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Overview: Openbravo POS is a widely-adopted open source Point-of-Sale project

sponsored by Openbravo. It functions as a seamlessly integrated module of Openbravo

ERP, with a smooth flow of information from the retail floor to the back office.

 Designed specifically for touch screens.

 Feature-rich solution with many robust capabilities.
 Suitable for a wide a range of retail-based businesses
 Configurable for any POS environment.

 Better assist customers.

 Streamline of processes; faster and more effective.
 Increase in employee’s productivity due to ease of use.
 No hidden licenses costs! Minimize your investment!
 Very flexible and highly customizable.
 No vendor lock-in.

Functionality: We offers all the rich functionality demanded by leading retailers,

including sales, refunds, daily reports, cash management and warehouse management,
and more.
Master Data Management

Products, categories and subcategories, images, taxes, warehouses, restaurant areas

and table layouts, users and roles, etc.

 Correctly organize and centralize the key data of your business.

 Guarantee the coherence and tracking of processes.
 Organize inventory and products by attributes for easy management of similar
 Available in multiple languages.

Sales, Refund and Cash Management

Editing of receipts, product search, tax management, bar coding, discounts,

promotions, payment, etc.

 Flexibly edit multiple receipts from one or many terminals at the same time.
 Allow for multiple payment methods including cash or card present transactions,
and those requiring EMV standards, PCI standards, and Chip/PIN. Please note
that Openbravo POS is not PCI compliant out of the box.
 Easily integrate the POS with third party peripheral systems.
 Effectively manage refunds.
Warehouse Management

Product properties, product movements, inventory count, product receipts, etc.

 Seamlessly manage multiple warehouses.

 Keep your inventory constantly up to date.
 Know the exact localization of your stock at any time.

Reports and Charts

Reporting, filtering, charts, etc.

 Monitor the state of your retail business.

 Get the information you need... on time.
 Improve your decision-making process.

Restaurant Module

Reservation management, customizable restaurant areas, occupation, etc.

 Manage from end-to-end your reservations.

 Personalize the different restaurant areas for easier identification.
 Know your restaurant occupation at any time.
 PDA Restaurant Ordering Capability.


Roles, users, access restrictions, etc.

 Secure the access to your POS solution.

 Manage multiple roles and user profiles.
 Protect most sensitive actions.
 Embedded support for integrations with Openbravo ERP and other applications.
 Scalable to support configurations ranging from one terminal, to multiple
terminals per store, to multiple terminals in multiple stores.

Technology: Openbravo POS has been created with cutting-edge technology that
allows for a maximum leverage on the rich open source ecosystem

 Entirely developed in Java.

 Use of Swing for a sophisticated and consistent user interface.
 Database independent, using the standard JDBC interface.
 Use of JasperReports and FreeChart powerful tools to build reports and charts.
 Support for a wide variety of POS hardware.
 Support for the most popular POS technologies.
 Straight-forward localization process.
 Embedded ETLs for integrations with Openbravo Professional Edition and other

The product is also highly configurable, providing a perfect fit for all Point-of-Sale users.
Adapt the different configuration templates to tailor it to your business needs.

 Use of a local panel to carry on common configuration options.

 Modify and create configuration options using an integrated resources editor.
 Use of XML language that uses the Apache Velocity template engine.
 Leverage on macro functions to implement some business logic.

Custom Support : Custom support arrangements for Openbravo POS are available
on a project basis, in combination with Openbravo ERP. Business partners, please
contact your Channel Business Manager with such proposals.

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