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First Announcement for Aug 20202 Batch

This is the first announcement for the August 2020 batch ….

Welcome to Sunway U and also to this course.

Two general points to take note:

I) Apart from through the lectures, eLearn is my main means of communication to all
students. So, read all the announcements very carefully. I hope no questions will be
asked on things that have already been announced on eLearn.
II) You are welcome to mail me on matters & difficulties (and many students have
done so over the years). However, send your mail to my Sunway mail – Never ever send to my imail, as I do not open it at all.

On matters pertaining to the course:

1) As you are well aware, all lectures will be online, and they will be through Zoom.
The next announcement will be on this.
2) An immediate matter to resolve is for the tutorial sessions, whether face-to-face or
online, A further announcement will be made, and you will have to read it carefully
and respond ASAP, should you prefer to have face-to-face tutorial sessions – places
are very limited. The preference for now is to have all online sessions.
3) All coursework as well as exam will be online via eLearn. There will also be an
announcement on this.

Lectures by ZOOM

As mentioned, all lectures will be online. Ours will be by Zoom @ 10.00—12.30

every Friday. The link is the same for the first half semester, and then changes to
another link for the second half – as follows:

First Half Semester:

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MTH1114 Lecture
Time: Aug 21, 2020 10:00 AM Kuala Lumpur
Every week on Fri, until Oct 2, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
Aug 21, 2020 10:00 AM
Aug 28, 2020 10:00 AM
Sep 4, 2020 10:00 AM
Sep 11, 2020 10:00 AM
Sep 18, 2020 10:00 AM
Sep 25, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 2, 2020 10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 3310 0459

Second Half Semester:

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MTH1114 Lecture
Time: Oct 16, 2020 10:00 AM Kuala Lumpur
Every week on Fri, until Nov 27, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
Oct 16, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 23, 2020 10:00 AM
Oct 30, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 6, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 13, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 20, 2020 10:00 AM
Nov 27, 2020 10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 924 7533 6265

URGENT: Tutorials – Face-to-Face & Online

The most immediate matter to settle is for the tutorials – 1 session per week for each
student. First, note that whatever you have registered for earlier within the 5
available sessions no longer matters – all ANNULLED. You have to register
again for the tutorials following this exercise.

This is because this course is allowed only up to 30% of the students for face-to-face
tutorials. As such, the following is the situation:

Number of Students = 122  30% = 36 maximum face-to-face & 86 online

Tutorial Venue = 28  30% = 9 per session

As such, the possibilities for tutorial sessions (number of students) are 

a) 4 face-to-face (36) & 1 online (86)
b) 3 face-to-face (27) & 2 online (95)
c) 2 face-to-face (18) & 2 online (104)
d) 1 face-to-face (9) & 2 online (113)
c) All online – 2 sessions (possibly 3, and perhaps with 1 optional face-to-face for

Indeed, it would be much easier if everyone does online, i.e. option (c) above,
which was carried out quite successfully in the last semester. Nonetheless, I would
like to gauge how many of you would still prefer to do face-to-face tutorial sessions.

For this purpose, I have set up on eLearn an ‘Assignment’ called Face-to-Face

– Should you really prefer to do face-to-face tutorial sessions, do fill up the
‘Assignment’  just say YES there
– If you prefer online, DO NOT fill up the ‘Assignment’
This ‘Assignment’ will only be open until Sunday at midnight.

Should there be face-to-face sessions, only the following will be available, and in the
given order of priority:
1) Wednesday 8.00-10.00 at UW 7-4 (9 places)
2) Wednesday 10.00-12.00 at UW 7-4 (9 places)
3) Monday 14.00-16.00 at UW 7-4 (9 places)

For online, the priority will be in the following order (if not taken by face-to-face):
1) Wednesday 10.00-12.00 via Zoom
2) Monday 14.00-16.00 via Zoom
3) Wednesday 8.00-10.00 via Zoom
4) Wednesday 13.00-15.00 via Zoom

FINAL – Tutorials – Face-to-Face & Online

There are too many students asking for face-to-face, whereas we are allowed to
accept only 30% of the total. STOP filling up now, and I will come back with the final
arrangements very soon.

