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bos i & | a 2k 251 2RSH Principal dimensions __Basicloadratings Fatigue Speed ratings Mass Designations Game. sate” leadlimit Reference Umiting Bearing speed speed operareapped capped onone op 6B G Py fonbothsaes Set! om oy ia ‘in 6 7 3055) «997353. 2B000 «1700089» 26008, - cm 5513 1S 0355 © 28000 «1700002» 6008 : 5 Re 8a cass #009 042 + 006-2es1——_—G06-RSa 5B ke 0355 28000 140002» 006-2RZ 6006-Rz 5 1 BB BB 0355 © 28000 © 44000 «42+ 600.22 (6006-2 51) B38 0355 = ‘5000 017 3006-2Rst = @ 1% 203 12 047s 24000-25000 on 6206 - 6 4% 23 42 ons = 7300 021 6206-2RSH ———6206-RSH 6 4% «203 1127S eo © 0 > 6206°2Rz (6206-82 62 8 «= 203, 42_—=0TS— 24000-2000» 206-27 6206-2 52 18 234 129 Os4 24000 5000. S208eTN9 = ® mS 12 bas 7500 025, e2206-2R52 > Rm 19 296 «26 =F 20000 33000 as : mW 96 6 oer 300 035 + 6306-2RSH > 6306-RSH 2 19 8 18 087 20000» 11000038. 6306-282 (6306-R2 Rm 1 6 8 067 20000» 41000036 300-22 206-2 m 19 3S 173 0735 22000 1400003 ea0serNg = mt la oer 6300 05 62306-2852 BH e000 11000075, 6408 - 74a tee 500 ooze» sagor-2nsa = “36938 04k = Gougp 00s + asoraRz | 4) 436335 0k = 30000-8000» 2s + e807 2 5 tsa eas 7500 008» bagor-aRsa- 5 10g 78 0325 © 60001300008 si9o7-2ez 50s 78 0328 = 26000» 48000» ks 807 : 629 13,835 was 24000-50000 + 26007 - 8 4% 168 202 ome = 24000500004 007. 2 6 16802 me 7000 046 © 007-2rs1 ———G07-RSa ee ee 6007-282 ‘6007-Rz 6 & i68 402 ome © 24000» 2000 0e => 007-27 ‘6007-2 e 2 «189 02s 7000 022 es007-2esa = BR 7 2 153-0655 2000013000028» 6207 - moo 53 oss 6300 03 6207-2RSH > 207-RSH mo «9 © 383088 0000 | 3000S + 6207-22 207-2 2 SKF Groupe a [42 [43 [ee [a5 [ao | Group 4. other variants P3121. SKF Food Line bearing: Blue-cloured contact seal made of FOAand ECapproved NBR and itbrcant (GP) registered by NSF as eategory VO6S8. Quiet rng properties ‘Group 4.5: Lubrication ez cB GN ar tare tr Grease sutiaes fable 3, pase 245) tra0 wr33 ra vise wr ‘Group 4.4: Stabilization 50 Bearngrings heat stabiize for operating temperatures «50°C (300 Si Bearngrings neat stasizec fer operarnigtemperaures «200°C [290 °F) Group 4.3: Bearing sets, matched bearings DB —_Twobearings matched for mounting back-to-back DF ——_Twobeavings matched for mounting face to face DT Twobearings matched for mounting m tandem ‘Group 42: Accuracy, clearance, preload, quiet running 5 Dimensional and ning tolerances to lass PS 6 Dimensional and running tolerances to lass 6 ae P62 m2 PES (CN Normalradat internal clearance; only used together wth an adtonlletter tat cents 2 eee or displaced dearance range H= Reduced clearance renge corresponding tothe upper half ofthe actual clearance ange [C= Reduced clearance range corresponding tthe lower hal of tre actual eaance ange = Dispiaced clearance ange comprising the upzer half ofthe actual clearance range aus {he ower hal ofthe next ager clearance range The aboveleters ae so used together with the clearance clases C2, C3, Chand C5. Qu 1 ——_Raalinteral clearance smalierthan €2 Raa sternal clearance smal than Normal 3S Rata nteral clearance greatertnan C3 CS Rata ntersal clearance greatertnan C4 (A Matchedbearng set with small tal ternal clearance GA Matched bearng set wth ign preload (Group 4a: Materials, heat treatment HAL Casecharéenedinnerand auterrings SKF 258

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