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Unit Education : Senior High School ( SMA )

Class / Semester : XI / I

Subjects : Mathematics-Mandatory

Topics : Statistics

Time : 50 minutes

A. Standard Competence

Using statistical rules, the rules of the enumeration, and the properties of the opportunities in problem

B. Basic Competence

2.1 It has an internal motivation, ability to cooperate, consistent, discipline, self-confidence, and tolerance in
thinking strategies difference in choosing and implementing a strategy to solve the problem.

2.2 Able to transform themselves to behave in an honest, face formidable problems, critical and disciplined
in doing mathematics learning task.

2.3 Demonstrate a responsible attitude, curiosity, honest and caring behavior of the environment.

2.4 Understand the concept of the median is by using the concept of the histogram and the similarities in the
two-point straight line.

2.5 Using the histogram method and persmaan straight line at two points in solving real problems associated
with a median of grouped data.

C. Core Competency class XI Senior High School :

1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion

2. Develop behavior (honest, discipline, responsibility, caring, polite, friendly environment, mutual
assistance, cooperation, peace-loving, responsive and proactive) and displayed as part of the solution to the
various problems of the nation in interacting effectively with the social environment and the nature and
position ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association world

3. Understanding, implementing, and analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and

metacognitive in science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with knowledge of humanity, national,
state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and events, as well as implementing the procedural
knowledge specific field of study according to their talents and interests to solve problems

4. Processing, reasoning, menyaji, and create in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains associated
with the development of the self-learned at school, and were able to use the method according to the rules of

C. Indicators of Achievement of Competence

1. Actively involved critical, meticulous, disciplined honest and responsible in the learning process
2. Cooperate in group activities.
3. Tolerant towards different problem-solving processes and creative.
4. Explain the median
5. Explains how to determine the median of grouped data histogram and the equation of a straight
line at two points
6. Skilled solve the problems associated with a median of grouped data
D. Purpose Of Learning
With learning activities and group discussions in statistical learning is expected to actively engage
students in learning activities and is responsible for expressing an opinion, answering questions,
giving advice and criticism, and to
1. Explaining back the sense of median
2. Able Explains how to determine the median histograms and group data with a straight line
equation in two points
3. Able to solve the problems associated with a median of grouped data

E. Topic subject: Median group data

F. Model / Learning Methods

Methods / learning strategy: a scientific approach (scientific).

Learning Model: cooperative (cooperative learning) use a problem-based discussion groups (problem-based

G. Step Activity
1. Preliminary Activities

Step Step Activities Time

prepare • teacher gave Regards 5
• the teacher told the class president to prepare to read the prayer
students minutes
• Checking attendance of learners as discipline
Delivering Teacher gives limits the subject matter is about how to determine
lessons the mean, median and mode of grouped data
Motivation Teachers provide motivation to students are:
Children may ibuk've all read the newspaper reported that "the
average accident that occurred on the highway is a motorcycle
accident". What occurred in your mind about the word "average"
is? If further analysis of the word "average" here means that the
most frequently occurring or in the so-called statistical mode.
One time a student says that the average value of 4 replicates
math is 6.6. It can be concluded that the student in question is the
arithmetic average or also called the mean.
Another situation is when one of the parents asked their children
in school achievement and achievement answered that it was "on
average" only or mediocre. The word "average" here could be
interpreted that the students standing in the middle or median
Delivering The teacher explains to students
learning goals that if they know the value of the median dmaka they will easily
determine the picture of the information.
apperception Teachers provide apperception on:
One form of data presentation in groups aalah histogram. In
presenting the data in the form of frequency histograms used
classes and class edge, edge class is a class that does not have a
limit gap to a certain number so that there is no value of the
datum is not included. Divided into two classes, namely edge
edge edge of the upper class and the lower class. The bottom
edge is a class lower class limit is reduced half unit of measure in
the class while the upper edge plus half unit of measure.
The median is the datum that divides the data into two groups or
median is the middle value of the data that has been sorted from
largest to terkeil or value that divides the data into two groups, so
for the data group is in the location of the median grade 1/2 n or
1 / 2 the number of data.

2. Core Activities ( 40 Minutes )

1.) The teacher gave a worksheet (LKS) to each student and ask the student to do it
2.) Teachers provide guidance to students who are experiencing difficulties at work on
3.) When students have completed the worksheet, the teacher asks the students to discuss
with your friends about the results sebangkunya worksheets that have been done
4.) The teacher asked the few couples to work kelopok mempersentasikan their
5.) Teachers give awards to each partner
     Award could be good words, good deals and so on

3. Activities Cover ( 5 minutes )

1. Teachers concluded learning materials.

From this study we can conclude hai that formula to the median of data group is
n – frekuensi kumulatif sebelum kelas median
Median = ( 2 × interval kelas )
frekuensi kelas median
+tepi bawaH kelas median )

2. Teachers provide opportunities for students to ask questions about the material that is
not yet understood.
3. Teachers held a feedback of the final test to be done pembelajaan students.
4. Teachers provide follow-up in the form of work or tasks to be completed at the
students' home

H. Tool and Resources

 Tools : markers and white board
 Sumber : Book Publisher eleven grade senior high school math Yrama Widya and
Bumi Angkasa


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