who could win over great Generals in battle _______________________
5. One who knew the heart of Supreme Lord Caitanya _______________________
6. One who is empowered with Bhakti to deliver all types of people _______________________
7. One who was empowered to offer protection to praja _______________________
8. One who was empowered to destroy the evil kings _______________________
9. Prince who was spiritualized by the touch of a conch _______________________
10. Born in family of Demons spiritualized by touch of Lord’s hands _______________________

Because of the material body, every living entity in material existence is always disturbed by sad-guëa,
six whips—hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, invalidity and death. Furthermore, another sad-guëa
are the mind and five sense organs. Not to speak of a sanctified devotee, even a caëòäla, an outcaste,
who is untouchable, is immediately freed from material bondage if he utters the holy name of the Lord
even once.

Herein it is said, however, that

Being freed means that he
immediately changes his body. Sanätana Gosvämé confirms this:
yathä käïcanatäà yäti käàsyaà rasa-vidhänataù
tathä dékñä-vidhänena dvijatvaà jäyate nåëäm
When a person, even though a caëòäla, is initiated by a pure devotee into chanting the holy name of
the Lord, his body changes as he follows the instructions of the spiritual master. Although one cannot
see how his body has changed, we must accept, on the grounds of the authoritative statements of the
çästras, that he changes his body. This is to be understood without arguments. This verse clearly says,
sa jahäti bandham: "He gives up his material bondage."



[4] Seeking Divine Empowerment

The best students always display great prayerfulness, concentration and reverence toward teachers and
carriers of the tradition. These students understand that their teachers’ knowledge has not come
cheaply, and, because theirs is a rather mystical art, they realize that obedience to their teachers’
commands summons great mercy to them while fighting.

GROUP ACTIVITY : : (5 min)

Example : When Hanuman set out to begin his project for searching Sita, he climbed on Mahendra mountain,
folded his palms, closed his eyes, meditated and to Vayu, his father, Surya, his guru and Lord Rama, Lord of
his life and thus he came out successful in his attempts by their empowerment. He also
by not accepting the comfortable residence offered by Mainaka mountain. He
by becoming tiny in front of Surasa demon who showed enlarged mouth. Thus he could proceed on his mission
without hindrance. He had while at Lanka, by many beautiful women.
of celibacy, he could and thus his character has become immortalized
in the hearts of all people since time immemorial. Example What empowerment did he/she pray for? What he/she felt incapable of? Why?
What are Extra-ordinary Results of Prayer?
1 Srila Prabhupada

2 Advaita Acarya

3 Rupa goswami

4 Arjuna

5 Brahma

Similarly, devotees of the Lord always summon permission, assistance, guidance and love from senior
authorities. Wherever we may be incompetent to accomplish a goal, our predecessors’ aid is
indispensable. The ultimate victor is always that group or individual most closely aligned with God’s
will. Receiving the blessings and endorsement of predecessors is a large part of the potency contained in
almost all spiritual activities.

In the path of Spiritual life, we nourish our souls by hearing and chanting, serving and sharing. By
active learning we can get the spiritual strength to approach the Supreme Lord through prayer for
empowerment. Active Learning means Analysing, Evaluating, discussing, writing, problem-solving
when we hear from the Scriptures from great souls.
Principles of Active Learning are Sravana, manana, nididhyasana [Brhad-aranyaka Upanishad]
Sravana is to hear and learn from a competent, live teacher in a consistent and systematic way over a
prolonged period of time.
Manana : After hearing on a subject, one needs to practice manana : to ask what does this mean? And
reflect upon this until there are no doubts left and truth is seen with clarity.

Nididhyasana : deep, profound meditation. This is best accomplished by meditating on how to utilize
the teachings and then applying them. By such application one engages with the teachings and
assimilates them so that he `owns’ them. This requires repeated meditation on the teachings and
repeated application. Even if we fail seven times, we will succeed the eighth time!
Thus to learn how to come closer to the lotus feet of Supreme Lord and get empowered to serve :
a) Sravana can be compared with bringing food to the mouth,
b) manana with chewing it and
c) nididhyasana with swallowing and digesting it
d) vandanam or by praying, even a daunting task of focusing our restless mind becomes easy

Entering the mood of Receiver than Achiever :

For genuine practitioner of KC, an apparently insurmountable obstacle is cause for excitement,
because we wonder what our wonderful Lord will do. The journey becomes an adventure with an
unknown outcome. Perhaps He will bring order to chaos, clean up the nonsense and perform some
kind of miracle—making the impossible a reality. Everything is based on our level of devotion and
commitment. The real workers for God are almost gleeful when there is a problem that requires the
Lord’s intervention because they know that the Lord will never let them down.
In gaining empowerment, one should enter the mood of a receiver rather than achiever. While
performing any spiritual practice, we have to train ourselves to do this because ultimately the secrets of
KC are gifts given by Krishna. That means we cannot present our qualifications to Krishna and
demand Him to give us the gift of His mercy; instead, we have to enter the right mood and attract
Krishna by :
a) Opening ourselves up to higher guidance and watch readily for the little hints that come our way.
b) Patiently endure the ups and downs as we enter new territories
c) Not expect Krishna to reveal Himself in the way we want
d) Be grateful to accept whatever comes
We will get much more than what we expected and often through unexpected avenues!


[5] Srila Prabhupada’s mood in receiving Lord’s and Guru’s empowerment

In Jaladhuta Srila Prabhupada wrote a poem which was a prayer to Lord Kåñëa, and it is filled with
Prabhupäda's devotional confidence in the mission that he had undertaken on behalf of his spiritual
master. An English translation of the opening stanzas follows:
I emphatically say to you, O brothers, you will obtain your good fortune from the Supreme Lord Kåñëa
only when Çrématé Rädhäräëé becomes pleased with you.
Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura, who is very dear to Lord Gauräìga [Lord Caitanya],
the son of Mother Çacé, is unparalleled in his service to the Supreme Lord Çré Kåñëa. He is that great,
saintly spiritual master who bestows intense devotion to Kåñëa at different places throughout the
By his strong desire, the holy name of Lord Gauräìga will spread throughout all the countries of the
Western world. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and
streams, everyone will chant the holy name of Kåñëa.
As the vast mercy of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu conquers all directions, a flood of transcendental
ecstasy will certainly cover the land. When all the sinful, miserable living entities become happy, the
Vaiñëavas' desire is then fulfilled.
Although my Guru Mahäräja ordered me to accomplish this mission, I am not worthy or fit to do it. I
am very fallen and insignificant. Therefore, O Lord, now I am begging for Your mercy so that I may
become worthy, for You are the wisest and most experienced of all...
The poem ends:
Today that remembrance of You came to me in a very nice way. Because I have a great longing I called
to You. I am Your eternal servant, and therefore I desire Your association so much. O Lord Kåñëa,
except for You there is no means of success.
In the same straightforward, factual manner in which he had noted the date, the weather, and his state
of health,


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