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BP No.: 2002334896 Date of Birth: 04/15/1978 Email Address:

ID No.: 78041500505 CRN No.: 006002627074 Cellphone: 09998815001

Outstanding Loans

Gross Loan Required Monthly Outstanding

Loan Type Contract No. Loan Status Date Granted Ideal Balance Arrears
Granted Installment Balance
Consolidated Loan 0010007723327 Past Due 12/12/2019 366,372.00 5,295.80 381,843.53 354,481.89 27,361.64
Emergency Loan 0030003053020 Current 06/13/2019 40,000.00 1,311.12 31,780.70 31,780.70 0.00
Regular Policy Loan 0090005357097 Current 07/12/2019 78,329.41 1,500.00 74,484.95 74,484.95 0.00

* Ideal Balance refers to the balance of the loan if the required monthly installment is paid on time.

* Arrears refers to the required monthly installment already due but not yet paid.

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