TUTORIAL SESSIONS – Face-to-Face & Online

There are too many students asking for face-to-face, whereas we are allowed to
accept only 30% of the total. STOP filling up now, and I will come back with the final
arrangements very soon.


Given the logistics, it is now decided that there will only be the following:

Lectures (online) – Fridays @ 10.00-12.30 (the Zoom links have been given earlier)
Tutorials (face-to-face) –
1) Wednesday 8.00-10.00 at UW 7-4 (10 places)
2) Wednesday 10.00-12.00 at UW 7-4 (10 places)
Tutorials (online) –
1) Monday 14.00-16.00 via Zoom
2) Monday 16.00-18.00 via Zoom

Lectures are weekly.

Tutorials are NOT weekly, and beginning only in Week 3. The schedule for tutorials
are as given in slides 8 & 9 of the Intro_MTH1114 (just updated).

There will a series of announcements after this one, on this matter on others. Read
them very carefully and take note of all the points given – as they will not be
repeated later.


You do not have to register for any of the tutorial sessions, but do attend at least one
for the sessions of each of the Tutorials 1—6, be it via face-to-face or online.

Tutorials (face-to-face) sessions are on a first-come-first served basis. Only

the first 10 students will be admitted into each session.
Tutorials (online) are open to all, and may be attended for both sessions, even if
you have attended the face-to-face session.

ATTENDANCE will not be taken per session, be it for lectures or tutorials. Instead it
will taken on a weekly basis via an ‘Assignment’ on eLearn, where you have to
respond ‘Yes, I am here’. They will then be transferred to i-Checkin under the
lectures part. [This is particularly important for foreign students.]

TUTORIALS (online) by ZOOM

You have been given the links for the lectures by Zoom, now for the online tutorials.
Recall, they are NOT weekly, and there are altogether 6 tutorials, and one revision

First Half Semester:

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MTH1114 Tutorial Mon 2-4 pm
Time: Sep 7, 2020 02:00 PM Kuala Lumpur
On Mon, until Sep 28, 2020, 3 occurrence(s)
Sep 7, 2020 02:00 PM
Sep 14, 2020 02:00 PM
Sep 28, 2020 02:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 917 2247 8032

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MTH1114 Tutorial Mon 4-6 pm
Time: Sep 7, 2020 04:00 PM Kuala Lumpur
On Mon, until Sep 28, 2020, 3 occurrence(s)
Sep 7, 2020 04:00 PM
Sep 14, 2020 04:00 PM
Sep 28, 2020 04:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 936 9428 0359

Second Half Semester:

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: MTH1114 Tutorial Mon 2-4 pm
Time: Oct 12, 2020 02:00 PM Kuala Lumpur
On Mon, until Nov 23, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)
Oct 12, 2020 02:00 PM
Nov 2, 2020 02:00 PM
Nov 16, 2020 02:00 PM
Nov 23, 2020 02:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 952 6460 7008

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MTH1114 Tutorial 4-6 pm
Time: Oct 12, 2020 04:00 PM Kuala Lumpur
On Mon, until Nov 16, 2020, 3 occurrence(s)
Oct 12, 2020 04:00 PM
Nov 2, 2020 04:00 PM
Nov 16, 2020 04:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 997 4021 2323

ZOOM Sessions

For the lectures and online tutorials, you are responsible to keep track of the times
and links required. They are all in the eLearn announcements – so do not ask again
about them again.

During the sessions, note the following

– Mute yourself if you have background noise (inc. music)
– Say something when I ask, even if it is just an ‘OK’
– Use the chat if you do not wish to speak

All sessions, lectures & tutorials will be recorded and made available in the
cloud after the session.

All materials (except for tutorial solutions) have been provided on eLearn. You shoud
read them prior to coming for the sessions. Online sessions are more suited for Q&A
and not for learning the first time round.

Coursework & Exam – Online via eLearn

As mentioned, all coursework and exam will be carried out online via eLearn. The
dates are as follows. This is an EARLY announcement for the dates, and as such,
you are responsible to make sure that they do not clash with other courses –
lectures, tutorials, coursework (in fact, they should not, at least for 2.5 hours, as they
are our lecture times):

1) Test 10% – Friday 18 September @ 9.00-16,00 vie eLearn

2) Assignment I/Test 2 20% – Friday 23 October @ 9.00-16,00 vie eLearn
3) Assignment II/Test 3 20% – Friday 20 November @ 9.00-16,00 vie eLearn
4) Exam – date to be determined @ 9.00-19.00 via eLearn (targeting Wed 2 Dec)

For each of the above, the questions will be posted on eLearn just before the
stipulated time. Submissions will also be on eLearn as an ‘Assignment’. The
following are to be noted:
a) Submissions after the stipulated time will not be accepted.
b) Submissions will have to be in Power Point (not Word, pdf, nor any other format)
c) All coursework assessments are designed for 1.5 hours, whereas you will be
given 7 hours in order to ensure the Power Point versions. The exam is designed for
3 hours, whereas you will be given 10 hours.

Power Point submissions will have to be very legible – recommended font is Arial 18.
You will have to draw graphs, use symbols, matrices, draw set diagrams, etc. So,
you should practice well beforehand. Templates to help you to copy, paste & modify
are provided on eLearn.

This is a university (no longer school level), and so all the following are required for
your answers:
– Setting up your answer (10%)
– Working (30%)
– Reasoning (30%)
– Answer (30%)
Many students have been giving only the answers (like in school), hence only 30%.

Trying Out Submissions

In relation to the earlier announcement on Coursework & Exam, an ‘Assignment’ will

be posted in Week 1 for you to try out submitting your Power Points for the oncoming
assessments (3 coursework & 1 exam). Do so within the stipulated time.

Submit just a set containing 2 slides only, following these instructions – which should
be adhered to in later submissions:
1) Make sure it is Power Point (not Word, pdf, nor any other format)
2) Name the slide with your name as registered on eLearn (if your name is very long,
just use the first 3 words in your name).
3) Slide 1 should be your title slide (this time it can be anything), but it must contain
your full name and student ID number.

4) Slide 2 contains any text with minimum font Arial 18 (or equivalent). Also draw or
include some diagram to try out your Power Point skills.

The submission will be considered as your Attendance for Week 1.

End of Series of Announcements

There have been a lot of announcements till now, but these are mainly instructions
and information. Read ALL of them very carefully and take note, as they will not
be repeated anymore. There will be much lesser announcements from now on.

Recall that you have nothing scheduled for this course until the online lecture on
Friday, and that tutorials will not begin until Week 3. You should start preparing the 2
slides mentioned earlier right now and wait for the ‘Assignment’ to appear. During
this period, it is highly recommended that you read the slides for the Intro and Unit 1.

Lecture Reminder

Zarin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MTH1114 Lecture
Time: Aug 21, 2020 10:00 AM Kuala Lumpur
Aug 21, 2020 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 3310 0459

More Places for Face-to-Face Tutorials

I have now obtained approval to use 28 places for each for the two face-to-face
sessions On Tuesday (hence maximum 56):

Tutorials (face-to-face) –
1) Wednesday 8.00-10.00 at UW 7-4 (28 places)
2) Wednesday 10.00-12.00 at UW 7-4 (28 places)

As such, I can now accept fixed registrations for these sessions. They will be taken
by eLearn under the ‘Assignment’, which is now open until 10 am tomorrow.
Acceptance will on a first-come-first served basis on eLearn. Your response should
be one of the following four:

1) 8 am or 10 am (if your preference is 8 am)

2) 10 am or 8 am (if your preference is 10 am)
3) 8 am only
4) 10 am only

I will announce the two lists once closed tomorrow. Those who fail to get into either
of the two face-to-face sessions will have to follow the online sessions.

Again, those who are opting for online tutorial sessions must not respond to the
‘Assignment’, and need not register. Just attend either of the following two sessions:

Tutorials (online) –
1) Monday 14.00-16.00 via Zoom
2) Monday 16.00-18.00 via Zoom



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